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Once upon a time,in a far away land there was a tiny Kingdom, peaceful prosperous and rich in romance

and tradition. Here in lived an unhappy young boy. His mother was dead and his father had married a widow with two sons. His Stepfather didn't like him one little bit. His name was Edmund. Edmund is the name given both his two step brothers .The step father and brothers were conceited and bad tempered. They treated Edmund very badly. His step dan and brothers made Edmund do the hardest works in the house . One day, his mother was dead because of cancer. His father and brothers live with him now.

Stepfather : hm Edmund , from now on you have to obey all of our orders . do you understand ? Edmund : understood.

after one day

Darren : Edmuuuuuuuuuund where are you ? Edmund : yes Darren what's up ? Darren : wash all of my clothes now ! Charles : wash my clothes too ! Edmund : yes Charles of course Darren .

Meanwhile in the kingdom..

Queen : what should i do ? i'm very confused , and now where is my assistant? Royal Guard where are you? Royal Guard : im here mam , whats up ? can i help you ?

Queen : come here please !! now, create the invitation letter to party and spread it around the country ! do you understand?

Royal Guard : can you repeat maam?

Queen: no, the record will be showed at 9 oclock. do you understand ? Royal Guard : oh, okay i understand maam !

After some time . one day, came the Royal guards who spread the invitation letter from the party Palace..
Guard : excuse me, this is an invitation from the Kingdom Edmund : ooh , thankyou Guard : If I may know, who are you? Edmund : Im Edmund Guard : Mm oke , see you at the party

Tok Tok Tok !

Stepfather : Do , re , mi , faaaaaaa .. Darren & Charles : do , re .. Stepfather : Ouch! Edmund ! Edmund : This is an invitation from the Kingdom Dad Charles : invitation ? Aah Let me open it ! Darren : No ! im reading im reading !

Stepfather : hei hei hei , Im reading ! please wait dear,oh? the royal invited us to a dance party . Darren : party? Stepfather : and Princess was looking for a man to be her husband . and you know whaaat ? Charles : A Princess ? oooh We'll go and dress up as cool as we are. Edmund : but Dad , may I join you ? Charles : oh oh oh It looks like the Princess did not want to dance with you Darren : Edmund the freak guy hahaha/ Edmund : well, here Im part of you also. Is it because Im only a servant here? Stepfather : No no no , you can join us Edmund Edmund : really? Ooh thanks Dad! ^.^ Stepfather : but you have to clean the entire House contents Edmund : yes Dad I will . Darren : hei dad ! Was it for real ? all the words for him? Stepfather : No , I was kidding dude

a day in later arrived , second half brother Edmund started to dress up with joy . Edmund very sad for he wasnt allowed to by both her stepbrthers to the feast of the palace..
Darren : what freak boy ? you don't have any tuxedo !

Charles : and you want to go to party with that junk ? yuck~ Stepfather : Because you dont have any tuxedo, now you are going to keep the house

while were leaving. Do you understand?!

Darren : byeee ! Edmund : hiks , I can't go to the Palace with dirty clothes like this , but I want to go hiks hiks hiks .. Fairy : Edmund stop crying .... Edmund : who are you ? Fairy : I am a fairy , i have known all your problem , hm now please bring me a toy of motorcycle and your damage dress ! Fairy : ALAKAZAAAM ! See all by yourself ! Edmund : Ohhh my god , This tuxedo is absolutely wonderful! thankyou Fairy : yes dear , and effect of magic would gone after bells midnight the night stop .so , come back before the midnight ! oh one more thing ... ALAKAZAAAM !! Edmund : wow invinsible motorcycle :-o ! of course , I will thankyou so much ! byee Fairy : okay , be careful boy bye !

After arriving in the palace , she just went into the hall seraglio . so come, view of all here were fixed on him..
Princess : all the boys here are not interesting , hei who is he ? like a Prince !

Guard : it seems like i havent seen him ? Princess : but who is he ? Guard : hehe im forget ? Princess : hmm , hei boy shall we dance ? Edmund : of course Princess

Edmund falls ..
Princess : are you okay ? haha , let me help you? Edmund : eeh , im okay Princess thankyou

Ting Tong Ting Tong ..

Edmund : hah! sorry i have to go Princess . Princess : hei wait boy !!

In the royal household

Princess : this is his shoes ? okay i will be looking for him

The Princess will be looking for a woman who fit his feet with shoes that he found. And one day they were up in the house
guard : we are going to find the man who is fit on these shoes

Stepfather : my handsome boys , are you ready ? Charles : Im ready ! excuse me may i try it?

Royal Guard : okay Charles : ah , its not fit on me -_Darren : hahaha , you feet are too massive dude , and now please let me to do it . Royal Guard : is it fit on you ? Darren : hah? It doesnt fit also on me -____Charles : hahaha , your feet are too small Darren guard : - _- dont you had three boys? Stepfather: what? These 2 boys are my kid that I only had

guard : okay i will back to Kingdom .. Edmund : hei please wait, may i try the shoes ? guard : of course , please come here ! Darren : huh, it wont fit on you ! Charles : its freakin useless ! Edmund : see! it's fit on me :D Darren : Goddamned, its impossible ! Charles : For Gods sake, i cant believe it! Guard : no. indeed you are absolutely the one !

Edmund : my brothers , i was the one who was Princess looking for and i have got a shoes like that ! Princess : im very sure , you are the one. will you marry me? Edmund : of course , I will, Princess Princess : whats your name? Edmund : my names Edmund Princess : Edmund come to me to Kingdom

They are disappointed and dont believe what has happenned

Darren : Edmund , please forgive us Charles : we have done bad things to you Stepfather : you can judge us Edmund Edmund : No! I love you , you are my family dad , Charles , Darren ! C , E , S : thankyou so much dear ,you are very kind , we are sorry, we hope youre happy with Princess Edmund : dont worries , you are my best family . thankyou so much

Time has passed , and the Princess were finally married to Edmund and lived happily ever after

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