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DRILLINGANDCOMPLETIONFLUIDS As mature hydrocarbon reservoirs become more depleted, drilling through depleted sands is becoming increasingly common. High levels of overbalance increase the risk of lost circulation and differential sticking. Recently, three Gulf of Mexico wells were successfully drilled through depleted sands with overbalances ranging from 3,500 to 4,600 psi. In each application, a glycol-enhanced water-based mud (WBM) was used.

Differential sticking occurs when drilling through a permeable formation with a pressure overbalance, resulting in loss of fluid to the formation. This loss of fluid causes the buildup of a filter cake on the face of the formation made up of the solids in the drilling fluid. If the rate of fluid loss is too high, the thickness of the cake increases to the point that the drillstring becomes embedded in the cake and sticks. Differential sticking is more likely to occur in deviated wellbores because the drillstring is in contact with the filter cake more than in a vertical well.

The use of glycols, in particular polyglycols, as WBM additives has been common practice for several years. Their exact mechanisms and benefits have been the subject of much debate within the industry. Particular focus has been on a group of products that have become known as cloud-point glycols. Unlike most salts that become more soluble in water as temperature increases, these polyglycols become less soluble. At higher temperatures, an abundance of insoluble glycol is in the water, which becomes cloudy because light is scattered by the fine droplets. The temperature at which this occurs, the cloud-point temperature (CPT), is determined by the salinity of the solution, molecular weight, and concentration of the glycol. An increase in any of these three parameters results in a decrease in the CPT. Glycols have been used primarily for shale inhibition, lubrication of the mud filter cake, and as a carrier for deformable asphalt to help prevent differential sticking.

Some evidence exists that glycols and similar products act as lubricants in drilling fluids, reducing the torque and drag experienced when drilling high-angle wells. Laboratory testing shows some reduction in lubricity coefficient with addition of cloud-point glycols in certain drilling fluids. A reduction of 15 to 25% is observed in fluids that have a high lubricity coefficient.

In fluids with a low lubricity coefficient, little or no improvement is observed.


Cloud-point glycols are used primarily as shale inhibitors. Analysis of filtration and lubricity data shows that these glycols have improved filtration control and increased lubricity. In a number of wells drilled in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, they were used as shale inhibitors. In addition the wells also encountered depleted formations, and there was no indication of differential sticking despite high overbalanced pressures. Case History 1. The first application was at Eugene Island, where a severely depleted sand existed. A low-pH, partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide/glycol system was recommended to drill the sand. Before the depleted zone was drilled, samples of the drilling fluid were sent to a laboratory to verify the recommended treatment. Fann 90 testing indicated that 2- to 3lbm/bbl starch and 3 to 4 vol% glycol was the optimum product mix to prevent excessive cake buildup. The addition of these materials did not affect the rheological properties and reduced the fluid loss at 250F from 27.3 to 17.0 mL/30min. Further additions of 1.0-lbm/bbl starch reduced the fluid loss to less than 14.0 mL/30 min. After drilling the sand and reaching the production interval, a short trip was made without any excessive drag or fill. The depleted sand was exposed for 42 hours while laying down the drillstring and running casing. Even with this exposure time, the 75/8-in. casing was landed on bottom without any problems. Case History 2. The second well was at Rabbit Island, where two depleted sands were believed to exist. A lime-based system was used to drill these zones. As with the previous well, drilling-fluid samples were sent to the laboratory for analysis before drilling of these zones. Fann 90 analysis indicated that 3-lbm/bbl starch and 3 to 4 vol% glycol was the optimum product mix to prevent excessive cake buildup. Additions of caustic soda and calcium lignosulfonate were also recommended. After resistivity formation testing, the sands were found to be slightly less depleted than expected. A 95/8in. casing string was successfully run and cemented across the sands.

There are three possible mechanisms for the improvement in filtration control observed with cloud-point glycols. The glycols may increase the filtrate viscosity and therefore reduce the rate of filtration. The glycols may combine with the polymers

typically used for filtration control and stabilize them at elevated temperatures, improving their performance. The third mechanism proposed is based on the principle that the glycol becomes insoluble as it approaches its cloud point, forming an emulsion. These droplets can plug small pore spaces in the filter cake and seal the cake, reducing filtration rate and cake deposition. To maximize the filtration and lubricity benefits from cloud-point glycols, the downhole temperature must exceed the CPT of the glycol. This article is a synopsis of paper SPE 38571, Drilling Severely Depleted Sands in the Gulf of Mexico: The Benefits of Cloud-Point Glycols, by M. McGill, S. Seaton, SPE, and R. Valenziano, Baroid Drilling Fluids Inc., and S. Bruner, SPE, and J. Golden, SPE, Shell Offshore Inc., originally presented at the 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas 58 October. Please read the full-length paper for additional detail, illustrations, and references. The paper from which the synopsis has been taken has not been peer reviewed.

cloud point

1. n. [Drilling Fluids]

ID: 1817

The temperature at which a solution of a surfactant or glycol starts to form micelles (molecular agglomerates), thus becoming cloudy. This behavior is characteristic of nonionic surfactants, which are often soluble at low temperatures but "cloud out" at some point as the temperature is raised. Glycols demonstrating this behavior are known as "cloud-point glycols" and are used as shale inhibitors. The cloud point is affected by salinity, being generally lower in more saline fluids.
See: glycol, inhibitor, micelle, polyalkalene glycol, surfactant, thermally activated mud emulsion

2. n. [Heavy Oil]

ID: 11499

The temperature at which wax crystals first start to form in a crude oil. Wax appearance temperature (WAT) and wax precipitation temperature (WPT) are other synonyms.

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