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Name: Jessica Krebs Social Class: Knight Question:

Middle Ages Webquest #3 Feudalism & Government Research Chart Answer (Your research): Source Information: (*more than web address *author, date of access, copyright/update date) Mr. Pennington and Mr. Holmans video side chats. Mr. Pennington and Mr. Holmans video side chats.

1. Explain how Feudalism functions?

Feudalism is when you trade protection for land. For example, a noble that owns a fief would have traded the fief to a knight and in return, the knight would promise to protect the noble. My role as a knight in the feudal hierarchy is to provide protection to the kingdom and to the noble I work for. In exchange for me protecting the kingdom, I get a fief in which I can have peasants work on. Because nearly everything the people in the Medieval times was influenced by religion, if the church changed their government to feudalism, the people in that religion would change to feudalism too. The laws for the knights were called the Chivalry. The Chivalry told the knights about how they should behave, what to do on the battlefield, and how to train.

2. What is your role in the feudal hierarchy?

3. What role does religion play in feudalism?

Langley, Andrew, Geoff Brightling, and Geoff Dann. Medieval Life. New York: DK, 20011. Print. Mr. Pennington and Mr. Holmans video side chats.

4. What were some of the various laws that people lived by? 5. What are your Rights?

My rights as a knight are that I can own a manor, I Mr. Pennington and Mr. can own a castle, and if I were in the noble class, I Holmans video side could be a noble. chats. The government provided rules, protection, and order to the people. The government would use the feudal system to get protection from knights, and the rules created by the government would keep everything in order in the kingdom. I agree to live in the feudal system because I get to own a fief just for promising to protect the noble I work for and to me, that seems like a fair trade. Mr. Pennington and Mr. Holmans video side chats.

6. What did the government provide for the people? Go into great detail.

7. Why do you agree to live in the feudal system?

Mr. Pennington and Mr. Holmans video side chats.

8. Explain 3 ways that feudalism spread across Western Europe.

Three ways feudalism spread throughout Western Mr. Pennington and Mr. Europe by marriage, war, and religion. Feudalism Holmans video side spread by marriage because if you married chats. someone that had land and service, you would become part of your spouses feudal system or

your spouse would become part of yours. Feudalism spread by war because if a noble/king needed more protection, they would trade more land for more protection getting more people to join the feudal system. Feudalism spread by religion because if the head of the church was in on the feudal system, the people following that religion would then become part of the feudal system also.

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