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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP) Display Report tree Transaction: SARP / SERP Example: Internal Orders

From SERP / SARP: Note: SAPMSERP is the report which drives transaction SARP

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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

The structure is like in SAP menu:

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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

Transaction: SE43N

Maintain Reporting Tree

In a report tree, you can order reports (ABAP reports, queries, data recalls (...)) and variants according to freely chosen criteria generate, save and redisplay lists

Display and maintenance

You use the Transaction SARP to display report trees. The reports appear directly in the tree structure. In customizing you can set up transactions to display special report trees. You use the Transaction SERP to create and change several report trees in any system. Only the structure nodes are visible in the tree. The reports (variants, lists...) assigned to a structure node are displayed as node contents when selecting the relevant node.

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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

You can assign authorizations for each node in a report tree. When you display a node, the system checks that you have the appropriate authorizations.

Initial Screen Create

To create a report tree, enter a name and choose Create. This takes you into the new tree structure where the root node has already been created.

To change a report tree, enter the name of the report tree you want to change and choose Change . This takes you into the tree structure where you can modify the node contents (see also Choose).

To display a report tree, enter the name of the report tree you want to display and choose Display . This takes you into the tree structure where you can display the node contents (see also Choose).

To delete a report tree, enter the name of the report tree you want to delete and choose Delete . This deletes the tree structure and the user-specific settings, as well as any saved lists and customer-specific texts attached to the nodes.

Tree Structure Other tree

To jump to the structure of a different report tree, choose Other tree . This takes you to a dialog box where you can enter the name of the tree.

With the function Save you can save the tree structure. The functions Reassign , Delete, Change node text, Insert buffer , but not Create, which change the tree structure, all only affect the displayed structure. Only with Save is the changed structure written to the database.

To copy the structure of the report tree currently displayed, choose Copy . The system then copies the structure, the short texts, and the node contents. You can choose whether to copy the texts only in the logon language or in all languages. If you wish, you can also copy any saved lists stored in the nodes. Userspecific settings (e.g. initial position) are not copied. NOTE: After copying, the system displays the structure of the tree you were in when you called the copy
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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

function; in order to edit your new copy, use the "Other tree" function or retrieve your copy using the SERP initial screen.

Create Variant
The Create variant function allows you to create variants for application report trees. These variants are copies the structure, short texts, and node contents of the tree are all copied into the new variant. You can choose whether to copy the texts only in the logon language or in all languages. If you wish, you can also copy any saved lists stored in the nodes to the new variant. Tree variants can be edited just like normal report trees. Their names are made up of a four-digit tree name and the twelve-digit name of the variant. NOTE: After copying, the system displays the structure of the tree you were in when you called the copy function; in order to edit your new copy, use the "Other tree" function or retrieve your copy using the SERP initial screen. If multiple variants have been created for a single report tree, users are allowed to choose one of the variants for display instead of the original tree.

To compare two report trees, choose Compare. This function lists the differences in the tree structures and in the node contents. See also Compare Report Trees

With the function Create you can create new nodes. You can create structure nodes and nodes of the type report (ABAP report, query, data recall...). Structure nodes are displayed directly in the tree structure. The reports are leaves in the tree structure. You display them with the function Select or by double-clicking the assigned node. You create nodes in a dialog box. You define the node type by activating a pushbutton. Depending on the type various input fields are shown. After filling in the input fields you can add the node to be created on the dialog box with the function Save . You do not leave the dialog box, so that you can add other nodes. You leave the dialog box with the function Continue. If you have created a node without saving it you are shown a query, asking you whether the node should be saved. The function Preview gives you a preview of the tree structure with the added nodes. As in the transaction SARP the reports appear directly in the tree structure as leaves. The function Cancel leaves the dialog box without a save query. Special features: Structure nodes: You can create lower-level or same-level structure nodes. Each time a check is made on whether you have change authorization for the preceding node. You specify a technical name and a short text for the node. There is a check on whether the technical names of the new nodes are unique. Data recall, report portfolio, report writer: Another dialog box is shown, in which the report is entered. With the function Continue you return to the first dialog box, in which the new entry can be saved.

With the function Delete you can delete a subtree. The subtree is deleted on which the cursor is placed. The subtree does not have to be selected. When deleting a check is made on whether you have change authorization for all nodes of this subtree.

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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

Changing node texts
To change the text of the node on which the cursor is positioned, choose Change node text . You then see a dialog box containing the technical names and the old node texts. You can overwrite the old texts with the new.

With the function Reassign you can reassign a selected subtree with the cursor position. Proceed as follows: Select the subtree to be reassigned Place the cursor on the node to which the selected subtree is to be attached. Execute the function Reassign.

When reassigning a check is made on whether you have change authorization for all nodes of the subtree and for the target position.

With the function Select/Deselect you can select (deselect) the subtree on whose root the cursor is placed.

With the function Choose (double-click) you go to the node defined by the position of the cursor. This corresponds to the function Goto --> Node.

Expanding and collapsing sub-trees

The Expand sub-tree, Collapse sub-tree functions allow you to expand and collapse a sub-tree by placing your cursor on its root node.

Set focus
The Set focus function allows you to select the sub-tree that you have positioned your cursor on and displays the path to its root node at the top of your screen. From here you can expand sub-trees per doubleclick. Double-clicking on the root node returns you to the root node.

Node Attributes
The Node attributes function allows you to display and make changes to the following node attributes: Node Type (public or private): Objects found under a public node are visible for all users. In private nodes, users see only those entries that he or she included in the node. Public and private nodes are displayed in different color in the tree structure.

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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

Authorization Group: You can assign an authorization group to any node you want. This determines which users may work with the node. If no authorization group has been assigned to a node, then the node inherits the authorization group of its predecessor in the report tree. Authorizations refer to object S_PROGRAM. The (-->) Authorization groups on/off function allows you to display node authorizations in the tree structure.

Find objects
The Find objects function allows you to find reports in sub-trees. A subsequent screen allows you to enter search criteria for reports. The following search criteria can be entered: Report name: Technical name of the report (ABAP report, Report Writer report, transaction); user group name for queries Expanded report name: Technical name of the report for drilldown reports and report portfolio reports or query name for queries

Selection criteria Application Logical database From application Created by Last changed on can only be used with ABAP reports. They refer to the program attributes of a report.

Additionally, a single value may be entered for the title. The system then searches for a title that matches the user's entry exactly. For a broader search use the "*". You can determine the area in which you want to search for a report in the following manner: Whole report tree -> Enter the technical name of the root node, select checkbox 'Find in subordinate nodes' Sub-tree -> Enter the technical name of the node, select checkbox 'Find in subordinate nodes' Node -> Enter the technical name of the node, DO NOT select checkbox 'Find in subordinate nodes'

The 'Find in subordinate nodes' function also works if your tree is not expanded. If you so desire, you can search for a report using one or more character strings that appear in its documentation. Be aware that this type of search is very time intensive. You can also use the "*" together with a character string and link character strings using both 'and' and 'or'.

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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

The list of results is sorted according to node. You can select a report from this list by simply double-clicking. This either positions you on the report in your tree structure (transaction SARP) or branches to the corresponding node (transaction SERP). Caution: If the tree or sub-tree for which the search was performed was collapsed during your search, the cursor will be positioned on the entry that contains the report you want. Getting to the actual report may involve expanding whole sub-tree and several subordinate nodes.

Next node, previous node

The Next node, Previous node functions allow you to position your cursor on either the next or previous node in the same hierarchy level. -> Functions in Nodes

Tree attributes
With the function Tree attributes you can display when and by whom the tree was created, and when and by whom it was last changed.

Copying to the buffer

To copy a selected sub-tree to a buffer, choose Copy to buffer. If you switch to another tree, the contents of the buffer are retained provided you do not leave the session.

Inserting from the buffer

To paste a sub-tree from the buffer to the cursor position, choose Paste from buffer . Then, save the tree.

Define/reset initial position

The Define initial position function allows you to define a selected sub-tree as the initial position of entry for a report tree. Select a sub-tree by positioning your cursor on it. If no sub-tree is selected, then the root node is chosen as the initial position of entry. The Reset initial position function resets the position you selected back to the standard position of entry for the report tree.

Technical names on/off

The Technical names on/off function allows you to respectively display or hide the technical names of nodes in a tree structure.

Authorization groups on/off

The Authorization groups on/off function allows you to respectively display or hides node authorizations in a tree structure.

With the function Attributes you can display and change the following node characteristics:

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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

Node type (public or private): The objects of a public node are visible for all users. In a private node the user can see all entries which he or she included in the node. Private and public nodes are differentiated in the tree structure by color. Authorization group: Every node can be assigned an authorization group. This defines which user can work with this node. If no authorization group is specified for a node then it inherits the group of its predecessor in the report tree. The authorization refers to the object S_PROGRAM. The function (-->) Authorization groups on/off displays the node authorizations in the tree structure.

With the function Save you can save all changes to the node (reports, variants, attributes, personal titles...).

Execute node
With the function Execute node, or by double-clicking, you can, according to the position of the cursor: Start a report (place cursor on report). This is possible only if the report can be executed without a variant (see "Report attributes"). Start a report with a variant (place cursor on variant) Display a saved list (place cursor on list)

Depending on the report attributes, you either enter/modify selection criteria on a selection screen first, or the report output is displayed at once on the screen. You can save the list displayed on the screen. It then appears in the list directory of that node. See also Saving Lists.

Background jobs
To execute a report variant as a background job immediately, choose Background . This function can only be used with ABAP reports and queries. If a report has selection options, you must start it in the background with a variant.

Report attributes
By positioning the cursor on a report, you can use the Report attributes function to assign the following attributes: Start via variant: In this node, the report can only be executed via a variant. Skip selection screen: In this node, the selection screen is not displayed when you start the report via a variant. You can only select this attribute if you have also selected "Start via variant".

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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

You can only assign report attributes for ABAP reports and queries.

Report title
With the function Report title you can give the report on which the cursor is placed its own title. This title is only displayed in this node. If the report is also present in another node or tree then you give it another title there. When (-->) copying node contents or report trees, the titles are also copied.

To copy node contents (reports and variants) to other nodes of the same tree, choose Copy. From a list of all reports and variants attached to the node, you select those you want to copy. If you want to copy variants, you must also select the associated report for copying. To specify the target node, choose Determine target. You then see a dialog box where you can enter the target node. In this case, the system checks that you have the authorizations for that node. Ultimately, the Copy function copies reports and variants to the target node and the target node is saved with its modified contents.

With the function Delete you can, depending on the position of the cursor, delete reports (with all variants) or variants from the node.

Select, Move and Deselect

To change the sequence of reports and variants in a node, you use the Select and Move functions. Proceed as follows: Position the cursor on the report (or variant) to be moved and choose Select. Position the cursor on the line above which the selected report is to appear. Choose Move.

When you move a report, you also move all its variants. You cannot move variants to other reports. To deselect a selected report regardless of the cursor position, choose Deselect. The Move and Deselect functions only become active when you select a report (or variant).

Expand and compress

With the functions Expand or Compress you can, according to the position of the cursor, display or suppress variants and lists of a report.

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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

Expand and compress completely
With the function Expand completely you can display variants and lists for all reports in the node. Similarly you can suppress the display of all variants and lists with the function Compress completely.

Variant maintenance
With the function Variant maintenance you can edit variants in the general variant maintenance.

Display documentation
With the function Display docu you can display the documentation for the selected report.

Layout display
The Layout display function provides you with a preview of the layout of the list created by the report you selected. This function is supported with the following report types: Queries, Report Writer, drilldown reports, report portfolio reports, and LIS reports.

Display additional list information

To display additional information for the selected list on the screen, choose List information . This information tells you: who generated the list whether the list is public whether the list is archived

Switching technical names on/off

To switch the technical names of reports on/off, choose Tech.names on/off. Here, you specify the name of the tree displayed in the application menu when the user chooses report selection. SAP supplies one default tree for each application, but customers can overwrite this by creating their own trees. To specify whether you want to display the reports in a selection window or on a separate screen, choose Extras -> Control. You can also suppress report trees for a particular application by using the Inactive function. When you call Report selection at application level, you see a list of appropriate reports. Any user can deactivate the report tree by setting the user parameter 'KBT' to 'X'.

Transporting the Tree Structure and the Node Contents

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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

If you are in a client where changes are automatically recorded, you need to create a correction when you change the tree structure and node contents. The following entries are made in the correction: When you change a tree, the whole tree is included in the request (transport object R3TR SRTR). The following are then transported: Tree structure and texts Node entries (names of reports and variants, customer-specific texts)

The following are not transported: User-specific settings (initial position, sub-trees, visible entries) Saved lists

User-specific settings are, as a matter of course, NOT transported, because it is not certain that the same users exist in the target system and that, if they do exist in the target system, they possess the same authorizations there as in the source system. When you modify a node, it is included in the request and the following are transported: Node entries (names of reports and variants) Customer-specific texts

Manual Transport (for exceptional cases only!) Tree structure

The tree structure is saved in the table SERPTREE. A tree structure can only be transported in its entirety! You should therefore make the following entry in the transport request: R3TR TABU SERPTREE and SERPT transports all trees with texts (but without node contents) from the source system and copies them to the target system. R3TR TABU SERPTREE und SERPT, function K transports the trees specified on the next screen. Only the tree ID can be specified explicitly, the node must be specified generically.

If you want to overwrite a tree structure in the target system, you must also transport the node contents (table SREPOVARI, see below) and the user-specific views (tables SERPENTR and SREPOUSER, see below) or at least delete them in the target system.

Tree variants

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Maintain Report tree (SARP & SERP)

Tree variants themselves must be transported just like normal report trees using transport object R3TR SRTR. The assignments to individual users is stored in the table SERPTUSER, whose contents can be transported using R3TR TABU.

Node contents
The node contents (reports and variants) are saved in the table SREPOVARI. You should make the following entry in the transport request: R3TR TABU SREPOVARI transports the contents of all nodes of all trees from the source system and copies them to the target system. R3TR TABU SREPOVARI, function K transports the node contents specified on the next screen.

If you want to overwrite a node in the target system, you must also transport the user-specific views of this node (table SREPOUSER, see below) or at least delete them in the target system.

Customer-specific texts
Customer-specific texts are saved in Table SREPORTXT. You should make the following entry in the transport request: R3TR TABU SREPORTEXT transports all existing customer-specific texts from the source system and copies them into the target system. R3TR TABU SREPORTET, function K transports those texts which are specified on the following screen.

User-specific views
The views of the report tree are stored in the table SERPENTR. You must make the following entry in the transport request: R3TR TABU SREPENTR transports all user-specific views in all trees from the source system and copies them into the target system. R3TR TABU SREPENTR, function K transports the views specified on the next screen.

In general, table entries (trees, node contents...) that are deleted in the source system are also deleted in the target system.

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