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Navigation System For Visually Challenged In a Library Scenario

System Requirement Specification:

Overview: To make the blind people self-directed we are proposing a solution using the RFID technology and a mobile Application. Each blind user is given an RFID tag and his smart phone is fed with an interactive application and readers are placed at the entrance and different shelves. As soon as the user enters the library, the reader will then communicate with the server which will in turn activate the interactive application present on the users mobile. The user can then dictate query to the interactive application, which will again interact with the readers present on the different shelves through server. In this way the reader directs the tag with the help of some basic direction attributes which can be converted to voice command. After getting the book he can either move to the registration desk to get it issued or he can choose to refer the audio files provided at the registration desk. The user gets various notifications such as date of returning a book, validity of membership, etc. The information regarding various locations are stored in a database.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Registration Shelf Management Tracking Account Details Reminder


Description: This module deals with the registration process of a user and the resources available at library. Initially the User has to register with some basic details to access the library facilities. He should provide his details, after validation of which, his details will be stored in the database and he is provided an RFID Tag. The user profile can be edited or updated by the librarian. Book registration sub-module deals with storing the information about each book that will be available in the library, such as subject, title, author, etc. Every new book has to be registered before it can be used. The User Registration: Provisioning: User Profile Name Username User Id

Password Gender Attach medical certificate Address Phone Number E-mail id Occupation Date of Registration Date Of Expiry Duration of Membership Amount City o City Name o City Id State o State Name o State Id Country o Id o Name Functionalities: The user collects the details for registration. The user provides his personal details. The user on successful completion of registration collects the RFID Tag. Editing and updating of user profile. Queries What are the different types of countries available. What are the different types of states available under a country. What are the different types of cities available under a state. Duration of Membership. Alerts: Implicit alert Insufficient details Incorrect details Registration Confirmation Explicit alert Reports: No. of Users getting registered over a period of time. No. of Cancellations of Membership.

Book Registration:
Provisioning: Book Details: Type of book Id Name Subject Subject id Subject name Edition Title Author Name Date of registration Status Functionalities The librarian enters the details of the book with some basic details. Provides the list of Reference audio files currently available to the user. Queries: No. of subjects available. No of editions available. What are the different types of authors available. Alerts: Implicit alert o Successful registration Or Validation alerts Explicit alert Reports: Number of books registered

2. Shelf Management:
Description: This module deals with the arrangement of books according to the department and titles and authors. This module also stores the directions for each book available in the library, to help the user to move around in the library. Provisioning: Shelf Details Shelf Name(already provisioned) Row Id(already provisioned)

Subject id(already provisioned) Title(already provisioned) Author(already provisioned) Functionalities: The shelves are arranged in a particular order with different subjects in each shelf. The shelves are assigned unique Shelf numbers. The books are arranged according to the subject and each one is given an RFID Tag, to identify them uniquely. The books are checked for any misplacement. Separate list of each subject is created according to the titles. The directions to each shelf are stored in the database. List of no. of copies of each book is maintained. List of current available books is maintained. Queries: Availability of book and no. of copies. Alerts: Implicit alert Unavailability of book. Misplacement of book. Explicit alert Reports: Frequency of a book being issued. Navigation: Provisioning: Navigation Shelf name(already provisioned) Row Id(already provisioned) Subject id(already provisioned) Book id(already provisioned) Directions(Left, right, forward) Functionalities: Location or direction of each book is stored along with the no. of footsteps. Queries: Current availability of a particular title. Alerts: Implicit alert Unsuccessful directions feed. Explicit alert

Reports: No. of successful navigations.

3. Tracking:
Description: This module gives the user information about the location of a particular book. The user gets the shelf no. for a particular book based on which the user navigates.

Provisioning: Tracking Details Book Id (already provisioned) Shelf No. (already provisioned) Row Id (already provisioned) Functionalities: The user receives information about the position of the book. It gives the user its current location. It gives the directions to reach the destination location from the current location. Query: The user asks the location of a book by giving the book name to be tracked. Alerts: Implicit alert: Position of the book is notified. Notification about the current location. Notification about successful arrival. Explicit alert: Report: No. of Books successfully tracked.

4. Account Details:
Description: This module deals with accessing the user details by the librarian. It gets updated each time a user logs into the application. Provisioning: User account

User Id (already used in registration module) Password(already used in registration module) Book id(already used in registration module) Subject id(already used in registration module) Title(already used in registration module) Author(already used in registration module) Date of issue Due Date Validity Period of Membership(already used in registration module) Functionalities: The librarian reviews the user profile. The librarian checks the users Membership validity. The no. of books issued by the user. The total no. of books permitted to the user. Books issued currently are added into the user account. Fine to be collected from the user. Queries: Validity of each book issued. Alerts: Implicit alert Details about issued books. No. of books that can be issued. Explicit alert Reports: List of books that are more frequently issued.


Description: This module gives remainders to the user such as due date of the book, validity of membership, etc. Provisioning: Remainders Username (already provisioned) User id (already provisioned) Notification Functionalities: The user gets reminders such as returning of book on due date. The user gets reminders for payment of fine, end of membership, etc. Alerts: Implicit alert

Explicit alert
Due date Notification Membership expiry notification

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