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March - April 2010


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Th e I n crem en tal P rog res s i on of th e

P AG E 1 3

C LI M ATE C H AN G E S C AM Th e Vi ru s & Th e Vacci n e: Th e Li es an d F rau d of E XP OS E S I TS E LF. . B i g P h arm a P AG E 1 0 - 1 1 P ag es 1 4 & 1 5

G l o b a l E co n o m i c C ol l aps e
E co n o m y p a g e s 8 - 9

THE DICTIONARY DEFINES LIE TO MEAN THE FOLLOWING; 1 - To speak untruthfully with the intention of deceiving. 2 - To convey a false impression. 3 An untrue statement deliberately used to mislead. 4 Something that is deliberately intended to deceive. poisoned water (Fluoride), dangerous food additives (Aspartame) or poisonous vaccines. (The current pigs can fly flu drug.) If our 'illustrious leaders' had any interest in our wellbeing, these things WOULD NOT HAPPEN! So, we have to ask ourselves, why do they happen? Those at the top have written many books over the past century and before explaining their ideology for a one world government ruled by themselves over the rest of humanity who they describe as either dumb animals (Henry Kissenger when referring to the military) or as useless eaters (as the top industrialists and bankers speak of the rest of humanity). We are not to be included in any New World Order Utopia. OLIGARCHY



he definition of LIE could well apply to the definition for propaganda. What we receive in the way of news, whether on TV or in the mainstream press, statements by politicians or so called captains of industry and commerce is precisely that; an amalgamation of information laid out in such a way as to deliberately deceive the public, for a variety of reasons, for the benefit of the ruling elite and their cronies. DIET OF FEAR he reason the public are repeatedly lied to is to maintain the status quo amongst the ruling elite, of all parties, by keeping the general public distracted, first and foremost, by junk TV and tabloid journalism. They are also fed a constant diet of fear of what could possibly happen to them, whether this be a flu pandemic, a terrorist attack or the planet disintegrating under tonnes of a life giving gas. This maintains control over the populace. GLOBAL CRIME SYNDICATE

e are lied to every day by those we put in positions of power. We assume we give them power for the sole purpose of looking after our best interests. Nothing could be further from the truth. The whole system is a self serving global crime syndicate whose only interest is in the survival of their own power-elite and the destruction of the masses by any means possible. This could be in the form of


hey maintain their oligarch by using the media, which they own, to keep the public completely in the dark on anything of importance that is really going on in the world. We are spoon fed a diet of utter nonsense, (reality TV, soaps, crime and hospital drama etc..) disinformation and outright lies plus a good dose of blatant propaganda, to the extent that the public are left reeling from one crisis to another, with no actual facts on the real story behind any major event. Indeed, that is the intention. If we are kept in the dark, or worse still we believe the lies to be true, then the power elite will go on with their despotic agenda to rule the world with a Soviet style totalitarian system and the general public will one day wake up to find everything they believed in to be a lie and will suffer accordingly at the hands of the police state that these fanatical power brokers intend to bring about. Continued Page 20

The implementation of policies arising out of fraudulent fearmongering and biased studies on global warming is already devastating the Third World, with a doubling in food prices causing mass starvation and death a primary reason why the climategate crooks and their allies should be criminally investigated and hit with the strongest charges possible.

Jim Corr and Marcus McKeown

The New World Order

The Sovereign Independent

April - May 201 0

An Overview

y understanding of the New World Order is two-fold. Firstly, there is the agenda and secondly there are the characters involved in the agenda. The agenda is an intergenerational drive by old colonial and banking powers towards a totalitarian One World Government ruled by those powers; a concept not difficult to believe. After all, we once thought the world was flat. We once believed that our children were safe in the hands of those we trusted and assumed were sincere and who we thought held their duty of care as sacred. It was even thought that our government truly backed and supported democracy, until they ignored the Irish population saying NO in a certain vote and decided to make us vote again until they got the YES they needed. If you still struggle to believe that there may be a number of people with a specific agenda to run and rule the worlds affairs, just think ofAnglo Irish Banks golden circle only on a much larger scale. It really is not all that hard to believe, is it? The information being referred to is in print in the form of press releases, books, interview transcripts and publications. There is no individual who is without the capacity to access this information and no individual without the capacity to fully understand it. It does seem however, that many of us are challenged with accepting and believing what research and hard facts have turned up. Of course, it is understandable that we are challenged by this; the psychological paradigm shift required would be enormous. Believe it or believe it not, being free does not come easy and when one thinks he or she is free, anything else called freedom will surely create suspicion. The main characters involved in this global agenda are members of elite international banking families who have allied and intermarried with European royalty and


because you will be screaming at this very document something along the lines of WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? No (bleepin) way . Holy (bleep) . HOW CAN THIS BE?

aristocracy over generations. They are sickeningly obsessed with control and domination. Its not unlike the possessive husband who wont let his wife leave the house. He speaks down to her, bullies her, wont let her have any money and rules out her having a social life. We on the other hand are not unlike the wife, accepting the rules and regulations laid down by the powerful force called husbandry (authority). It makes no sense but we sit in our place being beaten and bullied, unable to move or believe there is a way out. It is a sad truth. We are stuck like the wife who lives with abuse. The 'elites' have strong links and control through connections with banking, the military, most police services, most judiciary systems, the mainstream media, the intelligence services, the pharmaceutical companies, the arms industry and most of the big multi-national corporations, including big agriculture. In addition they control the entertainment industry via Hollywood, most of the world's 'educational' systems, most governments, most of the worlds natural resources, including gold, oil, diamonds and also the global illegal narcotics trade. They exercise their control and manipulation via a web of secret societies, namely Freemasonry, and also via secretive round table groups like the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute for International Affairs i.e. Chatham House, its sister organisations the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission etc. This forms a pyramid power structure with the elite ruling from the top. They represent the 'all seeing eye' on the back of the dollar bill, which is something many people are now familiar with. Most, if not all of these characters are deeply involved in the occult. They don't control the Internet, as yet, nor do

they control the alternative health industry, although they're trying to destroy it via Codex Alimentarius and other similar programs. (A little research will show that a large number of successful alternative health organisations are being bought out (or attempts are being made to buy them out) by the Big Pharmaceutical companies, who in turn are managing the new company's direction or simply shutting it down. Theyre using false flag (staged) terrorist attacks to colonise other countries, dominate their natural resources and install central banks that they control (Neo-Camouflage Imperialism). Theyre using the threat of terrorism, and nowadays, phony environmentalism, i.e., man-made global

warming, to trick people into giving up more of their civil liberties. In effect, they're slowly building a 'scientific dictatorship' in preparation for the gradual move into an Orwellian Authoritarian Global Control Grid, with a massively reduced population. I'm not saying they'll achieve it, thats up to us, but it is their aim. There was a time when the idea of a One Central Government system in Europe, with more power than governments in the individual countries, was laughed at and called ridiculous hmmm, whos laughing now???

ll the evidence points to controlled demolition of the Twin Towers including Building Seven which collapsed neatly into it's own footprint at freefall speed at 5.20pm on the day, and no plane struck it! Scientists have been able to positively identify the presence of unreacted nano-thermite, a high energy pyrotechnic explosive, in the dust from the World Trade Centre, which underlines the controlled demolition of those towers. The majority of the 9/11 Commission members have recently publicly stated that the investigation was a fraud, that it was hindered by the White House, and that there needs to be a new investigation. Please read the underlined bit one hundred times so you get what it says and youre not simply scanning these words with your head stuck on wondering whats fo r
dinner!!! You will know when the true message here has sunk in

A recent MSNBC poll found that 67% ofAmericans believe their government was somehow involved in the 9/11 attacks Not to mention all of the Architects, Engineers, Scientists, Intel, Military, Actors, Artists, Pilots, Media Professionals and Controlled Demolition experts who also believe it to be an inside job. Normally we'd find out something like this in 50 years time after possible de-classification. The difference is we already know it now.



he recent revelations, due to the thousands of leaked e-mails by a whistle-blower from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, prove man-made global warming to be a massive scam; a fraud designed so as to further tax, regulate and control our lives and to create an excuse to justify the need for World Government. Over 31,000 scientists (9000 with PhDs) have put their signatures to a petition stating that ManMade Global Warming is a fraud. Yes, there is climate change as there always has been but ice core samples prove that this is cyclical. All the planets in the solar system have been heating up along with the earth. SUV's couldn't possibly be causing the ice caps to recede on Mars, yet this is happening. So what could be the cause? The majority of scientists agree, of course, that it's directly related to the luminosity of our Sun. We're now in a cooling phase and have been since 2002. Labeling CO2 as a toxin, when in fact it is a life giving gas, which we breathe out and plants breath in, in a beautiful symbiotic relationship, is a dangerous hoax!

hen one examines all the anomalies relating to the 7/7 bombings, it paints a very different picture to the official government explanation of the event. Again, the inconsistencies point to Intelligence Services orchestration of the attack. It strongly appears that the four so-called 'Muslim extremists' were mere patsies who were duped into taking part in what they thought was a harmless exercise. Google Video '7/7 Ripple effect' and judge for yourself.



he drive towards an all-powerful One World Government dictatorship has been inter-generational in planning and they are now very close to achieving their aims. The aim is to merge the Unions they control...European, North American, Asian and African etcinto a One World Government. The skeletal structure ofWorld Government is already in place. he new President of the EU Herman Van Rumpuy proclaimed in his maiden speech to parliament as EU President that 2009 was the first year of Global Governance. This cant be. Sure to do this they would have to get the European countries to all have the same government. All the countries would have to have the same currency and for this to be really effective you would need to be able to travel through Europe with no passport, just an ID!!!! WAIT A MINUTE!!!!! That has happened have I been asleep???

uch as we do not want want to consider this a possibility, we must understand that there is a depopulation agenda and that multiple depopulation programs are already active on the planet and have been for some time. Google NSSM 200, Global or Plan 2000 or Agenda 21 for proof of this agenda. A silent war was launched on an unwitting humanity years ago. We are being slowly poisoned through the food we eat, water we drink, air we breathe and the vaccines we allow to be injected into our bodies. Continued on page 3

The Sovereign Independent

Continued from page 2

The New World Order

April March 201 0 - May

An Overview

The Bilderberg Group

The Real Global Manipulators

which is in the swine flu vaccine and has been linked to Gulf War Syndrome? Squalene was in the Anthrax vaccines given to the troops. It makes the immune system attack itself. Amongst other lethal 'ingredients' there are chicken embryonic fluids and human diploid aborted tissue. his is a genetically modified, artificial cells from we mustfetalcompletely crazy, putting be sweetener which caused massive Seriously and foreign RNA material directly poisons cancerous tumors in rats that were fed on it thesethe blood stream of our children's bodies. during experiments. Donald Rumsfeld into the list of ingredients in the vaccines. The managed, as head of the company G.D. Searle, Read exerted by well meaning doctors and to persuade the FDA into approving it for pressure young mothers to get their children general human consumption, against the nurses upon is dreadful. Most have become findings of chemists and scientists. It's a neuro inoculatedshills for the pharmaceutical industry. excito toxin that makes brain cells literally unwittingmany extremely healthy people that excite themselves to death. It also causes I know had a vaccine in their lives, who sterility. The list of side effects relating to this have never whilst unfortunately I've met too sweetener is very disturbing. In short, its one of never get sick been vaccine damaged. Isn't it have a number of slow kill and sterilization weapons many who that amongst the Amish community, that are used in our environment. You do not interesting vaccinate their children, there are don't want to be ingesting this into your system. who cases of autism? Why has cancer leaped Unfortunately, it's in the vast majority of diet zero 1 in 33, approximately 60 years ago, to 1 products, chewing gums etc. Children are fromtoday? Do your own research into this and targeted with this poison in products like 'Fruit in 3 an informed choice. I know I have! Shoots' etc. The irony is that many health make practitioners now believe that this poison will FINANCIAL SLAVERY actually make you put on weight, never mind the dreadful harm it's slowly doing to your I would suggest people try to get themselves out body. of debt and try to remain so. What do we all really need to survive? Good food, clean water, SODIUM FLUORIDE shelter and each other for support. People should seek self-sufficiency in terms of their because ont drink Irish tap water as it contains the energy, food and water consumption globally cancer fuelling, brain numbing, sterility these items are increasingly being used solar of social control. Maybe causing chemical known as Sodium Fluoride; a as instruments heating, wind power, geothermal water waste by-product of the aluminum industry. It poweredetc? Could you dig a well or get an should NEVER have been put into our water energy generator? Avoid supply and there is NO proof that it helps with atmospheric water own vegetables ifprocessed food. Grow your possible. tooth decay. But I cannot emphasize more strongly how important it is to support our own local farmers GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD and fishermen who are being squeezed out of existence due to EU laws. We should support our local organic book I recommend is 'Seeds of particularly It's so much better for us andfood Destruction' by F. William Engdahl. There producers. organic the cheaper it'll get! the is a massive push worldwide to spread the use more we buy of genetically modified crops. It's estimated that they now account for 10% of global agriculture TELEVISION: A MASSIVE production. GMO foods are severely PROPAGANDA TOOL nutritionally compromised and can be tweaked to cause sterility in the eater. Even mainstream Reduce your exposure to television or switch it news sources such as CNN are reporting that at off altogether. It is being used as a tool of least 200,000 Indian farmers have committed propaganda and mind control. We are NOT suicide due to the failure of their GMO cotton getting an accurate version of global events crops. from it. It's not just about what you're told. It's you're NOT being told! People who How utterly immoral and against the laws of about whatnews from the alternative media, get their nature to create a seed that doesn't allow the particularly from trustworthy, online sources are reproduction of new seeds. As yet the Agri much better informed generally and corporations can't patent ordinary seeds, so they geopolitically! get around this by the creation and patenting of their own so-called Terminator seeds. This TAKE BACK CONTROL! forces farmers to keep returning to the GMO seed companies like Monsanto each year for The surveillance control system, the scientific new seeds, so the farmer becomes a slave to Big dictatorship they're attempting to build, is like a Agri. Scientists have pointed out that eating house of cards. Once we don't co-operate with genetically modified food has the potential to the agenda, it will collapse! genetically modify us. After all we are what we eat! Thus we need to do all we can to prevent How bad will it get? As bad as we allow it to GMO food and seeds from coming into our get! Thankfully there is a mass-awakening country. happening, due in no small measure to exposure Avoid using Microwave cookers as they create of the 9/11 false flag operation. carcinogens within food. It is simple really, if you are not in control of your life then someone else is. Are you in VACCINES control??? I've been looking into the whole vaccine issue, Do visit this web-site for more and the more research I do, the more disturbing information it gets. Would you knowingly inject your child with any of the following: Formaldehyde, a Thank you. known carcinogen; Polysorbate 80, which causes infertility? What about Mercury or God bless, Thimerisol, which cause neurological problems and have been directly linked to Autism and Jim Corr and Marcus McKeown Guillain Barre syndrome? How about Squalene,


t is indeed intriguing when a prestigious collection of internationally powerful men lock themselves away for a weekend in some remote town far away from the Press to talk about world problems. ` Since the late 1950s, the Bilberberg Group has been the subject of a variety of debates. Bilderberg is a branch of the RockefellerRothschild grand design to rule the world. For many it is less frightening to believe in hostile conspirators than it is to face the fact that no one is in control. After all, isn't conspiracy the normal continuation of normal politics by normal means? The first meeting that brought Americans and Europeans together took place under the chairmanship of H.R.H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland, from 29th May to 31st May, 1954. Ever since, the meetings have been called the Bilderberg Meetings. Each year since its inception, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, an ex Nazi SS officer, has been the Bilderberg chairman. But since his death it has been mainly chaired by David Rockefeller.

countries and in North America. These meetings go unannounced, their debates are unreported and their decisions on how to manipulate and control the world are unknown.

Lets look at oil prices as an example. Jim tucker, an independent journalist who has being following the Bilderbergs for many decades, stated that one of his sources inside said they were predicting oil to go to $150 dollars a barrel, but that this was a ceiling and oil prices would probably begin to decline thereafter because they thought the acceleration had happened too quickly. Bilderberg called for oil prices to soar in 2005 when oil was a mere $40 a barrel. During the conference in Germany, Henry Kissinger told his fellow attendees that the elite had resolved to ensure that oil prices would double over the course of the next 1224 months, which is exactly what happened. During their 2006 meeting in Ottawa Canada, Bilderberg agreed to push for $105 a barrel before the end of 2008. With that target having been smashed months ago, the acceleration towards $150 was outstripping even Bilderberg's goal. This is why the elitists expressed a desire to cool prices at least in the short term. Just two days after he left Bilderberg, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, George W. Bush and others expressed support for a strong dollar and Bernanke hinted that interest rates could rise, which immediately caused oil prices to drop in line with Bilderberg's plans. The group certainly fits C. Wright Mills definition of a Power Elite: 'A group of men, similar in interest and outlook, shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes. The Bilderberg Group is a fascinating example of behind-the-scenes 'invisible' influence-peddling in action. They hold their hush-hush meetings and then, just as quietly, they disappear back to their respective banks, multinational corporations and government jobs, perhaps a little more the wiser than when they arrived.

David Rockefeller and his personal bodyguard.

Bilderberg has a wide-ranging membership.I n addition an annual invitation list is compiled in consultation with an informal international steering committee when individuals are chosen in the light of their knowledge and standing. To ensure full discussion, an attempt is made to include participants representing many political and economic points of view. Of the 80 to 100 participants approximately, they include members of government, representatives of the elite and wealthy establishment of every Western nation, bankers, industrialists, politicians, royalty and leaders of giant multinational corporations. Their annual meetings, which have taken place at a different location each year since 1957, has been held in many Western European

Mick O'Reilly On the 9th of December 2009 The Star ran a story by David Attenborough entitled Welcome to Planet Earth Population TWO MANY. In it Attenborough outlines how as we humans get healthier and live longer, the consequences will mean having to feed 3 billion more people by the year 2050 and the disaster this will bring about for Mother Earth. This totally flies in the face of his Gods at the UN, who stated only last year that Africa could feed the world! Attenborough goes on to tell of his support of the Optimum Population Trust which openly advocates sterilisation and abortion in the Third World and his admiration of the one child policy implemented in China. He gives no thought to the fact that had he lived in China himself, his second child Susan would not exist as she would be considered 100% over his quota. At 83 years of age by his thinking he is well past his sell by date, and not to be hypocritical should lead by example, and should consider voluntary euthanasia to save the Earth. To be fair, he is not the only hypocrite when it comes to saving the earth. The UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, who called on world leaders for immediate action on climate change, then flew thousands of miles to the US for a music concert and left in the interval to jet to Europe. John Travolta is another 'greenie' with five private jets and still lectures to the world on global warming. His serious aviation habit means he is hardly the best person to lecture others on the environment. But John Travolta went ahead

S ic k o f th e H yp o c r is y?

The Sovereign Independent

April - May 201 0

When you hear about a Green TD using the F word were never quite sure which word it is they refer to. Does it mean frog, which weve all spent 125,000 on to count how many grace our waterways whilst the general public, hit by massive floods a few months ago, unhappily had to swim through these very same waterways as they poured into their living rooms due to bad planning? Global warming was not to blame. No frogs to see here Mr. Gormley, just ruined lives. I Cant Answer the Effing Question! Then theres the other F word which Im sure were very familiar with and have used ourselves on perhaps more than one occasion. However, if I write to my local Green Representative, namely Garreth McDaid, on the important issue of the lies of the IPCC, youd expect a reasonable reply. A simple No comment would do. But no; unfortunately, in a show of mindless buffoonery his reply was simply, and I quote:
F*ck offyou idiot, will that suffice?

Th e G reen F word i s FAN ATI C !

Re his duty to the public he works for: Re his ideology
I might work for you, as you say, but I also work for millions ofothers... In actual fact what should be done is that we in the West should live like paupers for 50 years...

and did it anyway. The 53-year-old actor, a passionate pilot, encouraged his fans to "do their bit" to tackle global warming, although he readily admitted: "I fly jets", he failed to mention he actually owns five, along with his own private runway and parks a Boeing 747 at his front door. Former US Vice-President Al Gore has been accused of hypocrisy for apparently guzzling energy while he lectures the world on climate change. The Tennessee Center for Policy Research said utility bills obtained from public records indicated that Mr Gore's 20room house and swimming pool in Nashville used nearly 221,000 Kwh in 2006, compared with a yearly average of 10,656 Kwh. And then my favorite the 'Im not a plastic bag' brigade. The exact level of idiocy these morons embrace was underscored perfectly when throngs of them queued up outside a London supermarket from 3am to buy "eco-friendly" bags that have become the latest must-have fashion item and another ego trinket for them to grandstand and revel in the pomp that they are saving Mother Earth. In reality, the bags were made by child slaves in China, working 16 hour days in sweat shops and transported thousands of miles by CO2 belching jet planes. But let's not concern ourselves about that. As long as we can feel good about ourselves, while wagging our finger in judgment at anyone who uses those dirty old plastic bags, that's all that matters. Give me a break! "OPT maintains that it is too late for greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced to sustainable levels by energy conservation, technological innovation, emissions trading and economic incentives alone. Low birth rates should also be strongly encouraged so that world population - instead of rising to 9.1 billion in 2050 - stabilises and reduces gradually from its current 6.8 billion to less than 3 billion over a longer period, allowing genuinely sustainable development to take place."

GET RID OF THE POOR PEOPLE. These fabulously wealthy people with their grand houses, private jets, yachts and lavish lifestyles decided to pool their massive resources and declare war on the worlds poor by spending billions of dollars on population control! This group met last may in New York and call themselves, get this, The Good Club! The meeting took place at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel Prize-winning biochemist and president of Rockefeller University. Bill Gates of Microsoft organized the gathering. The "Billionaires Club" meeting, according to the Times, included such notables as Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. This is a veritable rogues gallery of anti-life and anti-family plutocrats. Ted Turner is a long time supporter of forcing poor countries to support abortion and population control. David Rockefeller is one of the founders of the modern population control movement and through his Rockefeller Foundation has paid billions for it. Welcome to the REAL GREEN AGENDA!

It is interesting that most of the conspiracy whose policy makers, perhaps he agrees with, theories abounding are propagated and particularly in terms of their population control measures? You know; the kind of one child funded by oil companies.

Gogarty Has a Go-Go But in fairness to the deluded and misinformed Mr. Gogarty, we finally witnessed a politician live up to his promise when he stood up in the Dail and shouted down a fellow TD who doubted Mr. Gogartys sincerity, with the words:
F*ck you Deputy Stagg, F*ck you

(The 'u' was included in the original) Is this perhaps an automated response from the Green Party to a probing question? I thought Id try out my theory on Green Party TD, Paul Gogarty, whom I assumed would be more intelligent, mature and well balanced than the 'Gutter Green' in Roscommon. Oh dear, never assume! Straight From the Horses Gas: Methane Moments Re Garreth McDaid
I agree with his sentiment certainly... I have been tempted to use the same phraseology many times myselfand may yet do so...

Re my opinion on Climategate

Unfortunately while I acknowledge there are fanatics out there of all persuasions, it seems you have been persuaded by more sinister ones than I.

(Again, the 'u' was included in the original) Is this the response you expect from an elected official who is the spokesperson on education for his party? A Sickly Shade of Green Delusion When temptation is put in the way of a fanatic, they are tempted. When a fanatic is in government the temptation is to be fanatical. I was obviously mistaken giving credit to Mr. Gogarty purely because hes an elected official. But then again, he does serve "millions of people", somewhere in the green, green grass of his own head where voting numbers seem to multiply. Perhaps this is due to copious amounts of daylight between his ears combined with vast amounts of green manure he seems to have for brains? Or then again perhaps these figures are reached using the same computer models his friends at the IPCC use to suggest we are all going to drown very soon? No, hes simply deluded. He means the few thousand who voted for him in his constituency. Or considering the Marxist doctrine followed by the Green Movement, perhaps he means those millions in China,

policies that lead to forced abortions etc. amongst other human rights abuses. But then again, who are we to judge? The United Nations has stated that China is the model state the world needs to emulate, so that's alright then! Of course, his latest gaff, stating that 'nonIrish' children were "the dregs" shows that Social Darwinism is alive and well in the Green Party. I seem to recall similar language in the 1940s from another infamous environmentalist and vegetarian; a certain Mr. Hitler no less. One of Mr. Gogarty's so called "dregs" is on the front page of this paper. He happens to be African, poor and starving to death. I hope all you 'greenies' out there are proud of your elected representatives? Personally, they disgust me and should offend every humanitarian instinct in us all. Oh yes, and he thinks weve to live like paupers for 50 years. Ive been to Eastern Europe. Ive seen the effects of poverty after 50 years of Communism. Its still there 20 years after the Berlin wall came down and Communism made its way West. Isnt it pretty obvious at this stage thats exactly whats going to happen to us when these lunatics can tax us for breathing? Is poverty his idea of Eutopia? If so I suggest he takes a trip to Haiti, even pre earthquake, and gorges himself on mud pies, made with real mud, that the paupers have to eat to survive, or not, as the case may be, because of Globalist Green policies. He might however want to tax them on methane production, so maybe he better stay here and tax us into poverty instead. Lots of mud round here yum yum. Oiling the Carbon Machine Last but not least, Mr. Global Warming Al Gore. The greatest conman on the planet is, oilman who is set to become the worlds first carbon billionaire, not by inventing the Internet as he claims, but by trading carbon; you know, that stuff were

made of, through his own corporation, with his partner, David Blood. Generation Investment Management will make him one of the wealthiest paupers on the Earth he's 'saving', for his friends of course, not the rest of us. Yep, the Blood and Gore Corporation. Youll be filling these guy's overstuffed bank accounts. The Real Green Agenda The facts are, Mr. Gogarty, that Green policies have condemned to death millions in the Third World from starvation, due to almost one third of the developed worlds agricultural land being taken out of food production to save the environment by growing biofuels nobody wants, or in my opinion, to kill human beings surplus to requirements. But were told that there are too many people by too many greenies. So, I suppose going green means killing off the excess population if thats your fancy. Unfortunately thats called GENOCIDE! Heres a suggestion. Why dont all the Greens worldwide have the courage of their convictions, step up to the plate, set an example and make room for the rest of us paupers? You wont hear me complain about that show of sincerity Mr. Gogarty. Everybody should be extremely worried about allowing a tiny minority of ideological lunatics of any persuasion to dictate government policy to the majority based on extremist ideology and pseudo science. Carbon taxes are a tax on life, based on lies and fraud, advocated by fanatics, intent on reducing populations, by ANY means and to control whats left of the human race on this planet in a state of perpetual slavery. This is not science fiction. IT IS ENVIRON MENTAL INSANITY! Neil Foster

The Sovereign Independent

Haskells description of a sharp-dressed man, who helped Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab board Flight 253 in Amsterdam. Detroit lawyer Kurt Haskell maintained from the beginning that he saw a well-dressed Indian man aid the accused bomber to board the plane despite the fact that he had no passport and was on a terror watch list. "While Mutallab was poorly dressed, his friend was dressed in an expensive suit." Haskell said. He says the suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab could board without a passport. "The guy said, 'Hes from Sudan and we do this all the time,'" reported the Michigan Live news website. FBI agents interviewed Haskell and he told them about the sharp-dressed man, but officials refused to admit that a wider conspiracy was at hand, stoically maintaining the official story that Abdulmutallab had acted alone. Authorities claimed that videotapes did not show a second man accompanying Abdulmutallab and yet they refused to release any footage of the alleged bomber. There seems little doubt that Abdulmutallab had at least one accomplice, if not more. Authorities have remained silent on other eyewitness reports which described a man intently filming the alleged terrorist throughout the whole flight; a connection that strongly suggests the attempted bomber was involved in some kind of drill and that his strings were being pulled by people in more senior positions. The ludicrous spectacle of long-deceased bogeyman Osama bin Laden apparently claiming responsibility for the attempted attack

April - May 201 0

Dissatisfied with the botched efforts of 'underwear bomber' patsy Umar Abdulmuttalab, the Military-Industrial Complex promises to try again.
last weekend only confirmed that a fairytale was being contrived which was totally at odds with what eyewitnesses described. The glaringly obvious truth that Abdulmutallab was at best a patsy, and at worst an informant who was duped into believing he was involved in a drill, renders fraudulent any supposed information attributed to him, specifically the notion that America faces the threat of another terrorist attack from anyone other than the only entity that always benefits from such attacks the military-industrial complex itself. Hundreds of terror suspects (read: patsies and people with mental health problems) have been convicted in civilian federal courts, including convicted shoe bomber Richard Reid, who attended the Finsbury Park Mosque in North London. The Finsbury imam at the time was Abu Hamza al-Masri who began working with British Security Services in 1997. A large number of the supposed terrorists convicted in American courts were entrapped by the FBI in classic COINTELPRO fashion and did not have links to the CIA-created al-Qaeda. The entrapped were often fuzzy on al-Qaeda or what it represents. In 2009, supposed terrorists in New York were so reluctant to participate in an FBI arranged undercover operation that they had to be enticed with piles of cash, gifts and bags of marijuana. In the media lauded Miami terror case in 2007, the supposed ringleader Narseal 'Prince Marina' Batiste "had heard of al-Qaeda, but wasnt sure what it stood for. The FBI instigators made Batiste swear loyalty to al-Qaida; then had him call on his local buddies to form an Islamic army in Miami. None had military training. Some could barely read. But Batiste assured the group in the midst of its collective marijuana buzz of greatness ahead," writes Saul Landau. During the Senate 'Terror Assessment Hearing,' National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair also warned of the growing 'cyber threat', saying computer-related attacks have become 'dynamic and malicious.' Blair warned the United States faces a "Cyber Pearl Harbour" that will have devastating consequences for Americas technological infrastructure. Blair said an increasingly sophisticated group of enemies has "severely threatened" the countrys information systems and he said the recent cyber attacks against Google should be treated as a "wake up call," reports Channel 4 News. The Google attacks, according to an American internet security firm, came from China or its proxies, not al-Qaeda. The government also expects us to believe the sophisticated and coordinated attack occurring on September 11, 2001, was also the work of medieval terrorists located in remote caves. It was never explained how Osama bin Laden made NORAD stand down. Likewise, Blair does not tell us how al-Qaeda will take down the most advanced and complex computer networks in the world, presumably from the backwaters of Pakistans tribal region. Sovereign Independent Prediction Expect further sound-bites on the use of naked body scanners and Taser Bracelets for all airline passengers.

Paul Joseph Watson Using information gleaned from the blatantly set-up underwear bomber patsy, Umar Abdulmuttalab, intelligence chiefs have assured us that their bosses will stage another terror attack in the U.S. within the next three to six months. "According to the nations intelligence chiefs, a terror attack in the United States will likely be launched within the next six months, reports WLS." "ABC News has learned some of the intelligence has come from the accused Christmas Day bomber," states the report. Despite the fact that the official story behind the Christmas Day bombing has been discredited beyond all recognition, the establishment is still constantly invoking it as yet another reason for Americans to obediently line up for naked body scans in fear of whatever bogeyman is being waved in front of their faces this week. Since federal and state authorities apparently now consider libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, gun owners and basically anyone with two brain cells left to rub together as potential domestic terrorists, whatever tricks they do decide to pull over the next six months will undoubtedly be used to tighten the screws against American dissidents that they have consistently characterized as extremist threats. Authorities last week quietly reversed the official story behind the Christmas Day underwear bomber attack and acknowledged that an accomplice was involved, despite weeks of denial and derision of eyewitness Kurt

SHADOW WORLD GOVERNMENTDublin on May 7th - 9th COMING TO IRELAND The Trilateral Commission is coming to
for their annual three day World Conference.
society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values." Senator Barry Goldwater who ran for the US Presidency later warned: The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power - political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. Stung by the chorus of criticism they have attracted over the years the organization now claim on their website that they have no hidden agenda to rule the world: The Trilateral Commission encourages international cooperation on many issues, but does not promote a world government. No Commission report proposes that national governments be dissolved and a world government be created. Individuals or organizations who believe the Trilateral Commission supports or intends to form a world government are misinformed. However, in 1991 in Baden Germany the founder of the Trilateral Commission, David Rockefeller, who still holds the title of Chairman, gave the game away when he told a gathering of the Bilderbergers, a sister organization which has the same overlapping membership, which was also attended by a little known Governor by the name of Bill Clinton, stated;
supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

Long accused of being a shadow world government the Trilateral Commission is top heavy with global bankers, multinational corporations, media barons and government heavyweights such as President Bush Senior, Richard Cheney and Alan Greenspan. The secretive organization has a membership of 390 including several Irish members such as Peter Sutherland who is listed as the European Chairman. Other Irish members include, Senator Richard Conry, the former Governor of Bank of Ireland, Richard Burrows and Dermot Gleeson who is the former Chairman of the AIB Bank. Past members include John Bruton, Mary Robinson and Garret Fitzgerald. According to critics, the Trilateral Commission advocates a One World Government. Founded in 1973 by Billionaire David Rockefeller, its first director was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was National Security Advisor to President Bush Senior and the mastermind behind Barack Obamas meteoric rise to the office of Presidency. However, alarm bells started to ring about the Trilaterals from the word go when Zbigniew Brzeninski advocated a post-democratic world run by a select elite: "The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years." "It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The

With the world economy in ruins thanks to the elite world bankers, it would appear that Rockefellers Shangri-La now lies in ruins. When the world luminaries touchdown in Dublin in May 7th-9th the three day event is likely to be a major headache for Gardai who will have to provide protection for almost four hundred delegates. Previous gatherings have attracted very negative attention occasionally accompanied by riots: We dont normally discuss security arrangements for VIPs especially heads of Government, explained a spokesperson for the Garda Siochana. The Trilateral Commission event is being handled by Delahunty Event Management who confirmed that the function is taking place in Dublin: The event is taking place in Dublin in May. It is a private function, explained Elaine Delahunty. The prestige corporate event management company would not reveal the chosen venue. Tom Prendeville

The Sovereign Independent

It's Implementation of World Scientific Socialist Collectivism


April - May 201 0

he majority of the worlds public have been trained into believing that their governments are responsible for shaping their future well-being on their behalf and for their welfare. These governments appear to have no particular long-term mandates beyond basic projects regarding jobs, economy, health-care, et cetera. This same public is in complete ignorance to the fact that powerful, incredibly rich, private, tax-free foundations, funding thousands of nongovernmental organizations, have worked together to bring in a new global planned society by using national governments. Such foundations, which are not responsible to the public for their actions and agendas, have for a hundred years through a standardized world-wide education program, been training generations from kindergarten on through, into a world-view by which the subjects of such indoctrinations are unconsciously programmed for major shifts in lifestyles and beliefs which are planned for them to experience as they grow and age. This technique is called predictive programming. These foundations, via their almost infinite full-time activist NGOs, push and pressure planned change (called trends) by lobbying governments, and churning out thousands of reports and documentaries to shape perceptions of the general public. The collective goal is toward a new humanistic, neo-Marxist, planned world society. (See Foundations: Their Power and Influence by Rene A. Wormser, and Norman Dodds Report to the Reece Committee on Foundations, 1954)

"In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something more than self, and much more than the confines ofthis worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, who is not afraid and makes the choice to go into the unknown. The process of awaking has begun, the discovery is underway. "
201 0 - Alan Watt - A Course in Deprogramming
expert-run, planned and regulated society. Agenda 21 is this agenda for the 21st century, much of which is already implemented by signatories to this and other U.N. treaties. It ranges from population reduction, animal-only corridors (no human building or access rights,) to the redistribution of wealth and the eventual inferred elimination of rights to travel by private automobile ownership. Experts will decide what you will believe, how you will live, where you will live and eventually if you will even be allowed to breed. Because of the highly controversial nature of the planned changes, the U.N. advises (from their own site) members and workers of the plan to mislead public understanding of this agenda by the use of a variety of terms. See below: (The United Nations Millenium Paper, issue 2, page 3) NGO meetings, et cetera. Indeed, to paraphrase Mr. Gorbachev in one of his books, We are in the process of creating a new religion for the world and it is and must be a form of earth worship. Of course, in this new religion, ecologists and approved specialists are the new priesthood. Lord Bertrand Russell also referred to this academic priesthood, claiming that tyrannical rule was the only way to shift selfdetermination from the hands of individuals to the scientific elite. He claimed if there is to be a tyranny then he preferred it to be a scientific tyranny. Macabre beauty of such overwhelming micromanagement of selective, one-sided data administered by scientific indoctrination techniques ensure the vast amount of subjects who have grown up in it are guaranteed to be unquestioning believers, completely unable to use critical thinking with regards to the repetitive data. Even if they could, there would be instant Self-Policing and guilt associated with even approaching the thought of possible doubt, making them immediately retire into the approved comfort-zone of their collective peer-group.

The men who own and control these foundations believe that in order for their own survival, from a Darwinian perspective, the populations in a post-industrial era must be radically reduced in order for the fittest to survive, as they believe it should be. The Club of Rome, for instance, being a premiere think-tank comprised of academicians, admit in their own writings that they were given the task of finding a plausible reason for the worlds peoples to give up all rights, freedoms, security, decision-making, et cetera, so that the emerging world super-state can more efficiently run the world. (The First Global Revolution by the Club of Rome) Their noble lie was to terrify the public with scenes of famine, starvation, global warming and other natural disasters which they claimed would be caused by man. Through treaties via the United Nations, not only all nations, but all individuals would gradually concede all rights to a global body of experts. Agenda 21, as is typical of United Nations treaties, is simply the ongoing upgrade or implementation of this agenda from a previous global treaty. (The United Nations treaty called General Assembly resolution 44/228 of 22 December 1989.) This in turn, came from the Rio Earth Summit (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992 m02t05..html) U.N.s Agenda 21 link

Participating in a UN-advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy-fixated groups and individuals in our society such as the National Rifle Association, citizen militias and some members of Congress. This segment of our society who fear 'one-world government', and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away, would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined 'the conspiracy' by undertaking LA21. So, we The technique of scientific indoctrination is based on complete call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, understanding of the same psychologically-proven methods of growth management, or smart growth. the great persisting religions. Link to the above: r2.pdf Branches of Agenda 21 participants, under a variety of sustainability terms and groups, have already been advising nations, states, right down to local governments for quite some years. Since a main objective is to create sustainable communities, the term communitarianism is frequently used along with many environmental groups, the latter constantly via preferred access to all media outlets, constantly chanting of imminent environmental disasters should their policies not be followed. Through the standardization of education and educational policy, via UNESCO, (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) generations are programmed into believing in the necessity of this agenda, with all the conviction of an extremely fundamental religion, consisting of an amalgamation of Marxist Socialism, Secular Humanism and Environmentalism. It is the only politically correct, authorized religion advocated by the worlds policy makers. One of the earlier planners of the coming new society, Lord Bertrand Russell coined the term scientific indoctrination to describe the method. All media and entertainment is lobbied to ensure they promote all aspects of Agenda 21 through inclusion in talk shows, childrens cartoons, novels, documentary presentations and movies. Unquestioning repetition, a kind of psychic driving, using slogans related to sustainability, international community, climate disasters, coming scarcities, et cetera, are mentioned hundreds of times per day in classrooms, print media, television and radio. With scientific indoctrination, perception becomes reality and explains the vast use of marketing specialities such as perception management. One might say that sociology and behaviourism works perfectly with theoretical Marxism in establishing this new order. Marxists know, rather than attempting to alter the behaviour, beliefs and perceptions of adults within masses, by propaganda and mass persuasion, it is easier to grow a fresh crop from birth. The adults will be made to conform by law and the use of the threat of force for non-compliance. This is the reason UNESCO funds and operates numerous world youth programs, many run through national schooling, ensuring standardized indoctrination. It is also the reason for Mr. Gore and others to give copious talks aimed at and to very young children, telling them their parents dont know or understand the imperative need for change as they (the children) do themselves. In Marxist terminology, the parents, with old-fashioned, outdated beliefs in self-determination and natural freedoms, are a danger to the world and all to come. They are, therefore, Contaminated. David Rockefeller, head of many international, socialist organizations, when asked concerning peoples resistance to this new social order said,
They (the people) will come to us (the rulers-experts) with perfect docility.

Such treaties, originating under the auspices of the United Nations, are completely interwoven with dozens of other U.N. treaties, some of which specialize in particular areas of the planned changes within societies. Agenda 21, for instance, completely encompasses population, sustainability, economy and ecology and makes unlimited use of its army of professors and institutions to present this to governments by their full-time lobbyists. Indeed, since World War II especially, governments and their policies appear to be run directly by these foundations, Countless well-known, popular personality figures such as private think-tanks and NGO pressure groups. Mikhail Gorbachev have full-time salaries from foundations and constantly do the The term century of change has been used within academia through government grants enabling them tolectures, addressing rounds of television interviews, university from the last century, pertaining to the emergence of this new

He could say this with confidence due to his complete awareness of the techniques of indoctrination already successfully accomplished and that with every passing year, the propaganda was working the paradigm shift from what had been a lowly Fabian Society dream of power over all, to its open manifestation in the 21st century. Alan Watt

The Sovereign Independent

April March 201 0 - May

Estulin: After G20, Oligarchs Moving on African Union, Population Reduction

In an exclusive interview with The Corbett Report earlier today, Daniel Estulin revealed the behind-the-scenes details of last week's G20 Finance Minister's meeting in St. Andrews, Scotland. Many of these details come from actual G20 documents that his sources were able to sneak out of the meetings in spite of security measures which, Estulin notes, were unprecedented "even by Bilderberg standards." These documents, which contain valuable information about the conference, are available at and have been mirrored on The Corbett Report homepage. They were

smuggled out at great personal risk and need to be disseminated widely. The key issue discussed at the meeting, according to Estulin, was "the next step in globalization, which is the creation of the African Union." This is part of an unfolding agenda of the ceding of national sovereignty to unaccountable regional governments which can more easily administer and implement the aims of the financial oligarchs. One of these aims is the elite's exhaustively documented penchant for population reduction, including tying development aid to population control problems. "The creation of the borderless African continent will be spearheaded by the IMF." One of the smuggled documents shows that an attendee had the IMF articles of agreement at the meeting and highlighted the fact that funds were made available "under adequate safeguards" to member nations. This is code speak for imposing draconian measures designed to plunge countries into virtual servitude, with the result that in Africa, countries spend five times more revenue on servicing their IMF debts than they do on health care for their own citizens. The meeting's attendees, also identified in the smuggled documents, reads like a who's who of the financial oligarchical elite, including leading Bilderbergers such as U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, World Bank President Bob Zoellick, Turkish Finance Minister Ali Babacan and British Finance Minister Alistair Darling and many others. The Trilateral Commission was also represented at the conference by

The Corbett Report provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more. Subscribe to our podcast, our interview feed, our videos or our articles and stay up-to-date with all the latest news and information. Also watch out for James Corbetts new book "Reportage: Essays on the New World Order"

Welcome to the New Media


Japanese members Yoshihiko Noda and Masaaki Shirakawa. In the interview, Estulin discusses the G20's debate on dumping the U.S. dollar which he first revealed would be on the meeting's agenda in a press release last week. He indicates that the matter, although discussed, was rejected. "The American and the British delegations tried to persuade the Russian and the Chinese delegates to devalue the Dollar and create a basket of currencies or another world currency to take the place of the dollar," he said. "Luckily, both the Russians and the Chinese told the Americans and the British to go pound sand. They were not willing to do this." The idea that the Western financial oligarchs are aiming to dump the U.S. dollar is in line with recent reports that Goldman Sachs (whose members are suspiciously well connected to the upper echelons of the U.S. Treasury) actually took up positions to short(gamble on) the housing market right before the crash. Although a pre-meditated attempt to bring about a financial collapse would appear not to be in the financial oligarch's selfinterest, it makes perfect sense when one considers this as a problem-reaction-solution operation of creating a problem in order to get the public to support a pre-determined solution. In this case, the endgame has always been to use a financial collapse to usher in a New World Order. Now, exactly as predicted, everyone from Henry Kissinger to George Soros is using the economic collapse to call for a new financial order of greater international (read: unelected, undemocratic and unaccountable) control over world financial markets. Indeed, just as the G20 was wrapping up, talking heads like Damon Vickers were starting to insert talking points about a new global currency and a "New World Order" onto CNBC. Although it is good news that the dumping of the Dollar failed to gain traction at this meeting, it by no means insures that this disastrous move will not continue to be pursued by the influential globalist financiers. On a positive note, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty made a show of standing up for the people of the planet by noting that "the recent public policy of privatizing profits and socializing losses is unacceptable to taxpayers," to which someone responded "Do you think they have noticed?" The response provoked laughter from the assembled oligarchs. Mr. Estulin has a message for the G20 oligarchs: "Gentlemen of the G20, in case you're wondering: Yes, we the great unwashed have definitely noticed." are ramping up efforts to snoop on every bit and byte that flows across the wires. There can be no doubt that the free and open internetto the extent it ever existedis dying a death by a thousand cuts. The only answer is to fight back, push, claw, bark and bite like a cornered animal at any and every chink in the enemys armour. Are we going to win this fight? I cant say. All I know is that we are living in the most revolutionary moment in human history and I for one am going to squeeze everything I can out of it. Take this essay. Its the perfect example of the New Media paradigm. What is it, after all? An essay in a book? An article in the Sovereign Independent? An audio file on Well, depending on how youre accessing it at the moment, yes. Like that interview that my hometown magazine wrote about. It was an interview. It was a YouTube video. It was an article with the video embedded in it. So what text did they print for the magazine article: a transcript of the interview, a transcript of the video, or the text of the article? Good question. I never found out. They never posted the article on their website.

t occurred to me when a magazine in my hometown ran an article about one of my YouTube videos, promoting a Skype interview I conducted with someone in Canada from my home in Japan: We have utterly destroyed the barriers between the media and the people, removed all obstacles of space, time and monetary privilege in consideration of how we communicate, transmit, broadcast, podcast, syndicate, collect, dissect and consume what was once unproblematically referred to as the media. Confused yet? You should be. Forty years ago, people listened to 8-tracks, read the newspaper, went to the movies and watched TV. Twenty years ago people listened to cassettes, read the newspaper, rented videos and watched TV. Five years ago people listened to CDs, read glossy news magazines, rented DVDs and experimented with TiVo. Today people listen to podcasts on their mp3 players, read online, download movies and watch streaming video. Its not just that every media platform is simultaneously undergoing a revolution in the way it relates to its audience. Its that this revolution is permanent and accelerating. Scared yet? You shouldnt be; at least not necessarily. Technology is always a doubleedged sword. The question is which way it will slice. For the moment its weighted on the side of the people. A single person with a laptop and an internet connection can reasonably compete

with even the largest media conglomerates. The largest blogs now dwarf the websites of the old media in reach, traffic and hit counts. Enter Luke Rudkowski. At the ripe old age of 20, he took a video camera to a Zbigniew Brzezinski lecture, got up during the Q + A session and asked how we could be sure that 9/11 wasnt a staged false flag event designed to lead America into war (exactly as Brzezinski had warned a Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Bush Administration might do in 2007 to start a war with Iran). A short tussle with event security and a six-block dash later, Luke was uploading his video to the internet and starting a worldwide, grassroots movement of citizen journalists and political activists known simply as We Are Change. I managed to catch him on his cell phone in New York just before the 7th anniversary of 9/11. He had just finished a ten minute fast-food dinner and was on his way to arrange a new venue for a benefit concert that We Are Change was holding for sick and dying 9/11 first responders because their original venue had fallen through. Change cannot happen from the top to the bottom, he explained. Change always happens from the bottom to the top. And we are here. We Are Change. We're going to create the change all the way from the bottom to the top. Unfortunately, its become a staple of the sweaty-palmed, gee-whiz journalism of corporate media shills like Thomas Friedman

that a blogger in Wichita or an activist with a video camera in Taipei is now able to compete, in a real sense, with the traditional corporate media, but its no less true for all that. In fact, its been said that the affordability, ease-of-use and unprecedented reach of New Media technologies like blogs, webcams and mp3 players amount to the biggest revolution since Gutenberg invented the movable type printing press. I disagree. Its bigger. It is potentially the most powerful technology humanity has ever invented, bringing together people and information in ways never before imagined. And its under attack. Indeed, the free and open internet that has made the citizen journalist movement possible is dying a death by a thousand cuts. The sites that helped spawn the revolution in the first place are now owned by the same corporate interests they were meant to replace. YouTube (owned by Google) now takes down videos to which anyone claims copyright, even if the allegations are demonstrably false. MySpace, owned by Rupert Murdoch, blocks bulletins that mention The Digg bury brigade successfully kept Ron Paul stories, with thousands of Diggs, from reaching the front page in the 2008 primaries, thus burying Digg itself into irrelevance. In the USA, Senator Jay Rockefeller ( Does that name sound familiar?) has said the Internet should never have existed and has tabled a bill to give the President the power to shut it down at will. All over the world, net neutrality is being eroded and governments

The Sovereign Independent

Forecasting Instability For The Year To Come

Bob Chapman -
The American government continues to do its best to suppress gold and silver and commodity prices. Their ham-fisted presence was quite evident recently and it was only marginally successful. All they accomplished was to make an unnatural correction in a market that could have needed a natural correction. The underlying fundamental factors are still very bullish. The technicals and the long-term charts, as well as pro-gold and silver psychology, are still in place. The reality is that gold, silver and commodities are still in bull markets and intervention by the Presidents Working Group on Financial Markets cannot, and are not, capable of stopping what are going to be the biggest bull markets in history. In both gold and silver bullion and shares, the shorts (gambles) eventually have to cover and that could prove to be one of the biggest bloodbaths of all time with the American taxpayer getting to pay for the losses. What else can one expect with the world financial system collapsing and hyperinflation on the way? Todays strength in gold and silver has nothing to do with inflation and everything to do with a flight to quality. It has nothing to do with a falling Dollar and a great deal to do with a loss of confidence and trust in the G-10. The other factors will add to the fire a bit later. The sophisticated world of finance is starting to realize that the US financial system has been run by criminals for a long time. The ringleader of this gang of thieves is the Federal Reserve. That is why bills S604, HR1207, now attached to HR3996 are so important. It will lead to exposure of what the Fed has been up to for 96 years. These are the people who own the Fed, who have had a revolving door between Wall Street and Washington, particularly in our Treasury Department, for many years. These agencies absolutely refuse to protect the public against crooks in the fields of banking, ratings, investments and insurance. They are an integral part of the problem. Who in their right mind would take over these agencies instead of letting them fail? We have to chuckle when the world is concerned with financial events in Dubai, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Italy, when all of Europes and Americas banks are insolvent. Who is kidding whom? We cannot leave out the brokerage houses and insurance companies. We must admit that the Fed and other central banks, (like the European Central Bank) have done a good job covering up the mess they deliberately created by deceiving the public, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain, a group traders have disparagingly dubbed "PIIGS," all have huge budget deficits and very low growth prospects, which means their debt is on course to rise further and fast. Their soaring deficits are testing the credibility of the Euro zone's so-called stability pact, in which governments promise not to spend wildly. Over the next 1-1/2 years the Euro will not look like todays Euro and it may not exist at all. We believe, when the weaker nations depart, that the Euro will not be replaced by a Euro of the stronger nations in the group. They will revert to national currencies. Just look at the polls in Germany and France. The public doesnt want the Euro, the Euro zone, or for that matter a European Union. The inevitability is staring you right in the face, just look at the bond spreads which says it all. Even though the Euro has risen versus the US Dollar, the inner turmoil has been going on for a long time, not only financially, but also socially and politically. No country will gain from devaluations. If some do then there will be tariffs, probably worldwide, on goods and services. We are already seeing this in regard to tires and steel between the US, China and Russia. Others will surely follow. Interest rates will rise for all countries. The weakest, naturally, having the highest rates and probably the highest unemployment. Without the weaker currencies the remaining Euro zone countries will prepare for a return to national currencies. Of the remaining group, France faces many problems and leaving the Euro will probably be a relief. Any new currency for any nation will have to be backed up by gold. The solution for the Bilderbergs is to bring in the IMF that would further cripple the Continent. Once the alliance splits-up the German Deutsche Mark will again redefine its place as a major world currency. Along with Greece and Spain will come Portugal and then the Baltic States, Hungry, Poland and the Czech Republic. Britain will most certainly fail along with perhaps Ireland and France. Do not be too quick to point fingers because the US will go under as well. All over Europe, with the exception of Germany, which never appreciated, real estate has fallen 30% to 80% dependent on which country you choose to look at. In The US Stock market indices have fallen 50% to 80% versus gold for the past 9 years. Why dont CNBC, CNN and the major media tell us that? It is because they are all bought and paid for that is why. What market couldnt go up in value with $12.7 trillion at its disposal? This has nothing to do with a healthy economy and everything to do with the Fed creating money out of thin air for its owners and throwing it at the stock market creating the second such bubble in the last 13 years. Do not be fooled readers. This is all just another scam that every American will get to pay for. (The same scam is occuring here under the guise of NAMA) operation allows them to keep the masses undereducated and in poverty. They also control the funds from (illegal) narcotics operations worldwide. The Illuminists believe themselves to be the true masters of the universe as they do the work of Satan across our world. Those like us who defy them risk our lives and have to hide The public, of course, knows little of these to function. They are now so arrogant and exercises. Bank personnel and management powerful that they never care if you find out found them disturbing as did stock clearing what they are doing. All we can promise you is operations. Bank management says something that we will win. Victory will only go to those big is going on, something governments cannot who have the courage and spirit to fight. control. The recent comments by the Fed are Our new President promised change. In the obviously well known to top banking financial sphere we got none. JPMorgan Chase executives worldwide. Bankers who see what runs the Fed and Goldman Sachs runs the is happening are obviously fleeing to other Treasury. The looting of the financial system currencies, buying gold, silver and goes on unabated. The Dollar remains under commodities, whilst at the same time, they are pressure as credit derivatives are used to keep selling the Dollar. the system running. In gold and silver, not as easily controllable, massive short positions As you know, bankers believe they are doing (gambles) attempt to control the market. The Gods work in looting the public and they are Dollar is being deliberately destroyed in order to protected in this endeavour by a supplicant replace it with an international trading unit made government. These parasites live off the host up of G-20 countries. In order to make this the American citizen. (Internationally, all acceptable, 10 to 15 percent gold banking will citizens are being exploited by bankers) be part of the package. The Western governments will continue to not At the core of the problem is the Federal only destroy the Dollar as a world reserve Reserve and its owners, such as JPMorgan currency, but also their own currencies, in order Chase, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, among a to transfer strength to currencies of the Second number of others, both in the US and Europe. and Third World, as a method of transferring Under corporatist Fascism, the bankers, Wall wealth. This political, social, economic and Street, insurance and corporate America act as financial destruction is calculated to bring the one to enslave the populace. These firms economies of the First World down to the level control the Fed and form a revolving door with of the Second and Third World, forcing America Washington, particularly the Treasury and Europe, in particular, to accept world Department. The Fed orchestrates the booms government. This will eventually bring about a and busts for them so that they are always on military coup controlled by the Pentagon in the right side of the trade. As a result, the which the Illuminists believe they will solidify profits for these firms are huge. They are all power by force. We believe that will be blood sucking parasites. As part of this system unsuccessful and will finally begin the fall of the of looting they have deftly bought almost every elitists. member of the House and Senate with campaign contributions and other goodies. It will fail because our military knows what They tell us they serve the greater good. The these people are up to and they wont allow it to only good they serve is for themselves, while happen. As this attempt is made the financial many Americans are living under bridges and system will unravel, as a mercenary force of a in dumpsters. few hundred thousand attempts to protect the Their imperialistic, colonialist method of power of the elitists.


April - May 201 0

Carbon Theft
Alan Keenan With all the evidence that's come to light in the last few months, completely disproving Anthropogenic Global Warming, one would think that our Government would take it all on board and act accordingly. Unfortunately we live in a time when not only do they ignore the scientific evidence, which at this stage is under their noses; but it no longer comes as a surprise. There has been virtually no coverage of this issue in Ireland, whereas just across the water, various news agencies such as Fox News, The Guardian and The Telegraph have run multiple articles on the issue; an issue that wouldn't be maybe quite as important if we hadn't already passed legislation on it.

significantly by imposing taxes directly onto If the people don't stand up to Carbon Taxes Irish citizens. soon, then it will become just like Water Fluoridation - widely accepted but a However, since it's now been shown that complete scientific fabrication. This year it's Carbon Dioxide does not contribute to petrol, diesel, home heating fuels and water Global Warming and the Earth is merely charges. If we stand for this, then next year, going through natural cycles, then doesn't we could easily be told that electric power this mean the Government is just inflicting generation, natural gas, transportation, and another tax upon its citizens to account for large manufacturers are going to be taxed Carbon Dioxide emissions; the very gas that heavily. This rise in costs to suppliers will plants and trees breathe? inevitably be paid by the consumer. This is as ludicrous as poisoning the country's water supply with a chemical so toxic that it erodes the very pipes that transmit it to our homes, then charging us for this service. Sodium Fluoride in the country's water supply has been proven to have no health benefits whatsoever and has been rejected by 95% of Western Europe and the European Union. Of course, this seems like it could be a long way off but these are the very industries in the U.S. that are now under the new corrupt Carbon Cap & Trade system. The Irish Government was put in a position of responsibility by the people and is therefore subordinate to the people. However, since getting into this position of responsibility and accountability to the people, Cowen and his team of cohorts have brought in more legislation and taxes than any in the last century and still don't seem to be doing anything that's actually fixing the country. Why should we think Carbon Tax legislation will be any different?

For years many different groups have campaigned to get it removed to no avail but instead resort to purifying their own water Ireland now stands among the few countries using inexpensive filter systems using in the world to agree to a Carbon Tax; a tax Reverse Osmosis technology. that is supposed to cut our Carbon Emissions

The Sovereign Independent

ECONOMY PAGES Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions Within Two Years
we have witnessed with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and others. He also said that the dollar would eventually be devalued by as much as 90 per cent. The consequence of what we have seen unfold this year would lead to a lowering in living standards, Celente predicted a year ago, which is also being borne out by plummeting retail sales figures. The prospect of revolution was a concept echoed by a British Ministry of Defence report last year, which predicted that within 30 years, the growing gap between the super rich and the middle class, along with an urban underclass threatening social order, would mean, The worlds middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest, and that, The middle classes could become a revolutionary class. In a separate recent interview, Celente went further on the subject of revolution in America. There will be a revolution in this country, he said. Its not going to come yet, but its going to come down the line and were going to see a third party and this was the catalyst for it: the takeover of Washington, D. C., in broad daylight by Wall Street in this bloodless coup. And it will happen as conditions continue to worsen. The first thing to do is organize with tax revolts. Thats going to be the big one because people cant afford to pay more school tax, property tax, any kind of tax. Youre going to start seeing those kinds of protests start to develop. Its going to be very bleak. Very sad. And there is going to be a lot of homeless, the likes of which we have never seen before. Tent cities are already sprouting up around the country and were going to see many more. Were going to start seeing huge areas of vacant real estate and squatters living in them as well. Its going to be a picture the likes of which Americans are not going to be used to. Its going to come as a shock and with it, theres going to be a lot of crime. And the crime is going to be a lot worse than it was before because in the last 1929 Depression, peoples minds werent wrecked on all these modern drugs over-the-counter drugs, or crystal meth or whatever it might be. So, you have a huge underclass of very desperate people with their minds chemically blown beyond anybodys comprehension. Gerald Celente

April - May 201 0

he man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting revolution in America, food riots and tax rebellions all within four years, while cautioning that putting food on the table will be a more pressing concern than buying Christmas gifts by 2012. Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research Institute, is renowned for his accuracy in predicting future world and economic events, which will send a chill down your spine considering what he told Fox News recently. Celente said that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts. Were going to see the end of the retail Christmas.were going to see a fundamental shift take place.putting food on the table is going to be more important that putting gifts under the Christmas tree, said Celente, adding that the situation would be worse than the great depression. Americas going to go through a transition the likes of which no one is prepared for, said Celente, noting that peoples refusal to acknowledge that America was even in a recession highlights how big a problem denial is, in being ready for the true scale of the crisis. Celente, who successfully predicted the 1997 Asian Currency Crisis, the subprime mortgage collapse and the massive devaluation of the U.S. dollar, told UPI in November last year that the following year would be known as The Panic of 2008, adding that giants (would) tumble to their deaths, which is exactly what

Gerald Celente Founder / Director

"Give me control ofa nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."
Mayer Amschel Rothschild of the Rothschild Banking Dynasty
debt paid by the taxpayer. Why do governments continue to have faith in and borrow from PRIVATE corrupt banks? Why do we continue to pump taxpayers money into the very banks who now refuse to lend our own money back to us with interest? When will people understand that the money our government has given to the banks in this country is going to be borrowed, at interest, from the European Central Bank, which the public will then be taxed into poverty to pay for and that it can never be paid off! To paraphrase Einstein: You cant solve a problem with the same level of intellect that helped create it. This is the situation we are in today whereby we have the same bankers and government who have plunged the nation into bankruptcy telling us they'll fix the problem. At the same time they are both profiteering at the expense of the majority of the population who simply wish to go through life providing for their own and their familys future. We need to change the way we think of government and the banking system. They are neither respectable nor honest institutions and, like the brave people of Iceland, who are attempting to refuse payment to these corrupt bullies, its about time people spoke out against the pirates and slave masters controlling every aspect of our lives.

By Rob Allmen

Pirates of the 'Carry-On-Regardless'

live the highlife with their banker and building developer buddies. They dont take responsibility for, or account to the public for, the catastrophe theyve inflicted on families and businesses in this country. At the same time they try to justify their uselessness and inflated salaries, presumably in line with their inflated egos and ludicrous self belief in their value to society, whilst at the same time maintaining their massive expense accounts and lavish pension arrangements which nobody else in the country is entitled to. They will maintain, of course, that due to their service to the country, they are entitled to these benefits. This being the case, why is it then that a fireman, a policeman or a nurse is not entitled to the same benefits? Are they not serving the country? Id imagine that the general public would have more respect for the service provided by these government employees than any politician or banker could ever wish for. Bankers and government do have one very important factor in common. They produce absolutely nothing tangible. The only thing they do actually produce, which the public must pay for, by law, is DEBT. Debt is produced when the government goes cap in hand, for example, to the private Federal Reserve in the USA, the Bank of England in the UK or in Irelands case, the European Central Bank. These banks are not in the business of charity. Every Dollar, Pound or Euro in circulation today was borrowed at some time in the past. Bear in mind that private banks lend money to governments in the same way they lend to the public in one very important aspect - they charge interest! Therefore, even if the governments of America, the UK and Europe gathered up and paid back every Dollar, Pound and Euro in circulation and gave it back to the private banks above, which are all owned by the same cabal of international banking families, they cannot get out of debt, because the interest on the loans cannot be paid. It cannot be paid unless the money is borrowed back from the same bankers because they print the only money in existence. This is a complete scam. Why cant governments print and issue their own money without interest? This is the only solution to government created

William K. Black wrote a book in 2005 titled The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One where he outlined the fraud and corruption at the highest levels of international banking. What we are seeing now, in the light of massive bonuses, involving billions of Euro, Dollars and Pounds, being handed out to executives and lower level employees, is simply the same culture of fraud and corruption which has seeped down to the lower levels of an industry which has utterly disregarded any pretence of moral conscience. This industry has deliberately plunged the world and the majority of ordinary people into a period of extreme doubts and anxieties over the future of themselves, their children and future generations. The climate of greed in this industry has undeniably never changed. Whilst the international bankers have absconded with the wealth of nations, their cronies in subsidiary banks, where ordinary peoples financial security is crucial, are now doing the same. These lower level parasites continue to coerce governments into passing legislation, in Irelands case, NAMA (Never Any Money Again). This is happening across the developed world and allows governments, without the consent of its citizens, to literally tax working people to pay for the illegal and corrupt practices of a criminal cabal responsible for the state of the world today. This is piracy of the highest order, and the ordinary people paying for this, for generations to come, will be born into a financial bondage to the state which amounts to nothing less than SLAVERY. We are being financially raped by the banking elite who simply demand that our government pass the very legislation which will condemn the citizens to a future of indentured servitude. We, the taxpayers, will have to cough up our last cent to the parasites of finance to furnish their lavish lifestyles of champagne parties and fancy yachts, whilst we are left struggling to make ends meet. The government tells us we need to get through this current financial crisis together, by us 'tightening our belts' dont you know, whilst they maintain their positions of power over us and

"Ifthe (American) people everallow private banks to controlthe issue oftheirmoney, firstby inflation andthen by deflation, the banks andcorporations thatwillgrow up aroundthem (aroundthe banks), willdeprive the people oftheirproperty untiltheirchildren willwake up homeless on the continenttheirfathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson
After NAMA the Irish banks will come begging for more 'bailout money'. The government will give it to them and the taxpayer will pay for it again.

Sovereign Independent Prediction


Exclusive: Lead Author Admits Deleting Inconvenient Opinions From IPCC Report

The Sovereign Independent

April - May 201 0

Paul Joseph Watson

he latest installment of Jesse Venturas highly successful Conspiracy Theory show exposed millions of viewers on national TV recently to the climate change fraud, blowing a giant hole in the global warming scam by exposing how its adherents comprise wealthy industrialists, making billions in profits, by fearmongering about the environment. Ventura and his team attempted to track down the key architects of the scheme, a search which led them to Beijing, China and the heavily guarded residence of global warming pioneer and billionaire Maurice Strong.

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention The real enemy, then, is humanity itself, states the report.

The show lifts the lid on how the very same alarmists pushing the beings are not the cause of 'Climate Change' threat of climate change are profiting in the billions from carbon trading systems in which they have a huge personal stake. bill, which will require companies to get permits for emissions, becomes law, Chief Executive Amit Chatterjee said, states the The most damning part of the program is when Ben Santer, a cli- report. mate researcher and lead IPCC author of Chapter 8 of the 1995 IPCC Working Group I Report, admits that he deleted sections of The Reuters report states that Hara is "An environmental start-up the IPCC chapter which stated that humans were not responsible backed by Al Gores venture capital firm." for climate change. Ventura challenges Chatterjee on his denial of a connection with Accusing Santer of altering opinions in the IPCC report that dis- Al Gore, at which point Chatterjees slick demeanor changes to agreed with the man-made thesis behind climate change, Lord that of a deer trapped in the headlights. Monckton told the program, "In comes Santer and re-writes it for them, after the scientists have sent in their finalized draft, "No relationship with Al Gore? Let him tell that to me," comand that finalized draft said at five different places, there is ments Ventura. Chatterjee then becomes evasive and refuses to no discernable human effect on global temperature Ive comment when Ventura points out that Chatterjees company will seen a copy of this Santer went through, crossed out all of make a fortune as a result ofAl Gores lobbying for cap and trade those and substituted a new conclusion, and this has been the to be passed. Ventura makes Chatterjee look like a kid caught official conclusion ever since." with his hand in the cookie jar. Lord Monckton points to deletions from the chapter, "...and there were deletions from the chapter, and to be consistent with the other chapters we dropped the summary at the end, Santer admits to the program. Commenting on The Alex Jones Show, Lord Monckton said that this was the first time Santer had publicly admitted to deleting the information. Santer was intimately involved in the Climategate email scandal, communicating with other IPCC-affiliated scientists who conspired to hide the decline in global warming. Does Santers shocking admission, that he deleted the opinions of scientists who stated that human activity did not cause global warming from a key IPCC report, represent another 'Climategate Scandal'? One of the most insightful moments in the show arrives when Amit Chatterjee, CEO of Hara, a company that sells carbon credits, is confronted with the fact that his business is bankrolled by an investment firm partnered with Al Gore. After admitting that the carbon market will be worth a trillion dollars by 2015, and that his company will rake in billions, he then denies that he will profit from lobbying for cap and trade laws, and then after denying any link to Al Gore, Chatterjee is confronted by Ventura. "We dont have any direct relationship with Al Gore," claims Chatterjee, despite a June 2009 Reuters report headlined, "Gorebacked Hara sees profit from low-carbon economy."

Ben Santer - Admitted to deleting evidence that human

Ventura and his team were unable to confront Strong, as he remained ensconced in his heavily guarded Beijing residence, but they did talk to whistleblower George Hunt, an official with the World Wilderness Conference who worked with Strong in 1987. Hunt told Ventura that Strong is one of the leading conspirators behind a plot on behalf of aristocratic billionaires to use global warming as a justification for a one world bank, a global currency and a global government, which is exactly what the intention was in Copenhagen, with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon insisting that global governance will be imposed to enforce CO2 regulations. Ventura concluded the show by stating that global warming is a fear tactic invented to control people and make trillions in profit. Ventura signed off by stating that people who preach the global warming gospel, "..are not out to save the world theyre out to
run it."

Gore Admits CO2 is NOT a problem

n a startling new development that devastates the legitimacy of any carbon taxes that is potentially and a cap and trade system, Al Gore admited that the majority of global warming that occurred until 2001 was not primarily caused by CO2. He conceded that carbon dioxide only accounted for 40% of warming according to new studies, could seriously harm efforts to tax CO2, that evil, life-giving gas that humans exhale and plants absorb.

"Maybe they never met at the company picnic, but Al Gore owns "Gore acknowledged to Newsweek that the findings could a piece of his business," comments Ventura, "He makes sure they complicate efforts to build a political consensus around the need to limit carbon emissions," reported BBC News. make payroll." The trail then leads to a man called Maurice Strong, "the worlds Gore now blames soot and methane for the majority of global leading environmentalist", who just happens to be a billionaire warming, leaving the door open for a tax on livestock, a tax on meat, a tax on milk and on and on until he changes his mind industrialist." Maurice Strong, who is regularly credited as the founding father again and blames another culprit so that too can be taxed. of the modern environmental movement, serves on the board of In another indictment of Gores accuracy in warning about directors of The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX). Strong was a climate change, he has now virtually abandoned scientific 'facts' leading initiate of the Earth Summit in the early 90s, where the in favour of characterizing his 'Inconvenient Truth' presentation theory of global warming caused by CO2, generated by human in the context of a religious sermon. activity, was most notably advanced. By using his considerable wealth and influence to lobby for cap "Simply laying out the facts wont work," admits Gore. and trade and a tax on CO2 emissions, Strong stood to enrich his Thats right; the church of environmentalism has come full circle companys coffers to the tune of trillions if a binding agreement with Gores intention to deliver his widely debunked presentation on carbon dioxide had been formulated in Copenhagen. with spiritual overtones, a move that will shock most hardheaded empirical scientists. Strong and his close ally Al Gore come from a stable of elite groups that have long sought to use the environmental movement to advance their agendas. Strong, who was groomed by David Rockefeller to eventually serve as Director of the Rockefeller Foundation, is also a member of the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Club of Rome.

n their 1991 report, 'The First Global Revolution', the Club of Rome, a powerful globalist NGO the "Hara, a 25-employee company that debuted in 2008, provides United Nations, committed to limitingand a main advisor to in a growth and bringing online software to help companies reduce their carbon footprint. post-industrial society and conspired to exploit fears about the A $2.5 billion market will grow 10-fold if the proposed energy environment to make humans the enemy, so they could usher in a global government.

United Nations Think Tank Admits Making Up 'Global Warming'

Recommended for Further Study and Lies - Christopher Horner Research Red Hot The Republic - Plato BOOKS Brave New World Revisited - Aldous Huxley FILMS AVAILABLE FREE ON GOOGLE VIDEO The Next Million Years - Charles Galton Darwin Tragedy & Hope - Prof. Carroll Quigley The Great Global Warming Swindle Obama: The Postmodern Coup - Webster Griffin Tarpley 9/11 Blueprint for Truth The True Story of the Bilderberg Group - Daniel Estulin Endgame Impact of Science on Society - Bertrand Russell Fall of the Republic Ecoscience - John Holdren (Obama's Science Tsar) Loose Change Final Cut Propaganda - Edward Bernays In Lies We Trust The Open Conspiracy - H.G. Wells The GMO Trilogy Vaccines Are They Really Safe & Effective? - Neil Z. Miller The Obama Deception 9/11 Synthetic Terror - Webster Griffin Tarpley Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers Full Spectrum Dominance - F. William Engdahl Network IBM and the Holocaust - Edwin Black 1984 Cutting Through - Volumes I, II & III - Alan Watt Money as Debt

The Sovereign Independent

Global Warming or Global Freezing: Is the Ice Really Melting?

A major new study published in the respected Journal of Geophysical Research of the American Geophysical Union, 'Influence of the Southern Oscillation on Tropospheric Temperature', by scientists J. D. McLean and C. R. de Freitas of the School of Geography, Geology and Environmental Science, University of Auckland in New Zealand and R.M. Carter, confirms that over the fifty years since 1950, fully 81% of tropical climate change can be linked to the Pacific weather phenomenon known as El Nino and the remaining 19% they linked to increased solar radiation. No man made emissions played a role. El Ninos, termed by scientists 'El Nino Southern Oscillations' or ENSOs, are believed by climatologists and astrophysicists to be related to eruptions in solar activity, which occur periodically. Dr. Theodor Landscheidt, of Canadas Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity,

April - May 201 0


F. William Engdahl

resident Obama just made a melodramatic appeal at the United Nations for global measures to dramatically curb what he called "the climate threat," current euphemism for what is more popularly known as Global Warming; the theory that man-made CO2 emissions from cars, coal plants and other man-made sources are causing the earth to warm to the point the polar ice-caps are irreversibly melting and threatening to flood a quarter or more of the earths surface. There's only one thing wrong with Mr. Obama's dramatic scenario: it is scientifically utterly wrong. Since 2007 the polar icecaps have been growing not melting and the earth has been cooling, since 1998, not warming. If the fear of death from a fictitious 'swine flu' were not enough, the scare stories on world media such as BBC or CNN, showing melting icebergs are dramatic enough to cause one sleepless nights. The Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-Moon, even made a recent appeal while standing on an Arctic ice-flow, claiming that man-made CO2 emissions were causing "100 billion tons" of polar ice to melt each year, so that in 30 years the Arctic would be "ice-free". One organization, the World Wildlife Federation, claimed that the Arctic ice was melting so fast that in eighty years sealevels would rise by 1.2 meters, creating "floods affecting a quarter of the world." Wow! Thats scary. Goodbye Hamburg, New York, Amsterdam The publicity stunt of Ban Ki-Moon was carefully orchestrated. It was not said that his ship could only come within 700 miles of the North Pole owing to the frozen sea. Nor that he made his stunt in the summer when Arctic ice always melts before refreezing, beginning in September. The reality about Arctic ice is quite different. Although some 10 million square kilometres of sea-ice melts each summer, each September the Arctic starts to freeze again. The extent of the ice now is 500,000 sq km greater than it was this same time last year; which was, in turn, 500,000 sq km more than in September 2007, the lowest point recently recorded (see Cryosphere Today of the University of Illinois, ) By next April, after months of darkness, it will be back up to 14 million sq km or likely more. As British science writer Christopher Booker remarks, "even if all that sea-ice were to melt, this would no more raise sea-levels than a cube of ice melting in a gin and tonic increases the volume of liquid in the glass." Sunbeams from cucumbers?

According to the US National Oceans and Atmospheric Administration, in North America, El Nio creates warmer-than-average winters in the upper Midwest states and the Northeast. California and the South Western US become significantly wetter, while the northern Gulf of Mexico states and Northeast Mexico are wetter and cooler than average during the El Nio phase of the oscillation. In Asia and parts of Australia El Nino causes drier conditions, increasing the risk of bush fires. This sounds remarkably like what the Global Warming scare chorus claims is the result of manmade CO2 emissions or as they now slyly term it, "climate change." Warmer 1000 years ago?

trillion dollar financial meltdown known as 'Asset securitization'. The reality is that Global Warming like Peak Oil and other scares are but another attempt by powerful vested interests to convince the world to sacrifice, to ensure that they remain in control of the events of this planet. Its a thinly veiled attempt to misuse climate to argue for a new Malthusian reduction of living standards for the majority of the world, while a tiny elite, gains n Sweden a new study, published by Haakan more power. Grudd of the University of Stockholm's WHEN I WOKE UP Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, confirms that the Arctic today is not warmer than in previous historical A text by Wilfred Pelletier and Ted Poole hen I finally woke up I took a look around. I saw city halls, courthouses, houses of parliament, churches, schools, and universities by the hundreds and thousands. I saw systems; systems for managing the land, the air, and the water; systems for managing human behavior; systems for managing religion; systems for managing learning; systems for managing food, shelter, clothing; systems for managing love and procreation: a vast complex of carefully engineered systems. I saw millions of people working, not for themselves, but for someone else. I saw millions of people doing, not what they themselves wanted to do, but what someone else wanted them to do. I saw the depressing evidence of a people who have been externalized and institutionalised by forces who have tried to standardize the very nature of humanity.

If the fear of death from a fictitious Swine Flu were not enough, the scare stories on world media such as BBC or C NN, showing melting iceb ergs are dramatic enough to cause one sleep less nights.
says ENSO is the "strongest source of natural variability in the global climate system. During the severe ENSO event of 1982/1983, when the sea surface off Peru warmed by more than 7 C, it was discovered that there are strong links to weather in other regions, as for instance, floods in California and intensified drought in Africa." Landscheidt adds, "El Nio and La Nia are subjected to external forcing by the suns varying activity to such a degree that it explains nearly all of ENSOs irregularities and makes long-range forecasts beyond the 1-year limit possible." "This is no mere theory. My forecasts of the last two El Nios turned out correct and that of the last one was made more than two years ahead of the event" (Solar Activity Controls El Nio and La Nia, in Even James Hansen, one of the outspoken protagonists of the Global Warming idea admits, "The forcings that drive long-term climate change are not known with any accuracy sufficient to define future climate change. The natural forcing, due to solar irradiance changes, may play a larger role in long-term climate change than inferred from comparisons with general circulation models alone." El Ninos are linked to floods, droughts and other weather disturbances in many regions of the world. In the Atlantic Ocean, effects lag behind those in the Pacific by 12 to 18 months. They tend to occur every three to eight years. La Ninas are the associated cooling phase of the Pacific Ocean cycles. periods, centuries ago, before coal power plants or automobiles existed. Grudds study concludes that, "The late-twentieth century is not exceptionally warm in the new record: On decadal-to-centennial timescales, periods around a.d. 750, 1000, 1400, and 1750 were equally warm, or warmer. The 200-year long warm period centered on a.d. 1000 was significantly warmer than the late-twentieth century and is supported by other local and regional paleoclimate data." (H. Grudd, Tornetrsk tree-ring width and density ad 5002004: a test of climatic sensitivity and a new 1500-year reconstruction of north Fennoscandian summers, Climate Dynamics, Volume 31, Numbers 7-8 / December, 2008) Put simply, the earth was warmer one thousand years ago than today. And there were no records of SUVs or coal plants belching CO2 into the atmosphere back then. The only problem with these serious scientific studies is that mainstream media entirely ignores them, preferring dramatic scare story scenarios such as those Barack Obama presented in his UN speech or the UN's Ban KiMoon in his staged Arctic ice drama. Strangely enough, none of the Global Warming proponents that I am aware of have tried to correlate ENSO activity with global temperature changes. Should we instead be proposing to outlaw El Ninos or forbid solar eruptions? It makes as much scientific sense as banning or capping CO2 emissions. Global Warming as a new religion is one thing, but we should be clear that the high priests are the same Gods of Money who brought us 'Peak Oil' religion a few years ago and the current

he current global warming propaganda scare is being hyped by politicians and special interests, such as Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street financial firms, that stand to reap billions trading new carbon credit financial futures. They made an all-out effort to scare the world into a deal at the December Copenhagen Global Warming summit, the successor to the Kyoto agreement on CO2 emission reduction. Its been estimated that the Global Warming bill supported by Barack Obama and his Wall Street patrons, passed by the House of Representatives, but not by the more conservative US Senate, would cost US taxpayers some $10 trillion. In the UK, where Prime Minister Gordon Brown is fully on the global warming bandwagon, the BBC and the Royal Society are proposing wild schemes for "climate engineering," including putting up mirrors in space to keep out the suns rays, or lining the highways with artificial trees to suck CO2 out of the air, to be taken away and buried in holes in the ground. Perhaps it would provide work for a few thousand Britons unemployed by the ravages of the recent financial collapse, but it would do nothing else than waste taxpayer's money already stretched to the limits in bank bailouts. The entire farce has been compared to satirist Jonathan Swifts Gulliver who meets a fictional character trying to extract sunbeams from cucumbers.

saw a whole people whove lost their way of life and in its place have built a technological monster which does most of their hard work, carries their water, delivers their food, raises their kids, makes their decisions, says their prayers, transports them, informs them, entertains them, and controls the people it serves, absolutely. I also saw that the monster, seemingly unable to manage itself, was running wild, totally out of visible control, ripping the land to pieces, spreading poisons, filling the air with filth, dumping garbage and shit in the rivers and lakes and oceans. I saw all that, and I saw the people, millions of them, crowded together in cities, living side by side in towns, villages, rural areas. But I didnt see a single community. Is someone doing all of this on purpose ? Yes!

"One America burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population,we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it." - Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier "It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true." -Paul Watson Co-founder ofGreenpeace


Theres been a lot of talk recently of the way of the world and how itll change in the future. This is for your convenience of course! One of the main talking points has been the banking situation whereby the public have been, and will be again in the near future, robbed by the very same group of people who have been responsible for the collapse of the world economy. Weve to go cashless apparently, which will supposedly be safer for us, well never be mugged again dont you know. (Except by the bankers) And of course itll be cheaper for the banks. Thats real handy then. The Irish Times wrote an article National Irish Moves to Cashless Banking on 22nd Dec. 2009, for those who doubt what Im saying What does a cashless society mean for you? Well it simply means that all your financial transactions will be carried out electronically using a new Smartcard. This card will be capable of containing much more than your bank account details. It will hold all your personal information and will act as your ID card as well as your driving license. It will also hold your medical records, your employment records, both past and present etc. The list is endless. Pretty soon, in this environmental age, it will also contain your Carbon Footprint Rations. Despite the total invasion of your privacy and the obvious potential implications for fraud etc, the fact that you wont be able to buy anything without there being a record of it is another infringement of your right to privacy. You can and will be tracked wherever you go. If the card should become damaged or lost, you will have no means whatsoever to pay for anything. The card can also be turned off should someone decide to do so for whatever reason. Dare I suggest disagreeing with government as a plausible reason? However, you should perhaps be more concerned with the last point, your Carbon Footprint Ration. If youve been reading other articles in this paper regarding the global warming lie, and have given them some thought, you will realise that carbon taxes will eventually be applied to individuals. How else will the liars control us? To ensure your compliance to pay a personal carbon tax you will be given, what in effect will be, a carbon ration which will come in the form of an amount of carbon credits valid for a defined period of time, which you cant save up and which, surprise, surprise, will be applied to your Smartcard. Clever isnt it? People need to understand that a carbon tax is not only a tax on fossil fuels. It will apply to every item which requires energy to produce it. That means EVERYTHING you buy or do will have an element of carbon tax included in the cost. Food, travel, medicines, fuel, all forms of agriculture, and of course children and pets, will also have a carbon tax applied. Not only will there be a financial element, there will also be a carbon footprint element; your personal carbon footprint. Whatever amount of carbon footprint units are applied to the item purchased will therefore be deducted automatically from your Smartcard for that item. You will have a limited amount of these carbon footprint units, which as The We the People will not be Chipped - No Verichip Inside Movement, is based on the irrefutable fact, that we believe in mankind's inalienable human rights that are absolute and cannot be debased, nor perverted. Human life cannot be degraded to a 16 digit RFID chip number embedded under your skin under any circumstance. By uniting on this common ground, we can send a strong message to the IBM funded Verichip that we the people will not be chipped! As history has a funny habit of repeating itself, study World War II closely on how IBM backed the Nazi Regime utilizing the Hollerith Machine. The Hollerith Machine was a punch card system that aided in cataloguing the population. This IBM technology gave the fascist, totalitarian state the much needed technology boost to increase its rate of human data processing. The goal was simple. Extreme nationalism, which called for the unification of all German-speaking peoples and

Don't get 'SMART' WISE UP!

The Sovereign Independent
stated earlier, is called RATIONING! So, if youre an ordinary person going about your ordinary business, youre going to be FORCED to think carefully about everything you buy because the danger is that you will run out of carbon credits whereby you wont be able to buy ANYTHING until the next allocation of your carbon ration. This is the reality of the direction that the entire global warming/climate change scam was always engineered to go in. It has nothing to do with the environment. It is about control over every aspect of your life. So if you dont OBEY the world government, then your card will simply be turned off. And it wont stop there! When inevitably people start losing their 'Smartcard' or having it stolen, then the solution will be to have a microchip implanted under your skin containing all the information on your smartcard and much, much more. As youre reading this Im sure youre thinking, yeah right, conspiracy nut. Well I hate to tell you but this was already happening as far back as 2002. In Barcelona, the owner of the Baja Beach Club introduced implantable microchips for his VIP guests. The owner, Mr. Conrad Chase stated:
"We have a special zone at Baja Beach Club where only VIPs are allowed, which has various exclusive services for these members. We are the first discotheque in the world to offer the VIP VeriChip. Using an integrated (imbedded) microchip, our VIPS can identify themselves and pay for their food and drinks without the need for any kind ofdocument (ID)."

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In the same year, a far more sinister use of the Verichip was implemented when government officials in Mexico were implanted. They had no choice to refuse this violation of their human rights as to have done so would have meant instant dismissal from their jobs. In addition 1000 Mexicans have had chips implanted for medical reasons, although these reasons have not been specified other than for use in retrieving medical records. In 2002, a Florida family had their children implanted to apparently allow easier transfer of medical records should their children end up in hospital at some time in the future. People must understand that this is coming for everyone whether you like it or not. Terrorism will be used to justify this violation of your fundamental human right to privacy as the chip will enable the state and other bodies to scan you at will wherever you go on the planet. If we don't stop the 'Smartcard' now, it's inevitable that worse is to come. Wheres it going? Read on.... Marcus Zazhivot

And Finally..... The Micro-Chipping Agenda

eradicating the enemies of the state; namely the Jews and other noncompliant races; approximately 12 million innocent people in total.

Fast forward to the year 2006, we have IBM funding the parent company of the Verichip namely Applied Digital Solutions [ADSX]. The VeriChip Corporation is both FDA approved and patented with the owner of patent (#6,400,338) granted recently to VeriChip's manufacturer, Digital Angel Corporation, with worldwide patents pending. In the re-active world's state of affairs,

we are seeing world governments tightening measures in regard to identity protection, trumpeting our need to be protected from the forces of evil. As we move into the age of paranoia, and fear, these ideologies, supported by propaganda campaigns demand total conformity on the part of the people. We are seeing information and ideas filtered through the control of television, radio, the press and education at all levels. When the next 9/11 event occurs and world government, with the use of enforced martial law utilizing paramilitary police, demands mandatory human chipping, will you be considered the NEW JEW if you choose not to comply? What if you believe a human should never be treated like inventory? What if you find the thought of being chipped as degrading, degenerative and of feeble mind? Do you become the enemy of the state because you

To most people its just a chip on a card they don't know anything about, an access control card in their wallet for their place of work or a new passport with a plastic insert. Its only a card or is it? The transition from one technology to another, to the average person, is seamless, first the magnetic strip on the back of their bank card, then proximity, which allows for contactless scanning of the card, similar to a bar code reader, and now Radio Frequency Identification or RFID. Most manufactures of the cards will simply rebrand them with their own name and logo, so it just looks the same as the last card. So whats the big deal? To start with, the issue isnt the plastic card. The real issue is the technology that's embedded into it. Whereas your magnetic strip or proximity previously had to be swiped or presented to a reader or inserted into an ATM machine etc to get that minimal vital info that's needed, RFID works on radio waves; radio waves that can be picked up from a distance, i.e. remotely. So now the user does not have to go to his or her wallet or purse to get out the card to present it to the reader etc. RFID is also capable of handling a lot more information than previous technology, such as your banking details, medical records, social welfare information etc. The list of uses is unlimited in scope. The Irish government recently announced its intention to roll out the National ID Biometric Smart Card with an embedded RFID chip, for every citizen over 16, starting later this year. They will then be able to keep tabs on everything you do and can access your PERSONAL information whenever they want to. The future uses of RFID. When the technology of the new body scanners, being installed in all airports around the world, is combined with

RFID Real Freedom IsRFID receivers Dead RFID technology,

installed in each of the scanners will remove the need for those inconvenient queues were all familiar with. However, just a brief stint in the naked body scanner will allow, private corporations and governments, around the whole world, to have a crystal clear image of your naked body, your biometric read out, maybe even your DNA, your passport details, travel details, visas etc. They will also have your medical records, your financial records, driving licence details and any criminal record you may have, however minor. Your luggage won't get lost though. It will also be tagged with RFID that will go through the same procedure as its owner. It will be X-rayed, scanned, identified, matched and loaded ready for its journey. Implantable RFID chip with all the trimmings. When this new technology goes into mass production, it will already be familiar to the public due to mass media propaganda. It will more than likely be purchased at your local Car Phone Warehouse, for example, with a variety of applications to download directly to the RFID chip, surgically embedded through a syringe into your arm, which takes away the inconvenience of carrying a card or file saving device. So this can only be an advantage right? With RFID you can just walk through a supermarket checkout, for example, without any inconvenience or disruption, with no need to queue and payment will be made automatically from your bank account. There will be no requirement for cash. In other words, everything you buy and sell will be tracked. What will you do if your chip malfunctions or if its turned off? Winston Brian the pinnacle backbone of civil liberties to prevent coerced and forced chipping of humans. If you won't act to stop this, when will you stand up for your rights? Your future generations do not request your assistance, they demand it. Since the writing of this article, combined with the progress we've made in exposing Verichip, they have now changed their name to 'Positive ID'. If you want to become involved in the Irish branch of 'We The People Will Not Be Chipped', please contact: wethepeoplewillnotbechipped@sover Greg Nikolettos For more info please visit:

will not accept an RFID EMBEDDED into your person? We can say this, the day you accept a RFID Verichip is the day you have sold your human spirit. What have you received in return? Youve been given fear, the very product they sold you. So, we ask you this question: "What are you doing to change the tide and to educate others about world events whilst the world 'elite' politicians and multi-nationals are working tirelessly to enslave you?" The No Verichip Movement believes we can prevent the external social forces in polluting the human mind set that any human being requires to be chipped. We will only be treated like inventory when complacency becomes our drug of choice. If you feel as strongly as we do why not get involved?! We are defending

The Sovereign Independent

Police State
How many signs do there have to be before people see the full implementation of a Police State?
Well, lets just go through a few of them to see where we stand today. Lets start with social welfare fraud. Nobody would have any trouble with catching welfare fraudsters. They cost the taxpayer a lot of money which, one would hope, could be better spent. So whats the solution? Are we to use computer software to ensure that people can only claim from one address and using only one name? No. Weve to set up police checkpoints to stop motorists on the border with the North, not just fraudsters, but anyone driving near or across the border. Why should innocent people simply taking a trip be subjected to a police check on them, their car and demands to see their ID? What about naked body scanners? If youve read other sections of this paper youll be aware that we, thats every person on the planet who wants to take a trip in an airliner, are all soon to be subjected to a naked body scan which will be saved on file, for as yet an undetermined reason, indefinitely it seems. Remember, one guy with what amounted to a large firework in his pants has apparently taken the right of privacy from 6.8 BILLION people. Whether you believe the official story or not, it seems to me that terrorism is winning big time if this is the only solution society can come up with to stop it. How about your childrens schoolbag being raided for alcohol at school? Surely its a parents responsibility to make sure that their children arent taking alcohol to school? Some will say that the children may be picking up the alcohol on the way to school. Well, surely thats a matter for the powers that be to ensure that anyone selling alcohol to school children is dealt with in an appropriate manner instead of having school teachers raid childrens bags? Sticking with children, they have already been fingerprinted in a Limerick school as part of a cashless school dinner program under the guise of making it safer for your children, because they wont have to carry cash to school, where they can be mugged by bullies. Im sure that bullies are in the minority in all schools but again, the majority have to be fingerprinted to get fed. Do you feel better knowing that your childrens fingerprints are being stored by a department of government? The proposed DNA database will allow the authorities to take a sample of your DNA, whether you are charged with a crime or not, which will be kept for 10 years, to start with. How are you to know theyve stopped storing it? Why do you have to give your DNA to anyone if you have done nothing wrong? The usual response from the public to this would normally be Well, if youve nothing to hide, then why are you worried? My response to that would be that whether I have anything to hide or not, I have a right to innocence until proven guilty, regardless of the unconstitutional Lisbon Treaty which states otherwise. The state has no right to treat me or anyone else as a criminal unless they have evidence. My other reservation, considering cases in the past, particularly involving gardai in Donegal, is that people should be aware that in these scientific times, DNA can be cloned. This has been done since 1958 and more recently with Dolly the Sheep in 1996. I personally would not trust my DNA with anyone who has the capacity to use it whenever they see fit and could indeed copy it to use for whatever means they chose. CCTV cameras do not demonstrably curtail crime figures. That is a fact, so why do we have them in all our major cities

The Incremental Progression of the

++++ Surveillance and Police State ++++

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watching every move we make? Did you vote to be watched every minute you spend going round the shops or simply walking along the street minding your own business? CCTV cameras are not for your security. How many crimes have been prevented using CCTV? The answer is, a small minority. CCTV is primarily used AFTER a crime has been commited. Again, the vast majority of people are filmed doing nothing wrong and these images are stored for a set period, as required by law, for no apparently justifiable reason. The ID card has been mentioned in a previous article whereby it will be linked to your driving license and your personal carbon credit ration, to name but two uses for it. Enough said. The few samples above all have one glaring similarity. They all punish the majority of ordinary, decent people simply going about their daily lives, doing absolutely nothing wrong. Yet, because a small minority of people do things they shouldnt, we are all considered potential criminals. The overwhelming majority of people are not criminals! Lets stop picking on the innocent and get real when it comes to our civil liberties. Peter Smith

Big Brother, Little Sister, a step too far

Winston O Brian A UK security company is to launch an online CCTV monitoring website that will bring Big Brother to a new level in the ever extending surveillance state. 'Internet Eyes' will hope that members of the public will log on to their website, from the comfort of their own homes, to monitor CCTV feeds of shops and other UK businesses who subscribe to this service. With the enticement of cash rewards for viewers why wouldnt people, especially in these times of recession, cash in and try and spot a crime? and child and figures from 2007 show that there were 10,000 'on street' cameras in use in London alone, costing 200 million yet 80% of crimes went unsolved. The numbers speak for themselves. Now, in London, there are 4 million surveillance cameras in general use, yet the crime rate still rises. And now Internet Eyes, a private company, are trying to cash in on the failure of CCTV installations around the country. Internet Eyes believes that the way to improve on this situation is for members of the public to be the CCTV operators watching over fellow CCTV systems in shops and businesses citizens waiting for them to commit a are not always monitored so the crime so that they can cash in. This is solution, as far as Internet Eyes is the ultimate neighbourhood watch! concerned, is to get untrained members of the public to watch the live coverage The Information Commissioners Office and get better results than those has expressed some concern about this obtained by trained CCTV operators in new venture. The Data Protection Act security control rooms around the in the UK has a Code of Practice country. containing guidelines for retention of The UK is already the most surveilled CCTV images. The code states: "You country in the world per man woman should not keep images for longer than strictly necessary to meet your own purposes for recording them". Most companies have a retention period of 31 days. How is Internet Eyes going to comply with this? The public who are logged into Internet Eyes could take a screen shot and store images on their pc indefinitely and I am sure these images would eventually make it on to YouTube and all other avenues of the World Wide Web. How would they get around law requiring that the viewer of the CCTV attend court to testify against the criminal who committed the crime? Usually the operator of the CCTV, or the individual who downloads the footage for evidence, has to appear in court as a witness to the crime.

of the system for there to be a legal challenge. With people in the UK being recorded an average of 300 times a day on CCTV systems and now having their images stored on private computers, "God only knows how many times", it wouldnt only be the criminals who would find themselves on YouTube. If you think for a minute that its only going to be crimes It may well be that the Internet Eyes which will be filmed, think again. How many embarrassing moments legal team find a way around the Data have you seen on You Tube? Protection Act and the Information Commissioners Office backs down as Do you want to be the next You Tube star? they did with Google Street View. Sadly it may take some serious abuse This is a step too far.


According to the WHO and medical experts throughout the last 30 years, we should all be dead by now form a variety of killer diseases. Anything from AIDS, SARS, Avian Flu and now so called Swine Flu should have had us all in our graves, or if not, at least seriously ill. Why Swine Flu should even be called by this name is utterly misleading as there has been no connection to pigs, except the fact that this flu strain has part of a swine flu virus in it. The virus also contains elements of avian flu and normal human flu amongst other pathogens. After being studied by biologists and disease specialists, this virus was declared to be an impossible occurrence in nature and hence was manmade, presumably in a laboratory. Swine Flu has killed relatively few people for a virus which has led to the biggest fear mongering hoax in modern times. If anyone reading this has lost a loved one, I sympathise, but that doesnt change the fact that this is a relatively harmless virus which a normal, healthy person would shake off in a couple of days. When the normal seasonal flu kills up to 500,000 people per year, every year, and that has never been declared a pandemic, why was 'swine flu'? It has killed a fraction of this figure, the vast majority, if not all victims, having an underlying health condition. The obvious conclusion to come to on these deaths would be that it was the underlying health problems which killed the unfortunate victims, with the swine flu simply being a mitigating factor. I admit Im no doctor so thats just my opinion. How to Manufacture a Pandemic: Change the Definition The only reason this was called a pandemic was due to the World Health Organisation (WHO) changing the criteria whereby a pandemic would no longer be declared on the basis of death rates. (We were also told that this was a brand new strain which the world had never seen before.) A pandemic would now be announced simply based on the rate of infection. In other words, in theory, we will now be in a permanent state of pandemic alert simply due to the spread of the common cold or the seasonal flu. How can that be possible? Of course, this means that technically this country is STILL under martial law whereby the WHO can ORDER our government to literally quarantine anyone they want, remove you from your home if need be, and keep you indefinitely in a government detention facility, whether you are infected or not. You will also be vaccinated against your will if or when the Minister decides. This information is contained in the 1947 Health Act Common sense however dictates that if you decide to stay in your home in the event of a real pandemic, you pose no risk to anyone apart from others in your home, regardless of whether you have been vaccinated or not. It should also be noted that an injection, which breaks the surface of the skin, is an invasive procedure which is technically a surgical operation. You have the right of conformed consent as to whether you wish to have such a procedure, regardless of the wishes of any politician to the contrary. (Margaret Chan, the head of the WHO, admitted recently that she had NOT taken the vaccine despite her doom and gloom predictions for humanity from the dangers of being unvaccinated. To paraphrase her reason for not doing so, she said that she was looking into where she could get the vaccine. This is the head of the WHO, at the United Nations, who says she was unable to find one dose of vaccine or one doctor to inject her with it. This is simply an outrageous lie.) So what was the solution to this pandemic? How could we all be saved? Well that was simple. All we had to do was roll up our sleeves and take an untested drug from pharmaceutical companies with a shocking safety record on vaccine manufacture in the past.

Th e Vi ru s & Th e Vacci n e: Th e
pharmaceutical companies that there is a lot to fear from these giants of industry. They have huge power over governments and dictate health policy to them, as well as selling them huge amounts of drugs. This is to save us all from imminent death of course. If youve read the above carefully, it becomes ever clearer that this is not the case at all. They have clearly manufactured the swine flu virus, to be released at a later date, as soon as industrial patents have been given for so called preventative measures. This then exposes the public to untested, and therefore unsafe drugs, which they supply at huge cost to taxpayers across the world! Criminal Acts Deserve Criminal Charges Anyone who releases a pathogen, which kills even one person, should be brought up on charges of first degree murder simply because that is exactly what it is. What actually happens is that these pharmaceutical giants are rewarded worldwide with huge contracts to supply their vaccines, which have been licensed to them by the WHO, despite massive amounts of evidence to show that these companies are utterly untrustworthy and corrupt to the core, with an outrageously poor track record on safety and their dubious, historical ties mentioned above. Why are companies who have been actively involved in genocide in the past being allowed to even be in business to this day, producing drugs which are known to have (side) effects including infertility, paralysis and in many cases death? This cannot happen without corruption at the highest levels of government, and in particular, the United Nations World Health Organisation itself. Investigations have already begun in the EU, by officials from 47 countries, looking into the connections between members of the WHO and the pharmaceutical industry. They have found serious links amongst members, those very people who changed the definition of pandemic and announced the scare on cue, to the large pharmaceutical corporations. The WHO has been involved in many vaccination scandals in the past. Here are but a few. The Philippine High Court convicted the WHO of involuntarily sterilizing over 3 million Philippino women through the use of vaccines. The WHO in 1985 documented that one of its primary goals for the use of a sterility vaccine, disguised as a smallpox vaccine, was to eliminate 150 million excess Sub Saharan Africans. The WHOs 5-shot vaccine programs for tetanus in Third World countries in South and Central America caused the involuntary sterilization of millions of women. Is it just me or is there a common link between these 3 scandals? It seems that the WHO have a liking for sterilizing the people of the Third World and as stated above, one of the major effects of the vaccines for any supposedly deadly disease, is infertility. These are heinous crimes yet no-one has been held responsible. How would you feel if you were involuntarily, or without your knowledge, sterilized under the guise of a life saving vaccine? It is a fact, according to the WHOs own figures, that the sperm count in the Westernized world has reduced by 85% over the past 50 years. Why is this never declared as any kind of a problem? Havent you noticed that one of the quickest growing industries, even in these times of recession, is the rise of infertility clinics? WHO documentation has been exposed showing that they regularly sent out viruses in mock up trials to see how viruses would spread throughout the worlds population. These viruses killed human beings. This is MURDER!

The Sovereign Independent

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(See Issue 1 of The Sovereign Independent available on our website.) We were told that these vaccines were perfectly safe after a 5 day testing period. This is unheard of in the vaccine world with normal vaccines taking years to produce, yet were supposed to believe that the major pharmaceutical corporations in the world could come up with a vaccine in record time? The only reason this could be possible is if the pharmaceutical companies already knew which virus to use to create the vaccine well in advance. It comes as no surprise to so called conspiracy theorists that this was indeed the case. Make the Virus, Supply the Vaccine, Make a Killing! Novartis applied for just such a patent on Nov. 4, 2005, and the U.S. Patent Office accepted this application and granted US 20090047353A1 for a "Split Influenza Vaccine with Adjuvants" on February 19, 2009. What a coincidence that this should happen the month before the outbreak of this deadly, 'killer flu'. It also proves, of course, that the virus was alive and well in 2005 and was NOT a new strain at all. Conspiracy Theory Becomes Conspiracy Fact! Tamiflu was also pushed as a symptom suppressor. This is a drug with a record of use in flu epidemics and now a pandemic. It should be pointed out that many virology experts have stated openly that Tamiflu is useless in fighting both avian and swine flu. Indeed it has been proven to be another one of many neurotoxins supplied to the public as a panacea to cure all flu strains. It shouldnt come as any surprise that Tamiflu was sitting on big pharma shelves, going past its sell by date, when Donald Rumsfeld declared wed all be dead from avian flu a few years ago. He was in the Bush Government at the time whilst owning millions of Dollars in shares of Gilead Pharmaceuticals, the patent holders of Tamilflu. That must surely be another coincidence. He has allegedly also made millions from the current swine flu scare. Hidden Connections to Hitlers Agenda Novartis are the biggest, multi-national pharmaceutical company in the world and have been involved in many dubious activities going back to their links with Nazi industrialists and the CIA.

I hardly think that these are reputable factors to consider when rolling up your sleeve to be injected with one of their drugs. Baxter Pharmaceuticals have similar connections and it is from Baxter that Ireland has received its swine flu vaccine. (Again, see Issue 1 of The Sovereign Independent for a brief history of Baxter's horrendous safety record.) The Rockefeller family who own most, if not all pharmaceutical companies, directly or indirectly, are also complicit in aiding and abetting the Nazi regime during WWII. They supplied Hitlers military with fuel for his war machine throughout the conflict with the aid of financier Prescott Bush, the father of George Bush Senior. This coupled with the fact that IBM, the computer giants who supplied the technology to the Nazis to enable them to carry out their genocidal campaign, shows how multinational corporations have no moral conscience when it comes to power and profit, even if this causes the deaths of millions of innocent civilians. However, it seems that IBM has moved into the medical business and can now look into the future to predict pandemics. This is from an internal IBM document titled: Services & Global Procurement pan IOT Europe, Pandemic Plan Overview An official inter-departmental document was distributed to upper-level management of IBM, France in 2006. Disclosed in this secret document was the prediction of a planned pandemic, described as having a 100% chance of occurring within the next 5 years. The document also describes quarantines and operational procedures to be taken upon the official announcements of the pandemic by the World Health Organization. The foreknowledge of such an event could not exist, unless the pandemic was planned in advance. Certainly, this document is the smoking gun which demonstrates the current bird/swine flu pandemic is an orchestrated event leading to mass vaccinations sponsored by the WHO and the UN. This single document definitively proves there is international, corporate collusion behind the bird/swine flu pandemic and the intentional plan to create disease on a worldwide scale. It should come as no surprise to anyone who "There is NO pandemic vaccination has looked into the background of the necessary. We know this now. We are very,

Li es an d F rau d of B i g P h arm a
very sure that it is NOT necessary. So the people were right in France. The people were right in Germany NOT to have this pandemic (swine flu) vaccination. This is the first and most important thing." "We don't want such FAKE pandemics" Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Head of 47 country Commission Investigating Big Pharma Ties to the WHO, 3rd Feb. 2010

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The Polio Vaccine: Kill or Cure? In the case of the Jonas Salks Polio vaccine, we now know for an absolute fact, that this drug contained a cancer-causing monkey virus (SV40) and was given to 98 million Americans between 1954 1963. SV40 has since shown up in a variety of cancers in human beings, including children who were too young at the time to have had the vaccine. This suggests that the cancer virus has been passed on from the parents, or after knowing that cancer-causing viruses were in the vaccine, they continued to give the drug to future generations. Whichever reason you choose to believe, and there are only these two possibilities, you should be extremely concerned at the use of vaccines, period! The rates of all types of cancers, many very rare 60 years ago, have increased dramatically since the introduction of mass vaccination programs. Maybe thats all just coincidence but wouldnt you be better off looking into the subject for yourself? (No vaccine has ever been proven to eradicate any disease whatsoever and vaccines are in fact still classed as theoretical drugs. In fact, if you look into the death rates of most common diseases prior to the introduction of a so called vaccine, you will find that the disease was in decline well before the introduction of the vaccine. This was primarily due to improved sanitation, nutrition and in a general improved standard of living.) Not only have vaccines been shown to harbour cancer viruses, they have also led, in the case of a recent polio outbreak in Nigeria, to the realization that this outbreak was caused totally by the polio vaccine given. In July, the World Health Organization issued a warning that this vaccine-spread virus might extend beyond Africa. Indeed, 124 Nigerian children were paralyzed last year; about twice those afflicted in 2008. Nigeria and most other poor nations use an oral polio vaccine because it's cheaper, easier and 'protects' entire communities. Genetic analysis proves mutated viruses from the vaccine have caused at least seven separate outbreaks in Nigeria. Read the full story here: lth/main5242168.shtml Common (side) effects of vaccines not only include infection of the disease the drug is supposed to prevent, but also numerous others such as paralysis and in many cases death. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) The current drive by the HSE to start the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine campaign this summer is utter madness given the vast amounts of evidence to show that this vaccine is ineffective in preventing cervical cancer. There is evidence showing that there is no link between HPV and cervical cancer in young girls, yet this evidence is being ignored. Healthy young girls are being exposed to serious health risks as a consequence. This is not my opinion. This comes from documents published by the American Food & Drug Agency (FDA). This is also a direct quote from the FDA website: HPV is not a new virus. But many people don't know about it. Most people don't have any signs. HPV may go away on its own without causing any health problems. Lets think logically here. This vaccine was only approved for use in 2006. This being the case, and considering that it has been given to teenage

girls, approximately 14 years of age, then these girls would now be 18 years old. The age group most at risk of contracting cervical cancer is between 45-55 years old. Therefore, how can this vaccine have been thoroughly tested if we are still 20+ years away from the first recipients of the vaccine being at risk from cervical cancer? Untested & Unproven = DANGER! Despite all the hype and fear-mongering, there is not a single shred of evidence in existence today that scientifically supports the myth that H1N1 vaccines reduce mortality from H1N1 infections. The best evidence on vaccines that target seasonal flu indicates a maximum mortality reduction effect of somewhere around 1% of those who are vaccinated. The other 99% have the same mortality rate as people who were not vaccinated, which would suggest, quite simply, that the 'vaccine' is useless. So if we apply that to recent H1N1 vaccines, and give them the benefit of the doubt, and logically assume that they 'work' just as well as other flu vaccines, that means they would reduce the mortality rate by 1%. So out of the 2,200 deaths that took place in 2009 in America, in people who were already vaccinated, the vaccine potentially may have saved 22 people. According to US reports, 61 million people were injected with a potentially dangerous vaccine, and the actual number "saved" from the pandemic was conceivably just 22. Meanwhile, the number of people harmed by the vaccine is almost certainly much, much higher than 22. There have been almost 800 reported cases of (side) effects in Ireland alone! These vaccines contain nervous system disruptors and inflammatory chemicals that can cause serious health problems. Injecting 61 million of the American people with a chemical that threatens the nervous system in order to avoid 22 deaths, at most, is an idiotic public health stance. America would have been better off doing nothing rather than hyping up a pandemic in order to sell more vaccines to people who don't need them. Better yet, what the USA could have done, that would have been more effective, was to hand out bottles of Vitamin D to 61 million people to boost their immune systems as the government regularly supplies free to its citizens in Northern Russia, where the lack of sunlight in winter months can lead to Vitamin D deficiency causing a higher risk of susceptibility to viruses due to a weakened immune system. Bottles of vitamin D supplements could have saved thousands of lives and offered tremendously important additional benefits such as preventing cancer and depression to name but two. Conclusion We have seen that so called swine flu was totally hyped by governments and vaccine manufacturers to instil fear amongst the general public and to boost the profits of the big pharmaceutical corporations and vested interests. This investigation is ongoing with the possibility of criminal charges to follow. Dont hold your breath that anything will come of it of course. This is too big for the public to be told about. We have seen the WHO caught deliberately sterilizing young women against their will in the Third World through vaccination programs. At the same time the fertility rate of the developed worlds male population has been reduced by 85% yet this is not a pandemic? We have seen that the Jonas Salks polio vaccine was nothing of the sort and indeed has infected countless victims with a wide variety of cancers to this day. Weve seen how a so called polio vaccine has caused a polio epidemic in Nigeria directly related to the vaccine. Weve seen the sinister links, of big pharma and the WHO, with the mass murderers of the recent past and to nefarious acts including sending viruses into the population to study their effects.

The list goes on and on. Why should we trust anything these people tell us regarding our health and well being? How can we trust corporations who deal in cancer giving drugs under the guise of protecting us from diseases which have long since been eradicated by nothing other than simple hygiene and nutrition? And what about the fact that reintroduction of diseases has been brought about by vaccination programs?

When multinational corporations continue to peddle their life-threatening products, sterilize women against their will and release harmful pathogens into the community under the protection of the United Nations, who know the history of these corporations with their ties to tyrannical regimes in recent times, you have to ask yourselves the simple question: WHY IS THIS ALLOWED TO CONTINUE? Neil Foster

Total world p op ulation stands at ap p roximately 6. 8 Billion p e o p le . Seasonal Flu kills up to 500,000 p eop le p er year, every year. The WHO p ut the total numb er of swine flu deaths worldwide a t 1 3 , 5 5 4 a s o f t h e 1 5 t h Ja n . 2 0 1 0 . Total deaths in Ireland, as far as is known, all with underlying m e d ic a l c o n d itio n s , is 2 2 . Side effects in Ireland T h e I r is h H e r a ld a n d th e I r is h M e d ic a l B o a r d p u t th e to ta l numb er of side effects from the vaccination at 61 9 as of 1 4th Dec. 2 009 and 790 as of 1 8th Dec. 2 009 resp ectively. Side effects worldwide from the vaccine range from soreness at in j e c tio n p o in t, to d iz z in e s s , a n a p h yla c tic s h o c k a n d d e a th . Ap p roximate Worldwide Death Rates C hances of dying from Swine Flu = 1 in 502 ,000 ap p rox. C hances of dying from Seasonal Flu = 1 in 1 3 ,600 ap p rox. Why was Seasonal Flu never called a Pandemic if you are 3 7 times more likely to die from it?


ver the last 50 years, hundreds of billions of Euros have been spent in the fight against cancer. Yet today more people contract cancer and die from it, than ever before. The same can be said for diabetes and heart disease. More people have multiple sclerosis, lupus, asthma, migraine headaches, joint, neck and back pain. More people have acid reflux, ulcers and stomach problems than ever before. ore children have attention deficit disorder (ADD) and hyperactivity than ever before. Chronic fatigue, insomnia, bad skin, acne, dandruff, depression, stress and anxiety are becoming normal. The list goes on. Yet surprisingly enough, there are more of us going to visit doctors than ever before. More people are taking non-prescription and prescription drugs. Not only are more people taking drugs but each person is taking more of these drugs. There are more of us getting diagnostic testing, such as blood tests and x-rays, than ever before. Yet more and more of us are getting sick. The percentage of us getting cancer today is far higher than it was in 1970, despite the billions upon billions being spent trying to prevent and cure it. If you contract it today, you have the same chance of dying from it as you did in 1970.

Producing drugs that cure disease would have a detrimental effect on their profits. However by producing drugs that only treat the symptoms of disease, they are guaranteeing themselves a constant supply of sick people and sick profits. That is after all their job; to increase profit, not to cure disease. If they did not do this they would not be doing the job they are being paid to do and would simply be fired and replaced with someone else who would. Theres a massive conflict of interest endemic in the industry, where profit will always win out against morality. Imagine there is a scientist working in a lab somewhere that discovers a plant, that when consumed eliminates all cancer in the body. Its announced to the world and the medical community is rejoicing. No More Cancer and all for the Price of a Few Euro. Unfortunately you will never read this story, not because the story is not true, but because, if a simple herbal plant that cures all cancer was ever allowed to be sold or even grown at home, there would be no need for Cancer Societies to fundraise for research. There would be no need for any drug companies that are manufacturing and selling cancer drugs. There PUT SIMPLY, MODERN MEDICINE would be no need for government to provide cancer HAS FAILED. research funding. Cancer clinics around the world would close, Hundreds of thousands of people here are over 200,000 non-prescription drugs around the world would be out of work, entire and over 30,000 prescription drugs on the industries would shut down overnight, and billions market today with doctors writing billions of and billions of Euro would no longer be funneling prescriptions each year. The bottom line is that the into the kingpins who control the pharmaceutical only winners, in the cure and prevention of cancer industry. disease, are the pharmaceutical and drug companies. For reasons of space afforded me here I wont get into the kingpins now as thats a whole other article, A naturally healthy person never has to take a drug, but rest assured its the usual suspects. The same never has to have surgery and has no cancer, diabetes multi-national corporate gangster names, families or heart disease. A healthy person lives without and their minions that appear at the top of the illness, sickness or disease and rarely even gets a banking, food, heavy industry in general and the cold. We have been brainwashed into believing that it media etc. is natural for a human being to get colds and flus, have aches and pains and have major medical Isnt it interesting though how the same names and problems like cancer, diabetes and heart disease. We families do keep popping up at the top of all the so are also brainwashed into believing that it is natural to called conspiracy theories out there? And how take drugs and that we need drugs to be healthy. come no one ever gets sued? If I made an allegation, about a specific person, in this article that wasnt Animals in the wild dont get sick, they dont get true, Id be sued. I would be dragged through the cancer, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, heartburn, court, exposed as a liar and made to pay a heavy arthritis or depression. They never visit a doctor or price. Yet there are thousands of papers, articles and work out in the gym. Wild animals go through their books accusing these same people of the most whole lives without drugs, medical visits, surgery or horrendous crimes against humanity and no one ever formalized exercise routines, yet they live to the full gets taken to court and sued. In fact, they never even extent of their natural life-spans free from medication. go as far as to issue a statement of denial. Its not until you domesticate a wild animal, bring it to a vet, vaccinate it, drug it and feed it the same junk Why? Well to do so would only publicly expose we humans inflict on ourselves, on a daily basis, that them. To go to court would give their accusers a the animal will succumb to the same illnesses and chance to publicly present the evidence against them, diseases that we suffer from. and evidence there is; mountains of it. The only option they have is to ignore any accusation, and all So do drugs and surgery work? Well the simple the while the corporate media, whom they own and answer is yes, if you have been shot or involved in a control, will ensure that they are protected. car accident. However, drugs and surgery have historically failed in the prevention of illness and As the old Verve song goes The drugs dont work, disease. The limited purpose of the drugs, are simply they just make you worse. The same is true of all to treat the symptom and never the cause of the vaccines. Vaccines have never eradicated any disease symptom. Therefore, if you dont treat the cause, then and for all of you that have jumped from your chairs the symptom will return, and you will eventually screaming 'small pox, small pox', you can sit down succumb to the underlying disease again. now. You are wrong, small pox has not been eradicated, there are still outbreaks of small pox So if trillions of Euro in scientific research have failed around the world, mainly in war torn countries to produce ways to prevent and cure illness and where nutrition and hygiene are poor. disease, and all natural inexpensive prevention methods and cures do exist, why arent we hearing Polio has not been eradicated by vaccination. It is about them? lurking behind a redefinition and new diagnostic names like viral or aseptic meningitis" MONEY POWER AND POPULATION REDUCTION Vaccination - 100 Years of Orthodox Research. Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. (UK: Minerva Books. Published Dec. 1993) hese cures are being suppressed and hidden from you by the pharmaceutical industry and There is in fact, no evidence that vaccines have done the very international bodies, organizations and anything to even reduce disease. What normally agencies you thought were there to protect you. happens, is when something like measles has been decreasing in occurrence for many years, the drug Look, its simple, large pharmaceutical and drug companies spot the opportunity. Usually, at the tail companies are publicly traded companies who have a end of the disease, when a decrease of 90% or more legal responsibility to make profits for their has already occurred, they produce a vaccine, wait a shareholders. This is the job of the board of directors few years, and then claim it was the vaccine that of these companies. Their only objective is to make reduced the incidences of the particular disease they profits, the bigger the better. Every decision they manufactured the vaccine for. Its simply not true. make is to increase profits. To do this they need to sell Dont take my word for it; these figures are available drugs, to sell drugs they need people to be sick. to anyone who wants them.

Modern Medicine has Failed

Christian Massey,

The Sovereign Independent

April - May 201 0

Go look for yourself. So why are so many more of us getting sick? Well it doesnt take a genius to work it out. There are two main reasons anyone gets sick, you either catch something your body cant fight off, or your body develops something in the genetically week areas. In both these cases the causes are the same. Your immune system is weak and toxins are attacking your body. Your immune system is weak, because you have nutritional deficiencies, which in turn allows toxins the opportunity to attack your body

What can you do today to correct these imbalances? Again, due to space I will just briefly go over a few points in the box below. This topic will be covered in more depth in th in the next issue of the Sovereign Independent, or for those of you who cant wait, in the health section of where you will find the National Health Federation (nhf) section, where you can read more.

S om e s i m pl e s teps you can take ri g h t n ow

Avoid as much p rocessed food as you can. Processed food is full of toxins, chemicals and p reservatives. E at as much 1 00% organic, raw food as p ossib le. Never eat fast food! This is the worst form of food you could allow to enter your system.

Avoid p rescrip tion and non-p rescrip tion p harmaceutical d ru gs . Drugs only treat the symp toms, not the cause, and can p roduce side effects which are usually dealt with through the recommendation to take more drugs. You should avoid ALL vaccines! Besides the fact that they contain cancer causing viruses, heavy metals and toxins, there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that they actually work. Avoid non-natural cosmetics. E verything you p ut on your skin ends up in your b lood stream; ab solutely everything. Read the ingredients contained in these p roducts and if you re not hap p y to inj ect them directly into your b lood stream, you shouldn t b e p utting them on your skin. Don t drink tap water. Tap water in Ireland is full of fluoride and other chemicals. We are currently b eing mass medicated. Avoid non-natural cleaning p roducts. Air fresheners are the worst, they don t eliminate odours. They o n ly e lim in a te yo u r a b ility to s m e ll th e m . Take natural sup p lements. The food we eat today has virtually no nutritional value and needs to b e comp ensated for. Get natural sunlight and avoid sun screen. Sun screen may actually contrib ute to the cause of cancer, due to its chemical comp osition. It does not p revent it. Read the Sovereign Indep endent Pap er and Web site for more information and finally, Stop smoking!

The Sovereign Independent

Bill Sardi and Timothy Hubbell

It works 100% of the time to eradicate cancer completely, and cancer does not recur even years later. That is how researchers describe the most convincing cancer cure ever announced. The weekly injection of just 100 billionths of a gram of a harmless glyco-protein (a naturally-produced molecule with a sugar component and a protein component) activates the human immune system and cures cancer for good, according to human studies amongst breast cancer and colon cancer patients, producing complete remissions lasting 4 and 7 years respectively. This glyco-protein cure is totally without side effect but currently goes unused by cancer doctors. Normal Gc protein (also called Vitamin-D binding protein) , an abundant glyco-protein found in human blood serum, becomes the molecular switch to activate macrophages when it is converted to its active form, called Gc Macrophage Activating Factor (Gc-MAF). Gc protein is normally activated by conversion to Gc-MAF with the help of the B and T cells (bone marrow-made and thymus gland-made white blood cells). But, as researchers explain it themselves, cancer cells secrete an enzyme known as alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase (also called Nagalase) that completely blocks conversion of Gc protein to Gc-MAF, preventing tumor-cell killing by the macrophages. This is the way cancer cells escape detection and destruction, by disengaging the human immune system. This also leaves cancer patients prone to infections and many then succumb to pneumonia or other infections. The once-weekly injection of minute amounts of Gc-MAF, just 100 nanograms (A billionths of a gram), activates macrophages and allows the immune system to pursue cancer cells with vigour, sufficient to produce total long-term cures in humans. Nobuto Yamamoto, director of the Division of Cancer Immunology and Molecular Biology at the Socrates Institute for Therapeutic Immunology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, says this is probably the most potent macrophage activating factor ever discovered. Once a sufficient number of activated macrophages are produced, another Gc-MAF injection is not needed for a week because macrophages have a half-life of about six days. After 16-22 weekly doses of Gc-MAF the amount of Nagalase enzyme fell to levels found in healthy people, which serves as evidence tumours have been completely eliminated. The treatment was fool-proof. It worked in 100% of 16 breast cancer patients and there were no recurrent tumours over a period of 4 years, says a report in the January 15 issue of the International Journal of Cancer. [International Journal Cancer. 2008 January 15; 122(2):461-7] In another startling follow-up report by Dr. Yamamoto and colleagues, published in the July 2008 issue of Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, Gc-MAF therapy totally abolished tumours in 8 colon cancer patients who had already undergone surgery but still exhibited circulating cancer cells (metastases). After 32-50 weekly injections, all colorectal cancer patients exhibited healthy control levels of the serum

Cancer Cured For Good

Nagalase activity, indicating eradication of metastatic tumour cells, said researchers, an effect that lasted 7 years with no indication of cancer recurrence either by enzyme activity or CT scans, said researchers. [Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy Volume 57, Number 7 / July 2008] Published in an early online edition of this journal, this confirming report has received no attention by the new media so far, despite its striking importance.

April - May 201 0


Although GcMAF is also called Vitamin-D binding protein, the activation of macrophages does not require Vitamin D. It cannot be said the Gc-MAF cancer cure has gone unheralded. Reuters News covered this developing story in January. But the news story still did not receive top billing nor did it fully elucidate the importance of the discovery, actually made years ago, that the human body is capable of abolishing cancer once its immune system is properly activated. "A Macrophage overcomes and eats a cancer cell." GcMAF is a naturally made molecule and is not patentable, though The John Updike Company, 'The Immune System' its manufacturing process is patent protected. There is no evidence of any current effort to commercialize this therapy or put it into practice. Should such an effective treatment for cancer come into common practice, the income stream from health-insurance plans for every oncology office and cancer centre in the world would likely be reduced to the point of financial insolvency and hundreds of thousands of jobs would be eliminated. The National Cancer Institute estimates cancer care in the U.S. costs $72 billion annually (2004). Furthermore, about $55 billion of cancer drugs are used annually, none of which have significantly improved survival rates throughout the history of their use. If a typical cancer patient had to undergo 30 GcMAF injections at a cost of $150 per injection, it would cost $4500, not counting doctors office visits and follow-up testing. For comparison, gene-targeted cancer drugs range from $13,000 to $100,000 in cost per year and produce only Gc-MAF treatment for cancer has been agonizingly slow to marginal improvements in survival (weeks to months). [Targeted develop. Dr. Yamamoto first described this immuno-therapy in Oncology 2007 April, 2 (2); 113-19] 1993. [The Journal of Immunology, 1993 151 (5); 2794-2802] Up to this point, the National Cancer Institute is totally silent on this In a similar animal experiment published in 2003, researchers discovery and there is no evidence the cancer care industry plans to in Germany, Japan and the United States collaborated to quickly mobilize to use this otherwise harmless treatment. successfully demonstrate that after they had injected macrophage activating factor (Gc-MAF) into tumour-bearing Addendum: Sadly, the treatment you have just read about is not mice, it totally eradicated tumours. [Neoplasia 2003 January; available anywhere. Its inventor is attempting to patent a version of it 5(1): 3240] to profiteer from of it even though there is no need to improve upon In 1997 Dr. Yamamoto injected GcMAF protein into tumour- the GcMAF molecule. It worked, without failure, to completely cure bearing mice, with the same startling results. A single enzyme four different types of cancer with no long-term remissions and injection doubled the survival of these mice and just four without side effects. While GcMAF is produced by every healthy enzyme injections increased survival by 6-fold. [Cancer adult, there are no centres available to extract it from blood samples Research 1997 Jun 1; 57(11):2187-92] and inject it into patients with malignancies. Hopefully, someday, doctors will write protocols to do this and submit them to In 1996 Dr. Yamamoto reported that all 52 cancer patients he institutional review boards so GcMAF treatment can be performed had studied carried elevated blood plasma levels of the immune on an experimental basis. GcMAF is a naturally-made molecule that inactivating alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase enzyme cannot be patented. (Nagalase), whereas healthy humans had very low levels of this enzyme. [Cancer Research 1996 Jun 15; 56(12):2827-31] This article was written to reveal that there are proven cancer cures that go unused. Of interest, not one oncologist has requested In the early 1990s, Dr. Yamamoto first described how the information about GcMAF since this article was written, while I human immune system is disengaged by enzymes secreted from have been barraged with inquires from cancer patients, their families cancer cells, even filing a patent on the proposed therapy. [US and some interested physicians who are not cancer doctors. Patent 5326749, July 1994; Cancer Research 1996 June 15; 56: 2827-31] Visit - to purchase books and Activated Gc protein has been used in humans at much higher read about Bill Sardi. Bill derives no personal income from the doses without side effect. This Gc macrophage activating factor sales. All profits go to offset costs for advertising and web expenses. (Gc-MAF) has been shown to be effective against a variety of Your book orders help maintain the availability of these health books cancers including breast, prostate, stomach, liver, lung, uterus, to the public at large. ovary, brain, skin, head/neck cancer, and leukemia. provide a defence against cancer and has other benefits such as reducing blood pressure. By Lindsey Williams Lindsey Williams very recently contacted a former high-level oil executive during construction of the Trans-Alaskan pipeline. He reveals updated information and predictions for 2010. ---------------------------------------------------------------The US Dollar will lose 30 to 50% of its value within the next year. Prices for basics such as food and energy will skyrocket. Oil will continue to be traded in US Dollars so will increase in price at the same rate of Dollar devaluation. Due to the collapsing value of the US Dollar, and its use in oil transactions, all OPEC nations will start defaulting on loan payments and crash one after the other. Banks in the Middle East will also collapse. There will be civil unrest, including rioting, across the world as unemployment, food shortages and hyper inflation starts to affect buying power for basics. Protesters will be rounded up and and detained in internment camps (FEMA camps) that are already prepared. Marshal law will be declared in many countries starting in the US. America will be in such poverty that it will be unrecognisable from the country we see today. Afghanistan, Yemen and Pakistan are a diversion from major world issues with the next war being waged against Iran in 18 months time unless Israel starts it sooner. This will possibly be preceded by a large 'false flag' event larger than 9/11 perhaps involving mini nuclear or biological weapons, resulting in more freedoms being taking away from the people under the guise of keeping us safe from terrorists. As all this is going on, more and more people will wake up to the New World Order dictatorship being built up around them, which is hidden in plain sight.

B17: The Essential Vitamin Missing From Our Modern Diet.

Sovereign Independent Predictions

n the years prior to the industrial revolution and our technological age, even though foodstuffs were not as plentiful, they were wholesome and naturally grown. Artificially produced items such as jams and preserves, not only contained the whole fruit but also the seeds. Bread was also made from millet.

These foods not only contained high quality vitamins, they also had an important vitamin known as B17. In those far off days it was not so much the diet in general that caused illness and death, it was things like poor sanitation and the lack of clean water which were mainly responsible. In our modern society, the tables have turned. We now have clean water and effective sanitation so people no longer succumb to the health problems of past generations. However, there is now an increase of diseases such as heart attacks, cancer and others which can be attributed to our diets lacking in many essential nutrients combined with living in a more polluted environment. Our health is suffering, and people are dying, because the very nutrients that help maintain a high performance immune system are disappearing from our foodstuffs. It is well publicised and known how important Vitamin C is to maintaining our health, however some minerals and vitamins are rarely talked about in the mainstream. B17 is one of those vitamins. As our food has changed and become more processed, this vitamin is lacking in our bodies. It is known to work alongside other nutrients to

Cancer is simply a result of the body's healing processes not switching off, as we are constantly exposed to toxins in modern society and our bodies are continually having to initiate healing processes. An adequate supply of B17 enables completed healing processes to stop. Without this vital nutrient, healing can turn into cancerous tumours, which eventually grow and spread, which then compromise the immune system, eventually in many cases, leading to death. Like Vitamin C the logical thing to do is to reintroduce B17 into our diets. The Bitter Apricot Kernel has the highest known levels of naturally occurring B17. Whilst these are not easily found in high street stores, there are many suppliers on the Internet. The inclusion of these in the daily diet and other foods such as Brown Rice, Flax and Sesame Seeds, Millet, Rye, Bamboo Shoots, Wild Berries, Bitter Almond and Bean sprouts which all contain B17, can also help to improve protection. As early as 1974 many well known doctors had published their findings that Laetrile (B17) given to their patients had worked with great success in safely and effectively treating cancer. The American Cancer Society wants us to believe that doctors reporting these findings on Laetrile are 'quacks'. Dr. Nieper, a world famous and well respected cancer doctor listed under "Whos' Who" in World Science, stated that Laetrile, being nontoxic, is far more superior than any other known cancer treatment or preventative.


Medicated News Brainwashes Clinically

Jack Moriarty

The Sovereign Independent

In recent times newspapers have become deeply concerned about declining sales which they are blaming on a generation who prefer free internet content to a rustling broadsheet. Perhaps the decline in newspaper sales is because the Heritage Media either deliberately or as part of a business model is letting down their readers -as in their paying customers- by deliberately concealing far more than they reveal. If you are a fair minded reader you might take exception to media outlets fawning and behaving like well trained Communists when it comes to reporting on all things pertaining to the EU whilst deliberately omitting to acknowledge that the whole odious enterprise is inherently evil. That alone might persuade a sizeable number of readers not to buy their latter day Pravda again. You might also take issue with your favorite paper urging you to get vaccinated with an untested and potentially lethal injection whilst neglecting to inform you that the Swine Flu hysteria was a multi billion dollar scam! All these events and countless others might explain the widespread apostasy of the readers. But whats going on? Is there a Big brother type crushing free speech or is it just plain cowardice on the part of journalists? Well the answer is a bit of both and a bit of everything. The most truthful answer is that the media in Ireland is DEAD. It does not exist, and never has. Over the years it has put up a fantastic PR campaign convincing people of its own heroic virtue and commitment to liberty and free speech by outing errant politicos who have fumbled in the greasy till. The public downing of these sacrificial icons has created the illusion of a Free Press. But that is all that it is - an illusion.

ommon (CP) a charity, Cthe Rep.inPurposeBritain,isDublinoffices based Great with in of Ireland in and

Common Purpose: A 'Charity' that Attempts to Plant itself into every National and Government Institution
wider role to help achieve a Marxist political and social paradigm shift within society. The real objective would appear to be to replace our traditional democratic way of life with the new regime of the EU super-state. The Lisbon Treaty is part of this agenda. By blurring the boundaries between people, professions, public and private sectors, responsibility and accountability, CP encourages graduates to believe, that as new selected leaders, CP graduates can work together, outside of the established political and social structures, to achieve this paradigm shift or CHANGE, the so called, "Leading Outside Authority". In doing so, the allegiance of the individual becomes, 'reframed' on CP colleagues and their NETWORK. Using behavioural and experiential learning techniques, the views of graduates can be remoulded to conform to the new Common Purpose. Most will not be aware this has happened, but we are given immediate clues in descriptions by graduates that Common Purpose training is 'life changing', 'disturbing, or 'unsettling'. Trained and operating under the Chatham House rules of secrecy (details of discussion, those present and location are not disclosed to anyone), CP graduates come to operate in 'their world' of Common Purpose. The phrase 'Common Purpose' itself is believed to originate from the Communist International of 1928. The term 'GRADUATE' is used deliberately so as to prevent disclosure of involvement with Common Purpose. As 'MEMBERS' of CP, which is more appropriate, individuals in the public sector would have to declare their interests. So strong is the Common Purpose bond, which some individuals, will deliberately lie about to hide information and documents considered 'dangerous' to the CP cause. People challenging CP colleagues have been victimised and forced out of their positions. Common Purpose is linked to a host of other suspect trusts, foundations, think-tanks, quangos and so called charities. DEMOS is a key example. These organisations funnel political and social CHANGE policy through CP, to 'reframe' graduates. Examples range from promotion of Diversity in every company and organisation, to Curfews for young people. Common Purpose promotes the 'empowerment of individuals', except where individuals challenge the activities of CP, and public spending on CP. These people are branded vexatious, extremist, right wing or mentally unsound. Mrs Julia Middleton, the Chief Executive of Common Purpose, praises the work of German bankers. Deutsche Bank is, of course, a major power behind Common Purpose. Mrs Middleton, earning circa 80,000 p.a. from her 'charity', is also very happy to promote the term 'USEFUL IDIOTS' in her book 'Beyond Authority'. Are we the General Public the USEFUL IDIOTS, or are the Elitist Common Purpose Graduates? You must decide. The greatest evil is not done in those sordid shady dens invisible from the public, but is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried and minuted.), in clear, carpeted, warmed, well-lighted offices, by quiet men and women, in smart business suits who dont need to raise their voices. We should remember that, as Statesman Edmund Burke said; "Evil flourishes where good men do nothing." DESTROYING IRELAND There is compelling reason to believe that Common Purpose is responsible for destroying the health system in Ireland and creating disquiet and hatred amongst foreign nationals and natural born Irish people, creating unnecessary social and racial tensions. They also promote issues of 'Political Correctness' that we are increasingly encountering, whilst breaking down the people's moral and religious values and convictions and destroying the traditional family unit. This is COMMUNISM! One example of CP in the Republic is the case of the appointment of Ms. Sylda Langford, to a brand new position created by Brian Lenihan, as Director General of the Office of the Minister for Children, in Dec. 2005. She is one of the trustees of CP Ireland. Shouldnt you know how these people are appointed and what their qualifications are for their positions, especially when they are put into powerful positions where they can affect the future of your children? There are some very powerful and influential people on the CP Irelands board of trustees. I urge you to check them out for yourself. These things are steadily breaking Ireland down, making Ireland and the Irish people malleable for absorption into the Soviet style EU Dictatorship which the Lisbon Treaty has created. This is happening before our eyes, on a daily basis. It does not take a genius to see our country being gradually destroyed. Remember, this is happening all over Europe and many other peoples are seeing the effects of their institutional leaderships being taken over and controlled by Common Purpose 'graduates'. Take RTE News which is a misnomer. It delivers Medicated News bulletins throughout the day and is more akin to a Soviet era state news outlet. The thing to remember is that RTE is a State Information Service. Nothing else. They are a branch of the Civil Service and faithfully deliver Official Irelands view of the world. To this end it employs Statecasters who preach the depressing gospel of the day: The Catholic Church is bad/ Gay marriage is good/ The minimum wage should be reduced etcetera. To manufacture the appearance of a consensus and project the impression that only reasonable people share their particular point of view they continually invite on the same wearisome cast of on-message guests: impartial broadsheet scribes who are nothing of the kind, touchy feely Sociopaths who are obsessed with killing the unborn and the unwell, worn-out business commentators and so forth. Think of Questions & Answers in its hey day: a programme which did for public discussion what chloroform did for consciousness. Elsewhere, you have the so called broadsheets who pretend to be the voice of record. They are not and never have been. Historically they backed the British Empire and were largely anti-Irish in their outlook. More worryingly, they all but ignored the famine because it wasnt happening on Grafton Street and its environs. And they havent changed one iota, only now they fawn at the feet of a new master - The European Empire. Even Fianna Fail in their early years was held in such disdain by the print monoliths that they had to set up their own newspaper the Irish Press in 1931 in order to air their views. Eventually they too became the establishment. As regards the nuts and bolts of censorship; it is real in as much as it exists. However, the origin of the problem is largely cultural. In any corporate culture -and the media is no exception- the safe pair of hands or trusty 'Jobsworth' is rewarded whereas mavericks with a mind of their own are treated with suspicion and usually sidelined. In Britain for example the most tawdry low rent publications insist upon the staff reporters wearing a suit and tie at all times. On a subliminal level the staff are being subtly indoctrinated into accepting that they are now minions of a corporation which is so

April - May 201 0 omnipotent that it can dictate the clothes they wear on their back. In such an atmosphere, it is little wonder that so many leave their own honest to God opinions at the door. When it comes to gathering news, the views of ordinary people (readers) are only ever sought after if they have been beaten up by a gouger or if they are on a waiting list for a life saving operation. And the reason for this is because that is the role they have been assigned - That ofVictim. Meanwhile, the heads of various organisations are treated with extraordinary reverence. Unless of course they happen to be an errant politician and become the sacrificial offering of the week; in which case their views will be even more sought after. Fame and infamy. Two sides of the same coin. Sadly most newspaper reporters consciously or unconsciously fall into the trap of believing that the views of an expert in a suit or some national worthy is news whilst the views and concerns of everyone else is just the proletariat moaning and bitching. When all the suits, worthies and scribes feel so comfortable in each other's company there is no need for censorship because the writers so successfully self-censor themselves. There is hubris too, whereby senior newspaper people assume that if they dont know about something, then it couldnt possibly exist. Worse again, if it is not in the other papers, as in the ones they personally read themselves, then it is definitely not true. On a broader level the Newspapers, TV and Radio News have become a branch of the entertainment industry. Once upon a time News and Public Discussion was a rather stodgy affair, but reliable on most days up to a point. Now its a product. And a savagely marketed one at that. Many papers have become so market driven that they will only print stories about gangland crime, celebrities and brothels. So much so that stories which do not fall into these categories will not be printed. To succeed in this world you have two choices: become the man with the latest brothel shock horror tale or else write about a public representative falling around drunk or fiddling their expenses. Or better still both. The ultimate truth is that journalists are the least knowledgeable people of all. Badly paid and always in danger of being outsourced, the safest option is to keep the head down and not make any waves. Sadly only dead fish go with the flow.

Cork, which creates Future Leaders of society. CP selects individuals and trains them to learn how society works; who 'pulls the levers of power' and how CP graduates can use this knowledge to lead 'Outside Authority.
Children, teenagers and adults have their prejudices removed. Graduates are empowered to become Leaders and work in partnership with other CP graduates. CP claims to have trained thousands of adult graduates, in the UK and Ireland, and to have changed the lives of some 80,000 plus people; including schoolchildren and young people. But evidence shows that Common Purpose is rather more than a charity empowering people and communities. In fact, CP is an elitist proEU political organisation helping to replace democracy in the UK, Ireland and worldwide, with CP chosen elite leaders. In truth, their hidden networks and political objectives are undermining and destroying our democratic society and are threatening free will in adults, teenagers and children. Their work is funded by public money, thats your money, and big business, including international banks. It is important to realise that the majority of Common Purpose 'graduates' are victims, who have little, if any, understanding of the wider role of Common Purpose within society, nor of its connections to higher government and the European Union. Drawn into CP training by a flattering invitation, or selected by their company or organisation, this recruitment is normally carried out by a previously trained CP person; now recruiting for the cause. Candidates are screened and selected (or rejected) by CP Advisory Board members in their area. Both candidates and 'trained graduates' will have no real understanding of Common Purpose's
for more information


The Sovereign Independent

A Democracy or a Republic: Is there really a Difference?

Benjamin Smith-Kavanagh & Saoirse MacSimon -

April - May 201 0


Would you rather live in a Republic or a Democracy? Supposedly we live in The Republic Of Ireland, but in actuality it is treated as The Democratic State of Ireland. The difference has a huge impact on everyone's life. One of the major differences is that in a Republic the person's rights are paramount and must be safeguarded at all costs. While in a Democracy the State can make everyone conform to the beliefs they want, and introduce any amount of laws which take away inalienable individual rights of a person in the name of what is 'best'.

Everyone is familiar with the phrase Ireland Inc. However, few would have guessed that it is actually true. According to Dunn & Bradstreet, which is the worlds oldest corporate listing and rating agency, the Irish Government and all its various departments are not a government of the people as everyone understands them Wise Up Journal to be, but rather a collection of companies. Even the Garda Siochana, which some critics argue has here is a land where the populace have become so blind to their system of become a revenue generating agency for the State governance that they do not even know which country they live in. -thanks to the penalty point system- is not what it The land of the blind is the new European Union Federal State. appears to be either, and is listed by the corporate ratings agency as a company with corporate offices at Phoenix With the passing of the Lisbon Treaty on Dec. 1st 2009 we are now all official Park. citizens of this new entity with rights and duties superior to our national citizenship. When a motorist is stopped by the Garda - who are a company - the paperwork is sent to the DPP which is All EU law now automatically supersedes national law, with about 90 per cent of another company. our new laws coming directly from the EU. In fact, the EU will not even be run on the basis of nation states such as Britain, France or Germany but on Thereafter, if the motorist is found guilty, the transnational regions taking orders from Brussels. Department of Public Prosecutions instructs another company, the Irish Courts Service, to issue a summons. While the EU may have been set up without provocative signs of statehood such as sports teams or military parades, we should be under no illusions that legally And if the person fails to pay the summons, they are and in substance the Lisbon treaty is the capstone of a whole new country. The incarcerated in a prison run by yet another company structure may be incomplete right now but will be quickly fleshed out because, called the Irish Prison Service. and this is crucial, the Lisbon Treaty is a self-amending Treaty, which means it can expand and grant itself new powers as long as they are agreed upon by its According to Dunn & Bradstreet which was established internally ratified top politicians. in 1841, the Department of Justice is a company, and trades under the name of Office of Director of Public December 1st, 2009 is a day that should be burnt in our collective psyche; Prosecutions, with registered offices at Chapter House, because like the fall of the Berlin Wall it signifies a whole new era of global polit- Dublin. ics. It also trades under the name, Courts Division, which National sovereignty in Europe has been slowly dismantled for decades, but on runs all the courts from the lowly District to the that fatal day it finally died. And yet, the vast majority of Europes nearly 500 Supreme Court. million citizens have yet to realise what has happened. Elsewhere, the revenue gathering arm of the state, The How long will it take them to realise that their nations are extinct and that their Office of the Revenue Commissioners, is listed as a national symbols are antiques? Their national ceremonies are nothing more than a private company with registered offices at Dublin funeral march? The answer to these questions and the populaces subsequent Castle. reactions will surely be one of the great political experiments of our age. Meanwhile, the Department ofTaoiseach is also listed as The Soviet E-Union a company which trades as Roinn An Taoisaigh . Even the Irish Army is apparently a company. As former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky explains: The Electricity & Public Lighting Department is an If you go through all the structures and features of this emerging European agency no one has ever heard of, and for good reason. It monster you will notice that it more and more resembles the Soviet Union. is a trade name of Dublin City Council which is also listed as a company. It is no accident that the European Parliament, for example, reminds me of the Supreme Soviet. It looks like the Supreme Soviet because it was designed like it. The Attorney Generals Office was unable to shed any Similarly, when you look at the European Commission it looks like the Politburo. light on why all the Government Departments are listed I mean it does so exactly, except for the fact that the Commission now has 25 internationally as Companies and referred the query to members and the Politburo usually had 13 or 15 members (will be around 18 the Department of Finance: under the Lisbon Treaty). Under the Constitution the Attorney General is the legal Apart from that they are exactly the same, unaccountable to anyone, not directly adviser to the Government in matters of law and legal elected by anyone at all. When you look into all this bizarre activity of the opinion. This Office is not in a position to assist in European Union with its 80,000 pages of regulations it looks like Gosplan. We relation to the query raised. I would suggest you raise used to have an organisation which was planning everything in the economy, to the above query with the Department of Finance, the last nut and bolt, five years in advance. Exactly the same thing is happening in explained Caroline Daly, Advisory Counsel. the EU. When you look at the type of EU corruption, it is exactly the Soviet type of corruption, going from top to bottom rather than going from bottom to top. However the Department of Finance confirmed that Government Departments were listed as companies on David Richards Dunn & Bradstreet and explained that it was for information purposes: This article is available in full at

Under a Democracy nothing is safeguarded, anything can be put up to a vote. 10% of the population could turn out for a vote on a new law that infringes on our rights and 51% of those people can vote 'yes' to taking away rights from the other 94.9%of Unfortunately in The Democracy of society. Ireland if you are sitting on a park

A Republic protects rights and focuses on the individual not groups/classes. Remember that individual does not mean selfish; for example, 'An individual can not harass another individual', would be a desirable rule of law compared to, 'Harassment of minorities is illegal', which is an unjust group/class rule. Over the last few years the Irish government has been hard at work introducing some of the most draconian laws and measures disguised in the name of fighting serious crime and terrorism. This by their very nature goes against the principles of a Republic as they are taking our rights away because of small groups, for example criminals and terrorists. More people die from salmonella poisoning than from terrorism, but taking our rights away to fight salmonella would not work as public manipulators need 'credible' sounding reasons. The real terrorists are the ones who mislead you and take away your rights.

bench and a law enforcement officer thinks you look suspicious he can ask you to move on, under the State's loitering act. If you want to express your right to free speech you need a government permit to use a megaphone. Permits, licences, regulations and so on are but ways to infringe on your rights.

created as The Republic of Ireland was that it's founders had experienced and studied tyranny inflicted on Ireland during the British Class Rule. During which the majority of the Irish (the underclass) were treated as nothing more than slaves to the 'superior' British class.

even to convince us that we are a democracy (which are easy to manipulate) despite our name being right under our noses, The Republic of Ireland. Often you hear things like 'in the modern world' we need more laws and more measures to deal with 'the challenges we as a society face', at the expense of individual rights, and as a result we have lost the Republic our grandfathers fought for.

The Irish Republic form of government and Constitution was designed to ensure the rights of the Irish people and to safeguard us against a gradual return to a new form of tyranny by limiting the power of the Fisher Ames once said, 'Liberty has government, to keep it as the servant never lasted long in a democracy, nor not the master. has it ever ended in anything better than despotism.' EU governance is However when the majority of the based on anti-Republic values with Irish people are not schooled on this extreme collectivist/group attitudes of matter the State and media are able to manipulation. If one thing is certain, mislead us in to accepting the more authority we hand over to collectivist/group attitudes at the the unaccountable EU the more The main reason why our nation was expense of our individual rights, and control and rights the people will lose. In a true Republic you do not need permission to act out your rights. Democracies think in terms of groups instead of individuals and this creates a breeding ground for political correctness designed to get the majority of the public to self censor themselves for fear of social stigma, or even face fines and be arrested if they say things deemed to be offensive by some group (a collection of individuals).

Government Departments are on it for information purposes only, explained a spokesperson for the Department of Finance. Dunn & Bradstreet explained that Irish Government Departments are listed on their full financial reports as Companies and that the financial reports explain that the nature of their business is a Government Body or in the case of the Gardai, a National Police Force. When a new Government is formed, the Ministers are whisked up to Aras a Uachtarain and given a seal of office by the President . However, the curious ceremony is loaded with symbolism. The seal of office is a corporate seal, an emblem better known as a company seal which is used for embossing official documents with the companys name and details. So much so, that when cabinet ministers sit around the table, they do so in their capacity as a collection of Managing Directors of separate corporations. Or to use the legal term corporation sole. A Corporation Sole is a legal entity consisting of a sole incorporated office occupied by one sole individual. In essence, a one man corporation; a distinction Irish Ministers share with the Queen of England, who is also a corporate sole. Dr William Kingston of Trinity College School of Business Studies, writing in a recent edition of Studies, the Jesuits of Ireland publication, explains the distinction: The countrys bureaucracy has been emasculated by the doctrine of the corporation sole borrowed from the British system. According to this, all actions by a government department are deemed to be those of an individual Minister, not of his agents. So that, wherever there is failure, the only technically responsible person is the Minister. Strangely for a Government obsessed with obscure legalise, the EU flag which most ministers proudly flaunt in their offices is not flag at all, but rather a corporate logo. The reason for the distinction is that the EU is not a country, but rather a set of trade agreements. Even though the Lisbon Treaty creates a superstate under international law, in reality the entity has no democratic mandate whatsoever and has about as much legitimacy as the defunct USSR. It could be said, that the fraudulent Lisbon Treaty -despite its grandiose pretensions- is only a scrap of paper. Notes on International Treaties & Contract Law An International Treaty is identical to a legal contract between two or more parties. In order for a contract to be valid, it requires the free and informed consent of all parties involved, otherwise it is null and void. With the Lisbon Treaty, the wishes of 500 million people were ignored and in the case of Ireland, the Treaty was rejected only to be fraudulently re-run and the true contents of the Treaty/Contract lied about repeatedly by the Authorities and their fellow travellers. These grave matters alone render the Treaty null and void. Tom Prendeville

The European Union:

The Land of the Blind


Ill start here by quoting George Orwell,

In a time ofuniversal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


The Sovereign Independent

April - May 201 0

Unfortunately, our politicians and the mainstream media, to name but two sectors of society we should expect honesty from, treat the truth as if it were their personal property to withhold as they see fit. We are indeed being lied to on a massive scale. I have highlighted below the global lies which we have been spoon-fed as truth over the past decade. Dont take my word any of this. Go check it out for yourselves, its not difficult. The lies became so blatant and more ridiculous as the decade went on that it became so much easier for anyone doubting the veracity of the facts being portrayed, to disprove them, as complete fabrication, which bear no resemblance to the truth. Y2K: When this scare first came about a few years before the turn of the century, we were told that computers would crash all over the world because, basically, they couldnt tell the time or date. Planes were to fall from the sky, society was to collapse and we were all to go back in time to reinvent the wheel. What happened at the stroke of midnight on 31st Dec. 1999 came as great relief to those who had spent billions upgrading computers around the world, because nothing happened. This was reported in the mainstream media as a great achievement at the time. However, they neglected to mention the vast majority, who hadnt spent a penny upgrading any computers. They hadn't believed the hype and had simply used common sense to recognise the fraud. This 'scare' was nothing more than a scam to make billions pushing unnecessary computer upgrades and also to terrify the public that they could well find themselves the victim of an airline disaster amongst other similar, potential catastrophes. 9/11: Despite widespread coverage of the Twin Towers collapsing, there was virtually no coverage of the collapse of Building 7, the third steel framed skyscaper in history to completely collapse due to fire; the other two being the Twin Towers themselves. However, this building was not struck by anything and had only a few small fires. The BBC broadcast a live report that the building had collapsed, despite the building clearly being visible still standing, in the background of the report, 25 minutes before it did indeed collapse. How and where did they get that info? The owner of the building, Larry Silverstein, admitted that they had decided to 'pull' the building. This is a term very familiar to those involved in the demolition industry. The footage of the collapse clearly shows controlled demolition, as do the collapses of the twin towers. There is no evidence of any airliners hitting the Pentagon or crashing in Shanksville. There is overwhelming evidence that the Shanksville plane was indeed shot down miles from the official 'crash site'. We are told that these two passenger airliners simply evaporated on impact whereby there was no wreckage which could be confirmed as any part of an airliner at all. Everything just vaporized! This has never happened in the history of airline disasters. It not only defies common sense but also destroys the laws of physics, as we know them to be. In other words, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! The War on Terror: We were told that there would be a War on Terror immediately after the attacks of 9/11. This was to focus on a group calling itself al-Qaeda, that was fronted by the son of a Saudi billionaire, by the name of

Osama Bin Laden. Why this should be is beyond any serious investigation of the facts surrounding al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. If you take a look at the FBIs own website under Most Wanted you will see that Osama Bin Laden is indeed wanted for various acts of alleged terrorism. What you wont see included in the list of alleged crimes are the events of 9/11, because as the FBI admit themselves, they have no evidence that Bin Laden was involved. The Bin Laden family have many cosy business deals and investments with the Bush family so why dont they know where Osama is? After all, he was treated for a kidney problem in an American military hospital in July of 2001 when he was wanted by the US administration for the very crimes listed on the FBI website. Furthermore he was visited by a CIA agent in the hospital! (al-Qaeda - The Database - itself was formed by the CIA, by then National Security Agency head Zbigniew Brzezinski, in the 1980s to fight the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. They are still controlled by the CIA to this day. It should be noted that Brzezinski is the guru of Barack Obama and is one of his senior advisors in his administration today along with Henry Kissinger.)

troops are indeed guarding poppy fields. What weve seen over the last year is an by We are told, by the mainstream media and the organised crash theirthe bankers who have simply called in debts, stopped worlds politicians, there that is also a 'war on and told us all that theyve lost lots of lending drugs'. We are shown footage of supposed Well, the so called money they lostmoney. never smugglers getting opium out of Afghanistan on existed in the first place. It was all on computer the backs of donkeys. This is absolutely absurd! screens. Besides that fact, international bankers The only way to get vast amounts of opium out can never lose money because they own the of Afghanistan and distributed across the globe printing presses that make the stuff! is by the use of aircraft. We know who controls the airspace over Afghanistan so its obvious Weve been told that we need to bailout the whos getting the drugs out. It is the military in banks to get them lending again to revitalise direct cooperation with the CIA. them refuse to They wouldnt do that, thats a conspiracy the economy. Weve also seenTheyve simply lend our money back to us. theory. Well, if that is your opinion I would given themselves huge bonuses, bought up suggest you look into the Iran Contra scandal in other banks to consolidate their monopoly, the 80s where the CIA were caught doing just driven out independent competition and given that in South America. At that time they were each other huge pats on the back for screwing into the cocaine trade and still are to this day. the gullible public again. You have to understand that we live in a world run by criminals who do not do what theyre doing for our benefit. They do what theyre doing for their criminal masters and one of their main front organisations, the United Nations.
There will be NO recovery from this! There was never meant to be!

Weapons of Mass Destruction: What is there left to say about this one? We all now know for certain that there never were any WMDs in Iraq. Even the mainstream media has had to admit that fact. Dr David Kelly, a prominent Afghanistan: This is the country allegedly UK weapons inspector said as much at the time, Ordinary flu kills up to 500,000 people per year hiding Osama Bin Laden to this day despite and was murdered to stop him speaking out and is never a pandemic. The pigs can fly flu numerous reports of his death years ago. (His more. has killed a fraction of this total, most with death, in late 2001, was reported by Indian problems. Most of us Premier Benazir Bhutto in an interview she Iraq: Following on from the previous lie, we underlying health are supposed to be deadwho are unvaccinated by gave shortly before her assassination.) find that the invasion of Iraq was planned well now. This is the same as those other lies about Afghanistan has been a battleground for in advance of 9/11 and had nothing to do with flu etc. SARS, Aids, Avian Flu...the list goes superpower hegemony for centuries but more Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, al-Qaeda or any on. Its all a scam to make you take a vaccine recently, first the Soviets and now the justifiable reason whatsoever. more Americans and British, are trying to conquer What about that bad man Saddam? Well, the which isflu itself.likely to destroy your health than the the unconquerable. Indeed, every army in West set him up in power decades before and history that has tried to control Afghanistan has supplied him with weapons of mass destruction We are still under, what is in effect martial failed. which he used to gas the Kurds. What did the a The war in Afghanistan should be seen for what West do? They did nothing, except to keep law because of the WHO declaration of of pandemic. I wonder when this state it is; an attempt to secure oil and gas pipelines supplying him with weapons. He was simply emergency will be lifted, if ever? from the Caspian Sea. set up for invasion by the very people who Another even more sinister aspect of the war is enabled him to maintain his tyrannical regime, Dont hold your breath because that was part of the trade in opium. Up to 90% of the worlds knowing full well that he was a psychopath and the reason for the pandemic declaration in the opium comes from Afghanistan and is would come in handy at a later date to fulfil the first place. processed into heroin. already planned agenda. Opium cultivation or poppy growing was Warming: lies almost wiped out prior to the invasion. Since Banker Bailouts: I have to start here by saying Global this has to beOf all theof the pointedisout above, the best lot. It an then however, the opium crop has exploded by that international bankers run the world. That is absolute joke yet people reading this, Im sure, up to 14 times the norm in days gone by, the truth. They can make and break countries, will still believe that the gas we exhale, and according to some reports. and economies, at the stroke of a pen, and they that every life form on this planet needs to This is no accident. It is well documented that DO! survive, is a pollutant. People should know that

Swine Flu: Where is it? Once the media stopped hyping it, it was gone. Billions have been paid worldwide to huge pharmaceutical corporations for an untested vaccine which nobody wants stuck in them. The pharma companies have laughed all the way to the banks which own them.

The Sovereign Independent we are carbon life forms therefore we are being classed as toxic to the planet. Does that make you feel better when youre paying youre carbon taxes to international bankers? Oh yes, it isnt going to the Third World as were told. The Third World is to be left to rot because hey, theres too many (of the wrong sort of) people.' In the eyes of the green fanatics, that means you too.
Despite the IPCC being caught red handed falsifying data to hide the fact that the whole theory is bogus and that man is causing the weather to change, the overwhelming scientific evidence from REAL scientists has clearly shown that this is utter fraud and that the planet has not warmed at all since 1998. Yet all we hear about is manmade climate change. Its called climate change now, because they cant call it global warming any longer, quite simply because THE PLANET IS NOT WARMING! Even Phil Jones of 'Climategate' scandal infamy, has now admitted that the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years. If any of you were paying attention at all, you might have noticed the cold weather of late. This is simply due to the FACT that the sun is now at its most inactive for a century. This leads to wetter summers and colder winters. I think we can all agree that thats exactly what weve been experiencing for a few years now. Indeed this year has been the coldest for 50 years even according to those good folks at RTE. Even they cant lie to you
"Ifyou tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences ofthelie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all ofits powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy ofthe State."

April - May 201 0



he implementation of policies arising out of fraudulent fearmongering and biased studies on global warming is already devastating the Third World, with a doubling of staple food prices causing mass starvation and death a primary reason why the climategate crooks and their allies should be criminally investigated and hit with the strongest charges possible. As Lord Monckton outlined in his recent Alex Jones Show appearance, climate change alarmism and implementation of global warming policies, is a crime of the highest nature, because it is already having a genocidal impact in countries like Haiti, where the doubling of food prices is resulting in a substantial increase in starvation, poverty and death. Poor people around the world, Are being
killed in large numbers by starvation as a result of (climate change) policy, said We estimate that a doubling of food prices over the last three years could potentially push 100 million people in low-income countries deeper into poverty, he stated.

Joseph Goebells, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda

on this one. What Next?: The huge lie today is that a 23 year old Nigerian tried to blow up an airliner with what amounted to a firework in his pants. Like the shoe bomber Richard Reid, Umar Faruk Abdulmuttalab was so intelligent that he didnt go to the bathroom to set off his bomb. No, instead he tried to set it off in front of a planeload of passengers who were sure to beat the crap out of him. Surely if al-Qaeda were that clever, whereby they could get a bomb onto a plane, they would have someone with an ounce of intelligence to set it off? Of course he has been linked to the bogeyman Bin Laden, alQaeda and Yemen, where purely coincidentally of course, American troops just happen to be waiting on the border to invade that country. What youre not hearing are the eyewitness reports that Abdulmuttalab did not go through security and was indeed led onto the plane by a well dressed man of Indian/Pakistani appearance, because he didnt have a passport. He was also filmed throughout the entire flight by another mystery man. So whats the outcome of this lie? Were now being told that we will have to go through further security measures which include a naked body scanner which shows a crystal clear image of you, your partners and your childrens naked bodies, despite the fact that the radiation waves from these machines have been proven to destroy your DNA. Also watch out for the introduction of taser bracelets. In Conclusion: All the lies above are but a fraction of those told to us every day by people we are supposed to trust with our lives. Do you really think they have your best interests at heart? Do you think your world leaders, as they like to call themselves nowadays, care about you and your family? Senior politicians work for the international corporate elite who fill their bank accounts, to buy their silence and cooperation in controlling the world. If you doubt any of what is written here, I urge you to go and check it out for yourself. You wont get the truth from your politicians and you certainly wont get it from the controlled corporate media. If we had honest politicians and honest media we would not be told lies. We would not have to go looking for the truth. We would already have it. Neil Sovereign Independent Prediction Foster By 2012 the UN will have a global governance structure in place funded by a massive $45 trillion transfer of wealth from richer countries to the UN using environmentalism as the excuse to try to impose draconian taxes on First World nations which will cripple their economies.

Monckton, due to huge areas of agricultural land being turned over to the growth of biofuels. Thats how serious this is. These
Take Haiti where they live on mud pie (pre-earthquake) made with real mud costing 3 cents each . thats what theyre living or rather what theyre dying on,

said Monckton, relating how when he gave a speech on this subject, a lady in the front row burst into tears and told him, Ive just come back from Haiti

now because of the doubling in world food prices, they cant even afford the price of a mud pie and theyre dying of starvation all over the place.

people, by their scientific and financial fraud, are profiting enormously, while people die of starvation in a dozen regions of the world. It is a scandal of the worst proportion. Our own fellow human beings are being killed by starvation because these people have lied and made up the science and hidden it so nobody else could check, said

In addition, the leaked paper revealedthat funds from climate financing, originally allocated to go to the UN and then be doled out piecemeal to Third World nations, would instead be paid directly into the coffers of the World Bank and IMF, organizations that have made a habit out of looting poorer countries with crippling loans that cannot be paid back, forcing such countries to hand over their entire infrastructure to globalist loan sharks. The fact that policies arising out of the contrived science of global warming are already killing people in vast numbers in the Third World, further illustrates the fact that the entire climate change movement is a Malthusian offshoot of the profusely stated goal, on behalf of the global elite, to eliminate a huge chunk of the global population via modern-day eugenics.


If the measures which were 'debated' at the Copenhagen summit in the name of we As a National Geographic Report fighting global warming are passed, the can only expect a further assault on confirmed, With food prices rising, already horrifying plight of the Haitis poorest cant afford even a daily This agenda was vehemently argued for plate of rice, and some must take population of the Third World. by President Obamas top science advisor desperate measures to fill their bellies, In the leaked Copenhagen text that and one of the pre-eminent climate by eating mud, partly as a emerged at the meeting, leaders of Third change ringleaders, John P. Holdren, in consequence of increasing global World countries were horrified to his 1977 book 'Ecoscience', in which he demand for biofuels. discover that developed nations would called for installing a planetary regime draconian population control on burden than anticipated In April last year, World Bank President take thatless of awould be demanded of to enforce such as forced abortion and measures and more Robert Zoellick admitted that biofuels poorer countries, despite the fact that any mandatory sterilization through the water were a significant contributor to further cuts in CO2 emissions would supply. soaring food prices that have led to riots further cripple their flimsy economies and in countries such as Haiti, Egypt, the poverty-stricken people. Philippines and even Italy. Paul Joseph Watson

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The Sovereign Independent

April - May 201 0

The Sovereign Independent

The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

United States and large parts of Canada. If this is allowed to proliferate to the main food growing countries in the developing world, the future of the human race is in grave danger. If you believe I am exaggerating, that I am reporting some 'conspiracy theory' of wild ideas, I urge you to check independently for yourself and follow the documentation in the book that I have written called "Seeds of Destruction". The end product of creating a seed bank would be to allow all seed varieties of the world, the results of thousands of years of human evolution, plant evolution and crop diversity, to be put in control of the Rockefeller Foundation and the private GMO seed multinationals who would then patent all these life forms. That itself would potentially see the total control of all the seed varieties on this planet. The United States Government financed research of a private company called DeltaPine who were involved in the patenting of GMO cotton seeds back in the 1990s. DeltaPine together with the US Government and the Dept. of Agriculture Research Agency, who provided the money, created something called 'Terminator Seeds' or GURT (Genetic Use Restriction Technology) which are specially engineered to abort after one harvest so that traditional farming that involves saving seed and replanting in the next season, is no longer possible. 'Terminator' was so controversial back in 1999, that when Monsanto was about to buy out DeltaPine, the president of the Rockefeller Foundation went to Monsanto and said, "The whole project is in danger, do not take over this GMO terminator patent yet. We urge you to make a tactical retreat". They held a press conference and told the world, because of the public outcry, "We will not commercialise 'Terminator' technology". The takeover of DeltaPine was put on ice until 2007. Ten years later, Monsanto announced that it wanted to acquire the cotton patents of Deltapine and did not say a word about 'Terminator' technology. Most of the protesters about 'Terminator' were caught sleeping and there was hardly a peep out of the media. So today Monsanto own 'Terminator' technology. In 1997 there was a test carried out in the Rowett Institute in Scotland by one of the worlds leading and most respected researchers at that time, Dr Arpad Pusztai. Dr Pusztai got a mandate to perform a wide research study for the British Government on the effects of feeding a diet of GMO potatoes to mice. After a number of months Dr Pusztai became more than alarmed. He started the experiment believing the propaganda that GMO was the answer to the world's hunger problem and that this was a contribution of science to solve human problems. But his research forced him to rethink his belief and he told his director of his research results. The director was also alarmed and agreed that they should give an interview to the world's press and he then appeared on a program on Channel 4, a British TV channel. Dr Pusztai reported his research results and told the public that the organs of the mice fed on a GMO diet, compared with the mice fed on a controlled diet of non GMO, were a lot smaller. He also found something which was even more alarming which he did not report on the program so not to terrorise the public. He found the brains of the mice fed on a GMO diet were also a lot smaller. The world's press picked up the story for 72 hours and after 72 hours the director called Dr Pusztai into his office and said "As from this
You are forbidden to talk to the media. You will go into early retirement and ifyou want to keep your pension you will follow these instructions".

April - May 201 0


"Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people." - Henry Kissinger

he same powerful families who have brought us such things as the Kenzie Report on American male sexuality in the 1950s, who brought us the intrauterine device the coil - in the sexual revolution of the sixties, who brought us UN population control programs, who brought us an epidemic of sexual confusion and insecurity which they called "genetically caused", and who also funded Nazi eugenics; these same people have now created an artificial new pseudo-science called 'Genetics' and 'Genetic Manipulation' of plants and animals; the patenting of life and their new forms.

F William Engdahl

What had happened in those 72 hours, and which Dr Pusztai only learned years later from a retired colleague from the institute, was that the director had received a phone call from the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, saying "Shut this man up. This guy is damaging the whole future of British bio-technology". Later, he found out from another retired colleague that the call from Tony Blair come through President Clinton in Washington and President Clinton had received a call from Monsanto saying; "This guy needs to be silenced because
the whole GMO project is in danger if the press continues to discuss and debate this".

Dr Pusztai was then blacklisted and he was attacked by the Royal Academy of Sciences. Fraudulently and falsely, other scientists prostituted themselves under the influence of research money from the argi-business lobby, to protect the reputation of GMO seeds. Back in the 1920s, before anyone in the world

This organization has a name 'The Rockefeller Foundation'.

GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) technology is today a danger to human life on this planet of ours. In my estimation it's more dangerous than a nuclear holocaust. Its perpetrator's intend nothing less than genocide, against enlarged portions of life on this planet over the coming decades, using GMOs as a major weapon. To give an example: Just recently completed near the Arctic Circle of all places, Svalbard, on Norwegian territory, is what's called the 'Svalbard Global Seed Vault'. This is a vault that has been dug out from the side of a mountain in a forsaking region near the Arctic Circle. This vault has blast proof doors, double air locks and one metre thick steel reinforced concrete. It is supposed to be resistant to a nuclear bomb attack or any national catastrophe. Inside the vault are supposed to be three million different varieties of seed from around the world; and the purpose of this vault? Officially so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future. The people who have been investing millions into this Arctic seed vault, which the press have called 'The Doomsday Seed Vault', are such institutions as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Monsanto Corporation, the Syngenta Foundation, DuPont and the Norwegian Government. Also joining these distinguished people are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, which is anything but neutral when it comes to the health and safety and the food quality of this planet. So in short, a nuclear proof seed vault, with all the seed varieties in the world, has been established by the very companies who have created and are guiding the transformation into patent seeds, which will require farmers in India, Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Brazil, the farmers in the Philippines, China and so on, to go every year to three or four private giant GMO corporations, to pay a license fee to get new seeds due to the new terminator technology or GURT. It is this transformation minute you are no longer permitted to talk to that has virtually destroyed agriculture in the any of your colleagues about your research.

had heard of genetic manipulation of plants, the Rockefeller Foundation was the largest financier of something called 'Eugenics'. Another name for 'Eugenics' is 'purity of race' or 'race science'. Not only did they finance eugenics in America, they supported programs, in state after state from California to the East coast of America, of mandatory sterilization of people who they deemed unfit. These included the 'lower' races of people, immigrants, women who were forced into prostitution to feed their children because they had no husbands and sisters and mothers of known criminals. All of these groups had to be sterilized due to them having 'bad gene pools'. All this was being done in America tens of thousands of times over. The Rockefellers, not being satisfied with promoting the idea of a master race in America alone, financed and brought into being, at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin in the 1920s, German eugenics research. They continued financing at a time when the German economy was in a deep economic crisis. Up to 1939, six years into the 3rd Reich of Adolf Hitler, the Rockefeller Foundation concurred with and willingly financed Nazi eugenics research, forced sterilization and race experiments of the 'unfit'. Reported back then, the Rockefellers were quoted as saying "What the Germans are
doing is what we here in America, with the Eugenics Society, can only dream of. The Nazis are putting their money where their mouths are. Its a shame that the word Nazi has such bad press because they are doing it the right way".

1930s, and well into the 1980s, was by far the most important family in terms of American political policy. Four brothers divided the world at the end ofWorld War II. Nelson Rockefeller went to Washington to work for Eisenhower and became the first Secretary of the Health, Education and Welfare Department where he secretly funded CIA MKUltra mind altering drug research using LSD and other illegal substances. David Rockefeller went into the family's bank 'The Chase Manhattan Bank'. Laurence Rockefeller was involved in business promotion especially in Puerto Rico and Latin America where the family had oil interests. John D. Rockefeller III focused on population control. He was obsessed with controlling world population. John D., with help from the Eugenics Society, created the Population Control Council in the 1950's. He then went on to Puerto Rico, which was regarded at the time as a Rockefeller family plantation. John D. financed programs of forced sterilization of child bearing woman, throughout Puerto Rico, to the point that by the end of the 1950's, 35% of the child bearing women had been forcibly sterilized after the birth of their first or second child, without knowing it, in the hospitals and clinics, which Rockefeller money helped to create, in villages and rural areas around Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico was the test laboratory for the ideas of mass global sterilization which they called "population control" The US Dept. of Agriculture, in 2000 and 2001, financed field studies for a bio-tech company in San Diego, California called Epicyte. The US Government found that the research of this company was significant enough to spend taxpayer's money on for field tests of a variety of corn that had been genetically modified to produce what they called "spermicidal corn". The President of Epicyite, Douglas Hyne, gave a press conference in 2001 and said, "I am proud to
say that we here at Epicyite have developed a potential solution to the world's human population problem. We have a spermicidal corn that kills male sperm from the man that consumes it and prevents conception".

After World War II and the horrors of Auschwitz became known to the world, the Rockefeller family and the Eugenics Society realized they had a public relations problem when they stated that, " The word 'eugenics' now has a bad reputation. People think of the gas ovens ofAuschwitz." So they decided then that, "The new name for 'eugenics' is

The World Health Organisation, financed by the Rockefeller Foundation, over a thirty year period, have been found guilty by Profeada Cattolica in Mexico and Nicaragua, of injecting only women of child bearing age, throughout Latin America, with a tetanus vaccine which contained a chemical that would cause an abortion of any foetus which might develop in the women. Profeada Cattolica became suspicious when it became apparent that the injection was only being given to women aged between 14 and 45 years of age whilst not being given to men. This is the proud record of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Foundation which created the false science of GMO. Their life-long dream is to crack the genetic code of the human genome to enable them to create a 'master race' to their liking and eliminate the rest of us who are not. This is a conspiracy, a project so vast and so inconceivable that its even hard for me to believe, and I have been doing such research for the last 35 years. When I wrote the book, 'Seeds of Destruction', I told my wife that I thought that this was the most dangerous story I had ever researched and written about. But its a story that must be told because nobody understands the political agenda behind GMO. Lecture transcripts by F. William Engdahl Rome 2006

The Rockefeller family, from the end of the


Two key memorandums from the World Health Organisation (WHO), discovered by Patrick Jordan, prove the WHO has intentionally created the three-shot killer vaccine that people in the USA and other countries could soon be forced to take. The 1972 WHO Bulletin 47, No 2 Memo #1 and #2 Virus-associated immunopathology state:

WHO memo from 1 972 explains how to turn vaccines into a means of killing!

The Sovereign Independent

WHOs long-term genocidal intentions that could stand in any court of law because these memorandums give the best and fullest explanation of the WHOs affiliated labs, such as the Center for Disease Control's (CDC) current activities.

Their patenting of the most lethal bird flu viruses, their sending that virus to Baxters Animal models and implications for human subsidiary in Austria, which weaponised it and disease technically outline the ability to create sent out 72 kilos to 16 laboratories in four biological weapons in the form of vaccines that: countries, almost triggered a real global pandemic. 1) First totally disable the immune system. 2) Load every cell of the victims body up For every crime, there needs to be motive, an with infection. indication that it was deliberate and that it was 3) Switch the immune system on causing the planned. host to kill itself in a Cytokine Storm. The WHO memorandums provide the evidence One, Two, Three, Dead! of just that deliberate, long-term planning to kill people by weakening their immune system These WHO Memoranda describe the three- by use of the first vaccine, injecting a live virus stage impact of the three shots many people into their body by a second and creating a fatal will be forced to take this autumn to allegedly cytokine storm, using squalene, in a third. treat a virus that the WHO also helped create and release. This is a crucial piece of evidence of the

A chemical used in plastic baby bottles, and many other food and beverage containers, However, Hunt didn't intend to study BPA. causes genetic damage in mice, a new study She was studying egg development in mice. suggests. Suddenly, she started finding genetic defects in eggs from mice that were supposed to be The damage is seen in egg cells of female normal. Nearly a years work was destroyed. mice. When these cells try to divide, their Finally, she found the cause. The mice were chromosomes don't line up correctly. In housed in polycarbonate plastic cages. They humans this results in spontaneous abortion, drank from polycarbonate bottles. Both had birth defects, or mental retardation, says accidentally been washed in a floor cleaner genetic abnormalities expert Patricia A. Hunt, that made them degrade faster. PhD. When Hunt's research team exposed new Hunt and colleagues showed that very low plastic bottles to floor cleaner, they gave off doses of a common plastics ingredient may lots of BPA. Sure enough, they found, BPA by cause these effects. They also found that itself caused the genetic changes. But then dangerous amounts of the chemical, known as they found that the bottles gave off BPA much Bispenol-A (BPA) can seep out of used plastic more easily than they'd suspected. bottles. Suspected of being hazardous to humans since What is so important about this finding is we the 1930s, concerns about the use of BPA in are talking about something that causes consumer products grabbed headlines in 2008 spontaneous abortions of babies. Then there is when several governments issued reports the horrifying fact that babies are born with questioning its safety, and some retailers these chromosomal abnormities. This causes a pulled products made from it off their shelves. higher level of concern. This is a major new

Harmful Effects from Baby Bottles

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finding of the profound adverse effects of this chemical in mice that were drinking out of old plastic baby bottles. The plastics industry says there is nothing to be alarmed about. Large studies of BPA show no effects on animals or on their offspring, says Steven Hentges, PhD, executive director of the polycarbonate business.

FLUORIDE: Ireland's Drug ofNO choice

ghettos and in Nazi Germany's infamous prison camps. The Gestapo you see had little concern about sodium fluoride's supposed effect on children's teeth; instead, their reason for massmedicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm, bovine, submission. The Green Party said that it would stop the fluoridation of Irish water supplies if elected to Government. Health spokesperson, at that time, was John Gormley TD, now Minister for the Environment, who said that water fluoridation had reached its sell-by date and that the latest international research meant that fluoridation was no longer tenable. Speaking at a press conference in Dublin, Deputy Gormley said:
"The latest advice from the American Dental Association tells parents to avoid using fluoridated water when bottle feeding babies because of the dangers of fluorosis - the staining and pitting of teeth which can result from overexposure to fluoride. This advice should be heeded. The balance of international evidence proves that water fluoridation should be stopped immediately. There has been a huge increase in fluorosis in Ireland in the last decade. And as it is wholly impractical for mothers to source nonfluoridated water, it is prudent to stop water fluoridation immediately. There have been no increases in incidences of tooth decay in countries that stopped fluoridating their water supplies. We are satisfied that such a move in Ireland would not lead to increased dental caries. In fact, countries throughout Europe, which do not fluoridate, have better dental health than Ireland. It is now proven that fluoride does not need to be ingested to prevent dental caries, as had been previously thought. This means that fluoridated toothpaste is more than adequate to deal with dental decay.

allows for the mass medication of the Irish people, knowing full well, by his own statements, of its harmful effects.

contributory factor to the present water pollution crisis in Galway and to the poor quality ofIrelands water sources.

Sarah Carney -

The World Health Organisation's (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer, reports sodium silicofluoride (as used for fluoridation) is, an insecticide, fungicide, bactericide and rodenticide (rat poison)".
"The Commission of the European Communities (1978) requires that sodium silicofluoride be labeled as toxic by inhalation, in contact with the skin or ifswallowed."

This is utter hypocrisy on a grand scale whereby the Green Party, whilst openly stating that fluoridation has no benefit to human health, is happy to continue using a poison in the public water supply which was used by Hitler and Stalin as a drug to pacify concentration camp victims. Nowhere in the Water Paper is fluoride even mentioned once. However they do mention it in another document where they state, prior to being in government, that they will repeal the use of fluoride in the public water supply. We're still waiting. FLUORIDE (REPEAL OF ENACTMENTS) BILL 2006 Purpose of Bill: The purpose of this Bill is to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act 1960. There is now a scientific consensus that fluoride works topically and does not need to be ingested to protect teeth. All the evidence shows that too much fluoride in the body gives rise to fluorosis, which is on the increase and to other health effects. When water fluoridation has been stopped in other countries, there has been no increase of dental caries as a result. This Bill means that no fluoride will be added by local authorities to Irish drinking water supplies. An Teachta John Gormley, Meitheamh, 2005 This should surprise nobody who understands the real Green Agenda that this has not come to pass. So if youre happy to be poisoned with a toxic by-product of the aluminium industry, which you pay for to be put into your drinking water, then Id suggest that the chemical effects of fluoride are working on you very well indeed!

or over 100 years, science and medicine have understood the poisonous nature of fluoride. In the 1930's and 40's, giant US company, ALCOA (the world's leading producer of primary aluminium, fabricated aluminium) were sued for millions of Dollars due to toxic fluoride waste escaping from factory smokestacks killing crops and livestock. ALCOA figured that if people could be persuaded fluoride wasnt poisonous but was good for teeth, profits could be protected. So, to introduce water fluoridation, they hired the brilliant 'father of propaganda' Edward L. Bernays. Joined later by other fluoride polluting industries (e.g. nuclear), and the multi-billion Dollar sugar, toothpaste, confectionary and soft drink industries, they became strong financial supporters of dental associations that promoted fluoridation. Independent scientific evidence over the past 50 plus years has shown that sodium fluoride shortens our life span, promotes various cancers and mental disturbances and most importantly, makes humans sterile, stupid, docile, and subservient, all in one neat little package. There is increasing evidence that aluminium in the brain is a causative factor in Alzheimer's Disease, with evidence pointing towards sodium fluoride's strong affinity to 'bond' with this dangerous aluminium (remember it is a byproduct of aluminium manufacturing), and it also has the ability to 'trick' the blood-brain barrier, by imitating the hydrogen ion, thus allowing this chemical to access brain tissue. Concerning the 'practice' of putting sodium fluoride into drinking water, where did this insanity begin and who tried it first? The very first occurrence of purposefully putting sodium fluoride into drinking water was in the German

I.A.R.C. Monograph on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, 27-4-82, p 250 The time has come for the Irish government to rid our water of fluoride, and the Irish people to rid our government of The Green Party who are in power despite the wishes of 97% of the people in this country. The hypocrisy doesnt stop there. If Mr. Gormley had been paying attention to what his Green colleagues in the UK have said on the issue we might get somewhere. This link takes you to a press statement they released in July 2003. /F%20illegality.htm (I urge readers to look at the details in this document)
Water fluoridation contravenes UK law, EU directives and the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine

In this they pointed out that, amongst other very serious issues, fluoridation violated the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Charter on Fundamental Rights. This is significant because under the Green Party Water Position Paper, available on their website they state that they will adhere to European Directives. Upgrade Legislation and implement EU Directives
The Governments failure to update Irelands arcane water control legislation or to properly implement EU Directives has been a direct


Many other Green Party members have made statements admitting the fluoridation of Irish drinking water amounts to the mass medication of the people of Ireland. To date the Green Party and John Gormley, the Minister for the Environment, who is ultimately responsible for our water, after 3 years in government still

The Sovereign Independent

"They Wouldnt Do That! Would They?"

April - May 201 0


An Introduction to False Flag Terror

It is widely known that the Nazis, in Operation Himmler, faked It is logical to assume that, even if other countries have carried have been carried out by governments many times in the past attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed out false flag operations (especially horrible regimes such as, and without doubt will be carried out again in the future. on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. say, the Nazis), the U.S. has never done so. A few more examples; Well, as shown in a BBC Special, which contains interviews with some of the key players, it is probable that America knew As confirmed by a former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbour, down to the exact judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence, date of the attack, and allowed it to happen to justify America's NATO, with the help of U.S. and foreign special forces, carried entry into World War II. The Pearl Harbour conspiracy involved out terror bombings in Italy and blamed the communists, in hundreds of military personnel. Moreover, the White House order to rally peoples support for their governments in Europe apparently had, a year earlier, launched an 8-point plan to in their fight against communism. As one participant in this provoke Japan into war against the U.S. (including, for formerly-secret program stated: example, an oil embargo). And most stunning, the FDR administration took numerous affirmative steps to ensure that "You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, the Japanese attack would be successful. innocent people, unknown people far removed from any It is also widely accepted that the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the Vietnam War was faked. It was reported at the time that two Vietnamese gunboats had attacked the USS Maddox, a destroyer class ship. This on the face of it is ridiculous. The fact is, it never happened and American was in another war costing the lives of 50,000 American soldiers and approximately 5.5 Million Vietnamese. Why should anyone think that governments care for their populace or that of their enemies?
political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security."

And it has now been shown that the Nazis set fire to their own transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is government building, The Reichstag, and blamed that fire on likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and "The man accused of supplying the dynamite used in the alothers. The fire was the event which justified Hitler's seizure of catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." Qaeda train bombings in Madrid was in possession of the power and the suspension of liberties. private telephone number of the head of Spain's Civil Guard bomb squad. The revelation has raised fresh "An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child concerns in Madrid about links between those held of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our responsible for the March bombings and Spains security domestic security and protect our homeland." services, which killed 190 people. No, this wasnt George Bush, Barack Obama, Gordon Brown or Brian Cowen. This was from the Reichstag Fire speech by Adolf Hitler on the setting up of The Gestapo; The Dept of Homeland Security. In the early 1950s, agents of an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, and left behind "evidence" implicating the Arabs as the culprits. One of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers. Israel's Defense Minister was brought down by the scandal, along with the entire Israeli government. The Russian KGB conducted a wave of bombings in Russia in order to justify war against Chechnya and put Vladimir Putin into power. The Turkish government has carried out bombings and blamed it on the PKK in order to justify a crackdown on that group.

Moreover, recently declassified documents show that in the 1960's, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes, using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes (called Operation Northwoods) and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. This was exposed following the ABC news September, 2000. report; and official documents by the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC's World News Tonight with The Project for a New American Century, a neo-conservative Peter Jennings. Think again about 9/11. think-tank whose members include Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, (yep, Georges brother who was also Head The examples discussed above are only a small handful of the of Security for the World Trade Center Complexon on 9/11) and many examples of false flag terror operations. Paul Wolfowitz, released their report entitled "Rebuilding America's Defences." In it, they declared that "the process of According to the London Times:

There is also evidence to show that two of the bombers appear to be government informants. Similar inconsistencies surround the events of the 7/7 bombings in London. Take a close look at the latest attempt at false flag terror in light of the so called underwear bomber. This was no serious attempt to blow up an aircraft. It is simply an attempt to introduce the naked body scanners, which have already been built, into airports, train stations, ferry ports, government buildings, public buildings, shopping centres etc. Its time to wake up and understand that big government will never be the solution to the security of the public because they are the problem. Whether you buy into the whole racism/religious argument for differences between societies, you must surely agree that if decisions on going to war etc were left in the hands of ordinary people, every major conflict on the planet would end tomorrow.

This is called "False Flag Terrorism", where a government attacks its own people then blames others in order to justify it's Therefore, before you dismiss as conspiracy theory claims The People are not the problem. The Governments are not policies and to further its own ideological agenda. about 9/11, please take a look at the historical record. The quote the solution. above was published by some very dubious characters and came They wouldnt do that in the EU or the US, would they? out nearly a year to the day of the 9/11 attacks. These atrocities Speak out against the new Gestapo!

Why ofcourse the people dont want war. But after all it is the leaders ofthe country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding ofthe leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack ofpatriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country. - Hermann Goering, Nazi leader The easiest way to gain control ofa population is to carry out acts ofterror. [The public] will clamour for such laws (Anti-freedom) iftheir personal security is threatened. - JosefStalin


New World Order or Feudalism of the 21st Century?

The Sovereign Independent
have their cyber money tied to a green tax and a microchip planted under the skin, linked to facial and genetic biometrics, and administered from the US, where their database, supercomputers and satellite uplink stations are set up.

April - May 201 0

Until recently, relatively few were aware of the huge effort by members of an elite group to bring a dictatorial one world government into power, even though there has been work going on in pursuit of this goal covertly for decades. Ironically, while those who speak about it are labelled conspiracy theorists, the mainstream media has been exposing their intentions for over a year. A good example of this being a Financial Times article of late-2008 titled 'And Now for A World Government', which stated an anti-democratic world government is required to deal with: global warming, a global financial crisis and a global war on terror. Since the attacks of 9/11, efforts to bring in the all-powerful global entity have been stepped up dramatically. The reason for this, as whistleblower and film producer Aaron Russo exposed, was that the attacks were deliberately staged to aid the rapid rise of Fascism. Russo, who produced the hit movie Trading Places and made the ground-breaking documentary 'America: Freedom to Fascism', told Alex Jones of, he had been a friend of Nick Rockefeller of the Rockefeller dynasty; a family pivotal to this aggressive push for a world government. He said Rockefeller had told him, 11 months prior to 9/11, that there would be 'an event' and out of this event there was going to be 'a war on terror' that would be a hoax. According to Russo, people in the banking industry and the US Administration were behind 9/11. Their plan was to use the murder of innocent civilians to win public support for invading countries militarily and bringing in a high-tech police state in the US that would be used for the takeover of the American people and ultimately the people of the world. Investigative journalist, Daniel Estulin, has been revealing the behind-the-scenes details of the elite's secret meetings for over two decades. With the help of insiders, he has established what they are plotting and what he has learnt is explosive. What they

It did not help either that on the 16th of December a US TV show, Conspiracy Theory, revealed that a lead IPCC author, Ben Santer, had deleted sections of an IPCC chapter that stated humans were not responsible for climate change. Plus, while Al Gore had endeavoured to convince the world of the imminent dangers of global warming during the conference, Canada and Japan had record low temperatures and snow fell in Australia two weeks into its summer. In spite of all these potential deal breakers and that the talks were reported to have become mired in difficulty, as Estulin had forecast, on the 17th Dec. Lord Monckton, who was in Copenhagen, reported to radio show host Alex Jones, that a framework for a global government had been established, which would control climate finances via taxes on CO2 emissions. Monckton said world government is coming because the leaders of the West dont care about democracy or the truth about the climate.

As Russo warned, their final goal is to get everyone implanted

with an RFID chip. All money is to be in the chips, and the bankers will have the ability to take out whatever they want and also have the ability to turn the chips off. Ifyou dont behave as they wish, you dont get any money. This agenda can be stopped

he said, if people shut down the Federal Reserve Bank and take away the bankers ability to create money.

As well as using economic and global warming crises to steer humanity into the World Company Ltd, the elite are using the pandemic another problem of their creation. The ultimate goals of this are to suspend freedoms, force people to accept a microchip and reduce the world population by two-thirds or more. Evidence indicates they will use a wide range of tactics, including the release of bio-weapons and dangerous vaccines, to meet that end. Indeed, they are this ruthless and it is timely to revisit President Franklin D. Roosevelts speech about the last New World Order. In a radio address of late-1940, he said: The history of recent

The G20 Finance Ministers meeting held in Scotland in earlyNovember revealed how cold-blooded the elitists are. Estulin told Corbett, that attendees discussed dumping the US Dollar, even though it would plunge the world into a ruinous financial crisis. Luckily, while the UK and US delegates were pushing to, the Russians and Chinese said no to the plan. Estulin also acquired documents from the G20, which revealed that some want to establish a global fund of predictable public finance to fight the fake global warming problem and there was a draft document which states the fund could be administered by an existing international financial institution. Furthermore, while the mainstream media has indicated the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Treaty would not be agreed to in Copenhagen during the summit scheduled for the 7th to the 18th of December, Estulin heard otherwise, and he was proven right. As treaty expert, Lord Christopher Monckton, who worked as an advisor to Margaret Thatcher had warned in mid-October, after reading a draft copy of the Treaty, dated the 15th of September, its ultimate purpose was to create a tyrannical world government. This was apparent on page 18 where it stated: The scheme for the new institutional arrangement under the Convention will be based on three basic pillars: government; facilitative mechanism; and financial mechanism... it said if it was agreed to, it would give an unelected body the power to dictate policy to elected bodies, as well as control all free markets. Thus, he urged people to contact their MPs to tell them that the treaty must not be signed.

years proves that shootings and chains and concentration camps are not simply the transient tools, but the very altars of modern dictatorships. They may talk of a new order in the world, but what they have in mind is but a revival of the oldest and the worst tyranny. In that there is no liberty, no religion, no hope.

The New World Order is the Old World Order. This time it comes dressed as a wolf in sheeps clothing to tell us we have to save ourselves by addressing a number of crises which are of the wolfs own making. Said Russo, they need our cooperation to succeed. Once we learn not to cooperate with them, then we win the game. Clare Swinney

are aiming for is 'feudalism of the 21st century' he told James Corbett in an interview on the 11th of November 2009, which is posted on his site. "They want 95% of the population being

poorly fed, poorly educated, if at all, with a low life expectancy and being treated like cattle, with no hope of a better life. Consequently, they are hell bent on destroying progress. It is about a wholesale transfer ofthe worlds wealth into fewer and In conjunction with Moncktons warning, all those against the fewer hands, administered by ruthless, and seemingly, idea of a world government had another reason to celebrate in the increasingly desperate individuals, wrote Estulin in his best- weeks leading up to the conference, as news broke about

seller, 'The True Story of the Bilderberg Group'.

Their goals are not new and can be traced throughout history. The Romans attempted to create their own version of a World Government, but were stymied by their inability to manipulate the people and costly, multi-fronted wars. Now, owing to television, the widespread use of propaganda and the education system, amongst other factors, the scales are tipping in the elite's favour. With the use of ploys like the global warming hoax and the war on terror, people are being duped into running into the arms of the World Company Ltd, where everyone will be under the unelected elite's control. This is what is meant by One World Government and it is being masterfully imposed using a manyfaceted, dynamic game-plan. The elitists are currently in the process of consolidating their control of the international banks which dictate policy to governments and looking to institute a global currency using the 'Special Drawing Right', (SDR) which is the International Monetary Funds (IMF) in-house unit of account. In other words, the IMF is going to play a central role in wielding the elite's power. They aim to move us out of printed money and coins into electronic money, controlled by the IMF. They aim to

evidence that proved what many had suspected: the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC) was using cooked data. On the 19th of November, reported that information from the computer system at the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit, (CRU), had been released into the public arena. There was data, code, and emails from Phil Jones of the CRU to and from many people on the web, which revealed that a pivotal group of scientists providing the IPCC with data were trying to hide that global temperatures were in decline, not rising as the IPCC had claimed. This scandal was coined Climategate and while much of the mainstream media pretended it did not happen, the news spread across the Internet like wildfire. The Copenhagen Climate Conference, which began on the 7th of December quickly ran into trouble, not only because of Climategate, but also because of documents that were leaked on the second day, the contents of which angered many leaders from Third World nations, as they discovered their countries were going to be burdened with far greater emissions cuts than they had anticipated and there were plans to levy a proposed US$100 billion in green debt upon the poorer nations, that was to be paid back at interest.

The Sovereign Independent


Now it all becomes apparent. Let me detail everything we know about the "Sharp Dressed Man" (SDM). 1. While being held in Customs on Christmas Day, I first told the story of the SDM. 2. My story has never changed. 3. The FBI visited my office on December 29, 2009, and showed me a series of approximately 10 photographs. None were of the SDM. I asked the FBI if they brought the Amsterdam security video to help me identify the SDM, but they acted as though my request was ridiculous. The FBI asked me what accent the SDM spoke in and I indicated that he had an American accent similar to my own. I further indicated that he wore a tan suit without a tie, was Indian looking, around age 50, 6'0" tall and 250-260 lbs. I further indicated that I did not believe that he was an airline employee and that he was not on our flight. 4. During the first week of January, 2010, Dutch Military Police and the FBI indicated that over "200 Hours" of Amsterdam airport security video had been reviewed and it "Shows nothing". 5. The mainstream media picked up the "Shows nothing" story, which slanders my story. After visiting my office twice for a flight 253 special, Dateline NBC and Chris Hanson indicated that my story was "Unsubstantiated rumor dispelled as myth" and our story did not air during the TV special. 6. On January 2, 2010, I receive a call from a flight 253 passenger who indicated to me that it may be in my best interest to stop talking publicly about the SDM because he believes I am "wrong" in what I saw. He did not make any claim that he saw the SDM boarding gate incident at all. This call was made out of the blue after he made a "revelation" of this event on January 1, 2010. I later discover that this caller has ties to the U.S. Government. 7. On January 20, 2010, current Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), Michael E. Leiter, made a startling admission. Leiter indicated that: "I will tell you, that when people come to the country and they are on the watch list, it is because we have generally made the choice that we want them here in the country for some reason or another." 8. On January 22, 2010, Congress Daily reported that intelligence officials "have acknowledged the government knowingly allows foreigners whose names are on terrorist watch lists to enter the country in order to track their movement and activities." Congress Daily also reported, citing an unnamed "intelligence official" that Michael E. Leiter's statement on January 20, 2010, reflected government policy and told the publication, "in certain situations it's to our advantage to be able to track individuals who might be on a terrorist watch list because you can learn something from their activities and their contacts." 9. On January 22, 2010, ABC News published an article that showed a change of position in the government's official story. Please see the following blog post for more information: tially-discounted.html The U.S. government provided no explanation for the reason my story was initially discounted. 10. The SDM could not be from Al Qaeda. When speaking at the counter in Amsterdam, the SDM said the following "He is from

April - May 201 0


***Please note that in the article that follows, I am not claiming that the U.S. Government knew Mutallab had a bomb or intended to hurt anyone on Flight 253 when the U.S. Government let him board. THE SHARP DRESSED MAN WHO AIDED MUTALLAB ONTO FLIGHT 253 WAS A U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENT. Since our flight landed on Christmas Day, Lori and I have been doing everything in our power to uncover the truth about why we were almost blown up in the air over Detroit. The truth is now finally out after the publication of the following Detroit News article: N/1270405/Terror-suspect-kept-visa-toavoid-tipping-off-larger-investigation Let me quote from the article: "Patrick F. Kennedy, an undersecretary for management at the State Department, said Abdulmutallab's visa wasn't taken away because intelligence officials asked his agency not to deny a visa to the suspected terrorist over concerns that a denial would've foiled a larger investigation into al-Qaeda threats against the United States. "Revocation action would've disclosed what they were doing," Kennedy said in testimony before the House Committee on Homeland Security. Allowing Adbulmutallab to keep the visa increased chances federal investigators would be able to get closer to apprehending the terror network he is accused of working with, "rather than simply knocking out one soldier in that effort."'

Kurt Haskel
Sudan, we do this all the time". Who is "we"? If it is alQaeda, you surely don't make such a statement to an airport security official. 11. The SDM could not be from airport security. The SDM did not dress in any security uniform and did not appear to have any security badge. The SDM did not speak with a Dutch accent. The SDM dressed in a suit coat and pants. If the SDM was a higher up security official, he would not have to convince the ticket agent to let Mutallab on the plane without a valid passport. Instead, he would just order her to do it. 12. Could the SDM have been a U.S. Government official? He dressed in a suit and not a security uniform. Check. He indicated we do this all the time. Could "we" be the U.S. Government? Check. He spoke English with an American accent. Check. Would he need to convince the ticket agent that this was a normal procedure to allow boarding without a passport? Check. Would he have the ability to obtain such clearance? Check. Could he enter this security area even though he wasn't a passenger? Check. Would the ticket agent likely refer this request to a manager? Check. Would the U.S. Government not want this information public and try to hide it? Check. 13. The Amsterdam security video has not been released. A much more minor airport security violation occurred at the Newark New Jersey airport several days after the flight 253 incident. That video was released shortly thereafter. 14. Senators Levin and Stabenow, as well as Congressman Dingle, all refuse to discuss the matter with me. With the information we already knew and the admission from the above referenced Detroit News article, we have evidence and claims made by government officials that the U.S. Government wanted Mutallab to proceed into the U.S. in order to obtain information on other terrorists involved with him. Once we take this statement and add it to my eyewitness account of a "Sharp Dressed Man" escorting Mutallab through the boarding process and allowing him to board without a valid passport we can make the connection that the "Sharp Dressed Man" was a U.S. Government official/agent. The reasoning behind the following events now becomes very clear: 1. The reason Mutallab got through security despite the numerous warnings for months before our flight. 2. The reason why there have been so many lies from the U.S. Government attempting to discredit my eyewitness account. 3. The reason why the Amsterdam airport security video is being hidden from the public. 4. The reason why the government is proposing a "Failed to Connect the Dots" account of the failure. The truth is too damning. 5. The reason why Mr. Wolf of the Obama administration indicated on the Keith Olberman Show that the White House was investigating a possible "intentional act" from within the U.S. Government as the reason for the Christmas Day attack. 6. The explanation for the cameraman and why he hasn't been identified (Obviously, he was another U.S. Government agent) whose job was to film Mutallab for some governmental purpose. 7. The reason for the lax security after landing, which can be attributed to foreknowledge of the possible suspects involved. 8. The reason for the failure to search or secure the plane and passengers after landing, which can also be attributed to foreknowledge of the possible suspects involved. 9. The corporate media's attempt to bury my eyewitness account. 10. Carl Levin's, Debbie Stabenow's and John Dingle's intentional avoidance of my story and failure to return my calls/emails. 11. Janet Napolitano's statement that "The System Worked". From her point of view it probably did, as this WAS PART OF THE SYSTEM!

If you're one of those people who believe that everything government tells you is true, stop reading HERE. I'm sure many of you have read the article on this page regarding the farce of the 'underwear bomber'. If not then I suggest you do before reading this. We are now told that because of one person, allegedly trying to blow up a plane with what amounted to nothing more than a firework, that all of us, the approximately 6.8 BILLION people on this planet, have to give up our rights to our health and privacy, by being naked body scanned at every major airport, and I'm sure in time, minor airport, ferry port, train station, shopping centre, library etc, the list is endless. I for one will NEVER voluntarily go through one of these machines. That doesn't mean I won't be forced to against my will. What are my health concerns? Well, reports from Heathrow Airport in the UK, where these scanners were introduced, the Transport and General Workers Union are investigating claims, that 5 female security operators, involved in running the machines, have suffered miscarriages as a direct result of exposure to radiation emanating from the scanners. The technology used in these machines is such that the radiation wave actually penetrates beneath your skin. I've seen many women getting on flights who are clearly pregnant and who you would assume would not be scanned with radiation. Wrong! As of this month it was announced that NOBODY could refuse to go through the scanners at Heathrow Airport regardless of pregnancy or a medical condition. If you're trying for a child, do you want to risk losing it, without even realising you were pregnant, by going through one of these machines? Ok, so you're not allowed to refuse a radioactive scan whether you're pregnant or you suffer from a medical condition, regardless of the severity of such a condition, which may well cause you to miscarry, in the case of pregnancy or indeed further exacerbate any medical health problems you may have. I must also assume this would include cancer patients or people with any other health condition. It appears that there will be no exceptions and that these rules will be applied internationally. The machines may even give you cancer. It has been reported by radiologists that the machines can disrupt DNA! This can indeed cause cancer. People should bear in mind that the only 'safe' form of radiation is from the sun which produces Vitamin D in the human body. This is vital for a healthy immune system. There is no other safe form of radiation!

Transparency is 'Skin Deep', as Scanners Miscarriage Evidence Appears.

Why then does the government now insist that they will put lives at risk, in terms of the unborn child, and more generally, collude in the deliberate irradiating of people, that will undoubtedly do their health no good whatsoever, particularly frequent flyers? I think the business community should be very concerned. I hear that 'death in service benefits' can be very costly. Then there are the rest of us who simply wish to go on a two week holiday in the sun. Since when did we vote for a government that would deliberately set out to damage our health? That is what we are allowing to happen with the introduction of these vile machines, which not only have the potential to cause serious health problems, but also violate the most basic human right of privacy by scanning you to produce a crystal clear naked image of your body, warts and all! THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING! And the quackery doesn't stop there! There are now plans to introduce face and brain scanning technology. This technology has the ability to scan your face which will identify you to the security personnel even as you enter the car park at the airport. The brain scanner will allegedly be able to determine if you are having 'terrorist thoughts'! I know this sounds ludicrous but this is the kind of mindset of those pulling the strings of power. We are now all potential 'thought criminals'. Have any of you seen 'Minority Report' or "1984"? I suggest you watch these and think about where we are now in the accelerating pervasiveness of the surveillance society we live in. Not only are we to be dosed with harmful radiation, have our naked images taken and stored for some unspecified future use, but we are also to be brain scanned to determine if we are, in true Orwellian fashion, a danger to the state! The public should be outraged at this gross violation of its citizens by a government who are clearly out of control. They should be banging on the doors of every TD in this country to demand that these high tech strip search machines are never used here or anywhere else for that matter. I won't give up my personal freedom, health and dignity for any government. The danger is that they are so obsessed with controlling the public that they won't give me a choice. Therein lies the road to tyranny! Mary McNeil


The Sovereign Independent

April - May 201 0

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(The Motion Picture)
We have just completed a feature film in which the plot revolves around the New World Order Political/Criminal Syndicate who are trying to take over Ireland and the World. Presently we are trying to raise funds to edit the project. Any help would be greatly appreciated. For further details contact: Tom Prendeville
About Us The objective of the Sovereign Independent is to provide critical news, information and education that the mainstream media refuse to print regarding the direction Ireland, and the world, is heading with its increasing loss of sovereignty and independence to an EU superstate. We are a non-partisan newspaper with no affiliation to any political party. This information is presented 'as is' and everything you read is based on documented facts. It offers an alternative picture of the world we live in and as much as possible of what is really going on in our country and the world around us.
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