Jumaa Prayer 22 February13

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West Africa Advanced School of Theology 22 February 2013

Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!
The Spirit of the Lord is on me . . . . He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed . . . (Lk 4:18). Pray this week that the healing, redeeming Spirit of the Lord will reveal himself to those who seek to be free from their oppression and blindness.

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students and Alumni

GHANA: An alumnus, himself a former Muslim, asks us to pray: (1) for Christian young ladies, that the Lord will help them would stand firm in their faith and resist the proposals of young Muslim men who would lure them into Islam through marriage; (2) that more pastors will see the need for centers to shelter those who leave Islam to follow Jesus, and for a project to purchase lots to build a larger center; (3) for a greater emphasis on preaching salvation to Muslims; (4) that Muslims and their influence would not rule our nations.

In the News
TANZANIA: An Assemblies of God pastor was attacked and killed on Monday, 11 February, as he tried to calm angry youths. The young men were upset about Christians operating butcheries in which the animals were not processed according to Islamic methods. Please pray for the wife, children, and congregation of Pastor Mathayo Kachili. Pray for the attackers, that they may see the mercy and love of the Lord against whom they are fighting, and turn to Him. See http://bit.ly/YFEj4n. LIBYA: Four Christians were arrested in Benghazi on 12 February and charged with distributing Christian literature and thus proselytizing, a crime that can carry the death penalty. Please pray for these brothers as they await a court appearance, that the Lord will use this for His glory. Pray for those who have received the literature, that its message of Good News will touch their hearts. For more information, see http://bit.ly/Vvjw6f.

From Global Initiative*

Pray for Muslims in Russia. Moscow alone is home to up to 2 million Muslims, most without official registration. Muslims, mainly from Central Asia, have poured into Moscow in recent years, seeking work. Many Muscovites resent their presence and have blocked the construction of new mosques. Every Friday traffic is blocked by thousands of Muslims at prayer. Few churches are reaching out to them. For more information and prayer requests, se e http://bit.ly/133tC2C.

For Muslim Women**

Thank you for praying for the young Muslim girl in Chicago who was evicted and faced great difficulties being on her own. God has heard our prayers! He has provided a home for her with caring people, through whom He has also given opportunity for work and vocational training. Please continue to pray that she will trust in Jesus alone for all her needs.

Prayer Resources
*Global Initiative is a ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions, USA. Visit http://globalinitiativeinfo.com/ for information about praying for Muslims and weekly requests. ** Muslim women need your prayers! You can join a prayer network and receive regular requests at http://sayhelloinfo.com/. Praying for Muslims: A Guide for Effective Intercession offers many insights concerning Islam and a different prayer subject each Friday. For the request for 22 February, see http://bit.ly/WWfZyJ Find information and prayer requests concerning Muslims around the world at http://www.30-days.net/. Information and prayer requests for each country are available at http://www.operationworld.org/. To learn more about unreached people groups, visit http://www.joshuaproject.net/. How should we pray for those imprisoned for their faith? Read http://www.elam.com/articles/How-to-pray-for-those-in-prison/. For news updates concerning persecuted Christians, visit http://morningstarnews.org/ and http://www.releaseinternational.org/. For prayer requests, visit http://www.opendoorsusa.org/pray/ and http://www.persecution.com/public/pray.aspx. Jumaa Prayer Alerts (breaking news and urgent prayer requests) are posted on the WAAST Facebook page as they arise: http://tinyurl.com/d4gm6uq.

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