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One Tech a Week

Aloha and welcome to One Tech a Week. One Tech a Week is a 5 week course designed to introduce teachers or high school students to a variety of web tools that can utilized in the classroom. Studies show that "utilizing educational technology in teaching and learning is high on the list of educational managers, administrators and operatives." (Hudson & Steele, 2001). In this course we promote the use of educational tools and will focus on resources that are free and easy to learn for screencasting, presentations, and animation. Learners will get the chance to use some of these tools to create various products, and to integrate tools to create a final project. This course will not make learners experts in these tools; rather it is designed to spark more interest in these and other types of tools, and encourages teachers or students to continue learning after the completion of this introductory course. Please see below for our course syllabus. Mahalo and we are looking forward to a great 5 weeks with all of you.

Gayle Anbe

Gavon Wong Susan St. John Ross Uedoi[2/21/13 12:20:05 PM]

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Tech Tools - Home

Tech Tools


Course Outline

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Week 5


One Tech a Week

Aloha and welcome to One Tech a Week. One Tech a Week is a 5 week course designed to introduce teachers or high school students to a variety of web tools that can utilized in the classroom. Studies show that "utilizing educational technology in teaching and learning is high on the list of educational managers, administrators and operatives." (Hudson & Steele, 2001). In this course we promote the use of educational tools and will focus on resources that are free and easy to learn for screencasting, presentations, and animation. Learners will get the chance to use some of these tools to create various products, and to integrate tools to create a final project. This course will not make learners experts in these tools; rather it is designed to spark more interest in these and other types of tools, and encourages teachers or students to continue learning after the completion of this introductory course. Please see below for our course syllabus. Mahalo and we are looking forward to a great 5 weeks with all of you.

Gayle Anbe

Gavon Wong Susan St. John Ross Uedoi[2/21/13 12:20:42 PM]

Tech Tools - Home[2/21/13 12:20:42 PM]

Course Outline - Tech Tools

Tech Tools


Course Outline

Week 1

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Week 4

Week 5


Course Outline[2/21/13 12:21:16 PM]

Week 1 - Tech Tools

Tech Tools


Course Outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Week 1 (June 4 - 10): Introductions and Screencast Tools

Introductions - Who are we? Background information. Post in Laulima site
- Name - Grade you are in or grade level you teach - Any interesting you'd like to share about yourself - What you expect to gain from taking this course

About the course - Read over syllabus and familiarize yourself with Weeby site

Module 1: Screencasting
Screencasting is an easy way to quickly communicate and show others images from your computer screen. This can be very useful in sharing a presentation, or even instructing someone on how to do something. Some possible ways that students can utilize screencasting tools in the classroom are: Assign a weekly reporter to make a video of the weeks happenings for the Friday newsletter. Explain a concept to prove you understand it. Show why one website is a better reference than another. Capture and annotate an image for your digital portfolio. Record a question about what youre working on for the teacher. Show exactly where youre confused.

Assignments for the week:

1. This week you will be experimenting with 2 screencasting webtools. They are Jing and Screencast-O-Matic. Click on the Week 1 links above for the learning activities. 2. After you have gone through the tutorials, create a short screencast using either Jing or Screencast-O-Matic using the Learning Activity as a guide. 3. Write a short reflection about your experience with screencasting. Include a link to your screencast product. Post your paragraph, along with your link, in Laulima in the Discussion and Private Messages section by midnight on Tuesday, June 12th. Consider the following in your write up. How would you utilize Screencast tools in your classroom to enhance student learning?[2/21/13 12:21:49 PM]

Week 1 - Tech Tools

What features did you like or dislike about the tools? Which animation tool do you prefer--Jing or Screencast-o-matic? Why? How do they differ? How can you utilize these tools in your daily activities? How could you use these tools in your final project? What questions came to mind as you learned these tools? Has using these tools improved your productivity or enhanced your computing experience? 3. By midnight on Friday, please respond to at least two of your classmates screencasting reflections. Did you have any similarities in your experiences? Did the person suggest any uses that you would also like to try? If your peer had any questions or problems, can you suggest a solution?

TO DO List for the week

____ Look over syllabus ____ Post an introduction about yourself in Laulima ____ Go through Week 1's module on Screencasting - Jing and Screencast-O-Matic ____ Complete one of the Learning Activities on Screencasting ____ Post a reflection, along with a link of your screencast in the Discussion and Private Messages section in Laulima by midnight on June 10th. ____ Respond to 2 classmates reflections by midnight on Friday, June 12th[2/21/13 12:21:49 PM]

Week 2 - Tech Tools

Tech Tools


Course Outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Week 2 (June 11 - June 17): Presentation Tools - Asynchrnous Session

Module 2: Animation Assignments for the week:
1. This week you will be experimenting with 2 presentation webtools. They are Prezi and Voicethread Click on the above links for the learning activities. 2. After you have gone through the tutorials, create a short presentation using either Prezi or Voicethread using the Learning Activity as a guide. 3. Write a short reflection about your experience with presentations. Include a link to your presentation product. Post your paragraph, along with your link, in Laulima in the Discussion and Private Messages section by midnight on June 17th.
In writing your reflection, you may consider these questions: How would you utilize presentation tools in your classroom to enhance student learning? What features did you like or dislike about the tools? Which presentation tool do you prefer--Prezi or VoiceThread? Why? How do they differ? How can you utilize these tools in your daily activities? How could you use these tools in your final project? What questions came to mind as you learned these tools? Has using these tools improved your productivity or enhanced your computing experience?

4. By midnight on Friday, please respond to at least two of your classmates screencasting reflections. Did you have any similarities in your experiences? Did the person suggest any uses that you would also like to try? If your peer had any questions or problems, can you suggest a solution?

TO DO List for the week

____ Go through Week 2's module on the Presentation Tools - Prezi and Voicethread ____ Complete one of the Learning Activities on the Presentation tools ____ Post a reflection, along with a link to your presentation in the Discussion and Private Messages section in Laulima by midnight on June 17th ____ Respond to 2 classmates reflections by midnight on June 19th[2/21/13 12:22:22 PM]

Week 2 - Tech Tools[2/21/13 12:22:22 PM]

Week 3 - Tech Tools

Tech Tools


Course Outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Week 3 (June 18 - June 24): Animation Tools - Asynchrnous Session

Module 3: Animation Assignments for the week:
1. This week you will be experimenting with 2 animation webtools. They are Animoto and Go! Animate. Click on the above links for the learning activities. 2. After you have gone through the tutorials, create a short animation using Animoto or Go!Animate using the Learning Activity as a guide. 3. Write a short reflection about your experience with presentations. Include a link to your presentation product. Post your paragraph, along with your link, in Laulima in the Discussion and Private Messages section by midnight on June 24th
In writing your reflection, you may consider these questions: How would you utilize animation tools in your classroom to enhance student learning? What features did you like or dislike about the tools? Which animation tool do you prefer--GoAnimate or Animoto? Why? How do they differ? How can you utilize these tools in your daily activities? How could you use these tools in your final project? What questions came to mind as you learned these tools? Has using this tool improved your productivity or enhanced your computing experience?

4. By midnight on Friday, please respond to at least two of your classmates screencasting reflections. Did you have any similarities in your experiences? Did the person suggest any uses that you would also like to try? If your peer had any questions or problems, can you suggest a solution?

TO DO List for the week

____ Go through Week 3's module on the Animation Tools - Animoto and Go! Animate ____ Complete one of the Learning Activities on the animation tools ____ Post a reflection, along with a link to your animation in the Discussion and Private Messages section in Laulima by midnight on June 24th ____ Respond to 2 classmates reflections by midnight on June 26th[2/21/13 12:22:54 PM]

Week 3 - Tech Tools[2/21/13 12:22:54 PM]

Week 4 - Tech Tools

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Course Outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Week 4 (June 25 - July 1): Final Project - Asynchronous Session

Assignments for the week:
You're almost there! Great job so far! This week, you will be working on a Final Project... 1. Final Project: Now that you have experimented with screencasts, presentations and animations, it is now time to show off all that you've learned. For your final project, you will create a content based piece for EACH of the 3 modules using one of the two tools that you learned about. For example, if you teach Science, you could (1) Create a screencast using Jing about the water cyle, (2) Create a presentation about the different types of rocks using Prezi, and (3) Create an animation using Animoto about the life cycle of a frog. You will then post your Final Project on the Laulima site by July 3rd. 2. Write a short brainstorm about ideas for your Final Project. Post your paragraph in Laulima in the Discussion and Private Messages section by midnight on . When completing your brainstorm, consider the following: Your final project should be content-based, and make use of 3 tech tools, one from each category (screencast, presentation, animation). How would you use each of these tools? Think about the skills or the content that you are teaching. How and why would you match certain tools to certain aspects of your project? 3. Take a look at the rubric for the Final Project. It is located in the Resources section of the Laulima site in the Assessment Checklist folder

TO DO List for the week

____ Work on Final Project ____ Post your your Final Project in Laulima by July 3rd ____ Look over the rubric for the Final Project[2/21/13 12:23:26 PM]

Week 5 - Tech Tools

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Course Outline

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Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Week 5 (July 2 - July 8): Final Project Sharing and Peer Review

TO DO List for the week

____ Comment on at least 2 classmates Final Projects by July 8th - What worked well? - If this were your project, what might you change? ____ Complete Course Survey by July 8th[2/21/13 12:23:58 PM]

References - Tech Tools

Tech Tools


Course Outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Research: Steel, J., & Hudson, A. (2001). Educational Technology in Learning and Teaching: The Perceptions and Experiences of Teaching Staff. Innovations In Education & Teaching International, 38(2), 103-111. doi:10.1080/13558000010030158 Standards: NETS-S - NETS-T - Tools: Jing - Screencast-o-matic - Prezi - Voicethread - Animoto - Go Animate -[2/21/13 12:24:29 PM]

JIng - Tech Tools

Tech Tools


Course Outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Jing Overview
Jing is a simple and free webtool that you can use to create images and videos of what you see on your computer screen, and then share them instantly.

Learning Activity
1. Download and install Jing on to your computer

2. Watch tutorial on how to use Jing and experiment with its features.[2/21/13 12:25:04 PM]

JIng - Tech Tools

3. Create a short, 1-2 minute screencast using Jing that features a website that you could use in your classroom. In your screencast, explain how you would use the particular site in a lesson.[2/21/13 12:25:04 PM]

Screencast-o-matic - Instructional module - Tech Tools

Tech Tools


Course Outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Screencast-o-matic Overview
Screencast-o-matic is a Web 2.0 tool that allows you to record anything displayed on your screen. This is an easy way to share a presentation or create a tutorial on how to do something. Take a look at the short tutorial about screencast-o-matic

Learning Activity
1. Go to sign up for a free account (optional). 2. Watch the video tutorials below on Screencast-o-matic. 3. Create a short, 1-2 minute screencast using Jing that features a website that you could use in your classroom. In your screencast, explain how you would use the particular site in a lesson.

Getting Started
Take a look at this other short tutorial on how to create a screencast using screencast-o-matic[2/21/13 12:25:39 PM]

Screencast-o-matic - Instructional module - Tech Tools

Capture your screen

Now that you have seen a little overview of Screencast-o-matic, go tho the website and create your own recording.[2/21/13 12:25:39 PM]

Prezi - Tech Tools

Tech Tools


Course Outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5



Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software that has a zoomable canvas. Teachers can save their presentations and students can view them at their convenience. Prezi allows presenters to create a map rather than restricting them to a linear presentation. This allows teachers or student presenters to show interrelationships between ideas using images, and this demonstrates creative thinking.

Learning Activity
1. Watch the example of a Prezi: 2. Create an account: 3. Watch the Getting Started tutorial below.

4. Create a short Prezi that has three objects. Your Prezi should have: a. Text (a Headline and labels). b. an image[2/21/13 12:26:12 PM]

Prezi - Tech Tools c. a YouTube video 5. Create a path sequence. 6. Watch the Share your Prezi tutorial. 7. Share your Prezi with one of your peers, and have him or her share with you. 8. Review your peers Prezi and leave them feedback below his or her post. (Did the presentation add to the understanding of the content? Why or why not?)[2/21/13 12:26:12 PM]

Voicethread - Tech Tools

Tech Tools


Course Outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Voice Thread
A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 different ways: (1) voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video. When you're done you can share your voice thread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too.

Learning Activity
1. Watch the example of a VoiceThread, and the get started video.

2. Create an account. 3. Create a short VoiceThread that has five slides with text and audio comment. 4. Share your Prezi with your peers, and have them share with you. 5. Review your peers VoiceThread and leave them audio and text feedback. (Did the presentation add to the understanding of the content? Why or why not?)[2/21/13 12:26:48 PM]

Voicethread - Tech Tools Images, Docs and Doodling[2/21/13 12:26:48 PM]

Animoto - Tech Tools

Tech Tools


Course Outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5



Overview - What is Animoto?

Animoto automatically produces beautifully orchestrated, completely unique video pieces from your photos, video clips, and music. Animoto syncs with Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket, and SmugMug to get your images in a snap. Add text and emphasize specific images with the touch of a button. Music is at the heart of an Animoto video upload your own mp3 or choose from our collection of tunes in several different genres. Watch your video in HD on or share it on Facebook, YouTube, your blog, or a DVD. It's fast and easy to post to websites or download.

Learning Object
1. 2. 3. 4. Watch an example of an Animoto video: Watch How to Create a Video Using Animoto tutorial Go to the website and sign up for an account
Review New Features: New FeaturesThere are three price plans: 1) the free, lite version (videos are limited to 30 seconds)[2/21/13 12:27:25 PM]

Animoto - Tech Tools

2) the plus version--$30/year or 5/month 3) the pro plan--$249/year or $39/month. The Plus and Pro Plans allow featurelength videos, and the Pro plan also includes free HD upgrades. Educators can sign up for a free Plus account for one month. On the bottom menu on the Animoto home page, click on Education

5. Create Animoto of ___ (insert topic) 6. Post your finished Animoto on ____ (Laulima,, youTube, etc. Look at the Easy Sharing feature to see where you can share.) 7. Keep track of your experience and post to the forums section of Laulima, a discussion regarding your experience with Animoto. Consider the following questions when formulating your post:
1. 2. 3. 4.

What are some features in this tool that you like? What are some features you do not like? How can you utilize this tool in your daily activities? Has using this tool improved your productivity or enhanced your computing experience?

Reflection Question What were some of the strengths and/or weaknesses with Animoto? How can you see yourself using a tool like this in the future? How could you use Animoto for your final Project? Assessment Students will: Create an animated slide show using Animoto Upload a completed Animoto to ___ (Your choice) Peer review the Animoto of two other students Post to the discussion[2/21/13 12:27:25 PM]

Go ANimate - Tech Tools

Tech Tools


Course Outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Go Animate

Go animate is an online tool that allows students to express themselves creatively by producing animated stories with moving graphics, audio effects, and dialogue. Teachers can use this tool to promote creative story telling, demonstrate to students another way to create reflections, and allow for expression artistically. Creative thinking, writing, and expression is key. It is like writing scripts for movies. Go Animate is an open source video making tool using an adobe flash-like environment. A user can create lessons for school, animated videos for fun, or training videos for staff. See the website at Below are some of the learning objects for this assignment Gavon's Introduction of Chelsea Ah Nee by gavonw808

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun![2/21/13 12:31:38 PM]

Go ANimate - Tech Tools

Learning Activity (What do we want our target audience to do?): 1. Learners will partner up with a classmate and introduce themselves 2. Sign up and make a FREE account with Go Animate 3. Watch the Go Animate Screencast tutorial 4. Watch example of a completed animated storyline 5. Choose what the theme of their video will be 6. Choose the characters in the storyline 7. Select the type of voices that will be used by the characters in the storyline 8. Start writing the dialog for the story. The dialog should contain the following 4 elements: a. Introduction of partner 1) Name 2) Where they are from? 3) What they do for fun? 4) What they do for work? b. Atleast 10 lines total of dialogue between the characters c. A storyline that makes a connection with these 4 elements: 1) the 2 characters, 2) your partners description , 3) humor, and 4) the background setting of the animation. d. Time limit - Video must be no longer than 60 seconds but shorter than 90 seconds 9. After completing, save and publish the video 10. Post a link and embed the video in laulima 11. Review atleast 3 others introduction videos and critique

Reflection Question: Students must answer these questions with a reflection: Explain the differences between making a Go Animate story to introduce your partner vs. making a video to introduce your partner? Pros and Cons? How can Go Animate be used for educational purposes? What did you like about Go Animate? What did you not like about Go Animate? Assessment Rubric Introduction of partner 4 items mentioned - 4 pts 3 items mentioned - 3 pts 2 items mentioned - 2 pts 1 item mentioned - 1 pts 0 items mentioned - 0 pts Length -[2/21/13 12:31:38 PM]

Go ANimate - Tech Tools 10 lines of dialog - 4 pts 9-8 lines of dialog - 3 pts 7-6 lines of dialog - 2 pts 5-4 lines of dialog - 1 pts 3 or less lines of dialog - 0 pts Storyline Contains all 4 elements - 4 pts Contains 3 elements - 3 pts Contains 2 elements - 2 pts Contains 1 element - 1 pts Contians 0 elements - 0 pts Time 90 - 60 seconds long - 4pts deviates 5 - 10 seconds from required range - 3pts deviates 11 - 15 seconds from required range - 2pts deviates 16 - 20 seconds from required range - 1pts deviates more than 20 seconds from required range - 0pts total - 16 pts possible % points 100 - 90% - A 89 - 80% - B 79 - 70% - C 69 - 60% - D 59% and below - F[2/21/13 12:31:38 PM]

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