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Performance Appraisal & Development Plan

Supervisor / Manager
Employee Name: Robert L. Wilson, Jr. Manager Name: Dawn Groters Review Period: Employee Position: Safety Manager/Operations Date: December 8, 2009 Date Review Completed:

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:
Identify the direct reports that will be participating in the Performance Appraisal process. Give a blank copy of the Performance Appraisal & Development Plan instrument to your direct report two weeks before the scheduled meeting. Request that he or she: a. Conduct a self-assessment and complete the entire instrument. b. Submit a completed copy of the instrument to the manager one week before the scheduled meeting. Follow-up with the employee to ensure that he or she understands the appraisal process. Schedule an appraisal meeting the meeting should be scheduled for a mutually convenient time and place. Complete all sections of the Performance Appraisal & Development Plan for each direct report. Together with the employee, conduct the performance appraisal discussion by sharing your appraisal and assessment ratings with the employee offering supportive comments, examples and/or issues that support your rating reviewing the employees self-assessment ratings and determining a final rating the manager determines the final ratings summarizing the employees Overall Performance Rating; and determining Performance and Developmental Goals. In order for the employee to complete the Employee Feedback section, provide the employee with a copy of the completed instrument after the discussion. The employee should be given time to consider the results before returning the completed document to you. Review the Employee Feedback section. Thank the employee for his or her comments and suggestions and offer a response. Complete the Signature box below. and the manager version of the instrument into the employees file and forward copies as appropriate.

Step 4: Step 5: Step 6:

Step 7:

Step 8: Step 9:

Step 10: Print and/or make a copy of the completed instrument; insert the originals both the self assessment instrument

I have participated in this discussion with my manager.

Employee Signature: I have participated in this discussion with the employee named above. Manager Signature:



June 2007

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Performance Appraisal and Training & Development Assessment

Using the scale below, please assign two ratings: 1. Your appraisal of the individuals performance over the performance period (check the appropriate box in the shaded area for each competency) 2. Together with the employee, check the appropriate boxes in the non-shaded area that indicates his or her need for training and development.

Strength frequently exceeds responsibility and performance expectations, thinks outside and ahead of his or her job, anticipates
and prevents problems and exemplifies extraordinary initiative in this competency. Meets Expectations achieves expectations, works under minimal supervision and demonstrates sound judgment. Is qualified, competent and effective in this competency.

Needs Development is not meeting or accomplishing all or some of the responsibilities and performance expectations or is
new to the position. Recommendation for improvement is suggested in this competency.

Not Applicable (N/A) this specific item does not directly relate to his or her position. S ME ND N/A


Customer Service & Community Relations

Places a high priority on understanding internal and/or external customer needs and providing superior service. Maintains a positive relationship with the community; responds to questions and service issues. Participates locally as a good corporate citizen.
Knows the elements of effective customer service Able to develop plans for ongoing customer contact with key-decision makers Able to build relationships with stakeholders (i.e. transit authorities) Able to develop a network in the community Able to solicit feedback from customers Able to evaluate customer service delivery

Ability to expand and grow business.

Able to identify possible opportunities for new business (i.e. acquisitions, conversions, management contracts) Able to make formal presentations (i.e. to transit authorities, officials, operators, management) Know the elements within a revenue contract Know the strategies and tactics for effective negotiation Able to develop and negotiate bid proposals for revenue contracts

Contract / Financial Management

Effectively uses KPIs to detect potential problems early and takes corrective action. Avoids surprises. Understands how profits are made or lost in the business. Properly assesses risks and does not cut corners to achieve results.
Able to develop an operating budget Able to complete monthly revenue, expense and profitability estimates Able to report causes for budget variances Able to decipher contracts (revenue, labor, CBA, etc.)

Understands and is consistent and diligent in complying with corporate and client standards. Embraces corporate initiatives. Ensures compliance with all federal, state and local laws.
Able to ensure compliance with labor contracts Able to respond to labor/employee grievances Able to recognize and take action to maintain a workplace free of unlawful harassment and discrimination Able to respond to complaints related to equal employment opportunity, harassment and discrimination legislation Able to ensure safety and file compliance

Possesses personal drive, energy and passion to pursue goals to achieve success. Achievement oriented.
Able to manage conflict Able to balance multiple priorities Able to set personal objectives Able to work independently Able to manage own time effectively Able to assess own strengths and weaknesses

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Performance Appraisal and Training & Development Assessment

Team Work
Works with co-workers in such a manner as to build high morale and group commitment to goals and objectives.
Able to help the team identify, clarify and achieve its goals Able to promote the teams accomplishments and needs to the organization Able to help the team achieve consensus on team decisions Able to treat all team members equally and fairly Able to involve team members in the problem-solving and decision-making process Able to reward team performance Able to address the performance problems of team members




Managing Change
Adjusts to new situations, information or unexpected obstacles. Sensitive to the cultural dynamics in the organization. Able to integrate diverse cultures to achieve results and resolve problems.
Able to anticipate the effects of planned changes for individuals, the team and the organization knows the ways that people commonly respond to change Able to manage the change process effectively Able to communicate effectively about changes able to explain changes at Veolia Transportation to others including direct reports and operators Able to help others to deal effectively with their reactions to change Able to minimize the potential negative effects of change on people Able to demonstrate a positive attitude towards change


Problem Solving & Decision Making

Willing to own decisions good or bad. Does not attempt to minimize impact or shift responsibility. Selects the right activities or issues to work on and knows when to ask for help and involve other experts. Does not avoid tough choices. Involves others in making decisions and gets people all working together effectively. Establishes project goals, defines roles and responsibilities, acquires project resources, monitors project progress and manages multiple projects.
Able to solve problems and make decisions on a day-to-day basis Able to involve others including the work group in making decisions Able to explain decisions to others (i.e. manager and direct reports) Able to make a decision in a crisis situation Able to set priorities and manage multiple tasks Able to help establish project goals, milestones and procedures Able to coordinate resources to ensure project completion

Coaching & Communication

Coaches and communicates effectively and appropriately for the audience both verbally and in writing. Uses appropriate communication vehicle.
Able to listen to all team members Able to express ideas verbally in a clear and concise manner Able to tell staff how they are doing in a supportive manner Able to receive feedback in a non-defensive manner Able to provide effective coaching on a regular basis Able to acknowledge achievements in individual performance Able to write business correspondence (i.e. letters, memos)

Performance Management
Sets appropriate expectations and goals. Regularly provides constructive, objective, performance feedback to employees. Sees great value in employee training and development. Develops strategies to minimize employee turnover.
Able to set performance goals with direct reports Able to provide recognition for good performance Able to confront performance problems of direct reports Able to coach direct reports to improve performance when there are performance problems Know the steps in the progressive discipline process Able to carry out the progressive discipline process

Overall Performance Rating

Using the scale at the top of the page, please check the description that best matches your judgment of the employees overall performance.




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Comments - Examples Issues

Please document both positive and negative performance that has occurred throughout the year. Describe the behavior, not your judgment. You can prevent the chance of memory lapse by recording incidents when they happen. If you require additional space, please use a separate piece of paper.

Performance Goals
Consider the performance period ahead. Based on the projected business priorities of the Region and/or the property, identify a couple of competency areas where either expectations were not met or a competency could be strengthened, and together with the individual, develop a performance goal. If you require additional space, please use a separate piece of paper.

Performance Goal

Resources Required


Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Many options can be exercised to help your employee develop systematically especially in those competency areas you have identified as Needs Development. By providing a variety of challenges you can help an employee learn from his or her experience. It is not always necessary to move people into a new job or to send them to external training events in order to develop skills. There are many learning opportunities within the business that can contribute to an employees development. Together with your direct report, complete the section below by identifying those developmental goals and/or action items you would like completed during the next performance period. If you require additional space, please use a separate piece of paper.

Developmental Goal

Resources Required


Employee Feedback
This section provides the employee with an opportunity to give the manager some direct feedback. The employee should complete this section after the performance discussion has taken place checking the box that best answers each question. Space is provided for openended questions and comments.

I agree with my managers rating of my performance (please check one)




What questions do you have that you would like your manager to answer?

June 2007

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