His Name To All Nations: A Gospel For Asia (And Bethany) Update

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15, 2012

His Name to All Nations

A Gospel for Asia (and Bethany) Update
Dear friends,
When I came to GFA as a college intern, the staff joked that the F stood for flexible. After eight months on staff, I understand whyand you probably do, too. I dont think Ive written a newsletter yet where I havent announced some kind of big change, but this time I get to tell you about one that will bring a little more stability to my life: I graduated from new staff class! For most of my time here, I have been hearing talks from ministry leaders, reading books about brokenness, and writing papers. The class helps new staff members through the transition process and gives them a solid foundation for the rest of their time with the ministry. Now that weve graduated, we get to have the new stripped from our titles so we can be plain old staff. Its exciting to feel truly settled in at the ministry, and Im thankful to you all for sticking with me to this point.
Naturally, our first stop on the way home from the airport had to be for Cincinnati chili.

My Merry Little Christmas

After graduation, I got to go home for the holidays. Between visits with friends and sledding on our white day-after-Christmas, it was a wonderful visit that I appreciated far more than I realized I would.

Remembering Reality
As a staff writer, I get to read a lot of reports from the field, and I love it, but sometimes I fall so heavily into editor mode, that I forget the significance of these stories. I start looking for a dramatic climax or a scintillating hook. I start thinking about how cleverly Ill word things, and suddenly Ive completely forgotten that the report I hold my hands is someones actual life story. This past month, Ive been praying more diligently that God will help me write these pieces for His glory and truly understand the people in them. In response, He gave me Edhas story. Reading her report, I was struck by how easily this middle-class, hardworking mother could be me or someone I knowhow easily you or I could lose everything in our Continue on next page comfortable lives.

Every year, the Creation Museum has a live nativity and light show, but this was my first year going. Along with our parents, I bore the cold with my sister Melody and my brother, Daniel.


of $1700 a month

To contribute to my support, visit gfa.org/ht/bedu or send a check to: 1800 Golden Trail Ct. Carrollton, TX 75010

1152 Indian Run Dr. Apt. 1115 Carrollton, TX 75010 (513) 519-4540 bethanygduval@gmail.com

Reality (continued)

Her story doesnt have a perfect ending, but I rejoiced that our missionaries could offer her new life and a hope that will last for eternity. Its stories like this one that make me thank God you and I get to be a part of this work.

On the Field: New Plans for the Future

Anyone would have expected complaints from Edha, always working long days and nights so her children would have a better future. But she was the epitome of motherly devotion, and besides that, she had a dream to keep her going: When she collapsed into bed with exhaustion, she thought about her own future, and how, naturally, her cherished children would care for her as she aged. It was a dream that might have come true, were it not for a diagnosis that none of her hard work could have prevented. Edhas husband, Gagan, took her to the doctor for what seemed a regular illness, but her lab results returned with devastating news. When word spread about the diagnosis, Gagan sent her away, and she became the newest resident at a leprosy colony.

Abandoned in Disease
All Edhas life, leprosy had been something to fear and despise. Now she was surrounded by people in varying stages of the disease. As she watched her neighbors, her hopeful dreams faded away and she saw her future for what it was: decay, destitution and death. Every night away from Gagan and the children added to her pain. She longed to know how they were doing, if they were healthy and if they had the life she had worked to give them. But they never came to visit. No one did. Edha was alone.

The women who came were unlike anyone else. Instead of eyeing the patients with fear and repulsion, they walked into the colony with boldness and embraced the suffering with love. As they shared the Good News of Jesus with Edha, they helped her bathe, washed her clothes, combed her hair, cut her nails, cooked her dinner and cleaned her hut. For the first time since she came to the colony, Edha felt truly loved. Never in my life have I seen someone do for anyone what you all are doing for me, she told them. The women shared that Jesus was the reason for their compassion, and Edha knew there could be no other explanation. With a heart of gratitude, she chose to follow Christ and began attending local prayer meetings. As Edha grows in her faith, she still thinks of the family she left and cries at the pain of losing them. But she rejoices in the new family she has been given and knows she has a better future than anything she could have achieved.

Love She Had Never Seen

Over the next 15 years, Edhas body slowly deteriorated. The woman who once filled her days with work lost her ability to even walk, leaving her completely destitute. But after 15 years of waiting, Edha finally received her visitors.

Ask God . . . .

For grace as I balance support-raising with working fulltime. Its easy to let the former fall by the wayside. For wisdom as we train new students in the writing department.

Thank you for giving and praying so Asia will be reached with Christs name! God is doing great things, and Im grateful to be a part of it with you!

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