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of Chairman IEBC Electoral and Boundaries Commission lndependent Towers,21" Floor Anniversary UniversityWay NAIROBI

T H EN A T I O N A A L L I A N C E L P , P R O M I S O L A Z A J O C O OR O A D P . O B O X1 3 9 1 3 - o o 8 o o NAIROBI E M A I L :I n f o @ T N A . c o . k e WEBSITE: w

2013 1I FEB
In reply pleasequote TNA/I EBCo2/1 our reference 5 T.B.A Your reference

Date t5'h February, zot3

DirectTel Number

DearSirs, REGARDING EDUCATION CIVIC CONTRACTS RE:DISTURBING REPORTS Theabovematterrefers. (TNA)hasreceived independent sources stating reportsfrom various Alliance distressing The National (IEBC) the UnitedNations Development and Electoral Boundaries and that the Independent Commission Mediaa CivicEducation contract (UNDP) haveawarded company the nameTranscend a by Programme (to MillionOnly). ThreeHundred KEs. Shillings of approximately 3oo,ooo,ooo.oo readKenya Movement(ODM)by the name Thesesources allegethat a seniormemberof the OrangeDemocratic 'KJ')owns and operates into Media. (popularly Transcend Our own investigations knownas John Kiarie this matterhavelentcredence the reportswe havereceived. to by controlled a senior That the IEBC has providedsuchan enormous amountof moneyto a company is partyis confirmation what we havelong suspected; the IEBC in bed with that of memberof a political (CoRD). for oDM andthe Coalition Reforms Democracy and Weekin and weekout the mediais full of with ODMand CORD. The IEBC beenremarkably has lenient violations of for and contemptuous are storieswhere ODM and CORD highlighted flagrant,egregious of of law doesnothing. our part we havereporteddozens instances the same On electoral but the IEBC photographic audio-visual of but evidence theseinfractions and and written dozens lettersattaching of funding ODM its began has has the IEBC donenothing.Nowthat the IEBC shown handandclandestinely wheneverODM and CORD leniency and inaction for the reasons the IEBC's througha proxy company partieshasbecome the rest of the political against havebrokenthe rulesthat are so strictlyenforced clear. is Theyknow that the IEBC in their with suchblatantimpunity. behave No wonderODM and CORD corner.

CEASE This is utterlydisgraceful we shallnot standfor it. Your organization and shallIMMEDIATELY 'fundingODMand CORD we shalltakesternlegalactionnot onlyagainst IEBC a bodycorporate as or the in but alsoagainst Commiisioners their individual the capacities. We lookforwardto yourpromptresponse. YoursFaithfully,

Wambuicithuru National Treasurer

1. TheUNDP-Kenya Office 2. TheRegistrar Political Parties of 3. MediaHouses

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