Brian'S Physical Changes Brian'S Mental Changes

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Brian makes many changes to his body and mind

while he is lost in the wilderness. A<er reading chapters 11-12,
make a T-chart list of the changes that we see in Brian.

Brians Physical Changes Brians Mental Changes


Direc&ons: A<er reading chapter 12, make a predicFon!

How do you think the book will end? Be sure to use a topic
sentence, supporFng details, and correct grammar/
punctuaFon. You will need at least 5 sentences to write a
strong predicFon.



Direc&ons: Read chapters 13, 14, and 15. Then, write a brief
in a nutshell summary to explain the main details of these
three chapters.





Chapters 17-18
1. What did Brians campsite look like a<er the tornado?
2. Before Brian could rebuild his helter, he had to _________________________.
3. Before going to sleep, Brian remembered that inside the plane was ___________________.
4. A<er the tornado, Brian found______________________ to eat.
5. Brian decided to get to the plain by building a ___________________.
6. Brian named his ra< ______________________.
7. What will be in the survival pack?

Chapters 19-Epilogue
1. Brian called the survival pack _________________________.
2. Why doesnt Brian look through the pack as soon as he gets to shore?
3. What was NOT in the survival pack?
4. How does Brian feel about the rie?
5. What does Brian nd in the survival kit that had a coil of wire and a long antenna?
6. As Brian was cooking dinner a _________________ ies overhead.
7. How does the rescue plane nd Brian?
8. How many days has it been since Brian wrecked in the Canadian wilderness?
9. Brian asked the pilot, ___________________________________________?
10.What happened to the pilot in the lake?
11.What became of The Secret?


Hatchet Final Projects & Presenta&on

As we come to the end of Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, you are required
to complete one of the four projects listed below.

Project OpFons:
1. Make a model of Brians camp and environment using Play dough, modeling clay,
materials from nature, or other materials approved by your teacher. Include
everything he sees and uses to help him survive. His camp should include a lean-to,
re, hatchet, berries, trees, bear, wolf, moose, skunk, porcupine, the plane, the L-
shaped lake, etc.
2. Make illustraFons of 3 scenes in the story using markers or paints to draw the
illustraFons. Include an index card explaining each scene and event that occurred.
3. Make a poster idenFfying drawings of the animals and plants that Brian
experienced in the wilderness ( bear, wolf, moose, skunk, porcupine, turtle, berries,
raspberries, sh). Research the animals and plants on your poster and write a
cFonal paragraph about each. You must include at least two animals and one plant
on your poster.

4. Create a Fme-line of important events in Hatchet. Include at least 7 of Brians
rsts (ex. Brians rst hunt). For each event, include an illustraFon. This project
should be completed using a large piece of tag board or construcFon paper.

To accompany your project, you must also write a three paragraph

essay. This essay will include (1) a wrieen descripFon of your
project, (2) How your project relates to the book Hatchet, and (3) an
evaluaFon of the book. Would you recommend this book to others?
Projects are due by _________________. You will also be
presenFng the project to the class on __________________. Please
pracFce your presentaFons with an adult.


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