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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code CSE304 Course Category Course Title COMPUTER GRAPHICS Courses with numerical and conceptual focus Course Planner 14621::Gaurav Raj Lectures 3.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 0.0 0.0 3.0

TextBooks Sr No T-1 Title Computer Graphics Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 Title Computer Graphics Introduction to Computer Graphics Author Zhigang Xiang, Roy Plastock Edition 1st Year 2004 1994 Publisher Name Tata McGraw Hill Addison Wisely Author Hearn and Baker Edition 1st Year 2007 Publisher Name Pearson Education

J.D. Foley, A.V. Dam, S.K. 2nd Feiner, J.F. Hughes, R.L. Phillips Kelvin Sung, Petter Shirley 1st

R-3 Other Reading Sr No OR-1 OR-2

Interactive Computer Graphics: with CD - Paperback edition


Cengage Learning

Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference) http://www.cs.kent.edu/~farrell/cg05/lectures/index.html , , http://medialab.di.unipi.it/web/IUM/Waterloo/html.html ,

Audio Visual Aids Sr No AV-1 (AV aids) (only if relevant to the course) http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-Delhi/Computer %20Graphics/csmain.htm Salient Features Video Lecture

Virtual Labs Sr No VL-1 (VL) (only if relevant to the course) http://deploy.virtual-labs.ac.in/labs/cse18/index.php Salient Features Virtual environment of Graphical transformation will help in demonstration of 2D and 3D transformations LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE Weeks After MTE Spill Over 7 6 2

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Text/reference books Other Readings, Lecture Description Relevant Websites, Audio Visual Aids, software and Virtual Labs Let students know about the importance of Computer Graphics in various fields History of Computer Graphics Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Demonstration/ Case Study / Images / animation / ppt etc. Planned Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Week 1

Lecture 1

Fundamentals Of Computer T-1:Page No. 2 to 34 Graphics(Applications of computer Graphics in various fields) Fundamentals Of Computer Graphics(Evolution of computer Graphics) T-1:p-34 - 54

Students will learn the importance of Computer Graphics and its versatility Present day Computer graphics are very interactive but were they same during the evolution years This lecture tells the students about milestones taken place in advancement of Computer Graphics

Graphics Systems(Video Display Unit)

T-1:P - 56 - 60

Describing importance of Importance of Video Video Displays in Displays in Computer Computer Graphics Graphics A type of Display technology used for displaying Vector Graphics images A type of Display technology used for displaying Vector Graphics images Beam Penetration and Shadow Mask Methods Students learn about a special type of CRT that is used specifically for vector graphics images Students learn about a special type of CRT that is used specifically for vector graphics images How does CRT displays generate colours

Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Lecture 2

Graphics Systems(Random scan displays)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 61 - 62

Graphics Systems(raster scan displays)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P- 60 - 61

Lecture 3

Graphics Systems(Displaying Colours)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P- 62 - 65

Graphics Systems(Frame Buffer)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 60

Describing about picture Frame buffer is a video definition output device that drives a video display from a memory buffer containing a complete frame of data

Week 1

Lecture 3

Graphics Systems(Digitization)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 58 -59

Representation of graphics

Digitization is the representation of an object, image, sound, document or a signal usually an analog signal by a discrete set of its points or samples

Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Week 2

Lecture 4

Graphics Systems(Persistence)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 58- 59

Describing about display Image persistence is the technology LCD and plasma display equivalent of screen burn How resolution effects the clarity of displays

Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Graphics Systems(Resolution)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 58- 59

Level of information on Lecture cum a display device demonstrations with Power Point Presentation DVST is Direct View Storage Tube that behaves like a CRT with highly persistent phosphor Flat panel displays encompass a growing number of electronic visual display technologies Students learn about the significance of different input and output devices Students learn about scan converting line, Circle, Ellipse, Arcs and Sectors Students learn about scan converting line, Circle, Ellipse, Arcs and Sectors Students learn about scan converting line, Circle, Ellipse, Arcs and Sectors Students learn about scan converting line, Circle, Ellipse, Arcs and Sectors Students learn about scan converting line, Circle, Ellipse, Arcs and Sectors Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Graphic I/O(DVST)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 65

Other type of display device

Lecture 5

Graphic I/O(Flat Panel displays)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 65 - 68

Describing about new technology display devices

Lecture 6

Graphic I/O(Other I/O Devices)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 77 - 98

Various types of Input and output devices supporting Computer Graphics Scan Conversion basics

Week 3

Lecture 7

Graphics Primitives(Algorithms for drawing Line)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 104 - 129

Lecture 8

Graphics Primitives(circle)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 104 - 129

Scan Conversion basics

Lecture 9

Graphics Primitives(circle)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 104 - 129

Scan Conversion basics

Week 4

Lecture 10

Graphics Primitives(ellipse)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 104 - 129

Scan Conversion basics

Lecture 11

Graphics Primitives(ellipse)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 104 - 129

Scan Conversion basics

Week 4

Lecture 11

Graphics Primitives(arcs & sectors)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 104 - 129

Scan Conversion basics

Students learn about scan converting line, Circle, Ellipse, Arcs and Sectors

Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Lecture 12 Week 5 Lecture 13 Graphics Primitives(Boundary Fill T-1:Hearn and Baker & Flood Fill algorithm) P - 147 - 150

Test 1 Creating Boundaries and Learn about Boundary filling objects pixel by Fill and Flood Fill pixel Algorithm Various attributes of a line

Graphics Primitives(Line attributes)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 164 - 169

What are different Lecture cum aspects related to a line demonstrations drawing with Power Point Presentation Different attributes concerned with Characters Different attributes concerned with Characters Importance of color tables in displaying of colors Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Graphics Primitives(Character attributes)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 183

How characters are displayed on a screen

Lecture 14

Graphics Primitives(Character attributes)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 183

How characters are displayed on a screen

Graphics Primitives(Color Lookup T-1:Hearn and Baker Tables) P - 175 - 176

Various types of color tables

Graphics Primitives(Antialiasing lines & area boundaries)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 191- 196

Describing importance of Antialiasing is a antialiasing software technique for diminishing jaggies stairsteplike lines that should be smooth Describing importance of Antialiasing is a antialiasing software technique for diminishing jaggies stairsteplike lines that should be smooth Difference between How to resize an object geometric and coordinate on screen transformations and various types of 2D transformations Difference between How to resize an object geometric and coordinate on screen transformations and various types of 2D transformations Changing position of objects How to displace an object on screen

Lecture 15

Graphics Primitives(Antialiasing lines & area boundaries)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 191- 196

2D Transformations and Viewing (Scaling)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 207

Week 6

Lecture 16

2D Transformations and Viewing (Scaling)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 207

2D Transformations and Viewing (Translation)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 204

Week 6

Lecture 16

2D Transformations and Viewing (Rotation)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 206

Moving an object in an angular motion clockwise and anticlockwise Describing about 2D shearing and reflection

How to rotate an object Lecture cum on screen demonstrations with Power Point Presentation How to distort and flip an object Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Lecture 17

2D Transformations and Viewing (shearing & reflection)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 221 - 223

2D Transformations and Viewing (Homogeneous Coordinate System)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 208

Importance of Homogeneous Coordinates in Transformations Test 2

The coordinates of points, including points at infinity, can be represented using finite coordinates Multi transformation effects

Lecture 18 Week 7 Lecture 19 2D Transformations and Viewing (General Composite Transformations) 2D Transformations and Viewing (Concept of Window and Viewport) 2D Transformations and Viewing (Viewing Pipeline) T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 211 - 215

Combining multiple transformations

Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Lecture 20

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 236 - 237

Basic concepts of camera Significance of window Lecture cum view and viewport demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Describing about Various steps in viewing transformations transforming a real object on to a display screen Use of Normalized Device Coordinates Normalized Device Coordinates NDC as an intermediate coordinate system that gets mapped to the device layer Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 237 - 238

Lecture 21

2D Transformations and Viewing (Normalized Device Coordinate Systems)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 239

2D Transformations and Viewing (Windowing & Viewing transformations)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 240 - 241

Transforming Window to How and where to Viewport display the objects captured on the screen to the viewport

Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Week 8 Lecture 22 Clipping(Interior & Exterior Clipping) T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 244 Describing the basic concept of clipping Students know about Lecture cum how to discard the areas demonstrations outside the window with Power Point Presentation Various conditions for clipping a point Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Clipping(Point Clipping)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 245

How to clip a point

Week 8

Lecture 22

Clipping(Line Clipping)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 245

How to clip a line

Various conditions for clipping a line

Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Lecture 23

Clipping(Line Clipping)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 245

How to clip a line

Various conditions for clipping a line

Clipping(Cohen Sutherland)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 246 - 248

Method to clip a line

How to clip a line using Lecture cum Cohen Sutherland demonstrations mehod with Power Point Presentation How to clip a line using Lecture cum Mid Point mehod demonstrations with Power Point Presentation How to clip a line using Lecture cum Mid Point mehod demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Various types of text clipping Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation


R-1:Zhigang Xiang Roy Plastock P - 126

Method to clip a line

Lecture 24


R-1:Zhigang Xiang Roy Plastock P - 126

Method to clip a line

Clipping(Text Clipping)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 264

How to clip a text against a window

Week 9

Lecture 25

Clipping(Sutherland Hodgeman)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 258 -260

Basics of Polygon Clipping

How to clip a polygon using Sutherland Hodgman method

Lecture 26

Clipping(Weiler Atherton)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 262

Another efficient method How to clip a polygon of clipping a polygon using Weiler Atherton method Working with 3D Basics of 3D Graphics

Lecture 27

Three Dimensional Concepts(3D Coordinate System)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 290 300

Week 10

Lecture 28

Three Dimensional Concepts(3D transformations)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 407 - 430

Describing transformations in 3D Geometry

Various types of 3D Transformations

Lecture 29

Three Dimensional Concepts (Aligning Vectors)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 420 - 430

Numerical on aligning a Steps to align a vector vector with an axis with one of axis

Lecture 30

Three Dimensional Concepts(3D Clipping)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 456 - 460

Basics of 3D clipping

Various types of clipping volumes and their use

Week 11

Lecture 31

Three Dimensional Concepts T-1:Hearn and Baker (Parallel & Prespective Projections - P - 438 - 444 & their types) 3D Object Representations (Polygon Surfaces) T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 304 - 364

Converting a 3D object into 2D

Basics and types of Projections

Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Lecture 32

Describing about polygon surfaces

Types of polygon surfaces

3D Object Representations(Curved T-1:Hearn and Baker lines & Surfaces) P - 304 - 364

Defining the surfaces and curved surfaces

How to draw curved lines and surfaces

3D Object Representations(Spline T-1:Hearn and Baker representations) P - 304 - 364

Describing about splines Different types of and its types splines

Lecture 33

3D Object Representations(Cubic Spline)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 304 - 364

Describing a type of spline

Technique to create cubic spline

3D Object Representations(Bezier T-1:Hearn and Baker Curves & Surfaces) P - 304 - 364

Describing a type of spline

Technique to create Bezier Curves and Surfaces

Week 12

Lecture 34 Lecture 35 3D Object Representations(BSpline Curves & Surfaces) T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 304 - 364

Quiz 1 Describing a type of spline Technique to create BSpline Curves and Surfaces

Lecture 36

Visible Surface Detection(ZBuffer)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 470 - 485

Hidden surface removal algorithm

How to remove hidden Lecture cum surface using Z Buffer demonstrations method with Power Point Presentation How to remove hidden Lecture cum surface using Scan Line demonstrations method with Power Point Presentation How to remove hidden Lecture cum surface using Back face demonstrations detection with Power Point Presentation How to remove hidden Lecture cum surface using Area demonstrations Subdivision method with Power Point Presentation Students learn about various types of illumination models Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Visible Surface Detection(Scan Line)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 470 - 485

Hidden surface removal algorithm

Week 13

Lecture 37

Visible Surface Detection(Back face removal)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 470 - 485

Hidden surface removal algorithm

Visible Surface Detection(Area Subdivision)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 470 - 485

Hidden surface removal algorithm

Lecture 38

Illumination & Rendering(Basic Illumination Models)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 494 - 503

Understanding about observable properties and effects of light

Week 13

Lecture 39

Illumination & Rendering(Basic Illumination Models)

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 494 - 503

Understanding about observable properties and effects of light

Students learn about various types of illumination models

Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Illumination & Rendering(Surface T-1:Hearn and Baker Rendering & Ray tracing) P - 494 - 503

Importance and different Surface rendering aims techniques for rendering at mapping the real surfaces texture defined by reflectance values, known as albedo, color textures, and so forth onto the recovered surface under an assumed illumination situation

Week 14 Lecture 40 T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 584 - 599 Color Models Learn about a wide variety of color models those can be used to display colors on screen and print media Lecture cum demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Lecture 41

T-1:Hearn and Baker P - 603 - 615

Computer Animation

Learn about the basics Lecture cum of Computer animation demonstrations with Power Point Presentation

Scheme for CA:

Component Test Quiz Frequency 1 1 Total :Out Of 2 Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 20 10 10 20

Details of Academic Task(s)

AT No. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task (group/individuals/field work Evaluation Mode Allottment / submission Week 4/4

Test 1

To check understanding of subject topics according to IP

Fundamentals Of Computer Graphics : Applications of computer Individual Graphics in various fields, Evolution of computer Graphics, Graphics Systems : Video Display Unit, Random scan displays, raster scan displays, Displaying Colours, Frame Buffer, Digitization, Persistence, Resolution, Graphic I/O : DVST, Flat Panel displays, Other I/O Devices, Graphics Primitives : Algorithms for drawing Line, circle, ellipse, arcs & sectors,

As per performance of the student

Test 2

To check the ability of student to solve numarical problems in Subject

Fundamentals Of Computer Graphics: Applications of computer Individual Graphics in various fields, Evolution of computer Graphics. Graphics Systems: Video Display Unit, Random scan displays, raster scan displays, Displaying Colours, Frame Buffer, Digitization, Persistence, Resolution. Graphic I/O : DVST, Flat Panel displays, Other I/O Devices. Graphics Primitives: Algorithms for drawing Line, circle, ellipse, arcs & sectors, Boundary Fill & Flood Fill algorithm. Line attributes, Character attributes, Color Tables, Antialiasing lines & area boundaries, Scaling, Translation, Rotation, shearing & reflection, Homogeneous Coordinate System, General Composite Transformations, Concept of Window and Viewport, Viewing Pipeline, Normalized Device Coordinate Systems, Windowing & Viewing transformations Fundamentals Of Computer Graphics: Applications of computer Individual Graphics in various fields, Evolution of computer Graphics. Graphics Systems: Video Display Unit, Random scan displays, raster scan displays, Displaying Colours, Frame Buffer, Digitization, Persistence, Resolution. Graphic I/O : DVST, Flat Panel displays, Other I/O Devices. Graphics Primitives: Algorithms for drawing Line, circle, ellipse, arcs & sectors, Boundary Fill & Flood Fill algorithm. Line attributes, Character attributes, Color Tables, Antialiasing lines & area boundaries. 2D Transformation, Clipping: Interior & Exterior Clipping, Point Clipping, Line Clipping - Cohen Sutherland, Midpoint, Text Clipping, Polygon Clipping: Sutherland Hodgeman, Weiler Atherton Three Dimensional Concepts: 3D Coordinate System, 3D transformations, Aligning Vectors, 3D Clipping

As per performance of the student


Quiz 1

To check the ability of the students to solve short analytical questions

As per performance of the student

12 / 12

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