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The Capital Punishment

We should first start by explaining the concept of capital punishment or death penalty.It si the act of killing or executing a person, who was found guilty of a serious crime, by the government. Without a doubt, executions are considered the ultimate punishment for a crime, because there is no repeal from death. The other alternative for capital punishment is life in prison without parole, so a lot of nations still perform the death penalty. This is because the debate whether capital punishment is ethical and justifiable is still widely disputed.So the main reasons for which this measure is considered inappropriate are:religion and morality. Different religions have different beliefs concerning capital punishment. Even individual religions have contradictory beliefs. For instance, the Bible clearly states the death penalty as valid and just, yet at the same time murder is not allowed and salvation must be offered but also that the only one who is entitled to take a life is God. Since not everyone is of the same religion and each person can even interpret the same religion differently, the role of religion concerning the death penalty is very unclear. This is why governments should separate state and church. The morality of killing a person is also subjective for each person. Throughout the life of an individual, their beliefs and morality can and most likely will change due to environment,education and society influences.

Many other reasons can be found againsed the death penalty such as this type of measure not beying humane,or from the perspective of fairness as the life of the criminal can not compensate for the crime committed therefore two wrongs do not make a right,from the point of view of human rights this measure is bot accepted as some groups of people deem death a violation of the persons right to live while other groups of people disagree that the death penalty is a cruel and unusual punishment,wrong convictions as some people executed were proven too late to be wrongly convicted of a crime that they did not commit or even family hardship because it is often said that the family members of the executed needlessly suffer too, yet the crime itself has victims and family members too. On the other side,there are parties who strongly sustain the capital punishment for many reasons, they say. Capital punishment permanently removes the worst criminals from society and should prove much safer for the rest of us than long term or permanent incarceration. It is self evident that dead criminals cannot commit any further crimes, either within prison or after escaping or after being released from it but also the cost of imprisoning someone for life is much more expensive than executing that same person.When you think in terms of retribution the criminal has to be made to suffer in proportion to the offence eventhough inflicting this type of punishment will not bring back the victim(s). Safety:criminals who receive the death penalty are typically violent individuals. Therefore for the safety of the prisons guards, other prisoners, and the general public (in case a death row inmate escapes prison), then logic dictates that safety is a reason for capital punishment.

As we all can see,there are several good reasons to support and oppose capital punishment.Furthermore,the general population has a wide range of belifs canberning this matter but even these very belifs are subject to change. I personally belive that what goes around comes around and that no bad deed goes unpunished,so every crime must have a fitting punishment cause you know what they say an eye for an eye .

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