CIA Run Peace and Nonviolence NGO - "Waging Nonviolence"

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CIA run Fake Peace and Nonviolence NGO: WagingNonviolence

Posted on February 20, 2013 by ajmacdonaldjr

CIA run Fake Peace and Nonviolence NGO Waging Nonviolence Be ADVISED: Waging Nonviolence and virtually all other socalled peace, justice, and nonviolence groups are run by the CIA and State Department via various and sundry NGOs. As with the US government, the opposite of all they say and do is the truth: they are running and supporting the violence in Egypt, Libya, Syria and all other nations unfriendly to US and Israeli geostragegic interests. They lie and do not the truth (see: 1 John 1:6).

For a REAL, grass-roots, non-CIA-run, American Peoples movement for truth, justice, and peace, which is dedicated to making Dr. Kings DREAM a REALITY, see: Summer of Justice - Weve finally done it. After about nine months of development, the all-new Waging Nonviolence website went online this week. No longer are we running on the basic blog platform that we hurriedly developed in 2009 when WNV was just a blog that a few of us would update in our spare time. Now, with new content every day from four active columnists, four promising young correspondents and more than 200 contributors all around the world, we finally have the website that you, the members of our community, deserve See: Waging Nonviolence Board of Advisors

Andy Bichlbaum is a co-founder of the Yes Men, a group that has accomplished numerous high-profile media interventions since 1999, all serving to highlight environmental, economic and social injustices and the systemic problems that lead to them. Hes a

visiting associate arts professor at New York University, and at NYUs Hemispheric Institute, he heads the Yes Lab, which helps students, activist groups, and others carry out media interventions benefiting from the Yes Mens experience. He also runs a revolutionary speaker series.

Erica Chenoweth

Erica Chenoweth is an assistant professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and an associate senior researcher at the Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO). Together with Maria J. Stephan, she is the winner of the 2013 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order, which is presented annually in recognition of outstanding proposals for creating a more just and peaceful world order. Their book, Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict (Columbia University Press, 2011), also won the 2012 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award, given annually by the American Political Science Association in recognition of the best book on government, politics, or international affairs published in the U.S. in the previous calendar year. Previously she taught at Wesleyan

University, where she was the 2010 recipient of the Carol A. Baker Memorial Prize for excellence in junior faculty research and teaching. She has also held visiting appointments at Harvard Universitys Kennedy School of Government, Stanford University, UC-Berkeley, and the University of Maryland. She is currently cochair of the Academic Advisory Board at the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict and serves on the board of the International Security and Arms Control Section of the American Political Science Association.

John Dear

John Dear is an internationally known voice for peace and nonviolence. He has served as the director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (the largest interfaith peace organization in the US); a Red Cross coordinator of chaplains in New York City at the Family Assistance Center after 9/11; and pastor to several churches in the desert of New Mexico. He has been arrested over 75 times in acts of civil disobedience against war and nuclear weapons. He has traveled the warzones of the world on missions of peace, including to Iraq, Afghanistan, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Colombia and the Philippines, and taught theology at Fordham University. He is the author of 30 books on nonviolence including Living Peace, Disarming the Heart, Jesus the Rebel, The God of Peace, Lazarus, Come Forth!, The Questions of Jesus, Put Down Your Sword, Mohandas Gandhi: Essential Writings and his autobiography, A Persistent Peace. He

writes a weekly column for the National Catholic Reporter at Recently, Archbishop Desmond Tutu nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize. He lives in New Mexico. His website is

Sam Husseini

Sam Husseini (@samhusseini) is communications director for the Institute for Public Accuracy, which works to get critical voices and information into various media outlets. He is also founder of, which features sharp questioning of political figures and which fosters dialogue between left and right on issues include war and civil liberties. Hes been a longtime associate of Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting.

Mary Elizabeth King

Mary Elizabeth King is professor of peace and conflict studies at the University for Peace and a Rothermere American Institute Fellow at the University of Oxford, in Britain. She is also distinguished scholar with the American Universitys Center for Peacebuilding and Development, in Washington, D.C. She is the author of The New York Times on Emerging Democracies in Eastern Europe, A Quiet Revolution: The First Palestinian Intifada and Nonviolent Resistance, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.: The Power of Nonviolent Action, and Freedom Song: A Personal Story of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. During the U.S. civil rights movement, she worked alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. (no relation), in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. She co-authored Sex and Caste with Casey Hayden, a 1966 article viewed by historians as tinder for second-wave feminism. Her website is

Kathy Kelly

Kathy Kelly is the co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence. During each of 10 recent trips to Afghanistan, she has lived as an invited guest of the Afghan Peace Volunteers alongside ordinary Afghan people in Kabul. From 1996 through 2003, Voices activists formed 70 delegations that openly defied economic sanctions by bringing medicines to children and families in Iraq. Kathy and her companions lived in Baghdad throughout the 2003 Shock and Awe bombing. They have also lived alongside people during warfare in Gaza, Lebanon, Bosnia and Nicaragua. Kathy was sentenced to one year in federal prison for planting corn on nuclear missile silo sites (1988-89) and spent three months in prison, in 2004, for crossing the line at Fort Bennings military training school. As a war tax refuser, she has refused payment of all forms of federal income tax since 1980.

John Jackson

John Jackson is a director of strategy at Purpose which specializes in building 21st century movements. He has had extensive involvement at every level of public affairs advocacy: working in areas of conflict, lobbying senior level government, launching high profile public campaigns and building coalitions. Prior to Purpose he was vice president of social responsibility for MTV International, overseeing the networks strategy to engage its audience around social issues. John was a founder and director of the Burma Campaign UK and helped to coordinate international advocacy in support of Burmas pro-democracy movement. This included one of the most successful disinvestment campaigns since the anti-apartheid movement. He has a particular interest in mischief and the role it can play in achieving social progress, and co-authored a book on the subject: Small Acts of Resistance.

Srdja Popovic Otpor! CANVAS

Srdja Popovic was one of the founders and key organizers of the Serbian nonviolent resistance group Otpor! that brought down dictator Slobodan Milosevic in 2000. He and other ex-Otpor! activists started a non-profit educational institution in 2003 called the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), which has worked with people from 46 different countries, including Zimbabwe, Burma, Iran, and Venezuela to spread knowledge on nonviolent strategies and tactics. CANVAS has worked with the activists responsible for successful movements such as the Georgian Rose Revolution of 2003 and the Ukrainian Orange Revolution of 2004-2005. It has also assisted participants in the Maldives revolution in 2008 and Egypts April 6 movement. In November 2011, Foreign Policy magazine listed Popovic as one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers and in 2012 he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Jamila Raqib

Jamila Raqib serves as the Executive Director of the Albert Einstein Institution in Boston, Mass. She works closely with Dr. Gene Sharp, the foremost scholar on strategic nonviolent struggle.

Maya Schenwar

Maya Schenwar is Truthouts executive director. Previously, she was a senior editor and reporter at Truthout, writing on U.S.

defense policy, the criminal justice system, campaign politics, and immigration reform. Prior to her work at Truthout, Maya was contributing editor at Punk Planet magazine, and wrote for In These Times, Ms. Magazine, AlterNet, Z Magazine, Bitch Magazine, Common Dreams and others. She also served as a publicity coordinator for Voices for Creative Nonviolence. See: VIDEO Otpor/CANVAS The Revolution Business Otpor/CANVAS Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) VIDEO F. William Engdahl Arab Spring a western ploy to control Eurasia See: Was the Arab Spring really a Facebook revolution? VIDEO - Egypt After the Revolution See: Facebook and People Power: The View From Tahrir Square Chenoweth at ICNC The Libyan uprising: a successful case of violent insurgency The same non-violence non-profits who take CIA money when they can get it (Im not talking about ICNC, which just shares an accountant, has parallel goals, and whose president used to work there; ICNC has enough junk bond money to operate on its own) also give non-violent communication trainings and are inserting

themselves wherever they can in the OWS movement. In DC, this is particularly worrisome, since the think-tank/lobbying/pro-USG logic is so hegemonic. And Ive received four email invitations this week to attend think tank and right-wing academic seminars on What the Occupy Wall Street Movement Means and Why it Should Matter to Me. Framing is everything. Who gets to speak, what they get to say, whether their whole movement can be invalidated because somebody got justifiably angry and threw a rock. We dont need to be tackling the rock-thrower. People throwing rocks doesnt explain or justify the police violence I saw and felt in Oakland last Tuesday. We need to be tackling the derivative Christian logic of non-violence (but lacking the possibilities of liberation theology) that chastises the oppressed for rising up against the oppressor, using fictitious narratives about Egypts and Eastern European countries revolutions as legitimation. And when people come to town claiming to speak for a revolution and making their way into lefty media with the same bland lies, we need to be asking who is paying for their plane ticket, and why the hell are they not back at home, where their revolution is not in great shape at all. ~ Professor Adrienne Pine American University, Washington, DC Source: Resisting the Cult of Non-Violence The ICNC is the phony left-wing outfit founded by Wall StreetWashington insider Peter Ackerman. The organization is largely concerned with the destabilization scenarios the CIA has a history of engineering in countries it is too costly and militarily unfeasible to invade. These days the ICNC dresses up destabilization with the high-sounding phrase non-violent pro-democracy activism to sell it to the gullible. Sounds good, but what it really means is fomenting conflicts in countries, which while accused of being undemocratic and hostile to human rights, have earned

Washingtons enmity for rejecting free trade and unconditional foreign investment and failing to enshrine private property rights. The conflicts are resolved on Washingtons terms, when a new democratic free-market government takes power and opens the country to US military bases and unconditional integration into the US economy on terms that favor US investors and corporations, that is, the people Peter Ackerman hangs out with. It is, you see, a class thing. ~ Stephen Gowans Source: Moralism and Instrumentalism in Peace Scholarship Video Israel sowing discord in Middle East Press TV Interview with Maidhc Cathail CANVAS works closely with the International Center for Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC), with which it has shared a number of staff membersincluding Dr. Stephen Zunes, who has collaborated with CANVAS in training Egyptian activists. Founded in 2002, the ICNC is funded entirely by Peter Ackerman, its founding chair. Ackerman, who chaired the board of Freedom House from September 2005 until January 2009, also indirectly funds CANVAS. Source: Maidhc Cathail: THE JUNK BOND TEFLON GUY BEHIND EGYPTS NONVIOLENT REVOLUTION See: Fake Democracy Revolutions CANVAS, USIP/ICNC, Washington, Egypt, and OWS Plus: Israel did 9/11 See: Occupy Washington DC/Stop The Machine! (Freedom Plaza) and Otpor/CANVAS

See: Tips on how to spot fake peace and justice movements See: The REAL Facebook/Twitter Revolution is NOT being televised

Posted in Activism, Charity, Crime, Ethics, Government, Government Agents, history, Law, Media, Mind Control, Money, Philosophy, Politics, Press, propaganda, Psychology, Religion, Shills, Society, Terrorism, Violence, War | Tagged 9/11, 911Truth, activism, activists, Adrienne Pine, Afghanistan, Albert Einstein Institution, AlterNet, American University, Andy Bichlbaum, apartheid, Arab Spring, Baghdad, Bitch Magazine, Burma, CANVAS, Catholics, chaos, CIA, civil liberties, civil resistance, color revolutions, Colorado, Columbia University, Common Dreams, crimina, defense, democracy, Denver, Desmond Tutu, destabilization, destabilize, DoD, Eastern Europe, Egypt, Egyptian activists, El Salvador, Erica Chenoweth, Eurasia, Facebook, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, fake pace and justice movements, FBI, federal prison, Fellowship of Reconciliation, fghan Peace Volunteers, Fordham University, Fort Benning, Freedom House, Freedom Plaza, funding, Gaza, Gene Sharp, God, Harvard University, ICNC, insurgency, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jamila Raqib, Jewish, Jews, John Dear, John Jackson, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, junk bonds, justice, Kabul, Kathy Kelly, Kennedy School of Government, Kevin Zeese, Lebanon, Libya, lies, lobbying, Magazine, Maidhc Cathail, Martin Luther King Jr, Mary Elizabeth King, Maya Schenwar, MI6, Middle East, military, Mohandas Gandhi, Mossad, Ms, National Catholic Reporter, New York City, New York University, Nicaragua, Nobel Peace Prize, non-violent pro-democracy activism, NYC, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Washington DC, Orange Revolution, order, OTPOR, OWS,

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