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Curriculum planning chart Generative Topic (Blythe et al, 1998): Leadership How Young People Can Act as Leaders

s Today Subject: Literacy / Social Studies (Current Events) Name: Lauren Scott
Concept* ("The student will understand") (The big idea, the "enduring understanding" [Wiggins, 1998]; a broad way of making sense of the world, or a life lesson) Students will understand what it means to be a leader to inspire others by doing what is right. In addition, students will understand some of the misconceptions of leadership. Central problem / issue / or essential question (intended to "get at" the concept; the motorvator) How can young students act as leaders in their lives? PA Standards Aligned Civics and Government 5.2.5.C: Explain why individuals become involved in leadership and public service. Reading Comprehension R5.A.2.5.1: Summarize the major points, processes, and/or events of a nonfictional text. Standard Assessment (How will you have evidence that they know it?) Reflective writing responses Written Summary of non-fiction article (Kids Make a Difference) Presentations of jigsaw readings, including indication of how the student in the article was acting as a leader. Class leadership poster w/ individual tags (each child I acted as a leader when) End of Unit Facts ("The students will know") The student will know that individuals act as leaders to help others and to inspire others to do the same. The students will know that fame and fortune do not make someone a leader. The student will know that leadership is not limited to only major figures in history (Martin Luther King / Rosa Parks). The student will know that one can act as a leader in small ways every day. Skills ("The students will be able to") The student will be able to define leadership (in their own words) as inspiring others by doing the right thing. The student will be able to summarize news articles about young student leaders. The student will be able to come up with examples of leadership in various scenarios (on the recess yard, while in class, at home, etc.) Problems to pose ("Guiding questions" or "unit questions") What does it mean to be a leader? How can young people today act as leaders? Reading of The Dog Poop Initiative Jigsaw reading of Kids Make a Difference Special Report Scholastic News Special Collection Video Clip of Liberty Mutual Pay it Forward commercial Reflective writing responses Activities:

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