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Consumer perception about recent online purchase of software Sushil Ghadge 1214AMS026 Introduction:

Ninety-nine percent of software consumers in the India have access to either on a PC or laptop computer at home or work, 43% have a smartphone and 12% have an iPad or e-reader. These consumers are regularly downloading software or applications for these devices, but much of what they download is either free or costs less than 2500. The maturity of open source software and the widespread availability of free smartphone applications have created choice for consumers who traditionally have paid for software. In fact, 46% of software owners have switched to a free version that they consider as good as their existing paid software when they were due to renew their subscription or pay for an upgrade. For software publishers this competition is making it more and more difficult to sell to new consumers and retain existing customers.

Literature review:
The Internet has become an essential part of our daily life, and companies realize that the Internet can be a shopping channel to reach existing and potential consumers. Some researchers tried to find out the possible causes and solutions about rapidly growing trend for online shopping. The researchers are many and they have number of studies one of them is Nancy May Kay Leung from napier university who concluded that with this consensus Online Shopping as a whole has rapidly grown. The marketers of various companies have opportunity to launch and sale their product online if they provide on time delivery, and less shipping charges as applicable.

Objectives of the study:

This study aims to determine how the e-service quality dimensions affect overall service quality, customer satisfaction and purchase intentions.

Research methodology:
1) This is an fundamental research done with the sample available. 2) To get into problem new paper and magazines are used. 3) From their following points were framed. 1) The software I found was easy to find 2) The checkout process was easy 3) The software solved my needs 4) I am happy with my purchase 5) The software you bought was cheaper.

4) Students of 1st yr MMS was surveyed with likert scale.

5) Mean, Standard Deviation, Standard error and range were calculated.

Discussion and Data Analysis:

Table and below diffix Mean, Standard Deviation, Standard Error and range for each question.

Mean Question1 Question2 Question3 Question4 Question5

1.1625 1.05 0.85 0.65 0.4

Standard Deviation
0.82362 0.89185396 0.82670849 1.60015031 1.39568957

Standard Error
0.09208352 0.0997123 0.09242882 0.17890224 0.15604284

0.30584397 0.35064839 0.18116049 1.95436108 0.1804837

-0.305844 -0.3506484 -0.1811605 -1.9543611 -0.1804837

For calculating the range confidence level of 95% and significance level of 5% is taken It is known that 5% significance level table value for Z is 1.96 used in calculating range, any value lies between the range mean everything is neutral. In this case we accept null hypothesis. In case of any value above higher level says people agree with the statement. In case of value below lower level says people disagreeing with the statement. Question no. 1,2,3,4 & 5 mean are 1.1625, 1.05, 0.85, 0.65 & 0.4 which lies within the range
0.30584397 & -0.305844, 0.35064839 & -0.3506484, 0.18116049 & -0.1811605, 1.95436108 & -1.9543611, 0.1804837 & -0.1804837 respectively. This means 1) Majority of students agree with software was easy to find from the website they selected. 2) Majority of students agree that the checkout process was easy. 3) Majority of students agree that software solved there needs. 4) Some students agree that they are happy with the purchase whereas some students disagree for the following statement that they are happy. 5) Majority of students agree that software they bought was cheaper.

In this research it is shown that students of management institute Aruna Manharlal Shah Institute Of Management are agreeing with almost every aspect of recent online

purchase of software. This lead to acceptance of H1: That it agreed. The other two Hypothesis H0& H2 that student are neutral and disagree is rejected.

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