A Study On Effectiveness of Employee Involvement & Work Environment in Heromotocorp

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A STUDY ON Effectiveness of Employee Involvement & Work Environment in HeroMotoCorp



(Reg.No:10QTCMA005) Under the guidance of Dr. P.Subhramanian MBA Director



The dissertation work is titled as A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT & WORK INVIRONMENT IN HERO HONDA. The study conducting in HERO HONDA Ltd. to understand the effectiveness of employee involvement activities & work environment facilities in the organization. The study is focusing towards the factors influencing the quality of work environment & employee contribution towards their responsibilities. For that purpose the data collection is very necessary. The collection of data from questionnaire and other secondary sources. In any organization employees are one of the valuable resources so the quality of work and the quality of life is very important for the organization. The effectiveness of employee involvement activities and quality of work environment of every individual in the organization can be improved through various programs like flex time, alternative work schedules, telecommunicating etc. The purpose of the study is to understand the methods or programs conducting for improving the employee participation & quality of work environment in the organization. And understand the employee quality of work life in HERO HONDA Ltd.

3. Statement of the problem:

In our country the employees are working for a lower wages and poor working condition. Their quality of work life is very low. So the development of our county the employee development is very necessary. In this study mainly focus on How to improve the employee participation & quality of work environment. In HERO HONDA Ltd. what are the programs used for improving the employee involvement activities & employee work environment and what is the effect of that program.

4. Literature Review

The dissertation report titled A STUDY ON Effectiveness of Employee Involvement & Work Environment in Hero Honda is authentic and original work and has not been submitted to Bangalore University or to any other institution before.

5. Objectives of studies:
1) To analyze and understand the present level of work environment in plant. 2) To understand the need & effectiveness of employee involvement in this organization. 3) To gain practical knowledge on methods and interpretation. 4) To recommended improvements 5) To analyze & understand employees satisfaction level in this organization.

6. Scope of the study:

1. The study has been conducted in HERO HONA Ltd. 2. Detailed study on the concepts need and approaches on methods for improve the employee involvement activities & work quality of work environment


Research methods are the methods on techniques as employed by researchers in conducting research methodology is scientific and systematic way to solve research problem. A researcher has to designs his methodology i.e., in addition to the knowledge of methods and techniques; he has to apply the methodology as well. This is the scope of methodology in wider then research methods. In a way research methodology deals with the research methods and takes in to consideration the logic behind the methods the methods we use.


After selecting the topics and noted the problem, the researcher has to plan how he should conduct his research in most efficient and successful manner. Good planning gives the researcher the direction for the successful completion of the project; the plan of study is called in the blue print of the proposal study. It represents the overall scheme of the study. Are search design is a logical and systemic planning and it helps directing a piece of research. The essentials of good research design are in: 1) 2) 3) used 4) 5) Objectives of research Relation objectives with the be obtained and how they may be used The form in which the results will be obtained and how they may be The methods to be used in obtaining each of the objectives A time schedule

This study is institution descriptive study. The type of research is descriptive and based on data what is obtained from the company.

8. Sampling Design: Stratified Sampling (The population is stratified into a number non overlapping subpopulation or strata.)

9. Sources of Data

1. Primary data
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Personal interview (Help Desk) Questionnaire 2. Secondary data

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Journals Internet

10. Data collection:

This study is descriptive study. The type of research is description study. The type of research is descriptive and based on data what is obtained from the organization. In order to conduct the study required data and information would be collected from the secondary sources as well as from published and unpublished sources. The basic information collected from employees through the questionnaire. On the bases of questionnaire we collect the data and analysis the data.

11. Plan of Analysis

The primary data collected through structured questionnaire and personnel interview will be tabulated and the percentage is drawn for generating the result

11. Limitation of the study:

Translate the grid & questionnaire in local language. Problem in convincing the employees regarding survey to fill the grid & questionnaire. Some employees are not supporting in the survey. Few employees were refusing to fill the questionnaire because they are in fear, with HR Department.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter no. 1 2 Title Introduction 1.1 About project & topic chosen Review of Literature & Research Design 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Literature review 2.3 Statement of problem 2.4 Objective of study 2.5 Scope of study 2.6 Hypothesis 2.7 Research Methodology 2.8 Limitation of study Profile of selected organization 3.1 Company profile Result, analysis & discussions 4.1 Discussion 4.2 Analysis 4.3 Result Findings & recommendations 5.1 Calculations & observations 5.2 Conclusion 5.3 Limitations 5.4 Recommendation 5.5 Suggestion Annexure Bibliography

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