FINAL PETITION in Support of Michael Martin Clark

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FINAL PETITION In support of Michael Martin Clark (scroll down) We, the undersigned, know Michael Martin Clark

is a 37-year-old responsible husband, the beloved father of three young children, and a trusted workingman. We know he is law-abiding, gentle, and willing to lend a hand to others. Growing up, Michael was a good student, hung out with "good" kids, was a Scout and soccer player into high school, and never exhibited any violent tendencies whatsoever. When Michael was 19, he was a friend of Loren and Kristen Grisham. Their father, Marty Grisham, a City of Boulder department head, was shot to death when he opened his front door one evening in 1994. Police investigators questioned Michael and others. No one was arrested. The case lay dormant as a Cold Case until a new District Attorney with political ambitions reopened the investigation in 2011. Michael was reinterrogated and eventually charged with First Degree Murder. Michael has always denied involvement in the crime. Michael met with his public defender for a total of less than 3 hours all tolled from beginning to end. With such limited time to converse with his public defender, Michael felt he was not adequately informed regarding pertinent and important aspects of his situation. Michaels preliminary hearing was in April 2012 while his trial began in October 2012. The States evidence was circumstantial and based on thin inferences. It appeared the prosecution failed to pursue exculpatory evidence, focusing only on that which tended to incriminate Mike. The State used three career criminals to testify against him. One of them was a jailhouse snitch who claims that Michael nodded affirmatively when he asked Michael if he killed Mr. Grisham. Michael has never met the man. More importantly, law enforcements star witness, Kristen Grisham, had actually been their prime suspect for 17 years. When she would not roll, the police used her to go after Michael. Michaels Defense team consisted of two lawyers, one with some murder trial experience and one who was clearly learning on the job and not ready for this duty. The Defense failed to obtain the deposition of a key eyewitness who died just before trial. The defense continuously allowed hearsay in without objection, and the junior associate was allowed to cross-examine the States DNA expert and jailhouse snitch, who incidentally never identified Mike in court. His lawyers did not pick up on this; and while this may help Michael eventually, it should be pointed out that the young lawyer who cross-examined all but pointed Michael out to the witness who seemed clueless about why she pointed at Michael. The Defense failed to adequately investigate and interrogate the snitch on a number of points involving his contact with Mike, promises made, deals cut, all in his favor. The Defense failed also to go after witnesses who had clear motive to kill. Mr. Grisham had the wife of another man at his house when he was killed, his estranged wife was distraught with him, his son (who later committed suicide) hated his father, and both the daughter and son stood to inherit a large sum of money upon his fathers death. Mr. Grishams daughter, Kristen, also failed to appear for dinner with her dad and his girlfriend the night of his death. Michael took notes throughout the trial and asked his lawyers questions, but they either ignored him or struck such a stark back-turned body language with Michael that it seemed he was alone at counsel table.

Finally, Michael, after seeing and hearing the evidence against him, wanted to testify but was advised by his attorneys not to take the stand and not to worry. Boulder jurors, he was told, were intelligent. He would walk. He did, right into custody after a guilty verdict. Mikes wife, Amy, was forced into abrupt single-parenting mode while having to continue with her fulltime teaching position at a local elementary school. She wasnt allowed a moment to comprehend, let alone grieve. Their children, ages 8, 6, and 4, have been so deeply traumatized that his 4-year-old son says on some days that he does not want to live one more day without his daddy. Mikes wife and children were forced to leave their home and move into Amys parents house; her parents are now helping out full-time with grandchildren. Our signatures below indicate our firm belief that Michael was wrongly convicted, and our concern that his wrongful conviction has caused extreme hardship, pain, and suffering every day for Mike, his wife Amy and his three children Mikaela, Kylie, and Kiernan. (Names with online signatures, addresses, phone numbers will follow later when we get to the Docu-Sign step.)

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