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written by Sean James Lowe Tel: +44 (0)1803 529198

February 19, 2013

EXT. PLAYPARK - DAY Its a resplendent summer afternoon on Redmonds Estate. A playground in a small enclosed park. The grass surrounding is vibrant green and the main attractions of the park are crowded with giggling, noisy children playing on swings, slides and a playfort. Two women; CARLY and SAM, both mid-twenties supervise their children from a nearby bench. SAM So whats all this that happened with Zoe at the weekend? CARLY Ya wont believe it. SAM (excited) Tell me. CARLY Ok, so Zoe comes home from work early on Saturday night... Walks in the flat and some girl is shaggin Mark on the sofa. SAM (shock) Really? CARLY Really. A brief pause as Sam digests the story. SAM What happened then? CARLY Well, as soon as Zoes seen her shes recognised the girl. Its this slag from town and youll never guess what. SAM What? CARLY Few years ago when Zoe was livin in town she was goin out with some bloke called Carl. Was engaged to him and everythin. Anyway, she once caught him shaggin the same girl.


SAM Youre jokin? CARLY Im not. Carly lights up a cigarette. SAM Who told you? CARLY You know Marie? SAM (thinks) Um... The fat girl married to that Turkish bloke? CARLY Yeah, well shes best mates with Zoes sister... Heard it off her. SAM Poor cow. CARLY I know. A police car pulls up across the street. SAM (noticing the Police car) Carls, look. CARLY Where you think theyre goin? SAM Probably Gavins... Usually is. Two male police officers get out of the car. They stride down the path of number seventy-three. CARLY Not Gavs then. SAM Who lives there? CARLY Uh... Just some old man. SAM You know him?


CARLY Not really. Invited the kids to look at his rabbits a while back. Sam grimaces. Pondering the scenario. SAM Into his house? CARLY Back garden. SAM Did ya let them? CARLY Yeah, didnt want them to be left out cause all the other kids were goin over. SAM Gotta be careful though, so many bleedin paedos about. CARLY I know, probably is. Looks like one anyway. Carly laughs. Sam joins in. SAM So how did the Zoe thing end? CARLY Yeah... (struggles to pick up the story) Er... Well, soon as she realised who it was she went mad. Tried to batter her. Girl was shittin herself. Ran out the door without any clothes. Sam gasps. Though clearly relishing the story. CARLY (CONTD) Mark tried to calm her down but then she started on him. Smacked him with a fryin pan. SAM Bloody hell. CARLY Anyway, he got the girls clothes and both of them left, together. Zoes wrecked.


SAM Not surprised. The police officers reappear, accompanying an old man wearing handcuffs up the path. CARLY Fuckin' hell. Look. One officer helps the old man into the back of the squad car. SAM Must be bad. The old man glances across the street. Upon spotting the gazing women he quickly turns away. CARLY Dirty old bastard. The women continue to stare as the vehicle drives away. MONTAGE - VARIOUS A) INT. SAMS HOUSE - EVENING Sam eats dinner with her boyfriend and children. SAM Oh yeah, me and Carly saw some old man gettin arrested earlier. NATHAN Where? SAM Er... Opposite the kids playpark. On Radmere. Seventy-three I think. Near your mate. NATHAN What for? SAM Think hes a Paedo. NATHAN (shocked) Paedo? Bloody hell. B) INT. NATHANS WORK VAN - DAY Nathan drives to work. Chris in the passenger seat.


NATHAN Sam saw the old guy on Radmere Road getting nicked yesterday. CHRIS Why? NATHAN Paedo supposedly. CHRIS Really? Nathan nods. CHRIS (CONTD) What number Radmere? NATHAN Seventy-three. CHRIS Nah. Cant be seventy-three. Sophies cousin lives there. NATHAN Alright, well uh... Seventy-five then. C) INT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT A half-cut Chris slurs his way through the story to friends. CHRIS Fuckin ell, yeah. Forgot to say, uh... Old man up Radmere, forget what number... Seventy-five I think. Anyway... Dont matter. Been touchin kids. Sam saw im. MAN 1 (flippant) Saw him touching kids? CHRIS No... Silly cunt. Gettin nicked. MAN 1 I know. Cant be seventy-five though. Pauls nan lives there dont she? MAN 2 Nah. Chris is right. Seventy-five. MAN 1 Howd you know?


MAN 2 Brett told me. D) EXT. STREET CORNER - NIGHT A group of four male youths clad in sportswear loiter trying their best to look like gang-members from South Central Los Angeles. YOUTH 1 Old geezer in dat house (points) ... was messin wiv nuff kids. Makin em suck im off and everyting. YOUTH 2 Yeah, one of those kids was Marshy. The other youths snigger as they look towards Marshy. MARSHY Fuck off you cunts. E) EXT. SCHOOL - DAY Two mothers pass the time outside the school gates as they wait on their kids. MOTHER Did you hear about the paedophile? MOTHER 2 No? MOTHER Man in seventy-five Radmere Road was arrested a couple of days ago. Supposedly he molested a kid. Heard it was Becky's. MOTHER 2 I saw Becky the other day. She seemed fine. MOTHER Well, would you say anything if it was your kid? F) INT. OFF LICENCE - EVENING Maureen, mid sixties, hub of local gossip, serves a customer. MAUREEN Just the mints?


MAN (smiles) Yeah, anything that stops me lighting up. MAUREEN 50p please. The man hands over the money. MAUREEN (CONTD) Did you hear about the paedophile? MAN What paedophile? MAUREEN Man was arrested on Radmere Road for molesting kids. Been doin it years by all accounts... Nobody knew. MAN Radmere? My brother lives up there. What number? MAUREEN Erm... Seventy-seven I think. MAN Ah right. My brother lives at nineteen. Maureen gives change. MAN (CONTD) (leaving shop) ... Should bring back the death penalty for the likes of that. END MONTAGE EXT. NUMBER 77 - EVENING The brass number on the door has been corroded by the elements over the years but still clearly visible - number seventy-seven. INT. NUMBER 77 - EVENING MALCOLM PRENTICE, late-seventes, bispectacled, balding. A wispy husk of a man, stares through the TV screen in his dilapidated living room. The dank, hackneyed dwelling reflecting the weary aura of the man himself. The phone rings.


Malcolm drags his feeble body from the armchair. Picking up the receiver with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. INTERCUT: NUMBER 77 LIVING ROOM/ROBS CAR MALCOLM (into phone) Hello. Malcolms son; ROB PRENTICE, mid thirties, a virile, handsome man with piercing eyes and designer stubble sits in his parked car. An air of melancholy in his demeanour betraying his confident self-assurance. ROB (into phone) Hi Dad. MALCOLM Robert. ROB Was gonna come round on Saturday. Anything you want me to bring? MALCOLM Just yourself. ROB You ok? MALCOLM Not bad son. Chemist messed up my prescription. Gave me the wrong bloody dose. ROB Anything I can fix? MALCOLM No. Its fine. Got doctors on Monday. Sort it out then. An uncomfortable silence. Neither man knows how to take the conversation forward. ROB ... See you tomorrow then. MALCOLM Bye. Malcolm stares forlornly into the distance as he hangs up.


INT. BRYANT HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT STEVE BRYANT, mid-thirties, shaven-headed, alpha male pretensions, wearing a t-shirt a size too small to show off his guns slouches on the sofa watching football alongside GERARD MAC MCNALLY; early forties, Scottish, a gruff, unrefined charm hidden behind his unkempt appearance and JOE LANGLEY; late twenties, tall, babyfaced and eager to fit in. The atmosphere reeks of the cliched bloke ideal espoused in magazines such as FHM and Loaded. STEVE How many times has that prick give the ball away now? MAC Fuck knows. Shoulda let him take his guide dog on with im. STEVE (laughing) ... Or they could just let him play for Scotland. Mac surpresses laughter as he throws a peanut at Steve. The men collectively gasp in exasperation as a potential goal is missed. TASHA BRYANT, Steves wife, early thirties, blonde, attractive, a true trophy-wife with make-up scraped on an inch-thick enters the manly domain. Tasha immediately spots Mac throwing peanuts into the air, attempting to catch them in his mouth. TASHA (annoyed) Mac, could you stop doing that? Mac stops, looking away sheepishly. TASHA (CONTD) (to Steve) Off to see Sophie. Been havin a few problems at home. Needs a bit of a shoulder to cry on and that. STEVE Yeah. TASHA (realising Steve isnt listening) I, um... Shouldnt be back any later than tomorrow lunchtime.


STEVE Ok. Rankled by the lack of attention. Tasha sulkily stomps towards the door. The front door slams. Steve oblivious to Tashas irritation. MAC Whos Sophie? STEVE (gazing at screen) What? MAC Whos Sophie? STEVE Uh... Just some girl Tash knows. MAC You know her? STEVE Nah. Not really. MAC You sure shes real? STEVE (suddenly attentive) Real? Howd you mean? MAC Tash might be havin an affair like. STEVE (laughing) Fuck off. Twat. The three men continue watching the game. Eventually... JOE So, uh... You guys hear about what happened over the road? STEVE You mean the old bloke who got nicked for messing with kids? JOE Yeah. MAC Whats this?


JOE Old guy at seventy-seven got arrested. Supposedly he was touching kids. Word is he raped one of them. MAC (outraged) Fuck off. JOE I know. Its grim. MAC (to Steve) Young kid over here. Paedo over there. No good mate. No good. How you even gonna let ya boy on the street? Steve grimaces. Lost for words. STEVE Did he get out? JOE Must have. He was seen coming out of his house yesterday. STEVE Fuck?... (ranting) ... They never deal with paedos right. Even if they go prison they get looked after. Feed them up on steak and fuckin uh... What they called? Sound French. Little eclair things? JOE Er... Profiteroles? STEVE Yeah, thats the one. Anyway, they keep them cushy then release them to some nice flat where nobody knows what theyve done. Laws got it all fucked. They dont need protecting. Its the kids that need protecting. MAC (nodding head) Too right.


STEVE Im thinkin, what if that sicko done it to my Aiden and I knew they were livin over the road all along? JOE I know. But if hes been charged then they must have something on him. Suppose youve just got to hope the system does its job right. Steve gives Joe a look of condescension. STEVE Fuck the system. What Im sayin is, we know theres a paedo and we know where he is. Theres a way of sortin this all out before court dates come round... (beat) Neither of you have kids though, maybe you dont understand, I dunno. MAC Got a niece I love to bits... Kill anyone that fucked with her. JOE We dont even know if hes guilty though. MAC Rhianne told me that she knows the mum of one of the kids that he paedoed. STEVE (looking at Joe) There ya go. MAC (sudden, in an American accent) Doin it Charles Bronson style man! JOE (to Steve) Yeah, still, would you really want to do something and risk going to prison yourself? STEVE Most people who go prison go because they make a mistake somewhere... No mistake. No prison.


Steve leans over the arm of his sofa to look at Mac. Mac looks across to Joe. Joe turns away uncomfortably. Steve smirks mischievously. STEVE (CONTD) (holding up empty beer bottle) Who wants another? Steves offer eases the tense atmosphere. MAC Aye. Go head mate. JOE No thanks. Steve rises, heading towards the kitchen. INT. ROBS FLAT/KITCHEN - MORNING Rob stares desolately out of the kitchen window as he eats cereal. Robs wife LARA DE CLARE-PRENTICE, mid-thirties, well-bred, stunning, with endless legs and cascading luscious brunette locks framing her exquisite face, lumbers into the kitchen clearly struggling with the weight of a hold-all bag. She drops the bag with a thud. LARA I think thats just about everything. Do you want my key or should I keep it until I come back to pick up the table? Lara holds out the key. ROB (with a mouthful of cereal) Keep it. Lara slips the key into her pocket. Glancing around waiting for Rob to speak. Rob instead continues to methodically shovel cereal into his mouth. Lara takes the hint. LARA Bye then. Rob nods nonchalantly. Lara struggles lifting the heavy bag. Rob making no effort to help. Eventually straightening up she lumbers towards the door. The front door closes.


Rob stoically continues with breakfast. INT. ROBS CAR - DAY Morning rush hour. Roadworks far as the eye can see. Stuck in gridlock, Rob glares through his windshield with vague, unfocused disdain. A DJ rambles inanely on the radio. Rob switches to another station. Shes Gone by Hall & Oates plays. He smiles, nods as if recognising the irony then switches off in disgust. Theres hope as the traffic starts to move. Grinding to a halt after all of a few metres. Rob hangs his head dejectedly. INT. GOTTLIEB AGENCY/MEETING AREA - DAY A large open area with employees gathered around. Rob attempting to conceal his apathy by standing as far out of sight as possible. BRIAN, Robs boss. A monotone, charisma-vacuum lectures his employees regarding their duties. BRIAN ...So what we need is a higher workrate. As you all know our office in Swindon is closing later this month which means that we will be absorbing several of their departments and staff within the next few months. So lets try to make the integration as smooth as it can possibly be... Robs eyes wander as Brian drones on. Noticing a colleagues happy family snaps pinned on a memo board. Searching to locate the man amongst the assemblage of rank and file employees. He finds him, smiling, nodding along with Brians rambling speech like hes genuinely interested. Rob sneers. INT. GOTTLIEB AGENCY/ROBS CUBICLE - DAY Rob browses the net. Angrily clicking the mouse with all the force his index finger can muster. Robs friend and colleague AARON HUTCHISON, early thirties, tall with strawberry blonde hair and an earnest disposition peers over Robs cubicle wall. AARON Alright fella. Coming down Central tonight?


ROB Nah. AARON How come? ROB (deadpan) Cause I dont feel very sociable. Aaron examines Robs demeanour attempting to work out what could be wrong. AARON You and Lara not sorted things out yet? ROB Shes moved out. AARON (surprised) Since when? ROB This morning. Aaron slips inside Robs cubicle, leaning against his desk. Rob clearly disconcerted by the perceived intrusion. AARON This morning? Mate. Im sorry. Youll sort it out though yeah? Rob breaks his gaze from the monitor, turns to Aaron. ROB I dont think so. AARON Er... Well, if theres anything I can do to help. ROB (snorts with laughter) Not really... But thanks. AARON If you want to talk about anything, you know where I am. Aaron places a reassuring hand on Robs shoulder as he awkwardly shuffles out of the cubicle. Rob attempts to resume his net browsing. Losing interest. He leans back, slumping desolately into his chair. The phone on Robs desk rings. He answers.


ROB Hello Reid Agency. (listens) Yes. (listens) Whats this about? (listens, concerned) Is he alright? (listens) Yeah, ok. Ill be right down. Rob hangs up and begins rustling for his keys. Finding them, he dashes for the exit. Passing Aaron talking to somebody in the corridor. AARON (alarmed) Whats up? ROB (turning as he passes) Its my dad. A concerned Aaron looks on as Rob exits. EXT. NUMBER 77 - DAY A Police cordon surrounds the house. The road outside blocked with a collection of police cars and ambulances. Officers stand on the doorstep talking. Rob screeches up. Rushing to the door, he attempts to force his way inside. Numerous police officers block his entry to the crime scene. ROB Let me in. That's my dad in there. FEMALE OFFICER I understand. But we can't let you enter at the moment. ROB (backing off) Bastards. Rob begins to pace up and down the path. The police officers watch him, wary of any attempt to enter the property again. A rapidly growing group of rubberneckers display openly gawk outside the police cordon area. Rob turns away from their glare, eager to gather himself.


INT. BRYANT HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - DAY Tasha peeks out of the net curtain towards events at seventyseven. Steve feigns a lack of interest. Flicking through a magazine on the sofa with growing agitation. TASHA So, um... How long dyou think itll take? STEVE How should I know? TASHA Alright, moody bollocks. Only askin. STEVE (looking up from the magazine) They taken the body out yet? TASHA Dont think so. STEVE (impatiently) Whats takin so long? TASHA Thought you werent bothered? Steve gets up. Sidling up to Tasha to survey the scene across the street. STEVE (heading for the door) Im off out. TASHA Where you goin? The front door closes. Tasha shakes her head, turning to continue her surveillance. EXT. BRYANT HOUSE/DRIVEWAY - DAY Steve sneaks a look across the street as he gets in his car. Otherwise affecting an air of indifference as he eases out, passing the gathered crowd.


INT. MAC'S PLACE - DAY Mac sprawls oafishly on his sofa with a can of cider. His hand lost inside a bag of Kettle Chips that he shovels into his mouth ten at a time. Theres a knock at the door. Mac slow to respond. Eventually dragging himself to his feet. He opens up. Its Steve. STEVE (twitchy) You alone? MAC Yeah. Rhianne's out for the night. Steve enters with trepidation, still anxious of somebody lurking around a corner. STEVE Holdin it together? MAC Im ok... But fuckin' hell. Weren't meant to kill 'im. STEVE Yeah, I know. But what about the kids we saved? MAC Aye. Were no Bob Geldof though mate. Steve shakes his head. Looking at Mac with incredulity. STEVE Im being serious. MAC So am I. Its still murder. If they get onto us were fucked. STEVE Yeah well, just so long as the three of us keep it together that wont happen. MAC Aye. A brief pause. Cogs clearly whirring in Steves mind. STEVE Heard from Joe? MAC Nah. You?


STEVE You reckon hes okay with everything? MAC Didnt do anything did he? STEVE Hed still get done as an accessory. We should make sure he knows if we get nicked then hes comin with us. Hell think twice about sayin anythin if he knows its his bollocks in a vice too. MAC (nods) Sounds bout right... You wanna can? STEVE Nah. Not stayin, just wanted to make sure you were alright. MAC You know me mate. STEVE (stops, thinks) Yeah... See you later. INT. ROBS FLAT/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT The room lit entirely by the hue from the TV. Rob sits disheveled in his creased work clothes staring blankly at the screen. The phone rings. INTERCUT: ROBS LIVING ROOM/LARAS LIVING ROOM Lara perches apprehensively on the edge of her sofa. Silence as Rob answers. He waits on the caller to speak first. LARA Hello? ROB Yeah. LARA Its me. God. Just heard about your dad. Why didnt you call me? Im so sorry.


ROB (abrupt) Why? LARA (repeating) Why? ROB Yeah, you didnt even like him. LARA Why would you say that? ROB We were married what? Four years? Together for six. How many times did you come to see him with me? Four? Five maybe? LARA I didnt call to argue with you. ROB You never went to see him with me. Said his place stunk of piss and that he was a tight-arse for doing my mums funeral on the cheap. Remember? You remember that?... Now hes dead suddenly youre sad saying how sorry you are? LARA What else am I meant to say? Were still married. He was your dad. Would you rather I hadnt called? ROB (calmly) At least itd have been honest. Rob doesnt wait on a response. Pulling the wire he rips the phone from the socket. Venomously hurling it across the room. BACK TO SCENE Rob calmly slumps into the sofa as he resumes staring through the TV. EXT. ROBS CAR - MORNING Rob grips the steering wheel with a maddened fervour. Moving into another lane he pulls up next to an idle road worker, staring scornfully. The man glances towards Rob oblivious to his derision as he gets back to work.


Rob approaches his exit. Instead of taking it he slows to a grind, pulling away to make a tight U-turn heading back the way he came. MONTAGE - REDMONDS ESTATE An average day begins on the Estate. A) EXT. SCHOOL DAY Kids traipse through the school gates. B) EXT. STREET DAY A sour-faced girl puffs a cigarette as she races up the street pushing a buggy. C) EXT. RADMERE ROAD DAY A courier climbs into his truck following a delivery. END MONTAGE INT. CRAIGS HOUSE - DAY CRAIG, mid thirties, rotund, Scouser, plays with his baby son. The child no more than three months old. Craig moves him along the carpet like hes walking, counting his steps. CRAIG (broad smile) One, two, three, four, Yay... Walkin now. Daddys big boy. Theres a knock at the door. Craig wraps a blanket around his son, gathering the infant in his arms he heads to the door. I/E. CRAIGS HOUSE - DAY Craig opens up. Its Rob. CRAIG (surprised) Alright Rob. Meant to call but Ive been busy with the baby. ROB Can I come in? CRAIG Uh... Course. Ill put the kettle on. ROB (stepping inside) Im not staying. I just wanted to ask you a few things.


CRAIG Ok... Just lemme sort Cayden out. INT. CRAIGS HOUSE - DAY Craig puts the baby in a walker. Rob takes a seat, glancing at a photo on the mantel of Craig with his wife and baby. CRAIG (sitting) So, what dyou wanna ask? ROB I want to know what happened. CRAIG (confused) Uh... Howd ya mean? You must know what happened?... ROB (cutting Craig off) Not literally. I know what happened. But I need to know what, yknow, led to it. CRAIG I dunno anythin mate. ROB Weve known each other for a long time. Craig pauses for a moment. Wondering where Rob is going with it. CRAIG. Since we were kids. ROB You remember the time, me you and Neil were down the quarry and started throwing stones at the men doing drop offs? CRAIG (laughs) Chased us into the woods. ROB Neils mum didnt let him out for months. CRAIG He told her?


ROB The guy chasing us did, Found him in a load of stinging nettles and helped him home. Stung head to toe. CRAIG (enthusiastic) That was the stinging nettles?... I thought it was later. ROB No. That was it. CRAIG Bloody ell. Seems like a long time ago now mate. ROB Yeah... My dad wasnt though. Come on Craig. There isnt much going on around here you dont know about. CRAIG Not anymore though mate. Too busy with the baby. An uncomfortable silence between the pair. ROB (pressing him) What happened Craig? CRAIG All I know is there were rumours goin around. ROB (confused) Rumours? What rumours? CRAIG Uh... (Craig looks away knowing hes put his foot in it) I uh... Thought you knew. ROB No. Craig opens his mouth, hesitates. CRAIG (uncomfortable) Erm... Well, people round the estate were sayin that your dad was a paedophile.


ROB (incredulous) What? CRAIG He was seen gettin arrested on Tuesday afternoon. ROB But he wasnt. CRAIG (surprised) He wasnt? ROB No, Craig. Dont you think Id have known? CRAIG Well yeah, course you would mate. Course you would. Craig shifts awkwardly. Rob turns away shaking his head. ROB So, didnt you do anything to speak up for my dad? You knew him. CRAIG I tried. You know how these things spread though. ROB Tried? CRAIG Maybe I coulda done more. But how did I know somethin like this was gonna happen? ROB Yeah well... Maybe if youd spoken up word would have gotten to whoever done it and they might have thought, Hey. This man might not be a paedophile. We wont murder him, just in case. CRAIG Sorry mate. What can I say? Uncomfortable silence. Rob stands abruptly. CRAIG (CONTD) You leavin?


ROB (heading for the door) Yeah. Craig walks to the door behind Rob. Theres definite tension. CRAIG I dont want us to fall out over this. Weve known each other too long. ROB (turning to Craig) Just do me a favour, yeah? CRAIG Sure, what? ROB (devoid of emotion) Dont ever speak to me again. Rob heads up the path. Craig closes the door, exhaling in relief. INT. SUPERMARKET/MEAT AISLE - EVENING Tasha peruses the merchandise. Steve beside her nervously shifting attempting to watch everybody and everything all at once. TASHA I was thinkin about trying something new for dinner. What you reckon? Steve fiddles with his phone. Pushing buttons. STEVE Yeah, sure. TASHA So what do you fancy? Ever had venison? STEVE (distracted) Um... Whatever you want, love. Just gotta make a call. Steve slips out of the aisle looking for a more private place to talk. INT. CEREAL AISLE - EVENING


STEVE (CONTD) (into phone) Mac, whats up? (listens) Yeah. Alright. Dont say anything else. Ill meet you at yours at seven. INT. MEAT AISLE - EVENING Steve rushes back into the aisle. Tasha has a pack of meat in each hand. Repeatedly examining one, then the other. Tasha doesnt turn to see Steve return, but senses his presence. TASHA What exactly is venison? STEVE Deer. TASHA (grimaces) Deer? STEVE Yeah... Gonna need to speed it up a bit love. Got something to do. TASHA (riled) Ah right, you want me to leave the trolley here? STEVE Course not. Just dont take ten minutes deciding which sausages to get. Tasha indignantly hurls the closest packet of meat into the trolley and flounces away. INT. NUMBER 77/BEDROOM - EVENING Rob takes a mouthful of coffee as he observes the passing cars and pedestrians from the window. His eyes brim with hateful scorn. Something suddenly grabs Robs attention. Glancing from the playpark to the lamppost just outside the perimeter of the park and back again. He slams his mug on the dressing table so fast that coffee spills everywhere.


EXT. STREET - EVENING Rob strides briskly across the road. Standing under the lamppost he looks up at the surveillance camera near the top. Stretching his arms in various directions to figure out the direction the lens is facing. Robs behaviour attracts numerous onlookers from the playpark and surrounding area. He doesnt notice. Taking another look at the camera from distance while walking back to seventy-seven. The briefest, most delicate smile crosses Robs lips. EXT. MAC'S PLACE - NIGHT Steve knocks the door. An inordinate amount of time passes. Eventually, Mac opens. STEVE (irritated, stepping inside) Could youve taken any longer? INT. MAC'S PLACE/HALLWAY - NIGHT Mac closes the door behind Steve. STEVE Right, whats the news? MAC Joes disappeared. STEVE What dyou mean Joes disappeared? MAC Gone like. STEVE (impersonating Mac) Gone like?... Hes not a fuckin budgie. MAC Nobodys heard from him for two days. No his mum. No his brother. STEVE Whered you find this out? MAC Called his brother.


STEVE Whered you get his number? MAC Old mate. Used to work with him. Steve ponders for a moment. STEVE (rubbing forehead) Shouldnt have been involved anyway. Hes not the type for this sort of thing. MAC Aye. Told me he protested about the war in Iraq when he went to University. STEVE (frowning) Whats that gotta do with it? MAC Hes no into fighting like. Steve shakes his head in bemusement. Mildly annoyed. A pause. Then... STEVE Two days... (thinks) ... If hed went to the police wed know by now. MAC Aye. STEVE We just need to wait on him turning up. MAC What if he doesnae? STEVE (lost for words) Dunno... (beat) Gotta go. MAC Call you if I hear anythin. Steve shuffles out of the door deep in thought.


INT. NUMBER 77/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Rob browses through a box of Malcolm's photos as he eats dinner. Assorted snaps. Rob as a child. Malcolm and his wife. He stops at a photo of him and Lara on their wedding day. Rob picks up an old brass-framed photograph of his parents from the mantelpiece. Removing the back of the frame he replaces it with the wedding photo. Placing the newly framed photo onto the mantel, Rob gazes longingly. Putting the photo of his parents alongside the dozens in the box as he continues eating dinner. INT. ESKIS ICE CREAM PARLOUR - DAY The vintage between the the 1960s. arrives. He ice cream parlour styled to resembles a cross inside of an igloo and a fashion boutique from Its quiet. Aaron already sat down as Rob takes a seat opposite.

AARON (cautiously optimistic smile) So... How you doing? ROB You want the honest answer or the stock one? Aaron pauses. Considers. AARON Erm... Dare I say the honest one? ROB I wouldnt if I were you. AARON Stock one then. ROB Im fine. AARON Ok... So why here? ROB (looking around) Dad used to bring me here when I was a kid. Aaron smiles. AARON Youre never at the flat lately.


ROB Been staying at my dads AARON Why? ROB Why not? Just as Aaron opens his mouth to speak, Rob jumps in. ROB (CONTD) What was so important then? AARON You had any calls from work? ROB Not last time I checked. AARON Well, I just wanted to warn you, theyre gonna suspend you pending an inquiry. Aaron anticipates a response. ROB (smirking) Right... AARON (annoyed by Robs apathy) Uh... You might get sacked. I know how messed up things have been lately but maybe you can still salvage your career. Come on Rob. ROB (forceful) Career? Ive only got a job because they havent invented a computer that can do what I do yet... Theres no upward trajectory unless you lick arse and I dont... Simple. AARON Still need to earn a living though. ROB Meh... Maybe. AARON This isnt like you though... Remember what you used to say at Uni?


ROB Whats that? AARON Youd be a multi-millionaire and have your own company by the time you were forty? ROB Naivety. AARON It was more than that. Rob shrugs. ROB Yknow, I tried to cry for him the other day. AARON Who? ROB (struggling) My dad. But I, uh... Couldnt do it. AARON People deal with things in different ways. ROB Maybe. AARON Itll get better. An uncomfortable silence. ROB (perks up) Oh yeah, before I forget. You know if the CCTV control room is still in the car park off Rothmans Road? AARON Uh... Whyd you want to know? ROB Dont worry why. AARON Well I think it is. Wouldnt like to say for sure.


ROB Didnt your uncle used to work there? AARON Yeah, about twenty years ago. ROB So its still there? AARON Far as I know. ROB Right, thanks... (getting up) ... Im off anyway. AARON (taken aback by the hastiness of his exit) Youre not getting anything? ROB Havent eaten ice cream since I was twelve. You go ahead though. AARON Rob, You know I'm lactose intolerent. ROB (dismissive) Get a coffee then... Seeya later. Rob departs leaving a befuddled Aaron sat alone. INT. ROBS CAR - NIGHT In the car park, Rob leans over the steering wheel observing the steel door leading to the CCTV room. He closes his eyes. Bows his head. A few seconds pass. Looking up with fierce determination. Geed up. He gets out. INT. CCTV ROOM - NIGHT IAN, mid thirties, bispectacled, pale, the archetypal geek sits with a folded magazine in one hand and a pen in the other. Ahead of him a vast gallery of screens displaying just about every conceivable view of the town. A buzzer sounds. Ian looks at the clock. Its 10:20. IAN (impatiently, to himself) Finally.


Ian squints through the thick lenses of his spectacles, struggling to identify the visitor on the security camera screen. Ian opens the door cautiously. Without warning, Rob forcing it from his limp grip. Ian freezes as Rob storms into the room wielding a steel pipe, forcing him backwards. IAN (CONTD) (shocked, wincing) Woah. ROB Shut up. Rob gets his bearings, assessing the layout of the room. ROB (CONTD) Sit down. Ian sits. Rob leans in towards him. ROB (CONTD) Theres a camera on Redmonds Estate. I need to see what happened on Friday around two-twenty a.m. IAN Which camera? Weve got three on Redmonds. ROB The one next to the playpark. IAN Ok, but Im gonna need some time. ROB Well we dont have much time. So hurry up. Ians anxiety abates. Displaying a dexterous touch as his fingers dance along the controls in front of him as he searches for the footage. In his element. IAN Friday. What time did you say? ROB Around two-twenty. IAN Ok, here it is. ROB Whys the camera facing that way? You cant even see whats going on in the park.


IAN Er... I think the police asked us to monitor the kids who hang around on the corner. ROB So if somebody snatched a kid from the park the police wouldnt have any footage because theyd rather watch a bunch of morons loitering? IAN Looks that way. ROB (shaking head) Unbelievable. Rob turns his attention back to the screen. Nothing happens. Twenty seconds pass. Two figures appear. ROB (CONTD) (pointing towards screen) There. Stop. Can you zoom in on that? Ian enhances the image. ROB (CONTD) Ok, play it. Rob examines the video. ROB (CONTD) Run it on. Ian runs it on. ROB (CONTD) Stop. Both men on screen run from Malcolms directly to Steves backyard. ROB (CONTD) (quietly) Fucking got you now. Robs studies the screen, eyes bright and alive. IAN Mind if I ask what this is about? ROB Yeah, I mind.


IAN I wont tell anybody if thats what youre worried about. Ian looks towards Rob hopefully. ROB (struggling to express himself) Ok... Well uh... I just cant choose to live with what those... (points at screen) Men did. IAN Now what? ROB I um... Havent decided yet. Ian reflects for a moment. IAN I understand what youre doing. ROB (cynically) How can you understand? IAN Well uh... My sister was raped a few years ago... They never caught the man responsible. Ian looks at the men frozen on the screen. Turning to Rob, he nods. Rob nods back. A mutual understanding. Rob picks up the steel pipe and heads for the door, quietly closing it as he exits. EXT. BRYANT HOUSE/DRIVEWAY - DAY Steve pulls into the driveway. Getting out, wasting no time heading inside. INT. NUMBER 77/BEDROOM - DAY Eating a sandwich, Rob impassively observes from the window. Putting the sandwich on a plate, he takes a swig of water to wash it down as he exits the room. EXT. BRYANT HOUSE/DRIVEWAY - DAY Rob stands on Steves driveway viewing the car for sale. The word-processed posters on the windows read:


1 year tax. 6 months MOT. 60,000 miles. Full MOT. 900 ONO. Enquire within. Rob strolls up the path. Knocking the door. Tasha opens up. TASHA Hello. ROB Hi, Im just enquiring about the car for sale. TASHA Yeah ok. Ill just get him... (shouts) ... Steve. STEVE (from upstairs) What? TASHA Somebody here about the car. Steve and Tashas eight-year old son Aiden stands beside his mother gazing at Rob. The staring child making him increasingly uneasy. Rob turns, glaring coldly into the boys eyes. Aiden quickly looks away, disappearing back into the house. Tasha heads back inside as Steve comes to the door. Steve gives Rob a look which says that he knows his face, but he isnt sure where from. STEVE Hey. ROB Just wanted to take a look at the Saxo. STEVE Uh... Yeah, no problem. Rob saunters down the driveway. Standing next to the car as Steve approaches jangling keys. STEVE (CONTD) Good runner. B-reg. Sixty-thousand on the clock. No problems you wouldnt expect from a car its age. ROB You sell a lot of cars?


STEVE A few. ROB You dont worry leaving them out around here? Rob nods towards the group of youths loitering on the corner. STEVE Um... Well, one of thems my nephew, so I hope not. ROB Cant choose them. STEVE (baffled) What? ROB Your family. STEVE Uh... Yeah. Rob examines the vehicle. STEVE (CONTD) (trying to make conversation) You live round here? ROB (points to seventy-seven) Staying at my dads. STEVE Oh right. Yeah, thought you looked familiar... (shifts nervously) ... Sorry about what happened. Rob kicks a tyre hard as if testing its pressure. Agitated by the disingenuous condolences. Steve notices. Ignores it. STEVE (CONTD) You wanna take it out? ROB (dismissive) No. Wont bother. Its not what I'm looking for. Rob strides away before Steve can respond. Steve lingers, watching Rob cross the road and disappear inside seventy-seven. Utterly confused.


INT. BRYANT HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - DAY The front door closes. Tasha turns. Unsure whether Steve is there. TASHA Did you sell it? Steve doesnt respond. TASHA (CONTD) (louder) Steve. A baffled Steve appears in the doorway. Lost among his ruminations, barely listening. STEVE (mumbles) What? TASHA Did you sell the car? STEVE No... (beat) ... Timewaster. Steve takes his phone out. Making a call as he heads into the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Steve quietly shuts the door. STEVE Mac. (listens) Where are ya? (listens) We need to meet. (listens) Yeah, its important. (listens) Shepherd at six? (listens) Alright. INT. THE SHEPHERD - EVENING Mac props up the bar. Wasted. Steve appears next to him. Mac oblivious to his presence. Eventually...


STEVE (watching Mac down the last of his pint) Finished already? How long you been here? MAC (turning to notice Steve) Uh... Bout four. STEVE I rang you at half four. You were here? MAC Yeah, why? STEVE You made me wait two hours to meet when you were already here? MAC Uh... Yeah well, you said to meet at six. STEVE (exasperated) For fucks sake. MAC (leaning in close) Is it about Joe? I just found out. STEVE Found out what? MAC Hes back. STEVE (energised by the news) Where was he? MAC Dunno. Only sent me a text. STEVE Meet me in an hour outside his. Dont be late... But dont be early either. MAC (smiling) Aye. Funny fucker. (turning to the barman) Nother pint Mike.


INT. JOES FLAT - NIGHT Joe heats a pan of soup on the cooker. The stirring of the broth appearing to taking on an almost meditative quality. A knock at the door. Joe switches off the hob. Opening the door. Its Steve and Mac. STEVE (angry, barging his way past Joe into the flat) Fuckin pisstaker... Lets hear it then. Mac casually shuffles in behind Steve. JOE Had to get away for a few days. Clear my head. Yknow? STEVE ... And erm... Don't you think you shoulda told us? JOE Yeah, I know. Im sorry. I just needed some space. It was doing my head in. STEVE Yeah well Ive got something that will do both your heads in... Had a visit from the old mans son earlier. Joe and Mac both look towards Steve attentively. MAC (surprised) Whatd he want? STEVE Was askin about the Saxo. We talked for a minute then just says hes not interested and walks off. Whole thing was fuckin... Weird. MAC He say anythin about what happened? STEVE Uh... Just that hes staying in his dads house. MAC Stayin in the house?


STEVE Yeah. That wasnt the strangest thing though. MAC (curious) Aye? STEVE Saw him ten minutes later putting somethin in his Audi. Fuckin nice car... So I thought, whys this bloke who drives an Audi A4 and must have a few quid askin about an old Saxo a few days after his dads been killed? JOE Could be for somebody else. STEVE So your dad gets murdered and a couple of days later youre car shopping for a mate?... Nah. Not havin it. MAC What you reckon then? Steve considers his response. STEVE Dunno. But if he knew anything then why not just go to the police? JOE What about the camera? STEVE What camera? JOE The one outside the park. STEVE Uh... That camera watches the park. Couldnt see us. MAC Did you check it? STEVE (irritated) Didnt need to check it. Ive lived there seven years. MAC Thats alright then.


STEVE Doesnt matter. The son. The police. Nobody knows anything that we dont let them know. Steve turns to face Joe. JOE Why are you looking at me? STEVE Because youre the only one who wasnt there. JOE So? STEVE Well I dont know. Maybe you dont think youre as guilty as the rest of us. JOE So youd rather Id been there kicking him too? STEVE (fast, incensed) Yeah, I fuckin would... Steve appears to instantly regret the comment. The room goes quiet. Eyes cautiously meet. STEVE (CONTD) (calmly) Listen, I was... (stops, looks at Mac) ... We were angry about you disappearing like you did. But youre back now. Cleared your head a bit. Fine. No harm done. I dont want it to cause problems because we, the three of us are all that matters. If were together on this, nobody ever knows. (beat) I just need to know that you can do it, cause if you cant, its not just me or Mac that go down... Its all of us. Joe looks at Steve. Clearly aware of what hes implying. STEVE (CONTD) So? You gonna be ok with this?


JOE (unconvincing) Course. STEVE Mac, how about you? MAC Nae problem. STEVE (smiles) Thats all I needed to know. Steve slaps Mac and Joe on their backs in a gesture of camaraderie. Mac is with it. Joe not so much, smiling tentatively. EXT. JOES FLAT - NIGHT Steve and Mac leave Joes in surprisingly good spirits. At the end of the path they go their separate ways. STEVE Seeya on Saturday. MAC Later mate. EXT. STREET - NIGHT Mac lights a roll-up as he ambles down the hill. Steve gets into his car, beeping as he pulls off in the opposite direction. Mac raising his hand to acknowledge. The streets now empty. A lone hooded figure steps out from the darkness of the nearby alley. Walking under streetlights, the figure is illuminated; its Rob. He stops to glance at Joes window then calmly strolls away. INT. JOES FLAT - NIGHT Joe, restless and contemplative. Stands, sits, stands again. Theres a knock at the door. Joe springs to his feet. Opens without checking. The door bounces back hard and sudden. Cracking Joe in the head. The impact knocking him to the floor. Rob closes the door as he enters. Pulling out a roll of duct tape that he begins to wrap around Joes hands. JOE (resisting, holding face) No. No. Please.


Rob unleashes a succession of haymakers to his ribs. Joe yelps in pain, resistance broken. Helpless and prostrate, face down on the floor as Rob continues to bind his limbs. JOE (CONTD) Help! Help! Rob picks up one of Joes socks from the floor, attempting to force it into his mouth. Joe refuses to open up. ROB You can either shut the fuck up or have this... (holds up sock) ... In your mouth. Its up to you but if youve gotta blink to answer its gonna take a hell of a lot longer so I advise only opening your mouth to answer a question. Anything else and Ill hurt you... Understand? JOE Yes. Rob strains as he drags the dead-weight of Joe onto the sofa. Rob sits adjacent catching his breath. He begins to eyeball his adversary in intimidatory fashion. Joe is terrified. ROB (faraway stare) You know whats the worst part of all this? Rob waits for an answer. Joe is too scared. ROB (CONTD) You can answer me. JOE What? ROB When you see death up close and know, really know, whatever you try to kid yourself that theres no eternal soul. No pearly gates. No fucking cherubs playing harps. Theres just people. Living people. Dead people. Joe stares at Rob, befuddled by his approach. ROB (CONTD) You know because you can see it in front of you. Like I know that my dad died in agonising pain. (MORE)

45. ROB (CONTD) Being kicked to death and not even knowing why. (beat) Maybe if I could pacify myself with the idea that he went to a better place and that hes happier now than he was sat alone every night I could live with it. But when you know thats not the case... What then?

Joe looks away, unsure of Robs intentions. ROB (CONTD) Ok, let me tell you what I know; firstly, you and your friends who you had your little conference with earlier were responsible. Secondly, only two of you went into the house... So whos the odd man out? JOE Me. ROB So it was the other two who went into the house? JOE Yeah. ROB ... And you knew since when? JOE Please. I didnt do anything. Rob slugs Joe in his injured ribs. ROB Well try again shall we?... You knew since when? JOE The start. But I didnt do anything. I thought it was wrong. ROB Too bad you dont have more influence on your friends then. JOE I couldnt stop them. Rob pauses for a moment to digest the information.


ROB Oh, I meant to ask, Whats their names? JOE Uh... Steve and Mac. ROB I assume Steves the shaven headed one? JOE Yeah. ROB The other one; Mac, where does he live? JOE Uh... Maple Drive. ROB Number? JOE I dont know. ROB Yes you do. JOE (panicking) No. Honestly. Ive never been to his place. I only know he lives on Maple Drive because he told me. Rob stands up, walks behind the sofa. Out of Joes sight. ROB Glass of water? Joe nods. Rob looks around, opening a cupboard door. ROB (CONTD) Your glasses are where? JOE Above the cooker. Rob suddenly grabs Joes neck from behind. Squeezing his throat with all the strength he can muster. The veins in Joes face bulge as his esophagus is crushed by Robs unrelenting grip. Life drains from his body. Within seconds, completely motionless.


Rob releases, collapsing to the floor. His arms tremble from the sheer rush of adrenaline. Clambering to his feet he takes a pair of scissors from the drawer, removing the tape from Joes extremities. Plucking a cloth from his pocket, Rob wipes everything down. With his arms still quivering, he takes one last look at Joes body as he slips out the front door. INT. THE SHEPHERD - DAY Theres a lively Saturday afternoon atmosphere in The Shepherd. Half the patrons watch football on the big screen while the other half mill around chatting, play pool or prop up the bar. A tense Steve sits in the corner. Mac beside him vacantly staring at the football. STEVE (extremely agitated) Joe said hed be here for the match. Its... (leans forward to check the screen) ... Seventy-two minutes in... Fuck is he? MAC Dunno. STEVE What time is it? MAC (looks at phone) Nearly half four. STEVE You tried calling him? MAC Uh... Bout half an hour ago. STEVE (getting up) Goin for a fag. Ill try him. INT. NUMBER 77/BEDROOM - DAY Rob sprawls in the corner chair. His eyes fixed and blackringed. Looking like he hasnt slept in a month. Getting up, Rob looks inside the bedside drawer. Theres a vast amount of pills stacked up. He examines several packs, choosing one he heads for the bathroom.


INT. BATHROOM - DAY Rob grips the sink so tightly that his knuckles turn white. He scrutinises his exhausted features in the mirror. Breaking his grip on the sink as his hands cramp. Running water into a glass. Popping two pills from the blisterpack. Rob stops, pops a third. Taking a sip of water to down them all. Theres a knock at the door. Rob heads for the stairs. I/E. NUMBER 77 - DAY Rob attempts to compose himself as he opens up. HAINES Hi. Im DCI Haines. I was wondering if I could come in and ask a few questions regarding the investigation? ROB How did you know I was here? HAINES The lady next door said that somebody was staying here. Rob peeks towards next door. Looking to see if the lady is watching. She isnt. ROB Come in. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Rob leans against the kitchen worktop. Folding his arms as he sizes up Haines. ROB So where are you? HAINES Were just doing house to house enquiries at the moment. Seeing if anybody saw anything. ROB Ah right. So my dad gets killed five days ago and youre no closer to knowing whos responsible?


HAINES That was part of the reason that I came. Did your dad have any enemies? ROB (unenthused) Enemies? My dad was seventy-eight. He had a stomach ulcer, high blood pressure and couldnt walk more than twenty feet without stopping... What do you want me to say? Haines looks away. Smiles awkwardly. HAINES Sorry. But I have to ask. ROB Why dont you try asking people about the rumour that was going around about him... You heard anything about that? HAINES (uncomfortable) We have some information on that, yes. ROB ... And? HAINES Were making inquiries. The details of the alleged rumour are sketchy. Rob turns away shaking his head. ROB Of course details are sketchy. HAINES (curious) Meaning? ROB Meaning that unless you plan on arresting everybody within quarter of a mile of this house youd be better not wasting your time. HAINES So you feel strongly that this alleged rumour led directly to his death?


ROB Wouldnt you? Before Haines can respond his phone rings. He answers. HAINES Hello. (listens) Yes. Yes. (listens) Im only a couple of minutes from there. Ill wrap up here and be with you shortly. (listens) Ok. Haines hangs up. HAINES (CONTD) (leaving) Sorry but something urgent has come up. Ill have to pick this up another time. ROB (withering) Hope you make some progress with this one. HAINES Ill be in touch. ROB (sarcastic) Looking forward to it. Rob closes the door behind Haines. EXT. THE SHEPHERD - DAY Steve and Mac are amongst one of several assemblages of smokers outside The Shepherd. Everybody turns to look as several police cars and an ambulance drive past. Steve tracks them as they drive up a nearby road. STEVE (anxious) Call Joe again. MAC Nae point. Called bout eight times already. Keeps eatin my credit when it goes to voicemail.


A man walks off the street heading for the pub. Steve moving well out of his way to force a conversation. STEVE Hey Benj. You see what was going on up there? BENJ Its all happening three, four blocks down from mine. Had a hard time getting out. STEVE Joe lives near you doesnt he? BENJ Yeah, thats right. Might even be his block. He here? STEVE No. Steve walks back over to a spaced-out Mac. STEVE (CONTD) Follow me. Mac gets with it and follows Steve round the back of the pub. STEVE (CONTD) Benj just told me that the police might be in Joes block. MAC Aye? STEVE What the fucks happening? MAC Dunno. Dunno. STEVE He seem alright to you the other night? MAC Howd you mean? STEVE You dont think he looked like he might kill himself? MAC Nah. Why, do you?


STEVE I didnt think so. But what the fuck do I know about suicide cases? MAC Cannae be doin with this. Im off for a drink. STEVE You can get a drink anytime. This is serious man. MAC I know. Thats why I want a pint. STEVE (angry) Go and fuckin get one then! Steve storms off struggling to conceal his jitters. Mac languidly slips back inside the pub. I/E. LARAS FLAT - EVENING Aaron surveys the area as he rings the doorbell. LARA (nonplussed) Hi. AARON Alright? I wanted to speak to you about Rob. LARA Uh... I dont really have anything to say Aaron. AARON Please. Just give me a minute. LARA (sighs, steps aside) Come in then. Aaron steps inside. INT. LARAS FLAT - EVENING Aaron looks impressed by how ornate and tasteful the flat is. AARON How come you kept this place the whole time you were married to Rob?


LARA My parents gave it to me for my twenty-first birthday. Maybe I kept it for security. Or I subconsciously expected things to go wrong... I dont know. AARON All I got for my twenty-first was some HMV vouchers and a stinking hangover. LARA You and Rob have always had a laugh about how posh I am. You didnt think that my excellent diction was an accident did you? AARON Public school? LARA (playfully) Oh yes. Aaron laughs. AARON Thought so. LARA (turning serious) Um... Im pretty busy here Aaron, what was it you wanted to speak about? AARON Its Rob. You know hes been suspended from work? Hes living in his dads place. I dont know why. Its hit him really hard. Lara folds her arms defensively. LARA Yeah, well, nobody said that divorce and death were easy. AARON I know. But its really messed him up. LARA He was messed up already.


AARON Look, I dont want to go through life knowing I didnt do anything if he does something theres no coming back from. LARA Like what? AARON I dont know. Suicide maybe. (instant regret) No... Ive never seen him like this, so I cant say. But its possible, maybe. I dont know. A brief flicker of concern from Lara. LARA (resolute) Its not my problem anymore. AARON (sighs) Thing is Lara, I cant do get through to him... Youre maybe the only person who could. LARA (rolls eyes) I dont think so. AARON Why? LARA I called to offer my condolences after his dad, yknow... He started shouting. Asking why I was sorry because I never liked him anyway... I mean, seriously. AARON Itd be different if you tried again. LARA What would be any different? AARON Well its not as raw now, and he misses you... Please. Just once. Id really appreciate it. I wont ever ask again. Laras expression suggests she would rather lose a limb than call Rob. She pauses, hesitates, clearly struggling with her emotions. Eventually...


LARA Ok... Once. AARON Promise? LARA Promise. AARON (standing up, awkward) Ill leave you to it then. Lara sees Aaron to the door. AARON (CONTD) Thanks. Lara nods as she closes the door. Dread etched on her face as she shuffles back towards the living room. EXT. BRYANT HOUSE/DRIVEWAY - DAY Steve puffs on a roll-up as he looks out onto the street. Throwing the butt to the floor. He looking over at Aiden in the playpark, smiles. Glancing across to the lamppost outside the park. EXT. STREET - DAY Sauntering over the road. Steve gazes up at the camera inquisitively. Seemingly unable to work out the angle its facing. Looking confused, he heads back home. INT. NUMBER 77/DINING AREA - DAY Rob sits at the dining table, lap top in front of him. The phone rings. Rob answers. As usual, waiting on the other party to commence the conversation. INTERCUT: NUMBER 77 DINING AREA/AARONS LIVING ROOM Aaron paces back and forth. AARON Rob, have you seen the news? ROB I dont watch the news anymore. AARON Theres been a mans body found on the estate. Suspected murder.


Rob continues to browse his lap top. A webpage titled EXPLOSIVE COMPOUNDS is loaded. ROB (disinterest) Ah, right. AARON Whats going on up there? ROB I dont know. But a hundred people die in the world every minute, Aaron. Why are we talking about this one? AARON Do you know this guy or something? ROB Probably not. If he lives here though its unlikely to be a loss on the scale of Gandhi or Mother Teresa is it? AARON Uh... Why dont you come stay at mine for a bit? Im worried about you. ROB (laughs) Yeah, Im worried about you too. AARON No, seriously. ROB I am serious. AARON What you talking about? Rob breaks his gaze from the monitor to afford the call his full attention. ROB You never met Harry did you? AARON Who? ROB My dog, I had a little skye terrier when I was a teenager. AARON Ah, right. I dont think so.


ROB No. Couldnt have. We didnt meet until Uni... Anyway, one morning I took Harry for his walk and this pitbull attacked us from outta nowhere... Rob looks for scars on his arm. Finds one. Rubs it with his thumb. ROB (CONTD) I was bitten a few times but Harry was ripped to pieces... He survived, but we had him put down a few days later. AARON Why are you telling me this? ROB I found out who owned the pitbull and where they lived... Watched for a while. Examined its habits. Noticed it spent long periods in the back garden. (beat) I coated a piece of meat in rat poison and the threw it over the gate. Hid out of sight as it ate it, then watched it roll over and die... Didnt ever feel bad about it, but it wasnt like I felt like I was victorious or anything like that either. I mean, everybody ended up losing. But it just, was yknow... Right... You understand? AARON Um... Im not sure I do. ROB Yeah. Thats probably why I should be worried about you than you should about me. AARON (brief awkward laughter) Really? ROB In wars amongst ideas, doubters are the victims. AARON Huh? ROB Just something I read.


Aaron silent. Doesnt know what to say. ROB (CONTD) (calmly) ... Speak to you later. AARON Er... Yeah, bye. Aaron slowly hangs up. Thoroughly perplexed. INT. BRYANT HOUSE/BATHROOM - DAY Steve sits locked in the bathroom. Gazing disconsolately into the plughole. The door knocks. TASHA (O.S.) Steve. What you doin? Youve been in there ages. Steve looks toward the door with irritation. His train of thought broken by Tashas interruption. STEVE (abrasive) Just leave me alone for a bit will ya? TASHA (O.S.) Alright then. Moody. Steve pulls out his phone and makes a call. STEVE (to himself) Cmon Mac. Fuckin answer. No answer. He Hangs up. STEVE (CONTD) Fuck. INT. BRYANT HOUSE - DAY Steve stomps through the house and out the front door. Tasha comes from the kitchen to investigate, but hes already gone. EXT. BRYANT HOUSE/DRIVEWAY - DAY Striding towards his car Steve spots Rob standing outside seventy-seven. Unnerved by the statuesque presence staring toward him.


EXT. STREET - DAY Steve pulls into the road. Passing seventy-seven, the two men eyeball one another. Steve turns away first. No match for Robs cold, unflinching gaze. EXT. NUMBER 77 - DAY Rob follows the car with nerveless intensity as it disappears round the corner. INT. THE SHEPHERD - DAY A buzzing Saturday afternoon atmosphere in the pub. Steve enters, making his way towards an absolutely smashed Mac stood at the bar. STEVE (grabbing Macs arm) You doin? A number of patrons are drawn to the situation despite the blast of The Killers Mr Brightside from the jukebox. MAC Gettin a drink. STEVE Come to the bogs man. We need to talk. Mac staggers ahead of Steve. INT. TOILETS - DAY Mac leans against the sink. Without it, hed likely fall to the floor. Steve with hands on hips looking at him like an angry teacher. STEVE Fuck you doin? Ive been callin you for hours. MAC Ive no looked at my phone. STEVE Yeah, well, anyway, it was Joes body they found. Suspected murder. MAC They didnae say his name.


STEVE They didnt need to. We know the block. How many other thirty-one year old men live there? Its filled with single mums for fucks sake. Steve starts to pace nervously. MAC Were fucked anyway. STEVE Only if you lose the plot. MAC Im not losin any plot. STEVE Just watch yourself. If somebody killed Joe then whoever it is might know it was us. MAC How? STEVE Fucked if I know, but why would anybody kill Joe for any other reason? Steve looks at Mac, bleary-eyed, swaying from side to side. STEVE (CONTD) Why are you always pissed? MAC (matter-of-factly) Cause I like drinkin STEVE Youre a fuckin alcoholic. MAC (defiant) Im no an alcoholic. STEVE (ranting) Yeah you are and youre gonna get us nicked cause you cant handle it. Like Joe couldnt handle it. Fuckin bottler. Steve looks cautiously at the door, seemingly conscious about the increasing volume of the conversation.


MAC (losing his temper) Nothin fuckin wrong with me. STEVE (lowering his voice) Just get it together. MAC Or what? STEVE (raising voice again) What do you mean or what? MAC Do what I want. Sick of you actin like youre the boss. Fuckin big man! Steve loses it. Grabbing Mac by his t-shirt, using the grip as leverage to force him against the wall. STEVE (manic, through gritted teeth) Whats wrong with you? Mac pulls himself free of Steves grip. The two men eyeball one another for a moment. MAC Prick. Wary of the dormant anger awoken in Mac. Steve backs away slowly as he exits the toilets. INT. BRYANT HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - DAY Tasha and Aiden are on the sofa watching TV. The front door opens. Tasha gets up. Heading into the hallway. INT. HALLWAY - DAY TASHA Whered you go? STEVE (going up the stairs) Not now Tash. TASHA You havin an affair?


Steve stops, halfway up the stairs. Turns. STEVE (incredulous) Why would you say that? TASHA The way youre behavin. Disappearing. Always on the phone. STEVE (angry) No Im not and I dont appreciate bein accused either. TASHA Then what? STEVE Im doin whatever I can to earn a crust to keep our heads above water and this is what I get when I come home? TASHA Yeah, well... You cant say that you wouldnt think the same thing if it was me. Steve carries on up the stairs. Tasha watching as he disappears into the bedroom. I/E. ROBS CAR/SHEPHERD CAR PARK - NIGHT Rob examines the locals leaving the Shepherd at closing time. Mac staggers out, climbing oafishly into a waiting taxi. The taxi pulls away. Rob follows. INT. ROBS CAR - NIGHT Rob shadows the taxi as it heads into the vibrant, neon strewn city centre. The taxi stops outside a nightclub. Rob pulling up fifty yards behind. Mac gets out and lurches towards the club. A bouncer instructing him to get in the queue. As Rob observes, a group of drunken revellers pass his car. One of them whoops with delight as he drums on the bonnet of Robs Audi.


EXT. CITY CENTRE - NIGHT Rob gets out. Gazing at the man with wild, furious eyes. ROB You doin? MAN Fuck off you prick. ROB (disbelief) Huh? Rob sees red. Reaching inside the car he grabs a steel pipe. Storming round the car to confront him. The man sprints off in terror. ROB (CONTD) (yelling) Where you going? The mans friends back off as Rob gets close. He eyeballs them as he passes. ROB (CONTD) Fuckin idiots. Rob gets back into the car and pulls away. INT. ENVY NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT The club throbs with energy. Music pulsates. Laser lights beam across the dancefloor onto the bare flesh of scantily clad girls. Drunk men leer swigging watered down lager. The scent of sweat, sex and desperation permeates every inch of the nightspot. Mac stumbles to a seat next to a couple of attractive young girls. Too close for comfort. They edge further up the seating area to avoid sitting next to him. Mac too wasted to notice. EXT. ENVY NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT Rob waits at the front of the queue. Stepping forward to enter a bouncer demonstratively extends a steroid enhanced arm to stop him. BOUNCER Been ere before? ROB Nah. Just visiting.


The bouncer looks Rob up and down several times, trying to find fault. Grudgingly nodding to allow him inside. INT. ENVY NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT Rob forces his way through the throng to find a place at the bar. He scans around for Mac. A barmaid gestures towards Rob for his drink order. ROB Orange juice. A sexy redhead smiles alluringly at Rob. He looks through her. Taking his drink as he pushes through the club in search of Mac. Rob finds Mac slouched in a corner. He walks over. ROB (CONTD) (smiling) Alright Mac. Mac looks at Rob, trying to work out who he is. ROB (CONTD) Its Steves cousin, Tony. Weve met down the Shepherd a few times. Mac still doesnt seem to recognise him. But goes along with it. MAC Aye... Hows it goin mate? ROB Not bad. You? MAC Been better. Life yknow? ROB I know. Believe me... You want a drink? MAC Aye... Pinto cider. Nice one. Rob heads to the bar. His fake smile vanishing once his backs turned. INT. ENVY NIGHTCLUB - LATER - NIGHT Rob and Mac sit beside each other. Mac sprawled out, even more wasted than earlier.


MAC I tell ya, Steve does my head in sometimes. ROB Why? MAC This work thing. Always thinkin hes the boss. ROB He is the boss isnt he? MAC Uh... Yeah, well no. Were all in it together. Partners like. ROB Who? MAC Uh... Me, Steve and the other bloke who left the job. ROB Whyd he leave the job? Mac suddenly clams up, not knowing what to say. MAC (getting up) I need a piss. Mac almost knocks Rob out of his seat as he stumbles past. Rob studies him like a hunter eyeing its prey. EXT. ENVY NIGHTCLUB - LATER - NIGHT Mac staggers out of the club at closing time. Bumping into walls, almost colliding with a humourless bouncer who looks hungry for conflict. Rob grabs him, guiding him outside. ROB Ill give you a lift home. I/E. ROBS CAR/ - NIGHT A barely conscious Mac mumbles incoherently as Rob helps him flop into the passenger seat. Heading round to the drivers side. INT. ROBS CAR - NIGHT Rob turns to Mac as he pulls away.


ROB Whered you live again? Rob looks at Mac, passed out in no condition to reply. Carries on driving. INT. ROBS CAR - LATER - NIGHT Rob thunders down a bumpy rural path making no concessions to the terrain nor his sleeping passenger. Pulling up, he switches the engine off. Pitch-black outside. Eerily silent. Rob shakes Mac vigourously to wake him. ROB Up. No response. He shakes him again. ROB (CONTD) (louder) Up. Mac begins to stir. MAC (looks out of window, disorientated) Whats going on? ROB Were here. MAC Where? ROB Take a look. MAC Its fuckin dark man. Where are we? ROB The cliffs. MAC Fuck we doin on the cliffs man? ROB Going for a walk. MAC A walk? Fuck that.


Rob leans forward over the steering wheel. ROB Yknow, I envy you. You seem like an easy pleased guy. Not much ambition, but content with the little things. (beat) I have... (correcting himself) ... had ambition, and when I think about it Ive done alright. But the last time I was happy or satisfied with any of it? Rob ponders for a moment, shakes his head. MAC Im hungry. ROB Yknow, chasing the spoils in life is hard. Too hard for there not to be any satisfaction at the end of it... If theres no joy, no victory, then whats the point? (beat) ... Whats the point in any of it? MAC (oblivious) You on about man? ROB (sighs) I suppose its time. MAC Lets fuck off home. I feel like somebody took a shite in my head. Rob rests back into his seat. ROB (focused, turning to Mac) Malcolm Prentice. MAC What? You You But the ROB heard me... My dad. I know why. thought he was a paedophile. why didnt you make sure it was right man?

Mac sobers up rapidly. Grasping the gravity of the situation.


MAC Whats this about? Why you got me here? EXT. THE CLIFFS - NIGHT Mac clumsily climbs out of the car. Rob gets out to follow. Noticing headlights coming towards them in the distance. Rob moves quickly. Catching up to the stumbling Mac. Grabbing him. Mac spins, throwing a wild right-hook that glances Robs jaw. Mac runs. Tripping, falling face-first onto the rocky terrain. Rob leaps on top of him, smashing his face against the ground repeatedly. The car enters the car park. Turns. The headlights illuminating Rob and Macs predicament for the briefest of moments. It heads back the way it came. Rob remains motionless atop Mac. Fixed on the interloping vehicle as it drives away. ROB (to himself) Half three in the morning. Why the fuck would anybody be here at half three in the morning? Rob stands. Inspecting Mac. Turning him over. Still breathing. Rob begins to drag him. Suddenly Mac lunges, biting down on Robs forearm like a feral animal. Rob breaks free, throwing Mac to the ground, kicking him repeatedly. The final brutal punt rendering him unconscious. Rob resumes dragging Mac. Nearing the edge of the cliff. Stepping back to catch his breath. Looking down, unable to ascertain whether hes still alive. Pulling him the final few feet. Rob sits in front of the body teetering on the precipice. With one final push Rob uses his legs to send the body plummeting over the edge. The sky lightens as dawn approaches. Rob peers over the brink to see if there is any sign of the body. Looking out over the bay. The sun begins to rise. A red fireball emerges on the horizon. Its going to be a scorcher. Rob trudges wearily towards the car.


MONTAGE - VARIOUS The day begins on Redmonds estate. The sunshine transforming the usually glum faces of the locals as they go about their business. EXT. OFF LICENCE DAY The shop is opened. EXT. STREET DAY - A postman delivers mail. EXT. STREET DAY - Parents accompany their children to school. EXT. SCHOOL GATES DAY - Women stand casually gossiping. INT. BRYANT HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - DAY An ashen faced Steve perches on the sofa. The front door opens then closes. Tasha appears in the doorway. TASHA I heard the news. Steve rubs his brow vigourously. TASHA (CONTD) They said hed been choked to death... Who would do that to Joe? Tasha takes a seat. TASHA (CONTD) (solemn) Im scared Steve. Thats two people in two weeks. An uneasy Steve struggles to respond. A knock at the door saves him right on cue. He jumps off the sofa to answer. I/E. BRYANT HOUSE - DAY Opening the door, Steve is taken aback to see Macs girlfriend RHIANNE gazing towards him with puffy, desperate eyes. STEVE Rhianne, whats up? RHIANNE Tell me youve seen him. STEVE Mac? I saw him yesterday.


RHIANNE (hopeful) What time? STEVE Uh... Musta been about five. Rhianne visibly deflated. STEVE (CONTD) ... Why, whats goin on? RHIANNE Nobodys seen him since he left the Shepherd last night. STEVE What time at? RHIANNE About midnight. John called him a taxi. Says he mentioned goin into town. Steve glances at his watch. It reads 1:35pm. RHIANNE (CONTD) How was he when you saw him? John said he was really drunk. STEVE Suppose he was a bit. Seen him worse though. Tasha comes to the door. TASHA (concerned) Whats the matter Rhi? RHIANNE Macs been missing since last night. TASHA Did you have a row? RHIANNE Um... No. Nothing like that... Im just so worried. All this with Joe and them being friends. What if hes been killed too? TASHA You cant think like that. Rhiannes eyes well with tears.


RHIANNE (starts to cry) He never stays out this long. I dont know what to do. Rhiannes sister, a large, hard looking woman hears Rhiannes sobbing and gets out of a car. Striding down the drive to watch over her fragile sister. TASHA (wiping tears from Rhiannes eyes) Hell turn up. Probably just drunk at a mates house. (smiles) ... When he staggers in later you can give him the abuse he deserves. RHIANNE (forcing a smile) Hope so. Tasha glances towards Steve. Clear apprehension belying her outward confidence. RHIANNES SISTER Yalright sis? Rhiannes sister smiles appreciatively towards Tasha as she shuffles down the drive with her arm around Rhianne. Steve and Tasha head back inside. INT. NUMBER 77/BEDROOM - DAY Rob looks on stoically as a sobbing Rhianne is helped into the car. Rob turns, sitting down in front of the lap top. Examining the screen. Rob picks up a notepad. The pad already has numerous things jotted on it. He writes ethyl alcohol down. Glancing towards the screen scribbling mercury, distilled water, blue litmus paper and concentrated nitric acid. Closing down the page, the name of the site is revealed: HOMEMADE BOMBS AND EXPLOSIVES. Rob shuts the laptop, picking up his keys as he leaves. INT. GOTTLIEB AGENCY/AARONS CUBICLE - DAY Aaron contemplates. Suddenly picking up the phone he dials a number.


INTERCUT: AARONS CUBICLE/LARAS BOUTIQUE AARON Alright Lara. Lara places a dress onto a rack in her small, downtown, haute couture boutique. LARA Hi. AARON You made that call to Rob yet? LARA I tried a couple of days ago. It went to voicemail. AARON Yeah, been happening to me too. LARA Probably doing his Greta Garbo impersonation again. AARON (confused) What? LARA The I want to be alone act. Hes been doing it a lot lately. AARON Ive noticed. LARA You havent seen him like I have though Aaron. Were talking about a man who literally didnt say a word to me for eight days because I opened a letter addressed to him. AARON I know. Thats just him though. Hes a stubborn guy. LARA Easy for you to be relaxed about it. You might have known him longer but havent had to live with him, day-in, day-out like I have. A woman browsing the boutique walks past Lara. They smile at each other awkwardly. Lara turns, frowning. Realising that the woman was listening to her conversation.


AARON (changing the subject) You hear about the murder on Redmonds Estate? LARA Yeah. Its terrible. AARON I was planning on going up there tomorrow. Trying to get him away from that place. LARA Doesnt he want to leave? AARON No. A man walks up to Aaron handing him a stack of papers. Aaron puts them down on his desk. Giving the man the thumbs up as he leaves. LARA God. Whats wrong with him? AARON I dont know. But I was uh... Hoping maybe if you come with me it might convince him. LARA (unenthused) Not this again. AARON Please. LARA I tried to call him. Ill try again if you like but I dont think that us being in the same room is a good idea. AARON I understand. But please, just once. I dont want to ask. But I really think he still loves you. Youre the only person who might be able to get through to him. Silence. Aaron isnt sure whether Laras still on the line. AARON (CONTD) Lara?


LARA Ill come... (authoritative) ... This is the last time though. If we go up there and he doesnt answer or he starts an argument then dont ever ask me again. AARON Ok... And thanks. LARA So... When? AARON By the time I get out of work and drive over... Lets say I pick you up around six thirty? LARA From my place? AARON (unsure) Er... Yeah, if thats ok? LARA Fine. AARON See you later then. LARA Bye. EXT. CRESTYN BAY - DAY Two middle aged men stand on a rock just off the shore with fishing rods. Man 1 already has his line in the water. Man 2 casts off. Settling in he spots an object floating in the distance. Ignoring it, then gradually becoming more curious as the current edges it closer. MAN 2 Whats that over there? MAN 1 Where? MAN 2 That thing floating over there. Look. MAN 1 (squinting as he looks) I dont know.


MAN 2 skips across the rock to get a better angle. MAN 2 Is that a person? MAN 1 No. Cant be. MAN 2 It is. I can see a head. MAN 1 Youre kidding. MAN 2 (points) No. Look. A body floats, face down and bloated. Wearing the same clothes that Mac wore the night he went over the cliff. The stunned men look toward one another. MAN 2 (CONTD) Im calling the police. MAN 2 takes out his phone and starts dialing. INT. ROBS CAR - DAY A dead-eyed Rob waits in traffic. A vehicle from the neighbouring lane attempts to pull into eight feet of space between him and the car ahead. Rob blocks the move, leaving the car straddled between both lanes. ROB (glaring icily) Idiot. Fuck off. Rob makes his turn, leaving the jam behind. Releasing frustration on the accelerator pedal as he roars into open road. Rob makes a ninety degree turn at speed. Suddenly, a teenage boy directly ahead, frozen, observing the mass of steel and glass careering towards him. Tyres screech against asphalt as Robs foot hammers the brake. Too much momentum. The vehicle ploughs into the youth who smashes against the bonnet, hitting the floor with a thud. Rob recoils. The car stops. For a brief moment, all is calm.


EXT. STREET - DAY Rob drags himself out of the car, holding his neck. Glancing at his dented bonnet then contemptuously towards the youth. No hint of remorse. Rob scans the area for witnesses. Nobody appearing to have seen the accident. He climbs back into the car, driving around the bleeding teen. EXT. MACS PLACE - DAY A middle aged male police officer knocks the door. Accompanied by a nervous, younger female officer. Rhiannes sister opens up. MALE OFFICER (sombre) Hi, is Miss Phillips there? RHIANNES SISTER Yeah, come through. INT. MAC'S PLACE/LIVING ROOM - DAY Rhianne perches on the edge of the sofa gently rocking back and forth. Her face ashen. Eyes black-ringed and fixed. She bursts to life as the officers enter, racing to the hallway to investigate. INT. HALLWAY - DAY Rhianne looks at the offers expectantly. OFFICER 1 Miss Phillips. RHIANNE What is it? Have you found him? MALE OFFICER A body has been found. We need you come down to take part in the identification process so that we can determine whether its Mr McNally. RHIANNE (sobbing) No. It cant be him. No. No. Rhianne is embraced by her sister as tears stream down her face.


INT. NUMBER 77/KITCHEN - DINING AREA Rob opens a box. Removing several tubs. Rattling one gently to his ear. Theres a knock at the front door. Rob throws everything back into the box, concealing it with a nearby towel. I/E. NUMBER 77 - EVENING Rob opens the door. Its Aaron. Spotting Lara stood a few feet behind him. Rob clearly rattled by her unexpected presence. AARON Alright? Been calling you for days. ROB I've been busy. AARON Uh... Can we come in? Rob hesitates, as if conceiving a plausible reason why they shouldn't come in. He cant. Pushing the door open to usher them inside. INT. LIVING ROOM - EVENING Aaron looks around with wonder. Like hes been transported back in time. AARON Wow, not been in here for years. Looks just the same. Rob turns awkwardly to Lara. ROB You alright? LARA Fine. ROB Good. AARON So, we've come round to see if we can convince you to come stay at mine. Rob turns away shaking his head.


ROB. (annoyed) Not again. Why? AARON Because of what happened. Christ. (points) There's still a bloodstain on the carpet. ROB So what do you want me to do? Sit at yours listening to Coldplay moping about how sad I am that my dads dead or that I broke up with her? LARA (riled) Dont talk about me like Im not here Rob. ROB (to Lara) Why do you care so much all of a sudden anyway? LARA What? ROB You left me, haven't contacted me for weeks and now suddenly youre here trying to... (air quotes) LARA (to Rob) I can't believe we've only been here for a minute and youre starting this. (to Aaron) ... Sorry Aaron. I tried but I cant do this... Ill be in the car. Lara holds her hand out towards Aaron. AARON You dont... Aaron gives her the keys. Lara stomps towards the door, sneering at Rob as she passes. AARON (CONTD) Lara.


ROB (casually) Let her go... I did. Aaron sits down. Sighs. AARON Rob, what's going on? Speak to me. Rob turns his back. Pauses, contemplating. Turning back to face Aaron. ROB Do you know why my dad was killed? AARON Why, do you? ROB A few weeks ago an old man a couple of doors up was arrested, allegedly for paedophilia. Based on what, who knows. But a few people saw it, told the story, those people told the story and so on. By the end, basically the whole estate knows about the paedophile in Radmere Road. But the story was told so many times to so many people they got the wrong house. They got this house... (beat) You know the rest. AARON (disbelief) Seriously? Rob nods. ROB That's not the worst part. Rob picks up a solitary folded newspaper sheet from the dining table, handing it to Aaron. ROB (CONTD) Read it. Aaron reads the article. Rob studies him, examining his reactions. AARON It says number seventy-three. Wheres that?


ROB (points) Two doors that way. AARON (confused) This, um... This doesnt add up though Rob. He wasnt a paedophile. They arrested him for fraud. ROB Exactly. AARON Howd you mean? ROB There was no paedophile. Aaron looks away. Wide-eyed. Attempting to digest the information. AARON Then why? ROB Cause people like to talk. Its not against the law. You spread rumours and somebody ends up getting killed because of it, so what? You didnt do it. AARON The world we live in. ROB Yeah well, the hypocrisys unbelievable. AARON I suppose. ROB These people live their lives according to the law. Oh, I cant do that. Thats against the law.... But theyll spread some rumour thatll ruin peoples lives and think nothing of it. AARON Rob. You need to let it go. You cant let this ruin your life. ROB (laughs) Ruin my life?


AARON Whys that funny? ROB Doesnt matter. Youd better get going... She doesnt like waiting. AARON I uh... Just want you to know that Im here for you. Anytime. Just call and Im there. Ok? Rob nods apathetically. AARON (CONTD) (puts a hand on Robs shoulder) Be careful... Get some sleep. Aaron leaves the room. Front door closes. INT. AARONS CAR - EVENING Aaron gets into the car. His mind elsewhere as a pouty Lara scrutinises him. LARA ... And? AARON (rubs eyes) I need a drink. LARA What happened? Aaron draws a deep breath, lets it out slowly. AARON Uh... I dont know... Hes got problems. LARA (sarcastic) How very perceptive. AARON Hes um... Basically blaming everybody on the estate for killing his dad. LARA What do you mean? AARON There was a rumour going about that Malcolm was a paedophile.


LARA (disbelief) What? AARON Uh... Well, an old man was arrested for fraud a couple of doors up and word started going around that he was a paedophile. The story got twisted. Whoever done it ended up killing the wrong man. LARA (shocked) Oh my God. Aaron nods. AARON Hes in a bad way. LARA Tell me something I dont know. AARON (turns to look Lara in the eye) No. Really. LARA You want to call somebody? AARON Who like? LARA I dont know, mental health people. AARON I want to help. Not get him sectioned. LARA Or maybe you just want to clear your conscience. AARON What you talking about? LARA You know exactly what Im talking about... May Bank Holiday. Three years ago. Guilt etches itself across Aarons face.


AARON ... We agreed to never talk about that again. It was a mistake. LARA I know it was a mistake. For both of us, believe me, But it still happened. The only difference is Im not trying to make up for it all the time like you are. AARON Make up for what? Hes been my best friend for fifteen years. LARA Best friend? So why did you fuck his wife? Aaron hangs his head. The shame of the betrayal coming back to him. LARA (CONTD) ... Perhaps the reason youre so keen for me to help isnt for Rob. Its that youre hoping us being finished means that something might happen between me and you. AARON (shaking head) No. LARA Yeah, well just in case, Im letting you know now thats not going to happen. AARON (sudden anger) Fuck you Lara. LARA (looking satisfied) The mask slips. AARON Look, maybe I should take you home. LARA Dont worry. Ill find my own way. Aaron opens his mouth to speak. But Lara is already out of the car. He watches Lara in his mirror as she walks away without so much as a backward glance. He sighs. Starting the engine, slowly pulling away


INT. THE SHEPHERD - EVENING Save for a few stragglers the pub is virtually empty. Steve alone in the corner, watching the bubbles rise to the surface of his pint. A sombre-looking Tasha suddenly appears stood in front of him. STEVE (surprised) Tash? What you doin here... Whos looking after Aiden? TASHA Kirsty. STEVE Why? Tasha sits. TASHA Rhiannes sister called half an hour ago... They... Well, they found Macs body on the beach. STEVE (stunned) Body? Uh... Howd they know its him? TASHA Rhianne identified him. Steves face runs a gamut of emotions in seconds; melancholy giving way to panic then rage. He leaps to his feet, storming out of the pub. Regulars turn to see what the fuss is. But Steves already out the door. EXT. REDMONDS ESTATE - EVENING Steve furiously strides up the road. A confused Tasha struggles to keep up. TASHA Where you going? Steve. Youre scaring me. STEVE (enraged, shouting) That fuckin bastard. Hes comin for me next... Well I'm not letting it happen!


TASHA Whos coming for you? What you talkin about? STEVE Him over the road. TASHA Who? STEVE Him in seventy-seven. The one who came over about the car. TASHA The bloke whos dad was killed? STEVE Yeah well not me. Im onto im. TASHA What you gonna do? Dont get into trouble, please. EXT. NUMBER 77 - EVENING Steve marches down the path. STEVE Hey. Hey you! Comin for me now are ya? Prepared for conflict, Steve pounds the door with the side of his fist. STEVE (CONTD) Oi you. Ya sick bastard. Come on out here. You and me. Come on. Its war you want is it? Stepping back. Steve picks up half a brick from the floor, hurling it through the bedroom window impetuously. The sound of shattering glass ringing out across the estate. TASHA Steve, stop it. What you doing? The disturbance attracts a small group of onlookers. One approaches Steve. MAN Steve mate, youd better clear off. The Policell be here any minute. Steves rage subsides realising his mistake.


STEVE (deflated, to Tasha) Lets go home. EXT. REDMONDS ESTATE - EVENING Steve trudges across the road towards home. A bewildered Tash follows. INT. NUMBER 77/BEDROOM - EVENING Rob wears rubber gloves and a lab jacket. Displaying no discernible emotion as he examines the broken glass in a perfunctory manner. He leaves the room. INT. BRYANT HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - EVENING Steve looks at the floor disconsolately. TASHA Steve, tell me whats going on. Steves eyes dart all over the place. TASHA (CONTD) (raising her voice) Steve. Whyd you do that?... Tell me! Tasha stares. Waiting for answers. Steve cups a hand over his mouth, tries to keep it there. Resisting the truth. TASHA (CONTD) Steve. If you dont tell me whats going on then Im leaving tonight. With Aiden. STEVE (whimpering) We didnt mean it. TASHA Didnt mean what? STEVE To um... To kill the old man. TASHA (aghast) What? Are you serious? Steve nods.


STEVE He was a paedo, Tash. How can we have that livin over the road from our boy? TASHA (hunching over, gutted) I feel sick. STEVE Look, it wasnt meant to happen. We just wanted to shake him up. Get him to leave. TASHA So um... Who was it? You, Mac and Joe? STEVE Me and Mac. TASHA What about Joe? STEVE He knew about it... Wasnt there. Tasha eyeballs Steve with utter contempt. TASHA (realising) Hang on. It happened in the middle of the night. You musta sneaked out when I was asleep... (pushes Steve hard) You fuckin arsehole. STEVE Im sorry. TASHA So whats all this with his son? STEVE He killed Mac and Joe. Mustve found out. I dont know how, but he did. TASHA Why didnt he just call the police? STEVE I dont know. The blokes mental. TASHA ... And is he coming for us?


STEVE Probably just me. TASHA (angry) Probably?... You put me and Aiden at risk from a psycho because he probably wont hurt us? STEVE Tash. Steve places a hand on her knee. Tasha pulls away. TASHA ... And to think I thought you were having an affair. STEVE Youre not gonna tell the police are you? TASHA That all youre bothered about? STEVE Course not. But he knows. Might have evidence. I dunno. But if we tell them he might grass us up. Steve gazes at his wife with sad, desolate eyes. Tasha examines his fatigued features. Eventually... TASHA (calm and deliberate) Im not gonna call the police... This familys staying together. Not havin our boy grow up without a dad... But were leavin tomorrow. All of us. Ill call my mum, see if we can stay for a bit. Tasha gets up to leave. Steve grabs her hand. STEVE Thanks Tash. Tasha pulls her hand away abruptly as she leaves the room. INT. NUMBER 77/KITCHEN - EVENING Rob mixes chemicals in the kitchen. Clearly lacking confidence. A beaker slips and cracks. Rob hurls it into the sink in frustration. It shatters. Angrily removing his lab gear. Rob picks up a bottle of water from the floor.


EXT. NUMBER 77 - EVENING Rob steps outside. Arching his neck skywards. Strained. A car pulls up. DCI Haines emerges. Accompanied by a younger male officer. He makes a beeline for Rob. HAINES Hi Mr Prentice. Ive called a few times. Just wondering if we could step inside and ask you a few questions? ROB Yeah, can I ask you one first? HAINES Sure. ROB Whens my dads body getting released? HAINES Thats not in my hands. But I shouldnt have thought itll be much longer. Rob rolls his eyes sceptically. HAINES (CONTD) ... Mind if we step inside? Rob leads the officers inside. INT. NUMBER 77/HALLWAY - EVENING Rob turns to face to pair, unwilling to invite them any further into the house. HAINES There were reports of a disturbance earlier. ROB Really? HAINES I see the upstairs window has been broken. How did that happen? ROB (matter of factly) I came home earlier. It was broken. HAINES And you know who did it?


ROB Like I said. I came home and it was like that. Probably just kids. HAINES Thats not what weve been told. ROB Why, what have you been told? HAINES Wed rather fully investigate before discussing anything. Im sure you understand. A sceptical look from Rob. ROB Is it customary for DCIs on murder cases to rush to peoples houses regarding a broken window? HAINES No. It isnt. I just wanted to investigate any possible link, given everything thats happened. ROB (smiling mockingly) Ah, right... No stone unturned. HAINES (smiling back, realising that Rob is mocking him) Exactly. ROB (curt) That all? HAINES No. I was wondering if you were familiar with Joe Langley and Gerard McNally? ROB Cant say I am. HAINES (surprised) Really? You havent seen the news? ROB I dont own a TV. Haines turns, raising his eyebrows towards the younger officer.


HAINES I still would have thought that you would have heard something about them since they were both residents of the estate whove died in suspicious circumstances recently. ROB I heard about the deaths. Dont really know anything else though. HAINES Where were you last Saturday evening? ROB (immediate) Here. HAINES That was fast. You didnt need to think about it? ROB No. Ive been here all night, every night since the investigators finished with it. HAINES Youre living here? ROB Thats right. Haines nods towards the younger officer. HAINES Ok, well leave it there. Ill be back in a few days if Ive any other questions. ROB No problem. Rob watches the officers head up the path as he closes the door. Lingering momentarily, deep in thought. Suddenly bursting to life. Rob heads upstairs. INT. BEDROOM - EVENING From the window, Rob scans the street. Attention drawn to a Vauxhall Omega with two people inside. Neither getting out. Grabbing an empty hold-all bag from the floor he leaves the room.


INT. KITCHEN - EVENING Rob piles the chemicals and equipment into the hold-all. Picking up his keys as he heads for the door. EXT. STREET - EVENING Rob gets in the car. Abnormally skittish as he eases out. Eyeing the Vauxhall in his mirror as it starts to move. I/E. ROBS CAR/ - EVENING Rob stops at traffic lights, The trailing vehicle several cars behind. Green light. He turns onto a quiet street. The car follows at a discreet distance. Pulling onto a roundabout with the car right behind. Rob circles it. Once, then twice. The Vauxhall remaining on his tail. Swerving rapidly to make a turning, Rob thunders away. The pursuant vehicle caught out by the speed of the exit forced to make another lap. Rob anxiously checks his rearview, slowing down realising that hes shaken them off. INT. ROBS CAR - EVENING Rob parks outside seventy-seven. Waits. Checks his mirror. The Vauxhall arrives, pulling up a hundred yards up the street. ROB (under his breath) Bastards. Rob takes out his phone and dials. INTERCUT: ROBS CAR/DOWNTOWN PUB - EVENING Aaron stands at a bar with several other men. AARON Alright mate? ROB Any chance you could you come back over for a bit? AARON Why, whats up?


ROB Just thought we could have a chat. Dont like how things were left earlier yknow? AARON Salright. I know youve had a lot to deal with. ROB (hurrying things up) So can you come? AARON Sure. Im at the Bristol. Had a few liveners but Ill lay off now... Be there in say... (looks at watch) An hour? ROB Alright. See you then. Rob hangs up. EXT. STREET - EVENING Rob gets out of the car. Looking straight ahead. Striding into seventy-seven. INT. NUMBER 77/HALLWAY - EVENING Rob throws his keys onto the table. Staring into the distance motionless. Suddenly erupting with unbridled rage. Tossing a row of shelves against the kitchen door ferociously, stomping the shelves until theyre smashed to smithereens. ROB (yelling) Fuck. Fuck. Fuckers. Rob slumps onto the stairs almost hyperventilating. Head grasped in hands. Robs breathing begins to levels out. He looks down, noticing blood pouring from his ankle. INT. BRYANT HOUSE/KITCHEN - NIGHT Tashas puffy eyes dart from tile to tile across the kitchen wall. Deep in thought. She suddenly steps into the living room with purpose.


INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Steve sits disorientated on the sofa. TASHA You got any change? No response from Steve. TASHA (CONTD) (raising voice) Steve! Have you got any change? Steve reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small handful of coins. TASHA (CONTD) Gimme what you've got. He limply hands over the coins. Tasha puts them in her pocket as she strides towards the door. STEVE (calling out) Tash. The front door closes. I/E. BRYANT HOUSE - NIGHT Steve rushes to the door. Tashas already into the street. About to call out to her. He thinks better of it. Shuffling back inside. INT. NUMBER 77/HALLWAY - NIGHT Rob picks up the final shards of wood from the broken shelves. Theres a knock at the door. I/E. NUMBER 77 - NIGHT Rob opens. Its Aaron. Rob apprehensively peers past him. Scouting for activity outside as he invites Aaron inside. All appears calm. AARON You alright? ROB Yeah. Why? AARON Just seem a bit tense.


ROB Fine. Rob ushers Aaron to the living room. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Rob hurriedly moves some of the clutter on the sofa. AARON So, uh... Whats the story with the window? ROB Oh yeah, the window. Well I was trying to fix the curtain upstairs. The rail slipped. Went straight through. AARON (disbelief) Double glazing? ROB Yeah, thats what I thought. Aarons furrows his brow sceptically. ROB (CONTD) (changing the subject) So how was Lara earlier? AARON She was... (hesitates) ... She was fine. ROB You sure? AARON Yeah, yknow. They look at each other. Neither wishing to pursue the subject. ROB ... Anyway, I just want to say Im sorry about earlier. AARON No. Dont worry. Aaron takes a seat. ROB You want a beer?


AARON Uh... Yeah, just the one since Im driving. Already had a couple of tequila slammers down the Bristol. Dont fancy getting breathalysed on the way home. ROB Ah, just remembered. Dont think Ive got any. AARON Coffee? ROB Ran out a couple of days ago. You know Ive not been at my best lately. AARON You want me to go and pick a few things up? ROB Would you? AARON (standing up) Course. What time does the shop down the end of the road shut? ROB Twenty minutes. AARON (looks at watch) Better get a move on. What dyou want then? ROB Yknow... The basics. Aaron heads for the door. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT Rob rushes to the hall to catch Aaron before he leaves. ROB Wait up, before I forget. Any chance you could go in my car? Been having problems with the gearbox. Dont want the mechanic to skin me before I get a second opinion. AARON Sure.


ROB (throws the keys, smiling) Thanks. The front door closes. Like a mask being removed. Robs relaxed manner turns to steely focus as he heads for the stairs. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Rob watches Aaron get into the Audi. As he pulls away the Vauxhall starts up. Easing out to follow. Rob tracks the vehicles as they pass. Aaron turning at the end of the street. The other car following. Both disappear from sight. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT Rob goes into the airing cupboard. Pulling a packed hold-all out he rushes towards the door. EXT. REDMONDS ESTATE - NIGHT Rob surveys the area tensely as he walks to Aarons car, pulling an envelope from his back pocket. On it, one word: AARON Rob places the envelope under a windscreen wiper. Pausing for a moment, glancing around, then setting off briskly towards the hill. EXT. STREER/PAYPHONE - NIGHT Tasha arrives at a dilapidated payphone. Taking out a handful of coins. Hands trembling as she inserts them into the slot. She exhales deeply, steadying herself. TASHA (into phone) Uh... Yeah, Im calling to tell you that the man in number seventyseven Radmere Road is responsible for the murders on Redmonds Estate. (listens) Yeah, seventy-seven Radmere Road. On Redmonds Estate. (listens) No. I dont want to leave my name... Just hurry up.


Tasha slams the phone down. Tasha begins to walk away, startled by a hooded figure carrying a bag striding towards her. Tasha recognises Rob as they pass. Turning to observe him once his backs turned. Robs figure soon swallowed into darkness as he strides into the distance. EXT. REDMONDS ESTATE - NIGHT Two police cars race around the corner. No lights. No sirens. A paddy wagon follows. Nearing home, Tasha looks on as police officers infiltrate seventy-seven. An emotionally drained Tasha plods up the path. Attempting to ignore Steve standing in the doorway. He blocks her entry. Tasha looks at her husband in disbelief. Steve suddenly embraces Tasha. An act of tenderness that causes her to break down. Sinking deep into his arms as tears roll down her cheeks. Steve closes the door. Windows and doors smash violently. The voices of a dozen bellowing police officers resonates around the estate as they storm seventy-seven. TITLE: THREE MONTHS LATER EXT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT People head into the Shepherd on a cold winters evening. Small groups huddle outside smoking. Two men dressed as superheroes playfight in the carpark. INT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT Its a bustling hive of activity inside the pub. Music pumps from the soundsystem. A sparse buffet laid on a covered pool table. Locals downing booze like theres no tomorrow. Steve and Tasha sit in the corner. Neither fancy-dressed. Relaxed, seemingly in love. A far cry from the couple three months previous. STEVE (gesticulating) ... So Im there holdin the ladder and my dads hanging. I mean, hanging out of this window. Hes stuck. Shoutin at me. Arse wigglin from side to side. (MORE)

99. STEVE (CONT'D) So the old lady who musta been at least ninety comes into the room, doesnt pay any attention to what hes doin or what he looks like and says. (puts on old lady voice) ... You want a cup of tea?

TASHA Aw, bless her... What happened? STEVE He asked for milk, two sugars and a slice of Battenburg. TASHA (laughing, playfully slapping Steves arm) Uh... No. I mean how did you get him out of the window? STEVE Well, I had to climb up the ladder and pull him out. Nearly ripped his jeans off. They fall into each other laughing. STEVE (CONTD) Right... Another drink? TASHA Er... Yeah, can I have a double? Not often I get to enjoy myself. STEVE (leaning in) Since its a special occasion. TASHA What special occasion? STEVE Ah, well, I Might have a little somethin for you at home. TASHA (playfully) Really? Ooh. STEVE You got anythin for me? Steve caresses the inside of Tashas thigh.


TASHA (flirtacious) Just have to wait and see wont you? (gives Steve a kiss before pushing him away) Cmon then. Drinks. Chop chop. A beaming Steve heads for the bar. As Steve waits to be served a man in a 1930s-style gangster costume breaks from talking with friends to look him up and down disapprovingly. RICHIE Coulda made an effort Steve. STEVE Dont mate. Went for my costume the other day. They had it in every size but mine. RICHIE Right. What costume was it? STEVE Gladiator outfit. Yknow like Russell Crowe. RICHIE (laughs) Russell Crowe? More like fuckin Russell Grant. Fat cunt. Richie playfully squeezes Steves belly. STEVE (laughs) Fuck off. Steve turns to Mike who is waiting attentively for his order. STEVE (CONTD) Uh... Double vodka and Coke and a pint please Mike? Oh, and make sure its a proper double. I know what youre like. MIKE (serious) My doubles are always proper. STEVE Dunno bout that, looked a bit short last time I had one. MIKE Cheeky bastard.


Steve laughs. Mike genuinely offended as he goes to get the drinks. EXT. REDMONDS ESTATE - NIGHT A car pulls around the corner. Slowing as it passes seventyseven. The property boarded up with steel shutters and daubed in offensive graffiti. INT. CAR - NIGHT Wearing a black Angel of Death fancy dress costume. A thinner, longer haired Rob checks out the address, then glances towards Steve and Tashas as he rolls past. Finding a space near the Shepherd. Rob gathers a skeletal costume mask and steel pipe from the back seat. Slipping the pipe into a sheath that he straps to his leg. Pulling on the mask to conceal his identity. Rob picks up a backpack from the passenger seat, exiting the car. EXT. STREET - NIGHT Rob strolls casually towards the Shepherd. INT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT Rob enters. Scanning the pub briefly as he approaches the bar. Steve turns, almost spilling his drinks onto the masked man in front of him. Both men startled by the near collision. STEVE Sorry mate. Rob remains silent. Steve peeking at him curiously as Rob takes his place at the bar. MIKE What can I get you? ROB Orange juice. MIKE Whats that? Cant hear through the mask. ROB (louder) Orange juice.


Rob looks around. Familiar faces populate the pub. Mike brings his drink. MIKE One twenty please. Rob pays. Walking across the pub and finding a seat in the corner, carefully placing the backpack next to him. Inquisitive glances from people on the adjoining table as he sits down. Rob looks straight ahead. Virtually a direct line of sight to Steve and Tasha. He looks at the clock. It reads 8:40. INT. THE SHEPHERD - LATER - NIGHT Rob finishes his drink. Looking over at the clock again. Its now 9:30. A drunk man staggers up to Rob. DRUNK MAN Gary? Rob looks straight through the drunk. Distracted by Steve kissing Tasha as he gets up from his seat. DRUNK MAN (CONTD) What ya meant to be Gary? Steve heads towards the toilets. Rob gathers the backpack pushing past the drunk to follow. DRUNK MAN (CONTD) Fuckin ell Gary! INT. TOILETS - NIGHT Steve pisses into a urinal. Rob stealthily slips in. Checking under the cubicles. Empty. Whipping a doorstop out of his pocket he wedges it under the door. Steve glances over. Nothing amiss. Rob takes out his steel pipe, sneaking up, cracking him over the skull. Steves body contorts as he crumples against the sink clutching his head. Rob shoves Steve to the floor. Pulling out a roll of duct tape to bind his limbs. Blood streams from Steves wound as hes dragged into a cubicle. Propping Steve on the toilet Rob leans in, removing his mask. Steve immediately thrusts towards him using his head as a battering ram. Rob sidesteps as Steve collides with the cubicle door and tumbles to the floor.


ROB (picking him up) Get up, ya fuckin idiot. STEVE (trying to shout) Help! Rob slaps Steves wound cruelly. Wrapping him in tape ensuring hes secured to the toilet. Placing one final piece of tape over Steves mouth. ROB Theres no help... Not for you. Rob throws the tape to the floor. Theres a bang on the main toilet door. Rob moves quickly. Locking the cubicle, hanging the backpack over the door, climbing over. He picks the bag up on the other side, pulling his mask on as he removes the doorstop. An old bloke pushes open the door. ROB (CONTD) Sorry, dont know what happened there. The old bloke staggers to a vacant cubicle. Rob loiters. The man finishing up in the cubicle and heading straight for the exit. Rob exhales in relief. INT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT Rob walks back towards his seat. But its been taken. As he strolls to the bar. The drunk from earlier spots him, wobbling over for round two. DRUNK MAN (needling) Cmon Gary. Gary. Gary. Whatcha doin Gary? Rob leans in close to the drunk. ROB (whispering) Im not Gary. Fuck off. The drunk turns aggressive. DRUNK MAN (shouting) Fuck off mate. Fuck off mate. (louder) No. You fuck off mate!


Several men rush over, restraining the drunk as he rambles incoherently. Most of the patrons turn to observe the commotion. Rob faces forward passively. Suddenly, the drunk lunges forward, pulling off Robs mask. His identity revealed. DRUNK MAN (CONTD) (laughing hysterically) Got your mask you twat. A dumpy woman nearby cackles as he staggers off holding the mask in the air like a trophy. She turns to Rob, her laughter turning to disbelief. She recoils. WOMAN (yelling) Robert Prentice. Thats Robert Prentice! People turn, recognising him. Rob reaches for the backpack. Pulling out his steel pipe, viciously striking an onrushing have-a-go-hero across the jaw. The mans bloody teeth shoot across the bar, one landing in a pint as he crumples to the floor. Rob swings the steel wildly, struggling to hold several men at bay. He frantically removes the bomb from the backpack, revealing a crude but convincing explosive device. ROB (yelling) This is a fucking bomb! As the men back off. The music blasting from the soundsystem stops abruptly. MIKE (shouting) Hes gotta bomb. Back off everyone. Gasps from the patrons. ROB Yeah, back off. Seizing an opportunity, a man lunges towards Rob. Retreating hastily as Rob turns to foil the attack. ROB (CONTD) This isnt a fucking joke. MIKE Dont anybody try anythin. Do as he says. Rob anxiously scans the patrons turned hostages. Surrounded every which way.


ROB (points) Ok, everybody over this side of the pub. They all shuffles to the side furthest away from the exit. MAN Thats no bomb. Lets rush the fucker. Rob yanks up his sleeve. Wincing as he raises his right arm, displaying a scar reaching from his wrist to his elbow. ROB (aggravated) See this? This happened making it, if you think Im bluffing then come and do something about it. Rob looks around. Waiting on somebody making a move. Nobody does. ROB (CONTD) ... Right, now I think we... Rob suddenly pauses. Distracted, almost hypnotised by sirens sounding outside the pub. The frosted windows lit up by blue rotating lights. ROB (CONTD) (pointing at woman) ... You. Only you. Get out there. Tell them Ive got a bomb and not to come near the pub. The woman scurries out of the pub. EXT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT The woman runs up to a police officer getting out of a car. WOMAN (frantic) Please. Help. POLICE OFFICER Calm down. WOMAN Its the man from the news. POLICE Which man?


WOMAN The one who went missing about the murders. Hes got a bomb. The alarmed officer looks towards the pub. INT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT Rob takes off his costume, wearing a t-shirt and jeans underneath. Slipping the bomb into the backpack, he places it on the bar next to him. Robs old friend Craig amongst the hostages. Rob looks up, making eye contact. Upon meeting Robs gaze, Craig nervously looks away. WOMAN Why are you doing this? Rob turns slowly. ROB Physics. Looks of bewilderment from the captives. ROB (CONTD) People on this estate... (jabbing finger towards random people as he speaks) You. You. You. You. You chose the action. Chose to spread hate and hurt people... Action provokes reaction. Thats physics. (points to bomb) ... Reaction. MAN Fuckin talkin about? ROB Ah, laymans terms you want is it? How about all of you getting my dad killed by spreading rumours about him being a paedophile?... That what Im fuckin talkin about! MAN Not all of us. ROB Well... (shrugs) Thats just bad luck for those who didnt.


TASHA Wheres Steve? What you done to him? Rob turns to Tasha. Recognising her. ROB (points, smiling) The wife. Rob looks off into the distance. Ponders. He smirks. TASHA Where is he? The phone behind the bar rings. ROB (dismissive) Shut up. Rob walks over to the bar. Answers. ROB (CONTD) (listens) Theyre ok. (listens) Nothing. (listens) No... Nothing. (listens) If I wanted money Id have robbed a bank. (listens) Second thoughts... Get my wife down here. I want to speak to her. (listens) When Im ready. Rob taps the phone against the bar. Establishing eye contact with Tasha. She looks straight through him. Scared, but brave. ROB (CONTD) Ok, Ill send everybody out. Except two. Rob hangs up. ROB (CONTD) (shouting) Right. All of you out. The captive crowd hesitate in unison. Disbelief. None of them move. ROB (CONTD) Hurry up. Cmon.


Realising hes serious, they all head towards the exit. Some faster than others. ROB (CONTD) (points at Tasha) You stay. Several people look at Tasha sympathetically as they file out. Only Rob and Tasha remain. Rob bolts the door. Menacingly strolling up to Tasha. She trembles, but refuses to back up. ROB (CONTD) Mens toilets. Walk ahead of me. Tasha does as shes told. Rob follows wielding the steel pipe. INT. TOILETS - NIGHT Tasha anxiously gazes at the closed cubicle door. ROB Move. Tash sidesteps as Rob boots open the door. Steve inside, smeared with blood, head drooped to the side. Barely clinging to consciousness. TASHA (sobbing) Steve. Tasha reaches out to comfort him. ROB Get back. I wont tell you twice. TASHA (indignant) Why? What you gonna do? Rob eyeballs Tasha. Irritated by the affront to his power. Pushing past her to tear off Steves restraints. Rob throws the tape to the floor. Stepping back, allowing Tasha to tend her stricken husband. TASHA (CONTD) You ok baby? STEVE Dont worry. TASHA Course Im gonna worry.


ROB Come on. Into the pub. INT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT Rob impatiently nudges Tasha in the back as she struggles to help Steve back into the pub. ROB Hurry up. TASHA (taking no shit) Will ya cut me some slack? Im doin my best. ROB (points to seats) Sit down. Tasha helps Steve onto the seats, continuing to nurse him. Rob pulls up a stool a few feet away. TASHA (cradling Steves head) What dyou want from us? ROB I want... Rob pauses as if to consider what he actually wants. TASHA You dont even know do you? ROB Nothing... I want nothing. TASHA Then why the fuck are you doing it? ROB Thats not even a question. Some things arent about personal gain. TASHA You dont have to do this. ROB No. I dont. But Im doing it anyway. Tasha looks at Rob disgustedly. ROB (CONTD) Why do you think prisons are so overcrowded?


TASHA (annoyed) How should I know? ROB Short story, when you go back far enough it comes down to economics and each individuals sense of morality. Hence, here we are. TASHA What? ROB In essence, everything and everybodys fucked. TASHA You think this is right? ROB (with conviction) Yes I do. Phone rings behind the bar. Rob moves to answer the phone. Ensuring that he keeps his eyes on Tasha and Steve. He picks up the receiver. ROB (CONTD) (into phone) Like I said earlier, when Im ready. (listens) What about my wife? (listens) Youre sure it was her? (listens) She didnt want to? (listens, disbelief) I dont believe you. (listens, aggravated) Like I said, when Im ready. Rob hangs up. Gutted. Wearing a tired, pained expression. He shuffles his weary body back to the stool. Tasha looks quizzically at the broken man in front of her. Surveying potential exits, Rob catches her. Suddenly realising where he is and gathering himself, he eyes Tasha with bemusement. TASHA (knowing shes been caught) What?


ROB Theres this lack of surprise about you... You knew all along didnt you? Tasha glances towards Rob then turns to continue tending her husband. TASHA (tearing up) What dyou want me to say? ROB (disgusted) You sit there cradling his head like a baby when you know what hes done? What the fuck does that make you? TASHA His wife. ROB And you sit there looking at me like a monster. TASHA You are. ROB Oh really?... As monstrous as a man who almost kicked the jaw off an old mans head? Tasha doesnt answer. Turning to dab Steves wound with her top. ROB (CONTD) Til death does you part. She looks at Rob, trying to figure out what he means. Silence. Hesitation. Then... TASHA So youre gonna kill us then? ROB (calmly) I let them out because I didnt need the pressure of having to watch forty people. I realised I dont need to kill them all. I just need him... and you. TASHA What bout our boy? You think your dad would want you to leave him an orphan?


Rob springs to his feet furiously, flipping over a table. ROB (enraged) He left me an orphan didnt he! (beat, calming down) Anyway... Hes dead. It doesnt matter what he wants. Tasha stands up. Seemingly unafraid. TASHA (angry) Fuck this!... Cmon then. Do it. Whatcha waitin for? ROB (taken aback) What? TASHA I said whatcha fuckin waitin for? ROB Waiting on your scumbag husband to wake up and realise whats gonna happen to him. TASHA (stands up, yelling) Nah. Fuck listenin to this anymore. Ya gonna kill us anyway. Do it then. Do it. Ya fuckin psycho. Tasha thrusts forward, attempting to grab the backpack. Rob yanking it from her grasp. Suddenly, Steve rises, shoving Tasha aside, lunging forward to rugby tackle Rob. The men topple to the floor, both throwing wild punches. Grappling along the deck. Scratching and clawing at each other. Neither gaining a decisive advantage. The phone behind the bar rings. Nobody to answer this time. STEVE (muffled) Get out Tash. Tasha rushes to the door. Hands quivering as she struggles to unbolt it. Rob jabs Steves head wound. Earning enough space to break free. Making a last-ditch attempt to stop Tasha from exiting. But its too late, shes out.


EXT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT Tasha runs, wide-eyed, waving her arms frantically, her turquoise halter-neck top covered in blood. TASHA (yelling) Hes gonna blow it up! INT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT Rob retreats, realising hes in the line of fire. Steve dives towards him, both men crash onto a table. Arms thrash. Steve lands a powerful right hook, causing Robs head to recoil and thud against the table. Rob reaches in desperation. Grabbing a beer bottle he smashes it against Steves jaw. Broken glass rains down. Steve collapses. Rob drags himself to his feet, pulling Steve to the floor. Repeatedly kicking him until his threat is neutralised. Rob wearily picks up the bomb. Closing his eyes, mashing the button to detonate. Nothing happens. ROB (panicking) No. Police move closer outside. Rob drips in sweat as he yanks on a wire which disconnects from the device. BOOM. An explosion. Loud but not powerful enough to break the windows. Malfunction. Rob collapses holding his eye. Screaming in agony, arms and legs flailing. A piece of shrapnel from the bomb lodged in his left eye. The remains of the partially detonated bomb dropping to the floor. EXT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT Tasha shrieks with horror as shes restrained by police. The crowd mesmerised as officers force them back following the explosion. INT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT The pub bathed in smoke. Steve motionless on the floor. A dazed Rob gamely tries to pull himself to his feet. Blood streaming down his cheek as a piece of metal protrudes sickeningly from his eyeball.


Suddenly windows shatter as armed officers stream into the pub. A cacophony of noise as they yell simultaneously. One officer stands over a disorientated Rob slumped over an overturned stool. POLICE OFFICERS (shouting) Police. Dont move. Officers drive knees into Robs spine as they pin him to the floor. Checking for weapons. They drag him towards waiting medics. Several members of the bomb disposal team cautiously begin work to neutralise what remains of the bomb. EXT. THE SHEPHERD - NIGHT Police hoist Steve outside to a medical crew. Tasha climbs into the ambulance. Sitting as far away from her husband as possible. STEVE (reaching out) Tash... Tash. Tasha looks towards him, considers, turns away. Pretending not to have heard. Medics place Rob on a gurney. Rushing towards the ambulance. He turns, agonised. Able to see the locals gossiping behind the cordon area through his one good eye. As hes pumped with painkillers Rob envisions his deceased father amongst the crowd. At first disbelief, he reaches out. Malcolm turns away. Rejecting his son. Medics load Rob into the ambulance. The doors close. Pulling away accompanied by police escorts. The convoy creeping past the transfixed, open-mouthed crowd en route to hospital.


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