FAQs On Travel in Sarawak & Sabah

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FAQs on Travel in Sarawak & Sabah


We do not give out specific recommendations on vaccine requirements & health-related

issues. We recommend that you consult your doctor on these matters. Health risks and
vaccine requirements can change at any time so it is important that you seek the latest
medical advice. The following should be considered as background information only. It is not
intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. For further information on
travellers health issues, see the Center for Disease Control & Preventions website

Do I need to take anti-malarial drugs?

The best advice we can give is to follow the advice of your doctor. Whilst cases of malaria do
occur in Sarawak and Sabah they tend to be in remote areas, mostly places that tourists do
not frequent. Malaria tends to be absent from towns and cities. However, there is a risk of
malaria in rural areas and undeveloped areas of the interior. Some areas of Sabah and
Sarawak that are near the Indonesian border also have a higher risk of malaria.

For a short stay (1-3 weeks) it should be no problem to take malaria pills. According to the
Center for Disease Control, Chloroquine is not an effective anti-malarial drug in Malaysia.
Atovaquone-proguanil (Malarone), doxycycline and mefloquine are options for use in
Malaysia. Unless recommended otherwise it is best to avoid the stronger prescriptions such
as Larium (mefloquine) which can cause unpleasant side effects.

Is Dengue Fever present in Sarawak & Sabah?

Yes, dengue fever occurs in urban and semi-urban areas of Malaysia, including Sarawak &
Sabah. Dengue is a viral infection transmitted by Aedes mosquitos that bite during the day.
There is no vaccine against dengue fever. You can reduce the risk of infection by protecting
yourself from mosquito bites. According to the CDC, The risk of dengue infection for
international travellers appears to be small. There is increased risk if an epidemic is in
progress or visitors are in housing without air conditioning or screened windows and doors.

What other precautions can I take against malaria & other mosquito-borne diseases?

The main thing to do is to reduce the chance of being bitten. Apply insect repellent on any
exposed skin and use a mosquito net when necessary. For example, if you are camping in
the jungle or staying in lodge or camp-style accommodation in or near the rainforest always
sleep under a mosquito net. Where possible stay in hotels which have rooms with window
screens or air conditioning. After the sun has set cover up as much as you can by wearing
long sleeves and trousers. Malaria transmission usually occurs between dusk and dawn. In
contrast dengue fever transmission usually takes place in the daytime.

What type of mosquito / insect repellent should I bring or use?

If you will be spending time in national parks or upriver areas (e.g. Batang Ai & Nanga
Sumpa), we recommend you use mosquito repellent that contains 30-50% DEET. Use this
in the jungle and interior. Milder sprays can be used in the city or for normal use. Do not

bother with the trendy herbal mosquito sprays. They do not work well in the rainforest and
interior of Borneo and worse still some brands attract wasps.

Note: it is not easy to buy 50% DEET mosquito spray in Malaysia so bring it from home. It is
commonly found in Europe, USA, Australia, etc. where it is often labelled as expedition strength or
tropical strength repellent. Before departing for Malaysia test your chosen mosquito spray on your
arms to make sure it does not result in a rash or reaction.

What should I apply first, mosquito repellent or sunscreen?

If you are using both put the sunscreen on first and then apply insect repellent.

What vaccinations will I require?

We advise you seek the advice of your doctor. In addition to being up-to-date on routine
vaccinations (e.g. measles/mumps/rubella, tetanus, etc.), many doctors recommend jabs for
Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Typhoid.

Do I need to get vaccinated against Japanese Encephalitis (JE)?

We advise that you speak to your doctor for specific advice. JE is transmitted by mosquitos
and is endemic in Sarawak. However, it is predominantly a disease of children living in rural
areas of Sarawak. There are cases of JE in Sabah but it appears less common than in
Sarawak. Travellers of any age can get JE but the risk is low unless you are spending
extended periods in rural and farming areas where there are pigs, chickens, etc., or you are
visiting an area with a known outbreak.

Do I need to get vaccinated against Rabies?

Malaysia lost its rabies free status in 2015 when an outbreak started in Perlis and spread to
Kedah and Penang. The outbreak was isolated in the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia
and then contained. Sarawak and Sabah remained rabies-free at that time. In June 2017 the
Sarawak government announced that rabies was present in Serian, a small town located 50
km from Kuching. It is believed that the rabies outbreak originated in West Kalimantan,
Indonesia. Four children and one adult were diagnosed and later died of rabies. The five
victims were bitten by dogs near Serian in the early phase of the outbreak.

Following the June announcement the State Government immediately initiated preventative
and control measures. These included active case detection and the vaccination of dogs,
cats and other animals within a 10 km radius of the villages where the three children lived.
The governments initial strategy was to contain the outbreak in a small area of Serian.
Initially the containment strategy appeared to be working but by mid-July 2017 rabies had
spread to areas adjacent to Serian, including the outskirts of Kuching. The government
continues to vaccinate animals in the infected areas. People living in and around the rabies-
infected areas who have been bitten by dogs are given the rabies post exposure vaccine.
The Sarawak General Hospital in Kuching and Serian Hospital have sufficient stock of the
rabies vaccine for post exposure treatment. Some private hospitals in Kuching also maintain
stock of the rabies vaccine.

Rabies is not considered a major risk factor for most travellers in Sarawak. The likelihood of
a tourist being bitten by a dog is low. However, Sarawak is no longer classified as rabies
free. It may take some time before the 2017 rabies outbreak in Sarawak is contained. At
present Sabah remains rabies free. In view of the changed situation travellers may wish to

review their vaccination requirements for Sarawak and seek medical advice as to whether or
not they require the pre-exposure rabies vaccine.

How safe is the tap water?

All tap water in towns in Sarawak & Sabah is treated but for most stomachs it may still take
some getting used to. If you have a sensitive stomach it is best to avoid tap water. Tap water
is fine for cleaning teeth. Bottled mineral water costs around RM 1 for 500 ml and RM 2 for
1.5 litre in supermarkets in Sarawak and RM 1.50-2.00 (500 ml) and RM 2.50-3.00 (1.5 litre)
in Sabah. Bottled drinking water (distilled or reverse osmosis) is a lot cheaper than mineral

How safe is the ice served in drinks in restaurants, stalls & coffee shops?

The cylindrical ice tubes served in drinks in Malaysia are mass-produced in ice factories and
are generally safe to consume. Most restaurants and coffee shops use these ice tubes, as do
many food stalls and hawker centres. If you want to be 100% sure ask for a drink without
ice. Cold canned and bottled drinks are available almost everywhere, even in small towns
and villages so you can avoid ice altogether if you wish and still enjoy a cold drink.

If I go jungle trekking do I need to worry about leeches?

Leeches are commonly found in the rainforest and you may encounter them on jungle treks
in some places in Sabah and Sarawak. If a leech bites you, dont worry too much. Leech
bites may be irritating but they are generally not considered harmful. You can easily remove
a leech by using your finger nail to detach it or by flicking it a few times. The wound may
continue to bleed for a little while but this usually stops. When you get back to your room
wash the wound with soap and water. You can minimise your chances of getting leech bites
by using insect repellent and by wearing leech socks. Leeches are very common at Tabin
and Danum Valley in Sabah so leech socks are recommended. Likewise for the Red Ape
Trail in Sarawak. Leeches are sometimes found along the jungle trails at Ulu Ai. Leeches are
not usually encountered on treks at Bako National Park.

Can I buy Leech Socks in Sarawak and Sabah?

It is often not easy to find leech socks in Sarawak. However, they are readily available in
Sabah. The only place that occasionally stocks leech stocks in Sarawak is Greek's Outgear
Discovery (Tel: 082-413217), located on the 2nd floor of the Sarawak Plaza shopping
complex on Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman in the centre of Kuching. In Kota Kinabalu, leech
socks are sold at Borneo Outdoor Gear in the Suria Sabah shopping mall at 1 Jalan Tun
Faud Stephens and at Tech City Outdoor Shop (Tel: 088-222157) at No. 5 Jalan Gaya, next
to Jesselton Point. Tabin Wildlife Resort & Borneo Rainforest Lodge in Danum Valley also
sell them.


What temperatures can we expect?

The climate is typically tropical with temperatures ranging from a cool 22C in the evenings to
a sultry 34C in the daytime. Relative humidity is consistently high and typically 70-90%.

When is the best time to visit?

Sarawak receives an abundance of rainfall. The average annual rainfall is between 3,300
and 4,600 mm, depending on location. The rainy season (or landas) is normally between
November and February each year. Peak rainfall is usually in December and January. Sabah
is less wet than Sarawak and receives 2,500-3,500 mm of rain per year, depending on
locality. The monsoon period should not deter visitors to the region as the weather is not
cold. In fact the rain during this time may be heavy but it is often intermittent and brings
respite from the tropical heat.


Do I need to obtain a visa before arrival?

Tourists from most countries are not required to obtain a visa and receive an immigration
stamp upon arrival at the airport or other entry point. In general, tourists from Western
countries are allowed in without a visa for a stay of 1-3 months. Validity on passports must
be 6 months or more. For a full list of the nationalities that have visa-free entry and the length
of stay allowed, please refer to the Malaysia immigration website at www.imi.gov.my. The
immigration website does not have a user-friendly navigational structure so it is not easy to
find the visa information pages. The site also constantly changes so there is not point in us
listing a specific URL as it changes. So, go to home Page, switch the language to English,
then find the Site Map (at bottom of page), click on that and then find the Visa Requirement
By Country. Alternatively Google Visa Requirement By Country Malaysia Immigration and
that should take you to the right page on the immigration web site. The Malaysian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs website at www.kln.gov.my also has visa details. Go to the home page, see
the Quicklinks drop down menu on the right of the page and click the Visa Information tab.


What Clothes Should I bring?

The tropical days are hot and humid and we recommend light, comfortable cotton shirts.
Casual wear is acceptable for most occasions in the city; on trips to the interior, shorts and T-
shirts may be more appropriate. For most trips, bring swimming costumes, as there are
chances to slake off the tropical heat with a swim in a river or dip at a waterfall. Please
remember, however, to respect local modesty. Light rain wear is a must as invariably there
will be encounters with rain. On trips to the longhouses don't forget thin towels and sun hats
(to protect against the tropical sun). In the evenings slip into a comfortable sarong. These
items can be locally obtained easily and cheaply. Thin or lightweight long-sleeved shirts and
long trousers will protect you from mosquitos in the evenings. If you are climbing Mount
Kinabalu you will need some warm clothing (fleece, thick socks, beanie / woollen hat, etc.).

What footwear do you recommend?

For trips to the interior that require a great deal of hiking through primary rainforest or rugged
terrain, comfortable hiking or walking shoes that can handle jungle streams or muddy trails
are recommended. For shorter trips that do not require a great deal of walking, a good pair of
sneakers will do. A pair of flip-flop, slippers, sandals or tevas should be included.

If you are visiting Ulu Ai, Nanga Sumpa and Lubok Kasai bring both good walking / hiking
shoes for use on the jungle trails and waterproof sandals to wear when you travel by
longboat as your feet will get wet. For example, when you visit the waterfall or stop for a

riverside picnic you will be getting in and out of the boat and your footwear will get wet. If you
wear waterproof sandals (with good grip) you do not need to change shoes or walk barefoot
in the river or on the pebble beaches.

Note: It is often difficult to find footwear in large sizes in Sarawak & Sabah.

What equipment do you recommend?

If you plan to scale the pinnacles in Mulu or climb Mount Kinabalu, include a pair of light
gardening gloves for good grip and protection against rough and sharp surfaces. A torch light
or better still a head torch (don't forget to bring extra bulbs and batteries) is always useful
and a must if you wish to go caving. As with other trips, a small backpack and water bottle
will come in handy. Bring along plastic bags to keep clothes and cameras dry in case of rain.
Dry bags are also useful for keeping cameras dry, particularly if your tour includes a number
of boat trips.

What medicines and toiletries should I bring?

In addition to personal toiletries bring insect repellent. A basic first aid kit should include band
aids, mild antiseptic cream for insect bites or light scratches, cotton swabs, tissues,
bandages and painkillers. You can buy most medicines in local pharmacies. Prices are often
cheaper than in Western countries.

What to Bring on a Field Trip (sample list)

Light comfortable clothes (shorts, loose fitting long-sleeve shirts, light cotton T-shirts,
long trousers and sarong (for evenings)
Comfortable walking shoes that can handle jungle streams or muddy trails
Bathing suit (respect local modesty)
Thin towels (they dry quicker in the humid climate)
Sun hat and sun block
Personal toiletries (e.g. shampoo, soap, tooth paste, etc.)
Insect repellent (30-50% DEET works well in Sarawak & Sabah)
Plastic bag (or dry bag) to keep clothes and cameras dry in case of rain
Water bottle.
Torch light or head torch (with extra batteries)
Flip flops / thongs / slippers / tevas / waterproof sandals
Small backpack or daypack (for camping in the rainforest, day-use, etc.)
Rain coat / poncho

Part of the journey on many tours will be in open boats where you will be exposed to either
rain or sun. Sun block is a must, as is a good hat. Wrap all your clothes and belongings in a
plastic bag when packing. Always ensure you have something dry to change into.


Should I take some gifts to give to the people at the longhouse?

No, we recommend that you do not give gifts to the people at the longhouse. Traditionally
visitors do not give gifts to longhouse residents.


What is the name of the local currency?

The Malaysian currency is called the Ringgit (RM or MYR). 1 Ringgit = 100 sen. Notes are
available in denominations of RM 1 (blue), RM 5 (green), RM 10 (red), RM 20 (orange), RM
50 (green-blue) and RM 100 (purple). There are 5 sen, 10 sen, 20 sen and 50 sen coins.

Should I bring some Malaysian Ringgit with me or change my foreign currency in


By all means bring a small amount of Ringgit with you but it is worth noting that you will
usually get a much better rate when you change USD, Euros, British Pounds, AUD, etc., in
Malaysia as opposed to changing in the US, Europe, etc. For example, if you change Pounds
to Ringgit in the UK you can receive 15-20% less Ringgit than if you changed it in Malaysia.

Can I use local ATMs to withdraw cash?

Malaysian banks are linked to networks such as PLUS, Maestro and Cirrus so you can
withdraw cash at local ATMs. ATMs are readily available in towns and cities.

Are credit and charge cards widely accepted in Sabah & Sarawak?

Yes, Visa and MasterCard credit cards are widely accepted. American Express is less widely
accepted. Retail outlets often have a RM 50 minimum charge for paying with a credit card.
Some outlets levy a 2-3% fee for using a credit card.


How safe is it to go out at night?

Kuching is generally a safe city. Muggings and attacks on tourists are so rare that it makes
the headlines if it happens. Kota Kinabalu requires some extra precautions in some areas but
is also generally quite safe. In both cases it is best to apply the standard principle of leaving
your valuables in the hotel safe and not carry more cash than you really need.

Is bag snatching a problem in Malaysia?

Incidents of bag snatching by thieves on motorbikes have increased all over Malaysia in
recent years. As such when going out be aware of your surroundings and keep your bag
close. If your bag has shoulder straps carry the bag towards the pavement rather than
towards the road (where a motorbike thief can easily make a grab for it) or better still tuck
your bag under your arm. Do not wrap bag straps around your arms or shoulders. Never try
to hold on to your bag if a motorbike snatcher grabs it. Let it go. Victims have been seriously
injured and pulled to the ground by bag straps. Dont put your handphone or other valuables
on the table if you are dining in a roadside stall or coffee shop.


What is the best (and cheapest way) to call home?

IDD calls from hotels are expensive. Buying a prepaid IDD call card from one of the many
retailers in local shopping malls can produce substantial savings. Another option is to buy a
pre-paid sim card from a Malaysian mobile telecommunication company. Then you can use
your handphone and be contacted. Calling within Malaysia is cheap and calling overseas
from a local pre-paid card is relatively cheap. Having a local prepaid card is likely to save you
money and helps avoid incurring high roaming charges from your home country provider.
You can buy pre-paid cards from telecom shops and re-load cards can be bought in sundry
shops, 7-11 stores, etc. Foreign citizens need to show retailers their passport to obtain a pre-
paid phone card in Malaysia. Not all Malaysian telecom companies have good coverage in
Sarawak & Sabah. Stick to major players such as Celcom, Digi and Maxis when buying a
pre-paid card.

Note: If you intend to use a smart phone in Malaysia and your home-country sim card remember to
adjust your phone settings so that you do not incur high data roaming charges upon returning home.

What is the Internet access like?

In a word - slow. All major towns in Sarawak and Sabah have internet access. Coverage and
speeds in rural areas are patchy. Internet cafes are dotted all over major towns and even
small towns often have an internet cafe. Restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets often have
free Wi-Fi. In contrast many hotels in Sabah & Sarawak have yet to realise that having
internet access in the room is an essential service and still charge high fees for in-room
internet access. However, internet access is often free in hotel lobbies and public areas.

Internet speeds in Malaysia are some of the slowest in Southeast Asia and speeds in
Sarawak and Sabah are slower than in Peninsular Malaysia. It is possible to use Skype for
voice calls but using Skype with video can be frustrating owing to the slow internet speeds.


What is the voltage in Malaysia and what electrical sockets are used?

The electricity supply is 230/240 volts at 50 hertz. The 3-pin electrical sockets used in
Malaysia are similar to those used in Britain. Travel adaptors are available from major hotels
or department stores. We recommend you bring your own travel adaptor rather than wasting
time going in search of one when you are here.


What is the time difference between Malaysia and GMT?

Malaysia has a single time zone and is 8 hours ahead of London GMT and 7 hours ahead of
time during the UKs daylight saving time. Malaysia is 13 hours ahead of New York (Eastern
Standard Time) and 12 hours during daylight saving time in the summer.


Are your tours suitable for children?

Yes the majority of our tours are suitable for children. However, some tours that involve
serious trekking (e.g. Pinnacles, Red Ape Trail) or climbing (Kinabalu Summit Climb) are not
suitable for young children.

Are your tours to Ulu Ai and Nanga Sumpa Longhouse suitable for Children?

We think so and many families with children have visited Nanga Sumpa and enjoyed the
experience. Obviously the older your children the more they will get out of the trip. We have
taken families with babies and young toddlers but this is rare as the trip to Nanga Sumpa
involves a 1 hour longboat ride. We have child life jackets but if you are bringing a baby or
small toddler we recommend that you bring your own infant-sized life jacket to ensure that it
fits properly.

Do you offer childrens discounts on your tours?

Yes. For many of our tours children travelling with paying adults receive discounts. Discounts
vary depending on the tours. For example,

The following discounts apply to the vast majority of tours in Sarawak:

Children aged 5 and below - Free.

Children aged 6-11 - 50% off tour price

The following discounts apply to tours departing from Sandakan:

Children aged 2-4 - 50% off adult rate

Children aged 5-11 - 20% off adult rate

Note: Children aged 12 and above pay full price. Above discounts apply to tours only and not hotel
room rates or other accommodation.

If you have any questions on childrens discounts please email us.


Can I rent a car and drive around?

Yes you can. You need to have a valid driving license (Malaysian, foreign or international
driving license). Many car rental companies insist on seeing your foreign driving license - just
showing an international driving license is not enough. Malaysia has similar road laws as the
UK and cars drive on the left lane (with the drivers seat on the right-hand side of the
vehicle). Most roads in West Malaysia are in good condition, perfectly safe and car rental is a
popular option. Road conditions in Sabah and Sarawak are not as good as in West Malaysia.
In Sabah and Sarawak self-drive is less common but can be done. A number of car rental
companies are available in both Kuching and Kota Kinabalu. However due to the size of the

market, rental prices in Sabah and Sarawak are very high, often prohibitively so. Often, there
is no price advantage between hiring a car and taking a private transfer.


How much should I tip?

Tipping is not a strong culture yet in this part of the world. Most hotels & restaurants include
a 10% service charge on the bill. If you want to leave a small addition that is fine but it is not
always necessary. It is normal to leave a small amount for the housekeeping and bellboy of
the hotel when checking out. Your guide will also appreciate a small gratuity if he has done a
good job.


If you have any specific question regarding your trip to Sarawak or Sabah, please contact us
and we will do our best to provide you with an answer.

Borneo Adventure Sdn Bhd (Company No. 160090-H, KPL/LN No. 1102)
55 Main Bazaar, 93000 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Tel: 60-82-245175 Fax: 60-82-422626

Note: The information contained in this document is provided as background information only. It is not
intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Borneo Adventure can not be held
responsible for any error or omission.

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