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La Terreur: The Guillotine as a Turning Point in French History

Senior Division Group Web Site Frank Griffin Blake Kuykendall

The guillotine, an instrument used for executions by decapitation, was named after Dr. Joseph Guillotin, an anatomy professor who had the idea to design a new execution method just prior to the French Revolution. The guillotine was not merely a tool that led to the execution of nearly 40,000 people during the days of Robespierres Reign of Terror, but a turning point in French history. This method of execution proved to be both a symbolic turning point in the French Revolutions push for equality and the beginning of a cultural movement. We chose this topic because we are both interested in French history. During our research, we found information concerning the role that the guillotine played in the French Revolution. We both thought this would be a unique and interesting topic. Books, music, documentaries, and the Internet were used to research this topic. The books were obtained from the school library, the local public library, and bookstores. We researched how the guillotine was used as a turning point in French history and created a timeline to parallel the use of the guillotine with historical events. We divided the responsibilities equally. A website was chosen as our project category because it is a very interactive and effective way to organize and explain information on the guillotine. The utilization of texts, images, maps and videos were all used to convey information and analysis. We translated some of the French documents using Google Translator. The idea of a humane form of execution during the eighteenth century was revolutionary. Prior to the guillotine, members of the nobility were executed with a

sword or axe and commoners were hanged. A horizontally-slanting blade contributed to the idea that the guillotine was a more humane form of execution due to the swiftness and accuracy of the blade. It also became a great equalizer among the classes. With the guillotine, all people sentenced to death were executed in the same manner regardless of their social rank. This method of execution became a turning point for capital punishment in France. The guillotine was used for executions in France from the early eighteenth century until 1977. The guillotine was created to make a more efficient way of execution within all social classes; however, it made a more lasting impact upon French history.

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