Past Perfect

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[had + past participle] Examples:

You had studied English before you moved to New York. Had you studied English before you moved to New York? You had not studied English before you moved to New York.

Complete List of Past Perfect Forms

USE 1 Completed Action Before Something in the Past

The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past. Examples:

I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai. I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet. Tony knew Istanbul so well because he had visited the city several times. Had Susan ever studied Thai before she moved to Thailand? She only understood the movie because she had read the book. Kristine had never been to an opera before last night. We were not able to get a hotel room because we had not booked in advance. A: Had you ever visited the U.S. before your trip in 2006? B: Yes, I had been to the U.S. once before.

USE 2 Duration Before Something in the Past (Non-Continuous Verbs)

With Non-Continuous Verbs and some non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, we use the Past Perfect to show that something started in the past and continued up until another action in the past.


We had had that car for ten years before it broke down. By the time Alex finished his studies, he had been in London for over eight years. They felt bad about selling the house because they had owned it for more than forty years.

Although the above use of Past Perfect is normally limited to Non-Continuous Verbs and non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, the words "live," "work," "teach," and "study" are sometimes used in this way even though they are NOT Non-Continuous Verbs.

IMPORTANT Specific Times with the Past Perfect

Unlike with the Present Perfect, it is possible to use specific time words or phrases with the Past Perfect. Although this is possible, it is usually not necessary. Example:

She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996.

MOREOVER If the Past Perfect action did occur at a specific time, the Simple Past can be used instead of the Past Perfect when "before" or "after" is used in the sentence. The words "before" and "after" actually tell you what happens first, so the Past Perfect is optional. For this reason, both sentences below are correct. Examples:

She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996. She visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996.


If the Past Perfect is not referring to an action at a specific time, Past Perfect is not optional. Compare the examples below. Here Past Perfect is referring to a lack of experience rather than an action at a specific time. For this reason, Simple Past cannot be used. Examples:

She never saw a bear before she moved to Alaska. Not Correct She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska. Correct

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc. Examples:

You had previously studied English before you moved to New York. Had you previously studied English before you moved to New York?

Gramtica Ambos tiempos describen acciones finalizadas en el pasado, si bien con algunas diferencias.

a) Past Simple
Accin finalizada en el pasado; no se hace referencia a ninguna conexin con el presente. I studied law at the university of Madrid

b) Past Perfect
Equivale al "present perfect" pero tomando como punto de referencia un momento en el pasado. - La accin finaliz cerca de dicho momento pasado que es mencionado en la oracin. Did you see him when you went to his office? No, he had left

- La accin finaliz justo en dicho momento pasado o incluso continu despus. He had lived in Paris for 10 years when he decided to buy his own flat (continu viviendo en Pars)

Exercises 1.- Escribe el verbo entre parntesis en "past perfect" o "past simple" segn corresponda:


My father ________ in Madrid when he was young (To live) David's car was very new; he just ________ it (To buy) Ann passed her exam because she ________ a lot (To study) The oil tanker ________ in the middle of a terrible hurricane (To sink) Last summer my parents went to London; they never ________ there before (To be) When the police arrived the terrorist just ________ one hostage (To kill) (acababa de suceder)







Mark didn't ________ me to his birthday party (To invite) Yesterday morning my kids ________ to the zoo (To go) Ten years ago I ________ 100.000 euros for my house (To pay)




When I saw your father I didn't recognize him. He ________ a lot (To change) The first time I ________ my wife was in Paris during the Roland Garros Tournament (To meet) Last night I ________ to bed very late because I was reading a book (To go) When my mother phoned me yesterday night I just ________ to bed (To go) (justo poco antes de la llamada)





I didn't see my brother last summer. He ________ in France (To be) I arrived very late at the party and my friends just ________ (To leave) (acababan de marcharse)



Mr Wilson ________ alone in his castle (To die) Last September the village was very quiet: the holiday makers already ________ (To leave) (pocos das antes)



Last time I went to Barcelona they ________the Olympic Village (To open) (poco tiempo antes) When the bomb exploded the police already ________ the building (To evacuate) I ________ for an American firm for 10 years (To work) (ya no trabajo)




We ________ our trip to Italy a lot (To enjoy)


When the helicopter finally arrived the oil tanker ________ (To sink) When the vaccine was finally developed that strange illness already ________ thousands of people (To kill)



The bomb ________ in front of the police station (To explode) The public ________ the referee during the match (To insult)


In the following sentences, you do not have to use the pronoun "yo". You can just say, "tuve". I had (that)- Yo tuve que I had - Tuve I had (that) - Tuve que.... I had (that) to wash my clothes - Yo tuve que lavar mi ropa. I had to clean my hands. - Tuve que limpiar mis manos. I had to wash my feet. - Yo tuve que lavar mis pies. I had to wash my face. - Tuve que lavar mi cara. I had to clean the pool. - Yo tuve que limpiar la piscina. I had to wash the dog. - Tuve que lavar el perro. I had to wash the car. - Yo tuve que lavar el carro. I had to wash the car. - Tuve que lavar el coche. I had to go to the store. - Yo tuve que ir a la tienda. I had to go to the doctors. - Tuve que ir a los mdicos. I had to go to the medical center. - Tuve que ir al centro mdico. I had to go to the hospital. - Yo tuve que ir al hospital. (a + el = al) to the hospital - al hospital I had to go to my friend's house. - Tuve que ir a casa de mi amigo. I had to go to my friend's house. - Tuve que ir a casa de mi amiga

El verbo "must" es tambin un verbo modal, que tampoco tiene infinitivo (no existe "to must"). Este verbo modal tiene dos acepciones principales. En su primera acepcin se utiliza para indicar que estamos seguro de que algo es cierto.

He must have gone.

El debe haberse ido (estoy seguro de que l se ha marchado) You must speak English very well. T debes hablar ingls muy bien (estoy seguro de ello) La forma pasada se construye "must have + past participle del verbo principal".

He must have finished his El debe haber finalizado su trabajo work. You must have won the match. T debes haber ganado el partido En su segunda acepcin, "must" se utiliza para indicar que es necesario hacer algo, expresando una opinin del que habla.

You must answer the telephone. She must study English.

T debes contestar el telfono (yo entiendo que es tu obligacin) Ella debe estudiar ingls (sta es mi opinin)

En esta segunda acepcin, "must" slo se utiliza en el presente y en el futuro.

You must study today. You must study next week.

T debes estudiar hoy T debes estudiar la prxima semana

La negacin es "must not" (o su forma abreviada "musn't"), que significa que es necesario no hacer algo.

You musn't go there. He mustnt sell his house.

T no debes ir all El no debe vender su casa

Y la forma interrogativa se construye colocando "must" al comienzo de la interrogacin.

Must you water the garden? Must we play now?

Debes t regar el jardn ? Debemos nosotros jugar ahora ?

"Must" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. He He I They The parents children. The teacher The children correctly. The thief his father. just now. left. l debe haber venido l debe ayudar a su padre Yo debo marcharme ahora Ellos deben haberse marchado bring up their Los padres deben educar a sus hijos be patient. behave El profesor debe ser paciente Los nios deben comportarse correctamente El ladrn debe haber confesado



The police person.

the guilty La polica debe conocer ya al culpable study a bit more. T debes estudiar un poco ms

10. You

El verbo modal "should" se utiliza para indicar conveniencia:

You should come with us. I should study German. He should work harder.

T deberas venir con nosotros Yo debera estudiar alemn El debera trabajar ms duro

Se diferencia, por tanto, de "must", ya que ste indica obligacin:

You must do your homework. T debes hacer tus deberes You should do your homework. T deberas hacer tus deberes Tambin se utiliza "should" para indicar que algo es probable que ocurra en el futuro:

She has studied so hard that she Ella ha estudiado tanto que debera should pass her exams. aprobar sus exmenes I should be at home by 10 o'clock. Yo debera estar en casa antes de las 10 Su forma negativa es "should not" (o la abreviada "shouldn't"):

She shouldn't go alone. Ella no debera ir sola You shouldn't be so disagreeable. T no deberas ser tan desagradable He shouldn't come back so late. El no debera volver tan tarde

En el pasado se utiliza la forma "should + have + past participle del verbo principal" para indicar lo que se debera haber hecho y no se hizo:

You should have called me. T deberas haberme telefoneado She should have prepared her exams. Ella debera haber preparado sus exmenes My brother should have come. Mi hermano debera haber venido


1. You

your coat on. T deberas ponerte tu abrigo

2. He

more polite. l debera ser ms educado

3. She

drink so much. Ella no debera beber tanto

4. You

for help. T deberas haber pedido ayuda

5. You

French. T debes estudiar francs

6. You

study French. T deberas estudiar francs

7. We

go to that party. Nosotros no deberamos ir a esa fiesta

8. They

help us. Ellos deberan ayudarnos

9. She

that. Ella no debera haber hecho eso

10. I

back before 11 o'clock. Yo debera volver antes de las 11

El verbo modal "would" (pasado de "will") se utiliza acompaado del infinitivo "to like" para expresar ofrecimientos e invitaciones:

Would you like a cup of coffee? Te gustara una taza de caf ? Would you like to come with us? Te gustara venir con nosotros ? Would he like a piece of cake? Le gustara un trozo de pastel ? Tambin se utiliza para manifestar deseos o realizar peticiones de una manera corts:

I would like to be rich. Me gustara ser rico I would like your help. Deseara tu ayuda Would you lend me your car? Me prestaras tu coche ? Aparte de estos usos como verbo modal, "would" tambin se utiliza para formar el condicional:

If that car was cheaper, I would buy it.

Si ese coche fuera ms barato, lo comprara If it didn't rain, we would go to the beach. Si no lloviera, iramos a la playa

As como para formar el futuro de de una accin que se desarrolla en el pasado:

He said that he would buy the tickets. El dijo que l comprara las entradas I thought that I would go to the movies. Yo pensaba que ira al cine


1. I

to go to the beach. Me gustara ir a la playa


you like a beer? Le apetecera una cerveza?


you like to come with us? Te gustara venir con nosotros?


you pass me that book? Me pasaras ese libro?

5. I

some information about France Deseara informacin sobre Francia


you help me, please? Me ayudara?, por favor

7. He said that he

later. l dijo que vendra ms tarde

8. If you came, I

you the pictures. Si vinieras, te enseara las fotos

9. I

to speak German. Me gustara hablar alemn

10. I

to leave. Deseara marcharme

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