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La terminacin ING en Ingls, corresponde a nuestro gerundio: ando endo. Ejemplo: studying = estudiando eating = comiendo RULES TO ADD ING. Reglas para aumentar ing.

1. To most of the verbs we add ing. A la mayora de los verbos se les aumenta ing sin realizar ningn cambio. Work trabajar Listen escuchar Learn aprender Working trabajando Listening escuchando Learning aprendiendo

But: be careful and remember when: Pero: tenga cuidado y recuerde que cuando: 2. When the verb ends in an e, we drop the e and add ing Cuando el verbo termina en e, elimine la e y luego aada ing Come venir Have tener Write escribir Coming viniendo Having teniendo Writing escribiendo

3. If a one syllable (with only one vowel sound) verb ends in one consonant (for example p, t, r) that follows one vowel (for example a, o, e), we double the consonant. Si el verbo tiene una sola slaba y termina en consonante como p, t , m, y esa consonante esta precedida por una vocal, duplique la ltima consonante.

Swim nadar Get conseguir

Swimming nadando Getting Consiguiendo

4. When the verb has 2 syllables and the stress is on the Second syllable, add the last consonant. Cuando el verbo tiene 2 slabas y el acento prosdico recae en la 2da. Slaba, duplique la ltima consonante. Begin empezar Control controlar Beginning empezando Controlling controlando

**Se recomienda buscar un diccionario con audio, a travs del cual usted podr escuchar la pronunciacin de los verbos, esto se lo hace por medio de cualquier buscador de Internet. (English dictionary with pronunciation) 5. Some verbs have irregular ing forms Algunos verbos tienen forma irregular, esto quiere decir que no se sujetan a ninguna de las reglas anteriores. Por ejemplo: Lie mentir Die morir Tie atar Lying mintiendo Dying muriendo Tying atando

Practice: Make the ing form of the verbs. Escriba el verbo con la terminacin ing y consulte su significado. VERB hold come watch ING FORM MEANING (Significado)

skate smile die speak run meet talk have take live sit go listen eat lie ski wear chat chew

The Present Continuous Tense - When to use it Cuando se usa el Tiempo Presente Contnuous. 1. One of the uses of the Present Continuous Tense is to talk about activities happening now. Uno de los usos del tiempo Presente Continuo es para expresar (en forma oral o por escrito) sobre actividades que estn sucediendo en este momento. Examples: The kids are watching TV. Los nios estn mirando TV I am sitting down, because I am tired. Estoy sentado/a, porque estoy cansado/a

I am not learning German, I am learning English . Yo no estoy aprendiendo Alemn, estoy aprendiendo Ingls. Who are you writing to? A quin le ests escribiendo? We aren't working hard these days. No estamos trabajando duro estos das.

The Present continuous is also known as present progressive. Al tiempo Presente Continuo se lo conoce tambin como Presente Progresivo. Present Progressive - Form Use a form of to be and the infinite verb plus -ing. Para formar el Presente Contnuo, usamos primero el verbo TO BE (am, is, are) y luego el verbo que corresponda con la terminacin ing. Use:

am with the personal pronoun I is with the personal pronouns he, she or it (or the singular form of nouns) are with the personal pronouns you, we, they (or the plural form of nouns) Affirmative sentences I Yo I am playing. Yo estoy jugando Negative sentences I am not playing. Yo no estoy jugando Questions Preguntas Am I playing? Estoy yo jugando?

he, she, it el, ella, esto

He is playing. El est jugando

He is not playing. El no est jugando

Is he playing? Est l jugando?

You: ustedes You are playing. You are not playing. we: nosotros Ustedes estn Ustedes no estn They: jugando jugando ellos/ellas

Are you playing? Estn ustedes jugando?

Exercise: Put the verb in brackets in the correct form to make the Present Continuous Tense. Ponga el verbo que est en el parntesis en la forma correcta para formar oraciones en tiempo Presente Contnuo. No se olvide de usar primero el verbo TO BE: am, is, are 1. John.. (read) a book now. 2. What .(you do) tonight? 3. Jack and Peter ...(work) late today. 4. Silvia. (not listen) to music. 5. Maria (sit) next to Paul. 6. How many other students.. (you study) with? 7. The phone.... (not ring). 8. My friends ...(talk) to the teacher. 9. I ..(prepare) a delicious sandwich. 10. My mother ..(sleep). Now compare and see how well you did the exercise: Ahora compare y mire cuan bien hizo el ejercicio: 1. John is reading a book now. John est leyendo un libro. 2. What are you doing tonight? Que vas a hacer esta noche? 3. Jack and Peter are working late today. Jacky Peter estn trabajando hasta tarde hoy 4. Silvia is not listening to music. Silvia no est escuchando msica 5. Maria is sitting next to Paul. Mara est sentada jundo a Paul 6. How many other students are you studying with? Con cuantos otros estudiantes ests t estudiando? 7. The phone is not ringing. El telfono no est timbrando 8. My friends are talking to the teacher. Mis amigos/as estn hablando con el professor 9. I am preparing a delicious sandwich. sanduche delicioso 10. My mother is sleeping. Yo estoy preparando un Mi madre est durmiendo

Transform the sentences below into negative sentences. Cambie las siguiente oraciones a oraciones negativas .Example: My mother is working. 1. I am watching TV 2. I am talking 3. They are drawing 4. He is opening the window 5. Angela is cleaning the bathroom. 6. We are helping in the garden 7. You are singing 8. It is raining 9. She is joking 10. I am tidying up my room My mother is not working. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

Present Continuous - Yes/No Questions with answers.


doing it right?

Yes, I am No, I am not Yes, I am No, I am not Yes, he is No, he is not Yes, she is No, she is not Yes, it is No, it is not Yes, we are No, we are not Yes, they are No, they are not

Are Is Is Is Are Are he she it we they

listening to me? working today? speaking Chinese? working? going home now? watching TV?

Exercise: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets and answer. Example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Are you listening

(you listen) to me? Yes, I am. Yes, ______________ No, ______________ No, ______________ Yes, ______________ Yes, ______________

(it start) to rain?. (Sue study) to become a doctor? (you take) your daughter with you ? (the dog play) with the kids? (they come) tonight?

Present Continuous - Information Questions Information questions are also sometimes called "Wh" questions. Las preguntas informativas son tambin llamadas Wh questions. What Where Who When What When What am are is is is are are I you he she it we they doing? living now? speaking to? coming? doing here? having the test? prueba? watching? Qu estoy yo haciendo? Donde ests t viviendo ahora? Con quin est l hablando? Cuando viene ella? Qu est haciendo aqu? Cuando tenemos la Qu estn ellos mirando?

Exercise: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets and answer. Complete la pregunta con la forma correcta del verbo en parntesis y responda. 1. What company ______________________________(you work) for?

___________________________________ 2. What class _________________________________(they study) in? _________________________________________ 3. Who _______________________________(John shake) hands with? _________________________________________ 4. What time _________________________________(your friends come)? ________________________________________ 5. What country____________________________ (they visit) at the moment? __________________________________________ Exercise on YES / NO questions. Write questions with the words below. Escriba preguntas en tiempo Presente Continuo utilizando las palabras dadas y responda. Example: Helen / do / the homework Is Helen doing the homework? 1. Peter / go / to the cinema. Yes, _________________ 2. they / play / a game _________________________________________? Yes, she is.

________________________________________ ?

No, __________________ 3. she / listen /to the radio No, ___________________ _________________________________________?

4. we / talk / too fast No, ______________________ 5. they / clean / the windows Yes, _____________________.




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