The Dream of Martin Luther King About America and My Dream About My Country

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The dream of Martin Luther King about America and my dream about my country

I have a dream is not only part of the quotation extracted from the historically famous speech of Martin Luther King, but it is also part of our thoughts that are not stolen from this worldly known figure but are also product of our minds, because we all have dreams. I once heard someone saying that our dreams can be associated with our vision about the future, or even better - we can never become successful if we stop dreaming. This phrase appeared very appealing to me, because the stronger I believe in it and analyze it, the more convinced I become that successful people are happy people and happy people create healthy and strong societies regardless of their racial, religious, national or political backgrounds. Can my dream become reality? This will depend on how much I believe in it, on how much support I get from other people, on how much this dream relates only to my own reality or the rally of many individuals that make a society and create a country as a frame of the society. One individual can bravely stand in front of a mass and with his thoughts and actions can inspire the mass to support his believes and start acting accordingly. In 1963 in Washington, M.L. King stood in front of the American people gathered from different countries to listen his famous speech about a new social reality where people with different color of the skin would shake hands and coexist together; about a nation where his successors would not be judged by the color of their skin. The coexistence and mutual acceptance among people of different racial backgrounds is the substance of a free nation. The word race however could be replaced by national, political, religious sexual and gender. Hence, we become much more aware of the fact that history repeats itself in a different context and time frame, but always in the same world that we inhabit. The process of evolution of this world has been driven by people with diverse physical characteristics and geographic origins which logically would mean that all people are equal. Nevertheless, people in this long history that we know and this reality we belong to, have never been equal , nor equally treated within a society. In this context we still need to clarify that a society as a concept is quite vast, but the country, as a frame of the society makes this more specific. This specificity is obvious if we accept the fact that in different countries, different issues of equality have been raised. The equality issues would depend on the values, beliefs and actions of the people who created and rule the country.

If in America, at the time when M.L. King gave his famous speech, the main issue was the racial inequality that his nation faced, in todays global world we face issues with religious, sexual, political and sometimes gender inequality backgrounds. There are still individuals who step out in front of a crowd and fight for their rights, because one individual can make a big change in a society if he/she has a clear vision, strongly believes in it and takes an action, so that other people begin to follow him/her. M.L. Kings dream, for instance is part of the American and global reality in todays world. Although, the world is not perfect and has never been, one individual who has a big dream can contribute to make it a better place. If we do not live in a perfect world, we do not live in perfect countries, but we always have the right to dream about a better country. Frustrated and sometimes disappointed about the harsh reality, we start wishing about what we would like to be different. I wish too: I wish I lived in a country where all kids would have decent conditions in the schools and every student will be provided with a good quality education regardless of the financial reality of their families. I wish I lived in a country where all young people would have equal access to work and professional promotion based on their professional qualities and personal features. I wish I lived in a country where people would be happier and feel joy instead of envy about other people`s success because success of the individuals is what drives the country and society forward. I wish I lived in a country where all men would treat their wife with respect and will not express any violence on them. Can this become reality one day? I only wish this can ever become reality. I firmly believe that if I only act accordingly to my own values and personal beliefs I can make changes in my personal sphere of actions and contribute for a better future and better society. The change always starts from the individual. People should never give up on their dreams because dreams of the individuals are those that drive the economy, the countries, the evolution and revolution of mankind. If Martin Luther King did not have his dream about equal chances to all Americans, America would not have been the country of equal opportunities and possibilities for all and as strong as it is today. The change starts from the dream of the individual just in the case of Martin Luther King.

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