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Daily Reflection_Aprilie_2012 Thoughts Thoughts create the atmosphere.

If you go to some of the holy places, you will find peace there. Why? Because there people come in a spirit of worship and remain calm and prayerful, and so the atmosphere is moulded accordingly. Now if someone should build a cinema or a dance hall in the same place, you will find the atmosphere changes immediately, because people now come with other thoughts, which modify the atmosphere. Taken from the book "My Master", Chapter "The Environment", pg. 17, by Revered Chariji Go Inside We should pray from the beginning, when we are happy, when we are healthy, when we are successful, just to balance the outer success and money and whatnot. You must sit in meditation every day so that you go inside and see that all that is worth nothing. Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2005", Chapter "Senstivity", pg. 235, by Revered Chariji Impression and Memory When you put a rubber stamp, it is an impression. If it remains there, it is a memory. Now you see, we are being impressed by so many things we see an accident, we are afraid; a dead body, we are afraid; somebody bleeding, we are afraid. We have nightmares. That is impression is too strong; we cannot remove. So we must clean away every day. Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2005", Chapter "Love Means Giving", pg. 228, by Revered Chariji Love And you have all heard of the stories where a house is burning, and the mother runs in to bring her child out. What makes that bravery, that courage, possible? Only love. If the love is not there, who cares for that child? And this love has to be so much enlarged, so much universalised, that eventually there is a sort of a resonance between your heart and the big heart that we call God. Taken from the book "Heart to Heart, Vol. 3", Chapter "The Way of the Heart", pg. 203, by Revered Chariji God My God and your God cannot be different. It is a tragedy-I mean perhaps the greatest tragedy of the human being is that we all say there can be only one God, and yet claim that my God is not the same as your God. Taken from the book "Heart to Heart, Vol. 3", Chapter "Public Talk, Smyrna", pg. 268, by Revered Chariji Progress

So progress means: 1) willingness to become what I have to become; 2) subjecting myself to the forces that are going to help me; 3) avoiding all that is going to pull me back. Taken from the book "The Principles of Sahaj Marg, Vol. 6", pg. 49, by Revered Chariji Nervousness Nervousness you should remove yourself. A warrior is never nervous on the field, because he has some aim before him. The courage starts when confidence is there, and confidence is there when you have willed to reach the destination. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3 (1st Indian edn., 1999)", Chapter "Message at Bangalore", pg. 418, by Babuji Maharaj Prayer Really, prayer should be done only when something exceeds our capacity to do something. Until human capacity is at its limit, prayer has no meaning; it should not be used. Otherwise, it is either a sign of laziness or of a lack of understanding of God's place in this universe. Taken from the book "Revealing the Personality", Chapter "Prejudice", pg. 174, by Revered Chariji Virtue If you are virtuous, persons around you are bound to be benefited by happiness. This world can be compared to our body. If any organ (part) is diseased, the whole body is affected. Therefore, good people always keep themselves away from sin and engage themselves in right action. This is a simple truth. Taken from the book "Truth Eternal (5th edn., 2010) ", Chapter "Karma", pg. 47, by Lalaji Maharaj True Love I believe that where there is true love, one must love the person and not what he does, or what he becomes. Nor must love change if the person changes. When I was in the Banaras Hindu University, I once approached the Vice Chancellor, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, for an autograph. He was a world-renowned philosopher-statesman, and went on to become the President of India. He wrote in my autograph book, "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds." Taken from the book "Down Memory Lane, Vol. 1 (2nd edn., 2011) ", Chapter "Appa", pg. 136, by Revered Chariji Worry Life in a family also brings worry and nervousness, etc., in its trail. Worry is indeed reserved for humanity and not for animals. Really, that is a great justice and favour for humanity from Divinity. Why so? Because, it is a part of wisdom that takes a man to a higher sphere.

Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3 (1997; 1st Indian edn., 1999)", Chapter "Message At Bangalore", pg. 417, by Babuji Maharaj Service Service is easier than loving. Loving is a very difficult thing; service is very easy. Put your heart and serve somebody; you automatically get his love and his obligation to you, and he has to give you whatever he has to give you. But we should never serve with the idea of getting something. Taken from the book "Heart to Heart, Vol. 2", Chapter "Questions and Answers I", pg. 162, by Revered Chariji Contemplation We meditate and make meditation a state of life, so that we are eternally in a contemplative mood, even when we are involving ourselves in other activities, which will mean minimum involvement in activities, maximum involvement in contemplation - which will mean also automatically leading a right life, because we have no time and inclination to do what is not necessary or what is wrong. Taken from the book "Heart to Heart Vol. V.", Chapter "Death, Part II", pg. 276, by Revered Chariji

Courage One should not be afraid to look into oneself, nor should we be disgusted by what we see there but, like a scientist, use the opportunity to correct what is inside. This is the way of the spiritual soldier. There is no room for self-pity or self-disgust in Sahaj Marg (Natural Path). We are what we are because we have made ourselves in that fashion; but fortunately God in His immense mercy gives us the possibility to change everything and become what we should. I pray that you will have the courage to go ahead in this path. Taken from the book "The Spider's Web, Vol I.", Chapter "Hope - The Foundation of Change", pg. 90, by Revered Chariji Change Thank God that Master has also stated that the only eternal thing in the Universe is change! This inevitability of change is the foundation for all hope! In what lies our hope? How does hope exist at all? Can there be hope without the intuitive understanding of the inevitability of change? Taken from the book "The Spider's Web, Vol. 1", Chapter "Hope - The Foundation of Change", pg. 87, by Revered Chariji God-Realization God-realisation is not at all a difficult task provided one diverts his attention to it in the real sense with faith and confidence, resigning

himself completely to His will. It can be very easily accomplished if one attends to the due discharge of one's worldly duties, taking everything in the sense of God's command. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 2", Chapter "The Light Burns On", pg. 24, by Babuji Maharaj Goal Diverse means are adopted for the purpose of gaining the object of life. They may be correct if the heart is connected with it in the real sense so as to be absorbed in the essence of real life. We are bred to have union with Reality, which we have emerged from. We have brought with us the very essence of Infinity, and we should try to keep close to it in order to give freedom to our thought for absorption in the Infinite. If we neglect it we remain bound to activity of thought, and not to the Reality at the root which is limitless. The hymns and prayers offered generally result in flattery when one is dumb to the real spirit of the essential character.

Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 2", Chapter "Easiest Way to God Realization", pg. 214, by Babuji Maharaj
Realization", pg. 214, by Babuji Maharaj Liberation The popular belief that the attainment of liberation is not only difficult but also impossible within the span of one life is a mistaken notion. Who knows, this very life of ours might be the last one to bring us to the level of liberation. Indeed our great Master has boldly asserted that one can, for sure, attain liberation in this very life, nay, even in a part of it, provided one is really earnest about it and has the fortune of having a proper guide. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3 (1st Indian edn., 1999)", Chapter "Message of My Master", pg. 343, by Babuji Maharaj Will To effect the surrender of heart in the easiest way, only an act of will is required. But the lighter and finer the will, the more effective shall be its working. An act of will, lying in the form of a seed of an insignificant volume in the deeper cores of consciousness, shall soon develop into a full-fledged tree stretching its branches all over. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3 (1st Indian edn., 1999)", Chapter "Easiest Way To God Realisation", pg. 339, by Babuji Maharaj Perfection Perfection might have been taken as a subject for debate by saints. But to my mind it is very simple. In that condition man remains almost perfectly balanced, and the mundane world and the brighter world go parallel to each other. He feels no difference between this

world and the brighter world. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3 (1st Indian edn., 1999)", Chapter "1928", pg. 26, by Babuji Maharaj Remembrance The remembrance of everything should merge into the remembrance of One the Ultimate, resounding all through in every particle of his being. This may be known as complete annihilation of self. If one develops in this state, in my view he should be considered as an embodiment of prayer. Every thought of his will be synonymous with that of the Master. He will never turn towards anything that is against the divine will. His mind will always be directed towards that which is the Master's command.

Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 1 (1st Indian edn., 1989)", Chapter "Maxim 2", pg. 208, by Babuji Maharaj State of Prayer When a man creates in himself a strong craving for the Absolute, he is indeed in a state of prayer, and it is for everyone to strive for it. Whenever a man enters into that state even for a moment, his prayer is granted, but it requires continued practice to accomplish it. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 1 (1st Indian edn., 1989)", Chapter "Maxim 2", pg. 214, by Babuji Maharaj Mind Now what is it that keeps us firm on the path? Which is that power that pushes us onwards and helps and guides us through? It is our mind (manas) and mind alone, which is so often considered to be wicked and mean. Of course, we ourselves have spoilt its habits by making it overactive, indecisive and vacillating; otherwise it is the best, the only and the most useful instrument in us which alone communicates to us the divine commands and all the subtle experiences of higher planes. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3 (1st Indian edn., 1999)", Chapter "Message of My Master", pg. 349, by Babuji Maharaj Bhakti As regards bhakti [devotion], so far as my inner reading goes, I can safely say that what people generally think to be bhakti is only flattery in the real sense. In fact real bhakti is widely different from flattery. It is simple attachment, strong and irrevocable attachment, to the Divine. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3 (1st Indian edn., 1999)", Chapter "Message of My Master", pg. 345, by Babuji Maharaj Realisation As a matter of fact, realisation is neither a game of contest with the

nerves and muscles, nor a physical pursuit involving austerity, penance or mortification. It is only the transformation of the inner being to its real nature. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3 (1st Indian edn., 1999)", Chapter "The System of Sahaj Marg", pg. 352, by Babuji Maharaj Fix the Goal Fix the Goal It is very essential for everyone to fix his thought, at the very outset, upon the goal which he has to attain so that his thought and will may pave his way up to it. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 1 (1989; 1st Indian edn., 1989)", Chapter "Maxim 3", pg. 215, by Babuji Maharaj Intense Longing For the attainment of the objective, we have to create in us intense longing or extreme impatience, which forces our passage on to it, just as the latent motion did at the time of creation. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 1 (1st Indian edn., 1989)", Chapter "Maxim 3", pg. 217, by Babuji Maharaj Divine Blessings Even as the harshness of the Beloved is appealing to a lover since it contains a gentle tenderness which reflects love all through and attracts him all the more, the rebukes of the Beloved are very pleasant to him and offer him greatest joy. If we take a cruder view of these scoldings, they assume the form of painful experiences which people call by the name of miseries, which are so easily endurable to a true lover who takes them with delight even in their grossest form. When this state is acquired, the underlying emotional trend converts it into a state of gratitude. This indicates how nicely he has welcomed them and is now so happy with them because they have come down from his Beloved. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 1 (1st Indian edn., 1989)", Chapter "Maxim 5", pg. 225, by Babuji Maharaj Peep Into Reality Reality dawns upon him alone who goes back along with Nature, making himself subtler and subtler. Unless the grossness is completely off, we cannot even peep into Reality. For the impediments, if any, we alone are responsible. Until and unless these things are removed, we cannot expect the advent of Reality. Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3 (1st Indian edn., 1999)", Chapter "Message at Raichur", pg. 390, by Babuji Maharaj

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