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February 2013


its open for teachers, learners, and seekers

A Year of Faith resource for personal enrichment, as well as links to biblical, spiritual, and catechetical resources for all ages
Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you. 1 Peter 3:15 Pope Benedict XVI announced the Year of Faith in his apostolic letter Porta Fidei (The Door of Faith). You can read it here. In it, the Holy Father offers a number of suggestions to deepen our faith life. Here are just five of the ways he exhorts us to do so: 1. Have an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the one Savior of the world. Conversion, of course, is a personal matter. It might be dramatic, as was St. Pauls (although it was ongoing), or it might come slowly. Whatever the
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o matter our role in the Church, each one of us is called to evangelize. This is especially true during this Year of Faith. Religious education teachers whether in our schools or in our parishes have a particular responsibility for passing on the beauty of our Faith to our children and to those seeking to join our Church. But no less important are parents, who have the first responsibility for the catechesis of their children (CCC 2223). And what of the faithful for whom this journey that lasts a lifetime (in the words of Pope Benedict XVI) might seem a solitary endeavor? They, too, must prepare themselves to defend the hope in Jesus that our Faith gives us as much for themselves as for others. Thus, we offer you The Door of Faith. In this and subsequent editions youll be directed to resources that will help both teachers and students to make the journey that lasts a lifetime.

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case, prayer is integral. Pray! Pray the Rosary and help others to follow this beautiful devotion to the Blessed Mother, especially children. Learn the Anima Christi and recite it to yourself after receiving Communion; ponder the intricacies of the Our Father, which is loaded with more meaning than many of us realize (listen to Dr. Scott Hahns Understanding the Lords Prayer). And here are some ideas for introducing children to prayer, especially as a family. 2. Profess the faith in fullness and with renewed conviction, particularly intensifying the celebration of the faith in the liturgy, especially in the Eucharist. We all recite the Nicene Creed each Sunday, but do we fully understand its meaning? Whats the definition of consubstantial? Have you ever considered what is meant by one, holy, catholic and apostolic? Learn more here. Teaching children? Heres a game to help them memorize the creed. As for the Eucharist, reflect on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Far too many Catholics dont believe this fact of our faith. Help spread the word, particularly to our children. 3. Rediscover and study the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Year of Faith marks the 20th anniversary of the Catechisms publication. Pope Benedict XVI calls the Catechism a precious and indispensable tool.

Resolve to read it if not in whole then in the parts that interest you, about which you have questions. Here is one of the websites at which you can access it. For the younger members of the Faith, theres the YOUCAT. 4. Retrace the history of our faith. The Second Vatican Council began 50 years ago this past October. Learn about the fruits of this council, which are still being realized in the Church today. Watch Father Robert Barrons Catholicism series. If you cant find a parish that is showing it, borrow it from the Office of Religious Education and arrange to bring it to your own parish. The ORE has hundreds of other DVDs and CDs to lend, as well as hundreds of books and pamphlets about our incredibly rich faith. Subscribe to Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs. Listen to Relevant Radio. 5. Intensify the witness of charity. Faith alone isnt enough. As St. James tells us: So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead (James 2:17). We must apply it practically, in our daily lives. Few of us can embrace the poor as did Blessed Mother Teresa. But each of us can give something to those in need: remember the widows mite (Mark 12:41-44). Resolve to give to this years Catholic Charity Appeal. Even the smallest gift can go a long way toward helping more than 200,000 fellow Rhode Islanders. David Gillis Diocesan Evangelization Committee

Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence

Office of Religious Education and Catholic Schools One Cathedral Square Providence RI 02903 401-278-4646

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