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Strai ight flush Each straig flush is uniquely det ght u termined by its highest r ranking card and

d d; these ranks go from 5 (A-2e fr -3-4-5) up to A (10-J-Q o Q-K-A) in e each of the 4 suits. Thus the s, total number of straight flush is: s hes

Royal str raight flush A roya straight flu is a sub h al ush bset of all st traight flush in hes which the ace is the highest card (i.e. 10-J-Q h d Q-K-A in any of the four suits). Thu the y r us, total num mber of royal straight flu l ushes is

or simply r fl lushes is 36.

. Note: this means that t total nu N m the umber of no on-Royal str raight

Four of a kind Any one of the thirteen ranks can form the fo of a kind by selectin all r n four ng four of the suits in that rank. The final card can have any one of the twelve remaining r . e f ranks, and any suit. Thu the total number of fo a us, n our-of-a-kind is: ds

Full house Th full house comprises a triple (thre of a kind) and a pair. The triple can be he e ee ) any one of the th o hirteen ranks and consis of three o the four su s, sts of uits. The pai can be any one ir y of the remaining twelve rank and consists of two of the four su Thus, th total numb of e ks, f uits. he ber full houses is: h

Flush The flu contains any five of the thirteen ranks, all o which belong to one o the h ush f n of of four suits, minus the 40 straig flushes. Thus, the total number o flushes is: ght of :

Strai ight The straight cons sists of any one of the te possible s o en sequences of five consec f cutive cards from 5-4-3 s, 3-2-A to A-K K-Q-J-10. Each of these five cards can have an one of the four E e ny e suits. Finally, as with the flus the 40 str . sh, raight flushe must be ex es xcluded, giv ving:

Thre of a kind Any of th thirteen ranks can for the three of a kind, w ee he rm which can co ontain any three of the four suits. The remain t e ning two car can hav any two of the rema rds ve aining twelv ranks, and each can have any of the four sui Thus, th total numb of threeve h its. he ber -of-akinds is: s

Two pair The pairs can have any two of the thirte ranks, a each pair can have tw of e h o een and r wo the four suits. Th final card can have any one of th eleven re fo he d a he emaining ran and any suit. nks, y Thus the total nu s, umber of two o-pairs is:

Pair The pair can have any one of th thirteen r r a he ranks, and an two of th four suits. The ny he rema aining three cards can ha any thre of the rem ave ee maining twel ranks, an each can have lve nd any of the four su Thus, th total num o uits. he mber of pair h hands is:

No pair A no p o-pair hand contains fiv of the thir ve rteen ranks, discounting the ten pos g ssible straig ghts, and eac card can have any of the four sui discounti the four possible flu ch f its, ing ushes. Alter rnatively, a no-pair hand is any hand that does n fall into one of the a n d d not above catego ories; that is, the compl i lement of th union of all the above hands, whe the unive is any w to he a e ere erse way choose five out of 52 cards. Thus, the tot number o no-pair ha o T tal of ands is:

Any five card po f oker hand The total number of f n five card han that can be drawn fr nds rom a deck of cards is found using a combinat g tion selecting five cards, in any order where n r g refers to the number of items that can be selec f cted and r to the sample size; the "!" is the fac o e ctorial opera ator:

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