Class2013 One-Off Re-Exam Instructions

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C2013 PM, T1, ONE-OFF Re-Exam, March 2013 Max Mark 100, Max time 2 hours

NOTE: 1) This is 100 marks re-exam. It is an objective paper. 2 marks per question 2) Grade will be assigned against the Grades table of the original (first) exam of your batch held in T1, year 2012 3) Any doubts about the pattern mentioned below will have to be surfaced latest by 28 Feb, 5.00 pm Instructions Given below are 74 keywords. The question paper will have a number of statements, serially numbered. You will have to place the appropriate statement (using the serial no) against the keyword. DONT REWRITE THE WHOLE SENTENCE! As an example

95 3600 Feedback ONLY ONE STATEMENT PER KEYWORD. If more than one statement is shown against a keyword, it will not be taken into account, and 1 mark will be deducted from the final total for every such violation. This is to prevent guesswork. MAX 50 KEYWORDS TO BE ATTEMPTED. In any case, only the first 50 that you attempt will be assessed




3600 Feedback Assumptions Audit Authority Behavioural School Boss Centered Leadership Boundary Conditions Bureaucracy Charismatic Power

Classical Organisation School of Thought Closed System Conceptual Skills Concern for Production Style of Leadership Consensus Style of Leadership Consideration Behaviour of Leadership Constraints Consultative Style of Leadership Contingency School Correction of Deviations Customer Departmentation Decentralisation Delegation Democratic Style of Leadership Design Skills Deviation Disturbance-handler Role Emotional Decision Making Era of Dynamic Management Escalation of Commitment Expert Power Exploitative Authoritative Style of Leadership Figurehead Role Flat Organization Formal Organization Gantt Chart Geographic Departmentation Goals Human Skills Informal Organization In-Group Initiating Structure Behaviour of Leadership Intuitive Decision Making JD Job Enlargement

Job Rotation Laissez-Faire Style of Leadership Levels of Organization Management Science Matrix Organization Open System Out-Group Participative Style of Behaviour Personal Observation Policy Product Departmentation Programmed Decisions Rational Decision Making Referrent Power Representative Heuristics Rules Satisficing Decision SBU Organization Selection Span of Control Subordinate Centered Leadership Sub-Systems Tall Organization Technical Skills Telling Style of Leader Behaviour Theory X Theory Y Tolerance for Ambiguity Values Vision

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