Shindenfudo Ryu: Gaeshi Gata

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Gaeshi Gata
1. KOTE GAESHI Uke holds the wrist in Omote Gyaku, and applies the lock. Tori turns to face his locked wrist, and jump/flips, into a cartwheel with the free hand coming over to touch the ground first. A Katate Kuten will complete the Gaeshi. 2. SEIO GAESHI Uke does a Seio Nage. As he throws, do a slight jump, and propel yourself over Ukes shoulder, to land on your feet. 3. TOMOE GAESHI Uke does Tomoe Nage. Tori as he is thrown, puts the hands out in front of himself, past Ukes head, and uses the momentum of the throw, to do a cartwheel. 4. KURUMA GAESHI As Uke does the Kuruma Nage, put both of the hands out in front of you, and either cartwheel or Handspring clear. NOTE: Finish in Kamae for all of the Gaeshi Gata. The above kata are part of the Kihon or Chuden Kata from Shindenfudo Ryu Jutaijutsu

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