Yogas in Astrology To Become A Lawyer

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Let us analyze the yogas in astrology to become a lawyer or judge. 1.

Important House/ Lord : Sixth, Ninth, Second and the Third House The sixth house is the house of litigation. Law is related to justice or judiciary and the ninth house is the house of justice. A good lawyer has the capability of bringing truth in front of the world and give justice to innocent. But these days lawyers are more involved in manipulation of truth in order to achieve success and make huge money. However in both the cases a lawyer needs to have a strong and influential speech or voice. The second house is the house of speech. Therefore, as much as the relationship between the sixth, ninth or second house/lord will be strong, a person will become a good and successful lawyer. The third house in the birth chart considers books and files related to accounts, records, old scriptures etc. The relationship of the third house with the tenth house will give auspicious results. Therefore, this house is always in an auspicious position in the birth-chart of lawyers. 2. Important Planets : Saturn, Mars or Rahu Mercury is the Kaarak planet of speech. Power and courage comes through Mars. An ability to make policies comes through Rahu. All these qualities are the key assets of a lawyer because sometimes a lawyer uses false statements. The ninth house is associated with policies, justice and court. If this house is in relationship with the tenth house then the person will become a lawyer. 3. Amatyakaarak Planet Amatyakaarak planet determines the occupation of an individual. In the birth-chart, the lord of the nakshatra in which Amatyakaarak is placed determines the area of a persons vocation in legal department. For example, he will practice in criminal cases due to the influence of Mars and Rahu in his birth-chart. If Mercury shares a relationship in the birth-chart then the person will achieve great success in corporate cases. The person will have have an interest in the cases related to tax or dishonesty due to the influence of Saturn and Ketu in his birthchart. He will be an advocate in government office due to the influence of Sun and Moon. He will deal with the cases related to married life due to the influence of Venus in his birth-chart. If Amatyakaarak shares a relationship with the ninth or sixth house/lord then the possibilities to become a lawyer will increase. 4. Directions: Sometimes it has been acknowledged that in spite of auspicious yogas formed in the birthchart of a person, he does not get appropriate results. It is because he is not in the suitable age to reap benefits from the auspicious direction and transit. Therefore, he should be very fortunate so that he could reap benefits of his life time at the right age from the yogas and transit present in the birth-chart. For instance, if Mahadasha of the tenth lord, Antardasha of the ninth lord and pratyanter dasha of the eleventh lord meet each other in his birth-chart at the age of his career he will definitely achieve success in his business or any other occupation. Yogas are created when directions and transits meet at the right age in the birth-chart. If directions associated with law meet at the age of occupation then it will be auspicious. 5. The Special position of Rahu Sometimes, lawyers use false statements to win a case in favor of their clients, as well as act

in a diplomatic manner. Rahu is a kaarak of these things. If Rahu becomes strong and relates to Mercury which is the kaarak of speech or with the sixth house/lord which is the house of litigation then possibilities to become a lawyer will increase. Other Yogas If Rahu, Saturn and Mars influence the sixth house or the twelfth house then the person will become a criminal lawyer. If Mars relates to Jupiter, and Mercury is located with Venus which is exalted in the birth-chart then the person will be a good spokesman and lawyer. Jupiter in the birth-chart of judges has a benefic influence. Such a person will not lie and become a good critic. He also takes wise decisions on the basis of arguments made. He will be an admirer of truth and of rules and duties due to the strong position of Jupiter and Moon in the birth-chart. He will be judicious and a good listener due to influential Jupiter.

Jupiter is considered to be the mentor of Deities and Venus is considered to be the mentor of devils both theplanets are related to Law and legal activities. Also, Advocacy or legal profession requires mainly intelligence, knowledge, communication, bravery, courage, tactfulness, strategy, presence of mind. 5th house is related to intelligence. Mercury is related to intelligence and Communicating power. Mars is the planet of courage and bravery. As Advocacy is a challenging job. Rahu should be placed beneficially as this planet gives the tact to handle awkward situation and also helps to speak a lie as this is the requirement at times to will the case. 6th, 8th and 12th house plays an important role in the this profession as these houses rules quarrel, illness, fight, hospital, poverty, death, expenses, foreign etc. Thus, the lords of these houses should make some relation with 10th house i.e. the house of profession. Airy signs i.e. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are more prone to work as consultant, hence the probability of becoming advocate is more from this group of rashi Ninth house is related to the house of rules and regulations, religious, court. hence the mutual aspect of 9th and 10th house also leads to be success in this field. The 2nd house is the house of communication, hence if the mercury has effect on the 2nd house then the person earns his livelihood by speech and communication. Rahu, Mars, and Saturn are evil planets and their relation with 6th or 12 house bring the native in contact with the controversial, culprits, criminal and convict. Mars gives the courage to fight the case with bravery and because it involves police also Mars has a major role to plat in thsi profession. Also, when .Jupiter makes an aspect with Mars it makes a person a goob grimoo speaker. To understand better let us discuss a chart of a successful Advocate. A person born with Aquarius Ascendant. The Ascendant lord was placed in the 9th house, Exalted. The Ascendant lord is aspecting the

6th house, the house of dispute, fight, enimity. etc. The lord of ninth Venus is aspecting the 2nd houses, thus strengthening the 2nd house for communication. Mars is placed in the 11th house with Rahu and aspecting mutually the most important planet Jupiter.Rahu is also placed favorable at 11th house, A benefic conjunction of Mercury and the Sun in the kendra also supported the native in this career. To conclude, the Individuals who have well placed Jupiter and Venus making connection with the 10th house and Mars, Rahu are associated with the 6th house. Also, the 2nd house strong makes the native successful in Advocacy profession.

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