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ADMN 2136 Assignment #2 June 22, 2012 Part 1. Research Study 1 a.

. The hypothesis is to examine whether or not instructional and emotional support makes a difference on at-risk childrens achievement scores. b. I believe the research problem is good because it will provide a potential link between teachers having a more active role in childrens lives actually having a benefit on test scores and behavior. c. Yes the research can be addressed through data collection. The teachers need to rate the children on if they are at risk or not. Next a researcher should evaluate if the children are receiving instructional and emotional support. d. The research problem is significant to practice. If the results show that all troubled kids need to adjust is greater teacher involvement then at-risk kids can be placed in smaller classrooms where they will get the support they need to become a functioning part of society later on. Research Study 2 a. The research question is whether or not his engaging of the students in conversation and relating topics to things they already know is proving to be a more successful method of teaching. b. The research problem is not good because the teacher does not do a good job in actually identifying a problem. He states that over the years he has not adapted the student-centered classroom method as well as he though he would have. He also already believes it is a better way to teach. c. Yes the research can be obtained through data collection. He needs to compare grades from when he adapts to the student-centered classrooms and to the normal classroom where the teacher controls discussion. d. The research problem is significant to theory because it is only a theory that student run classrooms will improve the test results and memory retention. It may not hold true though because many students have many different needs. Part 2. 1. Nominal is the best measurement scale because there is no ranking to the terms and the categories are just assigned names. 2. Interval data is the best measurement because the answers are of equal value, but are not subcategories or assigned names. Interval will work best because the researcher will be able to identify the mean, median, and modes to the answers. 3. Ratio is the best measurement because if has absolute zero (fail) and uses equal measurement units.

4. Ordinal data is the most appropriate measurement because it will allow users to apply ranking to the answers and that will be beneficial to end users that are interested in means, medians, and mode for the answers. 5. Ordinal is also the best measurement to use because it will apply a ranking system with the highest academic achievers down to the lowest (or vice versa). Part 3. Scenario 1: Customer service satisfaction levels will increase if entry-level bank employees are enrolled in a customer service course. There will be no difference in customer service satisfaction levels whether or not entrylevel bank employees are enrolled in customer service courses. Scenario 2: Public school students high school graduation averages can be related to their age 25 incomes. (Higher the average, higher the income.) There is no relation to public school students high school graduation marks and their income at age 25. Scenario 3: Undergrad students enrolled in an OB course will have a better appreciation for the course through case based learning. Undergrad students opinions on the OB course will have no differences whether the course was case based or textbook based. Part 4. In this study, I will investigate the possible relation between average hours worked per week for parents and the grade twelve-graduation averages of their children, as well as the psychological factors that might affect such a relationship.

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