Msa Elections Guide

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FEBRUARY 24th : Nomination process begins MARCH 8th: Nomination Period ends MARCH 17th: Application Forms and Bios due MARCH 17th: Membership deadline


- You must have paid the membership dues to run for any position - You must also plan on being OSU student for the entire term

MARCH 18th: Candidates come to Executive Board Meeting MARCH 21st: Meet the Candidates Session MARCH 29th: Election Day
- Winners will be announced this day as well

- You have two weeks to nominate yourself or any member you feel suitable for a specific position - You may nominate yourself or someone else for as many positions as you wish, but you can only run for one position - A link to the nomination page will be made available through msa emails, facebook, twitter and the website



- Oversee the performance of all executive board members to ensure that constitutional requirements and duties are fulfilled. - Serve as the official spokesperson (s) of the organization in all meetings, interviews, and interactions with other organizations, individuals, and institutions, both within The Ohio State University and externally - Be responsible for conducting all meetings of the MSA-OSU executive board - Ensure that conflicts, potential or realized, internal or external to the organization, do not jeopardize the existence or functioning of MSA-OSU - Maintain cohesive executive board relations, engage in conflict resolution when needed - Be responsible for convening and overseeing strategic planning meetings to decide upon and organize the yearly events throughout the year - Work with the treasurer to guarantee sufficicent funds are maintained so as to properly fund and facilitate the execution of MSA-OSUs events and hav the authority to be a cosgner on all checks and financial transactions - Register MSA with the Union - Must oversee ad-hoc committees - Must delegate major event roles and follow-up to make sure the tasks and duties are fulfilled - Male Co-President must be trained as a Khatib and serve as alternate Khatib. He will also be responsible for coordinating Jummah Prayers. - Male Co-President shall serve as male intermediary when necessary - Female Co-President shall serve as female intermediary when necessary


- Responsible for maintaining the credit card, checking and savings accounts, and the PayPal account - Maintains all documentation and receipts of incoming and outgoing funds from MSAOSU accounts (a ledger of transactions) - Shall have the authority to be a co-signer on all checks and financial transactions - Works to guarantee sufficient funds are maintained and minimized - Facilitates the execution of MSA-OSUs events by requesting funds through CSA and alternate sources of funding. Responsible for the audits of all approved funds. - Responsible for confirming the appropriation of monies with the executive board before releasing funds. - Shall alert the board of possible financial obstacles as soon as they come up - Responsible for collecting all pledged donations raised through fundraising - Shall produce an MSA-OSU budget projection before each semester to estimate expenses, a mid-semester analysis to evaluate usage of funds, and an end of the semester comparative analysis of projected versus actual fund utilization


- Responsible for taking official minutes of MSA-OSU executive board meeting - Responsible for all room bookings and reservations - Completion of necessary confirmation forms and paperwork - Maintains all reservation and confirmation forms in files in the office - Maintain communication with the offices and individuals such as the Union and others whom you book rooms and reservations with - Organize all catering needs for each event with room bookings and reservations - Responsible for maintaining necessary supplies and organization of the MSA-OSU office and maintain an inventory - Responsible for registering members - Needs to be a responsible, well organized person who can communicate with everyone involved in an event.

- Plan weekly General Body Meetings (GBM)--select & contact speakers, select GBM topics, set GBM agenda, choose food for the GBM. - Plan annual Conference--Select & contact speakers, select conference topics, set Conference agenda, book flights, hotels, and MUCH, MUCH more. - Create and lead Education Committee--Committee that helps plan GBMs - Create and lead Conference Planning Committee--Committee that helps plan the Conference - Personal Projects


- Representative of MSA and Islam to outside organizations - Responsible for 2 main events: Fast-A-Thon and Discover Islam Week - Looks over 3 director positions: Project Downtown, Ummah Commitment, and New Muslim (or Revert) Circle - You are responsible for communicating with other orgs and spreading Islam through Dawah Tables, Blood Drives, Panels, going to other org's gbms, collaboration with other orgs - Collaborate with the board and are expected to devote time to MSA during events, meetings, or whenever needed


- Representative of MSA and Islam to outside organizations - Responsible for 2 main events: Fast-A-Thon and Discover Islam Week - Looks over 3 director positions: Project Downtown, Ummah Commitment, and New Muslim (or Revert) Circle - You are responsible for communicating with other orgs and spreading Islam through Dawah Tables, Blood Drives, Panels, going to other org's gbms, collaboration with other orgs - Collaborate with the board and are expected to devote time to MSA during events, meetings, or whenever needed

- Responsible for designing elaborate flyers, for MSA recruitment, membership, and events with all necessary information and posting flyers on campus - Communicating with the Lantern - Advertising within community - Responsible for recording all events, and updating them onto the website and any social media sites - Responsible for photographing all events and updating them onto the website and any social media sites

- Moderate and maintain the MSA OSU mailing list - Screen emails received through the msa.osu email - Add or remove members based on request received by the website or membship forms - Posting event information facebook/ twitter - Coordinating ticket sales - Publicizing meetings - Maintain and update the MSA-OSU website, ensuring the proper functioning of the website and updating relevant event information

- You can nominate yourself or someone else on the website starting February 24th. - Any paid member of MSA can nominate another member or him/herself - Candidates cannot endorse other candidates - Every position is nominated separate of other positions - Nomination forms will be available on the website starting the week of nomination process - Candidates must intend to be an OSU student for the entirety of his/her term - Nominations must be made by March 8th, midnight - Once nominated, you will need to meet with the current position holder - ABSOLUTELY NO LATE NOMINATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED

- Campaigning will not begin until nomination process has ended. - CANNOT MAKE USE OF ANY SOCIAL MEDIA TO PROMOTE YOURSELF. - You may inform people you are running and give your qualifications as long as you provide a link to the MSA website displaying information about the other candidates as well. - Cannot directly ask people to vote for you over the social media networks. - You have to be a paid MSA member, membership deadline is March 17th. - Remember Allah (swt) and your intentions in running for your position. - Once slated to run, we ask you to submit a picture of yourself, your major and year along with a short blurb on why members should vote for you. More information will be given after the nomination process has ended.

Remember during this whole process to keep your intentions straight if you are planning on running or just voting. This will be your next years board, it is very important to vote for people who you think will best fit the position, as well as who you think will best work well with others. Alhamdulillah this years board did wonders, but inshaAllah next years board will do even more!

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