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University of Windsor School of Computer Science 60-354: Theory of Computation Fall 2012

Lectures: T R 11:30am 12:50am (Room DH 365) Instructor: Dr. Luis Rueda (8110 LT, 253-3000 x 3002, Office hours: T R 1:30pm 2:30pm Course web page: Available at CLEW Slides: Prerequisites: 60-214, 60-231, 60-254 Course Goals Finite Automata, regular expressions and languages; properties of regular languages; contextfree grammars and languages; pushdown automata; properties of context-free languages. Introduction to Turing machines; recursive functions; undecidability. Study material: Textbook: it is the basis for all course content Course slides (posted on my web page) In-class notes (may not be posted in course web page) Textbook: Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, 3rd Ed., J. Hopcroft, R. Motwani, J. Ullman, 2006 Other useful books: Introducing the Theory of Computation, W. Goddard, 2009 Computers and Intractability, M. Garey, D. Johnson Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd. Ed, T. Cormen et al., MIT Press, 2001 Evaluation scheme: 5 Assignments 2 Midterms 1 Final Project

20% (4% each) 50% (25% each) 30%

Exam dates (tentative): Midterm 1: Tuesday October 16, 2012, 11:30am 12:50pm, room: TBA Midterm 2: Thursday November 22, 2012, 11:30am 12:50pm, room: TBA Project due: Two weeks after announcement (tentatively: Tuesday December 11, 2012) SET Student Evaluation of Teaching forms will be administered in the last two weeks of classes, in accordance with Senate policy.

Percentage to Grade Conversion Scale* Grade Point 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

* Curving may be applied.

Letter Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF F-

Range 93-100 86-92.99 80-85.99 77-79.99 73-76.99 70-72.99 67-69.99 63-66.99 60-62.99 57-59.99 53-56.99 50-52.99 35-49.99 0-34.99

Tentative Class Schedule Date Sep. 6 Sep. 11 Sep. 13 Sep. 18 Sep. 20 Sep. 25 Sep. 27 Oct. 2 Oct. 4 Oct. 9 Oct. 11 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 Oct. 23 Oct. 25 Oct. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 6 Nov. 8 Nov. 13 Nov. 15 Nov. 20 Nov. 22 Nov. 27 Nov. 29 Topic Introduction Alphabets and Languages Finite Automata Deterministic Finite Automata Nondeterministic Finite Automata Regular Expressions Properties of Regular Languages Pumping Lemma Minimization Closure Properties of Regular Languages Context-free Grammars Parsing and Ambiguity Normal Forms Midterm 1 Pushdown Automata Equivalence of PDA and CFG Pumping Lemma for CFG Properties of CFL Undecidability Recursive Languages Turing Machines Nondeterministic Turing Machines Extensions of Turing Machines Undecidability Undecidable Problems and Languages Midterm 2 Undecidability Reduction Other Undecidable Problems

Rules and Regulations 1. No student is allowed to take a course more than two times without permission from the Dean. 2. Midterm tests, which are missed for any reason whatsoever, cannot be made up. 3. In the exceptional case that a student misses a midterm test for a valid reason, i.e. supported by appropriate documentation (see below), the mark for that test will be carried over to the next midterm or the final project. In case of a Doctors note, the student must submit a Student Medical Certificate signed by a Medical Doctor and the note must specifically state that the student was incapable of writing the exam on the day of the test. 4. The final project must be submitted in order to obtain a grade for the course. If the final project deadline is missed, an extension will be given only in case of a valid reason and justified by the corresponding Doctors note. 5. Unjustified late submissions of the final project will be accepted with a 10% deduction per day, up to three days. After the third day, the mark will be zero. 6. If a student is sick, s/he must inform the instructor about his/her illness within 7 days, and with a supporting Doctor's note which clearly states s/he is not able to attend the exam/test/assignment. 7. No extensions to assignments will be given, and no makeups will be arranged. Late assignments will lead to 10% deduction per day, up to three days. After the third day, the mark will be zero. 8. If a student misses an assignment due to medical conditions, the corresponding mark will be carried over to the next assignment(s) or the final project, accordingly. 9. If a student is caught adopting unfair means (e.g. plagiarism), that student will face serious consequences including official disciplinary procedures (see Policy on misconduct).
Policy on misconduct

The instructor will put a great deal of effort into helping students to understand and learn the material in the course. However, the instructor will not tolerate any form of cheating. The instructor will report any suspicion of cheating to the Director of the School of Computer Science. If sufficient evidence is available, the Director will begin a formal process according to the University Senate Bylaws. The instructor will not negotiate with students who are accused of cheating but will pass all information to the Director of the School of Computer Science. The following behaviour will be regarded as cheating (this list is not exhaustive more examples in Appendix A, Senate Bylaws 31: Copying assignments/projects or presenting anothers work as your own Allowing another student to copy an assignment/project from you and present it as their own work Copying from another student during a test or exam Referring to notes, textbooks, etc. during a test or exam (unless otherwise stated) Talking during a test or an exam Not sitting at the pre-assigned seat during a test or exam Communicating with another student in any way during a test or exam Having access to the exam/test paper prior to the exam/test Explicitly asking a proctor for the answer to a question during an exam/test Modifying answers after they have been marked Any other behaviour which attempts unfairly to give you an advantage over other students in the grade-assessment process Refusing to obey the instructions of the officer in charge of an examination

Several University of Windsor students have been caught cheating during the last few years. In most cases the evidence was sufficient to invoke a disciplinary process which resulted in various forms of punishment including letters of censure, loss of marks, failing grades, and expulsions. As an example, a student who copied a project from another student and presented it as his own was expelled from the university. Another student who was caught copying in a midterm was suspended for one year. Do not cheat, if you are caught and found guilty, you could be expelled from the university and will have to explain why when you search for a job. Exam Content Confidentiality Examinations, quizzes, assignments and projects in this course are protected by copyright. Reproduction or dissemination of examinations or the contents or format of examinations/quizzes in any manner whatsoever (e.g., sharing content with other students), without the express permission of the instructor, is strictly prohibited. Students who violate this rule or engage in any other form of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action under Senate Bylaw 31: Student Affairs and Integrity.

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