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Autoinvoice Topic 1

Line Transaction Flexfields

The Line Transaction Flexfield serves the following purposes: 1. The Line Transaction Flexfield is used by AutoInvoice to validate that lines will not be imported into Oracle Receivables more than once. The combination of the values for the line transaction flexfield must be unique for each row. You can think of the line transaction flexfield as the primary key for ra_interface_lines_all. Many of the rules that apply to a table primary key apply to the Line Transaction Flexfield. Enabled s segments for the flexfield context that is used can not be null. The combination of these segments plus the context must be unique. 2. AutoInovice uses the Line Transaction Flexfield to link three autoinvoice tables together. In this way the Line Transaction Flexfield may be viewed as a foreign key in ra_interface_salescredits_all and ra_interface_distributions_all. Remember that the line_transaction_flexfield is the primary key for ra_interface_lines_all. The Line Transaction Flexfield may also be used to add other descriptive information to the invoice.


Line Transaction Flexfield Setup: Navigation: In the AR Manager Responsibility, navigate to Setup => Financials => Flexfields => Descriptive => Segments Query the Line Transaction flexfield.

The columns on the bottom left hand side of this form are the values that will be found in the column ra_interface_lines_all.interface_line_context. You can create a new context here. If you are using Oracle Order Entry or/and Oracle Project Accounting, seeded contexts are provided. There is also a seeded context for Intercompany invoices. Next you click on segments to define your segments: The segments below are the seeded values for context ORDER ENTRY:

In this example, there are seven segments defined. This means that autoinvoice must have values for each of the seven segments. The column names are not evident in this screen shot. The column names are interface_line_attribute1 through interface_line_attribute7. ra_interface_lines_all.interface_line_attribute1 ra_interface_lines_all.interface_line_attribute2 ra_interface_lines_all.interface_line_attribute3 ra_interface_lines_all.interface_line_attribute4 ra_interface_lines_all.interface_line_attribute5 ra_interface_lines_all.interface_line_attribute6 ra_interface_lines_all.interface_line_attribute7 must not be null must not be null must not be null must not be null must not be null must not be null must not be null

You can put whatever values you like in the line transaction flexfields attribute columns. The only requirement is that the combination of all the attribute columns must be unique for a given row. Suggestion: Do not add a value set to the segments defined in your line transaction flexfield. Autoinvoice does not validate against your value set, where the form in Oracle Receivables does validate. If you pass data in the line transaction flexfield which will not meet the requirements of your value set, you will receive errors when navigating to the Enter Invoice screen (Transactions => Transactions), then query the invoice and go to the lines section.

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