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2012 Interational Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies [ICCEET]

Bipolar Tapezoidal Amalagated Rectangular Reference function for

improved performance PWM Multilevel Inverter
Bensraj R.
Assistant Professor, Depament of Electrical Engineering, Anamalai University
Annamalainaga, Chidmbaa, Tamilnadu, India
Natarajan S.P.
Professor and Head, Deparment of Instruentation Engineering, Anamalai Univesity,
Annamalainaga, Chidmbaam, Tamlnadu, India
spn _
Shanthi B.
Associate Professor, Centalised Instrumentation and Service Laboratory, Annamalai Unversity,
Abstact: In many research papers modulation techniques have
been carried out with dif erent technique but this paper reveals
a new idea to enhance the perorance of MultiLevel Inverter
(MU. I trapezoidal a a reference in that case 3rd haronics
prouces signicant spectrum haronic energ, the impact of
that the difcult arises for flter design. An amalgamated
rectanglar references is developed to improve the perorances
of a fve level Cacaded MultiLevel Inverer (CMU. To validate
the improvement a MATLAB-SIMLK based simulation to
biploar amalgamated rectangular reference function is simulated
for ca"ier diposition techiques Phase Shi techique , Carier
Overlapping technique and Variable Frequenc techniques are
carried out. FF analysi and perormance of evaluation hae
been carried out. T simulaton results validating the strateges
presented. Among the all stategie developed ca"ier
overlapping technique provides relatively higher DC bu
utiliaton and PS provides the lowest distortion for moderate mao
Ke words: CMU PW Total Haronic Distorion, PD , POD ,
1. Introduction
A multilevel converter (DC-AC) is an
emerging area to power electronc system that
synthesizes a desired outut voltage fom several
levels of DC voltages as inputs. With an
increasing number of DC voltage sources, the
converter outut voltage waveform approaches a
nearly sinusoidal waveform while using a
fndamental fequency-switching scheme.
Compared with the traditional two-level voltage
converter, the primary advantage of multilevel
converters is their smaller outut voltage step,
which results in high power quality, lower
harmonic components, better electomagetic
compatibility and lower switching losses. The
pricipal motivation for multilevel topologies is
the increase of power, the reduction of voltage
stress on the switches, and the generation of high
quality outut voltages and sinusoidal currents.
CMUs use more tha one DC voltage source to
generate an AC outut voltage. Shanthi and
Nataajan made a detailed comparative study of
various unipolar multicarier PWM strategies for
single phase cascaded MU throug simulation
based implementation [1]. They also simulated
and implemented carrier overlapping bipolar
PWM techiques for chosen single phase
cascaded fve level inverter in [2]. Ayob and
Salam proposed a modulation technique for the
cascaded multilevel inverter in [3].
Generalization of the pulsewidth modulation
subharmonic method to contol single phase or
thee phase multilevel voltage source inverters is
considered in [4]. A modifed carrier aproach
that closely approxates the performance of
hamonic elimination is introduced by Krein et
al [5]. Hamonic elimination, taditionally digital,
is to be achievable by comparison of a sine wave
with modifed triangle carrier proposed in [6]. A
fve level multilevel selective harmonic
elimination PWM strategy based on a equal
number of switching transitions when compaed
against the previously mentioned technique is
proposed by Agelidis et al [7]. A generalized
formulation for selective harmonic elimination
pulse-width modulation control suitable for high
978-1-4673-0210-4112/$31.00 2012 IEEE 325
2012 Interational Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies [ICCEET]
voltage high power cascaded multilevel voltage
source converters with both equal ad nonequal
DC sources used in constant fequency utility
applications in [8]. A new approach to medium
voltage vaiable-fequency static AC motor
drives ofers iprovements in power quality in
[9]. A improved performance of PWM strategy
for controlling the harmonics of outut voltage
of chosen CMU employing Trapezoidal
Amalagated Rectanglar Reference fnction.
MATLAB based simulations are performed
using power sytem block set. Lower order
harmonic and its side bands haonic energy are
sigifcant less for chosen CMU.
2. Multilevel Inverter
The elementary concept of a multilevel
converter to achieve higher power is to use a
series of power semiconductor switches with
several lower voltage DC sources to perform the
power conversion by synthesizing a staircase
voltage waveform. Figure I shows the single
phase fve level cascaded inverter. The cascaded
inverter is an unique when compared to other
tyes of multilevel inverters in the sense that it
consists of several modules that require separate
DC sources.
The gate signals for chosen fve level
cascaded inverter are simulated using
MA TLAB-SIMUI. Figure 2 shows a
sample SIMUI model developed for APOD
technique. The simulation results are presented
ad evaluated.
3. Bipolar Modulation Strategies for CMLI
A number of modulation strategies are
used in multilevel power conversion
applications. Carrier based PW methods ad
space vector methods are ofen used but when
Fig.I. A single phase cascaded inverter
the number of outut levels is more than fve, the
space vector method will be very complicated
with the increase of switching states. So the
carier based PWM method is preferred in MUs
and hence this work focuses on car ier based
PWM techniques. Multicarrier PWM strategies
ca be categorized into the following goups:
(i) carrier disposition techiques where the
reference signal is sampled through a number of
carier signals displaced by increments of the
reference amplitde (ii) phase shif PWM
technique where multiple carriers ae phase
shifed accordingly (iii) combination of carrier
disposition and phase shif technique. This
paper focuses on bipolar Trapezoidal
Amalagated Rectangular (TAR) modulation
strategies which have been used in CMU.
Fig.2. Sample PWM generation logic using
SIMULIN model developed for APOD
2012 Interational Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies [ICCEET]
4. Carrier Disposition Techniques
The following sections briefy describe
the carrier disposition PWM techiques. This
paper presents four tyes of bipolar PWM
strategies. The reference is Trapezoidal
Amalagated Rectangular Reference fnction.
The reference waveform has amplitude Am and
fequency fm and it is centred about the zero
4.1. Phase disposition technique
I phase disposition all the cariers are in
phase. Figure 3 shows the multicarrier
arrangement for phase disposition technique for
Fig. 3. Multicarrier arragement for PDPWM
4.2. Phase opposition disposition technique
With the POD technique the carrier
waveforms above the zero reference value are in
phase. Figure 4 shows the multicarrier
arrangement for POD technique.
Fig. 4. Multicarrier aragement for PODPW
4.3. Alternate phase opposition disposition
Ths techique requires each of the four carier
waves for a fve level inverter to be phase
displaced fom each other by 180 degrees
alernately. Figure 5 shows the multi car ier
arrangement for APOD techique.
Fig. 5. Multicarier arrangement for
APODPWM technique
5. Phase Shif Technique
The phase shif multicarrier PWM techique
uses four carrier signals of the same amplitude
and fequency which are shifed by 90 degrees to
one another to generate the fve level inverter
outut voltage. The gate signals for the cascaded
inverter can be derived directly fom the PWM
signals (comparison of the carrier with the
trapezoidal reference). There is a certain degee
of feedom in the allocation of the carriers to the
inverter switches. Figure 6 shows the
multicarrier arragement for PS technique.
2012 Interational Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies [ICCEET]
Fig. 6. Multicarrier arragement for PSPW
6. Carrier Overlapping PWM Technique
The COPWM technique utilizes the CFD of
vertical ofsets among cariers. The principle of
COPWM is to use several overlapping carriers
with single modulating signal. For an m-Ievel
inverter, m-l cariers with the same fequency fc
ad same peak-to-peak amplitude Ac are
disposed such that the bands they occupy
overlap each other. The overlapping vertical
distance between each carrier is Ac/2 in this
work. The reference wave has the amplitude Am
ad fequency fm and it is centered in the middle
of the carier signals. The amplitude modulation
index m =
. The vertical ofset of
(: )
carriers for chosen fve level inverter can be as
illustrated i Figure 6. It can be seen that the
four carriers are overlapped with other ad the
Trapezoidal Amalagated Rectangular Reference
fnction is placed at the middle of the four
carriers. Figure 7 shows the multicarrier
arrangement for COPWM technique.
Fig. 7. Multicarrier arrangement for COPWM
7. Variable Frequency (F) PWM Technique
The number of switchings for upper and
lower devices of chosen MU is much more than
that of intermediate switches in SHPWM using
constant fequency carriers. In order to equalize
the number of switchings for all the switches,
Fig. 8. Multicarrier aragement for VFPWM
vaiable fequency PWM strategy is used as
illustrated in Figure 8 i which the carier
fequency of the intermediate switches is
properly increased to balace the numbers of
switching for all the switches. Figure 8 shows
the multicarrier aragement for VFPWM
technique (lower ad upper switches).
8. Simulation Results
The cascaded fve level inverter is modelled by
MATLAB-SIMUINK. Switching signals for
CMU are developed using bipolar modulation
techniques discussed prevously. Simulations are
performed for different values of ra raging
fom 0.6 - 1. The coresponding % THD values
ae measured using the FFT block and they are
2012 Interational Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies [ICCEET]
shown in Table 1. Next table displays the Vrms of
fndamental of inverter outut for same
modulation indices. Tables 3- 5 display
respectively the correspondig CF, DF and FF.
Figres 9-20 show the simulated outut voltage
of CMU ad corresponding FFT plots with
above strategies but for only one sample value of
ra = 0.8. Figure 15 shows the fve level outut
voltage generated by PS strategy and its FFT
plot is shown in Figure 16. From Figre 15, PS
strategy has signifcant amount of harmonic
energy present in 3
and 7
harmonics. Figure
13 shows the fve level outut of APOD strategy
where signifcant energy is present in the 3
harmonic. Figure 11 displays the fve level
outut volage generated by POD strategy and its
FFT plot is shown in Figure 12. The FFT
spectrum of POD strategy shows signifcant 3
ad 7
haonic energy content in the inverter
outut. Figure 9 shows the fve level outut
voltage generated by PD strategy and its FFT
plot is shown in Figure 10. PD strategy produces
signifcant 3r
and 7th harmonic energy. The
following parameter values are used for
simulation: Voc =100V ad R(load) = 100 ohms.
Fig.9. Otut voltage generated by PD
urcaeuta|0z,= 177.2 'u~3964
Fig. 10. FFT plot for outut voltage of PD
Fig.11 Outut voltage generated by POD
adamcn:a|0|z)!73.7 . 1302
Fig. 12. FFT plot for output voltage of POD
Fig.13 Outut voltage generated by APOD
uuoancutu| 3 I745 'L3950%
Fig. 14. FFT plot for outut voltage of APOD
2012 Interational Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies [ICCEET]
Fig.15 Outut voltage generated by PS
undrrn|ol5Oz) IE 0JO.79%
Fig. 16. FFT plot for outut voltage of PS
Fig.17 Outut voltage generated by CO
|uaoamer:a|(30z)= !6 'L=3924%
Fig. 18. FFT plot for outut voltage of CO
Fig.19 Outut volage generated
by V technique
Fundiment . 1 3z= 178.3, THO= 38.19"
Fig.20 FFT plot for outut voltage of VF
Table 1 % THD for different modulation
1 22.18 22.03 22.33 22.02 28.14
0.9 30.01 30.73 32.32 31.34 33.57
0.8 39.64 37.02 39.80 38.79 39.24
0.7 43.49 40.33 44 43.02 44.07
0.6 43.95 40.50 45.13 42.79 47.90
Table 2 VRS for different modulation indices
1 157.0 156.9 157.0 156.9 160.1 157.1
0.9 141.1 140.9 140.3 142.5 149.7 141.6
0.8 125.3 125.0 123.5 128.1 139.0 126.1
0.7 109.5 109.0 106.8 112.1 128.5 109.9
0.6 93.8 94.47 91.56 96.8 117.5 94.14
9. Conclusion
It is observed fom Table 1 that PD technique
provides outut with the THD. Among the all
strategies developed, CO provides DC bus
utilization (Table 2). 3
order harmonics
ae reduced in APOD techniques (Table 3).
2012 Interational Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies [ICCEET]
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APPENDIX % of Hamonic magnitudes for
several condition of even mf and its side bands
Harmonic Harmonic ampltude with TAR rference
3 order 3.90 2.80 l.l8 6.55 6.08 4.47
5 order 11.54 11.6 11.2 11.7 9.75 11.64
7 order 4.45 3.54 l.l9 7.64 4.11 5.15
II order 4.76 4.34 1.43 8.03 4.08 4.95
13 order 0.72 2.34 4.56 3.05 0.36 0.03
m=22 30.52 0.07 0.13 0.12 30.56 20.37
(ll) 21 2.49 19.1 11.8 16.2 1.98 2.68
(ml) 23 0.63 20.3 12.8 13.5 0.09 0.34
(l2) 20 3.49 0.05 0.25 0.12 5.79 10.56
(m2) 24 2.78 0.06 0.14 0.12 5.52 10.48
(2mr) 44 0.21 0.08 0.13 0.06 0.46 9.40
(2ll) 43 5.68 5.60 6.93 4.74 7.93 5.67
(2ml) 45 7.10 6.77 7.92 6.21 9.52 6.64
(2l2) 42 0.56 0.03 0.10 0.07 0.08 7.01
(2m2) 46 0.40 0.02 0.07 0.13 0.12 6.92
(3mr ) 66 3.78 0.03 0.19 0.12 6.39 4.02
(3ll) 65 0.26 3.30 3.02 3.31 1.01 1.04
(3ml) 67 0.66 4.60 4.71 3.09 0.08 1.40
(3l2) 64 2.33 0.08 0.09 0.17 0.88 1.31
(3m2) 68 2.76 0.08 0.09 0.09 1.34 2.84
(4m) 88 0.34 0.05 0.31 0.08 0.46 0.72
(4ll) 87 5.0 6.32 4.50 5.52 0.61 4.64
(4ml) 89 4.95 4.00 6.26 3.59 1.43 4.39
(4l2) 86 l.l1 0.07 0.07 0.12 0.31 0.11
(4m2) 90 0.15 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.45 0.23

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