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Local News and Events Winter Destinations The Green Page Quiz Weird Facts A devastating natural phenomenon The sports page Cinema French Page Fashion Famous People pg. 3 pg. 4 pg. 6 pg. 10 pg. 12 pg. 13 pg. 14 pg. 16 pg. 17 pg. 19 pg 21

Lcal News and Events

Mousouri Language School
NOVEMBER 17-11-2012

Mousouri language School organised a school trip to the Caves in Tourkovounia. Students felt very excited. There we saw stalactites and stalagmites.

Poseidonas Zografou
Swimming 17-11-2012 Poseidonas Swimming Club took part in a swimming competition in Metamorfosi. There were many teams that won medals. It was a great race that I will never forget.

Football 27-10-2012

t Hermis Zografou a football team of our area won in a beautiful and exciting match in the city of Gerakas with the local team. They will never forget it! They won 10-3.will

VOLLEYBALL 24-10-2012

Our local volleyball team Ilysiakos played against Panathinaikos this month. They were very happy. They won 3-1! They shouted and cheered!!! I think that it was a great

By Mary Spyropoulou


Winter Destinations

The first one is Santa Claus village, Rovaniemi, Finland. There , you can enjoy snow activities, ice-skating on frozen lakes, you can taste delicious food and traditional warm wine. You should visit the zoo with polar bears and the great view, before noon, because the night starts early. The most important thing to do , is to visit Santa Claus himself and his shop. Also, do not miss a visit his post office , its magical!!!

The second one is Pilio in Greece. Known from mythology as Centaurs and Argonauts mountain , it travels you at another era. Walking down the picturesque neighborhoods, its magical! You can travel with Pilios little Pilio from village to village and taste traditional food and chestnuts roasted on fire. You can enjoy the snow with many activities. If your Christmas present is not money, you can always visit your sofa in your living-room!!!

By Pasifai Tsourt

The Green Page


Our environment is our big home and we should keep it clean for the animals, the plants and our own health. Nevertheless car factories and our homes pollute it. Do you really want to protect the environment? Here are some tips to change your house into an eco- friendly one. - Turn off the lights when you are not in a room and dont leave DVD players, computers and TVs on standby. - Turn down the heating. If youre cold, put on a jumper! - Put solar panels on the roof. Using energy from the sun is very eco friendly. - Dont keep the tap running when you clean your teeth or washing vegetables. - Collect rainwater and use it to clean the car, or water the garden. - Dont throw away things you dont want any more. Remember the three Rs reuse, repair, recycle. Repair appliances which are still in working condition. Recycle old mobile phones. Donate old appliances to charities. - Grow your own vegetables its eco- friendly and healthy!!Save the planet so our descendants can live in a beautiful and healthy Home!!

(Source:Spark book 2(Express Publishing)

By Chrysoula Koufou

Endangered SPECIEs

This peaceful creature with a distinctive black and white coat is adored by the world and considered a national treasure in China. The bear also has a special significance for WWF. The panda has been WWF's logo since our founding in 1961. The rarest member of the bear family, pandas live mainly in bamboo forests high in the mountains of western China, where they subsist almost entirely on bamboo. They must eat from 26 to 84 pounds of it every day, a formidable task for which they use their enlarged wrist bones that function as opposable thumbs. Newborn pandas are about the size of a stick of butterabout 1/900th the size of its motherbut can grow to up to 330 pounds as adults. These bears are excellent tree-climbers despite their bulk.

Why They Matter

Crucial Role in Forests


Pandas play a crucial role in the bamboo forests where they roam by spreading seeds and facilitating growth of vegetation. In the Yangtze Basin where pandas live, the forests are home to a stunning array of wildlife such as dwarf blue sheep, multi-colored pheasants and other endangered species, including the golden monkey, taking and crested ibis. The pandas habitat is at the geographic and economic heart of China, home to millions of people. By making this area more sustainable, we are also helping to increase the quality of life of local populations. Pandas bring huge economic benefits to local communities through ecotourism


Habitat Loss Hunting remains an ever-present threat. Poaching the animals for their fur has declined due to strict laws and greater public awareness of the pandas protected status. But hunters seeking other animals in panda habitats continue to kill pandas accidentally. Chinas Yangtze Basin region, which holds the pandas primary habitat, is the geographic and economic heart of this booming country. Roads and railroads are increasingly fragmenting the forest, which isolates panda populations and prevents mating. Forest destruction also reduces pandas access to the bamboo they need to survive. The Chinese government has established more than 50 panda reserves, but only around 61% of the countrys panda population is protected by these res

You Can Help

By Mariangela Thanou


1) Have you ever participated with your school in projects where you plant trees? a) Yes b) No 2) Do you have recycling bins in your school? a) Yes b) No 3) Do you have more than 10 trees in your school? a) Yes b) No 4) Do you avoid littering at your school? a) Yes b) No 5) Do you switch off the lights during the break? a) Yes b) No 6) Do you try to use less water? a) Yes b) No 7) Have you tried to keep your class clean (no graffiti on the walls, desks, no litter)? a) Yes b) No 8) Have you got big windows in order not to get cold in the winter? a) Yes b) No 9) Have your teachers taught you recycling and other eco-friendly activities? a) Yes b) No


More Yes: You are trying hard to protect the environment and save your planet. Keep working!

More No: You dont try hard to have a better place for your family and you. If you dont change your bad habits, then we will have some destroying results. Be more eco-friendly!

By Jerry Koukas, Nassia Kouzeli , Elena Telha & George Koufos

(First Leaders)

Weird facts


The 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatological beliefs according to which cataclysmic or transformative events would occur on 21 December 2012. This date is regarded as the end-date. Various astronomical alignments

and numerological formulae have been proposed as pertaining to this date, though none have been accepted by mainstream scholarship. A New Age interpretation of this transition is that this date marks the start of time in which Earth and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era. Others suggest that the 2012 date marks the end of the world or a similar catastrophe. Scenarios suggested for the end of the world include the arrival of the next solar maximum, an interaction between Earth and the black hole at the center of the galaxy, or Earth's collision with a planet called "Nibirou". Scholars from various disciplines have dismissed the idea of such cataclysmic events occurring in 2012. Professional Mayanist scholars state that predictions of impending doom are not found in any of the extant classic Maya accounts, and that the idea that the Long Count calendar "ends" in 2012 misrepresents Maya history and culture. Astronomers and other scientists have rejected the proposals as pseudoscience, stating that they conflict with simple astronomical observations and amount to "a distraction from more important science concerns, such as global warming and loss of biological diversity".

By Dennis Hartas

A devastating natural phenomenon

Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy devastated parts of the Caribbean and the MidAtlantic and Northeastern United States, with lesser damages in the Southeastern and Midwestern states and Eastern Canada, in late
October 2012. Sandy, the eighteenth named storm and tenthhurricane of the 2012

Atlantic hurricane season, was a Category 2storm at its peak intensity. While it was a Category 1 storm off the coast of the Northeastern United States, the storm became the largest Atlantic hurricane on record ,with winds spanning 1,100 miles Sandy is estimated in early calculations to have caused damage of at least $20 billion. Preliminary estimates of losses that include business interruption surpass $65 billion, which would make it the second costliest Atlantic hurricane behind only Hurricane Katrina. At least 253 people were killed along the path of the storm in seven countries.

By Marina Baboulidou

The Sports Page

Tennis is a sport usually played between two players or between two teams of two players each . Each player uses a racket that is strung to strike a tennis ball covered with felt over a net into the opponent's court. The object of the game is to play the ball in such a way that the opponent is not able to play a good return. Tennis is an Olympic sport and is played at all levels of society at all ages. The sport can be played by anyone who can hold a racket, including

people in wheelchairs. Tennis is enjoyed by millions of recreational players and is also a hugely popular worldwide spectator sport, especially the four Gran Slam tournaments (also referred to as the "Majors"): the Australian Open played on hard courts, the French Open played on red clay courts, Wimbledon played on grass courts, and the US Open played also on hard courts.My favorite tennis player is Roger Federer. He is the best tennis player of all times.

Roger Federer

By Alex Mardas

Tae Kwon Do
My favorite sport is tae kwon do, is a martial art that originates from Korea. In Korean, tae means to strike or break with foot, kwon means to strike or break with fist and do means way, method, or path. Thus, tae kwon do may be loosely translated as "the way of the hand and the foot."Tae kwo ndo combines combat, sport and exercise. Physically, taekwondo develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. It also focus on mental and ethical discipline, justice, respect and self-confidence. A tae kwon do student typically wears a uniform, often white but sometimes black (or other colors), with a belt tied around the

waist. The belt colour indicates the student's rank. In general, the darker the colour, the higher the rank. In Greece the list of belts are white, yellow, green, blue, red and black.Although it is difficult to learn tae kwon do techniques, I enjoy kicking and punching most. I also have the green belt and my teacher is very proud of me. Since 2000 taekwondo has been one of only two Asian martial arts (the other being judo) that are included in the Olympic Games.

By Mathew Koukas


Despicable me 2
In summer 2013, get ready for more minion madness in Despicable me 2. Chris Meledandri and his acclaimed filmmaking team create an all-new comedy animated adventure featuring the return of Gru (Steve Carell). The girls, the unpredictably hilarious minions and a lot of new and outrageously funny characters.

The (voice cover) actors are Steve Carell (Gru), Al Pacino (the villain), Jason Segel (Victor Vector Perkins). This animated film is directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud and its scriptwriters are Ken Daurio and Cinco Paul.


By Vasso Katramadou

French Page

La tour Eiffel est une tour de fer puddl de 324 mtres de hauteur (avec antennes) situe Paris, lextrmit nord-ouest du parc du Champ-de-Mars en bordure de la Seine dans le 7e arrondissement. Construite par Gustave Eiffel et ses collaborateurs pour lExposition universelle de Paris de 1889, et initialement nomme tour de 300 mtres, ce monument est devenu le symbole de la capitale franaise, et un site touristique de premier plan: il sagit du second site culturel franais payant le plus visit en 2011, avec 7,1 millions de visiteurs dont 75% d'trangers en 2011, la cathdrale Notre-Dame de Paristant en tte des monuments l'accs libre avec 13,6 millions de visiteurs estims mais il reste le monument payant le plus visit au monde, le site non culturel payant le plus visit tant le parc thme Magic Kingdom avec 17 millions de visiteurs en 2011. Elle a accueilli son 250 millionime visiteur en 2010.


Dune hauteur de 312 mtres lorigine, la tour Eiffel est reste le monument le plus lev du monde pendant 41 ans. Le second niveau du troisime tage, appel parfois quatrime tage, situ 279,11m, est la plus haute plateforme d'observation accessible au public de l'Union europenne et la plus haute d'Europe, tant que celle de la Tour Ostankino Moscou culminant 360m demeurera ferme au public, suite l'incendie survenu en l'an 2000.

La classe de Prparatoire!!!
French Page

La Chandeleur (Fte des chandelles) est une fte religieuse chrtienne officiellement appele la Prsentation du Christ au Temple. On disait aussi autrefois Hypapante. Elle commmore la Prsentation de l'enfant Jsus au Temple de Jrusalem et la purification (ou les relevailles) de sa mre, la sainte Vierge. Elle est actuellement fixe au 2 fvrier . Le nom populaire de cette fte en franais, Chandeleur, ou fte des chandelles, a une origine latine et paenne : la festa candelarum. Symbolique France / Belgique / Suisse Aujourdhui, on connat surtout la Chandeleur en tant que jour des crpes. On raconte que cest ce mme pape Glase Ier qui faisait distribuer des crpes aux plerins qui arrivaient Rome. On dit aussi que les crpes, par leur forme

ronde et dore, rappellent le disque solaire, voquant le retour du printemps aprs lhiver sombre et froid. Tradition Il existe encore de nos jours toute une symbolique lie la confection des crpes. On fait ainsi parfois sauter les crpes de la main droite en tenant une pice d'or, ou dfaut une monnaie, et ce dans la main gauche afin de connatre la prosprit pendant toute lanne, il s'agit de faire en sorte que la crpe atterrisse correctement dans la pole. On dit aussi que la premire crpe confectionne doit tre garde dans une armoire et quainsi les prochaines rcoltes seront abondantes. Il est parfois prcis qu'il s'agit du sommet d'une armoire et que la crpe est alors rpute ne pas moisir et loigner la misre et le dnuement. l'occasion de la Chandeleur, toutes les bougies de la maison devraient tre allumes. La tradition demande aussi de ne ranger la crche de Nol qu' partir de la Chandeleur, qui constitue la dernire fte du cycle de Nol

Mariangela Thanou & Thanos Loukopoulos

Fashion Page

Fashion is a general term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories , makeup, body piercing or furniture.


"Fashion" refers to a distinctive; however, often-habitual trend in a look and dress up of a person, as well as to prevailing styles in behavior. "Fashion" usually is the newest creations made by designers and are bought by only a few number of people; however, often those "fashions" are translated into more established trends.

By Adriana Petre & Konstantina Kouratora

Fashion Page

Fashion Spring-Summer 2013


Put colour in your life because you deserve it! If you do this you will be happier! Wear warm colours because they are fashionable. Red and blue are the best colours for you and your family!

By Dimitra Vassiliou
Famous People

Zlatan Ibrahimovi


Was born in 1981 in Malmo, Sweden. He grew up in the infamous Rosengard. He received his first pair of football boots at the age of five.

After playing for a local Swedish Club he transferred to Malmo FF. Zlatan surprised Sweden with his superb technique. He finally, decided to transfer to Ajax and received the number 9 shirt. His success continued when he was selected as one of 23 players for the Swedish squad in the World Cup 2002.

By Aggelos Thiou &

Alex Pouleri.



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