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The Official Newsletter of the Philippine-New York Junior Chamber (Jaycees), Inc.


A Glorious Night of
Faith and Tradition
The Philippine-New York Junior Chamber (Jaycees), Inc., in
collaboration with Filipino-American Human Services, Inc. (FAHSI)
and Collaborative Opportunities for Raising Empowerment (CORE)
held a remarkable Simbang Gabi at the Philippine Consulate on
December 12, 2008.

Spearheaded by CDVP Ted Martinez and new member Bel Molina,

the mass was officiated by Fr. Patrick Longalong and music was
provided by CDVP Ted on the piano and RJ Solis on vocals. For the
first time ever, the Philippine-NY Jaycees recreated the nativity scene
in a 30-minute play during the Simbang Gabi.

This is in keeping with the Filipino tradition of reenacting the journey

of Joseph and the expectant Mary in their search for accommodation

President Victor de Leon as Joseph and

member Armi Piamonte as Mary
for the soon-to-be born Jesus Christ. This is
what is traditionally called the "Panunuluyan,"
also called "Pananawagan" and

Simbang Gabi or Mass at Dawn is a nine-day

novena which traditionally begins on December
16 as early as 4 in the morning and culminates
with the “Misa de Gallo” on Christmas Eve to
The Phil-NY Jaycees welcome the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Man’s Perpetual Quest to Attain That
“Better” Physique
By Joe Valdez

January 28, 2009 - Today marks the end Volume

of the fourth
XXXV, Year-End 2008
week of 2009 and for most of us that means we have
already forgotten about our resolutions for the New
Year. Incredibly, we have pledged ourselves the same
absurd goals every year since we joined the world of
busy professionals and the enthusiasm for those
promises generally fade away without much effort on
our part. Perhaps the most common declaration we find
ourselves making is to develop a healthier body by
exercising like a mad man and following the latest diet
trends. Then we look at ourselves at the end of each
passing year and we somehow managed to gain more

As a young professional who has employed a number of I found that the best way to light a torch under our
different exercise programs over the last ten years, I can behind is to have someone else do it. Whenever we are
certainly appreciate the challenges involved in achieving not motivated to exercise, a workout buddy or buddies
and maintaining that healthy physique we strive for. I can be invaluable. With a workout buddy, running is a
frequent the gym more often than the average bear but genuine delight. I have been fortunate to have someone
haven’t seen the results that would make me want to run with me at nights through my neighborhood and a
walk around without a shirt on (not that I would). group of friends who I run with in Central Park during
However, I finally found a magical system that has the weekends. Occasionally, we participate in fun races
allowed me to lose a massive amount of weight while held by the NY Road Runners club. Without my running
gaining better health and a much happier life. If you are partners, I often find myself dragging my sluggish body
serious about improving your health, I encourage you to through my runs.
give this brilliant method a four week trial and I
guarantee positive results. Another great motivator that I find very effective has
been setting short term goals that I try to reach every two
This program is actually not a great secret at all. It is one weeks. For instance, I set targets to improve my time for
of the most basic forms of exercise and there is no better each mile or to increase my distance for each run. By
approach to losing weight and gaining better health than achieving these mini milestones, I feel a sense of
this. I personally like to refer to it as running. accomplishment. Longer term objectives such as losing
Amazingly, within four weeks after initiating a running 10 pounds should be made with reasonable timeframes
program, I lost over 12 pounds and that was while eating and should not be assessed frequently to avoid
the same horrible diet that I have always had. After discouraging thoughts. Since I am major gadget geek, I
seven weeks, I had dropped 17 pounds. This was not invested in a high end heart rate monitor with GPS that
accomplished by running marathons everyday. I simply connects to my computer. This device allows me to
ran three or four times each week for a minimum of 30 monitor just about everything about my runs including
minutes during each session. Besides losing weight, I speed, heart rate, elevation changes, and since it receives
feel much more vigorous and confident about my satellite signals I am able to view my runs on Google
appearance. More importantly, I am now able to chase Map. Being able to measure and observe my
after a New York City bus for more than half a block progressions has kept me inspired to challenge myself
without coming close to having a massive heart attack. further.

Of course the real challenge is getting started and then I am now a believer that running is the most effective
adhering to the program for more than two days. On method to achieve a healthier body. After major knee
random days, I am able to follow the motivational Nike reconstruction surgery, my doctor had advised me to
motto that commands us to “just do it”, but that is not avoid running and I should simply stick to other
always the case. Most of us are better at conceiving exercises suck as biking or fast walking. Those exercises
excuses not to do something than actually doing the did not have as much of an impact on my health and
undertaking. We are always too busy, too tired, too sick, were not as fun. Running somehow changed my entire
and if we do not have an excuse, we simply fool attitude towards working out and I am now a new
ourselves by saying that there is always tomorrow. healthier man because of it.

Through the Tambuli, we share announcements,

knowledge and information with our readers. More
importantly, we share ourselves as Jaycees and the
Jaycee principles we believe in with our audience.

As we begin 2009, we are delighted to share with you

some exciting news and plan that we have for the
year! As you read ahead, you will discover the
projects we have in store in the different areas of
opportunities that we offer. From the workshops and
seminars of the Individual Development; services of
the Membership Area; connections of the
International Affairs; business opportunities of
Management Development; to the availability of
many volunteer opportunities in the Community
Development area.
Greetings Fellow Jaycees and Friends!
Once again, we welcome you to an exciting year
It is with great delight that I welcome you to the ahead. We hope to see you in our events and projects;
very first edition of our award-winning newsletter, and we look forward to a year of much learning and
‘Tambuli.’ It is an instrument, native to the amazing opportunities!
Philippines, which is made of Carabao (water
buffalo) horns. In the olden days, a Tambuli is used In Jaycees,
to summon tribe members and make
announcements. The Tambuli of The Philippine- Elaine Magalona-Dayoan
New York Jaycees conceptually serves the same 2009 Chapter President
purpose. Although not used to summon tribe The Philippine-New York Junior Chamber, Inc.
members, our newsletter is useful in calling the
attention of members and friends of Jaycees.

A New Year’s message from 2009 JCI President Jun Sup Shin
Dear JCI members,

Challenges abound everywhere. As JCI members and active citizens, we will help our
organization and our communities face those challenges, surmount obstacles, take
advantage of opportunities, and thus contribute to move the world towards peace,
development and prosperity.

We will achieve Global Impact through Local Action, our motto for 2009, addressing
climate change in particular. By taking actions locally as active citizens, we can achieve
worldwide impact.

Focusing on our new Vision, “to be the leading global network of young active citizens,”
we will carry out our Mission -- “to provide development opportunities that empower
young people to create positive change.” And we will seek to offer those opportunities to
an increasing number of young people in 2009.

For more info, go to JCI website:


Philippine-New York Jaycees Brings Home Major Awards

By Elaine Magalona-Dayoan


Most Outstanding Local President -

Victor De Leon

Most Outstanding Jaycee - Bel Molina

Most Outstanding Local VP (IDVP) -

Elaine Magalona-Dayoan

Most Outstanding Publication -


Most Outstanding Local Project -

45th Anniversary Gala

2nd Place, Outstanding Local Project

- Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

Most Outstanding Region -

Region South

The Phil-NY Jaycees

The Philippine-New York Jaycees ANNUAL AWARDS

brings home major awards from the
Chapter of the Year - The Philippine-New York Jaycees
New York State Year-End
Convention in East Syracuse, NY. Don Cavalli Memorial Award
(Most Outstanding Local President of the Year) -
The Philippine-New York Jaycees Victor E. de Leon
have proven, once again, that they Most Outstanding Local Vice President of the Year -
are the chapter to beat, during the Elaine Magalona-Dayoan
New York State Jaycees Year-End Jaycee of the Year - Belinda Molina
Convention held at the Embassy William H. Bates Volunteerism Award - Antero Martinez
Suites Hotel in East Syracuse. Presidential Award of Honor - Gary Abasolo, Esq.
Ray Simmons Publication of the Year
Following are the major awards (Most Outstanding Newsletter) - Tambuli
received by the chapter including, Most Outstanding Website of the Year -
most notably, the most coveted Most Outstanding Local Project of the Year -
year-end award - Chapter of the 45th Anniversary Gala
Year! 3rd Place, Outstanding Local Project of the Year -
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
16 chapters compete for these 5th Place, Outstanding Local Project of the Year - Simbang Gabi
awards every year and we are proud 2nd Place, Speak-Up Competition - Carmencita-Mia Fulgado
to bring home all of the major
2nd Place, Master Speak-Up Competition - Victor E. de Leon
awards for the year. The Chapter
Most Outstanding Region of the Year - South (Philippine-New
last earned this prestigious award in
1999 under the term of JCI. Sen
York; New York Korean-American; Long Island; Hispanic;
Richard Aguinaldo. The chapter Caribbean)
also won this award during the Most Outstanding Regional Project of the Year -
terms of JCI Sen. Rollie Balanza, MetNet Conference (Region South)
JCI. Sen. Richard Rillera and JCI Most Outstanding Corporate Sponsor of the Year -
Sen. Jesse Arteche and we are Kintetsu International
pleased to once again be the
recipient of this honor in 2008.
Featured Board Member of the Month:
Director Belinda “Bel” Molina
By Elaine Magalona-Dayoan

D irector Bel Molina joined the

Jaycees at the beginning of 2008
and has been an active and involved
member since then. She has chaired
and co-chaired several successful
projects such as: Raising the Bar
(Networking/One-on-One of new
and old members), Tagalog Class-
Spring/Fall, Philippine
Independence Day Float and
Simbang Gabi. She has also
assisted in the success of chapter
projects namely, 45th Anniversary
Gala, Introduction to Investment and
New York ING Marathon. She
currently serves as the chapter’s
Board Director and Tambuli’s
Artistic Director. With her intense
participation as a member in 2008,
she was awarded as Most
Outstanding Jaycee in the 1st Nielsen Consumer Research of The Netherlands, Nielsen operates in
Quarter of 2008, and most recently Nielsen Company - the world's more than 100 countries with a
as New York State’s Most leading provider of marketing global team dedicated to helping
Outstanding Jaycee of 2008! She information, audience measurement, clients compete and discover
recently returned from the and business media products and opportunities more effectively.
Philippines representing our chapter services. The Nielsen Company
in a number of international delivers a combination of insights, Director Bel Molina is a graduate of
visitations with our sister chapters. market intelligence, advanced B.S. Business Management from the
analytical tools, and integrated Ateneo de Manila University with a
Director Bel Molina is a Senior marketing solutions and thus Master’s Degree in Business
Research Executive, previously provides clients with the most Administration (MBA) from the
deployed in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam complete view of their consumers University of the Philippines-
for three years and has now been and their markets. Headquartered in Diliman.
assigned in New York City, at New York, USA and Haarlem, The

Blue Chip News:

Blue Chip is a program of the US Jaycees which aims to recognize well rounded, healthy Local Chapters.
Blue Chip requirements are designed to ensure that chapters are offering well balanced programming for
local members. The requirements are intended to assist Local Chapters with the development of their
Chapter Plan of Action. For the year 2009, The Philippine-New York Jaycees is the VERY FIRST chapter in
the entire UNITED STATES to submit its Blue Chip required Chapter Business Plan! Philippine-New York
currently has 75 Blue Chip points.

100% Efficiency Program

100% Efficiency Program is a program of the New York State Jaycees meant to recognize Local Chapters
which has achieved standard administrative requirements, well-rounded programs, and membership
growth. The Philippine-New York currently has 20 points.
Team 2009 Planning Session –
A Weekend of Learning and Fun!
By Aprille Aquino

building, group bonding and to

accomplish all necessary
documents and requirement for
the state. To incorporate fun in
the project, the team went for a
day of skiing, snowboarding and
snow tubing.

Through this project, Board

Members were able to gain a
deeper knowledge about the
Jaycee movement and on how to
become better leaders. This
project also gave the new team
of officers motivation and
inspiration as they start to lead
the chapter. Furthermore, it
helped boost their self
The Phil-NY Jaycees at Shawnee Mountain confidence with the hope that
they will become better people
Each year as a new set of She asked JCI Sen. Richard and better leaders. Lastly, this
officers are elected for the next Rillera to officiate the planning project gave the team an
term, they go through several session. It was conducted in opportunity to bond and to get to
training program that will help Pocono, PA where the team had know each other well and gain
them administer the chapter. One an isolation to conduct the team lifetime friendships.
of these training programs is a
Planning Session. This is an
essential training program
because this is the time when the
team finalizes their plans,
projects and events for the
coming year. This is also the
opportunity to complete the
Chapter Business Plan and the
calendar that the Board of
Officers need to submit to the
New York State Jaycees.

This year, President Elaine

Magalona-Dayoan wanted to
have a different approach on the
planning session. She wanted to
have a team building
incorporated in the planning and
accomplishing of documents.
The Phil-NY Jaycees Planning Session
Who Cares?
By Carissa Villacorta

Mentors are the ones who mind.

And as long as there is one who
asks, “How was your day?”, Tells us
to turn on the light lest we fall down
the stairs or, be careful with the ants
for they might bight, we are lucky.
So far as there is someone who
holds our hand in this path of life,
we have met our mentors. But, we
might be holding their hands too.
So long as someone is in touch with
us and wants to find out how we’re
doing, or have play-by-play details
of our dates, or checks in on a
regular basis to see that we’re okay.
To the common definition, they are
‘friends.’ But to me, they are the
daily ‘Fairy Godmothers’ that every
one of us need. But if only we are
aware and giving, we can play the
role too. We can introduce them to
prince charming, make them a dress
cared to read, then the connection, and take them to the ball. Because
These are the two root words of the change in my life and theirs took only when we are all Fairy
living a healthy life. This is the place. Godmothers to each other can we all
question we must answer positively become Cinderellas too – our
in order to have a happy and What we have to remember though dreams come true.
fulfilled existence. And even though is that not everybody has to care. All
we may think sometimes that no one we need is one person to care and So the next time we wonder: who’ll
cares what we think, say or do, we reach out, to encourage us and care what we think, say and do?
will be surprised that they actually shower us with kind words and Who will listen, read our work,
do. Our family, our friends, generous deeds – lots or one. write to us? Who will call, spend the
acquaintances, strangers, the general time, and pay attention? Oh they
public and God. At least one cares. No one is ever self-made. We are all will. For we care about them too.
And as long as there is someone in products of the kindness and
the world who thinks the world of generosity of the people we meet in =====================
us, we are more than fine. our daily lives. That’s what I always
say. I wouldn’t be here if my parents
When I wrote my book, I just wrote did not allow me to live in New
what was on my mind, in my heart, York - away from them. I wouldn’t Reprinted with permission from the
from my soul. I had no idea that my be here if my employer didn’t hire author. Initially posted on
words - my life would matter to and me. If a friend didn’t tell me I was
resonate with other people. That writing worthy words. If he didn’t =3389
they would actually spend time to say I could write a book. If he didn’t
read it, recommend it to friends or introduce me to his other friends. If Carissa Villacorta is the author of
write about it. I had no idea that they he didn’t encourage me. These Surreality (UST Publishing House,
cared what one Filipino living in people didn’t have to allow us. They 2006). In 2007, at 28 years old,
New York thought, said and did, didn’t have to connect us. They Carissa was named 1 of the 100
when there were two million other didn’t have to give us. They didn’t Most Influential Filipinas in the
Filipinos in the United States, 8 have to love us. But they did. And in States. She has made many dreams
million other Manhattanites one way or another, in one word or come true –hers and others’.
surviving in the city, and billions of many, to other people or to us
other people in the world. But directly - they have served as our For more information, log on to
because I cared to write, and they mentor, our motivator, our mover.
Message from the Management Development VP
Greetings fellow Jaycees,

I’m Aprille P. Aquino, and I am honored to serve as Management

Development Vice President for year 2009. They perceive
Management Development area as a very demanding task since
you do most of the documentations, business plans and
supervision of the projects and event for the chapter. But I see it
as a training ground and unlimited opportunities for self-
development that I can apply to daily life. It might sound serious
but we have planned different projects where you can see how the
chapter operates and how the chapter continues what its doing for
us members and to our community for several years. Projects
such as organizing fundraising events and business opportunities.
As our chapter theme for this year states, “Jaycee Leadership:
Unleashing Potentials”, all our projects are towards the betterment and enhancing the characteristics of each of
our members. So go and get involved! We promise you a fun and fruitful time.

In Jaycee Spirit,

Aprille P. Aquino
Management Development VP

Message from the International Affairs VP


I am pleased to have been elected as your 2009 International

Affairs (IA) Vice President for. The IA area covers our
participation in statewide conventions which happen three times a
year, and the opportunity to attend national conferences, the Area
C conference and the World Congress. The IA area is also the
area that handles international visitations by other countries to the
New York City area and our chapter visitations to other areas of
the globe, including the Philippines.

I am pleased to report that during the recently concluded 2008

New York State Year-End Convention, our chapter was well
represented with nine chapter members (Victor de Leon, Elaine
Magalona-Dayoan, Gary Abasolo, Jocelyn Bernal, Krizteen Dulay-Concepcion, Christina Corcuera, Edwin
Ochoa, Mia Fulgado and Hector Concepcion) as well as two past state Presidents, Richard Rillera and Jesse

Our chapter garnered many awards including the highest honor of all - the Chapter of the Year Award. The
next New York State Convention will be held on May 2009, location is to be determined.

The next IA project is the Area C - JCI Conference at San Juan, Puerto Rico. I am looking forward to have
successful attendance from our chapter. Slated for May 6-9, the chapter already has five people who are
interested in attending the conference. We hope to have more participants! Please check out the website or
email me for more information about this international training and networking opportunity with Jaycees from
North and South America.

Looking forward to a great participation in the IA area.

Edwin Ochoa
International Affairs VP
Message from the Membership Services VP
Dear Fellow Jaycees and Friends:

I hope the start of your 2009 has been a happy one. I am honored
and privileged to be serving as your Membership Services Vice-
President this year.

My vision for the year is to ensure that the members’ goals are
met, that they achieve what the Junior Chamber International sets
forth in its mission statement by – “providing the opportunity for
young people to develop the leadership skills, social
responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary to
create positive change.”

Membership Services Projects Include:

• Monthly: General Membership Meetings (GMMs) that will include Member Orientations; Workshops on Public
Speaking, Debate, and Creative Writing; Seminars on Filipino heritage and business writing
• Winter: Bryant Park – ice skating
• Spring: Alley Pond Adventure Course – team building outdoor activities
• Summer: Excursion to Queens or Brooklyn Botanic Garden
• Fall: Possible day trip to wineries in Montauk, LI (chapter fundraiser); Oktoberfest at Beer Garden in Astoria, NY
• Create sports group for those interested (i.e. running, tennis, basketball, football, softball)

Additionally, I am currently serving as Chairperson for the upcoming Induction of 2009 Officers and Members, being
held on Saturday, February 28. There are plenty of planning areas we need your help in. If anyone is interested in
being part of the Induction Committee, please e-mail me at

Thank you and looking forward to an exciting and successful 2009!

In Jaycee Spirit,
Membership Services VP

Message from the Community Development VP

Hello Fellow Jaycee Members,

One of the areas of development being offered by the Jaycees is the Community
Development area which encompasses any project or program that either educates
community members or improves the quality of life in a community. Some of our
annual projects that have an impact both within and outside the Filipino community
have been our participation in the Philippine Independence Day Parade, Simbang
Gabi, NYC Marathon and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

We also look forward to some new projects such as Jaycees Against Youth
Smoking (JAYS) which educates young children about the dangers of smoking; and
Plant a Tree Project in collaboration with the NYC Parks and Commission with the
goal of raising awareness in protecting the environment. These are just some of the
projects in the Community Development area. If you would like more information
on an upcoming project or would like to chair a community project please contact me at

Almor Dayoan
Community Development VP



January New Members

Name: Brigida Tapang

City: Elmhurst, NY
Profession: Currently studying Forensic Psychology at John Jay College
Why I joined the Jaycees: to avail of networking opportunities and to further self-development
(personality and skills enhancement)
Looking forward to: meeting new people and hopefully to learn from them

Name: Venessa Manzano

City: Jersey City, NJ
Profession: Director of Corporate Relations at Liberty Science Center where she is responsible
for the creation, implementation and management of the corporate fundraising efforts of the
Science Center, encompassing planning, research, proposal development, solicitation, cultivation
and stewardship of corporate sponsors and members
Why I joined the Jaycees: to expand professional network; to learn how to become a strong,
effective leader; and to take advantage of opportunities to help make a big impact on the
community, both locally and globally
Looking forward to: making meaningful lasting relationships with other members of the Jaycees

January Renewing Member

Aprille Piamonte-Aquino

I have been a Philippine-New York Jaycee member since 2006 and since then I have gained a lot
of knowledge, confidence, and life long friends through different Jaycee events. I found out about
the Jaycees from a Jaycee Alumni and now my husband, Nonong Aquino, when he introduced me
to his friend, Past President and JCI Senator, Ner Martinez, who was our chaperone on our first
date. I was new in the city, wanted to meet different people, and have an outlet where I can be
productive. Being a member and past president of the Rotaract (Rotary International Collegiate
Chapter) I was curious and decided to give the Jaycees a shot.

Through the Jaycees I have chaired and volunteered in different projects. One project that I am
most proud of is the 2006 “Spooktacular Halloween Jam.” It started out as a simple Halloween
fundraising party and band concert, which turned out to be a big success. We raised over $3,000
for the chapter and a lot of people came in costume and had a fun time. I also enjoy attending
conventions. It is so interesting meeting Jaycees from other chapters and it is an excellent
opportunity to bond with fellow Philippine-NY Jaycees. Joining the Jaycees has been so
beneficial. It provides unlimited opportunities for self-development and I have met great people
that are now my close friends.
Uniquely Pateros: Alfombra Slippers
By Bel Molina

A couple of Alfombra slipper sample designs: design for females (left) and males (right)

“I was inspired by Korina Sanchez According to JCI Pateros Balut is also selling
who travels to poor communities, Alfombra slippers as a means for
and gives out slippers to children,” Alfombra slipper manufacturing is fundraising for the project. For those
confides JCI Pateros Balut President one of the earliest and original interested in purchasing the slippers
Janice Nacional when I asked her products of Pateros, apart from or simply donating for the project,
why her chapter is launching the Balut (the infamous duck please email President Janice at
Alfombra project in March this year. embryo/egg). These days, the or me at
Alfombra slipper business ranks
She is talking about the reputable fourth in the registered industrial
host and her show Rated K, a establishments of Pateros. It also The price for each pair of Alfombra
Philippine TV show that focuses on comprises 27% of the town’s slipper is $20.
human interest stories. Additionally, manufacturing industry.
Rated K has a ‘Tsinelas Campaign’
which distributes slippers to
children going to school barefoot in
depressed areas.

The Alfombra project is under JCI

Pateros Balut’s flagship ‘Kalinga ni
Ate, Kalinga ni Kuya’ program, a
program that specifically benefits
destitute children. Similar to the
‘Tsinelas Campaign,’ our sister
chapter plans to give out slippers to
children residing in depressed areas.
Naturally, JCI Pateros Balut decided
to provide a distinctively Pateros
product, Alfombra slippers.

President Janice gave me a pair of

red Alfombra slippers. Amazingly,
the Alfombra material feels like Clockwise from left: the author, Philippine-NY Jaycees FOJ Jude Tan,
carpet. It has a rubber sole to JCI Pateros Balut officers: EVP Crisanto Arteza Jr., Secretary General
provide a lot of cushioning. Freitz Vidal, IPP Marvin Labrador, President Janice Nacional and her
mom, Elizabeth Ison.

Communication Tip: One Body with Unity of Purpose

By Addie Addams

member demonstrates their position sincerity promotes peace. We should

All of us are fully aware of the on unity of purpose through their not slander nor speak behind
campaign slogan that President action: how well one works with anyone’s back. Slander and back-
Barack Obama used, “Yes We Can”. other members. Unity of purpose biting creates strife. Our words
The most potent word in his slogan can also be measured by our should bring no harm to another
is WE. . President Barack Obama is attitude: the intangible part of our member (Pleasant words are as an
keenly aware that the first step words: But, the greatest testament of honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and
toward healing the economic crisis health to the bones, Prov. 16:24).
of this country is for the And, our communication should not
Republicans and the Democrats to be based on rumors or assumptions.
unite & come together for the Rumors result in anger and hurt
common good of this nation.

feelings, and ultimately bring

So, it’s going to take more than just division. We must be of one mind
government bail outs in order to through unity of purpose, in order to
land us back on our feet. And, just unity of purpose is clearly revealed work side by side (Can two walk
as the Republicans and Democrats through our words. Words are the together, except they be agreed?,
must come together for the common mirror to our heart, thereby, Amos 3:3). We must remember the
good of this nation, so must we as revealing intentions and motives importance of unity of purpose and
chapter members unite in order to (…for out of the abundance of the make it a priority in our
fulfill the goals that the Board of heart the mouth speaketh, Matth. communication. So, we need to
Directors has brought forth for 12:34). Our words should always be recognize that we need each other
2009. Our yearly/quarterly goals true and sincere toward the common and are members of one body - The
give us unity of purpose. Each good of the chapter. Truth and Philippine - New York Jaycees.
b d h i ii

● ● ●
Marketing Tip   
by Bernadette Olimpo, Marketing Director 
"Stick It!  
Use stickers, stamps and handwritten notes on all of your direct mail efforts and day‐to‐day business mail. 
Remember, when you put a sticker or handwritten message on the outside of an envelope, it has the impact of a 
miniature billboard. People read it first; however, the message should be short and concise so it can be read in 
less than 10 seconds. " 
Rubertone, Ann Marie. "Ten Powerful Marketing Tips for the Small Business". 2003 
● ● ●

Save the Date:

February 28, 2009
Philippine-New York
Installation of Officers
Presentation of

Words of Wisdom from Past Presidents 
"So many things going on but ­ what always comes 
to mind is...To be a good leader, you must also be a 
good follower."  
‐ Antero "Ner" Martinez, Chapter President 1993 

Richfield Design and Construction

Penn d. Baluyut

Calendar of Events

Event Date
January 2009
2008 3rd Session & Year-End Convention 01/23-25/2009
GMM #1 (mini fundraising) introduction of future projects, by-laws amendments, Member Orientation for
new, current, and prospective members
Future Officers Training Seminar 1/31/2009
February 2009
BOD February (mini fundraising) 2/4/2009
Ballroom Dancing (Growth Night) 2/13/2009
Jaycees Against Youth Smoking (JAYS) (Family Talk Program) Launching 2/16/2009
GMM #2 (mini fundraising)Conduct Robert’s Rule of Order Training (1) 2/18/2009
Local DSA/ Outstanding Event and Submit one candidate for ONY & Humanitarian of the Year to State 2/28/2009
2009 Induction and Installation of Officers 2/28/2009
March 2009
BOD March (mini fundraising) 3/4/2009
Essay Writing Competition and Online Quiz Competition for Free Airfare and Hotel for the JCI Conference
of the Americas Launching
Alley Pond Adventure Course - Team Building Activities 3/14/2009
Outstanding Young New Yorker (OYNY) Local Competition 3/21/2009
GMM #3 (mini fundraising) Workshop on Public Speaking (Speak-up) and Debate
Create pool of experts on Public Speaking, Debate, Write-up (2)
April 2009
BOD April (mini fundraising) 4/1/2009
GMM #4 (mini fundraising) Conduct seminars on Creative Writing (Write-Up)/ Sampling of Public
Speaking and Debate
Fundraising Band Concert 4/30/2009
1st Region Swing
May 2009
1st Session State Convention 5/1-5/3/2009
JCI Conference of the Americas, San Juan, Puerto Rico 5/6-5/9/2009
BOD May (mini fundraising) 5/13/2009
Plant a Tree (NYC Park & Recreations) 5/16/2009
GMM #5 (mini fundraising) Seminar on Filipino Heritage, New Jersey (Jersey City) Location 5/20/2009
Queens or Brooklyn Botanic Garden Visit 5/30/2009
June 2009
BOD June (mini fundraising) 6/3/2009
JCI MetNet, Washington DC 6/4-6/6/2009
GALS: Washington DC 6/6-6/9/2009
Philippine Independence Day Festival: Membership Drive 6/7/2009
GMM #6 (mini fundraising) Seminar on Business Writing (3) 6/24/2009
Mid-Year Planning Session (Virginia Beach, VA) 6/26-6/28/2009

The Jaycee Creed

By: C. William Brownfield

We believe....

That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life

That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations

That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise

That government should be of laws rather than of men

That earth's great treasure lies in human personality

And that service to humanity is the best work of life.

The Philippine-New York Junior Chamber (Jaycees), Inc.

Chapter mailing address: P.O. Box 634, Grand Central Station, New York, New York 10163
Contact email:

TAMBULI Staff Please submit your articles or advertisements

for the next issue to
Contributing Writers
Editor-in-Chief Aprille Aquino We feature a myriad of topics ranging from
Joe Valdez Addie Addams Events, Art/Music/Fashion/Food, Technology,
Politics, Travel, Immigration, Finance, Humor
Almor Dayoan
(with or without graphics), Love Life, Blind
Layout Artist Elaine Magalona-Dayoan Items- basically anything that you think will
Bel Molina Mia Fulgado create an impact and start a dialogue in the young
Edwin Ochoa Filipino professionals community.
Carissa Villacorta

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