How Does Protococcus Reproduce

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HOW DOES PROTOCOCCUS REPRODUCE? Protococcus is a genus of single-celled Algae.

The British species Protococcus viridis forms a yellowishgreen stratum on trees,damp walls and shallow pools. As to their reproduction,plants may be asexual,that is,not requiring the co-operation of 2distinct(male & female)elements to produce a new individual; or sexual,when 2 such elements are necessary,& a process of fertilization takes place in which the female cell is impregnated by one or more male cells,& the cell resulting from the fusion of the 2 gives rise by very extensive growth and division to a new individual.In the very lowest plants,like Protococcus,only asexual reproduction is known,but in most Thallophytes both forms occur.In the asexual method numbers of small cells called spores are produced which on germination give rise to a plant similar to that which bore them.In sexual process contents of a male organ escape & impregnate the oosphere,or female cell contained in female organ.The fertilized oosphere is termed an oospore,& by growth & division gives rise to a plant like that on which it was produced.In mosses & fern-like plants both sexual & asexual reproduction occur; but here the history of the life of the plant is divided into 2 stages,one in which it exists as an asexual individual,another in which it is sexual.In the fern,for instance,brown marks are seen on back of some of leaves,these are little cases containing spores;fern as we know it is an asexual individual producing spores.The spores when set free germinate on a damp surface & produce not a new fern-plant,but a tiny green heart-shaped cellular expansion,called a prothallium,attached to substratum by delicate root-hairs.Microscopical examination of its under surface reveals sexual organs,a male organ producing motile male cells,which escape,pass into female organ,& fertilize oosphere,which then becomes oospore.The oospore does not produce a new prothallium,but a fern-plant like one with which we originally started.

Kalanchoe ( /klko.i/), also written Kalanche or Kalancho, is a genus of about 125 species of tropical, succulent flowering plants in the Family Crassulaceae, mainly native to the Old World but with a few species now growing wild in the New World following introduction of the species. Most are shrubs or perennial herbaceous plants, but a few are annual or biennial. The largest, Kalanchoe beharensis from Madagascar, can reach 6 m tall, but most species are less than 1 m tall. Members of Kalanchoe genus are characterized by opening their flowers by growing new cells on the inner surface of the petals to force them outwards, and on the outside of the petals to close them.


Protococcus is a genus of single-celled Algae. The British species Protococcus viridis forms a yellowish-green stratum on trees, damp walls and shallow pools. Protococcus nivalis (red-snow) appears on the surface of snow, tinging extensive tracts in the Arctic regions or amongst the Alps, in an incredibly short space of time, with a deep crimson. This plant, which may be regarded as one of the simplest forms of vegetation, consists of a little bag or membrane forming a cell. A large number of these are commonly found together, but each one is separate from the rest, and is to be regarded as a distinct individual.

HOW DOES KALANCHOE REPRODUCE This exhibit deals with the reproduction of plant life. Most plants can reproduce sexually, with flowers and seeds, but they usually reproduce without sex. Kalanchoes multiply both ways. They can reproduce asexually through a process called fragmentation. The adult plant drops leaves, which eventually sprout new miniplants. Each miniplant grows into an adult plant.
EXPLAIN WHAT IS FISSION In biology, fission is the subdivision of a cell (or body, population, or species) into two or more parts and [1][2][3] the regeneration of those parts into separate cells (bodies, populations, or species). Binary fission produces two separate cells, populations, species, etc., whereasmultiple fission produces more than two cells, populations, species, etc. INFER THE CHARACTERISTICS OF OFFSPRING OF PROTOCOCCUS In biology, offspring is the product of reproduction, of a new organism produced by one or more parents. Collective offspring may be known as a brood or progeny in a more general way. This can refer to a set of simultaneous offspring, such as the chicks hatched from one clutch of eggs, or to all the offspring, as with the honeybee. Human offspring (descendants) are referred to as children (without reference to age, thus one can refer to a parent's "minor children" or "adult children" or "infant children" or "teenage children"); male children are sons and female children are daughters. See kinship and descent. Offspring can occur after mating or after Artificial Insemination

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