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We all know that smoking is bad for our health, but why is that? Here are some facts about smoking; - Cigarettes are the single-most traded item on the planet, with approximately 1 trillion being sold from country to country each year - In Turkey, where 40% of the adult population - 25 million people - are smokers - Greece has the highest proportion of adult smokers in Europe - 45% - Italy banned workplace smoking in January 2005 and Naples and Verona have made smoking illegal in public parks - Most smokers start smoking before their 17th birthday (USA) ... the list goes on As part of this task each of you will be a newspaper reporter and will concentrate on some international issues about smoking. Your job is to convince your friends and family members that smoking kills. You will do this by writing an article and creating an anti-smoking advertisement. The article needs to include the following points: 1] The factors which affect the health of the respiratory system 2] The hazards of smoking 3] Explain possible Respiratory System diseases (asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer) due to smoking. Cause of the diseases [which cigarette component causes which disease?] 4] How to quit smoking? 5] Smoking starts at the age of _?_ in India. What about Asia? 6] 12%-15% of the American people die from lung cancer just because of smoking every year. What about India and Asia? 7] Are we aware of passive smoking enough as a country? What about Asia? 8] Are we sensitive enough against passive smoking as a country? What about Asia? 9] What is peer pressure? What is media pressure? 10] What laws and government policies are in place for prohibiting smoking in India? In Asia? Design an anti-smoking advertisement which will explain the dangers of smoking. Sometimes pictures explain things better than words. You can use PAINT (nice opportunity for you to bring your skills from IT course to Life Science :)) to create your design or you can HAND DRAW. Be sure your design is colorful, attractive, illustrated and contains useful facts in light of questions above.
1 [page 106-107] RUBRIC [Newspaper article] MYP Level Criteria A The student states how science is applied and how it may be used to address a specific problem or issue in a local or global context. The student states the effectiveness of science and its application in solving the problem or issue. Task specific clarification Clearly identify whether you are focusing on a scientific issue Smoking Brief explanation of the points 1 to 10 Very little supporting details Benefits and Limitations Effectiveness of science in preventing smokingPoints 4 and 10 Interactions Brief answers to the questionsPoints 5 to 10 Everything from Level 1-2, plus An attempt to discuss the issue in more details. Language and examples simple with some supporting details. Student does not attempt to put in their own thoughts and reflections.


The student describes how science is applied and how it may be used to address a specific problem or issue in a local or global context. The student describes the effectiveness of science and its application in solving the problem or issue.



The student describes the implications of the use and application of science interacting with at least one of the following factors: moral, ethical, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental. The student explains how science is applied Everything from Level 3-4, plus and how it may be used to address a specific An attempt to discuss issues in more details. problem or issue in a local or global context. Language and example show students have done good research. The student discusses the effectiveness of With examples that have many supporting science and its application in solving the details. problem or issue. Student is able to include their own ideas The student discusses and evaluates the implications of the use and application of science interacting with at least two of the following factors: moral, ethical, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental

SelfAssessment Teacher Assessment


MYP Level

RUBRIC [Article and advertisement] Criteria B--Communication Task specific clarification The student uses a limited range of scientific language correctly. Attempt to provide a bibliography with sources to show where you found Student doesnt use their own language and information given is limited. Student does not follow the given instructions. Attempt to provide a bibliography with sources to show where you found ALL of the pictures and information BUT bibliography has some errors or missing pieces Student attempts to use their own language and is able to explain most of the information Provide a bibliography [MLA format] with sources to show where you found ALL of the pictures and information Bibliography information is matched to the pictures and information [annotated] Student demonstrates that they are able to use and explain all information in their own language.


The student communicates scientific information with limited effectiveness. When appropriate to the task, the student makes little attempt to document sources of information. The student uses some scientific languages correctly.


The student communicates scientific information with some effectiveness. When appropriate to the task, the student partially documents sources of information. The student uses sufficient scientific languages correctly.


The student communicates the scientific information effectively. When appropriate to the task, the student fully documents sources of information correctly

SelfAssessment (1-6) Teacher Assessment (1-6)

Rubric credit:

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