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d .c 

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Direction: Complete the following sentences or answer the questions with the best choice

w w
(a , b, c or d).
w1. In the Grammar- Translation Method, a fundamental purpose of learning a foreign language
is to …………. .
a. communicate in the target language
b. use language automatically without stopping to think
c. be able to read literature written in the target language
d. use the target language to express thoughts, perceptions, and feelings
2. All of the following are correct about the Grammar-Translation Method EXCEPT that
………… .
a. students study grammar inductively
b. vocabulary and grammar are emphasized
c. pronunciation receives little, if any, attention
d. the meaning of the target language is made clear by translating it into the students’ native
3. In the Direct Method, the purpose of language learning is …………. .
a. translation b. communication
c. memorization d. explanation
4. In the direct method, …………. .
a. vocabulary is emphasized over grammar
b. the syllabus is based on linguistic structures
c. the native language can be used in the classroom
d. grammar should be taught deductively
5. In the development of ……………, principles from structural linguistics and behavioral
psychology were incorporated.
a. the Direct method b. the Grammar Translation Method
c. the Audio- Lingual Method d. Community Language Learning

o m
d .c 

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6. In the Audio – Lingual Method, the major objective of language teaching should be for

w w students to …………. .
w a. grow intellectually b. read literary texts
c. translate into the target language d. acquire the structural patterns
7. In the Audio- Lingual Method, the teacher ………… .
a. should have the role of a counselor
b. should provide students with a good model for imitation
c. should make meaning clear through translation
d. should give as much help as is necessary and then be silent
8. According to the Audio- Lingual Method, …………. .
a. language learning is a process of habit formation
b. languages of the world share a number of features
c. language should be considered a product of rule formation
d. language learning is a procedure whereby people use their own thinking processes or
9. In the Audio- Lingual Method …………. .
a. teachers should be tolerant of errors and only correct major errors
b. the major objective of language teaching is to emphasize vocabulary over grammar
c. students should not be forced to memorize fixed routines
d. students should “overlearn”, i.e. learn to answer automatically without stopping to think
10. Which of the following is correct about the Cognitive Approach?
a. Silent way was developed directly from the Cognitive Approach.
b. Learning a language means forming a set of habits.
c. Learners are engaged in formulating hypotheses in order to discover the rules of the target
d. The idea that language learning is a product of rule formation is seriously challenged.

o m
d .c 

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11. In the Silent Way, errors ……….. .

w w a. lead to the formation of bad habits

w b. should be prevented from the beginning
c. should be immediately corrected by the teacher
d. are seen as a natural, indispensable part of the learning process
12. In the Silent Way, the syllabus ……………… .
a. is based on topics b. is composed of linguistic structures
c. is composed of notions d. is based on situations
13. In the Silent Way, when the teacher does speak it is to ………….. .
a. give clues b. model the language
c. avoid nonverbal gestures d. prevent students from making errors
14. According to Desuggestopedia, students can learn from what is present in the environment,
even if their attention is not directed to it. This is called………….. .
a. deductive learning b. inductive learning
c. peripheral learning d. affective learning
15. The originator of ………………., Georgi Lazanov, believes that the reason for our
inefficiency in language learning is that we set up psychological barriers to learning.
a. Total physical Respose b. the Silent Way
c. Communicative Language – Teaching d. Desuggestopedia
16. Which of the following methods advises teachers to consider their students as “whole
a. The Direct Method b. Community Language Learning
c. The Audio- Lingual Method d. The Silent Way
17. In which method, do students choose new names and indentities?
a. Desuggestopedia b. Grammar- Translation Method
c. Total physical Response d. Content – based Approach
18. Which of the following is most emphasizd in Desuggestopedia?
a. habit formation b. grammar
c. vocabulary d. language form

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d .c 

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19. Community Language Learning Method takes its principles from …………… .

w w a. Cognitive Approach b. Comprehension Approach

w c. behavioral psychology d. Counseling – Learning Approach
20. In Community- Language Learning, the teacher ………….. .
a. offers advices b. counsels the students
c. uses silence as a tool d. provides students with a good model
21. All of the following fit within Comprehension Approach EXCEPT ……………. .
a. the Natural Approach b. Grammar – Translation Method
c. Lexical Approach d. Total Physical Response
22. The lexical Approach is developed by …………….. .
a. Michael Lewis b. James Asher
c. Winitz d. Krashen and Terrell
23. This principle : “The imperative is a powerful linguistic device through which the teacher can
direct student behavior” is one of the principles of …………… .
a. the Direct Method b. the Grammar – Translation method
c. Community Language Learning d. Total physical Response
24. In which method is it believed that the superior knowledge and power of the teacher can be
a. the Grammar – Translation Method b. Total Physical Response
c. Community Language Learning d. the Audio – Lingual Method
25. In community Language Learning, the student’s native language …………. .
a. should not be used in the classroom
b. is never used in the beginning stage, but it is more used in later stages
c. is used to make meaning clear even in a class where the students speak a variety of native
d. is used to enhance students’ security and to provide a bridge from familiar to unfamiliar

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d .c 

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26. Which of the following is usually introduced in the student’s native language?

w w a. Desuggestopedia b. Total physical Response

w c. Community Language Learning d. The Grammar- Translation Method
27. In Communicative Language Teaching, the goal of language teaching is to teach ………..... .
a. linguistical competence b. structural competence
c. social competence d. communicative competence
28. The language used in a real context is called …………. language.
a. authentic b. appropriate
c. communicative d. structural
29. In Communicative Language Teaching, students should work with language at the
…………… level.
a. text b. sentence c. discourse d. function
30. According to Morrow, activities that are truly communicative have three features in common
information gap, choice, and …………… .
a. feedback b. purpose
c. context d. communication
31. Linguistic competence is ……… .
a. the knowledge of the functions language is used for
b. another name for communicative competence
c. the knowledge of language forms and their meanings
d. the social context where meaning is negotiated
32. In Communicative Language Teaching, …………… is used for formal evaluation.
a. a translation test b. a discrete – point test
c. students’ in-class performance d. an integrative test
33. Which of the following techniques is used to teach students about the cohesion and
coherence properties of language in CLT?
a. Role play b. Scrambled sentences
c. Word chart d. Teacher’s silence

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d .c 

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34. What is the special contribution of content- based instruction to language teaching?

w w a. It begins with a detailed introduction to language functions.

w b. It emphasizes vocabulary and structures over functions.
c. It integrates learning of language with learning of some other content, often academic
subject matter.
d. In this approach the selection and sequence of language items arise from predetermined
35. Which of the following calls for language to be regarded holistically, rather than as pieces,
i.e, the vocabulary words, grammar structures and pronunciation points?
a. The Whole Language Approach b. The bottom-up approach
c. The Cognitive Approach d. The Natural Approach
36. In …………… approach, any forms that are worked upon emerge from the content that is
based on issues of concerns to students.
a. Communicative b. Participatory
c. Task – based d. Content- based
37. The teacher’s job is not only to teach language, but to teach learning . This is one of the
principles of ……… .
a. Cooperative learning b. Task- based approach
c. Learning strategy training d. Community Language Learning
38. In ………….. , teacher helps students acquire collaborative or social skills so that they can
work together more effectively.
a. the Direct Method b. cooperative learning
c. the Total Physical Respose d. Learning Strategy Training
39. Strategies that are used to plan, monitor , and evaluate a learning task are called …………..
a. communicative b. affective
c. cooperative d. metacognitive

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d .c 

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40. Which of the following encourages students to think in terms of “positive interdependence”?

w w a. Cooperative Learning b. Learning Strategy Training

w c. Task – based approach d. Content- based approach
41. The ability to understand oneself and to practice, self- discipline is called …………..
a. Kinesthetic b. Logical
c. Intrapersonal d. Interpersonal
42. All of the following are characteristics of CLT EXCEPT …………….. .
a. language functions might be emphasized over forms
b. the student’s native language is never used in the classroom
c. students work with language at the suprasentential level
d. students work on all four skills from the beginning
43. In Total Physical Response ………… .
a. students never use spoken language in the class
b. all four skills, are worked on from the beginning
c. written language is emphasized over the spoken language
d. the spoken language is emphasized over written language
44. In Desuggestopedia, evaluation usually is conducted on …………. .
a. formal tests b. normal in – class performance
c. standard tests d. multiple – choice tests
45. Which of the following gives a great deal of attention to students’ feelings?
a. Desuggestipedia b. the Audio – Lingual Method.
c. the Direct Method d. the Grammar- Translation Method
46. Which of the following is correct concerning the Silent Way Method?
a. The teacher usually praises the students.
b. Students need to develop their own ‘inner criteria’ for correctness.
c. Language is learned by repeating after a model.
d. It is important to prevent learners from making errors.

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d .c 

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47. In which method, are dialogs learned through imitation and repetition?

w w a. Content – based Approach

w b. Participatory Approach
c. The Audio- Lingual Method
d. Communicative Language Teaching
48. What is common among Learning Strategy Training, Cooperative Learning, and Multiple
a. Their main concern is with the language learner
b. All of them focus on language form
c. All of them are comprehensive methodological practices
d. Their important goal is for students to be able to read literature written in the target
49. In Communicative Language Teaching, the target language …………. .
a. is never used in the classroom
b. is just the object of the study
c. is learned by imitation
d. is a vehicle for classroom communication
50. In …………. , it is desirable that students achieve a state of ‘infantilization’ so that they will
be more open to earning.
a. Learning Strategy Training b. Content- based Approach
c. Desuggestopedia d. The Grammar- Translation Method

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