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Nanotechnology and the Construction Industry

Aidan Kempster Nanotechnology Victoria Ltd 22 November 2006 Information from Institute of Nanotechnology Report: Surinder Mann, 31/10/2006* Executive Summary Recent developments in the study of materials and processes and their manipulation at the nanoscale offer the prospect of producing new macro materials and products. The construction business will be a beneficiary of this nanotechnology; in fact it already is in the fields of concrete, steel and glass. Materials are constructions core business and the prospects for more changes are significant in the near future. Examples already emerging include: nano-enhanced concrete, which is stronger, more durable and more easily placed; steel which is tougher; and self-cleaning glass. Adoption of more innovations is held up by high costs and the need to change work practices. Researchers surveyed predicted that many advances would arrive within five years. In conclusion, nanotechnology offers the possibility of significant advances over conventional technologies. Key technical insights: Haematite (Fe2O3) nanoparticles added to concrete can increase strength, also allows monitoring stress levels. Multiwalled nanotubes provide improvements both in compressive strength (+ 25 N/mm2) and flexural strength (+ 8 N/mm2). Bacteria can be used to make concrete stronger: anaerobic microorganism incorporated into concrete mixing water results in 25% increase in 28-day strength; a deposition of sand-cement matrix led to growth of filler material within the pores of the cements i.e. a self Carbon nanotubes bridging cracks in a cement composite (SEM picture) repairing concrete. Image courtesy NRC-CNRC website Nanoparticles in various binders can improve properties related to concrete deterioration. Opportunities exist to build functionality onto surfaces at the nanoscale. These could include self-sterilizing surfaces and electronic devices. Fire-protective glass; achieved by using a clear layer of fumed silica (SiO2) nanoparticles sandwiched between glass panels which turns into a rigid and opaque fire shield when heated. Spectrally sensitive thin adhesive film coverings are being researched to block light and heat coming in through windows. Nanosteel is an American company manufacturing steel products engineered with a nanoscale grain structure for hardness and corrosion resistance.
*Full report available from:

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