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Adhar housing finance

The course of MBA require one to undergo a summer internship with the end of the 2nd Semester, so as to get a practical knowledge and understanding the practical aspects of all the theories read. It helps us to make the best use of our skills and intelligence so as to make a better research report. It is really the most important thing during the course of the study. The purpose of my research project was to study the Recruitment and Selection process and its use in selecting the right candidates. It was a continuous learning experience as I got to know different kinds of Recruitment procedure, how they are conducted and are beneficial.

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I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the guide distinguish personality for their precious suggestion and encouragement during the project.

The Experience which is gained by me during this project is essential for me at this turning point of my career.

I am thankful to Dr. R.K. Tiwari (Director), MBA and Dr.Shalini Sinha (Deputy Director) MBA for their kind support and supervision.

I am also thankful to my project guide Prof. For providing me guidance and support.

Last but not the least I would like to thanks all the faculty members, company officials, my family and friends for their constant support.

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We hereby declare that the following documented Project Report titled RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION IN HYPERCITY LTD. is an authentic work done by us. The study was undertaken as a part of the course curriculum of MBA Full Time Programme at Barkatullah University, Bhopal.

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Meaning Of Recruitment
According to Edwin B. Flippo:Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers. A few definitions of recruitment are: A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected. It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to employ effective Measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers

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to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force. Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process. Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.


PLANNED The needs arising retirement policy.






ANTICIPATED Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can predict by studying trends in internal and external environment. UNEXPECTED Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.

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Purpose & Importance Of Recruitment

Purpose & Importance Of Recruitment : Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization. Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization. Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities. Recruitment is the process

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which links the employers with the employees. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time. Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.

Sources Of Recruitment
Sources Of Recruitment:Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. The sources within the organization itself (like transfer of employees from one department to other, promotions) to fill a position are known as the internal sources of recruitment. Recruitment candidates from all the other sources (like outsourcing agencies etc.) are

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known as the external sources of recruitment.


Factors Affecting Recruitment

Factors Affecting Recruitment :The recruitment function of the organizations is affected and governed by a mix of various internal and external forces. The internal forces or factors are the factors that can be controlled by

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the organization. And the external factors are those factors which cannot be controlled by the organization. The internal and external forces affecting recruitment function of an organization are:


Recruitment Strategies
Recruitment Strategies:Recruitment is of the most crucial roles of the human resource professionals. The level of performance of and organization depends on the effectiveness of its recruitment function.

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Organizations have developed and follow recruitment strategies to hire the best talent for their organization and to utilize their resources optimally. A successful recruitment strategy should be well planned and practical to attract more and good talent to apply in the organization. For formulating an effective and successful recruitment strategy, the strategy should cover the following elements:

Identifying and prioritizing jobs Requirements keep arising at various levels in every organization; it is almost a never-ending process. It is impossible to fill all the positions immediately. Therefore, there is a need to identify the positions requiring immediate attention and action. To maintain the quality of the recruitment activities, it is useful to prioritize the vacancies whether to focus on all vacancies equally or focusing on key jobs first. Candidates to target the recruitment process can be effective only if the organization completely understands the requirements of the type of candidates that are required and will be beneficial for the organization. This covers the following parameters as well:


Performance level required: Different strategies are required for focusing on hiring high performers and average performers. Experience level required: the strategy should be clear as to what is the experience level required by the organization. The candidates experience can range from being a fresher to experienced senior

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Category of the candidate: the strategy should clearly define the target candidate. He/she can be from the same industry, different industry, unemployed, top performers of the industry etc.


Sources of recruitment the strategy should define various sources (external and internal) of recruitment. Which are the sources to be used and focused for the recruitment purposes for various positions? Employee referral is one of the most effective sources of recruitment. Trained recruiters The recruitment professionals conducting the interviews and the other recruitment activities should be welltrained and experienced to conduct the activities. They should also be aware of the major parameters and skills (e.g.: behavioral, technical etc.) to focus while interviewing and selecting a candidate. How to evaluate the candidates The various parameters and the ways to judge them i.e. the entire recruitment process should be planned in advance. Like the rounds of technical interviews, HR interviews, written tests, psychometric tests etc.



Recent Trends in Recruitment

Recent Trends in Recruitment:-

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The following trends are being seen in recruitment: OUTSOURCING In India, the HR processes are being outsourced from more than a decade now. A company may draw required personnel from outsourcing firms. The outsourcing firms help the organization by the initial screening of the candidates according to the needs of the organization and creating a suitable pool of talent for the final selection by the organization. Outsourcing firms develop their human resource pool by employing people for them and make available personnel to various companies as per their needs. In turn, the outsourcing firms or the intermediaries charge the organizations for their services. Advantages of outsourcing are: 1. Company need not plan for human resources much in advance. 2. Value creation, operational flexibility and competitive advantage 3. turning the management's focus to strategic level processes of HRM 4. Company is free from salary negotiations, weeding the unsuitable resumes/candidates. 5. Company can save a lot of its resources and time

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POACHING/RAIDING Buying talent (rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by the organizations today. Poaching means employing a competent and experienced person already working with another reputed company in the same or different industry; the organization might be a competitor in the industry. A company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages and other terms and conditions, better than the current employer of the candidate. But it is seen as an unethical practice and not openly talked about. Indian software and the retail sector are the sectors facing the most severe brunt of poaching today. It has become a challenge for human resource managers to face and tackle poaching, as it weakens the competitive strength of the firm.

E-RECRUITMENT Many big organizations use Internet as a source of recruitment. E- Recruitment is the use of technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e. CV through e mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CVs in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon their requirements.

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Recruitment Strategies
Recruitment Strategies:Recruitment is of the most crucial roles of the human resource professionals. The level of performance of and organization depends on the effectiveness of its recruitment function. Organizations have developed and follow recruitment strategies to hire the best talent for their organization and to utilize their resources optimally. A successful recruitment strategy should be well planned and practical to attract more and good talent to apply in the organization. For formulating an effective and successful recruitment strategy, the strategy should cover the following elements:

Identifying and prioritizing jobs Requirements keep arising at various levels in every organization; it is almost a never-ending process. It is impossible to fill all the positions immediately. Therefore, there is a need to identify the positions requiring immediate attention and action. To maintain

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the quality of the recruitment activities, it is useful to prioritize the vacancies whether to focus on all vacancies equally or focusing on key jobs first.

Candidates to target the recruitment process can be effective only if the organization completely understands the requirements of the type of candidates that are required and will be beneficial for the organization. This covers the following parameters as well:

Performance level required: Different strategies are required for focusing on hiring high performers and average performers. Experience level required: the strategy should be clear as to what is the experience level required by the organization. The candidates experience can range from being a fresher to experienced senior professionals. Category of the candidate: the strategy should clearly define the target candidate. He/she can be from the same industry, different industry, unemployed, top performers of the industry etc.


Sources of recruitment the strategy should define various sources (external and internal) of recruitment. Which are the sources to be used and focused for the recruitment purposes for various positions? Employee referral is one of the most effective sources of recruitment. Trained recruiters The recruitment professionals conducting the interviews and the other recruitment activities should be welltrained and experienced to conduct the activities. They should also be aware of the major parameters and skills


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(e.g.: behavioral, technical etc.) to interviewing and selecting a candidate.
10. How



to evaluate the candidates The various parameters and the ways to judge them i.e. the entire recruitment process should be planned in advance. Like the rounds of technical interviews, HR interviews, written tests, psychometric tests etc.

HR Challenges In Recruitment
HR Challenges In Recruitment
Recruitment is a function that requires business perspective, expertise, ability to find and match the best potential candidate for the organization, diplomacy, marketing skills (as to sell the position to the candidate) and wisdom to align the recruitment processes for the benefit of the organization. The HR professionals handling the recruitment function of the organizationare constantly facing new challenges. The biggest challenge for such professionals is to source or recruit the best people or potential candidate for the

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organization. In the last few years, the job market has undergone some fundamental changes in terms of technologies, sources of recruitment, competition in the market etc. In an already saturated job market, where the practices like poaching and raiding are gaining momentum, HR professionals are constantly facing new challenges in one of their most important function- recruitment. They have to face and conquer various challenges to find the best candidates for their organizations.

The major challenges faced by the HR in recruitment are:

Adaptability to globalization The HR professionals are expected and required to keep in tune with the changing times, i.e. the changes taking place across the globe. HR should maintain the timeliness of the process Lack of motivation Recruitment is considered to be a thankless job. Even if the organization is achieving results, HR department or professionals are not thanked for recruiting the right employees and performers. Process analysis The immediacy and speed of the recruitment process are the main concerns of the HR in recruitment. The process should be flexible, adaptive and responsive to the immediate requirements. The recruitment process should also be cost effective. Strategic prioritization The emerging new systems are both an opportunity as well as a challenge for the HR

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professionals. Therefore, reviewing staffing needs and prioritizing the tasks to meet the changes in the market has become a challenge for the recruitment professionals.

Types of recruitment
Recruitment is of 2 types:1.

Internal Recruitment - is a recruitment which takes place within the concern or organization. Internal sources of recruitment are readily available to an organization. Internal sources are primarily three - Transfers, promotions and Reemployment of ex-employees. Re-employment of exemployees is one of the internal sources of recruitment in which employees can be invited and appointed to fill vacancies in the concern. There are situations when exemployees provide unsolicited applications also. Internal recruitment may lead to increase in employees productivity as their motivation level increases. It also saves

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time, money and efforts. But a drawback of internal recruitment is that it refrains the organization from new blood. Also, not all the manpower requirements can be met through internal recruitment. Hiring from outside has to be done. Internal sources are primarily 3
a. b. c.

Transfers Promotions (through Internal Job Postings) and Re-employment of ex-employees - Re-employment of exemployees is one of the internal sources of recruitment in which employees can be invited and appointed to fill vacancies in the concern. There are situations when exemployees provide unsolicited applications also. External Recruitment - External sources of recruitment have to be solicited from outside the organization. External sources are external to a concern. But it involves lot of time and money. The external sources of recruitment include Employment at factory gate, advertisements, employment exchanges, employment agencies, educational institutes, labour contractors, recommendations etc.


Employment at Factory Level - This a source of external recruitment in which the applications for vacancies are presented on bulletin boards outside the Factory or at the Gate. This kind of recruitment is applicable generally where factory workers are to be appointed. There are people who keep on soliciting jobs from one place to another. These applicants are called as unsolicited applicants. These types of workers apply on their own for their job. For this kind of recruitment workers have a tendency to shift from one factory to another and therefore they are called as badly workers.

Advertisement - It is an external source which has got an important place in recruitment procedure. The biggest advantage of advertisement is that it covers a

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wide area of market and scattered applicants can get information from advertisements. Medium used is Newspapers and Television. Employment Exchanges - There are certain Employment exchanges which are run by government. Most of the government undertakings and concerns employ people through such exchanges. Now-a-days recruitment in government agencies has become compulsory through employment exchange. Employment Agencies There are certain professional organizations which look towards recruitment and employment of people, i.e. these private agencies run by private individuals supply required manpower to needy concerns. Educational Institutions - There are certain professional Institutions which serve as an external source for recruiting fresh graduates from these institutes. This kind of recruitment done through such educational institutions is called as Campus Recruitment. They have special recruitment cells which help in providing jobs to fresh candidates. Recommendations - There are certain people who have experience in a particular area. They enjoy goodwill and a stand in the company. There are certain vacancies which are filled by recommendations of such people. The biggest drawback of this source is that the company has to rely totally on such people which can later on prove to be inefficient. Labor Contractors - These are the specialist people who supply manpower to the Factory or Manufacturing plants. Through these contractors, workers are appointed on contract basis, i.e. for a particular time period.






Employee selection

Hyper city Definition:The process of interviewing and evaluating candidates for a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria. Employee selection can range from a very simple process to a very complicated process depending on the firm hiring and the position. Certain employment laws such as antidiscrimination laws must be obeyed during employee selection. The Selection Process After an advertisement has been placed in the press, the Human Resources Department will deal with all the requests for job description and application forms. The job description, person specification and any other appropriate information will be made available to potential applicants. The relevant application form will also be provided, together with an Equal Opportunities Monitoring form which will be for internal use within the Human Resources Department only. These requests will normally be dealt with within one working day of receipt, assuming that the job description and person specification have been provided by the recruiting department. If recruiters are named as a contact for informal enquiries in the advertisement or job description, after the advert has been placed they may also be contacted directly by individuals interested in the post. Arrangements can be made for candidates to visit the relevant Department informally, if this is requested. However, the Key Recruiter should be aware of potential advantages gained by candidates who take up this opportunity and should inform the Selection Panel at the interview stage as necessary. After the closing date for the post has been reached, the Human Resources Department will send to the Key Recruiter all the applications that have been received, normally within three

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working days. The Human Resources Department will also need to know whether recruiters are willing to accept any late applications that may be received Short listing After the closing date, all applications for an advertised post will be sent to the Key Recruiter by the Human Resources Department, and short listing should take place as soon as possible. If the full Selection Panel is not able to undertake short listing, this may normally be done by a sub-group of the Panel. However, for clinical academic posts, the short listing must be carried out by the full Selection Panel. Short listing must never be undertaken alone and members of the Selection Panel must declare in advance knowledge of any candidate. Each candidates application must be assessed against the criteria identified in the Person Specification, and a Short listing Matrix and Short listing Guidelines are available to help with this process. The same selection methods should be applied to both external and internal candidates. Short listing must be based on the information provided by the candidate in the application form, CV, statement and any other material provided, and personal knowledge of any candidate should not be used to fill in any gaps in the application. Recruiters should take care not to make assumptions about information presented in the applications, e.g. on the basis of age, gender or ethnicity, as this could lead to discriminatory decisions. Candidates with qualifications above the minimum stated as essential should not be either penalized or advantaged in the process. All applications should be assessed first against the essential criteria in the Employee Specification and only applicants who

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meet all of the essential criteria should be considered for interview. Use the desirable criteria when there are more candidates who meet the essential criteria than can be interviewed. New criteria must not be introduced at the short listing stage. The Interview

The interview process is intended to give an opportunity for the panel to assess the relative merits of the shortlisted candidates against the job description and person specification, and explore their skills, knowledge and experience, to establish which candidate is most suitable for the job. The interview process should also ensure that the candidates themselves have a clear understanding of the job. It is the responsibility of the Key Recruiter to arrange the interviews, and ensure that they are well-prepared, structured and focused, and conducted in such a way that all candidates feel they have had a fair hearing. It is good practice to interview no more than five or six candidates, and normally all the interviews should be held on the

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same day. If this is not possible, the time between them should be minimized and the same panel should interview on each occasion. The Selection Committee should meet prior to the interviews, to plan the procedure, including the role of the respective interviewers, the areas of questioning and the questioning techniques The Chair's Role The role of the Chair of the Selection Panel is crucial in coordinating the interview and ensuring that it is conducted fairly. The Chair should: Before the interviews:

Make sure that all panel members are clear about their roles and the structure of the interview Agree on how the panel is to document their decisions

During the interviews:

Welcome the candidate and introduce the members of the panel Put the candidate at ease at the start of the interview Explain the structure of the interview to each candidate Inform the candidate if the panel is going to make notes during the interview Ensure that all candidates are treated fairly and effectively and that questions are asked in a sensitive and appropriate way Ensure that all candidates have the same amount of time, and that the timetable is adhered to Keep control of the interview, ensuring that panel members do not dominate the proceedings and curtailing irrelevant or long-winded responses from interviewees Ensure that, if a discriminatory question has been asked, it is ruled out and that line of questioning is not allowed to continue

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Ask the candidate if they have any questions for the panel Ask the candidate for details of current salary, notice period, contact details, if these have not already been provided Tell the candidate the timescale for decision-making and when they will be notified Thank the candidate for their application and for attending for interview

Interviews - Practical Arrangements

Invitation to interview Shortlisted candidates should be informed in writing, following up a telephone call if required by a short timetable. Invitation letters should indicate who to report to, and enclose a map as appropriate. If any presentations, tests, departmental visits, lunches or similar are planned, interviewees should be given the details in advance. The timing of interviews should be arranged, wherever possible, to fit in with the distances that interviewees need to travel.

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Interviewees should be asked to confirm their attendance, to help with the organization of the interviews. All candidates should be asked if they have any particular requirements in relation to the interview

Interview Structure

Opening Section

Welcome candidate and introduce panel members Explain the structure of the interview Indicate whether notes will be taken during the interview Establish rapport with the interviewee, and give them time to settle down, with less demanding initial questions that can be easily answered

Main Section

Follow the agreed lines of questioning in the agreed sequence Ask only questions that are relevant to the requirements of the post

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Make sure that each candidate is asked the same basic questions, although supplementary may vary Use short clear questions, and make sure that the interviewee does most of the talking, rather than the panel members Ask for examples and instances if answers are too general Ask follow-up questions Do not interrupt the interviewee during answers Avoid lengthy questions in several parts - the candidate may lose the thread of the question Ask for clarification about aspects of the application form and cv if necessary Help the interviewee to return to the main points if they stray If essential for the job, ask questions about unsocial hours, mobility, physical requirements, but ask them of all candidates to avoid any potential discrimination Question a candidate about a disability if they have brought it to the attention of the panel, but only if relevant to the job and with the aim of identifying possible adjustments to enable them to do the job effectively Invite the applicant to ask questions and to bring out any relevant information that they feel has not been covered Give close attention to the interviewee throughout and avoid distracting behavior

Closing Section

Tell the interviewee what will happen next and when and how they will be informed of the outcome Thank the interviewee for coming Further Selection Techniques

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There is a variety of additional assessment methods available to selection panels to supplement the formal interview in order to identify the most suitable applicant for the post. If a panel is going to use an additional selection activity, this should be notified to the candidates in advance. The panel will also need to consider how feedback on such activities will be given. Care should be taken to ensure that the same selection methods are applied to all candidates for a post, and to ensure fair and equitable treatment the same methods should be used with both internal and external candidates. Visits to the Department

Visits can be made immediately prior to the interviews, or on a separate occasion. The purpose of the visit should be made clear to all those involved, e.g. whether it is solely for the candidate to gather information about the department and the job, or whether it forms part of the selection process. All candidates should be offered the same opportunity to visit and all should be treated consistently, including internal candidates, in order to avoid

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giving any applicant a particular advantage. Candidates should be informed if an assessment of any type is being made during the visit which will be communicated to the selection panel. Preliminary interviews or informal discussions

In some circumstances, panels may wish to hold preliminary interviews or informal discussions, for example where the initial short listing produced too many candidates to proceed to formal interview. All candidates, internal or external, must be treated consistently and be seen by the same staff members. Selection panel members should avoid meeting with actual or potential applicants outside the planned selection procedures to discuss the post. Presentations Presentations may be made by candidates either before or during the interview, and these may be on information supplied to them prior to the day or on an issue relevant to the post. Candidates should be told how long their presentation needs to be and asked what facilities or equipment they will need. For academic posts it is now accepted practice for candidates to give a seminar or lecture on some aspect of their subject. The audience could include members of the Department, as well as members of the selection panel. The panel should consider whether the use of this selection technique will advantage or disadvantage any of the candidates. Practical tests

Practical tests can be an effective way of assessing a candidate's

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ability to deal with a specific part of the job. For secretarial posts, for example, word processing and shorthand tests could be used. For technical posts, a test could be designed around a particular technical aspect of the role. Candidates could be given an "in tray" exercise in which they priorities items in a typical day's workload and explain their reasoning. Candidates could also be asked to produce a short report on information that is provided to them or which they have to prepare in advance. This can be used to assess their ability to identify the most important aspects and communicate them in writing. All tests should be job-related and designed to be free from bias and equally fair to both internal and external interviewees, and account should be taken of any needs of particular candidates. Selection Decision Following the interviews, the Selection Panel should make a decision based on all the evidence available to it and referring to the job description and person specification. It is important that the panel should not only go on performance at interview, but also take into account factual evidence of performance, achievement, etc, obtained from the application form, CV, statement and references. Discussion should be led by the Chair, and the views of all members of the panel should be sought. A record should be kept, on the Interview Outcome Sheet, if used, or in some other format, of the reasons for selecting the successful candidate and the reasons for rejecting the other candidates. The Selection Panel should decide on a plan of action in the event that their first choice candidate declines the offer this could be to offer the post to another candidate, if appropriate, or to readvertise the post or take some other course of action if no other candidate was suitable. The Panel must be sure that in the case of a successful disabled applicant, they have considered the full range of adjustments that might be made to employment arrangements to help the

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applicant. Documentation Required Before Joining In order to process a recommendation for appointment, a Request for Appointment Form must be completed.

Request for Appointment of Staff this must be forwarded to the Human Resources Department, together with: Proof of age Birth certificate/School leaving certificate/ Gram panchayat HSC Graduation certificate Post graduation Any technical certificate: Computer courses done Proof of residence Reference letter Proof of experience Photo graphs Self: 3 passport size Family: 2 postcard size Medical fitness certificate Forms filled: joining form, PF, ESIC, and Bank.

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Salary statement of the previous organization Blood group ,Pan card ,Email ID

Feedback The Panel should agree on who will provide feedback to unsuccessful candidates, which must be given if requested. Feedback should be handled with care, and detailed discussion about the decision should be avoided. It is important to emphasis that the decision was job-related, based on evidence provided during the selection process and against the pre-determined criteria. The panel member giving feedback can advise on how to improve a future application or interview performance can stress the strengths of the application and focus on aspects of the application that the candidate can do something about. Advice on the handling of feedback can be obtained from the relevant Area Human Resources Team, if required.

Recruitment Policy Of a Hyper city

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Recruitment Policy Of a Company:-

In todays rapidly changing business environment, a well defined recruitment policy is necessary for organizations to respond to its human resource requirements in time. Therefore, it is important to have a clear and concise recruitment policy in place, which can be executed effectively to recruit the best talent pool for the selection of the right candidate at the right place quickly. Creating a suitable recruitment policy is the first step in the efficient hiring process. A clear and concise recruitment policy helps ensure a sound recruitment process. It specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for implementation of recruitment programmed. It may involve organizational system to be developed for Implementing recruitment programmes and procedures by filling up vacancies with best qualified people.

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The general organization







Recruitment services of consultants Recruitment of temporary employees Unique recruitment situations The selection process The job descriptions The terms and conditions of the employment

A recruitment policy of an organization should be such that:

It should focus on recruiting the best potential people. To ensure that every applicant and employee is treated equally with dignity and respect. Unbiased policy. To aid and encourage employees in realizing their full potential. Transparent, task oriented and merit based selection. Weight age during selection given to factors that suit organization needs. Optimization of manpower at the time of selection process. Defining the selection. competent authority to approve each

Abides by relevant public policy and legislation on hiring

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and employment relationship.

Integrates employee needs with the organizational needs.


Organizational objectives Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors. Government policies on reservations. Preferred sources of recruitment. Need of the organization. Recruitment costs and financial implications.

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Difference Between Recruitment And Selection

Recruitment Vs Selection:Both recruitment and selection are the two phases of the employment process. 1. Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization WHEREAS selection involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts. 2. The basic purpose of recruitments is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization, by attracting more and more employees to apply in the organization WHEREAS the basic purpose of selection process is to choose the right candidate to Fill the various positions in the organization. 3. Recruitment is a positive process i.e. encouraging more and more employees to apply WHEREAS selection is a negative process as it involves rejection of the unsuitable

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candidates. 4. Recruitment is concerned with tapping the sources of human resources WHEREAS selection is concerned with selecting the most suitable candidate through various interviews and tests. 5. There is no contract of recruitment established in recruitment WHEREAS selection results in a contract of service.

Difference between Recruitment and Selection

Basis Meaning

Recruitment It is an activity of establishing contact between employers and applicants. It encourages large number of Candidates for a job. It is a simple process. The candidates have not to cross over many hurdles.

Selection It is a process of picking up more competent and suitable employees. It attempts at rejecting unsuitable candidates. It is a complicated process. Many hurdles have to be crossed.


Process Hurdles

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Approach Sequence Economy Time Consuming

It is a positive approach. It proceeds selection. It is an economical method. Less time is required.

It is a negative approach. It follows recruitment. It is an expensive method. More time is required.

Training of Employees - Need and Importance

Training of employees takes place after orientation takes place. Training is the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for doing a particular job. Training process moulds the thinking of employees and leads to quality performance of employees. It is continuous and never ending in nature. Importance of Training:Training is crucial for organizational development and success. It is fruitful to both employers and employees of an organization. An employee will become more efficient and productive if he is trained well.

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Training is given on four basic grounds: 1. New candidates who join an organization are given training. This training familiarizes them with the organizational mission, vision, rules and regulations and the working conditions. 2. The existing employees are trained to refresh and enhance their knowledge. 3. If any updations and amendments take place in technology, training is given to cope up with those changes. For instance, purchasing new equipment, changes in technique of production, computer impartment. The employees are trained about use of new equipments and work methods. 4. When promotion and career growth becomes important. Training is given so that employees are prepared to share the responsibilities of the higher level job. The benefits of training can be summed up as:





Improves morale of employees- Training helps the employee to get job security and job satisfaction. The more satisfied the employee is and the greater is his morale, the more he will contribute to organizational success and the lesser will be employee absenteeism and turnover. Less supervision- A well trained employee will be well acquainted with the job and will need less of supervision. Thus, there will be less wastage of time and efforts. Fewer accidents- Errors are likely to occur if the employees lack knowledge and skills required for doing a particular job. The more trained an employee is, the less are the chances of committing accidents in job and the more proficient the employee becomes. Chances of promotion- Employees acquire skills and efficiency during training. They become more eligible for promotion. They become an asset for the organization. Increased productivity- Training improves efficiency and productivity of employees. Well trained employees show both quantity and quality performance. There is less wastage of time, money and resources if employees are properly trained.

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Ways/Methods of Training Training is generally imparted in two ways:

On the job training- On the job training methods are those which are given to the employees within the everyday working of a concern. It is a simple and cost-effective training method. The in proficient as well as semi- proficient employees can be well trained by using such training method. The employees are trained in actual working scenario. The motto of such training is learning by doing. Instances of such on-job training methods are job-rotation, coaching, temporary promotions, etc.


Off the job training- Off the job training methods are those in which training is provided away from the actual working condition. It is generally used in case of new employees. Instances of off the job training methods are workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. Such method is costly and is effective if and only if large number of employees have to be trained within a short time period. Off the job training is also called as vestibule training, i.e., the employees are trained in a separate area (may be a hall, entrance, reception area, etc. known as a vestibule) where the actual working conditions are duplicated.

Orientation and Placement

Once the candidates are selected for the required job, they have to be fitted as per the qualifications. Placement is said to be the process of fitting the selected person at the right job or place, i.e. fitting square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes.

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Once he is fitted into the job, he is given the activities he has to perform and also told about his duties. The freshly appointed candidates are then given orientation in order to familiarize and introduce the company to him. Generally the information given during the orientation programmed includes

Employees layout Type of organizational structure Departmental goals Organizational layout General rules and regulations Standing Orders Grievance system or procedure

In short, during Orientation employees are made aware about the mission and vision of the organization, the nature of operation of the organization, policies and programmes of the organization. The main aim of conducting Orientation is to build up confidence, morale and trust of the employee in the new organization, so that he becomes a productive and an efficient employee of the organization and contributes to the organizational success. The nature of Orientation program varies with the organizational size, i.e., smaller the organization the more informal is the Orientation and larger the organization more formalized is the Orientation programme. Proper Placement of employees will lower the chances of employees absenteeism. The employees will be more satisfied and contended with their work.


Hyper city

1. Hypercity focuses on retailers and wholesalers to promote their brand.


Hypercity is offering more margins, exiting offers and

more credit period to retailers and wholesalers.

3. Hypercity knows its strength and weakness in the personal care market, so they are applying new concept to overcome their weakness.


Hyper city

Recruitment and Section can be evaluated by using the following questionnaire:

Q1. Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process? a. Yes b. No Ans: - Yes Q2. How well are the organizations affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the selection process? Do you agree? Say yes or no. a. Yes b. No Ans: - Yes Q3. Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and Selection process? a. Yes b. No Ans: - No Q4. Does HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants? a. Yes b. No Ans: - No

Q5.Are you agree with the effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as testing?

Hyper city
a. Yes b. No Ans: - No Q6. Does the HR team act as a consultant to enhance the quality of the applicant pre-screening process? a. Yes b. No Ans: - Yes Q7. Does HR train hiring employees to make the best hiring decisions? a. Yes b. No Ans:- None Q8. Are you satisfied with the HR departments performance in recruitment and selection? a. Yes b. No Ans:- None Q9. Does the HR Department is efficient in Selection Policy of the employees? a. Yes b. No Ans:-No

Q10. Does the HR maintain an adequate pool of quality protected class applicants?

Hyper city

a. Yes b. No Ans:-Yes


Hyper city





Hyper city



Hyper city

Store Structure Bhopal

Hyper city

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