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by Lisa Scott

CONTACT: 1218 Shepherd Street, NW Washington, DC 20011 202-722-0674

EXT - HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Doors burst open, TEENAGERS flood out of school. YELLING. SCREAMING. LAUGHTER. They scamper to buses and cars. A closed door cracks open. ARTHUR MITCHELL (16) peers out from behind it -- eyes race from side to side. Arthur is pushed out the door by another wave of students in a rush... standing out from the crowd, a big, dopey-looking guy in baggy clothes... that do NOT make him look hip. Arthur weaves between the crowd, hides behind moving bodies. Until SPOTTED by a BULLY... and then BULLY 2... and then BULLY 3. They form an attack triangle around him and slowly close in. Arthur is EXPOSED even further as the other students move out of the way. The Bullies close in. Arthur turns back toward the school - doors close. He looks left, then right. Eyes the open doors of a school bus. Races toward it. Before he get there, the bus doors close. The bus pulls off. He screams after it and stops when a giant puff of exhaust slams him in the face as it takes off down the street. FACES OF LAUGHTER pressed up against the back of the bus as Students wave bye-bye. EXT. STREET - DAY Three lions stalk their wildebeest. Terrified, Arthur runs across the street and jumps a fence... Runs through an alley of back yards... huffing and puffing, yanking his baggy pants up. He looks behind him. Strangely, hes not being followed. He slows to a jog as he makes his way through a park... Coughing and spitting. He walks now - relieved! facility. And heads into the parks rest room

INT. PARK, PUBLIC BATHROOM - DAY Inside a crumbling stall Arthur slides a broken tile from the wall behind the toilet. He reaches inside and pulls out a --


GUN! He cradles it then gives it a kiss before he stashes it in his pocket. EXT. PARK, PUBLIC BATHROOM - DAY Arthur steps out and looks around. kids playing ball in the distance. No one... excepts some

A stream of water from a fountain - Arthur stoops to take a sip then BAM! His face smashes into the basin. His face held under the flowing water. He chokes... His arms flail in a wild motion until a hand, gripped around the back of his neck, releases him. He gasps for air. Blood seeps from his nose and split lip. Vicious smiles. No escape.

The Bullies surround him.

Arthur digs in his pocket and pulls out the GUN. AIMS at one Bully, then the other, then the other. They all step back. BULLY 1 Dude. We was just playin man. Take it down a notch. Take this! ARTHUR CLICK! Again CLICK... CLICK...

Arthur pulls the trigger. NO BULLETS. The Bullies laugh at that.

Arthur throws the gun at Bully 2 - misses. The Bullies dance around him. He swings and kicks repeatedly -- missing every time. Bully 1 UNZIPS his pants. URINE SPRAYS - hitting Arthur. Bully 2 UNZIPS as Bully 3 KICKS Arthur behind his knees. buckles and sinks to the ground. Bully 3 UNZIPS. He

More URINE SPRAYS -- coming from three directions and right in Arthurs face and hair, soaking his shirt. He cant escape.


BULLY 2 We heard you liked golden showers. Arthur tries to crawl away. ALL 3 BULLIES (chanting in unison) Golden. Showers. Golden. Showers. A MEAN LOOK inches across Arthurs face. He rises to his feet. Staggers forward, head down, wiping urine from his eyes and -KICKS Bully 1 HARD between the legs -- stuns him for a moment... Turning red, shakes, then screams. Bully 2 & 3 fumble to zip their pants laughing at their buddy now who gimps along... BULLY 1 Oooh....crap... We got all summer for payback. Bully 3 picks up the gun... BULLY 3 Thanks, Arthuuuur. ... and stuffs it in his pocket. INT. ARTHURS HOME, BATHROOM - DAY

Arthur showers. MOTHERS BEDROOM Arthur rummages through his mothers closet. wooden box from a shelf... opens it. He pulls down a

The foam outline of a handgun is empty. He yanks the foam from the box. He picks up a box of bullets and shakes it. Its empty. He crushes it. A handwritten note: MOTHER (V.O.) Dont do anything rash, honey. Relax and count to ten. I love you, Mom.




Arthur stares into the open refrigerator. with a note:

MOTHER (V.O.) Enjoy your dinner. Microwave - 90 seconds. Mom. BEEP... BEEP... BEEP! Arthur removes his dinner from the microwave. A shiny, sharp blade slides from a knife rack. Arthur chops off a huge chunk of cheddar cheese and plops it on the side of his plate of food. He glides the knife across his fat, fleshy tongue removing tidbits of cheese. He jams the knife back in the rack. Thinks for a minute... then slides the knife back out... stares at his reflection in the blade. INT. ARTHURS HOME, LIVINGROOM - NIGHT

Arthur eats his dinner while watching his favorite tv show, SNAPPED. He ignores the fact that theres a note taped to the middle of the screen. ANNOUNCER Who are these women and what drives them to kill? Arthur snatches off the stickie note. MOTHER (V.O.) Do your homework first, then two hours of TV only. Love you, Mom. P.S. And watch something nice for a change. ON THE TELEVISION SCREEN ANNOUNCER From socialites to secretaries, these women share one thing in common: at some point, they all snapped! Arthur shoves the food in his mouth with relish.




On a small desk: a chess set, but the playing pieces are PILLS - A game is already in progress. Also laying on the desk: a deck of cards titled: Fun with Pharmacology - Memory Cards. Deep in thought, Arthur concentrates on his next move. moves a pill like the bishop and takes a pawn. Arthur turns the board around and plays the other side. takes a knight, jumps and takes that bishop. ARTHUR Didnt see that coming, did ya? INT. ARTHURS HOME, BATHROOM - NIGHT He looks in the mirror -- a note He He

Arthur brushes his teeth. attached:

MOTHER (V.O.) Dont forget to take your meds. Remember, youre in control. Mom. INT. PSYCHIATRISTS OFFICE

Arthur sticks his head in the office. Hi Doc. ARTHUR

DR. SWEENEY looks up from behind his desk, hiding his surprise, and not acknowledging Arthurs bruised and battered face... Having seen it too many times before. DR. SWEENEY You made it. Good. Have a seat. Arthur takes a leap and plops down in the oversized leather chair... props his legs on the coffee table. When Dr. Sweeney sits in an identical chair opposite Arthur we see that he is a small man with a slight build. DR. SWEENEY (CONTD) Youre in a good mood.


ARTHUR You could say that. I think our last session really worked for me. Hmm! DR. SWEENEY

Arthur gets animated and can barely contain himself in his seat. ARTHUR I gotta hand it to you, Doc. You helped me get some things off my chest, and its like, wow... the weight just lifted over my shoulders. Good. DR. SWEENEY Im glad to see--

ARTHUR Its a freakin miracle. I now know things... You made me see the light. (a pointed beat) You did that, Doctor. DR. SWEENEY So, you didnt talk to your mother? ARTHUR My mother? About what? What the hell does she have to do with anything? Im talking about me... and you. And it feels great. Fantastic! DR. SWEENEY Im thinking we might have to make an adjustment on your medication. Are you taking it as prescribed? You seem kind of... high. The Doctor gets up and grabs his prescription pad. He jumps a little when Arthur gets up too. ARTHUR Quite the opposite, Doc. Ive stopped taking your drugs. Arthur moves about the room slowly and methodical.


He glides his fingers over the titles of a few books on the bookshelf: Serial Murder: A Forensic Psychiatric Perspective... ARTHUR (CONTD) The Ritalin, Prozac and Haldol cocktail... The Loss of Innocents: Child Psychopaths and Their Victims, Serial Killers: The Method & Madness of Monsters... ARTHUR (CONTD) Followed by the Xanax and Thorazine chaser... Its not for me. Not any more. Now... Im high on life. On life, man! THE DOCTOR -- ANXIOUS! Arthur clicks the lock on the door knob. DR. SWEENEY (sternly) Sit down, Arthur. Arthur moves back behind the chair but he doesnt sit down. ARTHUR I was thinking. This will be my last session. I think Im cured. DR. SWEENEY These are court ordered visits, Arthur. You have at least six more months before I can even consider-ARTHUR I dont think so. You know what? (a beat) For some freaky reason, my mother hid the bullets from her gun. They werent in the gun. (a beat) Now, why would she do that? DR. SWEENEY Im sure she was concerned for your safety. As am I. The worried Doctor struggles to remain calm. agitated. Arthur gets


ARTHUR My safety?! I get bullied every day at school, Doctor. You think thats safe? Arthur... DR. SWEENEY

ARTHUR Take charge of my destiny, you said. Make plans that dont include bullies. Well, I was doing that. I was gonna get rid of them. The Doctor gets up. Arthur lunges and flips the man - SLAMS HIS FACE down on the coffee table. ARTHUR (CONTD) I confided one little thing to you. One plan that would make my life better. And what did you do? You tell my mother! Arthur jams his knee in the Doctors back, whips out a roll of duct tape from some hidden pocket of those baggy pants. He wraps the Doctors hands together - TIGHT! Arthur! DR. SWEENEY

ARTHUR Those motherfuckers didnt stop like the judge ordered them to. But the court is forcing me to see you. For what?! You were suppose to be protecting me; not them. DR. SWEENEY You cant go around killing people who get in your way, Arthur. Oh yeah! Let me up. ARTHUR DR. SWEENEY Lets talk about this.

ARTHUR Talk is cheap. How many other patients have you fucked up? BAM! Arthur punches the Doctor on the side of his face.


Arthur pulls out that kitchen KNIFE from his back pocket. PRESSES IT HARD against the Doctors cheek. ON SWEENEY -- SCARED EYES. ARTHUR (CONTD) I think you did me a favor. I dont need a gun to kill a bunch of high school bullies. A knife -The Doctor squirms. table.


Arthur JAMS the KNIFE down in the coffee

ARTHUR (CONTD) Is much more personal... (moves in, spitting range) Up close and personal. Arthur relaxes and gets up. ARTHUR (CONTD) I trusted you! I never opened up to anyone like that before and look what happened. It was a cold, hard calculated, breach of confidence. Arthur flips the Doctor back up and slams him into the chair. The Doctor does his best to stay strong. DR. SWEENEY (angry/yelling) Its my duty to report any of my patients if they pose a danger to themselves or others. And-ARTHUR I looked it up, Doc. The patient has to name names. I didnt tell you any names. You broke the code. BAM! Arthur punches the Doctor. nose and lip. Blood dribbles from his

DUCT TAPE PEELS OUT -- wraps around the Doctors forehead and chair... pinning his head to the seat. The Doctor kicks his legs up, trying to free himself, but Arthur JUMPS ON and STRADDLES him. Arthur SLAMS HIS FIST in the Doctors gut. He duct tapes the rest of the Docs body to the seat.


Arthur JAMS a pair of forceps in the Doctors mouth... WRESTLING with his tongue until he gets a good CLAMP on it. Arthur gets up... Proud at what hes done. ARTHUR (CONTD) Those self defense classes my mother insisted I take... really helped. Im the only guy in the class. And they always make me play the attacker. (laughs) Im getting pretty good at it. Dont ya think?! The Doctor struggles and pleads. ARTHUR (CONTD) Whats the matter, Doc? Cat got your tongue? DR. SWEENEY Wha a yay cantha do what at ma! ARTHUR Now that... makes a lot of sense. If youre gonna speak with a forked tongue, might as well have one... And with that -- Arthur SWIPES THE KNIFE right through that fleshy pink muscle. The Doctor SCREAMS OUT IN PAIN! SQUIRMS -- FLICKING BLOOD EVERYWHERE from that FORKED OPEN TONGUE. ARTHUR (CONTD) He who lives by the ratfuck, dies by the ratfuck. Blubbery TEARS stream down the his face. ARTHUR (CONTD) Now that makes sense! Arthur cleans the knife by SLIDING IT ACROSS HIS OWN TONGUE. ARTHUR (CONTD) Like I said, Doc. This will be our last session. He SWOONS in AGONY.

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