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Lauren Scott Writing Lesson Plan 2 Title: Strengths of Persuasive Writing Goals/Objectives Students will be able to identify the

e following as strengths in persuasive writing: an attention grabbing opening sentence, an introduction paragraph, three on topic supporting detail paragraphs, a strong concluding paragraph, and no grammatical errors. In addition, students will be able to recognize the difference between the authors opinion and statements of fact. Standards PA Standards Aligned System-Reading Comprehension R5.B.3.1.1: Identify, explain, and/or interpret statements of fact and opinion in nonfictional text. R5.A.1.6.1: Identify the authors intended purpose of text. R5.A.1.6.2: Identify, explain, and/or describe examples of text that support the authors intended purpose. PA Standards Aligned System-Writing 1.4.5.C: Write persuasive pieces. Include a clearly stated position or opinion. Include supporting details, citing sources when needed. Materials and Preparation Print copies of two persuasive writing essays Transparencies of two persuasive essays Overhead projector Print copies of list of strengths (Notes) Pencils Print copies of homework sheet Classroom Arrangement & Management Issues I will provide all materials The lesson will be taught in the students normal context, their classroom, with desks in the usual arrangement to minimize management issue. As always, students will have their Habits Of Work and Learning (HOWL) rubrics with them. Here, both positive and negative feedback is recorded in these throughout the day (ex: if a student shows great participation OR if a student is off task/needs multiple re-directives)

Plan (45 minutes) Hook / Introduction (5 minutes) Imagine that your school was considering eliminating recess! Today we are going to look at some essays that students wrote in response to their school trying to do just that. By pointing out how these students were powerful communicators and by pointing out areas they could improve, we can prepare ourselves to be powerful communicators and get ready for our own persuasive writing. Guided Practice (15 minutes)

I will then direct the students attention to the overhead projector where the first piece of writing will be. I will ask that the students silently read along with me as I read it out loud and to keep in mind strengths and weaknesses for our discussion which will immediately follow the shared reading. Independent Practice (15 minutes) After the discussion and marking on the overhead transparency of the first piece of writing, I will then tell the students that their job is to review a second example to look for strengths and weaknesses. I will then pass out the second example, giving them fifteen minutes to make notes on the second example. Guided Practice (7 minutes) We will then go through the second piece of writing together, again pointing out the pieces strengths and weaknesses. Closing (3 minutes) I will then pass out a short note sheet of things that the students have pointed out as strengths of persuasive writing as well as some things to avoid. I will ask the students to put all three handouts (the two examples of writing and the note sheet) in their writing folder, informing them that they should use these as reference when we begin our own persuasive writing as well as on their homework sheet (which will be another example of a persuasive piece of writing). I will explain that for homework, students are to mark on the essay where there are strengths and weaknesses, just as we did in class. Assessment of Goals/Objectives Listed Above The students will be assessed based on the discussion while we review both pieces of writing. The students will also be assessed based on the similar homework activity

Anticipating students responses and your possible responses The first piece of writing will purposely contain the following strengths: attention grabbing introduction, a strong sentence stating the authors stance, and three supporting reasons/details. It will also contain the following weaknesses: an off topic sentence, no concluding sentences, and a few grammatical errors. I hope that the students will be able to pull these strengths and weaknesses out, but I also know that I may need to point them out to the students. The second piece of writing will purposely contain the following strengths: no off topic sentences, a strong concluding sentence, and no grammatical errors. It will also contain a weak opening sentence, and only two supporting details. Again, my hope is for students to pull these out in our discussion, but I may need to lead them with a prompting question such as, What did you think about the opening sentence?

Accommodations ? (stuck on this)

Resources Crawford, L. W., Sipe, R. B., Calfee, R. C., & Zaner-Bloser (Firm). (2008). Strategies for writers: Level H. Columbus, Ohio: Zaner-Bloser.

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