DR Journal

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Activities On our first month of exposure at the Labor Room and Delivery Room, we were able to carry out certain nursing tasks and responsibilities. Following the observation phase of our first month, we were able to receive high risk and normal pregnant patients from different areas in the province of Cebu. Establishing rapport, immediate assessment, abrupt referral for anything out of the normal circumstance, and providing comfort were our primary responsibilities. Aside from the routine vital signs taking and bedside care, we also carried out doctors orders, prepared and administered medications, did focus charting, assisted in deliveries, did immediate newborn care and prepared patient for transport to ward, of course, with close supervision from the staff nurses in the area since we were still new to the hospital.

II. Learnings and Insights Pregnant patients and their babies have special needs which require special attention. With the improving health care delivery system in our country, maternal and fetal morbidity are never totally eradicated. Women who conceive are exposed to various harms which most often than not are brought about by pregnancy. It is important that women be protected as well as their children by educating them that pre natal check-ups are indeed valuable. Empowering women is the key to end the maternal and fetal deaths our country had experienced through the years. It is also imperative that all hospitals be equipped with facilities which can hasten the delivery of care to pregnant mothers and their children. Not only that, manpower is also essential in rendering effective and immediate care to patients. Also, the health care team must treat all pregnancies as high risk to ensure the safety of the mother and the baby. Labor and delivery is a very tedious process for both the woman and the baby. Giving birth can be very painful and scary to some people, somehow these patients may say a word they dont really mean, so health care workers should and must extend their patience beyond their limits and understand that these are words spoken out of suffering and despair and not actually directed to them. Taking care of pregnant patients require self-awareness. Respect and understanding is a must. There are many roles that a Labor and Delivery Nurse could perform, the challenge lies behind the application of evidenced-based practice to provide competent care to mothers and their newborns. Last but not the least, having a heart for mothers matter a lot when the work load at

the area seems to be heavy they could make you ponder on the love your mother has for you when she endured all the pain she has to go through for you to see the light of the world.

III. ISSUES and CONCERNS The labor and delivery department also has cases that require immediate isolation just like those patients who are communicable. What I noticed is that, there is no isolation room for special cases like those infected with chicken pox, measles or conjunctivitis. Also, with the number of pregnant mothers coming from the different municipalities of Cebu, the department can hardly accommodate anybody who requires health care services due to the lack of space of the unit.

IV. Recommendations

In line with the issue stated above, I would like to recommend that the hospital will allocate budget for the expansion of the place in order to cope up with the number of the patients admitted in the area.

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