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Market Analysis and Formal Presentation Guidelines Students will choose (with my approval) a microeconomic market to focus upon,

examine that market using supply-demand (and perhaps elasticity) analysis based on information gathered from recent news articles from reputable sources (Economist, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Forbes, Business Week, New York Times, (check with me if you are uncertain)), and present their analysis to the class. The paper must include 700-800 words and at least one carefully-labeled supply-demand diagram that illustrates the point(s) being made. The diagram must be integrated into the paper and clearly referenced in the text. Graphs must be computer-generated hand-drawn graphs are not acceptable. At least 3 relevant and reputable references are required, and they must be included with the paper (printed and attached). Note that the complexity (or lack thereof) of your chosen market/articles will be considered along with your analysis. If you have difficulty writing and referencing properly, please visit the Learning Commons and/or the library well in advance of the due date. Topics must be approved by Friday, the 11th. Bring a copy of a complete draft on Monday, the 14th, when you meet with me. 700-800 words; 12-point font; Times New Roman; double-spaced; 1-inch margins; APA reference style. Please visit the LC if you have difficulty writing or referencing properly. At least one relevant graphical analysis in addition to the text (may be placed within or at the end). The figure should be referred to within the text and not just dropped in without reference. At least 3 relevant references from reputable sources (The Economist, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, etc., are good places to start.) If you need help, feel free to come see me or the reference librarians they are amazing. You shall include a full analysis similar to those we did/will do in class (just longer). Basically, you will be answering the following questions in your paper: o What market are you analyzing and why? o What is happening to Demand and why? o What is happening to Supply and why? o What is the overall effect on the Market Price and Quantity? o Why should we care? This is a formal analysis of a market and should be treated as such. Presentations will be short: 6-8 minutes each. I am pretty flexible with respect to the presentation because different students will have different styles. I am assuming that most of you will lecture and this is perfectly fine. It is an efficient method of conveying information in a limited amount of time. You may use slides, the board, or other visual aids, though some type of visual aid is necessary (you will want to show us your graphical analysis). Running a short activity or leading a short discussion is also fine so long as you remember that you dont have much time. This is your chance to teach all of us something. Enjoy it. That said, sloppy presentations will reduce your overall grade.

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