Review 4 - Jeffersonian - Jacksonian America - AP Questions

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Review 4 AP Questions 1. Which of the following statements about the "American System" is correct?

(A) It was set up by the Treaty of Ghent at the end of the War of 1812. (B) It was strongly promoted by Andrew Jackson. (C) It permitted immigrants to be naturalized after living in the United States for five years. (D) It was designed to meet the nation's need for economic progress and self-sufficiency. (E) It called for an end to the European presence in South America. 2. When Thomas Jefferson said in 1801, "We are all republicans- we are all federalists," he meant that (A) Americans would never ally themselves with monarchical governments (B) federalists would be appointed to his cabinet (C) the two parties' platforms were identical (D) the principles of American government were above party politics (E) he admired Hamilton's policies 3. The Hartford Convention was a manifestation of (A) New England Federalist opposition to the War of 1812 (B) New England's desire to end United States trade with Great Britain (C) northern gratitude to General Jackson for his victory at New Orleans (D) the War Hawks' impatience with President Madison's conduct of foreign policy (E) western resentment against British-backed American Indian attacks 4. Jefferson's purchase of Louisiana had its origins in his desire to (A) remove the French from forts along the Mississippi valley (B) acquire a port to provide an outlet for western crops (C) acquire territory for the expansion of slavery (D) oppose New England Federalism (E) demonstrate friendship for the French in the Napoleonic Wars 5. Andrew Jackson supported all of the following EXCEPT (A) Indian removal (B) the right of nullification (C) the removal of federal deposits from the Bank of the United States (D) annexation of new territory (E) use of the presidential veto power 6. In the early 1830's, the majority of workers in the textile mills of Massachusetts were (A) young unmarried women from rural New England (B) newly arrived immigrants from Ireland (C) men who were heads of households (D) married women whose children were of school age (E) free African Americans from urban areas 7. In Marbury v. Madison, the United States Supreme Court affirmed (A) its right to determine the constitutionality of state court decisions (B) its right to determine the constitutionality of state laws (C) its right to determine the constitutionality of congressional enactments (D) the sanctity of property rights against harassment by unfriendly state legislatures (E) the broad scope of the federal government's commerce power

8. The issuance of the Monroe Doctrine did which of the following? (A) Reaffirmed George Washington's goal of United States neutrality in the Americas. (B) Helped Secretary of State John Quincy Adams secure the presidency in 1824. (C) Established the United States as the dominant economic power in South America. (D) Provided the basis for resolving Anglo-American border disputes. (E) Asserted American independence in the realm of foreign policy. 9. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe the Missouri Compromise of 1820? (A) It provided a method for counting slaves among state populations when determining the size of the states' Congressional delegations. (B) It allowed Missouri to be admitted to the Union as a slave state. (C) It created the free state of Maine from territory that belonged to Massachusetts. (D) One of its purposes was to maintain the equal representation of free states and slave states in the Senate. (E) It included a northern border in the Louisiana Territory above which slavery was prohibited. 10. By the first decade of the nineteenth century, American manufacturing had been revolutionized by the advent of (A) interchangeable machine parts (B) the electric engine (C) transcontinental railroads (D) labor unions (E) mail-order catalogues 11. All of the following were elements of Henry Clay's American System EXCEPT (A) protective tariffs on imports (B) the establishment of the Second Bank of the United States (C) the construction of the National Road and other roadways (D) the creation of large numbers of federal jobs in areas with unemployment problems (E) incentives to develop manufacturing and interstate trade 12. The "Lowell System" of early nineteenth-century textile manufacturing was noteworthy for its (A) practice of hiring only adult males at a time when textiles was considered "women's work" (B) commitment, in the face of the Industrial Revolution, to maintaining the old, "by-hand" method of manufacture (C) efforts to minimize the dehumanizing effects of industrial labor (D) pioneering advocacy of such issues as parental leave, vacation time, and health insurance for employees (E) particularly harsh treatment of employees 13. The election of 1824 marked a turning point in presidential politics because, for the first time, (A) the presidency was won by someone who was not a member of the Federalist Party (B) a presidential and vice-presidential candidate ran together on one ticket (C) all the candidates campaigned widely throughout the states (D) political parties officially participated in the election (E) the system of choosing nominees by congressional caucus failed 14. The Monroe Doctrine stated that the United States had legitimate reason to fear European intervention in the Western Hemisphere because (A) Europe's militaries were considerably more powerful than was the United States (B) the overpopulation of Europe made future incursions in the New World a real possibility (C) Europe's forms of government were fundamentally different from those of the United States and newly liberated South American countries (D) the United States anticipated reprisals for its frequent interference in European affairs (E) the United States ultimately intended to annex all of the Western Hemisphere

15. Supreme Court decisions concerning Native Americans in 1831 and 1832 (A) reinforced the rights of states to remove Native Americans from disputed lands (B) denied them the right to sue in federal court but affirmed their rights to land that was traditionally theirs (C) voided previous treaties between Native Americans and the United States on the grounds that the treaties were unfair (D) granted tribes official status as foreign nations (E) ruled that the federal government had a unilateral right to relocate Native Americans to lands west of the Mississippi 16. In the 1830s, Southern states passed a number of laws regarding the behavior of free blacks. These laws were intended to (A) encourage free blacks to migrate to the North (B) impose a uniform procedure regarding the retrieval of fugitive slaves (C) increase the pool of available black skilled laborers in the growing Southern economy (D) guarantee the rights of free blacks traveling through slave states (E) create an official set of guidelines concerning "acceptable" treatment of slaves 17. The presidential election of 1840 is often considered the first "modern" election because (A) the slavery issue was first raised in this campaign (B) there was a very low turnout of eligible voters (C) voting patterns were similar to those later established in the 1890's (D) both parties for the first time widely campaigned among all the eligible voters (E) a second era of good feeling had just come to a close, marking a new departure in politics 18. The Embargo Act of 1807 had which of the following effects on the United States? (A) It severely damaged American manufacturing. (B) It enriched many cotton plantation owners. (C) It ruined American shipping. (D) It was ruinous to subsistence farmers. (E) It had little economic impact. 19. The National Road was constructed primarily for the purpose of (A) demarcating the southwestern boundary of the Louisiana Purchase (B) promoting trade and communication with the Old Northwest (C) opening the Southwest to ranchers (D) assisting the movement of settlers to the Oregon Country (E) relieving overpopulation and crowding in the Northeast 20. The Louisiana Purchase was significant because it (A) eliminated Spain from the North American continent (B) gave the United States control of the Mississippi River (C) eased tensions between western settlers and American Indians (D) forced the British to evacuate their posts in the Northwest (E) reduced sectional conflict over the slavery issue 21. In the first few years of their existence, the textile mills at Lowell, Massachusetts, were best known for their (A) humanitarian refusal to hire women and children as factory operatives (B) brutal treatment of their work forces (C) idealistic efforts to avoid the worst evils of English industrialization (D) profit-motivated efforts to replicate the factory system of the English Industrial Revolution (E) pioneering efforts to establish labor unions

22. The opening of the Erie Canal in 1825 was important because it (A) established the role of the federal government in internal improvements (B) strengthened the ties between the eastern manufacturing and western agricultural regions (C) made the invention of the steamboat economically viable (D) spurred innovation in the railroad industry (E) was the last major canal project before the Civil War 23. Which of the following describes "the Lowell system" in early nineteenth-century New England'? (A) A plan to promote and expand textile manufacturing activities (B) An agreement among the New England states to secede and form a New England confederacy (C) A reform eliminating property-holding as a qualification for voting (D) A strategy to defend New England during the War of 1812 (E) A congressional reapportionment plan during the 1820's 24. In the first half of the nineteenth century, Cherokee efforts to retain their tribal lands in Georgia received direct support from (A) the White residents of Oklahoma (B) President Andrew Jackson (C) the United States Supreme Court (D) the Democratic press (E) the United States Congress 25. Of the following, which was the principal issue on which the United States sought settlement with Great Britain at the outset of the War of 1812 ? (A) A guarantee of New England fishing rights off Newfoundland (B) Free navigation of the Mississippi River (C) Cancellation of pre-Revolutionary debts (D) Access to trade with the British West Indies (E) An end to impressment 26. Henry Clay's "American System" called for all of the following EXCEPT (A) a tariff for the protection of industry (B) internal improvements at national government expense (C) sale of federal lands to finance higher education (D) greater reliance on domestic financial resources (E) increased trade among the sections of the nation 27. Which of the following best describes the policy of the government of Mexico toward Texas? (A) It tried to sell Texas to the United States at the time of the Louisiana Purchase. (B) It encouraged American settlement in Texas in the 1820's and early 1830's. (C) It governed Texas with stringent regulations in the 1820's. (D) It encouraged the establishment of a strong local government in Texas in the mid-1830's. (E) It favored the annexation of the Republic of Texas by the United States in the 1830's and early 1840's. 28. A major reason why Thomas Jefferson was interested in purchasing Louisiana from France was that he (A) wanted to establish a precedent for the expansion of presidential authority (B) wanted an area beyond the Mississippi River to which eastern Native Americans (Indians) could be moved (C) had learned from Lewis and Clark of the untapped mineral resources in western areas (D) hoped to cement a Franco-American alliance against the British (E) hoped to preserve an agricultural society by making abundant lands available to future generations

29. Which of the following resulted from the policies of the Andrew Jackson administration? (A) A central bank was established. (B) The value of paper currency issued by individual banks became uniform. (C) The number of banks, each issuing its own paper currency, increased. (D) A nationwide banking system was begun. (E) Federal fiscal activities became linked to a system of federal banks. 30. Which of the following statements about the Monroe Doctrine is accurate? (A) It was announced by the President over the serious objections of Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. (B) It was issued simultaneously with a British policy statement on Latin America. (C) It stressed that Europe and the Western Hemisphere had essentially different political systems. (D) It was immediately accepted as international law. (E) It was promptly challenged militarily by the "Concert of Europe." 31. An important consequence of the "tariff of abominations" (1828) is that it led to the (A) taxation of consumer items (B) reelection of Andrew Jackson (C) enunciation of the doctrine of nullification (D) alliance of Southern planters and Western farmers (E) expansion of the New England textile industry 32. Henry Clay's "American System" advocated all of the following EXCEPT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) federal funding for the building of roads a national bank high protective tariffs an independent treasury federal funding for the building of canals

33. Which of the following was LEAST influential in bringing about Andrew Jackson's victory in the presidential election of 1828? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Support for Jackson among less prosperous voters Jackson's promise to bring new people into the government Jackson's defense of Native American property rights Jackson's promise to reform the electoral system The reputation Jackson earned as a war hero as a result of the Battle of New Orleans

34. Which of the following Supreme Court cases was NOT ruled upon during John Marshall's tenure as Supreme Court Justice? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Fletcher v, Peck Gibbons v. Ogden Marbury v. Madison McCulloch v. Maryland Dred Scott v. Sanford

35. Which of the following statements related to the Lowell system is NOT true? (A) In Lowell, farm girls were hired to work in the factories. (B) Lowell was a company town developed to provide supervision of, and education for, its factory workers. (C) The Lowell system included some of the first fully integrated factories-they transformed raw materials into a finished product. (D) The Lowell system provided an easy way for women to become financially independent. (E) The Lowell system developed as a result of the United States' burgeoning textile industry.

36. All of the following characterized the Jefferson administration EXCEPT which of the following statements? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) It replaced most of the Federalist programs with programs of its own. Except for the excise tax, it retained the Federalist programs for funding the national debt. It enacted new naturalization laws, reducing the required length of residence to five years. It repealed the Federalist-sponsored Judiciary Act of 1801, It reduced the size of the United States navy in order to reduce taxes.

37. The "War Hawks" in the period leading up to the War of 1812 garnered most of their support from (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) New England urban areas the South and West the Northwest Territories the Middle Atlantic states

Review 4 Multiple Choice Questions Answer Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. d d a b b a c e a a d c e c b a d c b b c b a c e c b e c c c d c e d a c

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