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Hlecfrical ter*fifflcaffi$Er

Test amdReview Booklet

Electrical Certification Test and Review

a This test is basedon the L999National Electrical Code@, and dozensof electricaltest questions, of resource over 20000 electricalbooksand articles. Each Codequestionis researched using electronicversionsof the 1999NEC@and the 1999 to Handbookincluding the crossreference the 1996 IYEC@ hl-Ec@. of This bookletconsists 20 testswith 20 questions + to Answersand explanations text reference the 1999I\[EC is locatedbehind eachtest

Test Taking Tips

importantso you will not spendtoo muchtime on one question. If and thr." are70 questions an allottedtime of four (4) hours,then the minutesdividedby 70 or 3.4 minutesper is time per question 4 x SQ worth onepoint eachand 3 qu.rtiott. If there are70 questions di"gr"-t worth 10points each,then find the time allowedper point. tlrii woutd be (4 x 60) divided by 100or 2.4 minutesper point. Then (10 allow 24 minutes x2.4) for eachdiagramand2.4minutesper question. ) first. Leavethe more difEcult onesand questions Answerthe easier mark them so you can go back to them. Do not spendtoo much time mistake! on onequestion.This is a classic you have you haveto gUess.Remember evenif J. Answer all questions of a 50 percenfchance gettinga trre falsequestioncorrectby simply guessing. Readeach carefully. Do not skim over questions. 4. Read.t.h question word! Find out if the testis openbook. If it is, indexyour CodeBook and practiceusingthe indexes. Index the Book beforebegiffIing your studies. groundingwire o lndex Table 250-L22for finding equipment sizes. and o lndex Table 250-66for finding groundingelectrode jumPersizes. bonding 9 o IndexTable8 in Chapter for finding circularmil areas, of and of dimensions bareconductors, DC resistance Conductors. and circuit breaker o lndex Section240-6for findingthe standard fusesizes. for and Table 430-150, Table430-152 o lndexTable430-148, sizingmotorcircuits. You shouldbe ableto find the 6 . Practice lookingup Codequestions. in Codequestion lessthan3 minutes. to answer any singleanswer problems,require calculation especially questions, More complex moretime andmoreCodesections. the by 7 . Begin your examination unloading formulasonto a blankpiece time laterwhenyou may of paper.This is perfectlylegal andsaves formula. the not be ableto remember particular the l . Calculate time per questionas soonasyou startyour test. This is

l-J I

8. For eachandevery questiontry thesefour steps. o Locatethe given infonnation in the question. to o Locateany unknown infonnation necessary solvethe question. o Locatethe ''KFY' word or phrasein the question. "KEY", and it is a Code o If you cannotfind the answerusing the questionsearchthe Codeindex for ttre "KEYrr word. 9. After completingthe test go back and scanit to make sureyou have everyquestionandhavenot skippedpagesor blanks. answered the requires useof a Table,be sureandreadthe notesto lO.If a question eachTable has a Sectionnumberthe same the table. Also remember as the Table number. The sectionwill have additionalinfonnation pertainingto the Table. that 1l.It is stronglyrecommended you studyno more thaa2 hoursper day and shrdyfor about 40 hours prior to taking the journeyman electriciantest,and about80 hoursfor the masterelectriciantest. l2.Be careful aboutwriting formulasin your CodeBook. If you are allowedto useyour own CodeBook at the exam,it may be checkedto makesr:rethat it doesnot havemirterialwritten in it, or you may be givena Codebook to use. to l3.If you areallowedto bring a calculator the exambuy one andbring it. l4.Get plentyof restbeforetakingthe test. It is alsoa good ideato for practicelooking up Codequestions one hourjust beforetaking the by test Test. This increases scores as much asten percentfor some people

Must Know List for Taking Electrician'sExaminations

Know Ohm'sLaw and the Powerformula. The Basic electricaltheorypagcovers thesefairly well. Buy Ugley'sor Ferm'sfor a more thoroughcoverage.Know on everything the Theorypageas a minimum. Know how to hookupnine leadstarand deltawound inductionmotors. Know how to solve turns ratio transformerproblems. Know how to hook up three and four way switches. and wire sizes. motor branchcirpuit and feederprotection Know how to determine in Know key Sections the Code.Theseinclude: l. Article 100 is definitions. 2. Article 90 purposeand scopeof the Code. and suchas work clearance 3. Artiole 110 rulesfor electricalinstallations spacerules. equipment 210 for branohoircuit calculations. Article Articte 220 for serviceand feedercalculations. Article 230 for services. protection. Article 240 is for overcurrent for grounding. Article 250 is Articte 300 for generalinstallationrulesand methods. Section300-5 for burial dePths. Table310-16with notes. tables.especially Article 310 for ampacity traY. Article 318 for cable Articles in Chapterthree for raceways. Article 348 for EMT. Article 346 for zugrdMetal Conduit. Article 430 for motors. equipmentand motor-comPressors. Article 440 for refrigeration for generators. Article 450 Article 490 for high voltage Article 501 for ClassI, Division I and2locations. Article 600 for signs. Know that for commercialbuilding a 20 ampereoutsidesigrrcircuit is requiredand the load is 1200volt-amPres. in requirements Articles and standbyPowersystems know that emergency of 700, 701, and702. Theseare extensions Article 445 on generators. for know that for Hospitalsthereare additionalrequirements emergency powerin Article 517. and for 25. ifuow that Appendix D hasexamples load calculations motor them. circuits. Readand studY etc., are in Chapternine, areas, 26. Know that conduitand conductordimensions AppendixC. of but for all conductors the samesizethe fill tablesare in "low voltage" and ClassI circuits and other 27. Know that Class2, Class3, are requirements in Article 725. site 28. Know Article 305 for Construction and temporarywiring.

a a a a a


BasicElectrical Theorv
SeriesDirect Current Circuit Rules

Rule #1: The samecurrent flows through each part of a seriescircuit. of Rule #22 Total Resistance a seriescircuit is equal to the sum of the individual resistances. Rule #3: The total voltage acrossa seriescircuit is equal to the sum of the individual voltage droPs. Rule #4: The voltage drop acrossa resistor in a seriescircuit is proportional to the sizeof the resistor. Rule #5: The total power dissipatedin a seriescircuit is equal to the surn of the individual power dissapations. SUMMARY OF OHMS I'/IW FORMUI-A9

= RESTsTANCE ff"*".

ParallelDirectCurrent Circuit Rules Rule #1: The samevoltage exists across each branch of a parallel circuit and is equal to the source voltage. Rule #2: The current through a branch of a parallel network is inversety proportional to the amount of resistanceof the branch. Rule #3: The total current of a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the currents of the indMdual branches of the circuit. Rule #4: The total resistanceof a parallel circuit is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the indMdual of resistances the circuit. Rule #5: The total power dissipated in a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the individual power dissapations.











RrG l

l +1+l


OVERTM Rr = SLIMII R(1) t'R(2) R(t)+R(2)






ou PRoBr.EMs! lesrs)



t2 r XR



PO!{ER -






















POWER = E x I powER = E x I POWER IS x POWTR FACTOR x 1.132y-








VoLT-AMPE,RES= E x I x 1.132

(ron rmna rnnse)


P O W E RF A C T O R :




x t.232x vol,ts x,rrMPERESgtr'ptctexcY x IIORSEPOI{ER = (for three Phaseoowerfacjqt 746 motors |














-[ r&7

Lt". ,




a ,&8 l- 3&e I



4&5&6 & 4 & , 7 , 5 8 ,6 & 9










Epvolts Tp Turns

E sv o l t s ' TsTurns

Ep - T-p Es Ts
Where Ep is primary voltage Es is secondary voltage Tp is number of turns in p.imaty Ts is number of tums in secondary

MaximumHorsepower for NEMA-Rated Motor Starters


Volt iVolt lVolt

IZsg l2o8t2so l46ots7s

t oo rrv-lr


i 10

ir.t jrons;2s

i-t-l r=-l


NEMARATING FORENCLOSURES equipment. for construction control of standards enclosure have NEMAand otherorganizations established reasons: for general,equipment wouldbe enclosed one or moreof the following In L 2, 3. contactwith live parts. Preventaccidental conditions' Proteclthe controlfrom harmfulenvironmental arc or Preventexplosion fireswhictrmightresultftom fre electrical causedby the control.

are: numbers per Commontypesof enclosures NEMAclassification NEMAI.GENERALPURPOSE withthe enclosed primarily preventaccidental contact to is The general purposeenclosure intended service to whereit is notexposed unusual purpose indoors general applications apparatus. iuitabtefor lt'is but splashing, is not dustandlightindirect against as cirnOitions. NEMAI encloiureserves protection A dusttight. NEMA3. DUSTTIGHT, RAINTIGHT A hazards. NEMA3 protection weather against specified suitable This enclosure intended provide to is work,andfor canaland construction on outdoors, shipdocks, enclosureis sui+rable applibtion for lt application subways tunnels. is alsosleet-resistant. and in NEMA 3R. RAINPROOF, SLEETRESISTANT

due to rain,and resists equipment in protectsagainstinterference operationof the contained This enclosure as with conduilhubsand extemalmounting, well as drainage damagefrom exposuretdsbet. lt is designed provisions. NEi,IA4.WATERTIGHT "Enclosures shall in is A watertightenclosure designedto meet the hosetest described the followingnote: used and shalldeliver at to be tested'bysubjection a streamof water.A hosewith a one inctrnode shallbe ftom a distanceof not less than 10 least 65 gilons per minute.The water shall be directedon the enclosure or of feet and ior a pehoO five minutes.Duringthis periodlt may be djrectedin any_o-ne more directionsas underthese conditions.' desired.Therdshall be no leakageof water intothe enclosure etc. outdoorson shipdocksand in dairies,breureries, for A NEMA 4 enclosureis suitrable applications CORROSION.RESISTANT NEMA 4X . WATERTIGHT, exceptthey are made of alongthe linesof NEMA4 enclosures are These enclosures generallyconstructed sucfi as papr to materialthat's highlf resistai'rt corrosion.For this reason,they are idealin applications a rr'rould destoy a steel ordinarily tertllizerand cfiemicalplantswhere contaminants mills, meat pacrung, enclosure overa periodof Ume. . LOCATIONS CLASSI NEMA 7 . HAZARDOUS ElectricalCodefor of requirements the National These endosuresare designedto meetthe application in occurs air. intemlption the ClassI ha'ardouslocationi.ln thistype of equipment, circuit "Class I locations thosein whichflammable in gasesor vaPorc or may be present the air in are are quantitiessufftcient produceexplosiveor Qnhbblemixtures.' to LOCATIONS CI-ASSII NEIIIA9 HAZARDOUS ElectricalCodefor of requirements the National These enclosures designedto meet the application are Classll hazardous locations. "Class ll locations thosewhichare hazardous dust." of becauseof the presence combustible are locations groupor grgups hazardous of the The letteror letters the following typenumberindicates particular is The is (as definedin the National Code)for whichthe enclosure designed. designation Electri6it incompletewithouta Euffx letteror letters. NEMA12.INDUSTRIAL USE suchmaterials to whereit is desired exclude The NEMA 12 enclosure designed use in thoseindustries for is or openings see page.Thereare no conduit as dust, lint,fibersandf,yings, see pageor coolant ol feet. is knockouts in the enclosure, and mounting by meansof flangesor mounting NEMA I3. OILTIGI'TT. DUSTNGHT gasketed permiluse in the same environments to NEMA 13 enclosures generally cast construction, of are as enty is provided a is as NEMA 12 devices. difference that,due to its casthousing, conduit ThJessential is and mounting by meansof blindholes,ratherthanmounting an integralpartof the NEMA13 endosure, brackets.

Electrician Practice Test 1


In Class1, Division 7 locations,conduit sealshall beplaced a maximum of inches lor Jrom an enclosures arc producing devices.

r(' r c'

{12 b) t8 c124 d) 30

What length is requiredfor thepullbox in the diagram below?The box is usedwith 480 volt conductors.

ay 32 inches D24 inches c; 48 inches d) anYlength

Pull Box fror uncjer600 voh circuit conductors hlo.4 and lcr.rQer



Whutis the load that can beusedfor the semicecalculationlor o dwelling rating of 13 KV? unit whenthe Range hasa nameplote r r
? t-

a;13kw b) 8'4hr/
c;8ha" d) none ofthe above

What size equipmentgrounding conductoris requiredfor a circuit protectedwith a 50 amperecircuit breaker? l^ ' t* a) No' 12 coPPer b) No' 1o coPPer c) No' 8 coPPer


What is the highest voltagefor a ClassI power limited circuit? r (^ . r a; 1'000volts b; 3o volts c1 24 volts d) None of the above


What is the missingvoltagein the sketchbelow?

C ('

a; 120volts U; 120volt's volts c1 1200 volts d; 12,000

120votts 100Turns

is Vottage Turns 1,000


Wtat sizeRigidMetal conduit is permittedfor thefollowing 9 conductors? 4 THVN #1, CU, 2 RHll/ (covered)#8 CIl, 3 RHW (covered)#6 Ca
{ (-

a1 1 1/2inch U; 1 1/4inch e 1 Il2 inch and 1 1/4 inch

d) Noneof the above


lV'hatis the el/iciency of a motor which draws4,5 kilowattsfrom the line and delivers5 horsePower? r c (a) 80 Percent 5;83 Percent c) 90 Percent


Power Factor con be defined as: r ' ' a) True Powerdivided by ApparentPower. by ApparentPowerdivided by True Power s1 AppatentPowerdivided by volts x amperes

n ''t t"

What is the powerfactorfor a three phase systemoperating when the wafirneterreads 6,000 watts,the voltneter reads 208 volts, and the ammeter reads20 amperes? c r (' a) .90or 90 Percent u; 1.0+or 104Percent c) .83 or 83 percent

t f LL'

to Mtat is the powerfactor of a 8000 watt load connected a 240 volt AC circuit if the current is 36 amperes? single-phase c c r a) '8 or 80 Percent b) .93or 93 Percent c; 1.0or 100Percent

t '-' ).

For theJigure below tf No. I or larger conductorsare installed in the minimwn The box is rcedlor raceways dimensionX shall be_inches marked on iL have the cubic inch dimensiotts splicesand doenot a) 18inches

b) 16inches e 24 inches


whichis the correcthookup? 73, For the 4-wal Switch, r c c a ; D t o T ,E t o & F t o T , G t os b ; D t o S , E t o & F t o T ,G t o W c ; D t o R , E t o T ,F t o s , G t o w

Sw To4-Way



( :

, ,t r-ic

A dwelline hasa floor areaof 2200sq. ft., exclusiveof an unfnished ceilar Appliances not adaptallefor future use,unlinishedattic, andopenporches. and are a lj-kW rangeand a 5.5-kW, 240-V dryer. Assumerzmge dryer kW 220'18 and with Sections kVA ratingsin accordance ratingsequivalentto Load [seeSection220-101 2z}-lg.Computed Fill in the following information: GeneralLighting Load: Minimum sq. ft. at VA per sq. ft. =


: -.i

Numberof BranchCircuits Required: VAI l20V:-A GeneralLigbtingLoad: YA I 120V : - A GeneralLighting Load: 20-A,2-wire circuits orThiJrequires_ 15-A 2-wire 20-A circuits 2-wire, SmallApplianceLoad: LaundryLoad :One2-wire, 20'A circuit one additionalbathroom20 amperecircuit is alsorequired. Required: Minimum SizeFeeder VA GeneralLigbting VA Appliance Small VA Laundry

VA 11100 Total 3000VA VA at 100% VA VA - 3000 = VA

VA at


VA Net LoadVA RangeVA DryerVA ComputedLoad Net serviceor 3-wire, single-phase Load for 1201240-V, Net Computed feeder


10 load exceeds kVA. Would requireservice Net computed A. to conductors be Calculationfor Neutral for Feederand Service: VA Net Load Ligbtingand SmallAppliance VA at 70Yois 5600VA Ranee: VA at 70% is Dryeri - VA VA Total Load for Neutral: Computed A VA/240V=

load loadfor the neutralin the above Whatis thetinal computed calculation? r r r r a165'9 b) 63'7 c1 loo d)111

hookupfor the 3-woyswilchbelowis: 15. Thecorrec't r r r r a 1A t o X , B t o z , c t o Y b;AtoY,Btox.ctoz c)AtoZ,BtoY,CtoX d;AtoZ,BtoX,CtoY


&iiay s'sribh

Switch To4-way


Connectthe delta wound 480vott motor leadsfor the high voltagewindings in the diagran below. (* r' c a7 g_7, 4-6,9-9,54

6-9 b) 4_7,5-9, c; 4-9, 6'8,5'7


Find the correct size ventilated cable troyfor the diagram below. {^ r r ' a; 6 inches b) 12 incbes c) 18 inches d)24 inches

Gr,sr 4/ rElultloon4nctot Eacfi cabl,e la eeblea g incfi es iar dierns er

I \

Und'f, cables. r incn

drra rnultiaontucto" ;s E.=ctr +s{'e in ,risrraer

\ \


afier 1 8 .Find the voltageacrossthe 5 ampereload1.0. the neutral is opened Botlt and thepowerfactor is loads are resistive (c ' a; 180volts b1 120volts c; 0 volts

24O v.ah J 129 v{:l 3rvi.

the sizeof invercetime circuit breakerrequiredfor thefeeder O r, '/t Find protecting theJoltowing polyphase induction moton. Thesemotors are 'Design B and-havea S-erviiiFactor of 1.15 and are individually protected with inverse time circuit breakers. c rr

a; 150amPere b) 175ampere c; 200 ampere


many cubic inches 20. HowNo, 11 and there areis requiredfor thefollowing box?AII conductors no iiternal clamps, are r (^ (' Qcubic inches

b) 16 cubicinches c) 18 cubic inches d) 20 cubic inches

ElectricianPracticeTest L A}[SWBRES
shallbe installedwithin 18 in. from the #l b (18) Conduitseals reducers, proof unions'couplings, Only explosion enclostue. elbbws,andconduitbodiessuch&sL, T, andX elbows,cappea typesnot largerthan the fiade size of the conduit arepermitted 501-5(a)(1) section ut.t seal.Text Reference pulls, the lengthof the box shallnot #2 a (32 inches) tn sfraight raceway' of be lesi than eighttimesthe tradediaureter the largest 1 n sectio 370'28(aX ) Text Reference ,) of #3 b (8.41n 8 kw + 5 percent 8 kw is 8'4 kw' table220-19Note 1 section Text Reference

for lists Table250-122 aNo. 10copper a 50 #4 b CIo. 10copper) 250'L22 section TextReference circuitbreaker. ampere shallbesupplied limitedcircuits #5 b (30volts)class1 power of ihat from a source hasLratedoutput notmorethan30 voltsand (a) n sectio 725-21 Text 1000 volt-amperes. Reference 100 volts) l20A/oltage: /1000; #6 c (1200 : = volts voltage 1200 voltage (120x 1000 100, )/ Theory Electrical Basic section TextReference

#7 c (l % inch & | y4 inch) Problem: What sizeRigid Metal conduitis permittedfor the following 9 conductors? + nrw}I #12 cIJ,2 RI{W (covered)#8 cu, 3 RITW(covered)#6 cu From Table5: x Area of #12TIIV/N is .0.133 4 = .0532 = .0835 x2: .167 Area of # 8 RI{W covered = .1041 3 = .3123 x Area of #5 RHW covered Total area: .5325sq.inches tn Table4 for RigrdMetal Conduitfind the first numberlargerthan.5325that is 0.610in columnfor over2 wires 40%to This corresponds L ll4 inch conduit. A I I/2 inch conduitwould alsosatisff the requirement. can Answer: C both I l/4 and 1 l/2 nch conduits be used.

9 sectionChapter Table l, Table4, & Table 5 Text Reference

See Basic ElectricalTheoryin aNutsheLl Handout

efficiency: (5 x 746watts)/ 4,500watts #8 b (83 percent) sectionBasicElectricalTheory Text Reference #9 a (TruePowerdividedby ApparentPower)True Power: PF watts, ApparentpoweFvolt-amperes. : watts/volt amperes sectionBasicElectricalTheory Text Reference I PF #10 c (83 or 83 percent) = 6,000 (208*20*1.732) sectionBasicElectricalTheory Text Reference I #11 b(.93or 93 percent)PF:8,000 (240voltsx 36 amperes) Text Reference sectionBasicElectricalTheory or #12 c (24 inches) Uselargerof (6 x 3) + 3 +3 : 24 inches (6 x i4 . 2 ) + 2 + l + 1 : 1 6 i n c h e sD i m e n s i o n X s h a l l b e 2n c h e s . n Text Reference sectio 370'28(aX2) # 1 3 b ( D t o S ,E t o R , F t o T , G t o W

D1(a)in Appendix to #14 b (63.7) Thisproblemis alnost identical Example

D of the 1999 Code. This dwelling hasa floor arcaof 2200sq. ft., exclusiveof an rrnfinished for cellarnot adaptable future use,unfinishedattic, and openporches. Appliancesarea 12-kW rangeand a 5.5-kW, 240-V dryer.Assune rangeand dryer kW 220-18aad220' with Sections to ratings equivalent kVA ratingsin accordance Load [seeSection220-l0l 1g.Computed GeneralLighting Load: 2200 sq. ft. at 3 VA per sq. ft. = 6600VA Minimum Number of BranchCircuits Required LigbtingLoad:5600VA / l20V: 55 A General 210-11(e)(1)] [seeSection This requiresfor:r l5-A 2-wire or three20-A" 2-wire circuits 210-11(cX1)] Load:Two 2-wire,20-A circuits[seeSection SmallAppliance 210-11(c)(2)] 2-wbe,20-Acircuit [seeSection Lar:ndryLoad:One BatlrroomBranchCircuit: One 2-wire,20-A circuit (no additionalload calculationis 210-11(cX3)] requiredfor this circuit) [seeSection 220-10] Required Minimum SizeFeeder [seeSection GeneralLighting 6600VA SmallAppliance3000VA Laundry 1500VA V T o t a l1 1 1 0 0 A 3000VA at 100%3000VA is V V I I 1 0 0V A - 3 0 0 0 A : 8 1 0 0 A at35Yo 2835VA VA Net Load 5835 Range(seeTable220-19)8000VA Dryer (seeTable220-18)5500VA VA Net Computed Load 19,335 or service feeder 3-wire,single-phase Net Computed Load for 1201240-V, = 8 0 .6 A 1 9 , 3 3 5 A ,2 4 0V V conductors service would require 10 Net computed load exceeds kVA. Section230-42@) to be 100 A. Calculationfor Neutal for Feederand Service Lighting and SmallAppliance Net Load 5835VA Range:8000VA at70%o (seeSection220-22) 5600VA Dryer : 5500YA at70% (seeSection220-22) 3850VA Total 14,550 VA ComputedLoad for Neutral

= AppendixD, section 1s,28s I z4oy 63:e Text Reference vA example D1(a)

#15 c (A to Z, B to Y, C to X) SeeDiagam

&vay svribh

To 4-waySwitch

BasicElectrical section #16 b (4-7,5-8,6-9) TextReference Theory SeeDiagrarn

#17b ( l2_tqshes
Over 4/o multlconductor cables. Each cable ls 2 Inches In dlameter

and 318-9(a)(2) Table 318-9 section Text Reference

: 5 ; # 1 8 a ( 0 v o l t s ) R f o r 1 5a l o a d: 1 2 0 1 1 5 : 8 o h m sR f o r 5 a l o a d 1 2 0 1-: : 24 Neutralopenl: 240/(8 + 241 7.5 a; E across a load:7 .5 ax 24 5 180volts seediagram

NeLJtraor grounded conductor l

Solution loadafterthe neutralis opened. the Problem:Find the voltageacross 5 ampere of First find theresistance eachload: l5 ampere load: Volts: 120 R:E/I R: 120 volts/ l5 amperes R: 8 ohms 5 ampereload: R: 120volts/ 5 amperes R:24 ohms is and are When neutralis openthe two resistors in series the TotalResistance 8 + 24 or 32 ohms' in the The voltage is240 volts across two resistors series. To find the curent after the neutralopens: I= 24Qvolts/ 32 ohms [ = 7.5 urmperes of loadthathasa resistance 24 ohmsis: The voltageacross 5 ampere the E=lxR E = 7.5 ampere 24 ohms x E : 180volts Answer: 180vols

#19 b (175amDere) di see


Problem: Find the sizeof inverserime circuit breakerrequiredfor the feederprotecting the following polyphaseinduction motors. ThesemotorsareDesignB and havea ServiceFactorof I .15 and areindividually protectedwith inversetime circuit breakers. This is a motor feeder circuit. There is a motor feederExample D8 in Appendix D of the Code. and Short-Circuitand Ground-Fault OverloadProtection, Motor Circuit Conductors, Protection and (seeSections 430-32,430-34,430'52, 43042, 240-6,430-6,430-22,430-23,430-24, Tables 430-150 430-152) and Protection FeederShort-Circuitand Gror:nd-Fault The rating of the feederprotectivedeviceis basedon the largestbranch-circuitprotective of deviceplus the sum of the full-load currents the othermotors [seeSections240-6 and a30-62(a)l For the 5-hpmotor FLA is 7.6 'mperesfrom Table430-150. from Table430-150. For the 15-hpmotor FLA is 21 arnperes from Table430-150. For the 40-hpmotor FLA is J) ernpercs 52 x 1.25=65 amperes 65 + 2l + 7.6= 93.6arnperes The branchcircuit protectivedevicefor the 40 hp motor is basedon Table 430-152is 250 sizeCB is percenttimes 52: 130amperes.By Section240-6the next larger standard 150amperes. Then for the feederCircuitBreaker: 150+ 2l + 7.6 = 178amperes. 240-6 The neareststandard this fusethat doesnot exceed value is 175A [seeSections and430-62(a)1. Answer 175ampereCircuit Breaker.

see #20 b (16 cubicinches) di

for Problem:How manycubic inchesis required the following box?All are conductors No. 14 andthereareno intemalclamps'
CountSwitch :2 Conductor ' Gror:ndingconductors:1 Conductorsthat originate outsidethe box and terminateor are spliced in the box:5 Total:8

. '

't -i

for The cubic inch arearequiredby Table 370-16(b) a No. 14 is 2 cubic inches. The cubic inch capacityrequired is 2 cubic inchesx 8 or 16 cubic inches.


Answeris 16cubicinches.


Reference: (1) (b) Box Fill Calculations.The volumes in paragraphs through (5), as applicable, shall be addedtogether.No allowance shall be required for small fittings such as locknuts and bushiirgs. (1) Conductor Fill. Each conductorthat originates outsidethe box and terminates or is spliced within the box shall be countedonce, and each conductor that passesthrough the box without splice or termination shall be counted once.The conductor fill, in cubic inches,shall be computedusing Table 370-16(b). A conductor,no part of which leavesthe box, shall not be counted. Exception: A:r equipment grounding conductor or conductorsor not over four or fixnue wires smaller than No. 1.4, botb shall be permitted to be omitted from enter a box from a domed fixture or similar canopy the calculationswhere they and terminate within that box. (2) Clamp Fill. Where one or more internal cable clamps,whettrerfactory or fietd supplied, are presentin the bo6 a single volume allowancein accordance presentin with Table 370-16(b)shall be madebasedon the largestconductor its clamping the box. No allowance shall be required for a cable connectorwith mechanism outsidethe box. (3) Support Fittings Fitl. Where one or more fxhrre studsor hickeys are present with Table370-16(b)shall in the bo>r, singlevolume allowancein accordance a be made for eachtype of fitting basedon the largestconductorpresentin the box. (4) Device or EquipmentFill. For eachyoke or strapcontainingone or more with Table devices or equipment,a double volume allowance in accordance 370-16(b) shall be made for eachyoke or strapbasedon the largestconductor connectedto a device(s)or equipmentsupportedby that yoke or strap. (5) Equipment Grounding ConductorFill. Where one or more equipment grounding conductorsor equipmentbondingjr.mpers entersa box, a single with Table 370-16(b)shall be madebasedon volume allowancein accordance the largest equipmentgrounding conductor or equipmentbondingjumper present in the box. Where an additional set of equipmentgrotrndingconductors, as permitted by Section 250-L46(d),is presentin the box, an additional volume allowance shall be made basedon the largestequipmentgrounding conductor

section370-16;Table 370-16(b) in the additional Text Reference set.

ElectricianPracticeTest 2


is In the diagram belowthe total resistance

and the value of R3 is


a) b) c)

20,10.7ohms 20,19.7ohms 20,20.7ohms 1 0 ,3 0o h ms 1 0o h m s I = 6 am per es




I '^"Tl

20 ohms

R2 10ohms

e) itoialreslslanc

) -'

Wat is the ampacityof 12 No.12 THHN copperconductorsin a I0feet long EMT racewaywherethere are 9 current carrying conductorsand the ambient temperatureis 42 degreeC? (Selectnearestanswer)


10 amperes 15 amperes i 8 amperes 22 amperes


c) d)

2 ro

lVhat is the allowable ampacity of each No. 6 THW copper conductor if there are l0 current carrying conductorsin a 21 inch long rigid conduit nipple in a room where the antbient temperature is 55 degreesC? (Selectnearest answer) r r (^ r a) b) c) O 65 amPeres $J amPeres 50 amPeres 44 amperes

500 kcmil THHN / 'rr Find the sizeEMT nipple required to enclose3 each wo conductorsbethteen Panekc r r ' a) b) c) d) 1 1/2inch 2 inch 3irch 3 1/2inch

( sizerigid steel conduit is requiredfor 1 each 4/0 XHHV/ and I each cro What No. 3 bare iquipment grounding conductorif the racewayis 12feet long? c r(. (' a) b) c) d) e) I ll2 inch 2 inch 2 ll2 inch 3 inch 1 inch

6. Junction boxesshall be . C '. (r (a) b) .; d) accessible


readily accessible visible insideremovable Panels

. i The type ' '. /' ,ioi6, of lampholder required in a branch circuit in scess of n
c l(' a) b) c) d) brass Porcelaincoated not an interchangeabletYPe heavYdutY

20 amPeres


by Ilnlessan ucepted load as speciJied the Code,a 56 ampereload shall be protectedbYa -fuse. tr r* (a) b) c) d) 50 60 70 80

not lessthan a washdownarea a metollic rucewoyshall be spacEd O " fn inchfrom the walls. r c (c a) ll8 b) ll4 c) l/2 d) 314

I v' Ln

Given: Three (3) 500 kcmil Type THHN copper conductort in a raceway at 70 degreesC. The maximum allowable current in each conductor b amPefes.


a) b) c) d)

249 409 430 705


t ^ fI

Alixture that weighsmore than -pounds independentty the outlet bon of ra) r b) cc) 40 50 60 70

shall be supported


7 2.

An AC-DC general usesnap switch may be usedwilh inductive loads at of its amPererating at the applied voltage' -percent c a) c b ) ec) (d) 40 5 0 70 80

, 2 t "'

Whenutilized as ou&ide bronch circuib andfeeden, overheadconductott not be lessthan for fo, 600 voltsor less, spansup to 50feet, shall copper. (c r r* a) b) c) O No. 14 No' 12 No' 10 No.g

t/ rq'

of Conductorcof light and power systems 600 voltsor lessmay occupytlte regard to whetherthe individual circuitsare AC or ioit enclosire, without DC, only whereall the conductorsare-' c ,^ , ' r' a) b) c) d) within the enclosure. temperature for insulated the ma:cimum for insulated the maximumvoltageof any conductorwithin the enclosure for insulated the maximumof 300voits noneof the above

conducton without any excePtions, < When utilized in overhead services, tI Jo coPper' shaltnot be smaller than No. ra ) c b) r c ) 1 4 12 1 0


7A ru'

to must have a resistance ground not to uceed MAde electrodes ohms when usedalone c c a) 5 10 25 30

b) {-c) {d)

area of all the all exceptions, sum of the cross-sectional . rt 7 . Disregarding n:i*ay sh'all *cied of the interior percent not conductorsi"-i area of the wireway' cross-sectional c a) ' b ) rc) r d) 20 3 0 40 60

t v' (9 )N G.THHNcopper ampacig in each conductor? 4 R G i ve n :N i n e Wltato .!A Vmaximum atloiitte conductor sinaconduitat30 is the C. degrees

a) b)

'3 33 38's

c r* a

d) ss

tO L"

supply an air conditioning The minimum total circuit ampacityreeuyl!lo volt amperesof power at a unit mobr compressor which-corro rs 81500 linevoltageof2l0voltsisamPeres.Selecttheclosestanswer.
f {.

a) b) c) d)

44.3 40.0 35.4 28.3

v' -) n

tjshtins load of 50'000 Given:An ollice building.ttas.arequired.general a singlephase' 230 supptiedby volt amper"i. Tt , general tighting'toad i circuit duitThe minimum calculate iurrent in thefeeder volt feeder circ select the closestanEwer' amperes. rs_ ungroundeo'i*i conductors
C (^ C

a) b) c) d)

208 217 227 230

o TOTAI RESISTAIICE: TOTAL VOLTAGE TOTAI A]VTPERES in of o Resistance n resistors parallelis foundusingthe formula: + l/RT = liRl + 1lF.2 1/R3.....+1lRn of o Resistance two resistorin parallelis foundr:singthe product over the sumformula: RT= (R1 x R2)/(R1+R2) in is of o Resistance n resistors series foundusingthe formula: RT = Rl + R2 + R3 ......+Rn ntles: Using the above Rt: 120voltsi 6 amperes Rt = 20 ohms The resistance Rl, R2, andR3 in parallelis Rt minus 10 ohmsminus 5 ohms of or 5 ohms. The resistance Rl andR2 in parallelis (10 x 20) / (10 + 20) or 6,7 ohms. of R T h e n 5 o h m s = ( 6 .x7 3 ) l ( 6 . 7+ R 3 ) + 5 ( 6 , 7 R 3 ) = 6 . 7x R 3 33.5+5R3=6.7xR3 6.7R3- 5R3=33.5 R3 (6.7- 5) = 33.5 R3 = 33.5I 1.7 R3 = 19.7ohms

carrying The #2 c (18 amperes) deratingfactor for 9 c1tlrent in conductors a racewayis 70 percent,andthe ambientderating C. factor for 42 degrees is .87.Ampacity of THHN No. 12 is 30 Elmperes. ,7 amperes. x.87 x 30 : L8.27 andcoffection table310-16 310-15(b) section TextReference at factors bottomof tableandTable3 10-15(bx2)(a) THW ampacityis 65 amperes.The ambient #3 d (44 amperes) Text deratingfactoris .67 .67 x 65 : 43.55uunperes Reference factorsat bottomof table 3 section 10-I 6 andconection is #4 b (2 inch)The areafor 3 -500 kcmil THHN conductors 3 x filI .7073-2.1219 For 60 percent usingthe.8 roundoffmethod 9, 348-8;Chapter section a requires 2 inchEMT. Text Reference 4 table 1 notes and7, Table4, andTable5 :1.2788; arca No. 3 is of #5 b (2 inch)Areaof 4 410: 4 x .3197 a2 + sq. .053 1.2788 .053: 1.3318 in. requiring inchrigid . areaof Text Reference conduitwith a 40 percent 9 Chapter TableI,4,5, and8 346-7; section junction,pull, andoutletboxes Conduitbodies, #6 a (accessible) in shall be installedso that the wiring contained themcanbe 37 section 0'29 Text rendered accessible Reference to #7 d (heavyduty) Whereconnected a branchcircuit havinga shallbe of the healylampholders of rating in excess 20 amperes, section210-21(a) duty type.Text Reference #8 b (60) The next largersizepermittedby Codeis 60 amperes. n Text Reference sectio 240-3(0; 2a0-6(a) ll4 equipment is practice to keepelectrical #g b (Il4) Standard wet. that may become in inch of the surface indoorlocations 300-(6) Text Reference section

factorfor 70 the #10 a (249)By Table310-16(bottom) derating C. degrees in the90 degree columnis .58. .58x 430A. :249 C 310-16andderatingtableat section Text Reference amperes. bottomof page #11 b (50) A fixture that weighsmore than 50 lb (22.7kg) shall be of supportedindependent the outlet box unlessthe outlet box is listed for the weight to be supported. 410-16(a) section Text Reference snapswitch suitablefor useon #l2b (50) A form of general-use either ac or dc circuitsfor controllingInductiveloadsnot rating of the switch.vw 50 exceeding percentof the ampere 4(b)(2) 3 section 80-17 Text Reference shallnot be smallerthan #I3 c (#10) Openindividualconductors the following: For 600 volts,nominal,or less,No. 10 copperor up No. 8 aluminumfor spans to 50 ft (15.2m) in lengthandNo. 8 copperor No. 6 aluminumfor a longersPffi,unlesssupported. 225-(a)(l) Text Reference section within voltageof any conductor #t4 b (insulated the ma:<imum for 300-3(cXl) section the enclosure) Text Reference shallnot be smallerthanNo. 8 copperor # 15 d (8) The conductors aluminum. No. 6 aluminumor copper-clad Text Reference 230-23 section consisting a rod, PiPe,or platethat of #16 c (25)A singleelectrode to doesnot havea resistance $ound of 25 ohmsor lessshallbe of augrnented oneadditionalelectrode any of the types by specifiedin Sections 250-50or 250'52. Text Reference 250-56 section

: .,.

' :

of areas all contained # I7 a (20) The sumof cross-sectional at conductors any crosssectionof the wirewayshallnot exceed20 area percentof the interior cross-sectional of the wireway. factorfor 9 the By #18 b (38.5) Table310-15(bX2) derating is in conductors ataceway 70Yo..70x 55 = 38.5amperes. 310-15(bX2)(a) Table Table310-16; section TextReference Frorn I: #Ig a(44.3) plE:8500 VN 240volts 35.4amperes. Table 440-32125pet centof 35.4: 44.3amperes' I #20 a(208)I - P / E; 50,000 240volts:208 Etmperes. AppendixD section Text Reference

.j ! ' u:r

Electrician Practice Test 3

a,, i a vuJ-4 hi,rm'rrar. l\ultuJsl. NO. 3

FThree (3) 500kcmit THHN conductorsin a racewayat 70degrees I t'o Given: H/hatis the maximum ollowablecurrent k each conductorif the terminations and equipment is rated at 90 Degtees C?
((C C

a) b) c) d)

345 380 430 447

ucept -2. F-texibtecord muy be used in oll of thefollowing locations

r a ) {b) r c ) r d )
? J'

hoists cranes to replacepermanentwiring pendants

24 Wen a conduit nippte having a maximum lengtft not to exceed inchesis of its total permined tu beJilled to -percent installed,the nippii shall be sectionalarea cross ca ) c b ) 3 0

40 50 60

r c )
c d ) 4,

Drumsof gasolinemay be storedin what type of outdoorarea? Anywhere ClassIII, Division2 ClassII, Division I plants at Unclassifiedareas a buik storage

a) b) c) d)



The interior of paint spray bootlts ore considered c a ) Class1, or Class2, Division I Class1, Division 2 ClassII, Division I ClassII, Division 2

r b )
(c) c d )


The maximum allowablefiAfor conduit and tubkgfor 3 or more conductors, not lead coveredis

c a ) r b ) r c ) c d )

30% 40%
50o/o 60%


In a conduit seal, the minimum thicknessotthe seoling compound,except

than where rced in cables, should in no case be le5,s (-


ll4u l/2" 518'

r b )
(' rc)


3/4u d) Given:A 30 hpr 3-phase,160volt, continuous duty induction motor with a C. sembefactor of 1.15 and a temperaturerise of 40 degrees The maximum amperes. rating otthe required separateoverload device is_

46 50 56 60

r b ) c c ) r d )

o 7o

a Given:Measurement across 3-phasesquirrel cagemotor atfull load are What should the honepower rating be rcing the 460 voltsand 65 amperes. Code?

ca) r r r b) c)

30 40 50

t v' Ln

60 d) Referto theligure below.Giventhe circuitshown Whatis thecurrentin the

neutral conductor?

r a ) c b )
. c )

25.0amperes 12.5a.naperes 6.25amperes 4.2 amperes

r d )

1 ,OOO \A/atts N e utral 5oo

I '' l'

| ::=:: ::::= =: 12O ===::::=: vA(:::: ::: ll l - l'

Given: 7 7 .tha,tof A 25footfeeder tap. The ampacityof the tap must which il -is thefieder conductor or overcunentprotectionfrom tapped

be at least

a) b) c)


a tA




t) '- a'

The normal current allowed on a coyiperbw in an Awiliary Gutters is per squsrc inch. The nuntber of ampereswhich a 2 1/2 x 1/4 amperes 11000 amPercs. inch square copper bus may carry under thse conditions itc a )

r r c

b) c)

750 l,'000

t'250 d) hasa total lengthof 500feetandsuppliesd t z r?' Given:A 240 volt conductor per of The bad of 10 arqperes. conductorhasa resistance 1.15ohms 1'000
feel The total wltage drop in the conductor circuil conducton is percent Select the closest answen /a) c b ) r c )

|/ 'Tc


The maximumftxture weight that may be supportedby the screwsltell of a pornds. hmpholder is

r a ) c b ) r c )
t' d)

6 10
16 r\r

holes in woodioists, 7 5 . Where a cable is installedbethroughsobored the edge of the hole iswherelessthan not that bored possible,the hoks shall

inch(es)from the nearestedgeof the woodmember.

r a ) r b ) r c ) r d )

Lv4 LU2 2

general Eghting The minimum lighting 76. church huitding havingtoad requiredfor theof 100t by 200' is ou&ide dimensions amPefes.

(only) of a volt-

c a ) r b ) c c ) r d )

2,000 4,000 20,000 40,000

: -.:

size copper equipment grounding conductfor grounding rt 7' The minimum / equipmcnt hmting a 10 ampere automatic overcurrent devicein the circuit aheadof the equiPmentisNa


6 8 10 12

r b ) r c ) r d )
p rI 'r'

Given:A 240 volt, 20 amPeretwo wire branch circuil If the ,ruEimum ailowable voltagedrop through the circuit conductorsis 2,4 volts,what is of the maximum allowable resistance the circuit conductorc?

r a ) (b) r c ) c d )

12ohms 1 .2ohms .48ohms .12ohms

IO ^"

The combined load oif two, 230 voltftxzd heaters on a 30 antlrerebranch kilowot&, Select the closestdnsreen circuit shalt not qceed (' a) 2.4

r b )
((^ c) d)

5.9 24.0

)n -v'

Outlet boxesmounted in combustible walls or ceilings must be mounted so the that thq will be set back not more than a msimum of -kchfrom surface. ftnished

r c. r

a) b) c) d)


1 /8 0 (must be flush)

Electrician Practice Test 3

.Quiz Number: No. 3

._ I

factorat the bottomof Table310-16 #1 d (447)the correction ratedinsulationsuchas F. for 70 degrees is 1.04for 90 degree : fHHN. 1.04x 430amperes 447amperes. derating Table310-16& Temperature section Text Reference factorsat bottomof table,andsection110-14 section400-7 wiring) Text Reference , pennanent #2 c (to replace 400-8 #3 d(60) Whereconduitor tubingnippleshavinga maximum boxes, 24 lengthnot to exceed n. (610mm) areinstalledbetween the and cabinets, similar enclosures, nipplesshallbe pennittedto axea. be filled to 60 percentof their total cross-sectional 9, sectionChaptet Table 1 note4 Text Reference plants.)This permission at areas a bulk storage #4 d (Unclassified plantsandthey aredefinedin Section is given for bulk storage section575-2 515-I . Text Reference




shall 2, l, #5 a (Class or Class Division1) The followingspaces as II, I Class or Class Division I locations, be considered applicable: The interiorsof sprayboothsandrooms. 51 section 6-2(a) Text Reference TextReference 9,40 percent. #6b (40%) By Table1 in Chapter 9, sectionChapter TableI of 1[s seal, minimumthickness the #7 c (5/8") In a completed shallnot be lessthanthe tradesizeof the sealingcompound less sealinEfitting ond,in no case, than 5/8 in. Text Reference section 501-5(cX3)

4, * r


but of #8 d (60) 125 percent 40 is 50 amperes, Section430'34 section allows a 140percentmaximumoverload.Text Reference 430-32(aXl);430-34 Sections table 430-150; motorhasa fulI load a #9 c (50) By Table 430-150 50 horsepower 430-150 section of amperes 65. Text Reference #10 d (4.2 anperes)Cunentthrough1000watt load: L,000/120 = -8.3 amperes; Currentthrough500watt load : 500/120 4.L7 Basic section Text Reference amperes.8.3 - 4.I -- 4.2 amperes. ElectricalTheory terminatein a singlecircuit #11 b (Ll3) Also, the tap conductors breakeror a single setof fusesthat will limit the load to the Text and ampacityof the tap conductors shallbe protected. (bX2) n Reference sectio 241-2l. : #L2b (625)Amperes (2.5x .25)x 1,000: 625amperes 37 Text Reference section 4-6(a) .45 #13 a (3) E:IxR; E:l0 x (500/1,000)xl : 7.25volts;percent -(7.251240 x 100- 3 percent Basic section Text Reference ) Electrical Theory #14 b (6) A fixture that weighsmorethan 6 lb (2.72kg) or exceeds by shallnot be supported the 16 in. (406 mm) in any dimension 15(a) section4L0Text Reference screwshellof a lampholder. *nail be cannot met, standard #15 b (I %) If this requirement plates* canbe used.Text Reference 300-4(aX1) section 1 #16 c (2000)100'x 200' - 20,000sq.ft.,By Table220-3(a) VA per square 1 for foot is required churches. x 20,000:20,000 VA. Text Reference sectionTable 220-3

a OCPDrequtuesNo. 10 a40 ampere #17 c (10)By Table250-122 section Text Reference groundingconductor. copperequipment table 250-122 ' . 20; R - .12ohms The 240 R: #18 d (.12ohms) El I;R: 2.41 reviewDC section Text Reference is (2.41240 100= I percent. )x Theory 'i, -.'' . 24x230:5520 watts; +19b (5.5).8x 30 :24 rmperes. a2a-3$) section 5.5 5520/1000: lcw.Text Reference #20 d(0 mustbe flush) In walls andceilingsconstuctedof wood material,boxesshallbe flush with the or othercombustible section or finishedsurface projecttherefrom Text Reference


Electrician Practice Test 4

1. Refer to theJigure below. What is wrong with the grounding rod illwtrated? r (r f It is not 10feetlong. ciamp It requiresa gror.urd It is not 30 inchesdeep Thereis nothingwrong, accordingto the Code

a) b) c) d)


Conductor Electrode Grounding


2 ft. deep


rod solid 8 ft. longby 'll2 inchdiameter copper


) a'

Which of thefollowing is not a standardfnse or inversetime chcuit breaker size?

r a )

35 45



55 d) shall be general, a continuous dttty motor rated at more than I horsepower ? "' fn percent protected by a sqarate overload daice rated at no more than of the motor nancplatefull-load current rating.

r a ) r b ) r c )

100 115

125 d) emergefrom the ground they shall conductorsor cab:les ,t ac Where direct buried shall the protection be In beprotected by enclosuresor raceways. no case inches belowJinishedgrade required to uceed -

r a ) r b ) r c ) r d )
{ v'

l2 l8 24 30

circuit The Given: Three resistorc(R1, H, and R3) are instuAedin a series power usedby M is 75 watts.The total power usedby.R/ ts 100 watts and the power usedby the circuit is 225 wat6. Then thepower usedby resbtor RJ it r4tatts,

r r a

a) b) c) d)

24 50


6. Refer to thefigure below.The total rcsbtanceRt is answen closest

c a ) r b ) r c ) r d )
9.4 10.5

ohms. Sekct the

15 40

PE 15ohrns

7 rt

Afree standing electric range b rated n0n40 voltsand requiresa Given: neutral connectionfor the 120 vott timer and lights. The range is equipped witlt 3 wire cord with No. 8 coppercondaclorsond a 3 prone plugfor two hot and neutraL The rangeframe shall bepermitted to be-' leads grognded running a groundfrom the rangeframeto the outlet by wrappingthe groundaroundthe cord andthen groundingit box, to the outlet box. ungrounded the by grounded a 4-wire cord containingthe two hot leads, neutral,and a greengroundingconductor.(the rangerequiresa 4wire cord) conductorto the at grounded the rangeby bondingthe grounded ftrngefrarne.

r a ) ..b) c c ) (-



The Code requires at leasttwo stnall appliance branch circuibfor dwellings, Thesesmall appliance circuib shall be assigneda load of volt-ampereseach when calculatingfeeden and service entrance

requiremen&. r a ) r b ) c c )
f* d)

750 1000 I 500 2000

receptaclesmay be connectedto the small appliance



r a ) .-b)

for receptacles electric clocks in the kitchen garageceiling receptacles garage door openers for hallway which are closeto the kitchen

| | 1 1'

A metal underground waterpipe in direct contact with the earthfor at least a il feet hastraditionally be:en preferred groanding electrode For all new construction, a metal underground waler pipe is -.

c a ) r b )
.^c) (d)

by still the preferredgroundingelectrode, itself, when available. groundingelechode, it must be but still an acceptable by supplemented at leastone additionalgroundingelectrode. as no longeraccepted a groundingelechode

t 2 L -'

when buried at least as accepted the only groundingelectrode three(3)feet below the surface. inches of a recessed Thermal insulation shall not be installed within the ligfutirture is identiJiedas figMfirture enclosure unless recessed suitablefor dbect contact with insulatiort

c (-


b) r c ) r d )

4 5

t J a

t ?

The No.12 or 11 groundedconductorof a bronch circuit shall be identifrcd w,re. Dva white stripeson other white or gxaycolor or threecontinuous greeninsulation than greencolor or barecopper yellow color


c b ) r

t z I"

blackcolor The CodedeJinesttcontinuousloadtt as o load wherethe maximum current is upected to continuefor at least-,

r d )

r a ) r b )

one hour or more two hoursor more tfueehoursor more twenty four hours a daY

r d )
< tt '"

For calculating the me,imum nwnber of conduclors allowed in an outlet cubic inches. box the volumerequiredfor each No. 12 conductorit-

c a ) r b )

2 2.25 2.5 3

c) ' d )

be mountedin Outlet boxes 76. mountedso that they willnon<ombustible walls or ceilingsmust of be setback not morc than a moximum inchtrom theJin ished surface.

1/8 1t4

b) c) d)


' ''t Z'

Screr*shell lamphoWersshall be wired so thgt ttle connectedto the scret+t-shell c a ) grounding grounded ungrounded bare


r b ) r c )

or wet locations shall 78.Enclosuresfor overcurrent -devicesin damp spacebetweenthe wallbe other or inch alr mauinUdso there is at least support surface. r a ) c b ) c c ) r d ) 1 /8 Ll4 3 t8 il2

offree conductorshall be left at each outlet and _inches ", A ' Are least switch pointfor splicesorfor the connection ofJirtures or devices.

r a ) r b) ' c )

5 6 7


8 d) the o1th.1,volt'aTlere squarefootbasis In determini?8.!o-:d Pe:

the building shall be usedfor eachfloor. of outsidedimensions of insidedimensions heigbt of numberof roomsin


a) b) c) d)

r r a

Electrician Practice Test 4 AIISWERTS

the #1 c (it is not 30" deep)Whererock bottomis encountered, 45 shallbe drivenat an obliqueanglenot to exceed electrode from the verticalor shallbe buriedin a trenchthat is at degrees section250'52(c) Text Reference least2%ft(762 mm) deep. SeeDiagram

Grounding Electrode Conductor

a ft. tong by 1/2 inch diameter solid copper rod

#2 d (55) 50 amperesand 60 amperesare standardfuse and Section circuit breakersizesbut 55 is not. Text Reference 240-6(a) 430-32(aXl) Section #3 d (125)TextReference from emerging the and conductors cables #4b (18)Direct-buried finished 8 by gloundshallbeprotected to a pointat least ft above 18 to be grade. no cas;shalltheprotection required exceed in. In 300-5(d) Section TextReference belowground.

TextReference SectionBasic #5 b (50)225-75 - 100:50 watts Electrical Theory theory.Rt - (Rl x R2)/ (Rl + R2);RT #6 a (9.4)Basicelectrical : (25x 15)I (25+15): 9.4ohrns Section Basic TextReference ElectricalTheory:Productoverthe sum.

R2 1 5o h m s

the #7 c (grounded a 4-wire cord containing two hot leads,the by neutral, anda greengroundingconductor.the rangerequiresa 4no to wire cord)A new change longerallowsranges be grounded Text Reference with he grounded conductorin new installations. Section250-142 #8 b (two (2) singlepole circuit breakers, together) dwelling In tied units, a multiwire branchcircuit supplyingmorethan onedeviceor equipmenton the sameyoke shallbe providedwith a meansto disconnectsimultaneously ungrounded at all conductors the panelboard Text Reference wherethe branchcircuit originated. Section210-4(b) #9 c ( 1500)Text Reference Secti 250-142 on # 10 a (receptacles electricclocksin the kitchen) for Also the smallappliance branchcircuitscansupplyReceptacles installedto providepower for supplemental and equipment lighting on gas-firedranges, cookingunits.Text ovens,or counter-mounted Reference Exception No. 1 Section2l0-52(bx2)

but gounding electrode, it mustbe # 11 b (still an acceptable by supplemented at leastoneadditionalgloundingelecfrode.) metalpipe with plasticpipe the keepreplacing plumbers Because waterpipe is no longera reliableunderglound metalunderground Section250-50(a) Text Reference groundingelectrode. abovea recessed shallnot be installed #12 b (3) Thermalinsulation fixhre*s enclosure, fixture or within 3 in. (76 mm) of the recessed or wiring comparfment, ballastunlessit is identified for contact 410-66(b) Section Tnrc IC. Text Reference with insulation, on white stripes #13 a(white or glay color or threecontinuous of grounded conductor Ax othertlan greeninsulation.) insulated white or No. 6 or smallershallbe identifiedby a continuous white stripeson natural g;ayouter frrish or by threecontinuous other thangreeninsulationalongits entirelength.Text Reference Section200-6 Load: A load wherethe #14 c (threehoursor more)Continuous for to maximum culrentis expected continue 3 hoursor more' Article 100 Section Text Reference per 2.25cubicinches Table370-16(b) #15 b (2.25)No.2 requires Table370-16(b) Section Text Reference n S # 16 b (I I 4") TextReference ectio 370-20 the with screwshells, terminalfor For #17 b (grounded) devices to shallbe the oneconnected the ttre gfo*ded conductor 200-10(c) Section screwshell.Text Reference Section240-32;373'2(a) #18 b (114") TextReference

#19b(6)tleast6in.(|52mm)offreeconductor'meaSuredf from its racewayor the point in the box where it emerges shall be left at eachoutlet junction, ffid switch cablesheath, of point for splicesor the connection fixturesor devices. 300-14 Section Text Reference

#20a(outsidedimensionso0Thefloorareaforeachfloorshal computedfrom the outsidedimensionsof the building, Section dwelling unit, or otherareainvolved.Text Reference 220-3(b)

Electrician Practice Test 5

7 1' The circuit conductorthat is definedos being intentionallygroundedis the conductor. r ' r r 2. a) grounding b) grounded grounding c) equiPment

d) groundingelectrode of II Class location are thosethat are hazardousbecause the presenceof

a) ignitablevaPors r c r u; iPitaule fibers dust c) combustible

liquids d; combr:stible in are with values5, 10,and 15 ohms respectively connected resistorc 2 Jc ff tbee the closest ohms.Select biaraltet, tlrc combinedtotal resbtance answef, c r c a ) o '4 b) 2'3 c) 2'7

d) 3o'o

of a long branchcircuil measures totalresistance / zo Thewiringin a 200foot per 0.5ohms.Whatis the resistance 1,000feet? r r

a) 0'5 ohms b) 1'oohms

C) l'') OnmS

,- d ) 5.0ohms ' 5. The maximumtotal voltagedrop on bothfeedersand hranch circuitsto the

farthest outletshouldnot sceed r a ) 2 r r b ) 3 c) 4

Percentof the supplyvoltaga



The maximunt voltage drop on either afeeder OR branch circuit to the farthest outlet should not sceed -percenl c a ) 2 ( _ b ) 3 r c) 4 the kitchen


r o s
For dwelling uni,6, the 7. smoll applianceload. Coderequires a minimum of -for r r r c a) one l5amPerecircuit circuits b) two 15 amPere circuit c) one 20 amPere


circuits d) two 20 amPere Generally,equipmentgrounding conductors No, 6 and smaller shaUbe identifrcd by -.

r a ) greencolor unlessit is bare (^ it b) greencolor with oneor moreyellow stipes trnless is bare c c ) barEconductor
equipmentgrounding bareor Individually coveredor insulated shall have a continuousouterfinish that is eithergreenor . ^ d ) conductors greenwith one or more yellow stripesexceptaspermittedin this section.

r e ) All of the above

O "

shall not be lcssthan -feet Rod andpipe grounding electrodes bngth.



b )


r r


10 d) outletsto be roomof a dwellingunit requiresreceptacle I v' L n Everydining morethan space so installed that nopoint alongthefloor line in anywall
feet, measuredhorizontallyrfrom an outlcl r a ) (. e b) c) 6 7 8

I t 11'

l0 d) Listed liquidtightJtuible nonmetallic conduit installed in lengths longer every shaUbesecured then-feet -feel r {" (f a) b) c) 6'3 6' 4ll2 6'66


) rt a'

t I

10,10 6; shoul.d Generally,noncurrcnt-carryingmetalparts of electricalequipment in air and 3 awayfrom lightning rod conductorc be kept at least_feet conducton in concrete,or shall be bondedto the feetfront tightning lightning conductors.


3 4 5 6


b) c) d)

| ? 'r'J'

Branch+ircuit cond,uctottsupplykg a shgle motor which operateswtder of the continuous duty shall hary an ampacity not lessthan -percent rating. motor full-load current

c a ) r b ) r c )

100 115 t25 140


The naximum number of overcurrent devices(other than thoseprovided in the mairc) in a single cabinet of a lighting and appliancepanelboard shall be

r a ) r b ) r c ) c d )
< '', "'

30 36 42 46

The totol load on any overcurrent device located in a panelboard shall not of iB rating where in normal operationth.eload will uceed _percent contin@r-3 hoursor more.

c a ) c b ) c c ) c 76, d)

65 70 80


in Liquid-tightfluible metalconduitmaybe used



and concealed that areboth exposed areas that are subjectto physicaldamage areas 4 ll2 nchtrade size 5 inch tradesize

c b )
(^ (c) d)

'7 maximum size offlexible metallic tubing that mny be usedin any r| t o The constructionor installation is -.


r b ) r c ) r d )

314* 1"

than 600 voltsemergefrom the ground they shall conductorsof less 9 rt 1)o Where beprotected by enclosuresor racewaysthat dendfrom belowgrade to a groda aboveJinished point at lcast-feet
c a )

4 6 8 10

c b )
' c ) c d )

O rI "

The total number of quarter bendsallowedin one run of rigid nonmetallic conduit shallnot exceed -.
l' a ' ) a 1

' b ) {-c)
d )

3 4


larger enter Wtere ungroundedconductorsof minimum size No.-or conductorsshall beprotectedby an insulated a racewaym a cabinet,tlrc litting, c a ) c b ) c c ) ' d )

4 6

Electrician Practice Test 5 AI\ISWERES or A Conductor. system circuit Grounded # 1 b (grounded section that is intentionallygrounded.)TestReference conductor conductor Article 100:grounded are dust)Classtr locations thosethat are #2 c (combustible dustTest of of hazardous because the presence combustible 500-8 Reference section #3 c (2.7)For the5 andl0: (5 x 10)I (5 + 10): 3.3:3 in parallel section TestReference with l5 is (15x 3.3)/ 15+ 3.3):2.7 ohms BasicElectricalTheory is #4 c (2.5)1000is 5 times200soresistance 5 x .5:2.5 ohms BasicTheory TestReference section or for total: 3 percent feeders 3 percentfor #5 d (5) 5 percent FPNNo. 4 ;2L5sectionzl0-l9(a) TestReference branch circuits. c(b) FPN No. 2 FPN section2L0-19(a) No. 4; 215-2(b) #6b (3) TestReference FPN No. 2 circuits)In additionto the numberof branch #7 d (two 20 ampere two or more20circuits required otherpartsof this section, by circuitsshallbe provided. branch ampere small-appliance 2L0-11(cX1) TestReference section 19 250-1 section #8 e (atl of the above) TestReference shallnot be lessthan8 ft (2.44m) #9 c (8) Rod andpipeelectrodes 250-52(c) in lengthTestReference section

# 10 a (6) In every kitchen, family, dining, recreation,living room' outletsshall be bedroom,receptacle parlor, library, den,sunroom, installedso that no point alongthe floor line in any wall spaceis rnore than 6 feet from an receptacle. n sectio 210-52(a) Test Reference and 35 section L-23(a)(5) 351-27 #11 a (6, 3) TestReference is from lightning protectionconductors #12 d (6) Separation typically 6 ft (1.83m) throughair or 3 ft (0.92m) throughdense 250-106 brick, or wood.TestReference suchasconcrete, materials FPN No. 2 that conductors supplya singlemotor #13 c (I25) Branch-circuit used in a continuousduty applicationshall have an ilmpacity of not lessthan 125percentof the motor's full-load currentrating as 430section TestReference a30-6(a)(1). by determined Section 22(a) devices(otherthanthose #I4 c (42) Not morethan 42 overcurrent branchprovided for in the mains)of a lighting andappliance shallbe installedin any one cabinetor cutout circuit panelboard 384-15 section box TestReference in devicelocated a #15 c (80) Thetotal loadon any overcurrent 80 panelboard shallnot exceed percentof its rating where,in normal operation, load will continuefor threehoursor more. the 384-16(d) TestReferense section TestReference and # 16 a (areas that areboth exposed concealed) section351-4 The very small,but it is what the Codesays. #17 d (1") This seems section Minimum BendRadii is 17 LlZ nches! TestReference


300-5(d) section #18 c (8) TextReference section34T-L4 #19 c (4) TextReference No. conductors ungrounded containing #20 b (a) Whereraceways the or box enclosure, raceway, 4 ot largerentera cabinet, section300-a(f) Text Reference shallbe protected. conductors

Etectrician Practice Test 6

I ro Fountainsthat have water commonto a swimmingpool do not needto comply with all of the swimmingpool requirements.

True False

c b )

The walls of a bottedor weldedmctal pool may serveas the common bonding


True False

r b )
1 -"

may be wed to supply underwaterfrxtureswhen they are Steeljunction boxes by connected conduit to theforlorming shell
' a )

True False

r b )

The -minimum depthfor any underwaterlightingJirture is 4 ittches below 19arcr,


a) b)


S *

GFCI protection is requiredfor arty branch circuit that suppliesunderwater ftxtures operating at over LS-volts.

r a ) r6.

True False


locatedwithin 20feet of a swimmingpool require GFCI Receptacles proteurcn.

r a ) {b)

True False


A storable swimming pool must not haye any dimension over 12feel

r a ) r b )

True False


In a data-processingroom the disconnecting meons must be near the sit doon.

? a )

True Faise

c b )

A disconnecting means must beprovidedfor all data-processingequipmenl

c a ) c b )

True False


equipmentby fipe NMC cablesis permitted to connectdata-processing underfloor wiring.

r a ) r b )

True False

to The bottom 77. vehicles. of a sign must be at least 12feet abovean area accessible

r a ) r b )

True False

72. Electric srgzs using incandescentlamps must be marked with the maximunt allowable watlage of lamps.
c a ) r b )

True False

is permifled in a 7 3 .A lightingJirture the storagearea- clothes mahilainedfrom (r a) True

closet if an |&-inch clearance is

False b) not be usedto control a tungsten' 74. An AC general usesnap switchmrut /ilament lamp loads,

r a ) rb)

True False

7 5. Junction boxesmust be accessible'

c a )


r b )

in duptu receptacle a box reducesthe number of allowed conductorsby 7 6. A

^) ' b )

True False

7 7.

are Edison-basefuses acceptableforstandardinstallations.

r a ) r b )

True False

over 5feel 78. Fluible metallic tubing may not be usedin lengths c a ) c b )

True False

ground in cinder concrete must hm'e a protective layer t O L " EMT installed in the of noncinder concreteat least 2 inches thich
F ('




False b) The lorgest size NM cable has No. 2 copper conductott or No. 2 aluminunt conduc'tors.

r a ) r b )

True False

Electrician Practice Test 6 A}[SWERES 680-50 Section #1 b (false)Text Reference #2 a(true) thereareothercommonbondinggrids,too. Text 680-22@) Section Reference plastic,or other suitable brass, #3 b (false)Must be copper, Section680material.Text Reference corrosion-resistant approved I2(a) #4 b (false)Lighting fixturesmountedin walls shallbe installed with the top of the fixture lensat least18 in. below the normal the water levei of the pool, unless lighting fixture is listedand identifiedfor useat a depthof not lessthan4 in. Text Reference 680-20(a) Section circuit intemrptershallbe installedin the #5 a(true) ground-fault at branchcircuit supplyingfixturesoperating morethan l5 volts 680-20(a) Section Text Reference within 20 ft' (6.08m) of located receptacles #6 a (true)all 125-volt by the insidewalls of a pool or fountainshallbe protected a Section680Text Reference glound-faultcircuit intemrpter. 20(a)(3) Swimmingor WadingPool.Thosethat are #7 b (false)Storable of constructed or abovethe groundandarecapable holding on water to a murimumdepthof 42 in. (1.07m), or a pool with nonmetallic,moldedpolymericwalls or inflatablefabric walls 680-4 Section regardless dimen.Text Reference of

meansshall be #8 a (t'r:e) The control for thesedisconnecting at groupedandidentifiedandshallbe readily accessible the Section645-10 principal exit doors.Text Reference must alsobe disconnected #9 a (tnre)The FryAC equipment 645-10 Section Text Reference but #10 b (false)Thereis a long list of wiring methods, NMC is Section645-5(dX2) not in the list. Text Reference # I I b (false) Sien or outline lighting systemequipmentshall be at unless to accessible vehicles least14 ft (4.4 m) aboveareas Section600-9(a) Text Reference protectedfrom physicaldamage. with incandescent #I2 a (tnre) Signsandoutlinelighting systems lamp holdersshall be markedto indicatethe maximum allowable Section600-4(b) watiageof lamps.Text Reference 410-8 Section #13 a(tue) Text Reference (3 Section 84-A(a) #14 b Text Reference junction,pull, andoutletboxesshall #15 a (true)Conduitbodies, be installed so that the wiring containedin them can be rendered accessible without removinganypart of the building Text Reference on Secti 370-29 370-16(bX4) Section #16 a(true) Text Reference type shallbe installed of #17 b (false)Fuseholders the Edison-base Type S fusesby the useof only wherethey aremadeto accept on Secti 240-52 adapters. Text Reference n349-5 Sectio #18 b (false)6 ft. Text Reference

L .

t :

gj I '. r, L:
i t_;

to or #L9 a(true)In cinderconcrete cinderfill wheresubject on unlessprotected all sidesby a layer of non moisture pennanent at cinderconcrete least2 n. (50.8mm) thick or unlessthe tubing is at least18 in. (457mm) underthe fill' 348-5(3) Section Text Reference No. 14through shallbe sizes #20 a(nue) Thepowerconductors No. 12throughNo.2 wittr or conductors sizes No. 2 with copper aluminumconductors. aluminumor copper-clad 336-30(b) Section Text Reference


t -


t r

Etectrician Practice Test 7

l. TypefuIV cableis rated 2,001'volt or higher. r ,^ True

1 i


L r

) -'

False b) 6feetfrom theJloor doesnot require Open wiring on insulatorsabove protection.

r a )
rj 3.

True False

r b )

mtut not be usedin hoist ways. Cable troy systems

r a ) r b )

True False

Flexibte metal conduit may be usedto protect conductorcemergingfrom the ground and run on a Pole" rra)



False b) (Jndernormal conditions,direct buried cablesmust be buried at least24 inches.




r b )

6 A No. 6 copperconductorin a vertical racewaymust be supportedat least v' every80feet


a) b)

True False

t .

L :


Conductors of size No. l for generol usemoy not be run in paralleL r c True



False b) A connectionof aNa E conduc'lorto a terminal can be by meansof a pressure connec'torot soWerlug. r r a) True

O "

False b) At least1 Inches offree conductor must be lelt at each outlet to connecl ftxtures. c r a) True

'I n v'

False b) Holes in studsfor coblesmut be in the center and not lessthan I inch edgeof the stud from the nearest r ,a) b) True False

7 7.

The smallestJirture wire permitted by the Codeb size No. 18. r ' True False

a) b)

|) 1-'

behindbuildingwalls, Ftsibte cordsmaynot be usedif theyare concealcd orfloon. ceilings c c a) b) True False

a i

? rt J'

When six current<arrying conductorc are installed in a raceway,the maximum load cunent of each must be reducedto 70per cenl

r a )
j t

True False

r b )


A No. 11 grounded conductor in a circuit must havea white or natural gray color,

r a ) r b )

True False

( tap lessthen 25feet long doesnot require overcurrentprotectionif rt Jc A feeder oytn" tup conductorsis ot leastone-half of theompacityof the tie ampacity feeder conductorc.

r a ) r b )
t v' 46

True False

may be A conductorin a general circuit with an ampacityof 731-amperes protectedby an 8h0-ampere.fuse. r a ) r b )

True False



to A three-phaseair conditioner must be directly connected a recognized wiring method c a ) r^


t v' ^R

False b) cord-connected may disconnect plug and receptacle An attachment equipmenl householdrifrigerating r a ) .-b) True False

G 4


motorcto their supply, AC Type cablemustnot be usedto connect r .a) True

False b) wbing mustbe motorcsupplicdby metal+nclosed 20. fhefrqmls of stationary grounaea. c c a) b) True False

Electrician Practice Test 7

a ;

ANSWERES #l a(true) Type MV cableis a singleor multiconductor solid dielectricinsulatedcablerated2001volts or higher. 326-l Section Text Reference within 7 ft (2.13m) from the floor #2b (false)Conductors Text to exposed physicaldamage. shallbe considered Section 320-14 Reference shallnot be usedin hoist #3 a (true)Cabletray systems Text physicaldamage. ways or wheresubjectto severe 3 Section 18-4 Reference emerging and #4 b (false)Direct-bwied conductors cables or by from the groundshall be protected enclosures from the minimum coverdistance extending raceways belowgade to a point at least 300-5(a) by required Section or Wherethe enclosure 8 ft (2.44m) abovefinishedgrade. shall the to racewayis subject physicaldamage, conductors metal be installedin rigid metal conduit,intermediate conduit,or 80 conduit,Schedule rigid nonmetallic and Section300-5(d) section Text Reference equivalent.




l ,



(6) 3s0-s
with is the #5 a (true)In general requhement 24 inches Section 300-5 given.Text Reference many otherdepths andtable300-5 and Section300-19(a) Table #6 b (false)Text Reference 30019(a)

#7 a (true) Aluminwn, copper-cladaluminulll, or copper each of conductors sizeNo. 1/0 and larger,comprising phase,neutral,or gfoundedcircuit conductor,shall be joined at in permittedto be connected parallel (electrically both endsto form a single conductor).Text Reference Section 310-4 by #8 a (true) Connection meansof wire-bindingscrewsor studsandnuts that have upturnedlugs or the equivalent only. shall be permittedfor No. 10 or smallerconductors Section 110-A(a) Text Reference Section Text Reference not #9 b (false)6 inches, 4 inches. 14 300edge.Text #10 b (false)1 1/4 inchesfrom nearest Reference Section"CENTER" Section 402-3andTable 402-3 # 11 a (tnre)Text Reference Section 400-8 #1,2a (true)Text Reference #13 b (false)80 per cent,not 70percent. The Note 8 to the 1996NEC is now a new table in the 1999Code.Text Reference Sestion 3 10-15(bX2Xa) #I4 b (false)Thereareotherrules,too. Text Reference Section 200-6(a) # 1s b (false)240-21(2) Section24A-3@) #16 a (true)Text Reference


" .; * .

that is ratedthreephase #77 a (true)A room air conditioner to or ratedover 250volts shallbe directlyconnected a of 3, methodrecognizedinChapter andprovisions \Miring Section Art 440Part G shall not apply.Text Reference 440-60


422-16 Section #18 a (true)Text Reference

333-4 Section #19 b (false)Text Reference

43 Section 0-142 #20 a (true)Text Reference

1.. .

Electrician PracticeTest 8

7. A disconnectingmeansfor a 2,300-voltmotor must be capable locked in the openpositiott

r c a) True

of being

) -'

False b) The branch circuit overcurrent devicemt y serveas the disconnecting means for, motorsroted lessthan one horseltower. c a) b) True False


3. A motor confioUermust open all condactorsto the mator. c r a) True


False b) In general,enclasuresfor motor controllersmtnt not be usedasiunction boxes. r r a) True

t.. -

False b) a panehJor de-icingmust not exceed rating of l20'watts/square J. Heating fooL r c a) b) True False

L -


Excess leadsof heating cablesmust not be cuL

r a ) r b )

True Faise


heating cablesinstalled on ceihng boardsmust be secured at In most cases, intemals not exceeding16 inches. (^ r a) True


False b) Conductors located abovea heatedceiling are consideredto operatein a 40'C ambicnl

r a ) r b )

True False

The non heating leads of 120-volt spaceheating cablesare yellow,



True False

r b )

unit switches 70. provided. may disconnecta heater if other meansof disconneclionare

r a ) c b )

True False

17. A cord and plug may be the disconnectingmeansfor a wall-mounted electric oven.
c a ) True False

r b )

Dishwashersmrrybe connectedwith TypeSPflexiblc cords.

r a ) r b )

True False

73. F'Iexibtecords are permitted only to supplyportable appliances. c a ) c b )

l . ;

True False

t .

Toastersmay have live parts exposedto contacl r' True


t ;

False b) a 180-voltsystemrequireda connectingconductorof t r' < A surge arresterfor No.14 copperor larger. r^ ' a) True

't 6 v'

False b) at If a generatoroperates 115-voltsor more,protection of live parts is to generatoris accessible unqua$ied persons. required when the (' c a) b) True False


The nominal voltageof a lead-acidbatteryis 2.0 voltsper celL r (' True


False b) or to operating at 300-voltsmust be dischorged S0-volts less t v' ^ R A capacitor within one minute after it is disconnectedfromthe supply.
, ^ a ) (b)

True False

Iq ^ ' ' Capacitorcircuit conductorsmust have an ampacityat least125%of the rated currcnt of the capacitor. r r' 20, a) b) True False

Potential or voltage transformers installcd indoors require primaryfuses. (' (' True False

a) b)

I ,

Electrician PracticeTest 8 Af[swERES

Section430-127 #l a (tnre)Text Reference
#2 b (false)For stationarymotorsof 1/8hp or less,the branch-circuit overcurrentdevice shall be permittedto serveas the disconnecting Section430-109(b) Text Reference means. #3 b (false) The controller shall not be requiredto openall conductorsto the motor. Text ReferenceSection430-84

I I' [ ,

means and for Enclosures motor controllers disconnecting tl4 a (tnne) for or shallnot be usedasjunction hxes, auxiliarygutters, raceways
conductorsfeeding through or tapping off to the other apparatus Text space. unlessdesignsare employedthat provide adequate 430-10(a) Reference Section #5 a (tme) There are also heatingpanelrequirementsfor space heatingin Article 424.Text ReferenceSection 426-20 #6 a (true) Excessleadsof heatingcablesshall not be cut but shall be in to secured the tmdersideof the ceiling and embedded plasteror other approvedmaterial, leaving only a length sufficient to reachthe junction box with not lessthan 6 in. (I52 mm) of free Text Reference Section42443(c) stapling, by #7 a (true) Cablesshall be secured meansof approved or tape,plaster,nonmetallic spreaders, other approvedmeansat either intervals not exceeding16 in. (406 mm) or at intervals not identifiedfor suchuse.Text 6 exceeding ft (1.83m) for cables Section424-4I Reference not ceilingsshall be spaced 48 a (true) Wiring locatedaboveheated lessthan 2 n. (50.8 mm) abovethe heatedceiling and shall be of as considered operatingat an ambienttemperature 50oC(I22'F). Section424-35 Text Reference

i " L i ,

L i, ; r

#9 a (tnre) Text ReferenceSection 424-35 with a marked"ofP'positionthat is #10 a(true) A unit switch(es) all part of a fixed heaterand disconnects ungroundedconductors meansrequiredby this article shall be permitted as the disconnecting where other meansfor disconnectionareprovided. Text Reference

a2aa9@) Section Section422-16@)(3) # I 1 b (false)Text Reference shallbe and Buitt-in dishwashers trashcompactors #12 b (false) with permittedto be cord-andplug-connected a flexible cord instructions of in identifiedassuitablefor the purpose the installation Text manufacturer. the appliance n Reference Sectio 422-16(bX2) 400-7 Section # 13b (false)Text Reference to shallhaveno live partsnormallyexposed #14 a(true)Appliances heating contactotherthanthosepartsfunctioningasopen-resistance which are of elements, suchasthe heatingelement a toaster, 4224 Section Text Reference necessarily exposed. shallnot be conductors #15 a (true)Line andground connecting Text Reference orNo. 12aluminum. smaller thanNo. 14copper 2580-21 Section 445-6 #16b (false) TextReference Section #17 a (true)Text Reference 480-2 Section # 18 a (true)Text Reference a60-6(a) Section 460Section Text # l9 b (false)135%is the requirement. Reference 8(a) #20 a (true)Text Reference Section 450-3(c)

Electrician PracticeTest 9
t l

7 z'

The branch circuit loadfor a l2-kilowatt electric range h a dwelling is 8' kilowatt.

r a )
c b )

True False

2. An appliance always requires a dbconnecting means.

r a ) c b )

True False

? A lfu-amperebranch circuit nuy supply severalfrxcd elcctric spaceheaters in v' a dwelling,

r a ) r b )
/ a'

True FaIse

The rating of the overcufientprotective devicefor a circuit supplying a hermetic. motor<omprnsor may not qceed 225% of the rated load cuftent under any circumstances.

r a ) r b )
S r'

True False

To measurethe area of a dwelling to iletermhe the lighting load, the ou8ide dimensions,including the garage, are tued

c a )

True False

6 v'

can lJnder no circumstances the continuousload suppliedby a branch circuit uceed 80% oJthe branch circuit rating.

c a ) c b )

Tnre False


A 2D+mpere bundry circuit is alwaysrequired h each dweUingunil (r True


f, v'

False b) typespaceheaterc must Branch circuit conduc'totrr supplyingftxcd resistive be roted at 125% of the heatcr load. r r a) True

O ''

False b) Thefeeder load shall not be kss than the sum of the loa^ on the brqrch circuit alter any applicabtedenandfactors havv beenopphed r .^ a) True

False b) -, n When the standard calculation method is used,the minimumfeeder load "' wafrs. clothesdryOris 51000 fo, a householdelec:tric c c a) True

t I ^ ^'

False b) The optional calculation methodfor a dweUhg unit may be rced when the semiceis a two-wire, 120-voltsentice. r r a) True

| 7 ^ -'

False b) The optional calculation tnethodfor multi-family dwellings doesnot apply tu dwellings'whose uni8 have neither electricspaceheoting nor airconditioning.

c a ) r b )

True False

The semiceenfiance 7 3 .amperesand hstalledequipnentfor a one-family dwefiing, if indoiorc,mwt be illuninated c r a) True

rated 200'


False b) The worhhg clearanceinfront of live parts, operating at 120-vol6' must be at least threefeel

c a ) c b )

True False

be 6'feel 7 5. The minimum headroom around a motor control center must r r a) True

't 6 v'

False b) On a switchboardwith bns bars,normally,phoseB would havethe highest vohageto ground in a high'leg delta arrangemcnL
' a )

True False

r b )

noncontinuousload panel board may supptya 200-ampere 7 7, A 211-arnpere c c a) True

False b) and appliancebranch circuit panel board has 10% or more of its tR 1v' A lighting rated 30'amperesor less. overcurrentdevices

r a ) (^ b)

True False

not to the neutralbar in aponel bo,ard I g. Theterminal bar is.notbonnccted rced asserviceequipmenl r
f ('





20. Transformers rated over 35,000-voltsmustbe installed in a vault

c a ) c b )

True False

t ,
t I

ElectricianPracticeTest 9 ANSWERES 220-1.9 Table secti TextReference on220-19, #L a (tnre)

Section422'30 #2 a (true)Text Reference on Secti 424-3(a) #3 b (false)Text Reference Section440'22(a) #4 a (tnre)Text Reference


I l


L :

Section220-3(a) #5 b (false)Text Reference Exception 384-16(d) Section TextReference #6b (false) Exception Section220-52(f) #7 b (fatse)Text Reference a24-3(b) Section #8 a (true)Text Reference Section220-10 #9 a (true)Text Reference

Section220-18 #10 a (true)TextReference Section220-30 Text Reference #11 b (fatse) Section220-32(a) #12 a (true)TextReference



110-26(d) Section #13 a(true)TextReference 1 Section 10-26(a) #14 a(true)TextReference 1 Section l0-26(e) #15 b (false) TextReference

384-3(f) Section #16 a(true)TextReference


384-16(a) Section #17 a (true)Text Reference 384-1a(a) Section #18 b (false)Text Reference n250-24(5) 384-20,details Section #19 a (true)Text Reference 450-21(c) Section #20 a (tnre)Text Reference

Electrician PracticeTest 10
I. Thefeederneutral may besmaller than the ungroundedconductorsin some

r a ) r b )

True False

2. An indivitlual branch circuit mty supplyonly one outlel r a ) .-b)

True False

branch circuit may supplyfixed lighting unitsin a dweuing, 3. A 3T-ampere r {True


/ a'

False b) 75%of the fn general continuousloadson branch circuitsmay not esrceed roiog of the branch-circuit rating. '
t '

^ F



typetamp holdersare requiredon branclt-circuitshaving a ,S Heovy-duty of rafing in excess 20-amPeres.

r a )
{ t.

True False


6, t,,

The branch-circuit rating is determinedby the conductorampacity. c a ) c b )

True False



The woil switch controlled lighting outlet required in dwelling unit kitchens mry be a receptacleoatlet in lieu ota lighting outleL (r a) True


False b) Receptaclcoutlets in bathrooms oldweiling unin require ground'falh ci rc uit inten upter p r otectio n. r (' a) T ru e .


False b) [Inless it is bare, an equipment grounding conduc'tor must always be identitfiedby a continuousgteen color or a continuousgrben color with one or more yellow sfiipes; c c a) True

tn t'vc

False b) If a muhi-wire branch-circuit has a branch-chcuit protective devicethat can simultaneo,usirylnidi'A supptytneeoch ungrouniied contductor ipr to-line loads.. c f' a) b) True False

7 7.

The denandfactorfor three kitchen unit loads in a restaurantis 90%. {^ r True


I ? L -'

False b) The minimum semiceloadlor each mobile home sitein a mobile home volt-amperes, park is 121000

r a ) r b )

True False


, 2 t J'

The optional calculatbnJor computing thefeedn ol qemicelogdlor a heating or aii scttoil would not apply to a schoot with elcctric sPace conditioning. r r a) True

| L /"

False b) at The rating gf recepta providing shorepowerfor bo,ats .marinas shall .c.les not be lessthan 20 amPeres. r r a) True

< r| "'

False b) The maximum voltagedropfor branch circuig andfeederscombined should not uceed 3% of the circuit voltage' (^ r a) True

False b) sizeand the settingfor a circuit breaker usedas an overcuryent ''" ''t 6 The protective deviceare identicaL c r a) True

L .

Faise b) protectedby 1S'ampere circuitsin industrial establishments I7 a t Branch / may supply load operatingat 300 volts or less' overcunent devices

t "

r r



IR 1v'

False b) A multl-wire branch circuit protectedpyfuses may supply only one load, or onb line'to'neutral loads. r ra) b) True False

panel board is a panel board which hosmore than t 1"O A Eghting and appliance 10% of ib overcuient devicesrated 30 omperesor'lessand have neutral connections. r r 20. a) b) True False

No separatereceptacleload is required in guestroiomsof hotets and motels.



f UUSe



) t

Electrician Practice Test 10 AIISWERBS

Section220-22 #I a (tnre)Text Reference

Section2l0-21(b) #2 a (true)Text Reference on Secti 210-23(b) #3 b (false)Text Reference Section384-16(d) #4 b (false)Text Reference SectionZI0-21(a) #5 a (true)Text Reference by #6 b (false)The branchcircuit rating is determined the sizeof Section210'3 protectivedevice.Text Reference the overculrent I on Secti 210-7(aX) #7 b (false)TextReference Section2I0-8(a) #8 a (true)TextReference 250-I 19(a) Section #9 b (false)TextReference Section2l0-a(c) #10 a (true)TextReference and Section220-20 Table220-20 #11 a (true)TextReference load or Volt-amperes the calculated #12 b (false) is 16,000 It Section550'22 which everis greater.Text Reference Section220-34 #13 b (false) Text Reference 555-3 Section #14 a (true)TextReference FPNNo.4 section2l0-19(a) #15 b (false) TextReference

on Secti 240-6(c) #16 b (false)Text Reference load 2L0-23(a) Permissible Section #17 a(true) Text Reference Section210-4(b) #18 a (true)Text Reference 38a-1a(a) Section #19 a(true) Text Reference in appliesto dwelling unit receptacles living #20 a(tme) The sarne Section220-3(b) Text Reference rooms andbedrooms.

t,: I
t ,

Electrician PracticeTest No. 11

t rt semicethefranu of a 4,500 For dwelline unit with a 240/120single-phase vott watt 240/12-0 clothesdryer shall begroundedby wing the grounding conductor(new in the 1999NEC.) The minimun sizecopperconductor is:

r a ) c b ) r c )
). -'

N o. 10 No.8 N o. 12

The minimum size copPerequipmentgrounding conductorfor a 200'ampere circuit is: r(a) No.8 No.6 No.3

b) r c ) ,?

Whennot under concrete,rigid metal conduit must be buricd underpublic at highwaysand streets least:
( a )
f^ b)

24 inches 18 inches 6 inches 4 inches

r c ) r d )

may be /r ' 120-volL2l-ampere GFCI protectedresidentialbranch circuit buried:

a '

t ;

a )

l2 inches 18 inches 18inches

' b ) c)


The tisted ampaeitiesof 75 Degrees C. conductam in a ruc*eay must be reduced when the ambient air temperature exceeds: r r c r C' a) 60 degrees C' b) 75 degrees C. ^r 90 degrees w, C' d) 30 degrees


Non metallic densions must be run onlyfrom circuiF with a rating of: r r r a) 15or20 arnPeres U; 12svoltsor less


c) 30 amPeres WhenNOT usinga one-shotbender,the minimum radius of the cune of the inner edgeof anyfutd bend of 2-inch rigid metal conduit containing ){IIHW conducton is:

c r

a) b)

9 1/2 inches 12 inches 15 inches

r c )
n v'

In a straightrun, 2-inch rigid metal conduit with threadedcouplings may be supportedat intentals not uceeding:

r r r

a) b) c)

10 feet 12 feet 16 feet


The maximum size of electrical metallic tubing is:

r a ) r b ) r c )

6-inch 4-inch 2-inch


For metallic and nonmctallic, auxiliary gutterc must not beJilled to greater

c a )

20% 30% 40% 60%

the angle used

r b ) c c )
(' d)

I -t -'

The multipherfor bending offsetsb called the-of fo, the ofiset bends.

r a ) c b ) r

sine cosine secant cosecant

r d )

conductorallowed in a standard box without other restrictions The largest ts.'

r a )
c b)

No.4 No'8 No.6

snap switch mty control what inductiveload as a general use ' t r? ' An AC-DC of percentage its amPererating? c a ) 80% 50% 75%

r b )


Tir" o^pocity of No.14ftxture wire is: {^ r c 8 amPeres tJ amFeres

a) b)

17 a:nPeres c) clearance between livepartsfor a systemoperoting at 480 I S. The working volts is: (' (' (' a) b) c) 3 feet i l/2 feet 4 feet


Guarding by elevationfor a 600-volt circuit requires an elevation of: {' ' 8 feet 6ll4 feet

a) b)


8 112feet c) Conduit or Jittings must not riseinto the bottom of a switchboardenclosure more than: r (. r a) b) c) 8 inches 3 inches 10 inches

three wire panel board with l0-ampere circuit breakersmay t v' L R A three-phase, contain a number of deviceswith a maximum of: r r r' a) b) 42 Poles Any numberof poles

40 Poles c) line radiusof 20 inchesand a 45 degreebend the developed tO z '" For a center bngth of the conduit isfound by usingthefollowingformula: r r c 20. lor

a) b)

d l = 2 0x 9 0x 0 . 0 1 7 5 . d l = 2 0 x 4 5 x 0.0175.

of dl -- 20 x 90 x tangent 45 degrees c) a centerline radiusof 20 inchesand a 90 degreebend the gain

r' r c

a) b) c)

9.5inches 6 inches 4'lzsinches


Electrician PracticeTest No. 11

, ' f,1 L ',i , r, . n '


OCPD 01240:2A.8;Requires :25 or 30 #l a(No. 10)5,00 a CB By amperes. Table 250-t22 a25 or 30 ampere. requires No. Basic Section Text Reference 10iopper groundingconductor. andTable250-122 220-19,240-3 ElectricalTheorySections Section250'122 #2b (No. 6) Text Reference roads, highways, Requiredfor understreets, #3 a (24 inches) SectionTable and driveways, parkinglots Text Reference alleys, 300-5column2 rated120 circuits branch Truefor residential #4 a (12 inches) Overcurrent and Volts or Lesswith GFCI Protection Ma:<imum Table300-5 Section Text Reference of Protection 20 Amperes column4 Table310-16, Section C) #5 d (30 degrees TextReference at Factors bottomof page Correction for One of the requirements nonmetallic #6 a ( 15 or 20 amperes) is e5ensionsis the extension from an existingoutleton a 15- or of branchcircuit in conformitywith the requirements 20-ampere Section342'3(a) Article 210.Text Reference "9.5 inches is OK for this per Correct table346-10 #7 b (12 inches) Text as a one-shot bender given in table 346-10Exception. 346-10 Reference Section

., .,, { ,

#8 c (16 feet) 16 feetprovidedthe conduitis madeup with preventtransmissionof threadedcouplings,and suchsupports between to stresses tenninationwhereconduitis deflected and on Secti 346-12(b)(2) Tab|e 346supports.Text Reference L2@)(2) but #9 b (a inch) Rigid canbe 6 inchesma:<imum, for EMT the electricaltrade srze.Text maximum size of tubing shall be the -lun.. (b) 348-7 Section Reference of areas all contained #10 a (20 % ) The sum of the cross-sectional of conductorsat any cross-section a sheetmetal auxiliary gutter area 20 shall not exceed percentof the interior cross-sectional of the sheetmetal or nonmetallicauxiliary gutter.Text Reference 37aG) for for Section37a-5@)(3) metallic,ffid Section nonmetallic LearnTrigonomety #11 d (cosecant) Text #12 c (No.6)Otheris definedascubic inch requirements. 37 Reference Section 0-16 3 Section 84-14(b) # 13 b (50 %) Text Reference Table 402'5 Section #14 c (17 amperes) Text Reference #15 c (4 feet)Fallsundercondition3 TableII0-26(a) Text Reference Section110-26(a)andTable 110'26(a) #16 a( 8 feet)By elevation 8 ft (2.44m) or moreabovethe of Section1l0'27(a) Text Reference floor or otherworking surface. includingtheir end #L7 b (3 inches) The conduitor raceways, fittings, shallnot rise morethan 3 in. (76 mm) abovethe bottomof 384-10 Section the enclosrue. Text Reference


#18 b (Any numberof poles)This is not a lightingandappliance panelboardthat canhaveonly 42 polesotherthan the mains.Text and 384-14 384-15 Section Reference to is 0.0175 equal The #19b (dl : 20 x45 x0.0175.) multiplier (2*pi)I360 #20a(8.5 inches)



Electrician PracticeTest No. 12

7. The length of a TypeS cord connectingo trashcompactormust not exceed: r r c 18inches 4 feet 36 inches

a) b) c)

oveft 2, Screw-shetltamp holden must not be usedwith infrared lamps rated r c r a) b) c) 300watts 6oo watts 150watts

means for casecircuit breakermty serveas the disconnecting ,? A motded rated: motur driven aPPliances c r r (a) b) c) horsePower Not over one-half Not over onehorsePower horsePower Not over one-third

is All of the aboveif the circuitbreaker listed. d) single non motor operatedappliancemust not beprotectedat 4, A 27-ampere more than: {c l^ a) b) c) 20 amPeres 25amPeres 30 amPeres


The minimum length of non heating leadsfurnishedfor heating cables is: c c r^ 7 feet 8 inches 3 feet

a) b) c)


The non-heating leads of 210-volt heating cable ore: r (. r

a) b) c)

Yellow blue red

7, Wiring aboveheated ceilings must be spacedabovetlte ceiling at least: r r c 8, a) b) c) 4 inches 2 inches 3 inches

The separation betweenheating cabks an outlet box must be at leost: c r r 8 inches 2 inches

a) b)

6 inches c) runs of heating cablesnot exceeding2 3/4 watts[oot in ceilings C) " Adjacent mtnt be spacedon centersof: c r c a) b) c) I 1/2inches 16 inches 1 inch

heater withoul a branch-circuit cdnductots supplying a resistance uc The rI n must havean ampacilyof: motor rated at 16 amperes r c r t rt tc a) b) 16 amPeres 2o arnPeres

32 amPeres c) When a disputeor a problcm arisescgncgTningthe interpretation of-the Nafionat Eiectricat iode, whici of thefoilowing would be the most Ekely to : ;' ' sbtvith'eproblei? f a) b) c) The electricalcontractor The I.A.E.I. organization An electricalengineer


r r r

7) r2o

inspector The chief electrical d) The lengtlt of a pull box usedin straight pullstor No. 4 and larger coitducfo* ihiit not be liss than how many timesthE trade diameterof the :: : largestiacewaY?
r a ) ' ' b) ' c ) ' d) five slx



Metal plugs or plates used,with-noimetallic boxes, conduit bodies orJittings - ? I Jo shall 6e rZcessia at kast ,how far from the outer surface?

c c r r

a) b) c) d)

i/4 inch Flush U2inch 5/8 inch


Which of thefollowing locations is not permittedfor the rce of sudace ( faceways r r r c a) b) c) A drY location Under plaster Concealed room floors. Under dataprocessing

t S !' -"

In ClassI division 2 locations O nro,t Generolly,underfloor rac:eways more than 102millimeterx witteshatl than how much concreteor wood abovethem? nave no less c ' n (a) b) c) 2 inches 4 inches 3/4 inch

t v' L6

t/2 rrich d) through'into a non 7, In a Class DivisionI location a conduil passing hazardouslocation wiII harc the sealingtitting insulled where? (^ c f c a) b) c) On both sidesof the boundarY On eitherside of the boundary No sealrequiredunderthe circumstances

At the first fitting d) installed in walls of non combustiblematerial will be t ' ^ 7 ' Boxs which are installeil so that thefront edgeof lhe box is nofarther back than? {^ r (c a) b) c) O Flush ll2 nch 3/g inch 1/4 inch

on p partsexposed thefront of a switchboardarepresenl The working rt oo Live ,po"L in froit of the switchboardwill not be lessthan? r (c a a) b) c) 24 inches 3Oinches 36inches

42 inches d) b fie rtnimum sizeof conductorwhich requires an insulation O rt '7t Whaf bushingwhen entering into a racewayin a iunction box? r r r r a) b) c) No.6 TIIW No'4 No' 10TW

1n 2u'

No' 12 d) For a conductorat a terminal which leavesa cabinet the minimum wire bendingspaceat the terminal slnll be how much if the conductor is a 250 through wall oppositeits removahleterminal? MCM ionductor and leaves (c r r a) b) c) d) 4 inches 4 1/2inches 5 inches 6 1/2 inches

Elecfrician Practice Test No. 12

ANSWERES The lengthof the cord shallnot be lessthan 18 in. #1 c (36 inches) Section (457 mm) andnot over36 in. (9I4 mm). Text Reference 422-16(bXlXb) lamp holdersshallnot be usedwith #2 a (300watts)Screw-shell the infraredlampsratedover 300 watts,unless lampholdersare for identifiedasbeing suitable usewith infraredheatinglamps Section422-48(b) ratedover300 watts.Text Reference is #3 d (All of the aboveif the circuit breaker listed) protectionrating is not If #4 c (30 amperes) the overcrurent not is markedandthe appliance ratedover 13.3amperes, exceed of Where150percent ratedcturent. of 150percent the appliance overculrent to ratingdoesnot correspond a standard the appliance 422-I1(e)(3) Section TextReference deviceampere Cablesi 424-34. E. #5 a (7 feet)Part ElectricSpace-Heating shallbe furnished HeatingCableConstructionHeatingcables non completewith factory-assembled heatingleadsat least7 ft Article 424 part E Sestion (2.13 m) in length.Text Reference Section424-34 Section424-35 #6 c (red)Text Reference ceilingsshallbe aboveheated #7 b (2 inches) Wking located ceilingand the spaced lessthan2 n. (50.8mm) above heated not at as shall be considered operating an ambientof 50oC(122"F). Text Reference Section424'94

at of #8 a (8 inches)Heatingelements cablesshall be separated least 8 in. (203 rrun) from the edgeof outlet boxesandjunction boxes that areto be usedfor mounting sudacelighting fixtures. A of clearance not lessthan 2 n. (50.8 mm) shall be providedfrom recessText ReferenceSection 424-39 #9 a (1 V, inches)Adjacentrunsof cablenot exceedng23/t watts/ft (2%watts/305mrn) $hallnot be installedlessthan l% n. Section424-41(b) Text Reference (38 mm) on centers. The ampacityof the branch-circuitconductors # 10 b (20 alrrperes) protectivedevices and the rating or settingof overcturent consistingof equipment supplyingfixed electricspace-heating with or without a motor shallnot be lessthan elements resistance 424'3(b) Section' 121%0 total load Text Reference of Section90-4 Text Reference # 1I d (The chief electricalinspector) #12 c (eight)In straightpulls, the lengthof the box shall not be of lessthan eighttimesthe tradediameter the largestraceway. 370-28(a)(1 Section Text Reference ) boxes #13 a (Il4 inch)Metalplugsor platesusedwith nonmetallic n. at or conduitbodiesshallbe recessed leastY4 (6.35mm) from Section370-18 of the outer surface the box. Text Reference Section Text Reference underplaster) #14 b (Concealed 352-1 for metallic and352-22for non metallic not #15 c (314inch)Half-ror:ndandflat-topraceways over 4 in. (102 mm) in width shallhavenot lessthan% n. (19 mm) of Section Text Reference concreteor wood abovethe raceway. 354-3(a)


In #16b (On eithersideof the boundary) eachconduitrun leaving a ClassI, Division I location.The sealingfitting shallbe permitted of on eithersideof the boundary suchlocationwithin 10 ft (3.05 501-5(a)(a) Section Text Reference m) of the boundary. tile, #17 d (1/4 inch)In walls or ceilingsof concrete, or other material,boxesshall be installedso that the front noncombustible more edgeof the box will not be setback of the finishedsurface Section3T0-20 than % n. (6.35mm). Text Reference SectionI I0-26(a)andTable Text Reference #18 c (36 inches)



conductors containingungrounded 4) # 19 b Otro. Whereraceways the or box enclosure, raceway, No. 4 or largerentera cabinet, fitting providinga by shallbe protected a substantial conductors Section ..... surface Text Reference insulating smoothlyrounded 300-4(f) in the Reduce 8 Il2 inchrequirement Table #20 d (6 % inches) sincethereis a lay in terminal.Text 373-(b)by two inches n Reference Sectio 373-6(b(2)andTable373 -6(b)with notes


Electrician Practice Test No. 13

l. (tat is the minimum number of receptacleoutletsrequired in thefollowing aurgrunL

,^b) {* c)

6 7 8
10 ft|1-}1

r d )

3fr zfr

J"rt +

S-, "
2fl Livirrg Room 94 it. x 17 ft.


sit. efr,iF

19 ft.


of are The rules arefoundin Section210-52.Note: These the minimumnumber receptacles. to 2lO-52for a living room shallbe in addition by Receptacle required Section outlets or locatedwithin cabinets any rlceptacle that is part of a lighting fixnue or appliance, the (1.68m) above floor. sYrft. cupboards, located morethan or

with the general ln every living room receptacleoutlets shall be installed in accordance provisionsspecifiedin (l) through(3). shall be installedso that no poinl alongthe floor line in any wall it) Spacing.Receptacles horizontally,from an.outletin that space. rp."" is moretlan Oft (1.S3m), measured Iieceptacle outlets shall, insofar as practicable,be spaced:qt4 $t*._":. apart. As (2) WaU Space. usedin this section,a wall spacesball includethe following: aroundcorners) a"y tpJr. 2 ft (610 mm) or more in width (including spacerneasured uand r:nbiokenalongthe floor Lineby doorways,fireplaces,and similar openings b. The spaceoccupiedby fixed panelsin exteriorwalls, excludingsliding panels


What doesthefoUowing drawing represent? c a ) r b ) Cr:rrenttrnnsformewr Auto transformer transformer Single-Phase Threephasetransformer

r c )
' d )

50 voll generator which b driven by a singlc motor is protected by the 2 Jo A protecting the motor only when the generatoris delivering or"rrurrint device no more than whatpercent of itsfull'load rated current?



100percent 125percent 150 percent 80 percent



r d )


how many The overcunentprotectionfor conductorsshall not exceed conductorfor the motor ls.l{o. 12 AWG ampereswhen the control circuit coryer and do not utend beyondthe motor control enclosure? c a) b) c) 100'mPeres 120amPeres 60 a:nPere


r r

20 amperes d) what is the minimum number of overload uniF in a threephase J. Generally, motorT
' a ) . b ) c) . d )


One Two Three None

protection rating b not marked and the applianceis rated tt If the overcurrent u' i3.3 o^ptres or lessthe branch-circuit rating of a non-motor operated applianceshall have a minimum rating of what?
(' (^ C {-

a) b) c) d)

150percentof the full load rating of the appliance of 100percent the full loadratingof the appliance 20 arnperes 30 amperes


A cutout box installed in a wet location shaA be what? r {r r Rain tieht WeatherProof WaterProof

a) b) c)

n vr

RainProof d) A junaion box used in a systemrated 1,000 vola shall have a marHng on it of whot? r rr f a) b) c) DAI'{GER HIGH VOLTAGE KEEP OUT

O '"

DA]\rcER - HIGH VOLTAGE - KEEP OUT d) A nonmetallic wireway and metal wire way cannot befilled to more than 20 percent of their crosssectionalarea..Wot is the maximunt number of current carryi4g conductors allowed in a metal whe way when no derating is required? ra) r r b) 80 50 30 20

c) .-d) t v' LO

Metot surface racewayshaving splicesand taps shall bepermitted as long altd tops,and conductorsdo notJill the racewaymore than as the splices how muclt of the area of the racewayat that point? r* r (^ c a) b) c) d) 40 Percent 75 Percent 50 percent 60 Percent

l t fI

syrtem of organic cootingsand are Panelboardshaing an approved installed outoJEflssn sholl be narked in which manner? r a ) (b) c c ) d) Weatherproof Rain tieht Watertight Outdoorusage

(t -


An effectivegroundedpath requires which of thefollowing?


t .


A solid metallic object The ability to conductfault-current source An energized

r b )
c c ) (-

| L^?

to Sufficientlow impedance limit the voltageto ground d) Equipment installed and likely to becomcenergizedshall be grounded at which of thelottowing distances? metal 8 feet horizontaland 5 feet vertical of grounded objects , metal vertical and 5 feet horizontalof gror:nded 5 fee r b ) objects metal 8 feet vertical and 5 feet horizontalof grounded 1 . c) objects metal 8 feet vertical and 8 feet horizontalof grounded (* d) objects Circuit breakerswltich ore tued to satitch120 vollfluorescent lights on an off shalt be marked with wha listing? c a ) c a ) U.L. approved RMS 5,OOO SWD 10,000 RMS



t " 1d


b) r c )

c d )

to the NEC, semice-entrance conductorc are protecied by a t L' S According circuit breokerif It hashow many times the ampacily of the conductorfor ia fiip settkg? (Short circuit protection) c (' (^ r a) b) c) 3 times 5 times 6 times

| '" L6

8 times O Wtat is tlrc snullest size of semice-entrancecopper conducton permited when installed in a non-metallic raceway when supplying three single branch circuit loads in s comrflercial building.? r c r r a) b) c) d) No' 10 No'8 No'6 No'4


Whenshall the ground-fault protection systembe tested? c c r c When it is installed When it is manufactured When it is insPected

a) b) c)

IR 1v'

When it is energizedfor the first time O Hnat ii the muimwn time of delaypermittedfor afeeder disconnectrated of elecfrcal system more fu00 amperesor more on a solidly gyoundcd'vrye than 150 volb to ground, but not uceeding 600 voltsphase-t*phase, that is yhgre a orderly shutdown will NOT (1) a continuous industrial process introduce additional or increasedha2ardi, and (2) is also notfor aJire pump, and (3) doesnot have a groundfault protectedservice ?

1/2second lsecond 3 seconds 100milliseconds

c b ) r c ) r d )


What is the minimum sizerating of a 240/120volt singlephaseserttice entrance conductors supplying a singlefamily dwehing having 1200 square feet of living spaceand a net computedload of 4800KA? r* a) b) c) 100amperes 200 a'rnPeres 60 amPeres


c c '

)n -v'

3o amPeres d) Given a singtefamily residenceH,itlt a general lighting load of 22,500 watts. Wtat is the demandlighting loadJor the residence? r rrr a) b) c) d) 22'500 19'5oo 6'825 9'825

f :

L .

ElecfricianPracticeTestNo. 13 AI\SWERES
Sectionzl0-52 #I a (7) TextReference
10 ft.

i<+t I etr

T.n 't
I rf,


Uving,loom 94 ft. r 17 ft.

#2 b (Auto transformer)

operatingat 65 volts or lessand drivenby #3 c (150)Generators by iui individual motorsshall be considered protected the OCPD whenthe will operate protectingthe motor if thesedevices generators deliveringnot morethan 150percentof their FLA. are on Secti M5-4(c) Text Reference Text in #4b(120) 120amperes ColumnB of Table 430'72(b) 430-72(b)ColumnB Section Reference SectionTable #5 c (Three)3, one in eachphaseText Reference 432-37 protectionrating is not marked If #6 c (20 amperes) the overcrurent or is andthe appliance rated 13.3Ernperes less,not exceed20 Section422-11(e)(2) Text Reference amperes. shallbe in installed wet locations Proof)Enclosures #7 b (Weather S Text Reference ection 372-3(a) weatherproof. #8 d (DANGER - HIGH VOLTAGE - KEEP OUT) Coversfor marked*DANGER - HIGH boxes shallbe pennanently Section3T0-72(e) VOLTAGE - KEEP OUT* Text Reference #9 c (30) Metal wirewaysshallnot containmorethan 30 currentSection Text Reference at carrying conductors any crosssection. 362-5 metal in and #10 b (75%)Splices tapsshallbe permitted surfbce after coverthat is accassible racewayshavinga removable includingsplicesandtaps,shallnot installation.The conductors, fill the racewayto morethan 75 percentof its areaat that point. 3 Text Reference Section 52'7 shall in installed wet locations # 1I a (Weather Proof)Enclosures Section384-2 and373-2(a) be weatherproof. Text Reference

#l2b (The ability to conductfault-current)The fault currentpath of shallbe capable and shallbe permanent electricallycontinuous, safely carryingthe likely maximum fault culrent. 250-2(il Text 250-110 Section Reference
a. ,'

metal #13 c (8 feetverticaland 5 feethorizontalof grounded l0 250-1 Section Text Reference objects) in usedasswitches 120-voltand #14 c (SWD)Circuitbreakers lighting circuitsshallbe listedandshallbe 277 -volt fluorescent 240-83(d) Section marked*SWD.* Text Reference

t ;

not amperes to exceed #15 c ( 6 times) A fuseratedin continuous with or threetimesthe ampacityof the conductor, a circuit breaker a trip settingof not morethan six timesthe ampacityof the as shallbe considered providingthe requiredsc conductors, 230-208 Section protection TextReference means on #16 b (No. 8) Minimum sizeis based disconnecting in ampacities Table and minimum sizeof 60 amperes 60 degree and of ampacity 55 amperes by 310-16.No. 6 hasa 60 degree size No. Exception 2 allowsthe next largerstandard 230-90(a) 230Section230-42(b), Text Reference OCPD of 60 amperes. No.2, 240-6,and Exception 79(d), 110-t4, i30-42(a),230-90(a) 240-3(b) shallbe system The gound-faultprotection #17 a(when installed) on when first installed site.The testshallbe performance tested that with ionductedin accordance instructions shallbe provided 230-95(c) Section Text Reference with the equipment. protection of setting theground-fault #18b (1 SecondThema:cimum ) be shall one time and amperes, themaximum delay sha[ be 1200 than to equal or greater 3000amperes. currents second grouna-Autt for to that 215-10 refers 230-95(a) Section TextReference



For a one-family dwelling, the service #19 a (100 amperes) discorurectingmeans shall have a rating of not lessthan 100 Section23042(b) andsection2303-wire. Text Reference rmperes, disconnecting 79(c)that requiresfor a one-familydwelling,the senrice 3 meansshallhavea rating of not lessthan 100amperes, wire at the #20 d (9,825)First 3,000va at 100percent, remainder 35 percent. Table Section 3,000+ .35(22,500 3,000):9,825 va TextReference 220-3(a)for 3 valsq. ft. and table 220-l I for the demandfactors

\; :
t : l

Electrician PracticeTestNo. 14
Armor or Corrugated Sheath TypeMetal Clad Cahle I 'L' For Interlocked-Type and the radius of bends shallbe madeso that the cablewill not be damaged, the curve of the inner edgeof any bendshall not be lessthan shown in: rthe externaldiameterof the metallic a) b) c) ffJ"?.d-"s of the externaldiameter the metallic }".""ff* timesthe externaldiameterof the metaliic






) -'

il:|il: Fifteentimesthe externaldiameterof the metallic r ' d) sheath kilowattload with a.8 powerfactor draw doesa 831100 How many amperes in a 480volt, threephase circuit? (' c r r a) b) c) 100amperes 125amperes 1250amperes

? Jt

amperes 1,000 d) methodwhat is the Voltagedropfor a No. 12 copper Insinsthe DC resistance soliiconductor usedon a two wire 120 volt circuit that is 200 long one-way Selectnearestanshter. and draws12 amperes? ra) b) c) volts 12.3 6 volts 9'3 volts


r a


inforrration to find the answer. Not enough d) ratingforfastened in place cord'and plug-connected /t To lVhat is tlrc moximum ufifity equipmentthat can be installedon a 20 amperecircuit if the circuit lighting outletsT also snpplies r a ) a b) 20 amperes 16a:nperes 12amperes

t. ::


c d ) S J'

10 amperes

What b the maximum cord andplug connectedload to a receptaclcrated 15 amperesand iwtalled on a 20 ampere circuit?

c a ) r b ) r c ) r d )
6 v'

20 amperes l6 amperes 12 amperes 10 amperes

What is the maximum size circuit rating permitted when using a duplu receptaclewhich is rated at 20 amperes?

r a ) r b )
.-c) ,-d)

20 amperes l5 amperes l6 amperes 10 amperes

j t'

What is the rtnimum load allowedfor each 2-wire laundry branch circuit installed in a dwelting?

r a ) (* b) r c )

2,400volt-amperes 2,000volt-amperes volt-amperes 1,800 1,500volt-amperes

c d )

.g Drawings designedto show the exact location of the installed circuit are v' commonly referred to as a?

r a ) r b ) c c ) c d )

Blue print diagrant Schematic As-build drawing One-linedrawing blue prints red-lined

L i

L ,

O '/'

Wot is the honqtower output of a 75horsqower, threephasemotor wilh a 85% efificicncyand a.80 powerfactor {the voltogeis 230 wlts and the motor draws 194 amPeres? c a ) 60 Horsepower 70 Horsepower 80 Horsepower 90 Horsepower




c) r d )


'" rt n

Given 5 rangeswith thefollowing loads: 6 Kva,4.5 KvarS Kva' 3.5 Kva and 4 Kva. Wat is the minimum computedloadtor thesehouseholdrang6 to when all are connected onefeeder?


26 Kva 20 Kva K 11.7 va

t ;

r b ) rr


l6'2Kva d) by 4-wirepanels connected one two 400 amperc 480voltr S-phaser I 'r 'I ' Given neutraL Mrat percent of the neutral load must be takenfor theftrct 200 amperes?

r a )

70 percent 125percent 80 percent

b) c)



) r| -'

100Percent d) conductors The minimum vertical distancefrom groundfor service-drop shall be? ond running over a public drive-way ratud240,Voks, 10 feet 18feet 15 feet 1.2feet


' b ) c)



| -"'?

It is permissibte to install l|feet semice entrance conductorc in all olthe lollowing ucept? i^ a (r a) b) c) Electrical metallic tubing lntennediatemetal coaduit Flexible metallic conduit

zugld metallic conduit d) t ,t Yhere the sewice dbconnecting meonsdoesnot disconnect the grounded rao wiring, you must irrstoll which of the conductorfrom the premises following: t r r ra) b) c) link,or terminal A disconnecting A bondingbushing A groundingbushing

I S L r'

An additionalgroundrod d) used out of llhich iruulation can be usedfor conduc'torsin (1) raceways (2) in rucewtrys concrete slabsindoorc, and (3) in racewaysthat in doorc, are directly buried in earth (. r r c a) b) c) THHN RHH )C{HW

| v' ^6

RH d) Mtat b the synchronousspeedin RPM ota motor with eightpoles when connectedto a 100 hertz supplY? r c r a) b) c) RPM 12'000 6'000RPM 3'000RPM



7 7. A megger is usedto measure:

r a ) r b ) r c )

resistance insulationbreakdown resistance of resistance groundrods all of the above

parallel 500kcmit KIHWCLI with a 1 each 100 kcmil neutral 7a -r nc Given four condicfors'perphase run in 4 each metal condui&. What should the conJiguration bePer each conduil
' a )

r b ) c c )

Neutralin each C-phase, B-phase, A-phase, conduit. in A,rAr4,r{ one conduit"BBBB in one conduit" in one conduitNNN in one cooduit. CCCC Doesn'triratter. Noneof the above

generol the minimum sizeconductorsthat can be usedfor up to 2,000 t L 'A' In vofts power and lighting are: for

No. 14 aluminum No. 18 copper, No. 12 aluminum No. 14 copper, No. No. l8 copper, 16aluminum

c b ) . c )

(3) setsbeing utilized Given three (3) 300 20. semice-entrance kcmil THWN Cu conductors in sizefor the copper as Mrat is the minimum conductors, grounding electrodeconductor?

a) b) c) d)

No.2 4t0 U0 210

f i-

t i

t ;

' i
r. L: I t-, r.; r. ,

Electrician PracticeTest No. 14 A|ISWERES

of timesthe externaldiameter the metallicsheath.) #t a (Seven 1(b) 334-L Section Text Reference x Power(watts): SQRT3x Volts x Amperes #2 b (125amperes) Amperes Power/ (SQRT3 x Volts x Power PowerFactor, / Amperes:83,100 (I.732x 480x.8); Amperes 125 Factor); powerformulain SectionThreePhase Text Reference amperes BasicTheorypage x.193 : is Table8 TheDC resistance(400/1000) #3 c (9.3)From x0.772 - 9.3volts 0372; The voltagedropis 12 amperes The #4 d ( l0 amperes) total rating of utilizationequipment 50 in fastened place,otherthanlighting fixtures,shallnot exceed percentof the branch-circuitampererating wherelighting units are SectionTable210-24andSection Text Reference also supplied. 210-23(a) circuitsupplying to Whereconnected a branch #5 b (16 amperes) shallnot supplya or two or morereceptacles outlets,a receptacle of load total cord- andplug-connected in excess the ma:<imum Section210-21(b) Text Reference in specified Table210-21(bX2). andTable 210-21(bX2) Table210-24 Section #6 a ( 20 amperes TextReference ) A #7 d ( 1,500 volt-amperes) load of not lessthan 1500voltamperes shallbe includedfor each2-wire laundrybranchcircuit TextReference 1(cX2). 2L0-1 installedasrequired Section by Section 220-16(b)

. ,. , u;


r ,

Basedon Section #8 c (As-build drawing)Text Reference experience. r) # 9 b ( 7 0H o r s e p o w eh p : 1 . 7 3 2 x 1 9 4 x 2 3 0 x . 8 5x . 8 / 7 4 6 ; : 70.4Text Reference SectionBasicElectricalTheory hp factoris 45%; .45 x (6 #10 c (11.7Kva) From ColurnnC demand on Secti 220-L9and + 4.5 + 8+ 3.5 + 4) : lL.7 kva Text Reference table 220-19 The feederor serviceneutralload shallbe the #1 1 d (100percent) by maximum unbalanceof the load determined this article. Text on Secti 220-22 Reference roads' alleys, #l2b (18 feet) l8 ft (5.49m) - overpublicstreets, parking areassubjectto tuck haffic, drivewayson otherthan residentialproperly,andotherland suchascultivated,graa;krg, Section234'24(b) forest, andorchardText Reference # 13 c (Flexiblemetallic conduit)Flexiblemetalconduitnot over 6 ft (1.83 m) long or liquidtieht flexible metalconduitnot over 6 ft and raceway service or (1.83 m) long between raceways, between Section230-43 equipment allowed.Text Reference is linhor tenninal)Wherethe service #14 a (A disconnecting conductor the disconnecting meansdoesnot disconnect grounded from the premises wfuing,othermeansshallbe providedfor this Section230'75 Text Reference puqpose the service equipment. in usedin wet and conductors cables # 15 c ()C{HW) Insulated locationsshallbe MTW, RHW, RHW-2, TW, THW, THW-2, THHW, THHW-2, THWN, THWN-2, XFIHW, XF{HW-Z,ZW Text Reference SectionDefinition of location-Wet in Article 100 and


I t

t "

x RPIO SyncRPM: (hertz 120)/ Numberof Poles; #16 b (6,000 Basic Section SyncRPM - (400 xl20 )/ 8:6,000 TextReference ElectricalTheory are meggers usuallyusedto #17 d(all of the above) However, resistance. insulationbreakdown measure Neuhal in eachconduit.)The C-phase, B-phase, #18 a (A-phase, within the sameraceway, to requirement run all circuit conductors auxiliary gutter,cabletay, trench,cable,or cord shall apply Text to separately eachportion of the paralleled installation. 1 300-3(bX) Section Reference The minimumsizeof No. 12 aluminum) #19 b (No. 14 copper, shallbe asshownin Table310-5.Text Reference conductors 310-5 310-5, Section Section 900 #20 d (2lo)3 x 300- 900kcmil; perTable250-66 kcmil Text conductor. gounding electrode a2l0 copper requires and n Sectio 250-66 table 250'66 Reference





L ,



Electrician PracticeTest No. 15

l . I
l . ; 1 .


Mtat is the maximum temperaturerating permittedfor TW wire? r a ) (r(b) c) d) C 140degrees C 60 degrees C 75 degrees C 167degrees


: :

Mtat is the mnximum sizefuse allowedon a No.12 THHN CU conductor?

c a ) r b )

20 amperes 15 amperes 25 amperes 30 amperes

r d )


permbsible copperservicedrop conductoris No. I In general,the smallest

' a )

True False

c b )

r.j /

Ampere overcurrentprotectivedevicereuires a No. A 200 r. equipmentgro unding conducto


a b c)

) )

2 4 6

? c


8 d) Flsibte Metal conduit not supportedfor 3feet and usedto provide grounding ltuibility at equipmentshall be equippedwith an equipment conductor.


True Faise



6 v'

grounded systemthe neutral cannot be smaller than For a high impedance No.-Copper. c a) b c c c) ) 8 6 4

7 ^

2 d) Amperes to A n0n40 Vfeeder shall have a rating of at leost ln'a continuous load noncontinuou load and a 12 supply a 9 lcr'a c rr a) b) 87'5 amPeres loo amPeres


125amPeres c) Any availahlewall spacein a dwelling shall be within 7' of a plug recePtac14 r c a) True

q "

False b) and panelboards,under certain conditions,may be used Switchenclosures junction boxes. as c c a) True


False b) Ihnderyelain conditions,a 20' length of metal racen'oyneednot be grounaetu c r a) b) True False

7' r t.

which is the correct hookup conligurationfor a solidly groundqd Delta vok to 20s/120volt transformer shown below? wve 1E0 {-a) i_b) A B

c c)






) !t z'

Conductors otdissimilar metals shall not be intermixed in o terminal or splicing connector wherephysical contact occuis, unless the deviceis for the purPoseand conditions of we. r fr a) b) [sted identified

hbeled c) semicedisconnectingmearutmay consistof not more than six switches t 1r ?' The or chcuit hreakers. r c a) True

| z /"

False b) For dwelling uni6 the serviceorfeeder demandcapacitynecessaryforfour I0 kw electricranges is -kw. c (r r a) b) c) 15 t7 19

2l d) the conecl connectionfor three start stop stations t -:' S Wttich diagram shows for a motor controller. The diagramsdo not show the holding contacts. c a ) (-b) A B



A rI u'

The clearanceof 120/240 V semicedrop conductorsover residential not driveways subjectto truck traffic shatl be no lessthan -fL
(' a)

10feet 12 feet 15feet 18feet

t .

r b )
{* c)

c d )


at 20,000vA of computedload in a hotel shall be assessed 7 7. Thefirst percent. r^ a) c b ) c)


30 40 50


to used carrycurrentshall beof conductors speciJied, otherwise I B. Unless

c rL.. i

a) b)

CoPPer Aluminum Bronze a 350kcmil, 120/240V


conduclorfor electrode 1 9 .The coppergroundingrrn to a ground rod electrode,shall be no smaller ii serviciiurtiilotion, than No.

(_a) r b) c c )

6 4 2


li! l,

)n ztt'

madeof permissibteLISTED driven ground rod electrode The smallest inchesin diameter' nonferrousmaterialstL(-



r b )

s/8 u2

' c )


Electrician PracticeTest No. 15 A1\SWERERS

per c) # I b (60 degsees 60 Degrees Table310-13.Text Reference and 310-13 Table310-13 Section perrrittedin (e) through(g), unless specifically #2 a(20 amperes) for piotection;hail not exceed15 amperes No. 14, the overc1llrent or forNo. 10copper; 15 forNo. 12, and30amperes in ^ p"I:es and forNo. 10 aluminum amperlsforNo. lZ and25 anryeres section240-3(d) alurnText Reference copper-clad shallnot be smaller #3 a(tnre) Minimum Size.The conductors aluminum. thanNo. 8 copperor t{o. 6 aluminumor copper-clad on Secti 230-23(b) Text Reference

#ac (6)
whereflexibility is equipment #5 a(true) where usedto connect shallbe installed. gfoundingconductor required,an equipment Exception 350-18 (ref:Section 350-14 Section Text Reference No .2 thanNo' be conductor smaller shalltheneutral #6 a(8) In no case aluminum'Text 8 copperor No. 6 aluminumor copper-clad 25 Section 0-36(b) Reference va; va:24,000 va+ 9,000 1.25 #7 b (100amperes) x 12,000 Section Text Reference 24,0d0va/ 240volts: 100amperes 2t5-2(a)

shall be installedso that no point alongttre #8 b (false)Receptacles is floor line in any wall space morethan 6 ft (1.83m), measured section Text Reference horizontally,frbm an outretin that space.

devicesshall not for #9 a(tnre) Enclosures switchesor overcurrent be usedasjunction boxes,auxiliary gutters' or racewaysfor or feedingthroughor tappingoff to otherswitches conductorJ spacefor this purposeis devicJs,unlessadequate overcrurent and373-8 section380-3(b), provided.Text Reference usedto or of # 10 a (true)Shortsections metalenclosures raceways from physical provide supportor protectionof cableassemblies lu-ugr straitnot ba requiredto be grounded.Text Reference No. Exceptions 1,2 and3. 250-86 Section # 1 1b f t )

not be #lzb (identified)conductorsof dissimilarmetalsshall wherephysical intermixedin a tenninalor splicingconnector the unless deviceis dissimilarionductors between occurs contact of andconditions use'Text Reference identifiedfor the purpose 110-14 Section per seryice #13 a(tnre)Thereshallbe no morethansix disconnects section230-71(a) groupedin any onelocationText Reference
a .

shows17kw for 4 ranges #l4b(l7) ColumnI of Table220-19 Table 220-19 Section220-L9, not over 12 kp each.Text Reference Colurnnone. the start in # 15 c ( c ) The stop stationsare connected serieswith in are stationsandthe startstations connected parallel' A


#16b (12 feet)12ft (3.66m) -24(b) C driveways. 230

and properfy overresidential

Sectionzz}-l I andTable220-ll #t7 c (50) Text Reference nonnally usedto carry cwrent shallbe #18 a (copper)Conductors providedin this Code.Wherethe otherwise of coppei,toless condu;tor materialis not specified,the material and the sizesgiven Text Reference in this Code shatlapply to copperconductors. 1 Section 10-5 to conductoris connected #19 a(6) Wherethe groundingelectrode as madeelectrodes permittedin Section250'52(c)or (d), that to that is the soleconnection the GEC portion of the conductor strattnot be requhedto be largerthan No. 6 copper.Text 250-66andsection250-66(a) Section Reference shall be listedand rods,or their equivalent #20 c (ll2) nonferrous shallnot be lessthan % in. (12.7mm) in diameter.

Electrician PracticeTest No. 16

I rt slrall be to Each commerciatbuitding and occupancyaccessible pedestrians signor outline lighting. This outletfor provided with at least one accessible -outlet shall not supply any other load and shall be rated no lessthan -, and the load shatt be computedat a minimum of -volt-amperes. r a ) c b ) c c ) r d ) ) -' 15amperes 1200 , watts, 1500 1500 1200 20 arnperes, 1500 30amperes,

In theJield, it is not permissibleto connectfusesor circuit breakersin parallel. a)

i_ b)

True False


gallons ofJlammable liquid shall Capacitorsthat contain more than in be enclosed a vaul6 or outdoorfencedenclosure.

r a ) ((-



4 d) circuit conductorshall NOT bepermitted to ground noncurtent/t ao A srounded at and ca-rryingmetal partsof equipment,raceways, other enclosures whiclt of thefollowing locations


' b )


' d )

on equipment the supplysideof the service Service means. disconnecting of On the supplysideor withiq the enclosure the main buildings for separate means disconnecting of On the supplysideor within the enclosure the main of devices a separately or means overcurrent disconnecting derivedsystem and Ranges Dryerson the loadsideof tlie service means. disconnecting


Generally, when driving a ground rod into the ground which of thefollowing appry:

r a ) r b )
((c) d)

The upperend of the groundrod shall be driven to below gradelevel. The upper end of the gror:ndrod may be driven to below grade or flush with gradebut the connectionto the grounding electrodeconductorshall be accessible. The upperend of the groundrod shail be flush with grade. The upper end ofthe groundrod shall be abovegradelevel.

The Life Safety Branch of a hospital emergencyekarical systemshall 6. 6. suoolv oower for

r a ) r b ) c c )
r r d)

of of Illuminntion Means Egress Exit Signs. AlarmandAlertingSystems.

SYsteins. Communications

set All of the aboveand power for the generator and elevator. e) 7' In a hospital electrical systenqthe critical bronch of the EmergencySystem ' shallsupptypowerfor all thefollowing with the exceptionof -. receptacles, Powerfor task illumination, fixed equipmen! selected and functions power circuits servingthe following areas and special relatedto patientcare. Nursecall systems Blood, bone,and tiszuebanks motorsusedfor the supplywater. Three-phase motors shallbe permittedto be fractionalhorsepower Single-phase to corurected the critical branch.

r a )

r b ) r c )
' d ) ' e )


Anxilia.ry g:tters are permitted to contain all of the below with the excePtwnof -r r r {a) b) c) d) devices' overcurrent conductors busbars sPlicedconductors


An insulatedconductor usedin a switchboardshall be r listed flame retardant or ratednot lessthanthe voltageappliedto otherconductors with which it may comein contact. busbars All of the above'


a) b) c) d)

r r ' r


A threephase 480volt air conditionershall be connected (. r (' (' method directly to the premisewiring systemusing an acceptable 3. from Chapter plug and flexible cord with a 3-prongattachment plug and flexible cord with a 4-prongattachment

^) b) c)

with flexible cord andplug is not over 4 feet long' d) Class2 circuils can be instuAedin the samecabletray as t t t' r' o Cabtescontaining power and lightiig cablesrated 6oo voltswithout a partition if the Class2 circuit cablcsare r (* (' r PLTC CL2 Metal-Clad CL3


b) c) d)

) rt -'

What is the rtnimum working space WIDTH k front of equipment operating at 120 volts AC containingfwes or circuit breakersthat may be serviced while energized.

c a ) r b ) r c ) r d )
t L '?

3 feet 30 inches 4 feet None of the above

In general the maximum length that 3/8 inchJlexiblc mctal conduit that can be made up in theJield it -. c a ) r b ) c c ) c d ) 3 feet 4 feet 6 feet None of the above- thereis no maximumlength.

| ^ /"

If structural mcmbersare on 5feet centersEMT can be supported feetifrom a box instead of within 31feetwhen the EMT is runfrom a box to a structural member and there is no other method to readilyfasten the EMT within 3feel. ' '

" b

) )

4 5

be installedso that the I S 1 e' Switchesan circuit breakersusedas switchesshall abovethe centerof the grip of the operatinghandle is not more than or working platform. floor

6 feet 7 inches 6 I/2 feet 5 feet 4 feet

f i-

b) c) d)

| v' 16

Wherethe cbcuitry is interlocked so as to prevent operation of selected mobrc or other loadsat the sametime, the branch circuit conductor ampacity shall bepermitted to be basedon -. r

plus the strmof the 125percentof the largestmotor full arnperes a) othermotorsfirll load currents. of the summation the currentsof the motorsandotherloadsto be r. b) operated the sametime that resultsin the highesttotal curent. at r of c) 125percent the sumof all the loads. groundedconductorlarger than No. 6 shall be identified by -| 7' An insulated ' (Selcctthe bestanswer) -. a continuouswhite or natural gray outer finish or by three white stripeson otherthan greeninsulationalongits continuous entirelengthor at the time of installationby a distinctivewhite marking at its terminations.

r ('


means. b) By taggingor othereffective c) By paintingthe terminalsand spliceswhite.

(' r

t v' ^R

of areas the conductors d) By applying graytapeto the exposed plugs and cord capsshall conform to one The requirementsfor attachments Selectthe bestanswer. or more of thefotlowing. (. r shall be installedso asto requirean energized No receptacle a) atbchmentplug as its sourceof supply. - - Attachmentplugs shallbe installedso that their prongs,blades,or b) pins arenot energized receptacle. unlessinsertedinto an energized plugs shall be and cord connectors, attachment Receptacles, will or constructed that receptacle cord connectors not acceptan so c) aftachment plug with a differentvoltageor currentratingthanthat for ex. which the deviceis intended; for 20A T recept. shallnot accept receptacles connectors and -. Nongrounding-type tl) grounding-type plugs. atiachment e) All of the above

r rr'

of a recessedJirture turrtnal O 'I " An outlet boxfor the tap conductor the connection shall heplaced at a minimum distanceof -from frxtura f r r r a) b) c) 4feet 18 inches 1 foot

)n -v'

None of the above 61 When liquidtightflexiblc metal conduit orflexible metal conduit are instatledas aftxcd racenay, they shall be SECTIREDat intemalsnot exceeding4 1/2feet and within 12 inches on eachside of everyoutlet box orfifring. Are tie wraps suitable to secaretheseraceways? r r c r a) b) c) d) to Yes, if acceptable the authorityhavingjurisdiction Yes, if aPProved Both A and B None of the above;tie wrapscannotbe used.

a ,

Electrician PracticeTest No. L6 ANSWERES

and(b) 600-5(a) Seotion 1200)TextReference #I c (20 amperes, Section240-8 #2 a (true)Text Reference more than3 gal (11.36L) of containing #3 c (3) Capacitors in flarnmableliquid shallbe enclosed vaultsor outdoorfenced Section460-2(a) : enclosures Text Reference and #4 d (Ranges Dryerson the load sideof the seryice 250-A2(a) Section Text Reference means.) discorurecting electrode to but #5 b (grade the connection the grounding flush or below speaking, Generally shallbe accessible.) conductor suchas for concrete is the correctCoderule. Thereareexceptions 517-32 Section ground rods.TextReferense encased set #6 e (All of the aboveandpowerfor the generator and 517-32 Section TextReference elevator.) motorsusedfor the supplywater.)Only single#8 d (Three-phase motorsarepermitted. phasefractionalhorsepower Text Reference Section517-33 but or conductors busbars may enclose #8 a (overcurrent devices) devices, overcurrent switches, shall not be usedto enclose appliances, othersimilarequipment. or on Text Reference Secti 374-l

,., :
(. ..

r l

r. c \.j n , . t:)
t. .

#g d,(Atl of the above)An insulatedconductorusedwithin a switchboardshall be listed, flame retardant,ffid shall be ratednot lessthanthe voltageappliedto it andnot lessthanthe voltage with which it may comein or apptiedto otherconductors busbars Section3 84-9 contact.Text Reference usingan acceptable wiring system #L0 a(directlyto the premise methodfrom Chapter9.) Wtrerea flexible cord is usedto supply a the room air conditioner, lengthof suchcord shallnot exceed10 ft (3.05 m) for a nominal,120-voltratingor 6 ft (1.83m) for a on Secti 440'64 nominal, 208-or 240-voltrating.Text Reference whereeither(l) all of the electric Permitted #l l c (Metal-Clad) are light, power,or (2) all of the Class2 circuit conductors in or nonmetallic-sheathed, metal-clad, raieway or in metal-sheathed, SectionT25-5a(a)(3) Text Reference Type IJF cables. in The width of the working space front of the #l2b (30 inches) or shallbe the width of the equipment 30 in. electric equipment (762 mm), whicheveris greater. Section1l0-26(a)(2) Text Reference of lengthsin excess 6 ft shallbe part of a # 13 c (6 feet)In general, Section or manufacturedassembly wiring system.Text Reference and 350-10(a), 620-21, 430-145(b) of #1.4b (5) Fastening unbrokenlengthsshallbe pennittedto be membersdo not increasedto a distanceof 5 ft where structr,ual Section348-13 within 3 ft. Text Reference readily permit fastening ExceptionNo. 1 They shallbe installedso that the centerof # I 5 a ( 6 feet 7 inches) handleof the switchor circuit breaker, the grip of the operating will not be morethan6 ft 7 in. above position, when in its highest 380-8(a) Section the floor or workingplatfonn.Text Reference

of of #16b (thesummation the currents the motorsandotherloads time that resultsin the highesttotal at to be operated the same No.3 on Secti 430'24Exception curreni.)Text Reference alongits entirelength on #I7 a(stripes otherthangreeninsulation by or at the time of installation a distinctivewhite markingat its S terminations.Text Reference ection200-6(b) ) and Section4I0-56(e) (i) Text Reference #18 e (All of the above) for of #19 c (l foot) Tap conductors a type suitable the temperaflrre shali be permittedto run from the fixture terminal encountered to connection an outl;t box placedat leastI ft from the fixture. 410-67(c) Section Text Reference by shallbe secured an #20 c (bothA andB) The raceways to acceptable the authority means.Approvedmeans approved travingjurisdictionper Definition in fut 100.Text Reference 350-18 and of Article 100defurition approved, sections Section and3 51-8.
t .

f . i


Electrician PracticeTest No. 17

motors,each not uceeding I hp in rating, shall bepermitted on a rI ' Several or nominal 120-vottbranch circuit protectedat not over 20 amPeres a branch if protectedat not over 15 amperes, less, circuit of 600 volts,nominal, or which of thefollowing conditionsare meL (The full-load rating of eachmotor doesnot exceed6 amperes The rating of the branch-circuitshort-circuitand ground-faultprotectivedevicemarkedon any of the controllersis not exceeded. Individual overloadprotectionconforststo Section 430-32. All of the above



c b ) c c ) ' d ) ) -'

the lYlrereconductorsare run in parallel in parallel raceways grounding conductors shatt be r c c ia) b) c) d) run in Parallel nrn in at leastoneraceway run in an isolatedraceway to but run outsidethe raceways secured the raceway.


Tapsto brake coilsof $anes and hoistsshall beprotectedby-. r circuit breaker 20 amperes fuses 15 ampere fuses 10ampere

a) b) c)


r r r*


is Nothing.No protection required d) meansseming a hermeticrefrigerant The ampererating of the disconnecting of the nameplaterated'load cuftent or shallbemotor-compressor branch-circuitselectioncurcent,wlticheveris greater c a) b) c) 115Percent 125percent 135percent




Rgferto theJigurebelow-The current through R2 is -. answer) closest



a) 2.7 amPeres b) 1.3arnPeres c) 5.7 amPeres a1 8.1 amPeres

r a

l9O ,/clts



30 ohms

s to otrm

t L *?

Performancestandard(s)that transfer equipmentusedin emergency shatl meet is: systems r r c {and . Automaticbansferswitchesshall be electricallyoperated a) mechanically held. and installedto preventthe Transferequipmentshall be designed of sources of nt inadverteniinterconnection normal and emergency -'*pply of the hansferequipment. in any operation loads. cy Transferequipmentshall supplyonly emergency d) AX of the above

run of underground rigid metal conduitfrom a gasoline dispercer to t 1t 'r-at In a panelbiard in o nonhaurdow location a total of -sealoffs the semicZ are required

( r.\

b c d

) ) )

2 3 4
volE shall be shielded

7 5. In general, direct burial cabli rated above



12,000 5,000 2,400

c b )
((c) d)


| v' L6

In a hospital general care area each patient bed location shall be ptovided with a minimum of -recePtacles,



1 duplex 3 duplexor 6 single 2 duplexor 4 single. 4 duplex is to be installedon this in, from the sudace of

i b ) (c)

r d )

Wtere o sudace-mountedfrxturecontaining 77. combustibli tow4ensity cellulosefiberboard,a ballast lbtedfor it shall be condition or shallbespacednot lessthan theJiberboard
C f

a) b) c) d)

3t8 I ll2 2



Yhat is the minimum sizeequipment bondingiumPer requhedfor a racaeoy containing a circuit protected at 60 amperes.

r a ) r b ) r c ) r d )

No. 14 No. 12 No. 10 No.8

An individual outlet with taps not over 18 inches long is connectedto a 50 ampere urcuil to supply a household hitchen wall-mounted oven The tap amperes. conductor ampacity shall not be lcssthon
' a )

50 40 30



)n 3t"

20 d) Given an AC transformer and DC rectiJier arc welder with a 60percent ddy cycle,The ampacityoJthe supply conductorsshall be calculatedby mutliplying the nameplatecutent by afactor of ' a ) (r* b) c) .78 .84 .89


( .


Electrician PracticeTest No. 17

ANSWBRES 430-53(a) Section Reference #1 d (all of the above)Text are #2 a(run in parallel)Whereconductors run in parallelin 3 as or multiple racoways cables permittedin Section l0-4, the whereused,shall be run in equipmentgounding conductors, Section250parallelin eachracewayor cable.Text Reference 122(f)
\ r



e' '
: t .


Tapsto brakecoils do No #3 d Qrlothing. protectionis required.) Section protection. Text Reference overcurrent not requireseparate 610-42(b) shallbe at ratingof the disconnect The ampere #4 a (115percent) currentor branchrated-load of least 1l5 percent the nameplate Text Reference current,whicheveris greater. crcuit selection Section440-12(a) 515-5(a) Section . #5 d (all of theabove) TextReference



, L,;
t .

in encased not lessthan2 in. of raceways #6 c (nonmetallic an concrete, TypeMI, MC, or AC cablecontaining insulated groundingconductor) equipment in encased not lessthan2 in. of #7 c (3) nonmetallic raceways an concrete, TypeMI, MC, or AC cablecontaining insulated 517-19(b) Section Text Reference grounding conductor equipment 700-12(b) Section #8 d (15 minutes) TextReference


t .



location)Any inhalationanesthetung #9 c (non-hazardous for locationdesignated the exclusiveuseof nonflammable to shallbe considered be an other-thanagents anesthetizsng 5l7'60(a) Section (classified) location.Text Reference hazardous including splicesandtaps, The # 10 c (75, accessible) conductors, shall not fill the wireway to more than 75 percentof its areaat that on Secti 362'7 for metallic wirewaysand point. Text Reference Section362-21for non metallic wireways. # 1I b (wireway but there is deratingfor over 3 currentcarrying Sections in conductors a nonmetallicwireway.)Text Reference 362-5 and362-19 120-80 or 4 #l2b (1.3amperes) x 10 and4 x l0 is 80 voltsleaving R2. 40130 1.3aqtperes 40 volts across

I ?0 'rq,]tE



30 ohrns

700-6 Section #13 d (all of the above)Text Reference going the #I4 b (2) Onesealoffwhenthe conduitleaves dispenser for from Class1, div 2 to Class1, div 1 (underglound 20 feet from from the d,ispenser), anothersealoffwherethe conduitemerges and Text througha Cl 1, div 1 location. underground sinceit passed 501-5(a)(a) 5L4-7,514-8, Section Table 514-2, Reference Section and(b)(2) 310-7 Section # 15 d (2000)TextReferencp

( t '

ffi6 c (2 duplexor 4 single)Eachpatientbedlocationshallbe They shallbe providedwith a minimum of four receptacles. of permittedto be of the singleor duplextypesor a combination Section517-18(b) both.TextReference is fixture contaildngaballast #17 c (I %)Wherea surface-mounted it fiberboard, cellulose low-density on to be installed combustible not shallbe listedfor this conditionor shallbe spaced lessthan 1% Text Reference in. (38 mm) from the surfaceof the fiberboard. 410-76(b) Section for is aNo. l0 copper required a #18 c ( By Table250-122 250-102(b) Section Text Reference device. overcrurent 60 a:npere and Table250-122 wall-mounted ranges, electric supptying ft19d (20)Tap conductors electriccookingunits from a electricovens,and counter-mounted of branchcircuit shallhavean ampacity not lessthan 50-ampere 20 and shallbe sufficientfor the loadto be senied.. Text No. I Exception Reference Section210-19(c) shallnot be less conductors of #20 a(.78)the ampacity the supply by than the currentvalue determined multiplying the ratedprimary given on the welderratingplateandthe currentin amperes following factorbasedon the duty cycle of the welder.Text and 330-11(a) Table *eference Section

r. r. . "' ' n ,

t ' t' ,

Electrician PracticeTest No. 18

"7 Buswaysshall be supportedat intervals not to uceed -feet designedand marked othemtisa unless

c a ) r b ) c c )
) -'

3 feet 5 feet 4 l12 feet

Givena 4 11/16 ' by I 1/2 inch deepbox Eow many No. I conductorscan he splicedin this box

r a ) r b )

A .?

6 9 1,2

c) c d )

? e'

Toprovide short circuit and ground-fault protectionfor a branch circuit supptying o motor, afeeder conductorsupplyingthat branch circuit shall be provided with a r a ) r b )

magnetictrip unit thermalrelay protective device motor circuit switch

r d )


A 120 volt 30 an pere branch circuit shall have o power load not to exceed kilovolt-amperes. a) b) c)

3.6 7.2 2.88


The minimum distance between SIat(phaseto phose) switchgear that has (Assumephase to ground voltageas 5 kv / to access liveparts ts-. 1.732) r e ' c a) b) c) 3 feet 4 l/2 feet 6 feet


7 feet d) about Yithout aceptions the minimum heodroom of working spaces panelboails is equipment, tnotor control cenlets, switchboards, and serryice



5 feet 6 feet 6 ll2 feet 7 feet

c b ) c c )
(t d)


What size raceway is requiredfor installing thefollowing XIIHW coPpef conductorsin a conduit over 24 inches long. (a) two 400 kcmil (b) six 500 kcmil (b) one bare 3/0 c c r (a) b) c) 6 inch 5 inch 4 inch


3 U2 :l:,ch d) Fixed wiring used to supply etlernal power to aircraft within an aircrart inchesabovethetloor level. hangar shall be installed at least

a) b) c)

24 18 12

r r

d ) 6

t .

O "

In an apartment building the disconnecting meansin addition to the unit , (selectthe best switchforfixed appliances shall be locoted answer) r r ' (^ r a) b) c) d) within sight of the aPPliance wrthin the dwelling unit, or on the samefloor asthe dwelling unit in which the applianceis installed iaside an individual dwelling unit in the electricalroom on the first floor


Wiring methodsinsideplenums usedfor environmentalair include: f r r ' r Flexible metal conduit and liquidtight flexibl.emetalconduit shall 4 be permitted,in lengthsnot to exceed ft Type MI cable,Tlpe MC cableemployinga smoothor comrgated without an overallnonmetalliccovering imperviousmetal sheath electricalmetallic tubing, flexible metallictubing,intermediate metal conduiL or rigid rnetalconduit

^) b) c)

All of the above d) and the 120/240vott servicethe current in LI is 15 amperes ''t ''I ' In a 3 wire current in L2 is 25 amperes.The current in the groundedconductorshould amperes. be_ r. c ra) b) c) 10amPeres 15 amPeres 25 amPeres

o amPeres d) general the minintum work spacerequired infront of a panelboardis I 1 -) ' In high. inches wide,and-feet in front, -feet

' (' e

a) b) c)

l 3,30,6l2 3 r12,36,6 2 , 3 0 , 6l l 2

t ? '-J'

In general the minimum work qpacerequired infront of sertticeequipment inches containing overcurrent deyicesir_ feet infroflt, high. wide, and -feet


r b )

3 l/2,36,6 2 , 3 0 , 67 / 2

LI lao

Except as elsewhererequired or permitted by the Code,live para of electric or more shall bCguatded agairct equipmentoperating at _volb icitlental contact by approyed enclosures9f by 1, By loc@tr ln a roomr vault, or similar englostae that is accessiblconly to qualifuil pentons. 2. By suitable permaneng substaitial partilbns or screensananged so thd only to qualifutl personswill hary access the qpace within reach of the live pafts. sized and located so that shall b:e |nybpritogs in sach partitions or screens persons not tikely to corneinto accidentalcontact with the live pat6 or are to bring conducting object into contact witlt then 3. By location on a suitable balcony, gallery, or platform elevatedond arranged so as to exclude unqualifted penons. or 1. By elevation of 8,ft (2.44 m) or more abovethefloor or other working surface. c r ((a) b) c) 24 volts 3ovolts 4g volts

50 volts O serving a hermetic general the ampererating of a disconnectingtnearut t 55 z r' In which hasa nameplaterating of 50 amperes relrigerant motor-compressor amperes,(Selectthe closestanswer) shall be at least ({i-

a) b)

50 rmperes 58 amperes 62.5amperes

box containsa switch,6 No.12 conductorsthat are spliced,and a No. 12 a It / ' A equipmentgrounding conductor,If there arc no clampsin the box what sizebox is required?

4 x2Il8 x2Il8 device 3 x2x3% device 4by ll2 inch square


r b ) c c )

disconnectsizefor a singlefamily dwelling is minimum service I B. The

. a ) ' b )

: t :

60 100


serviceinstalled by the

Thegrounding conductorfor 79. telephone company cannot bea communications smaller than N o . 12 No. 14 No.6 No. 8


' b ) {() ltt z n

c) d)

Mten a separate grounding electrode is installedfor a communications semice U inaU be-bondedto the power grounding electrode system wilh a a copper or equivalent bondingiumper. minimum size No.


No. 14 No.8 No.6 No. 4


b) c) d)

Electrician PracticeTest No. L8 ANSWERES

not at supported intervals #1 b (5 feet)Buswaysshallbe securely and designed marked. otherwise 5 exceeding ft (1.52m) unless on Secti 364-5 Text Reference sectionTable 9 shows Text Reference #2 c (9) Table 370-16(a) 370-16(a) fixed motor a supplying specific A device) feeder #3 c (protective on on based Secti 430-24 sizes of load(s)andconsisting conductor Section device.Text Reference shall be providedwith a protective a30-62(a) the shallthe loadexceed branch-circuit #4 a(3.6) ln no case to rating.An individualbranchcircuit shallbe permitted ampere supplyany loadfor which it is rated. 120voltsx 30 amperes: Section210-23 3,600/ 1,000 3.6KVA TextReference :,OOOva; to 3; Condition voltage gloundis #5 c (6 feet)ByTable110-3a(a) -Table110-3a(a) Section voltsTextReference 5,000I 1.732 2887 about of #6 c (6 % feet ) The minimumheadroom working spaces or panelboards, motor control switchboards, serviceequipment, 110-26(e) Section centers shalibe 6% ft. TextReference 5; #7 b (5 inch)Fromchapt.g Table 400kcmil atea:2x(.5782 sq.; 500kcmil area: 6 x (.6984 in.);FromTable8 3/0 bare sq. Totalarca:5.5198 in.;By Table4a5 inch *ia --; Text Reference Rigid 40%with area- is required. l, 9 Section Chaptt. Tables 4,5, and8

and shallbe desigued mountedso that #8 b (18)Aircraft energizers and fixed wiring will be at least18 in. (457 all elestricequipment in mm) abovenoot level and shallnot be operated a ClassI Section Text Reference 513-3(c). locationasdefinedin Section 5 13-11(a0 #9 b (within the dweiling unit, or on the samefloor asthe dwelling unit in which the applianceis installed)In multifamily dwellings, meansshall be within the dwelling unit, or the other disconnecting on the samefloor asthe dwelling unit in which the applianceis installed, ffid shall be permittedto control lamps and other appliances 300-22@) Section #10 d (All of the above)Text Reference the carries unbalanced conductor The #11 a (10 amperes) grounded Section Text Reference load that is 25 - 15 amperes:10 amperes. Basic Theory and 110-26(a)(1)(2X3) Section #12 a(3, 30, 6Yr)TextReference I 10 -26(e) 110-26(a) Section Text Reference #13 a(3, 30, 6 Yz) Section110-27(a) #14 d (50 volts)Text Reference Section is of # 15 b (115percent 50 amperes 57.5)Text Reference

of with a loaddiversity 50 percent #16 b (70)By TableB-310-11 310-15(a) Section Text Reference the deratingfactoris 70 percent. B and (c), Appendix TableB 310-11

is wire #17c(4 by Yztnchsquare)The count 6No. 12's,2No' 12's : and for the-switch, oneNo.12 for the ground 9 total. 9 x2.25 cu. cu. in. - 20.25 in. A 4 by ll2nchsquare hasa cubicinch capacity Section of 21.0. all the otherboxesaretoo small.Text Reference Table370-r6(b) 370-16 disconnecting dwelling,the service #18 b (100)For a one-family 3-wire. meansshallhavea rating of not lessthan 100amperes, -7 on Secti 230 9(c) Text Reference disconnecting dwelling,the seryice #19 b ( No.a) For a one-family 3-wire. shallhavea ratingof not lessthan100amperes' means or jumpernot smaller thanNo. 6 copper #20 d(l.Io. 4) A bonding the between communications shallbe connected equivaient at system the electrode and groundingelectrode powergrounding are electrodes used' servid whereseparate building or stnrcture 800-40(d) Section Text Reference



Electrician PracticeTest No. 19

t r' A motor controller that is subjectto periodic submersingin liquid sewage enclosure probably requiresa NEfuIA TyPe '^ c r c r

a) b) c) d) e)

NEMA 4 NEIUA 6 NEMA 12 NEMA 7 Both b and d

NEMA ratings. Below,is an brief explanation for TherearemanyNEMA ratingsavailable enclosures. of eachNEMA rating. for.indooruseprimarily to provide a degreeof are NEMA I Type 1 enclosures intended protectionagainstcontactwith the enclosed do conditions not exist' service whereunusual oi Lquipment locations of for are NEMA 2Type2 enclosues intended indooruseprimarilyto providea degree protectionagainstlimited asrountsof falling water and dirt. for are NEMA 3 Type 3 enclosures intended outdooruseprimarily to providea degreeof and windblown dust,rain' protectionagainst by ileet; and to be undamaged the fonnationof ice on the enclosure. use for are NEMA 3R Type3R enclosures intended outdoor primarilyto providea degree to be falling rain; and of protectionagainst undau-raged the formationof ice on the enclosure. by for are NEMA 4 Type 4 enclosures intended indoor or outdooruseprimarily to provide a windblown dust degreeof protectionagainst by *ul.r, andhosedirectedwater; andto be undamaged the formation andrain, splashing of ice on the enclosure. for are NEMA 4X Type 4X enclosgres intended indoorandoutdooruseprimarily to corrosion, against provide a degree protection of water;andto be undamaged water,andhose-directed splash-ing windblown dustandrain, by the formationof ice on the enclosure.

are NEMA 6 Type 6 enclosures intendedfor indoor or outdooruseprimarily to provide a degreeof protectionagainstthe entry of water by at during temporarysubmersion a limited depth;and to be undamaged the formation of ice on the enclosure. are NEh,fA 7 Type 7 enclosures for indoor usein locationsclassifiedas ClassI, Groups D, asdefinedin the National A, B, C, or Electrical Code. resulting from an shall be capableof withstanding the pressures Tlpe 7 enclosures and internal explosionof specifiedgases, contain suchan explosionsufficiently that an explosivegas-airmixture existingin the the will atmosphere surrotmding enclosure to extemal surfaces heatgenerating devicesshall not cause not be ignited. Enclosed of capable igniting reachtemperatures shall meet atuosphere. Enclosures explosive gas-airmixturesin the sr.urounding and temperature explosion,hydro-static, designtests. NEMA 9 are Type 9 enclosures intendedfor indoor usein locationsclassifiedas ClassII, Groups E, F, or G, as definedin the National ElectricalCode. of of Type 9 enclosures shall be capable preventingthe entrance dust. Enclosedheat generatingdevicesshall not cause of extemal surfaces reachtemperatures capable igniting or discoloringdust on the to enclosureor igniting dust-airmixhrresin shall meetdust penehationand temperature the surroundingatuosphere. Enclosures (if design tests,and aglngof gaskets used). NEMA 12 Type 12 enclosures intendedfor indoor useprimarily to provide a degreeof are protection againstdust,falling dirt, and dripping noncorrosive liquids. NEMA 13 of Type 13 enclosures intended indooruseprimarily to providea degree for are protection againstdust,sprayingof water,oil, and noncorrosivecoolant.

ground ring grounding electrodeshalt encircle the building and consistof ) zo A and shall not 20feA oYborc cipper conduc"tor smaller than No' at-least be buried to a dePthof no lessthan
t .


4, 3 feet 2,2 feet 2,2 t12feet 2, 18inches

' b )

' d )

? -"

fn general, Type tlFfeeder and branch circuit cableshall be buried to a of buildings ' minimum depth of -ott&ide

r a ) r b ) r c ) r d )

24 inches 18inches 12 inches 6 inches


If direct buried cablesare installed under buildings theyshall be installed in which manner.



in shallbe installed a racewaY over the shall be in a trenchwith 2 inchesof concrete trench. direct buriedjust like they areoutsidethe building' aandb aandc

c b ) r c ) r d ) re)

of shallbepermitted to beJitled to 60percent, its cross S Jo A conduitnipple htclres. sectionalorii y Ut tength u /essthan or equal to ,-a)

18 24 30 36

c b )
c) (.. d)


Underwater lightkgtirtures in swimming pools shall beprotected with groundfoult circuit intenupten if theJirtures operate d more than volts.

r a ) r b ) c)
(_ d)

30 48 15 120

7 ^

Dbregarding any uceptions,lightingftxtures and Whttng outlets installed over an outdoor spa without groundfaultprotection shall be bcated not less abwe the noximum water level LightingJirtures installcd over than _ spa, where GFCI is instalkd, requhe a clearonce of not lessthan an indoor abovethe maximum water level c a ) c b )
{. c)

10 feet and 5 feet 12ft,and7 ft.6 inches 12 feetand 12 feet


Conductors that are direaly buried in earth shall be

r a ) .^b)
(c) ' d )

identified for suchuse labeledfor suchuse listedfor suchuse installedin raceway.

be usedas an equipmentgrounding O " Aluntinum cable traysshall not amperes. conductorfor circuitswith a groundfault protection above-


a) b) c) d)

2,000 600 400 100

t v' zn

The ampacityof No.2 Type ttVtt 90 degreeC. ratedflexible cord in a 30 degreeC. ambient when there are 3 current carrying conducton in the amperes. cablels,-a)

t52 r25 100 90

r b ) c c ) r^ d)

1 7 .Power sourcesother than transformersusedto protect ClassI Power more rated at not Limited Circuitsshall beprotectedby overcurrenldevices
of the rated current of the source (volt-tmperes than -pgryent divided by voltage rating)
{ t-

a) b)

100 t25 167 200

of the inside walls of a

c) ' d )

t ' L -?

A dbconnect is requiredto be installed within


^) ' b ) { . c)

5 feet 15 feet 25 feet

overan out door hot tub shall havea cable passing volt service I ? '- >" A 120/240 abovethe water leveL vertical clearanceof at least-feet



T2 15 22 18

b) c) d)

dual rated Type USE conductors cannot be installed inside a building 'I / Non a' and shall beprotected where they emergesfrom under ground by -, f c r a) b) c) up a racewaythat extends to 8 feet abovegror:nd other effective means a coating of fue retardantmaterial

t S 1r'

Four current carrying )flHW insulated 500 kcmil aluntinum conductors are installed in a racewaythat is in a WET locotbn The ampacily rating of eachconductor is -amPercs. c c ra) b) c) 310 280 248

.- d)
t6 1v'


Given: One 25-hpr 460-Vr3-phose,squinel-cage motor, nameplatefullbad curyent 32 A, DesignB, SemiceFactor 1.15 The branch circuit and the amPeres conductorsshall have an ampacityrating of maximum time delayfuse sizethat can be usedto protect this circuit is _amPeres. r. c f a) b) 42'5 atd70 4 0 and110

42'5 al.d60 c) grade and 23feetfrom the edgeof an t 1 '7 ' A point located30 inchesabove as-. indoor remotegasolinepump is classiJied

r a ) c b )
' c ) c d )

Class2,Division2 Unclassified Class1,Division 1 Classl, Division 2


p power supplycords attachedto the side of recreationalvehiclesno morc !t l)t than 3feet abovethe ground shall be a minimum of -' r r r a) b) 28feet 23 feet

15feet c) twice thefull' O general-useswitchhaving an ampererating ngt lels than !t " load current rating of the motor sholl bepermitted to sente as a horsepower meinsfor a stationory motor rated ot disconnecting and 300 voltsor less. r .. ra) b) 2 1'13

)n a v'

1/g c) plug cap usedas a mobile and attachment The rating of the receptacle homesupplyshall not be lessthan r ((* r a) b) c) d) 50 amPeres volt-amperes 10,000 100amperes 6 a'rnPeres

Electrician PracticeTest No. 19 ANSWBRES

. , 1, r
t. i

for are #1 e (bothb andd)NEN4A 6 Type 6 enclosures intended of indoor or outdooruseprimarily to providea degree protection are the against entryof water. NEIvIA 7 Type 7 enclosures for A, I, as classified Class Groups B, C, or D. indoorusein locations Section Tert Reference
Below, is aa brief explanation There aremanyNEMA ratingsavailablefor enclosures. of eachNEMA rating. NEMA 1

r . I' I , t: . r...

of protection for are Type 1 enclosures intended indooruseprimarilyto providea degree againstcontactwith the enclosed e[uipment or locationswhereunusualserviceconditionsdo not exist. *MA2 are Type 2 enclosures intendedfor indoor useprimarily to providea degreeof protection of againstlimited amounts falling water and dirt. NEMA 3 of for are Type 3 enclosures intended outdooruseprimarilyto providea degree protectionagainstwindblown dus! rain, and by r6.t; and to be undamaged the fonnation of ice on the enclosure. MMA 3R

of for are Type 3R enclosures intended outdooruseprimarilyto providea degree protectionagainstfalling rain; andto be undamaged the formationof ice on the enclosure' by NEMA 4 of use for are Type 4 enclosrues intended indooror outdoor primarilyto providea degree protectionagainst windblowndust 'and by rain, ,pi*niog water,andhosedirectedwater; andto be undamaged the formation of ice on the enclosure.

NEMA 4X are Type 4X enclosures intendedfor indoor and outdooruseprimarily to providea degree of protectionagainstcorrosion, water; and to be r:ndarnaged water,and hose-directed windblown dust and rain, splashing by the formationof ice on the enclosure. NEIUA 6 rue Type 6 enclosrrres intendedfor indoor or outdooruseprimarily to provide a degreeof the entry of water protectionagninst by at auring temporarysubmersion a limited depth;and to be undamaged the formation of ice on the enclosure. NEN,fA 7 are Type 7 enclosrues for indoor usein locationsclassiliedas ClassI, GroupsA, B, C, or D, as definedin the National Electrical Code. rezultingfrom an of shall be capable withstandingtbe pressures Type 7 enclostues and intemal explosionof specifiedgases, an contain suCh explosionsufficiently that an explosivegas-airmixture existingin the will the atmosphere surrounding enclosure to externalsurfaces generating devicesshall not cause not be ignited. Enclosedheat capableof igniting reachtemperatures shallmeet explosive gas-airmixturesin the surroundingatnosphere, Enclosures and explosion,hydro-static, temperature designtests. NEMA 9 Type 9 enclosures intendedfor indoor use in locationsclassifiedas ClassII, Groups are E, F, or G, as definedin the National ElectricalCode. heat of of Type 9 enclosures shall be capable preventingthe entrance dust. Enclosed generatingdevicesshall not cause of capable igniting or discoloringduston the extemal surfaces reachtemperafixes to encloswe or igniting dust-airmixturesin shall meetdustpenetation and temperature the surroundingatnosphere. Enclosures (if design tests,and agmgof gaskets used).

NEIVIA 12 of are Type 12 enclosures intendedfor indoor useprimarily to provide a degree protectionagainstdust,falling dirt, and liquids. drippingnoncorrosive

NE}IA 13 of are Type 13 enclosures intendedfor indoor useprimarily to providea degree dust,sprayingof water,oil, protectionagainst coolant. andnoncorrosive

#2 c (2,2 tl2 feet)A groundrine encirclingthe building or structuro,h direct contactwith the earthat a depthbelow the of of earth'ssurface not lessthan2y, ft (762mm), consisting at thanNo. 2. not conductor smaller least20 ft (6.1m) of barecopper 250-50(d) Section Text Reference without otherconditions requirement The general #3 a (24 inches) 339-3(aX3), Section per is 24 inches Table300-5Text Reference Table300-5 undera building cableinstalled #4 a (both a andb ) Underground walls of beyondthe outside shall be in a racewaythat is extended the building Whereinstalledundernot lessthan2 n. (50.8mm) of outside a concrete beneath building or otherstrrctureis considered 230-3(I) 300-5(c ) andsection Section a building.Text Reference #5 b (24) Whereconduitor tubingnippleshavinga maximum boxes, between 24 lengthnot to exceed n. (610mm) areinstalled to the cabinets, similarenclosures, nipplesshallbe permitted and area. of be f,rlled 60 percent theirtotalcross-sectional Text to 9 chapter TableI Note 4 Reference Section

circuit intemrptershallbe installedin the #6 c (15) a ground-fault branch circuit supplyingfixtures operatingat more than 15 volts, so that there is no shockhazatdduring relamping.Text Reference 680-20(aX1) Section 12 #7 b (12 ft., andTft 6 inches) feetfor outsideandTft. 6 inches Section680-40,680-6(b)' for insidewith GFCI. Text Reference (b) 680-41 usedfor directburial #8 a (identifiedfor suchuse)Conductors applicationsshallbe of a type identified for suchuse.Text 3 Section l0-7 Referense #9 a(2000) Aluminum cablefrays shallnot be usedasequipment for gounding conductors circuits with glouqd-faultprotection (600 amperes steel)Text Reference for 2000 amperes. aborre Table318-7(b)(2 Section )Noteb of has #10 a (152)ByTable400-5(8)This cable an ampacity 152 SectionTable400-5(8) last column Text Elmperes. Reference shallbe otherthantransformers # 11 c (167)Powersources ratedat not morethan 167 devices protectedby overculrent dividedby the rated rating of the source percentof the volt-ampere (a)(2) on Secti 725-21 voltage.Text Reference wallsof at #12 a(feet)located least5 ft (1.52m) fromthe inside shallbe provided means the pool, spa,or hot tub.A disconnecting andhot locatedwithin sightfrom all pools' spas, and be accissible, Section680-12 Text Reference tub equipment. Section #13 c (zz)FromTable680-8Column1. TextReference 680-40andTable680-8

gound) Directup ay #14 a(a racew thatextends to 8 feetabove from the groundshallbe and buriedconductors cablesemerging from the minimum extending or by protected enclosures raceways belowgladeto a point 300-5(a) by required Section coverdistance Section Text Reference at leastB ft (2.44m) abovefinishedgrade. and 300-5(d) 338-4(b) columnfor use #15 c (248).8x 310: 248 anryeres. the 75 degree per of because the wet location Table3 10-13 for aluminum )GIHW and Table310-13 Section )GIHW. Text Reference Table3 10-16 andTable3 10-15(bX2Xa) footrotes. x ad.rld #16 a (42.5and70) 1.25x 34 :42.5 amperes 225percent 34 Text Reference -76.5. the next smallersizefuseis 70 amperes. and 430-52, 430-152 430-23(a), 430-22, Section430-6(a), Table514-2 Section #I7 d(Class1,Division2)TextReference to usablelength,measured the # 18 b (23 feet)The cord exposed point of entryon the vehicleexterior,shallbe a minimum of 23 ft is il .o rn) wheiethe point of entrance at the sideof the vehicle. 551-46(b) Section Text Reference ratingnot less switchhavingan ampere #19 a(2) A general-use than twice the FLA of the motor is permittedfor up to 2hp. Text 1 I 430- 09(c)( ) Section Reference the #20 a(50 amperes) powersupplyto the mobilehomeshallbe a of consisting not morethanonelisted50-ampere feederassembly 550-5(a) Section cord.TextReferelce mobilehomepower-supply

Electrician PracticeTest No. 20

t rt Wtat is rhe duty cyctefor a spot weldersuppliedby a 60-Hzsystem(216'000 weldsper hour? per cycles hour) making three hundred 1S-cycle {' '' ) -' a) b) c) lPercent 2'1 Percent 3'2 Percent and larger shall

Mtere conductorsare installedin racewoyssizesNo.bestranded ra) c b ) (-c) ' d) 10 8 6 4

afeeder load of 14 kW on a houseltoldelectricrange,the naximum ? Jo With to unbalinced load sniU be considered carry a load of : (chosethe closest answer) I

a) b) c)

41 amperes 26 amPeres 33 amPeres

. (

conductorsare addedto an existingracewaythat contains ,t ao Mtere THHN o&er 60 degreeC insulatedconductors,the ampacityof the THHN cannotexceed conduclors . re (-' a) b) c) d) column in The ampacities the 60 degree column in The arnpacities the 75 degree column in The ampacities the 90 degree derating. columnwith 60 percent in The ampacities the 90 degree

S r'

The ampacity of a 75 degreeC. rated conductor in an antbient of 75 degrees c. is c f r 11 0 arnPeres b) 90 percentof its normal arnpacity of c; 60percent its 75 degreeampacity


Wirkg to receptaclesunder raisedfloors in computer rooms shall be r f ' cable a) Type MI cable,Type MC cable,or Type AC metal in rigid metal conduit,rigid nonmetallicconduit,intermed.iate metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, metal wireway, strrface b) racewaywith metal cover, flexible metal conduit,liquidtigbt flexible metal or nonmetallicconduit c; Nonmetallic ShieldedCable(Nt!B) d) All of the above e) A andB of the above

{r c

7. Intrinsically safe circuits can be identitied using -. r r {c a) blue color b) red color color c) orange d) anycolor

8. Nonincenditive circuitsshall bepermitted to be usedin -areag c c c r r a1ClassI, Division 2 b; ClassI, Division 1 c; ClassIII d) All of the above e) onlY a andc'

O /o

What is the maximum distanceallowedfor spacingsupportsfor No' 10 copper conductors which are vertically installed in raceways, r (r (O a) b) c) 25 feet 5o feet 100feet 150feet


Flat conductorcableinstallations: r (' (' ' Are suitablefor schoolinstallations Must be installedundercarpetsqwres floors Canoniy be installedon concrete 150 not Are limited to voltages exceeding volts'

a) b) c) d)

sheathed 1999Codea restaurantmay be wired usingnonmetuAic , t7rc Bv the "LU, when: (I) The building is NOTrequired to beJire rated construction. (2) The buitiling doesnot uceed 3 floors and the restaurantoccuPancy persons.(Selectthe bestanswer') than 100 Ioad is less {c r f a) b) c) u, 1 only 2 onlY Both I and2 N e i th er tot2

t ) L -'

cable b approvedfor almostall locationsand conditions Mineral insulated bil one of the below.Whichis it?' r a r a) b) c) in Whereembedded concrete to Exposed gasoline conditions corrosive to whereexposed destnrctive


TypeAC cableshall be constructedto include: a) At least3 conductors a equipmentgroundingconductor b) An insutated An internal bonding sfiip of copPsror aluminum in intimate contact c) with the armor for its entire length.

t .t lac

Thepuy box belowis usedfor conductorslarger than No, 6. What are the reqiired mhimum dimensionslor X and Y7

r a ) c b )

Y X:24 inches, = 16 inches Y X=20 inches, = 24 inches Y X=24 inches, = 24 inches Y:30 loches X = 30 inches,
3 inchconduits

r d )

2 inbhconduits

t S 1v'

How many 1/2 inch diametercontrol cablescan be installed in a 18 inch hdder typecabletray with 6 inch high sides?

r a ) c b ) rc)


150 275

' d )


per phase in a of A If a senice consists 4 each 500kcmit copperconductors It o' voltswhat sizecopperbondingiumper iroti "ii is 3 -phasi 4 wire 480/277 means? L required on tie supplyside of the semicedisconnecting ' a) 310

r (-


300 kcmil

350 kcmil d) a direct burial the t / ' Dbregarding exceptions minimum coverrequirementfor 7 r cable'wiln icircuit voltageof 7200 voltsto ground is -.
t ,

{t r r' '^

a) b) c) d)

30 inches 36 inches 42 inches 48 inches

on a service? 78. Whenis groundfault protectionrequired '/ z T T l i l S o v o l t s s o l i d l y g r o u n d e d W y e r a t e d a t 1 0 0 0 a) or amPeres more or i* volts Wye rated1200amperes more I2Ol208 b) or c volts rated1000amperes more 1201240 c) (* All of the above d) a light are How many three way andfour way switches requiredto operate front eight (8) locatiotts?
c . r (a) b) c) d) 6 each 3 waY, and2 each4 waY 2 each 3 waY and 6 each 4 waY 3 each 3 waY and 3 each 4 waY None of the above - it cannot be done'

to L '"


Whendoesthe Codeallow welding of Conduit'or couplings? Whereracewayrisersor cable is not installedwithin the (lighting) or fitting or nipple shaltbe brazr,d weldedto the pole a1nole, a threaded connection' for the opposite handhole the supply welding of conduit' b) The Codedoesnot allow always be welded c1 Conduit couplingscan when the AHJ allows it' d1 Conduit can be welded e) aandd

c r r i r

Electrician PracticeTest No. 20 AI\SWBRES

by (300multiplied 15, #1 b (2.1%)The duty cycleis 2.1percent Section multipliedby 100).Text Reference dividedby 216,000,

l (bx3) 630-3

of conductors sizeNo. 8 and in #2b (8) Whereinstalled raceways, Section310-3 Text Reference largershallbe stranded. : to 14 #3 b (26 amperes) KW converts 8,000+ (2 x.05 x 8,000) : 70 8,800watts8,8001240 36.7irmperes. percentx3-6.7astperes and :25.7 amperes. Section220-19 Note 1, Text Reference 70 conductor percentapplication SectionZ|O-ZZfor the grounded column)In no caseshall in #4 a(The ampacities the 60 degree to in together sucha way with respect be conductors associated or type of cirsuit,the wiring methodemployed, the numberof of that the limiting temperature any conductoris conductors exceeded. at is The #5 a (0 amperes) conductor already its maximum cruriesany currentits tlmperature.If the conductor operating Text Reference its will temperature exceed ratedtemperature. 310-15(c) Section #6 e (bothA andB) Type ffiI cable,TypeMC cable,or TypeAC conduit, cable in rigid metalconduit,rigid nonmetallic metallictubing,metal metalconduit,andelectrical intermediaie with metalcover,flexible metal metalraceway wireway, surface conduitText conduit,liquidtightflexible metalor nonmetallic 645 Reference Section -5(d)






#7 a(blue color)Color codingshall be permittedto identify intrinsically safeconductorswherethey are coloredlight blue and coloredlight blue areused.Text whereno otherconductors 504-80(c) Section Reference #8 e (only a andc) NonincendiveCircuit protectiontechniqueshall in be permittedfor equipment thoseClassI, Division2; ClassI[, III Division 2; andClass locationsfor which it is approved. heightwithout the #g c (100 feet) By Table 300-19(a) marcimum supportforNo. 18throughNo.Sis 100feet.TextReference and 300-19(a) Table300-19(a) Section Floor-mountedType # 10 b (must be installedunder carpetsquares) and FCC cable,cableconnectors, insulatingendsshallbe covered Those not with carpetsquares largerthan 36 in. (9I4 mm) square. with to that carpetsquares are adhered the floor shall be attached 328-10 Section Text Reference adhesives. release-type 336-3and518-1 Section #11 c (bothI and2) TextReference Text conosiveconditions) to #12 c (whereexposed destructive 330-3and330-4 Reference Sestion # 13 c (An intemal bonding ship of copperor aluminumin intimate contactwith the armorfor its entirelength.)Cablesof the AC type shall have an internalbonding strip of copperor aluminum in intimate contactwith the armor for its entire lengthText Reference Section333-19


l 1 :

: Y: Y #I4 c(X : 24 tnches, : 24inches) 6x 3 + 3 + 3 24 inches; : of(6 x 3) + 3 + 3 :Z4inches or (6 x2)+ 2 * I * I X is larger Text by the answer Box shallbe 24 inches 24 inches. 16 inches. on Secti 370-28(aX2) Reference

t .

2 a(il|
1 lneh coddsata




shallnot #15 d (27s)Thesumof the cablecsa'sof all cables fraycsa.Trayarea:6x 18: 108sq' in'; cable 50 exceed percent : of 50 percent 108: 54 Areaof onecable 3.t4 x .25x '25 -275 cables TextReference - .ig6ZS;No of cables 54 1.19625 3 Section 18-9(b) 1100 kcmil; thisis largerthan #16b (250kcmil)4x 500- 2,000 of kcmil so 12 Il2 percent 2,000:250 kcmil TextReference 250-102(c) Section


and 300-50 Table300-50 Section TextReference #17 a(30 inches) or amperes at Wye volts #18a (2771450 solidlygrounded rated 1000 for shall of protection equipment beprovided more)Ground-fault than150voltsto of seniices more wye solidiygrounded electrical service for 600 ground, not exceeding voltsphase-to-phase each but
or disconnectrated 1000amperes more.


4 #19 b (2 each3 way and6 each way) The 3-waysgo at eachend and the four waysgo in between.More four ways couldbe added to conholthe light from morelocations. 410and 300-18(b) section Section #20e (aandd) TextReference


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