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LESSON PLAN Teacher: Helga Engsli Date: 5 November 2009 Time: 1210-1300 p.m.

Level: pre intermediate Stage of course: VI. Theme: Past Simple Tense of Regular and Irregular Verbs Textbook: Snapshot Functions: ask and talk about past events AIMS: The students will learn: The past tense of irregular verbs to identify past forms in a text OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to: Talk about past events ASSUMPTIONS: I assume that students have already understood the meaning of past tense of regular verbs and are eager to practice. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: Students might need further practice with the structure as it is completely new for them.

Stages of lesson

Activities - students and teacher

T greets students. T asks questions: Who is absent today? How are you today? Are you ready for the lesson? Students answer. What was your homework for today? Did you

Reasons for

Materials Timing
2 min.

To create a calm The register atmosphere beginning lesson. for the

Checkingup homework

do it? The teacher asks a few students to read it. If its necessary, the teacher will ask them to write on the blackboard. T asks more comprehension questions: What did you do yesterday? Ss: I washed the dishes/tidied my room etc.

- to correct the mistakes To introduce the new topic

Textbook, notebooks Pictures,

5 min.

Checking previous knowledge Transition to the new lesson

students into the cards,

3 min.

posters, 5 min.

To create Activity 1 T gives Ss worksheets to fill in (past tense expectations worksheets simple of regular verbs)-see appendix Ss work individually and report back to the class. pictures

Ss check their worksheets.

Presenting the new lesson

T say: The title of our new lesson is Past Simple and you will learn to use in your discussions about past events. Activity 2 T asks the pupils to read the text from the textbook page 42 A Liverpool ghost story(see the picture from the next page) T draws attention upon certain structures, such as : It was late... The woman continued.... T: What tense have these verbs? T elicits the infinitives of the verbs in the text and writes them on the blackboard. Infinitive Past simple Be was Have had etc. The pupils identify all the irregular verbs in the text and complete the text individually with the past tense verbs from the list. (textbook, page 43) They underline the unknown words and use the dictionary for explanations. Activity 3 The teacher give to the pupils to read, complete and copy the Grammar snapshot from the textbook, page 43 to check if they understood the new lesson. Activity 4 T explains the 3 endings of the verbs (t, d, id)(helped, cleaned, acted). The pupils put the verbs: counted, helped, laughed, looked, needed, played, showed, started, waited, washed, and watched into the right column. Activity 5 T asks the pupils to put the verbs in brackets into the past simple tense, completing the sentences from the textbook, page 43. Activity 6 T asks the pupils to work in pairs questioning each other to complete their factfile on Harrison Ford.(see the page 9)

o to introduce new
structure(past simple of irregular verbs) To students using words To listening, reading speaking skills develop writing, and encourage to the talk new


15 min.

Worksheets textbook



To make students to practice what they learnt

5 min.

2 min

4 min.

7 min


Then the teacher will make a short appreciation of the pupils activity during the lesson. The Ss will receive as homework to solve the students work exercises 2 and 3 from the page 47. T gives facultative homework to the pupils who To give students need to work more.(see the page 7)

To appreciate the

Home assignment:

2 min.

Activities from the Snapshot textbook:

Facultative homework Choose from these variants: 1. Write an essay with the title: My holiday dream in your portfolio. You can begin so: In my dream I was with three friends in California and Read and use the following questions: -Do you sometimes dream about great holidays? -What was your best holiday dream? -Or your best real holiday? -Where were you? -What did you do? Draw a picture; add photos, brochures or cards, too.

2. Imagine youre still on holiday. Write a postcard to your favourite person. e.g. 1 Dear Here I am in California with my family. Were staying in a wonderful hotel near the beach. I e.g. 2 Dear John Hello from Italy! Were at a wonderful camping near. The first two days were rainy, but now its sunny. We go swimming every morning. In the afternoons we sometimes ride our bike in the forest or go and look at the old town. Lots of love, John Smith Catherine 30 Newton Road Chester England I gave to the best pupils more activities from our last textbook English G 2000:

Activity 6 HOLLYWOOD FACTFILE Hes Han Solo and Indiana Jones. Hes the star of many Hollywood blockbusters. His name is Harrison Ford. Student A Born:. Parents: Christopher and Dorothy First hobby:. Aged 12: Becomes a student at Meltzer Junior High School (1954-60) Aged 18: . Outside college: Forms a band, The Brothers Gross, with a friend Aged 22:.

Aged 24: Gets first part in film in 1966 Aged 30: .. Job: Work as a carpenter and makes furniture in Hollywood Aged 34: .. Some other important films: The Empire, Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Blade Runner, Witness, Working Girl, The Fugitive, The Devils Own, Air Force One Student A asks student B questions to complete his factfile, then answers student Bs questions. Student A asks: A: When and where was Harrison Ford born? B: He was born on in A: What was his first hobby? B: He A: What happened / did he do when he was 18? B: He Student B Born: On July 13 1942 in Chicago, Illinois, USA Parents: . First hobby: Keeps rats Aged 12: Aged 18: Goes to Ripon College, Wisconsin to study philosophy Outside college: . Aged 24: .. Aged 30: Makes two more films, including American Graffiti Job: . Aged 34: Gets his big break as Han Solo in Star Wars Some other important films: Questions: B: What were Harrison Fords parents called? A: They were called Christopher and Dorothy. B: What happened / What did he do when he was 12? A: He General aims: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to: -to identify the past simple of regular and irregular verbs -to understand, read and write new words enriching their vocabulary -to ask or give information about past events -to develop speaking skills by expressing their opinions -to be aware that this language has a grammar and we must learn its theory to practice it correctly - get to know more about themselves by sharing their experience Presentation mood:

-I try to create a friendly atmosphere and I find the presence of self-confidence in my pupils eyes. I speak in a natural and moderate voice to assure the pupils that all is right and under the control - I focus on all my students to maintain the eye contact with them; they must feel that all their problems and actions are important; - I use one of my hand to gesture emphatically; I relaxed my arms, nod my head to the speaker - I smile gently when one of the pupils tells a humorous adventure referring to the life Learning resources: - I always paid attention to the presentation, making drawing simple, big enough to be seen by every pupil in the classroom. I wrote legible and correctly on the blackboard, emphasizing with colour chalks the grammatical rules that are important to keep in mind. - I use interesting photos which illustrate events and traditions, playing cards to stimulate the pair work, which provides responsibility, independence, cooperation - Referring to the grammar practice teacher must make a bridge between variety of practice activities and structures in the context. - We use also the course-book that provides texts and learning tasks, which are likely to be of an appropriate level for most of the class. - Practice activity must be in connection with the presentation - We use the Internet, the Ael lessons and CD-s, which offer variety in learning Teaching techniques: - I like to use: the conversation, exercises, the observation, the dialogue, the Brain-storming, etc. - I need to be aware that the students are pre-intermediate; I let them to be active. - Language teaching becomes enjoyable and more effective by singing songs for each major topic and playing games in pair with cards or in groups; -I need to be sure that students understand the new words correctly and also the grammar - I help the pupils if it is necessary -I give them questions before teaching the new lesson (to offer them possibilities to be active to talk) - A teacher always gives clear instructions and he/she must to know very well the subject matter. - Constant revisions help consolidate learning.


The pupils approach is very important in order to attract their attention and to motivate them. All the children like singing and playing. I used these ways with success. Using pair or group works, pupils have a positive attitude and a more rapid apprehension of the information, becoming independent, acquiring a high sense of responsibility. Pupils are concerned with things and activities that interest them: events, holiday, countries, and peoples customs.

Questioning: - Referring to questioning, I keep pupils involved in discourse and ask appropriate questions at the right time for encourage pupils selfexpression or to test their understanding and their knowledge. - I give pupils time and I command to raise their hands for permission to speak before they answer. - I prepare a series of helping questions for effective learning; when questions are not concrete it may cause problem. Time management: - A lesson has a limited time. - I set a time limit to the group work till I try to finish the activity while the pupils are still enjoying it and interested. - Playing is very interesting, but this activity and its preparation take more time and sometimes I cant manage it; however games are more efficiently. Problems in practice: - The pupils could find difficulty in speaking, sometimes they express themselves incorrect in pronunciation and also grammar mistakes arent excluded, too. I think that, the problems are caused by the fact they didnt know the grammatical application rule in order to express their opinion - They are pre-intermediate and some students may not feel self-confident about their pronunciation and refuse interaction. - I assess the situation and I prepare more explanations.

I try to solve the discipline problems giving black points which influenced badly their grades.

Assessment and feed-back: - I always give encouragement to those pupils, who dont answer successfully. By this way I can recapture pupils wandering attention, promote success, and enhance self-esteem. The teacher mustnt break their enthusiasm, but we must have high expectations. - I treat all the pupils equally with care and with respect when I assess their acquaintances.

Feedback gives pupils information about the validity of their knowledge or skills, which must have a positive emotional tone. By the diagnostic assessment trough the formative, I obtain the final appreciation respecting the syllabus.

The Past Tense Simple- Worksheet

Theory Tip

Past Tense Simple is used to denote past actions, completely finished by the moment of speaking. Adverbs: yesterday, four days ago, a long time ago, last year, in 1990.
EXERCISE Use Past Tense forms to complete the following sentences. to play volleyball to drink tea to go fishing to plant a tree to go for a walk to take photos

a. It was a beautiful day, so Sarah and her baby.

b. After spending the whole day at work, my parents finally had a moment of peace and .

c. Jane loves taking care of her garden and last year she d. In 2000 Marco visited London and he .

e. I have just called Tim but his wife tells me that he . an hour ago.

f. Last summer all the children.together.

Past Simple- Test Paper for the next lesson

1. Complete the sentences with the right verb. Choose from: helped, followed, visited, walked, crossed, arrived, served, finished, stopped, talked 1. We Disneyland last year. 2. He . Fast and home earlier yesterday. 3. The boy the street when the traffic light was red. 4. My classmates . I organize my birthday party at school. 5. We cakes and orange juice to the other children. 6. 6. They in front of Mikes house and . For a long time. 7. John my advice and his composition for the English class. 2. Write the following sentences in the Past Tense. Example: The dog (chase) the cat. The dog chased the cat. 1. The dog (chase) the cat. ___________________________ 2. The cat (climb) the tree quickly. ___________________________ 3. The dog (start) to bark. ___________________________ 4. I (want) to chase the dog away. ___________________________ 5. The dogs owner (arrive) and (walk) away with it. ___________________________ 6. The cat (look) happy. ___________________________ 3. a. Write the sentences in the negative. Example: Jane cleaned her room yesterday. Jane didnt clean her room yesterday. 1. Father watched TV last night. ____________________________________ 2. The teacher talked about Robinson Crusoe last week.

____________________________________ 3. I wanted to read the book. ____________________________________ 4. I walked to my friends house two days ago. ____________________________________ 5. The reporter asked the film star a lot of questions. ____________________________________ 6. They traveled a lot on their holiday. ____________________________________ b. Write the sentences in 3. a. in the interrogative. Example: Jane cleaned her room yesterday. Did Jane clean her room yesterday?

4. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. Pay attention! play played cry cried stay stayed try tried study studied fry fried 1. Mother (fry) fish yesterday. __________________________________________ 2. The little boy (cry) for his mother. __________________________________________ 3. The scientist (study) English when he was a child. __________________________________________ 4. They (play) tennis together last week. __________________________________________ 5. They (stay) at home because the weather was bad. __________________________________________ 6. John and Susan (try) to write a song for the school festival. __________________________________________ 5. Study the list of irregular verbs from be to cost, then put the verbs in brackets in the past tense simple. 1. Your friend ... his leg in the park yesterday. (break) 2. . He . you flowers last Saturday? (bring) 3. Where .. you last night? (be) 4. Her mother .. pancakes yesterday. (not cook) 5. My friend a new dress last Saturday. (buy) 6. We at a hotel last summer. (stay) 7. . he .. to Cluj last winter? (come) 8. This dress her lot of money. (cost) 9. There . Any books on my desk yesterday. (not be) 6. a. Study the list of irregular verbs from cut to get, the put the verbs in brackets in the past tense simple.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

My cat .. its leg yesterday. (cut) We cheeseburgers last Thursday. (eat) Where . you . your keys yesterday? (lose) These men .. a lot yesterday. (work) I my jacket at school last Monday. (forget) Wendy . A good mark yesterday. (get)

7. a. Study the list of irregular verbs from give to run, then put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. 1. He .. to grandmothers house and . there before Little Red Riding Hood. (run) (arrive) 2. When she .., the wolf .. Little Red Riding Hood, too. (arrive) (eat) 3. The wolf . where she .. . (find out) (go) 4. Little Red Riding Hoods grandmother sick. (be) 5. He the grandmother and her clothes. (eat) (put on) 6. Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmothers house. (go) 7. On the way to her grandmothers place she . a wolf. (meet) 8. She .. bread, cheese and fruit in her basket. (have) b. Order the events to write the story of Red Riding Hood. 8. Study the list of irregular verbs from sell to think, then put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Last week I (go) with my friends to the seaside. We (spend) four days there. We (take) food, water, clothes and sleeping bags. We (sleep) in a tent. In Constanta we (see) the Aquarium and the Dolphinarium. At the Aquarium we (meet) some American tourists and we (speak) to them in English. They (tell) us about their country. One of them (study) the sharks. He (say) he (like) danger and the fish in the sea. We (think) he (be) a bit crazy. But after talking to him, we (become) more interested in sharks. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________ 9. a. Put the following irregular verbs in the past simple. Example: I (drink) juice at her birthday party. I drank juice at her birthday party. 1. I (eat) a lot of fresh fruit last week. ___________________________________ 2. Mary (go) for a walk with her friend yesterday evening. _______________________________________ 3. The children (make) a robot from empty boxes yesterday.

_______________________________________ 4. Jane (take) her dog for a walk last night. _______________________________________ 5. They (see) a good film on TV last Sunday. _______________________________________ 6. I (be) on duty yesterday at school. _______________________________________ 7. Tom (be) a good student. _______________________________________ 8 Tony (have) a good time at my birthday party. _______________________________________ 9. She (give) me a wonderful present. _______________________________________ 10. Sheila (write) a letter to her parents from the summer camp. _______________________________________ 11. Ben (read) Robinson Crusoe when he was eleven. _______________________________________ 12. They (come) to see me last week. _______________________________________ b. Write the sentences in 9. a. in the negative. Example: I drank juice at her birthday party. I didnt drink juice at her birthday party. c. Write the sentences in 9. a. in the interrogative. Example: I drank juice at her birthday party. I didnt drink juice at her birthday party. 10. Write questions about the underlined words. Example: He met his friends. Who did he meet? 1. She was 11 years old. How ? 2. The weather was wet and cold yesterday. What .? 3. The children liked reading stories. What ..? 4. Tom saw two sparrow chicks on his way home. How many ..? 5. He ate all the cakes because he was hungry. Why ? 6. Father washed the dishes yesterday. Who ..? 7. Anne put her books in her schoolbag. Where ? 8. The dirty T-shirt was Sams. Whose ? 11. Write the questions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

where/ you/ go last Sunday? how/ you/go there? what/ you/ eat? how/ be the food? what/ you/ drink? what/ you/ see?

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

12. Put the verbs in brackets in the past tense simple, affirmative, negative or interrogative. 1. The dog (run) away from home because his owner (not feed) him. ________________________________________________________ 2. Why you (write) such a short composition? ________________________________________________________ 3. He (take) a bad mark yesterday. ________________________________________________________ 4. They (spend) all their money on sweets. __________________________________________________________ 5. You (see) the big truck in front of our school? __________________________________________________________ 6. You (be) at home last night? __________________________________________________________ 7. Tom (not hear) us knocking at his door. __________________________________________________________ 8. They (find) a stray puppy in the street. __________________________________________________________ 9. My cousin (come) to visit me at the weekend. __________________________________________________________ 10. You (give) her your address? __________________________________________________________ 13. Read the story of The Ugly Duckling. A duck sat on her nest, waiting for her eggs to hatch. When the eggs cracked and the little ducklings came out, she saw that one of them was very ugly. She looked at him angrily, so the little duckling ran away in the fields. Soon he arrived at a great marsh where the wild ducks lived. All the ducks there told him he was very ugly and laughed at him. He ran away from the great marsh. The rain started to fall. The ugly duckling was wet and cold and hungry. Just as the night fell, he found a little house. He went in to get warm. An old woman lived there. She had a cat and a hen. But when they all found him in the morning, they sent him away, telling him how ugly he was. So the little duckling was on his own again. One day, he saw a flock of beautiful white swans and felt sorry he wasnt as beautiful as they were. Winter came and the duckling had nowhere to go and no food to eat. He was always cold and hungry. But after many long weeks, the spring sun began to shine again. The duckling spread his wings they were strong wings now! He flew high into the sky to meet the beautiful white swans. Now he was one of them.

to hatch = a iesi din ou, flock = stol to spread the wings = a ntinde aripile a. Underline the verbs in the past tense. Write down the two forms of the irregular ones. Example: sit sat b. Ask questions about the story. Example: Why did the ugly duckling run away from the ducks nest? He ran away because the duck was angry with him for being ugly. 1. ______________________________________________________? He arrived at a marsh where the wild ducks lived. 2. ______________________________________________________? No, he didnt stay there long. 3. ______________________________________________________? Next he went to a small house. 4. ______________________________________________________? An old woman lived there. 5. ______________________________________________________? He went away from the old woman because she told him he was ugly. 6. _______________________________________________________? One day he saw a flock of beautiful white swans. 7. ________________________________________________________? He felt sorry because he wasnt like them. 8. _________________________________________________________? When spring came he turned into a beautiful white swan.

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